Mi VM ,w y?Y 1 '1F (St5, f- C"." ' CM .' , it '$M r f . ?y- fife' -US T f A r fat' Eyriiif.i-. J . J - f .y : i 4 T fc . A - ? y w M ' ' ' ,'J ' 'WTf' v u ww Washinoton, Auk. 9, 1891 Special CouitiF.u CorrcBiMindonte. Luttorly N conBlilcrnblo tlisciiBsion hue ensued con cerning heredity in Bcrvieo in tho Iioubo of rcpreBontntieH, citing instanccB whoro son hns Bucccoded futhcr in tho houso, Biich an in tho ciibcb of young Mr. Prico, of Wisconsin, chosen to Biicceed his father, William T. Trico, who died nhortly of tor tho oxpirationof tho Forty ninth congress; S. M. Ilohortson, of Louisiana, elected to nucceed his futhor, E. W. Robertson, who died during tho Fiftieth congress; also John C. Houk, who was elected to till tho vacancy created by tho death of hid father, L. C. Houk, of TonneBBco, ponding tho Fifty first concreBB. and who, as in tho cubo of Mr. Robertson, of Louisiana, has been successively ro elected, and is a member of tho Fifty-third congresB. This dis cussion was occasioned by tho recent election of Mr. Mutchlor to Bucceed his fathor, tho lato Congressman Mutchlor, of Pennsjhania. Thero are varioim in stances of horodity in botli houso and eonato, but necessarily thoso of tho senate aro few in compariBon with those of tho hoiiMJ. 4 Four Uajuuls have roprosentod tho stato of Doluwaro in tho senuto James Ashton Hajard, tho older; Richard II. Bayard, his bon, who was chosen senator to succeed Arnold Nuudian in 18:5(5; James Ashton Uayard, another boh, who succeeded John Wales in 18T1, and Thomas F. Uayard, tho present Amen can ambassador to Great lhitaln, who was chosen in 18C9 to succeed his father, James A. I)uurd. TIuib tho "Hluo lion's Chicken" Btato him furnished threo Bucuessi0 generations to tho sonato, ono father, two bohb and one grandson. Governor Richaid UiiBBott, tho maternal grandfather of Thomas A. Rayurd, was iiIbo a senator from Dola waro from 1789 to 17911. Tho present senator from Georgia, Alfrod 11. Colquitt, 1b tho boh of Wultor T. Colquitt, who wus choson senator from Georgia in 181II. Ho was a lawyer and divino of great eminence and oiatorieal reputation. Roth Colquitts woro graduated from Princeton college. Henry Dodge, of Wisconsin, who sntored tho Bonuto in Juno. 1818, ponding tho Thirtieth congreBH, was tho father of Augustus C. Dodgo.ot Iowa, who wus soated in tho Benuto from Iowa of Do oml)or4 of tho buiiio jear. Tho llrst nrni nt llimrv Dndi;u ended March '). 1851, uud tho llrut term of Augustus O. fflll M II f ?, t LIGHT COLORINGS AND BODY BRUSSELS EFFECTS. fAii MlOOi CORPUS f ROHl 50c UP . XXot4.saeli.olcl Goods, Stoves, Bto. . -vi ,,. ViHfV WfrJ' A Dodgo terminated March 3, 1819. Both woro re-elected for tho six years term, ending respectively March .'J, 1857, und March .'J, 1855, bo that fathor and Bon soncd togothor in the senate during a part of tho Thirtieth, and tho whole of tho Thirty-Hrst, Thirty-second and Thirty thhd congresses, tho father, how ever, remaining two cats longer than tho hoik Doth aro dead. o. James Donald Cameron was chosen a senator from Pennsylvania to till the vacancy created by tho resignation of his father, Simon Cameron, in March, 1877. Ho wiib re-elected in 1879, 1885 and 1890, hiB present term uxpiiing March .'), 1897. IIih services in tho scnato so far will, therefoic, comprise a period of twenty years, or two more ears than that of his fathor. Simon Cameron was llrst olected to tho senate in 1815, serving until 1819, and was re-elected in 1857 for the term ending in 180.'(. Ho resigned in 1801 to accept tiio secretaryship of war, which ho vacated whon appointed minister to RuBsitt. Ho was again elected to tho sonato to succeed Edgiir Cowan and took his seat in 18G7 and was ro-olected in 187'J, resigning in 1877. An inBtancoot heredity in cabinet piifer ment occurs in the Cameron history, as James Donald Cameron, tho son, was President Grant's lust sccretury of war, having been appointed to succeed AlphoiiBo Taft, who succeeded W, W. Belknap, resigned under impeachment. Tho two instances of presidential heredity were those of Presidents John Adams and his son, John Quincy Adams, and William Henry Harrison and his grandson. John Quincy Adams served lis a bonator and secretary of state, and after tho term of his presidency became a representative in congress. I lis txjri, Charles Francis Adams, served as a representative in congress from 1858 to 1800, and wiib re-elected, but resigned in 18G1 to accept tho ministership of Great, Britain, a osltion previously lilted by his father and grandfather, bo that there ensued to tho Adams family a triple heiedity in tho important otllco of minister to Eng land. u. A case of heredity in tho third genera tion of service in tho house occurred in tho olection of T. L. Thompson as a representative from California at tho Fiftieth congress. His grandfather, Phillip R. Thompson, wiib a representa tive in congress from Virginia from 1801 to 1807, and his fathor u representative from tho same stato from 1817 to 1819. An instance of father and son serving at the same congi ess is that of Charles S. Voorhoos, delegate from the territory of Washington, who Horved at tho Fiftieth congress at tho sumo time with his THE SATURDAY MORNING OOCRIUR ' . i otifat ti, j? t " j, ;m -350 . Ss INGRAIN New and Becuitlf til Oo1oi1iib;m in IrKsciln. CiutietM citicl 1?li&&'TPlym Attirctotl-ve Xom1kiim Beyond till clotitot tlie Flnet Line of Puttern e-vei oi'otiaixt to tl& City of Lincoln. We Will Not Be Arbitrary With You About Terms And Prices. bINCOLN FURNITURE 60 1518-1520 O STREET, LINCOLN, NIB. .-a , -a rf''fel(M' --' fathor, Daniel W. Voorhocs, tho dis tinguished senator from Indiana. John Bozman Kerr, a representative in congresB from Maryland from 1819 to 1851, was tho son of John Leeds Kerr, who was also a representative and sen ator from tho samo state. John A.King, of Now York, congressman from and governor of that Btato, was a Bon of RufiiB King, previously senator from Now York and minister to England under tho administrations of Presidents Washington, Adams and JctTcison. Another son of RufiiB King, James G. King, was a representative in congress from Now Jersey from 18-19 to 1851. CyruB King, half-brother of Rufus King, was a representative in congress from Massachusetts from 181,'i to 1817. Congressman Clifton R. Breckin- ridgo, of Arkansas, is tho son of John C. Breckinridgo, who was vice-president of tho United States and senator from Kehtueky. . Willard Saulsbury, of Delnvvaro, was succeeded in tho sonato by his brother, Eli Saulsbury. Georgo Bradbury, of Maine, who was u member of tho House in 1812, was a son of ThcophiluB Brad lnuy,thooinhiont jurist, who represented the Essex, Mass., distiict in congress in 1795. Stephen R. Bradloy, tho intimate frioml of General Ethan Allen, and the llrst Donator from Vermont, wiib tho father of William O. Bradloy, a dis tingu shed representative in congress from tho same stato from 181.'i to 1815, and from 18i'J to 18157. From 1817 to 18,1- he was the agent of the United RtatPH under tho treaty of Ghent. John Branch, of North Carolina, gov ernor, senator and secretary of tho navy under President Jackson, was the uncle of Lawrence O. B. Branch, congressman from tho samo Btato at tho Thirty fourth, Thirty-flfth and Thirty-Bixth congresses. Tho latter was a distin guished general in tho confederate army and was killed at the battle of Antietam. Stephen RiiRsell Mallory, prcsont con gressman iro'n tho First Florida district, is tho son of, i.wl bears tho samo name as his fathei, Hyphen R. Mallory, sen ator from FfcriJa from 1851 to 1801, whon ke resigned und becamo secretary of tho navy of the confederate states. George F. Hoar, tho preBont Benntor from Massachusetts, served in tho house with his brother, Ebenozor Rockwood Hour, of tho same state, uftorwards attorney general in President Grant's cabinet. Both are sons of Samuel Hoar, who was also a lopresentutivo in con gress from Massachusetts from 1835 to ' . i. CARPETS K, tl-Xi. ,i ft ' ,'"' . .t 1837. Sherman Hoar, who wus u mem ber of tho Fifty-second congress from Massachusetts, is a son of E. Rockwood Hoar, so that threo generations of this fiftiily huvo served In tho house, und one member thereof in tho Bonuto, William D. Washburn, tho present senator from Minnesota, is tho brother of Governor Israel Wushburn of Maine, who served in congress from 1851 to 1801; of Elihu B. Wnshhurno, of Illinois, con gressman from that state from 1852 to 1809, afterwards minister to Franco, und also General Cadwallader C. Washburn, of Wisconsin, who sorvod in congress from 1855 to 1801, and from 18G7 to 1872. William D. Wttflhburn iiIbo served ono term in tho house before being chosen to tho senuto. Tho brotherB, Elihu II. und Cadwallader C. Washburnc, served togothor in tho house for many sessions. Hon. E. D. Baker, afterwards senator from Oregon, defeated Elihu B. Wash bum for congress from tho Galena, III., district in 1818. Ho had previously served ono term in congress in 1811-15, having been elected from tho Springfield, III., district. Subsequently ho settled in California und run for congress from Sun Francisco, but wiib beaten. Ho then Bottled in Oregon and was chosen senator from that state. Ho wiib killed at Ball's Bluff, Vu., during tho lute war while lending his command of the Union urniy. Genond James Shields represented threo states in tho United States scnato - Illinois, Minnesota and Missouri, tho solo instance of a senator being chosen from different states. Henry Livingston was u member of tho house from Now York and subsequently a senator from Louisiana. Charles Durkeovvas u mem ber of tho house from Indiana and sub sequently senator from Wisconsin, and j Charles H. Van Wyck a member from I New York and subsequently a sonutor from Nebrasku. Other congressional data of equal interest and like coincid enco doubtless exist. TO ORGANIZE. A M'Im-iiiu to I'Nirni it Ktiitt Iti-ul i:tiil Ih'iilcrn' Amiic littlon IiiTIiIh ('II j . There is a movement on foot to organ ize it state real estate dealers' association with headquarters at Lincoln, and a call has boon issued for a preliminary moot ing to bo held in this city August 17, at tho Windsor hotel. Real estate dealers all over tho stato havn been invited to bo present, and tho resjxinBeB already re ceived indicate that there will boa largo number of representative dealers in at tendance. J.G. P. Hildcrbrand (staking i the initiatory steps in the matter, anTl ho is encouraged over tho prospect for tho pioiosed organization. 4, Hi. W, 4 -t. ' t,; WITH 1 AUTHORS It Is not often that tho Suuntorer asks his readors to read tho utterances of othors that lie may have tho opportunity of reading elsewhere, but when a cubo Is bo plainly yet potently sot forth as has j ust boon dono by Eugeno Field, of Chi cago, in a recent utterance wherein ho pajs his respects to tho Gildorian crow, who mo nt the helm of a certain sort of so called literature hereabouts, I cannot refrain from reproducing it. After pro posing "a merciless war upon tho intel lectual hermaphrodites und duwdling perverts und petticoatcd clny-outors who, on little tinsel thioues along tho custom coimt, presumo to Bet themselves up as dictators in tho grout realm of American literature,' he closes with this prophetic utterance: "Wo aro not for uny skir mish with those humbugs; wo are for a war of extermination. That war is bound to como Boonor or later; it must not bo begun, however, on tho part of tho west until tho west is fully prepared to sail into and disembowel every hmt mother's son of those twiddling twaddl ing squirts and their queer little para sites." Will tho Century ot al please copy? -Town Topics. Like a ship without a i udder is a man or a women without health und tho necessary strength to perform tho ordinary duties of life. When tho uppo tlto fuils, when debility, und a disor dered condition of stomach, liver, kidney, and lxivvols assail jou, tuko Ajcr's Sursupurillu. llerti'H Yiiur Worlil'" I'lilrOpportuiill. Hates cut in two! On und uftcr Tuesday, August 1, tho Burlington route will soil round trip tickotB to Chicago, with a return limit of thirty dujs, at $10.10. Ono way tickets eiUG. Tickets sold at rates indicated above aro free from restrictions of any kind und entitle holders to tho fullest enjoy incut ot tho Burlington's superior service. Seo Bonuoll at tho doiot or Zicmcr on O and Tenth streets and urrungo to mnko that long-planned trip to Chicago. For all social doings tho Nebrasku state band or orchestra is what is nlwajs most desired. Canon City coal at tho WhltobrcuBt Coal and Lime Co. W. D. SHIELDS, M. 1). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OlllCli. I IM O ST. KesiJcnce. 2731 Pesr fittest. Tdepb u ? ;v A, 'I $ . jwtifan i i P.. .. 1 1 & e-r'Zr. -v A- t f i v I S I, 1 t ' " H 'U 1 ' r T V , ' ? v ,iH " j. mji. This week we are run ning 4 Bargain Counters and invite you to inspect i them, as we know it only wants your inspec- to appreciate. I039O8TREET. Real Estate Loans On farms In Eaitcrn Nobraika and tmproT4 property In Lincoln, for a torm of jean. IrOWEST CURRENT RATES. R. E. AND d. MOORE. IUCHVKDS DLOCK. Corner IUcvcntli ami 0 Street!, Lincoln. .Nollio. . 11. Hcolxi, llrst nnmo unknown, tlofemlnnt, Mill tnku not loo Hint mi tlio ltli !n of July, UHI. Trunk M. Miliot, plaiutltr hert'ln, tiled liU pot It ion in tlio ilUtrlct court uf Lancaster ctiuut, Nebraska, aKtiliiHt mid defendant, tlio object and praer of which it to ittlu and iulet tlio tit l forever In tlio sitltl trunk M. JllltM, a well a tlio iHxnefiiioii thereof, to lot oloveii ill), In block teiit)-ix (SI) in Dawson's addition to! xiutli Lincoln, in Lancnuter county. Nebraska, and to cancel and n't aaiilo ami hold for nauulit and ilecreon certain tax deed to ald I VV. II. Ileelm ror mini lot, recorueii uciooor .wiu, l?ll,lll lHlfc ft J.H" .-," .-iw .nw...- ... I mid count). Von am reiiulrod to annwor naitl lH't it ion on or ucioru me i iin ua j m wi"!'i wr, kia Kii.VNK M. MILKS. Uatoil Jiih Wtli. iw.1 II. V i . M 4 H wlilftM'tW'lW"("lllW' MtritiM fa n,Ny .Mmww