Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, August 12, 1893, Image 4

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1 Till
TJWmmh., Js., PrftUlMl and Masai?.
T, Meato Surra, BoorUrMdTraaturr.
, I
feaaMMOftWiaUMO Streak FkMM.
Wmesssax. i !- in i r
hn OevanM, oa year, in advanea ..W.G0
Ota Months 1.00
lMa asoBtbi.. ...... K
Oaatoloatloaa ami 1 commnn'atlpaa rata.
to nam anu editorial manor anouia m an-
it to tne editor.
ulnnM tatters anil remittances ahonld
aadrWraedto ThICoubirr I'uaLtanrMo Co.,
fifT' . Nth Draft, chwks and poatofllcri
Siau anonM b wada payablo to Ota ordor of
M eewpany.
'Will tUo aunt
to raray aacldrvaaa
Ttalas las trim
offp rtnd vlll tj
-wltlriraw- ajtt.
Probably no mefwogo over sent by nny
president to congress was awaited with
moro gonulno Intercut thnn tlint trans
mitted by President Clovoland on Turn
dny,nnd It In (lotilitftil If ninny oxouutlvo
pronuncinmento hnvo boon more dis
appointing. Congress wan called togothor at n
tlmo whon thn country la in tho throoa
of n grnvo llnunclal crisis, ond tho nation
awaits tho action of congress with tho
greatest concern.
President Clovoland la, In many ro
h poets n great man. On moat occasions
ho hua rlnon to tho occasion In u way
that hna commanded tho admiration of
all fair minded mon.
It wiih natural, thoroforo,that tho pub
llu should expect on tho assembling of
congress In Bpoclnl session, something
moro than an ordinary expression from
tho president. Tho public oxpoctod, not
to bo told that tho country la suffering,
but sotmrthlng in tho nature of a bur.
gostlon an to how to roliovo tho suffer
ing. It waa expected that aomo way out of
tho trouble would lo indicated. It wan
expected that tho messago would bo
broad and statesmanlike, udequato to
tho occasion.
Instead it was ono of tho moat com
mon-placo and unsatisfactory utterances
that havo yet eonio from Mr. Cleveland.
It wiih not mich a iiiobhiiko ns Bhould
como from tho oxocutlvo ut a crisis llko
tho present.
Ropoal tho purchasing clauso of tho
Bhermnn act. Hut what then? Sup
poso a physician called In a small-pox
cuso Bhould content himself with wurn
Ing his patient not to go out and roll in
tho snow!
Tho platform of tho party upon which
Mr. Olovolund waa elected president,
said: "Wo hold to tho uso of both (old
and silver without discriminating against
either metal." And tho public demands,
not tho froo and unlimited coinogo of
silver at tho existing ratio that is tho
clamor of tho faddists, but that silver
shall bo given Its duo. Mr. Glovo
land's message stopped very short. Ik
loaves tho Impression that tho mind of
tho prosldont is just aa badly muddled
on tho.groat question of tho day as tho
minds of many other less important
people. Therowas nothing reassuring
In It.
Many Lincoln people will remember
A.J.Seymour, tho well known mind
reader, who In soon to bo burled alive in
Itockford, III. Ho hna given a number
of public oxibltions In this city.
Tiik Cotntir.ri has received detailed
information from Itockford respecting
tho forthcoming ovont. It js said that
tho dato of tho burial is not to be made
public, but It will tako placo in tho out
skirts of Rockford tho latter part of
August. In view of tho objections of
pcoplo and their threats to got out an
injunction. Dr. E. 0. Dunn, who has
chargo of tho affair na a physician, Iihh
selected a houso near tho city, whore
there la a clay soil, and tho burial will
'toko placo in tho collar. lie will bo
buried in tho prosonco of a party of
scientific mon and newspaper represent
stives, all pledged not to mako tho
placo known until ho is dug up. Thcsto
will appoint a guard to watch tho place
day and night to seo that tho body
The Children Knjnytid It. bat Their Aunt
round It Mather Tlreioraa.
The listener does not know whether or
Dot to believe this atory, which comes to
him from the country about some city chil
dren. It arts forth that old Mrs. Hayrick,
who lire on farm, was receiving avlalt
from her little nephew and niece, Johnny
and Mary Peters, from Boston. They play
ad merrily enough out of doors, but pres
ently there came a very stormy day whea
thpywerc not permitted to play even In
the barn. Mrs. Hayrick thought that the
children would bo hard to amuse, but they
announced at once their intention to play
"papa and mamma" In the dining room
and seemed to enjoy tho anticipation of tt
very much, Their aunt watched them
through the kitchen door. They arranged
themselves on opposite sides of a small
work table whereon Mary hail placed some
dishes and began to play that theywew
eating dinner.
"These potatoes are a llttlo raw," said
Johnny presently.
"I don't think so," answered Mary archly.
"And now that I've mentioned It the
beefsteak la pretty badly overdone," John
ny went on.
"William, how can your" exclaimed
"I suppose you think it's good enougb for
TlAcs I tiffin tc. ISialcalio Haeailoras.
Tlno Dtilco Voroaun fJaciiloraie
'JClica Vnontlun Mcailoxraa.
Tlio World' I?ciir sBcftlloraie
TLttx-xvxx Tenniii lcailora.
Above Sailors Trimmed or Untrimmed, in all Colors
From 49 cents up, at the
at thu
will bo
tr may not bo generally known, but
JMitor llolden, of Liberty, is Indus
triously engaged in saving tho country.
Se baa discovered that tho Catholics are
bout to oat up tho country, and ho has
Urted in to oat up tho Catholics.
Mk. J. 0. P. IIiLnr.uuKANu'a now pa
per, nn interesting publication, by tho
way, is unlquo In many respects. For
iaatance, It assumes that Mr. Garneau'a
management of tho world's fair exhibit
la "able." Governor Crounse'a discredit
Uo upiolutoo, Mr. Garncuu, has nn
bundanco of ono kind of ability tho
bility to mako a fool of himself, and in
tike matter of tho world's fair exhibit ho
appears to have allowed tho same froo
Whatrvrk may bo tho opinion aa to
the cause of tho present panicky feeling
and consequent hard times, there is some
thing amusing in tho serious phrases
of the democratic platform adopted at
Chicago last year, aa we look back ovor
recent events. "We deny," Bays the
democratic platform, "that there has
been any increase of prosperity to tho
country since that McKinley tariff
went into otraration, and wo point to tho
dullness and distress, tho wago reduc
tions, und tho atrlkea in tho iron trudo
aa tho best possiblo ovidonco that no
bucIi prosperity has resulted from tho
McKinloy act." Perhaps tho country
wasn't prosperous in 1802, under that
"culminating atrocity of cIiibs legisla
tion," tho McKinloy bill; but somehow,
aa wo look at it now, it scorns thut wo
wore gottlug along pretty well ut that
tlmo and most of us, Including tho demo
crats, would lo glad to welcome tt return
of tho distress of 1802, oven with tho dull
ness and wago reductions and strikes
and till.
Tho samo party will bo present
resurrection, and tho result
mado known by them.
Dr. Dunn, whilo on u trip abroad, saw
tho font performed three times in India
and is quito conlldont it will provo
successful hero. Mr. Seymour, who Ib
now feeding on fat-producing food until
his system shall havo till tho olomontB
conduclvo to retain animal heat und
prevent tho blood from coagulating,
stated to Tiik Count kk representative
this evening that In this tost ho does
not Intend to rely entirely on himself.
Aftor ho has thrown himself In tho
condition his body will bo so prepared
that ho cannot possibly recover con
BclousnBS. Then ho will throw himself
into tho stato of suspended animation.
His physician will then effectually stop
every passugo by which air could roach
tho viscera. The tonguo will bo drawh
out, and turned buck so as to effectually
stop up the throat. Tho oars will bo
waxod. Tho body will bo thoroughly
f To stop tho pores. Thon tho body will
lo put into a coffin, which will bo
In clay soil, to insure against water
crooping through. Tho inner cofHn
will bo considerably smaller than tho
outor ono, to loavo an air-chamber
between. Both caskots will bo
perforated to allow any gases or odors
to pass of. Whon tho day agreed upon
arrives tho caskot will bo dug up, tho
body removed, tho tonguo straightened
out, tho entire f ramo placed In a normal
condition aa nearly us possible Then
ho expects to regain consciousness. A
groat deal of interest is manifested hero
iib to tho outcotno of tho proposed
und tho applications for tickets
far Ib far in excess of tho number
will bo isauod.
me." said Johnny.
"It's too good, that what's I think, for
such a brutel" ,
"And what put It into your head to mix
the bread with vlncgarr"
"I didn't."
"Who did, thenr"
"You mean, mean thing."
And Mary, setting down a cup with so
much violence that her hunt feared it would
break, rose and rushed out of the room.
Both children seemed to regard tho game
of "papa and mamma" as very good pas
time, but their aunt found It rather trag
ical. Boston Transcript.
Opera House
O and Twelfth
J-Unolk 8am is sick. There is no doubt
, aa to that. But aa to what is tho mat
ter with him, there ia a wldo divergence
of opinion. Tho doctors cannot agree
on tho symptoms. Mr. Cleveland has
eJlod in the official physicians and there
ia a big consultation going on. Thus
far, aa Ib often tho cose, much moro
time haa been given to wrangling than
to a real effort to reliovo tho suffering
of tho patient, und whilo tho doctors
way bo ablo to do some good it is very
clear that it tno patient wore entirely
alepondont on tho action tukon by tho
jangling physicians, ho would soon turn
up his toes. But, fortunately, such is
ot tho case. Undo Sam may bo ill
nd tho colicky manifestations may
ouiso a great deal of uneasiness; but
there is no danger that ho will nut como
out all right, whether tho doctors pro
cribo this medicine or that. That con
stitution of his cannot bo destroyed by
simple attack of colic, or whutover tho
discuBe may bo called, '
Tiik Plattsmouth Herald Bays: "Tho
howl seems to bo that Judgo Maxwell is
too old to hold tho position ho now oc
cupies." Judgo Maxwoll is, indeed, un
old man, and it would seem thut ho
ought to bo Btttlsllod with nearly u
quurtor of n contury on tho supremo
bench; but tho principal objection to tho
vonorublo olHco-holder and offlco-aeokor
la thut ho ia more often u political
demagogue than u righteous judgo.
Altogether too much politics huB boon
mixed with his alleged legal decisions.
And tho Judgo bus attempted to rido nil
tho political parties at tho samo tlmo.
Nebraska bus boon saddled with too
many pious frauds of tho Crounso und
Muxwoll ordor, und there is u largo and
growing domund for moro manliness and
ability and common Benso In public
olllcers und less detnagoguery and tlmo
Borviug und gonorul d n foolishness.
Judgo Maxwell ought to bo put to sleep.
Onk of Tiik Coukikk'b esteemed even
ing contemporaries with u decided loan
ing for a certain candiduto for sheriff, is
pursuing a rather remarkable course
in ita dlscuBsionB of tho political
situation. It seeks to convey the impres
sion that all of tho candidates except
its own are blackguards, and it charges
tfaen with concocting conspiracies and
other dreadful things. Now it is known
of all men that this year's crop of can
didates is not a whit worse than usual.
Iii fact there is, if anything a flight
improvement and aa far us conspiracies
re concerned every candidate for office
ia a conspirator. Politics is ninotonths
ooaapirucy. And our contemporary's
oandldute, an excellent gentleman by
the way, is Just aa busy conspiring to
aatfcMntd ofNee aa any of his adversaries
'Jt ia doubtful if his cause has been
atiagthedby,themisdlrocted zealot
hij spioial champion among the news-
A cuieat many of tho people who uro
complaining of hard times in Lincoln
uro pcoplo who havo drawn money out
of tho bunks and uro hoarding it up in
Bomo out of tho way placo where they
uro liable to loso It. If they would put
their money where it belongs, in tho
banks, thcro would bo un immediate
improvement In tho business situation.
Anu more is no bettor pluco lor money
than in tho Lincoln banks.
und Garncuu are public
New Imported Swiss Cheese.
& Gifford, grocers, opposite Burr
There may bo somo nicer und cooler
places to enjoy a pluto of delicious ico
creams than Chas. Juno's pavlllion, but
they are noj to bo found in this neigh
borhood. Furs Btorod for tho summer insured
free from moths and theft at F. .
Voelker's, practical furrier, Y. M. C. A.
Mountain Rose Pino Applo Ib better
and cheaper than any other in tho mar
ket. Miller Jt Gifford.
Soutli Carnllna'a Kw liUiwiiiinry
I.uw Workd-A Month's trial.
Columbus, S. 0., Aug. 0. Special Corrcsjiondonce. Up to duto
21) county disponsnrles uro in operation
and tho now law scorns to bo Bucccding
hotter than was expected. It ia gen
arully admitted thut tho dispensaries
havo materially decreased tho amount
of spirits consumed, and drnnkenoss
is not nearly us common ub heretofore.
Tho business douo ut tho dispensaries
pays. About this there can bo no
doubt. Tho state constables huvo boon
very uctlvo, but up to tho present havo
made only four arrests, which dourly
Indicates thut tho law is not only being
observed, but that tho authorities
intend to seo that it shall always bo.
Tho only question thut remains is oh
to tho action of tho Supremo Court.
It will not meet until November, but
tho authorities scorn to huvo no fear
of tho ultimato result. Tho railroads
havo been hauling whisky and beer
intp tho stato and ono or two nrrcsts
havo boon mado, but tho trials have not
as yet leen pushed. Tho roads that aro
in tho hands of receivers aro anxious
to havo tho cuso brought into tho
United Stato court feeling confident
that tho intor-stute feature of tho law
will bo broken up. Governor Tillman
has not taken nny action against tho
roads yet.
Tho Portnor Browing Compuny of
Alexandria, Va., has shipped several
kegs of beer over tho Richmond and
Dunvlllo und it was publicly expressed;
yot nothing bus boon dono. Tho arrests
inadu among railroads were of employes
of Bolvont rnil roads. Tho 'enemies of
tho law chargo that Tillman Ib afruid
fto arrest employes of roads in tho hands
of tho courts because bo fears that such
courts will declare tho luw unconstitu
tional. Tho Governor does not talk
much on this subjoct except to say
that when tho proper tlmo arrives he
will act und act firmly. Taking tho
month during which tho law hus been
in oporution it may bo confidently said
that is a success, and prohibitionists
themselves admit thut it has accom
plished moro good than thoy expected.
Suro, cfllclont, easy Hood's Pills.
Theo should bo in ovory traveller's grip
and ovory family modicino chest, 25c
u box.
He flat Away.
The tall, aged, and looking man ate a
bountiful dinner at tho restaurant, and
then with a check calling for 7S cents made
his way to tho cashier's ucsk. Ha banged
down tho check with a battered silver dol
lar and looked sadder than ever.
The cashier picked up tho dollar and ex
amined It suspiciously. It ivtd a deep dent
on one side, and looked us though It mxuI
been plugged. At that moment the cus
tomer spoko: "It Is very painful for me to
part with that dollar. It saved my life
once, however, and must do so again. At
the siege ofVlcksburg I carried It In my
vest pocket, and the dent you nee there was
made by a bullet, which otherwise would
have killed me. I have kept It since as a
memorial, and it well nigh breaks my
heart to let it go, but I must I have noth
ing else."
The cashier was plainly Interested. "In
what year was the siego of Vicksburg?" he
"Sixty-three," said the sad man prompt
ly. "And this dollar," returned the cashier,
"is dated 1877 and is a counterfeit"
The sad, man looked annoyed. "t)f course
It ia," he replied. "How could I have an
1877 dollar in 1863 if it wasn't a counterfeits
And the cashier was so dumfounded that
he passed out a quarter in change and al
lowed the aad man to escape. Harper'a
A Parrot Story.
A lady who had bought a parrot of a bird
fancier waa shocked afterward to discover
that the parrot was addicted to the per
nicious hnbit of "exaggerated colloquial
isms." The lady at once took the bird back
and complained, rcqucstluR him to refund
her money. Tho man refused, saying it
waa qulto easy to cure tho parrot. Hethen
told her the next tlmo the parrot offended
to tako it out of the oage, grasp It by the
tall and swing It violently round her head
aovcral times. It wyis not long before the
parrot raised tho lady's Ira by a string of
choice expressions, and tho lady proceeded
to "tako it out" of tho bird. Altec swing
ing it round her head till she was tired she
laid tho parrot on tho table. The bird got
up, and shaking his feathers together
quietly remarked:
"By thunder, what a galel" Tlt-Blts.
To buy your Shoes, If you don't need them now you can use them soon,
then you will buy them and pay regular prices, allowing the ENTIRE
PROFIT to remain In the dealer's hands. Why not buy now, and buy
of YATB8, who gives a per cent of your purchase to the church or
hospital of your choice. $1,000 of the total sales of a first-class business
are not offered every day to be turned back to be used as you direct.
$10,000 In sales Is the figure that must be reached by September 1, and
In order to do so I offer no additional discount, but make a
in prices. My line of Ladies' Oxfords is unexcelled, and 1 am closing
them out at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. 1 have a splendid as
sortment of Children's School and Dress Shoesand Oxfords, In all styles
and sizes, at prices never before offered anywhere.
Gome In and look over my stock before buying. This sale closes on
September 1, and you should not fail to take advantage of it.
The LADIES TURKISH DEPARTMENT will open Monday, July 3.
Calllug- II Im Down.
There ia Votlxin.g Finer ixa tlie World
5jHkMv VflHssT
(itliwl' IlLsiiBPv sf s3
vapZjSi9afeBBaHBHsj fi MaKssaUByS
Pat?2i55Blls ajn inlllllm. JHeBaTQnErTlil t oIau-
The Woman Hater (explaining himself)
You see, a young woman ouco mado a
great ass of me
She And you never got over it, ehf
A IJte Hour.
Doy (In front of theater) Please, sir, If
you're goln homo won't you give me your
check f
Gentleman It is very late, and tt seems
to mo a boy of your age would lie better off
in bed than at a theater.
Boy Please, Blr, the show would be over
before wo could git through arguin that
Suestlon. Gimme tho check, won't your
ood News.
lor nolo In Lincoln, by U
guaranteed to cure n. I norruus dlcae,iucli na Weak Memory, Low of Uraln
Power, lleodaclie. VtakelulneM, Lost Manuood, NliiLtly Kmlulons, Norroa
ne,nlldrnliunnilloi'iiif powerln Generative Orirani of eltUer sozenuaed
wi UTPruiurHuiiiviiiiin.Hicrruri, cjcubbivo umj ui looaccu, upturn t)r Slim
uianu, wnicn icauioinnrmiiy, lomurapuonor iniamtr, can in
.Timt pocket. Viper box. a for SMI, br ninll prepaid
Iva a written mamatoe lo cure nr rcfBHiT th Mnnv. rtnlii hviii
ii.:. .-. - .r.. .............. i . nt.i.. ..:...i.T:rr..-:i "-": -' .
iiruKvisiB. j lunh iuku im.iuwr. n riin iiirirvnAieuicai IIUOK BOnl neaii
n cnrrlntl In
IthaSS ordor we
anu. which lead to Jntirmlty, Consumption or Imanltr, Can 1
Doi,iiori, dt man prepaid, mi
rreranci inn
irulili. ABkrorlt. taku no other, write, if
In plain wrapper. AddroiaAEUVEHEEII JO.,MasonlcTompto,CincAao.
A beggar, ragged, pitiful, loaded with a
tale of woe and the usual "largo family,'
stopped and implored alms of a lady pass
ing him.
"How many children did you say you
have, poormanf" questioned the lady com
miscratlngly, responding generously.
"Only one, madame, but I have three
wivea." Intransigcant.
Tho finest grocorystoro In the city.
Miller & Gifford. '
Worse Than the Scarlet Ferer.
"When your practicing friend across the
way lias learned to play the cornet, he will
entertain the whole neighborhood," said
Mrs. Brown.
"Yes," said Mrs. Jones. "But by that
time there won't be any uelgbboorhood
here." Texas Sittings.
Staring Htm OR
. WIllla-rHe never falls to give me a cigar
to smoke when I cull on him.
Wallace He must bo afruid you will
moke onaof your "own. Brook'lrn'LMe.
If You Are Going
To THE WORLD'S FAIR you should begin at
once to inform yourself on the subject, so
that you may use your time there to the best
advantage. You will not be able to see every
thingyou may see what you are specially
interested in if you go there informed at the
If You Are Not Going
To THE WORLD'S FAIR you should do the
next best thing know as much as possible
about it. If you can't see it you can at least
read about it
In either event you imperatively need a daily
paper from the World's-Fair city you need a
Chicago daily, and
The Chicago Record
Will meet your need.-
q jlm,,m:isj. -i" U
) t .-&
J V lJ .v ill ,