Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, August 05, 1893, Image 2

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ill m
Moro ponplo nro nci11n llio miminor
Ht homo limn ovnr lioforo In tho lilntnry
ot Llnculni hut there In much loss swliil
Hctlvlty than usual. Hooloty i "t
Iwyiinil tho Inlluenoo of thnt nlKhtmnro,
tho "MrliiRimcy In tho monoy iimrkot,
b'ihI tho iloiinwInRoffpct of "hunt tlnum'
in plainly manifest In tho dullness In
social circles which nro usually m full of
llfo ami "tf." KvorylMHly lit waiting for
that Improvement which tho ixilltldniiH
Hiul tho hankers promise.
t'MliiilUK Im WjtohiIiik.
Tho following )iirty returned from
Bherldnn, Wyo., mul tho 111k Horn
mountains Wednesday aflornooni Mrs.
A. IV. Clark, Miss Clark, Minn llortlo
Clark, Miss Hewtlo Wing, Miss Mniulo
ltomlck.of California; Miss Sarah Harris,
Mr. Oconto Wing, Mr. l. 0. Win Mr.
llomiin 0. DnweH ami Mr. W. Morion
Smith. MIhm Kathorluo Weston, of
Beatrice, was a inomhor of tho party,
tnootlitK t Nowcastlu on tho way up.
Master David Kllpatrlck was nlwi with tho
party. Ho remained In tho Illack Hills.
Sheridan, tho northern oxtrcmlty of tho
Wyoming hran'ch ot tho UurllnKton, was
reached Friday evening, July 121, In tlmo
to onjoy it ball at tho protty Shoritlan
Inn, given In honor of tho party. Satur
day morning a utart won inado In stages
lor tho mouth of Tongue. River canon,
twcnty-llvo mllca dlHtant.and a fowmlloa
south ot tho Montana lino. Tho charm
tag camping slto waa reached into in tho
afternoon, In tlmo for a go01 CHtc" ot
trout for RUpper, In rocognltlon of tho
many courtesies extended by Mr. W. H.
Kllpatrlck, of tho Hrm ot Kllpatrlck
Bros. A. ColllnB, through whono klndnciw
thoploaBuro ot tho party was greatly
enhanced, tho camp In tho canon wub
named Camp Kllpatrlck. Thobcautiful
Tonguo rlvor, n mountain Btream having
its Bourco ntwut thirty miles nbovo, waa
at tho door of tho camp, and It proved
to bo gratlfylngly productive ot trout
and white iteh. Tho party caught con
Iderably over 400 imunds, mostly trout,
and many of thorn handsome specimens,
. weighing three and tour pounds each.
Outln.ntLlnrolH Vark.
Roveral famlllea from the vicinity of
Eighteenth and M streets, and a tow of
their friends enjoyed a delightful outing
B? . at Lincoln park Wednesday afternoon
awl evening. Tho ladles wont out eany
la the afternoon and at 0 o'clock had
' Itnparrd an elegant luncheon. Tho
' tsUwMrWdattathour. The party
LSd:VMr. MT)ht O. R. Oakley,1
Mr. anil Mrs. J. A. Marshall, Mr. and
Mrs. C. L. Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. O. O.
Burr, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hawloy, Mr.
and Mro. Hurlbut, Mr. and Mm. Mc
Murtry, Mr. and Mra. P. W, Baldwin, Mr.
and Mrs. R, A. Porry, Mr. and Mrs. S. 0.
Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson, Mrs.
T. W Orlfflth, Mr. C. E. Shaw, Mr.
Harry' LanBlng, Mr. Frank Kitchen, Mr.
Matt Baldwin, Mr. Fred Houts, Mr.
Will Meyer, Mr. Wilson Winger, Mr.
Allle Saunders, Mr. Charles Hawloy, Mr.
Fred Smyser, Mlss'llolon Burr, Miss
Bertie Burr, Miss Grace Burr, Miss
llallle Hooper MIm EUiel Hooper, Miss
Fanchon Hooper, Mba Seba Case, Miss
Grace Oakley, Miss Fan Hawloy, Miss
Florence Hawley, Miss Henrietta Haw
ley, Miss Marie Hoover, MIm Alice Wil
soa.MWoilve Latta,. Mtas Marie Mar
bail, Mr. Frank Hooper, Mr, Eugene
Thompson, Mr. Burt Freeman, Mr. Wil
son, Mr. Earl Wilson, Mr. Guy Hurlbut.
Llneala Normal Cewmaacemant.
, The commencement exercises ot tho
aormal class ot the Lincoln Normal
university were held In the chapel Tues
day evening, the following program
being rendered.
Organ Solo-'-HifWB.ol J the Nuns", ....... . .Woly
DosUa Delatan. ,
,, Vo18olo-8leeUHl.....v.i..KeT,K,H.ChnlB
Oratlou-"The KsTott of Purltanlam In the
C. K, JonkUa.
Julia W. Ostein.
u a , ,- - .- . v.
Oratlon-"Th Dream of Ono Aj the
,, ,,.,.,,..., Realisation ot the Next"
D.L. Klllen.
Oration "You Cannot Dream Yourself Into
Muslc-Wblstllnaiu.Jo... II. K. W Uon.
Oration "Americanism" ,11. 11. ft Uson.
Piano iluett-tjerolramldl,... .... .... ....Kotulnl.
' Kmm. Thompson, Satllo liorkley.
Degrees wore conferod on tho normal
class which comprises C. E, Jenkins,
Vallisca. la: LouGraves, Superior, Nob;
1 Julia M. Ostein, Normal, Nob; D. L.
Klllen, Adams, Neb; H. II. Wilson, Koin,
Drama at the Western Normal.
- The faculty and students at tho
' Western Normal gavp a very Buccessf ul
'dramatlo entertainment in tho collcgo
., chapel last "evening to a largo and en-
' thuslastlc audience including quite a
V, atimber (row the city, Tho program
Mary Pbobha. i.Nln Lucia W. Rainra
SSiifirvbobbi. ::;;;:;::;:.iir.B. o. wiu.
mti. ..,, ... . -Hr-Y.- .- ..?"'
waiter,,,,, ,. t Mr. b. J. uuwaon
lightly,.,,......., Mr. W. J. Kliuley
;' kna movements and studies in atti
"t tudsa, Miss Louise Anderson,
! llsaorlfleeol Iphigenia.
Dsaos Um Muses.
IHatMaMhsr daughter presented by
V?'' "aw
MIbbcs Andorwn, White, Weslovor,
Evoland, 3loozer, Duvics und Oionhol
mor. ' Ijwii Horlrtl.
Tho benutlful lawn around tho resi
donee til Mr. and Mm. Holmor, Thirteenth
and J ntreets, was brilliantly illuminated
with colored lanterns Wednesday evening
for n lawn social, und presented a very
striking appearance. Tho social was
under tho auspices ot tho Womnns Chris
ian association, and tho ladies served
cako, Ice cream and lemonado to a largo
gathering of people.
Minor Mention.
Tho Tuxedo mandolin club left yester
day for Sterling Neb., at which placo
they gave a concert In tho evening.
Several small parties waent out to
witness the "Bohomian Girl" by tho
Ideal opera company at Lincoln imrk
durlngtlH) week. i iljte.;. : "iV
An interesting matrimonial rumor
now current concerns a very ixipulnr
and talented young lady und a promi
nent young druggist.
A handsome residenco is in courso ot
erection on D street between Fourteenth
and Fifteenth streets, that will In a few
months recoivo n newly wedded pair.
Tho groom is a young man well known
In banking circles, and tho brido ono of
Lincoln's charming young ladies.
It will bo ot interest to tho many
friends of Miss Katio Miller to learn that
hor engagement to Mr. Franklin Pierco,
of Lafayette, Ind., is announced. Miss
Miller 1b woll known In this city. Sho
is a sister of Mrs. Beeson und Mrs.
Green, and has visited hero on several
A meeting of persons interested in
the boys' and girls' society of Lincoln
was held in iho First . Congregational
church Sunday evening, A brief his
tory ot the soeloty was givon by tho
president, Mr. A. J. Sawyer. Rev. G.
W, Martin of Kearney, made an address.
Short addresses wero also madoby Rov.
John Hewitt, Rev. E. H. Chapin and
Mr. C. A. Atkiuson. Ofilcore wore
elected as follows: Dr. A. H. Dorris,
president; Mrs. F. M. Hall, vice presi
dent; Mr. Bennett, secretary; Mr. J. II.
Loavitt, treasurer; Mr. J, W. Dowooso,
Tho finest grocory storo in tho city,
Miller & Glfford.
Mr. Mulsahey returned tks other day afU
eraaabaMHMof Jsljc aaoutha. His appear
aaoe, whisk was- quite Mwxyssjted, caused
Mrs.' M. to turn pale. Truth,
Mawa Item. j
r" WlffBlni' HplmwIW Idea Aboat
Keeping 11 Diary.
"Wll, mother," wtlil Farmer Wljiglns
on Saturday morulnir, with his diary opened
before him, "what did I do Inst Monday.1"
"Di'nr 1110. John, "answered MrH.WIgiflim,
"I do wish to KoodnuMi you'd write In yout
diary ev'ry nlulitl Now we'vo got to go
thlnklu und thlnktn ngln, as wo hUvue do.
There ntn't no need of puttin things off bo.
Let's see. In tho inornln you went tc
LnncRboro and bouuht tho new hclfcr ol
Johnson, didn't ycf Or wus that the
morula you went to the village to git the
potato seed you sent down to Maine forf "
"I-don't-kuow," said Mr. Wiggins, do
cctedly scnttchtng his head. Then he
irightcned a little and exclaimed, "But I
know I went somewhere that mornin,
'cause when I wuz hitchln Molly I see n rip
In my pants leg nud eomo in for you to sow
It, and you wua waahtu."
"Well, B'poso you my you went for that
seed that mornin," said Mrs. Wigglus.
"It'll be near enough." ,),.
"Well, what else did I do Monday "
asked Mr. Wiggins lu a helpless tonu. And
so the dialogue went on.
One evening James Sidney and his daugh
ter Mary called on tho Wlgglnaua.
"I wuz settln In tho house alone," began
Mr. Sidney, "me and Maty, and us the chore
wui done and I'd writ in the diary for threa
days ahead"
"Whatl" exclaimed Mr. Wiggins.
Tho old man turned his beaming face to
his daughter, as though axklng her permis
sion to explain, bho seemed n little trou
bled, but said:
Wit Sinn r Iwirvlsi at It It fntlina tintrm
wm nvv u infill it iv1 iuvmii uutvi
kept a diury and doeNu't care much about
it, but I was anxious for him to do so,
thinking he would find It a pleasure. So
he does, and yet he also seems to look upon
it as so much work, and In spite ot nil I can
say he often persists In writing ahead"
"But how kin he when things ain't hap
pened?" demanded Mrs. Wiggins.
"Oh, I jest kinder think of what I'm go
In to do, and write It down's If I'd done it,"
said Mr. Sydney. "And if I don't do it, 1
write across the leaf, 'Didn't do It,' or some
thing like that."
When the visitors had gone, Mr. Wigglni
said, with a little chuckle;
"Say, mother, why ain't that n good Idee,
writlnaheadf It 'ud save lots of bothei
for you, and 1 guess I'd git things about an
near right as I do now."
"Well, I guess you ain't a-goin to try any
slch notion as thnt, Jbhn Ilenryl You keep
right along jest as you nlwus hev, and I'll
never say another wont 'f I hev to think
all night what you done a week behind."
Youth's CoiuDuulon.
Hardly Equal to It.
"You say you can wrltesborthaudl" said
the city editor.
"I can. sir," replied the applicant for a
iob. "When it comes to shorthand, I don't
;nuckle down to anybody."
"Have you bad any experience in report
ing a meeting!"
"Lots of It. I can take a full report of
tho proceedings in shorthand and put it in
shape for the printers afterward. That's
child's play for me."
"Heport any kind of meeting, can yout"
"Yes, sir."
"H'ral" said the city editor, "there Is n
sort of convention at Saddler's hall In the
next block. You may go and report the
proceedings. Write the speeches out In
Tho applicant for a place on tho city ed
itor's statT took his notebook and went
away. And he never came back. When
he got to Saddler's hall, he found ho had
been sent to report tho proceedings of a
convention of deaf mutes. Chicago Trib
une. Too Far.
The author of "A Man of Letters Under
the Kiuplre and the HcHtoratlon" tells a
story which is an example, of delicntobut
cuttlug French witlre.
A glutton who was conspicuously over
eating at a dinner excused himself from
time to time by quoting the poet Holleuu's
well known line, "In eating well I praise
the food."
"Ah, sir," wild ono of tho guests, signif
icantly, "you carry praise to the point of
flattery," Youth's Companion.
Proof Ktiough.
He What proof have I that you really
love inef
She Proof I Did I not dance with you
at the Astorbilt hullr
"Yes, but 1 don't consider that any proof
of affection,"
"You would if you knew bow badly you
daace."-New York Weekly.
ft m
New YoitK, Aug. Jl. "Look n-hcro,
mother; hero's two girls with n nnnkcr
on their dresses, Aro thoy sailors' wives?"
"Oh, no, I guess not," replies tho moth
er absently, continuing her conversation
with another lady.
"Well, I think they would llko to bo.
don't you?"
Thcso remarks wero mado by n tot of
6 at Mnnhnttnn Bench tho other day, nnd
thoy were callod forth by soelng two
very fnshlouablo seasldo gowns, moro
fashionnblo than refined, I think, but
innny porsons will no doubt find thorn
perfectly lovely "so very stylish, don't
you know."
Ono of them was of hnirlino linen
bluo and whito striped, with thrco rows
of whito serpentine braid at tho bottom
of the skirt nnd thrco moro just nbovo
tho knees. Tho blouso was of wido bluo
and whito stripo. Tho jacket was of tho
linen, and so wero tho sleeves on tho fore
arm part, whilo tho balloon puffs wero
of whito duck. A whito collar and dark
blue tio mado it rather masculine A
red anchor was worked over tho left
breast. Tho hat was n rough and rendy
pork pie straw, with n lace fall all
around tho edgo, and n big alsntlnn bow
of cream colored laco sat on tho top for
solo trimming. A red anchor was also
worked in at tho foot of tho dress.
The other was of bluo nnd whito striped
serge, with a band of whito sorgo at tho
bottom and a zigzag braid around tho
middloof tho skirt. Tho blouso waist
and balloons wero of tho same, with the
belt, forearms and enormous capo collar
of the serge, that part in tho front being
barred with bluo ribbon of tho aaino
shado as the darkest part of tho bluo in
tho dress material. Thero was a glazed
sailor hat with a dark bluo band. Tho
anchors on tho collar wero worked in
black, picked out with gold. Tho hair
was worn loose and bouffanto.
This manner of wearing tho hair looso
and flowing is gaining fast. Those whose
hair is naturally curly have the greatest
satisfaction now, but others curl theirs
the best they can nnd fluff it out as much
as possible. Littlo girls wear long curls
now, as far ns it is pructicablo, instend
of the waved strands. Curls in general
whore natural nro beginning to bo looked
upon with a favor tliut has not been ac
corded to them in n long tlmo. But the
young lndy whoso hair is curly combs it
out loosely and lots it curl up into rings
and tangles as it will, and tho thickor'
and fluffier tho mnss tho bettor. It has a
pictnrosquo effect that catches tho oye at
I saw two littlo girls playing in the
sand and among tho scasholls at Man
hattan, and as thoy aro tho daughters of
families who aro called leaders in stylo I
give a description of thoiroutfits. One, a
little brown eyed beauty, had a block
pongee silk frock, with tho baby waist
smocked at the neck and waist. On tho
skirt and around the arms was a trim
ming of white lace over orange silk. Tho
puffed sleeves ended at the elbow, leaving
tho plump arms bare, and the neck was
also cut out square. The hat was of black
straw, with a bow of maize ribbon and
two shaded plumes from maize to brown.
She looked a very picture.
The other wore a whito serge dress
with three flounces to the skirt and each
scalloped out and bound with baby rib
bon in bluo. Tho waist was bebe, with
a full sash of baby bluo surah, reaching
onco and a half around, ending in front
" CsfL
under a rosotto. The sleeves wero short
and the nock half low. On her head she
wore a regular mob cap of white muslin
and bluo ribbons. Her thick mass of
bronzo brown hnlr fell loosely down,
curling up in natural tendrils wherover
it chose.
Black and maize or a favor
ite combination for littlo girls under 10
and over 3, and thero is no fabric for
such children moro satisfactory than
bluck pongeo, plain or figured, as it
keeps clean, always looks refined and
dressy nnd can be washed Hko calico.
Whito gowns for afternoon wear now
require white shoes or very light gray
ones, even when walking quite a dis
tance. Many ladies who wear tho pret
ty Eton suits with whito accessories wear
white shoos with them. They are prot
ty, but not very durable, and they make
the feet look larger. Tan shoes are rare
ly seen with really handsome outfits.
lla anil Mary Orrn lai Homo and
friend IMilml.
deer edltur- last week I maid up ml mind
I cood not live anl longer without marie
grene, mo on weuvla ulte I ask Id marlo tf
she wood be ml wife.
bo, gorgle, she xed, wat n funnl way 4 11 3
nsk, wy ilont tt get down on yttro nees an
talk hold ov ml hand an Ink up lu 3 my
bluMiln eyes an say, deer martc, I kant live
without u.
so i got doun on ml necs nnsed It, an then
marie xed:
ho, thlH 1 no sudden, u must glvo me
then u (I out lttve mc, I crlde.
say not them crool words, sed marlo. 1
luve u with ml httl hart. 1 nm yures.
then she put her alaboster head on ml
boftutn and she won mine 4 ever.
ho, the pangs that shot thro ml hart,
thay wos like the pangs that shot thro ml
pants wen pa laid tneon his lap lost weak
an I hud 2 listen to tho pater ov the shin
gle, but the shingle dldent pater as fast as
ml ovcillowlng hart, t think ml hart must
halv overflowed rite In 2 ml glznrd.
then mnrle red that if we was gono 9 git
marlttl we mlto ns well elolp. Sho sed she
wood met me tho next mornin down bl the
scule house.
i stold lu 3 pars room that nltc & tuk his
poket book out of his pants. It had 3 dolars
an 10 cents in it. then In the inornln 1 met
marie, sho had on her sunda closo an
hiked sweto. wo went down 2 tho stnshun
an 1 seed the sign wot sed children half
fare, so i bote 1 full ticket 4 1100 york half
4 mo & half 4 marie.
the conductor didn't want 2 talk the
ticket he sed wo both ortcr havo i tick
ets, so 1 tore tho ticket In K and glvo
marie 1 and 1 kept tho other, the conduct
or sed that woodcut do, nnd 1 'sed 1 wood
tel the president ov the rood about him, so
he lalTed an tuk tho 2 X tickets.
wen we got In 1100 yorick a man sed, do u
want mo 2 talk u 2 the astor house. 1 sed I
dldent no mister astor and may b ho wood
ent want us.
we walked along a strete, an i bote sura
plums 4 marie, an she sed she 1 lived mo
molr evrl mlnit. i sed if she should leave
me 1 wood die.
then we had sum beef an beans in a res
tarnut next 2 the mcrcurl oQs. Wen I
asked 4 them tho waiter scdi
beef an.
i asked him beef an wot, an he sed dont
get fresh, so 1 dldent say nothln else
then 1 sed i wanted sum cofce with no
milk in it an tho Walter sed:
draw l in the dark.
mnrle Bed she wos afrado 2 stay In thare
In the dark nu i wished 1 had ml pistil with
fear nothin, marie, i sed, wllo I am
with u.
marie sed, 1 nm bravo enoff 3 falo the
wurld with ti, ml dear.
the waiter brote tho cofco, without the
lttes gono out.
tbeu after marlo wanted 2 ride on the ca
bul cars wat we red about in the papurs an
1 asktd'n man wnre thocabul wos.
he shode me a lltel silt along tho ground
an he sed tho cabul was doun thair. So i
ask Id him how we cood get down thair. he
sed the cabul was down thair, but tho car
run on the strete.
just then I herd a gong ringln an 1 sed 2
thay Is a fire, here cums tho engine. I
found out the gong wos on the cabul car.
the car woodent stop 4 us.' wohad ter wait
4 the 4th car bt I wood stop.
molr later. gorgle.
New York Mercury.
Actions Louder Than Word.
They sat late by tho flickering firelight.
Her head was nestled on his heaving and
manly bonotu, and softly his arm stolo
round bcr yielding waist.
Tho law takes no cognizance of this clans
of stealing.
Nobody does, if proper precautions are
observed, except the two Interested parties.
Oh; lovel
Ob, rapture!
He bod told her tho sweet words over and
over again, and she coyly cooed them back
to blm.
A step was heard in tho hall.
That is to say, it was heard by the glrL
The young man heard nothing except the
beating of a loud heart.
"George," she murmured, "what would
you do to show your love for your little
"Dearest," ho responded fervently, "any
thing, everything. I would willingly oh,
so willingly suffer any pain for you."
"Are you sure, George!" she asked with
the Insistence of doubt.
"Sure as the stars do shine, darling."
Again that step.
"Then, George," she said, with a little
sob, "get ready, for papa's coming."
And the craven coward skipped. Balti
more Telegram.
Barred Oat.
"As what character does your husband
go to this 'ancestral ballf "
"He will go dressed us his grandfather."
"Then the servants and police will never
let him tn."-Llfe.
"Y-a-a-s," said young Mr. Gllgnl, "I sang
fob them. They didn't seem to care foil
popular music, though."
"Liked something with more dspth to it,
"Y-a-a-s. That's what they said. Sol
gavo It to them."
"What did you slngf"
" 'Down In a Coal Mine. "Detroit Free
A News Average,
Hustling Editor How many murders did.
that man commit?
Assistant One reporter says three, an
other says five, and another says nine.
Hustling Editor Three, five, nine, ehf
Ob, well, we'll have to 'strike an average.
Make it SSO.-Kew York Weekly.
"Ob, dcsrl" said Mrs. Younghusband.
'I'm not myself today."
"Then I won't speak to you or smile at
ton. It might make you jealous," said
VounubuslMud. Harper's Bazar.
Bust (jhiiol Bw.
Capital, $400,000.
Surplus, $100,000.
V.. B. ItAimoon, PrcMilcnt.
Cmas. A. ItANK.i, Vlco President.
V. M.Cook, Cnshlor.
0. 8. IiirriNcorr, AlMnnt Cn!iler.
11. 8. Fkekman, AmMiuiI Cnshlor.
6AP1TAU, $250,000.00.
Ofllrrr and Dlrrelorn.
John II. Wmoiit. President.
T. 1'.. HtNDKKH, Vlcn President.
J. II., I'lMhler.
F. E. Jnlmnnn, 11. I. I.iui, TI101. Cochran,
E. It. 8Uer. T. V. Lowrey,
General Banking Business Transacted,
Collections a SrixiALTt.
CAPITAL, $100,000.00.
SURPLUS, $20,000.00,
CHAS. E. WAITE, Cashier.
GEO. H. SCHWAKE, Aat. Caahier.
I. M. Ratmond,
D. E. Tmommok.
Vlco Presldont
D. O. Wino.
Assistant Cnslilor.
RlcharJi' Block, Corner
lileventli anJ O Sts.
Capital, $230,000.
Directors I. M. Ttujmnml, Lewis Oreaorr,
8. II. llurnlmm, T. V. I.mvery, 0. (t. Dawns, 0.
II. Morrill, A. J. Suwjer, K. K. Ilrown, V. W.
Little, 8. W. llurnlmm, O. M. Lambortson, D.
E. Thompson.
5 per cent on Deposits Paid at the
Savings BaiHi:
.Cor. P and Eloventh Sts.
TheonlySafc Deposit Vaults in Lincoln
N. B. Harwood.
N. C. Ilrock.
Win. McLnnshlln.
W. A. Solleck.
(VT. lloffcs.
O. W. Webster.
Albert Wntklns.
Fred Williams.
Kacliel Lloid.
H. D. Ha'.lmway.
J. '.. Ilrtacoo.
C. .1. Ernst.
H. W. Ilmwn.
11. 0. Phillips. .
E. H. Sizer.
Ilonry Vcith.
Henry E. Lowu.
IVo. IIO N.Twellth CSt.
J, O. MCoVJ51
Does all klnuVof RopuirinR Promptly.
All work wurruntod.
308 So. 11th St.
Lincoln, Neb,
T. C. KERN, D. D. S.
Rooms 25 and 26, Burr Block.
iviivcor,iv, - - 2visi3.
Pftmplilots (Inscribing tha
resources ot
May ho had by addressing O. T. Nicholson. O.
P. A T. A., A.T. & 8. P. R. It., Topeka, Kansas.
Muutlon this paper.
FROM 82.50 TO $4.50.
Lincoln Stiff Hat Factory
Old Hats Blocked, Cleaned, Dyed and
wide as good as new. All kinds
of Repair Work done.
pan National Bank.