Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, August 05, 1893, Image 1

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    HI i i
I Saturday Morning Courier. I
I'l lllinnillA ini l uoforothosca wiroalivowlth hundreds V HX fl ! Tfi Klnr price -"n prewmt for dlBii.mim." n If A T
1 VM III II Hill ' I Ml II V boats pushing out to Ui. Tho air was III III III II If II That almut tho way they make the re- If fl I fl
I ' Xnlrrinil'f If IK I "v0 with "nK"' Bh(mtn lml murr in I II III IV I f ' mHrk' J hh unrortunatcly eaiiK)i In I kll M ) N II
r I I llllll iun;iiuuuoui mm. imuu wiib iiuuu I II II 1110 act OI SlOllllllir a I) CtlirO or HOIII0 01 I II I I II
Chkyknnk, Wyo., August 4, 1893.
(Special Couhikk Correspondence.
Tho most unlquo ontorprlBo in the
development of tho northwest was tho
shipment of a cargo of 300 Now England
girls from Now York to the Pacific coast
in 1865. Tho nchemo was originated
and successfully accomplished by A. S.
Mercer, who is now an editor and pro
prietor of a newspaper in Choyenno. A
young man of twonty-Blx at tho timo of
this adventuro, ho now looks hack upon
it as the noteworthy achievement of his
life, and a few days ago ho gavo a do
tailed account of it. "I overloaded my
self with girls," said Mr. Mercor, "and
broke my back financially, but from
every other point of viow tho expedition
was a success. Tho results woro notably
good. Today many of those Now Eng
land girls aro tho leaders of society in
the Puget Sound country. They aro
wives and mothers in many of the
wealthiest and best families of Seattle,
Olysapia, and other towns of tho state.
So far as I can learn, all but ono of my
cargo got married soon after reaching
the coast. In Washington torritory
thirty years ago,
'There's vm a lack of woman's nursing,
Thero was a dearth of woman's toars.'
"In fact tho women woro not there to
nurse or cry. There woro few real
homes because there were few women.
The population wus largely madoupof
lumbermen from Maino and tho provin
ces, with an influx of men from the
southern and middlo states. I was then
president of tho Washington Territorial
University, then just completed and
with but few students. I went through
the torritory 'visiting logging-camps and
settlements, to awaken an interest in
school matters. Seeing tho need of
teachers, I arranged for bringing out
thirty schoolma'ams from Massachusetts.
The acquisition was hailed with delight.
In the spring of 1905 I determined io
large scale. All theso experiments re
sulted happily and, full of enthusiasm, I
started for New York with tho great
plan on my mind. I arrived there in
April, 18G5. That night came tho fear
ful news that shocked the whole civili
zed world, tho assassination of Prcsidont
Lincoln. Thin event changed my plans,
and I went to Boston to lay tho schemo
before John A. Andrew, tho great war
governor. Ho then gavo mo a letter of
introduction to tho Rev. Edward
Everett Hale, asking him to interest
himself in tho matter. Leaving lioston,
I took a letter from Governor Andrew
io President Johnson, spending many
weeks in Washington for tho purpose of
procuring government aid in transporta
tion. I took Grant's order to tho quartermaster-general.
Tho steamer Continen
tal was selected, and a valuation of 8120,
000 placed upon her. This price wus
considered u 'snap,' and many woro
eager to mako tho purchase, among
them Hen Holliday, who at that timo
controlled tho steamship linos to tho
Pacific coast. 'Let mo purchaso the
steamer,' said Bon to me, 'and I will
give your 500 women free passago to
the cost.' This was finally agreed upon
and the contract signed. Finally 300
of the girls woro gathered in Now York,
ready to make tho trip. Tho Continen
tal was coaled and manned and in wait
ing, yet Holliday refused to take any
party except at tho rato of 8100 each.
This amount I guaranteed nnd paid.
On the morning of January 4, I860, the
girls embarked, and amid tho cheers of
u large crowd assembled on tho wharf,
the steamer started on its long Journoy.
The voyage lasted nearly six months,
and was marked by no misfortunes or
exciting incidents. Except tho crew of
thirty or forty, thero wero only two men
passengers. Tho girls took to tho lifo
agreeably as a vacation time, and occu
pied the hours by sewing, writing, read
ing, singing, etc. Wo had Sunday
services, in which I read Beecher's
sermons, and tho girls sang tho hymns.
There was a good library on tho ship,
which was in constant use. Dances
were frequent, and various games served
to vary tho monotony of those long days
upon the ocean. No sickness occurred
except sea-sickness. At last tho supreme
moment arrived when wo wero to reach
San Francisco. On tho U3d of May,
1800, we steamed through the Golden
Gate. Our arrival had !een expected
for several days. Excitement was at
fever-heat. It was ono of those times
when San Francisco gets a move on her
pelf. As wo sailed up along the wharves
a black, surging mass crowded every
avenue of approach for three or four
miles. Even at a distance wo could
hear the mighty cheers that swept across
the water. We came to anchorage, but
the anchor had not touched the bottom
before tho sea wan alivo with hundreds
of boats pushing out to us. Tho air was
lively with songs, shouts, and merry In
terchange of talk. There vh quite u
rivalry among tho boatB to got alongsido
for a glimpse of my precious cargo.
None, however, wero allowed to get
aboard. Ono man attempted to make it
by climbing up tho ship's sldo on 'a rope,
but I stood by tho railing and knocked
him off into tho water. This action,
noted by thousands of spectators, was
greeted with cheers. After a brief
strugglo tho fellow was rescued, but.tho
incident was made tho subject of a
sketch by Jump, a well-known artist of
that day. Tho scene, as depicted by his
pencil, was displayed at tho Lick house
tho noxt day, attracting immense crowds.
I wont ahead overland to Seattle to
mako ready for their accommodation
when they should arrive. At Olympla
I caught tho first boat coming up with
my passengers. I took this boat and
wont on with them, against tho udvico
of somo of my old friends, who said tho
Ieoplo of Scattlo had been prejudiced
against mo and my cargo by evil reports,
They predicted not only trouble, but
Iiersonal violence As wo noarcd Seattle
an old minister advised mo to hido on
tho boat instead of going ashore. I
told him that I would tako my chances.
Tho sturdy pioneers assembled that
evening looked upon them with uncon
cealed admiration and perfect rcsticct.
In addressing tho audience I said: '-My
contract has been fulltllcd. I hnvo
bankrupted myself, but I have brought
you virtuous, rofined nnd practical
young women. They will gladden your
lives, mako beautiful homes, and assist
in tho development of this great north
west coast. They aro ready and willing
to tako any honorable employment as
teachers, housekeepers, seamstresses,
cooks, clerks. Meanwhile arrangements
must bo mado for them. What will you
do?" An old preacher started in by
saying ho would tako six. Others fol
lowed with offers which resulted in tho
cargo being divided up in squads .and
located in different quarters of the town.
Soon thoy were all provided with or
inanent places and good fortune smiled
ujnjir mum. xu1 R try "WWBTTJIipiUB
arrows began to mako havoc in their
ranks. Men found out that it was not
good for thorn to bo alone. Many of tho
girls would como and ask mo about
certain persons who had begun to show
them attentions. In six months nearly
all had got married and wero happily
settled in life."
Mhm'iiIIiix IlontV Dfiniinilliiif Feminine
Don't hate other women bo. Think
of tho way you look at ono another on
tho street. Don't keep all your polite
ncss for us.
Don't keep smoothing tho wrinkles
out of your waist. A few wrinklcB will
keep you from looking hideously smooth,
like a fashion plate.
Don't havo your skirt badly fastened
at tho back so that your underskirt bo
comes visible. You can't sco this, and
no woman seems to tell you.
Don't got oil tho car with your back
to tho horses. Men got a great deal of
fun out of your persistency in doing
this. But you aro not bound to amuse
Don't stand at the door of a street car
and worry somo men near at hand into
giving you n seat when thero aro empty
scats at the head of tho car. You all do
Don't leave your handkerchief and
lockct book in your lap when you are
riding in a street car. Somo man will
pick them up for you as you aro passing
out, but they will get muddy.
Don't try to havo a long waist. For
3,000 yearB the artists tho professors
and conservators of beauty huvo been
saying that tho short wlilsl is tho waist
beautiful. At least please take tho hint.
Don't wait until you get in front of a
ticket ofllco window before taking out
your pocketbook. Tho wIvcb of tho
eight men who aro patiently waiting the
opportunity to buy tickets are wonder
ing why they are so late home.
Canon City coal at tho Whitebreasf
Coal and Lime Co.
Misses BoggB & CatTyn, dressmaking
t-arlois stamping, 1311 M street
telephone 510.
Visit tho Now Students' gallery and bo
convinced that tho work is first-class.
1031 O street.
"Tho Best" Laundry, 'J208 O street,
telephone 570, H. Townsend & Co., pro
prietors, Lincoln, Neb.
Thero may be some nicer and cooler
places to onjoy a plate of delicious ice
creams than Chas. June's pavillion, but
they aro not to bo found in this neigh
borhood, Something good, "White Loaf Flour"
11.40 per sack. Miller A Gilford.
CiiiiMtio, Aug. 3.- Special
Correspondence.) Maybe It won't do-to
tako for granted that every one knows
exactly what the Midway Plalsanco Is,
so I may be pardoned for stating right
here that it is it street ulmut a mile long
leading from Cottago Grove avenue to
the Exposition grounds, and throughout
its entire length It, is crowded with as
much qualutncHB as it is KBsilo to get
In such a compass. Starting in with tho
real, genuine Bedouins and winding up
with tho Irish villagers and tho authentic
Blarney stone, where else under heaven
can you find such a collection of ethno
logical curiosities outside cf the seduc
tive and elaborate circus Kstcr?
How else under tho blue canopy Is it
possible for a man to take tho trip to
Dahomey, across tho great plains, send
an hour or two in a real German beer
garden and drink the brew of Father
land, or widk through a street in Cairo,
whero one can hob nob with camel
drivers and donkey boys and bo mobbed
by beggars for baksheesh on the
Egyptian plan, or saunter through a
Moorish or Turkish bazar and ail of
theso tours aro personally conducted
and as extended as tho visitor may
deslro to mako them. Why, tho Nellie
Bly circumnavigation act is not in it in
point of expedition. And Nellie Bly
couldn't jK)ssibly have jumped on tho
one hand from the second story of a
Chinese theatre over a high fence into
an enclosure whero a scalp danco of un
questionable resemblance to tho genuine
article, with real red men direct from
the plains as actors, was in progress, nor
on the other into the basket of a captive
French balloon, which was ready and
willing to tako passengers 1,000 feet
skyward for the modest sum of til per
head. That's ono of tho possibilities on
tho Plaisance, however, or was before
the balloon was struck by a cyclone, and
Irani nlar, if you.plMunv.that thts
Arabs, Aborigines, Bedouins, Brazilians
and so on down the list, alphabetically
arranged, aro not Chicago foreigners,
but they bear tho stamp of a strange
nativity more conspicuously than so
many of tho Yankee trinkets they sell.
What a paradise for tho kodaker is this
"round tho world in eighty minutes!"
Of course tho little formality of paying
'-' to one of the exposition's creatures
for tho privilege of u day's photography
has been gono through with and the
man and Ills box turned loose at the
Cottago Grove end. I havo always had
a leaning toward Celestial material, and
it might naturally bo expected that
almost the first picture would be some
thing saffron. In front of the Wah Meo
exposition building -which contains, by
tho way, tho exhibits of Chinese-American
merchants and not of tho Chinese
government, as one of our prominent
railroad guides states was one of the
children of tho son of heaven in goigeous
apparel. The burden of his song was a
plea for American quarters from visitors
to his company's show. And lie sang it
well, for tho hourly repetitions of a thor
oughbred Chineso theatrical perform
unco werewell attended (although poorly
appreciated) and the skill of Quong
Toung, juggler, warmly applauded. If
Mr. Kellar wants to score a big success
he should reproduce that heathen's
trick with an empty tiu cracker box.
Standing in front of a little square table
on which tho box was resting,our friend
Ah Sin produced from the cavernous
depths of the tin a hatful of silk hand
kerchiefs, two four-inch iron balls, cov
ered with paper and tied together With
a long rope; six paper boxes of about
two pounds capacity each, four lighted
lanterns of calmed glass, and a wicker
cage with a live bird in it. Altogether
tho stufr made about a wheel-harrow
load, and I would havo thought that
Confucian was great people if ho had
only put it all back in tho box again.
There's no uso trying to see things
systematically in the Plaisance, because
the "wheels don't go round" at tho
most convenient time. It takes several
trips up and down that mile of anthro
Illogical aggregation for one to "catch
on;" every time something new crops
up, but every time tho Turks who run
that lino of Sedan chairs aro there. If
ou don't want to tako a drive in one of
their tandem teams ou don't havo to,
although if you get the least bit friendly
or eommunlcutive and happen to bo
standing near tho nxn door of tho out
fit, the chances are that thoy will hustle
you In and collect a bill before you got
out. Those ducks have a habit which
seems too well settled to attribute to
any of Chicago's convincing- and that
is of asking everyone who sample their
private curs for something out the
regular price -"a present for rils-n-nmn."
That alwut tho way they make tho re
mark, I was unfortunately caught In
the act of stealing n picture of some of
them, and In about two seconds thero
was a blockade on tho Plaisance. Tho
leader of tho band, a strapping big
Armenian, Topoils by name, was satisfied
eventually, and from him somo Hints
on the domestic lifo of the gentlemen
around me wero gained. He had three
wives himself, but that was nothing;
there was Hassam Maron who had six;
and Hassam, a villainous looking fellow
was Introduced; I thought ho could
keep 'em for all I cared; any gltl who
was foolish enough to fall In love with a
man like that did not deserve thu esteem
and admiration of a good-looking young
American, nor anybody else.
ThoJady friends of the Turks who are
on th ground there are not by any
mcnnpreiiossesHing, If they aro typos
of what Oriental romancers call hourls,
then tho oetB had better investigate tho
merits of hundreds of every-day beauties
ami sing a few songs about them. Hourl
stock, if those faded, washed-out ladles
who play tho drum and tambourine in
front of somo of those Plaisance estab
lishments are exponents, will then be
away Mown. If you want to boo the
beauties of thu World's Columbian ex
position, tho Javanese yillago Is tho
place to take in. Diminutive editions
of Vcbub in bronze abound thero, nurso
little brown lumps of Java babies, wear
gaudy! jewelry, do fancy work, and in
various ways act liko tho native Ameri
can article. But in tho mutter of dress
Uiey arc peculiar. Tho two who hup
panedto cross tho path of this particular
cairieiyi were bothered apparently with garments apiece a sKlmpy sort
irt and just enough of a waist to
lao rather than conceal tho out-
a shapely brown bust beneath.
ent backward about showing
ikies, as hosiery seems to bo an
n quantity among them, and in
fauces shoes or straw sandals
Unimportant adjunct to their
One of
way for medicine or to catch the rain
from an impending storm in tho Ger
man village beer garden next door, for
she carried a little tin bucket in a style
that suggested u well known American
custom, which she surely couldn't havo
learned already.
Of tho three days I spent at tho fair, a
day and a half went to tho Plaisance, a
day in tho art gallery and a half day
was distributed among tho buildings
and ground and the night Illuminations.
Tho effect of nearly 80,000 electric lights
and the wondrous play of color in the
two fountains, one on each sldo of tho
Triumph of theKepubllc,is tostrengthen
tho impression that Chicago has not
only sacked tho world for what was
curious and beautiful, but had gotten a
cinch on a bit of Paradise. Indeed, to
my mind there could bo nothing more
entrancing on tho face of tho earth than
tho combination of splendors shown in
that famous oblong. Fairyland is simply
out of consideration, because ono just
reads about fairyland, and here, right
before one's eyes, is a real, tangible glory
that can be best prepared for by a course
of leading that will embrace a descrip
tion of tho New Jerusalem. Gaily
decorated gondolas filled with shivers
float around the lagoon, and from away
at the far end faintly comes the harmony
of somo great composition then one
looks for golden harps in tho hands of
those white-clad figures down there
along tho peristyle, but tho illusion was
broken by an obtrusive discussion
between a party of women and a Col
umbian guard. The women were kick
ing because they hadn't good seats to
see the Illumination and that reminded
mo of a private grudge against the
allair; it couldn't well bo protographed.
Tills picture businets with some folks is
a sort of ruling passion, and it need not
Ik wondered at that some of those en
thusiastic aiuateurs'will kick, later on,
I ecause they left their cameras, like all
their earthly possessions, behind them.
T. T.
Fruited ice cream soda water made
from the natuial fruit, at Rector's Phar
macy. W. A. Collin .V Co., grocers, 113 South
Eleventh street.
Mountain Rose Pine Apple is better
i and cheaper than any other in the mar
ket. Miller & Gilford.
Fine new line of business suitings
from W to 840 in Scotch and homespuns,
Jeckell Bros., 110 north Thirteenth
street, near Lansing theatre,
L. S. Glllick, Fashionable Tailor.
j Latest noelties in gentlemens' spring
, goods. Gillick still caters to the wish of
the public. Call on him and be suited.
' 101U O stuet, loom 10.
of ask
lines if
their i
most Mm
are en
potkft Medkcrchlof wardrobe.
sikuikiuk, was ufiMrentlf either on Ire
V1IIII 1 1 A wwA
This is tho time of year when peoplo
deliberately forsake comfortable homes
and go camping out, so that they
can enjoy nnti1ro,und bacon, and canned
corned beef, and tho companionship of
Niiakes, and flies, and mosquitoes, and be
generally uncomfortable for the sake of
"a change,"
They .usually get a change, but some,
times it isn't tho kind of a change thoy
want. "I went to tho mountains and
camped out under a canvas tent and tho
starry canopy of heavon because I
wanted to onjoy tho pure mountain air
and drink in tho fragrance of pluo and
balsam; because I wanted to bo Invigor
ated and strengthened by tho toulu of
the ozone to be found in the forest and
in tho great hills, whore nature basks in
all her glory, and whero tho footprints
and other things of men aro not disturb
ing factors," remarked a Lincoln young
lady the other day, "but I didn't get
what I expected. Instead of the odor
of the pine and tho puro air of thu
mountains I got tho smell of Espoy's
fragrant cream, and witch-hazel, and
cocoa butter, and pennyroyal, and ottar
of roses and a dozen other fearful con
coctions that peoplo tako with them
when they go awuy from homo.
"These things not only choked up all
tho chinks in the tent, but they seemed
to havo permeated tho atmosphere for
miles around, urn! when I got my lungs
ready to inhale a good big doso of
mountain ozone the chances woro nine
to one that I struck a strata of odor
from a bottlo of pennyroyal or a cloud
of smell from tho witch-hazel cantoon
I saw nature through a glass darkly,
and imbibed fresh air clouded with drug
store reminiscences."
And speaking of canned corned beef, is
mere any tklng, mere ubiquitous or in
lUtlssHi tawiiWi; -f (U'mh,
you may, to the frozen regions of tho
north or the blazing jungles of tho torrid
zone, to tho furthermost nnlnt t r
zone, to tho furthermost point east or
west, away from the haunts of men and
far from tho maddlm, ,.rn,,1. vn nt
far from the tunddinir crowd, vou cannot
escape tho tiu can. It is ulways in your
path. Penetrate mountain fastnesses,
climb craggy heights, pull yourself up
wild canons, go where you uro suro tho
foot of man never trod before, and at
your feet you will find an empty tin can,
tho erstwhile receptacle of somo of Mr.
Armour's preparations, or somobody or
other's brand of condensed milk. Turn
into tho forest and seek the wildest spot
in its dim recesses, and when
you pauBo in boiuo jiootic llight
to catch your breath, your boot will
catch a lithograph covered cyclinder of
tin that was onco a can of corn. Thero
is no place on this earth that tho tin can
has not been. When tho predestined
discoverer of tho north iolo finally
reaches that cold and clammy piece of
perpendicularity it will bo strange
indeed if he does not llnd it capjwd with
un empty sardine can or a can, of some
kind. Tho tin can is a long way ahead
of tho man who paints signs on rocks.
It goes where the sign painter and other
angels fear to tread. It is said that
misery Is every where; but tho tiu can is
lodged In many places whero misery
hasn't even a calling acquaintance.
But, seriously, camping out is great
fun. It is more fun than shoveling coal
or carrying brick or any pastime like
that. The man who can't see any fun
In sleeping on the ground among thu
rocks and thu ants, or in making a water
carrying machine of himself, or in work
ing from early dawn to dowey eve, and
later, to attain that great desideratum,
a good time, or in cxsing his face and
hands to the sun until his own mother
has to havo a diagram to distinguish
him from a (Milled lobster, or in any of
the many camp recreations, has no idea
of what fun is, and he doesn't deserve to
be enlightened,
Peoplo who camp out, and fish and
hunt, alwujB observe one thing- that
some how or other it is invariably the
biggest fish that slips off tho hook just
as on are alxjut to laud him, or that
the game ou bring into camp is always
much smaller than that which you
went after and nearly caught. This is
a phenomenon that has never been
satisfactorily explained. And when
you slip on the rocks it is ulways tho
largest llsh that slide off tho string, and
when ou tell the story in camp, the
others alwas laugh. Strange conciden
ces. Cumpers have also observed a pecu
liarity about tents. There is u certain
diuw ing quality in a tent thut alwaj
asserts itself, If It rains all tho wator
in tho Immediate vicinity seems de
termined to llnd shelter under I ho tnnt.
and if thero aro files In tho neighbor
hood, they all insist on occupying tho
tent with you. liko tho entile and
chickens In tho Irishman's cottage.
But It Is run to go out and mlnglo
with tho idiosyncrasies of camp life, and
tho man who sticks to his couch at
homo and his threo regular meals dally,
when ho might bo communing with
nature and living on irlc and beans
and canned peaches and, sich and ad
miring the heavens and tho everlasting
hills with his shoes full of damp feet, is
lacking in a proper appreciation of tho
things which go to mako up a good
ItMliclit ll ullnml TlilnirNoiiinlliiirs Hut
Nut Alwii), You know,
A unique bedstead has boon con
Btruoted by a Bombay man who ovi
deutly had music In his soul. At its
corners aro four full-sized gaudily
dronsod Grecian damsels, thoso at tho
head holding banjos, while thoso on tho
right and left foot hold fans. Bonoath
the cot is a musical Ixix, which extends
thu whole length of tho cot, and is capa
ble of playing twelvo different charming
airs. Tho music begins tho momont the
least presauro is brought to Iwar from
tho top, which is created by ono sleeping
or sitting, and ceases tho momont tho
Individual rises. While the music Is in
progress tho lady banjoists at tho hoad
manipulate the strings with their fingers
ard move their heads, while tho two
Grecian damsels at tho bottom fan the
sleeper to sloop. There Is a button at
tho foot of tho cot which, aftor a little
pressure, brings alwut a cessation of the
music, if such be tho desire of tho occu
In the Atlantia Manthlu for Aunui
E nJ"1 ' " ,Dton ""
Winter Before ho War-a paper gir-
portant paper on "Washington the
7tZ"1ZZZ ,7?! i .u
of I'V.V"0 foel,n at that timo' who
ing his impressions of tho excited state
rebellion was alwut to burst into fiamo.
Charles Egbert Craddock's vividly told
Btory, "His Vanished Star,"iscontlnuod,
and thero is a clover short story by
Ellen Olnoy Kirk, entitled "A Strategic
Movement." Mrs. Alice Morso Earle.
whoso pictures of tiro revolutionary lifn
aro always entertaining reading, has u
paper called "A Boston School Girl in
1771," which will reward attention; and
tho Rev. George E. Ellis, president of
tho Massachusetts Historical society,
has an able paper on "Jonathan Belcher,
a Royal Governor of MasachuBetts,"'
Mrs. Olive Thorno Miller has a bird
paper entitled "Little Boy Blue," and
Edith M. Thomas sketches a quaint
character in hor story of "Tho Ogro of
Alowifo Cove." A second paisjr in tho
Corresondenco of Petrarch, and an in
teresting account of tho first principal
of Newnham college the grout English
institution for the collegiate training of
women with other papers, some re
views, and tho usual quota of good
jwetry, complete one of thuso well com
ttosed numbers which aro increasing tho
Iiopulurity of this sterling magazine.
Maupassant, says tho French writer's
eulogist, "kept uloot from leternry
coteries, and only wrote because ho had
to mako money, and not in tho least for
glory." Yet, says this same distin
guished author und friend, ho wbb very
sincerely devoted to his art. In fifteen
years he produced twenty volumes, and
it was perhaps as well that he did not
have tho oportunity to double this
number, as he undoubtedly would havo
done had he retained his mind and life.
"I have sometimes an anxious and
melancholy feeling," said tho speaker,
"In presence of tho bulky production of
our period. An accumulation of many
volumes is very heuvy luggage for glory,
and man's memory cares not to burden
itself with such u weight."
Ciniiiiiriiceiiirnt ut WrMt-ru NwrimiL,
The commencement exercises at the
Western Normal college will occur next
week, commencing tomorrow, Sunday,
with a baccalaureate sermon by Rv. I.
C. Moulton, of Red Oak, la. Tho
graduation exercises of the jk'H urt,
drawing, and normal commencement
clsscs will bo held Monday evening;
normal class, Tuesday eveuim.': mda.
gogic and kindergardeu clasm-s, Wed
ucbday evening; scientific classes, Thurst
day evening; classic class, Friday uvon
ing. Degrees will bo conferred Friduy
evening at which timo thu annual
alumni banquet will be given.
New ImiKirted Swiss Cheese. Miller
b & Gifford.groceis, opposite Burr block.
jiflfci. ,
.wtfAv'w JftifcL
r i-i-ik-'u ft-jah- '