W- ""ffwa WPStWv MaW.'.' "U b- 1 THB SATURDAY MORNING COUHIBR ryw .! -Ti t ' ' M t 1 1 1- V , ''' iPES Carnar I Oth and P ttrwarta. Arn now liiiwltic n lnw lino of In erery ilrimrtmrtit, DKE8S HOOKS, LINENS, UNDKHWKAlt, HOSIERY, KID OLOVE8 ami KIMIONH, A Specialty. Agents (or Buttorlek h Patterns. II. R. NlMMley X? Co Tlir Courier run Ho Kniimt nl Hotel Lincoln Noun Stand. Windsor Hotel NoWs Stand. Cupltul Hotel Ncwh Htanil. Bed Dude Clgur Store, 1(W0 0 St. Ed. Young, 1207 O St. Cluson, Fletcher & Co., 1120 O St. Moore's Nowb Stand, 118 So. 11th St. CnuuiKii Office, It'll O St. CiimIuo Clgnr Store, lilth and O StH. SUMMBR STYLB DUNLHP HBT JVOW II. XV. 1. DenniM ci Co. lm O Street. Not Ire. She undertlsnerf lirrehy rIvm not loo Mint it I nut to rtKniilbl( for or pay nny debt In curred by employe, oseriit IIhmo (or which an order It siren ierniinl)y tlsnod liv II, Thin rule u InuM-rntlro. Courier Vt'ii. Co. Lincoln, Nun., Mnp tut, INU. Whltebrcast Coul und Lhno Co. Bathing carta at Rector's Pharmacy. Lincoln Frame and Art Co., 225 South Eleventh. Althea toilet' preparatories at Rector's Pharmacy. Jeckcll Bros. Tailors, 110 north Thir teenth street. David P. Sims, dentist, rooms 42 and ,,43, Burr block. Try Club House coffee, none so good. Miller k Gl fiord. Imported and domestic toilet soaps at Rector's Pharmacy, Mrs, McFarland, professional nurse, 131 South Eleventh street. Sampson Bisters, artistic dressmaking, 1133 O street, over Dorsey's. Buffalo Flour, 11.00 per sack. Miller ft Glfford, grocers, opposite Burr block. An entire now lino of ladies card cases and pocket books at Rector's Pharmacy. Mrs. H. H. Demarest, Hair Dressing and Manicuring, rooms 101-102, 1518 0 street. A full lino of Imported SardineB and canned soups. Miller & Glfford, opposite Burr block. All orders via telephone 308 will reach W. A. Coffin fc Co. and recelvo prompt and careful attention. Full lino of artists' materials at Lin coin Frame and Art Company's, 220 South Eleventh street. No such line of canned fruits in the city as shown by W. A. Coffin & Co., 143 South Eleventh street. Mrs. H. H. Demarest, late of Chicago, hair dresser and manicurist, 1518 O street. Take elevator, rooms 101-102. For dances and outings there is no such music in Nebraska as that supplied py.tM eprawa. state orcnesira. Never order an invitation until you save seen the samples of the work done by the new Courier Publishing Co. Frames, frames, frames, of every de scription at Lincoln Frame and Art Company's, 230 South Eleventh street. Visit the Annex when you want a do licious meal, cleanly spread, well cooked and politely served. Call at 133 South Twelfth. For rates and open dates of the Ne braska state band or orchestra apply at the Courier office, 1134 O street, tele, phone 253. When you and your best girl tor a stroll always make a boo are out line for June ice cream pavilion and O streets. Tlit.tnontl, Latest novelties in- Spring Millinery, the finest in the city. Caldwell Sisters 208 South Eleventh street. Miss Bertha Snyder, stenographer and typewriter. Correspondence, law work, and all kinds of shorthand work promptly and neatly executed. 1134 O street. , Telephone 303, ' Miss Mabel Merrill, the well-known .'' 'artist, la again at her studio, room 3, Webster block, where she wUl be pleased to exeeute orders la pastel and oil paint- ing .Lessons giveft. , "( r The new Cowiw Publishing Co., 1134 !T O street, is mow ready to asost'torders ,( for til ktedsof iMMfaMingMrfeacraved ' work. Wedding Invitations, calling cards, etc., a specialty. Phone 953. P SUMMER IBS When you want prompt service and fair treatment and the selection from i ' , the largest stock of groceries in Lincoln ' V call on W A, Collin Co., successors to t, J; Miller, 143 South Eleventh street. ', . ,. Halter's market, okl reliable market, --r- mvnA to Thirteenth street, opposite Lansing theatre, is where ladies should t mall tr tkalp aiut nrlm. Tnlnnhnno MrV.Ji-" r;si :,.Tl rrJlr ortffsV vm No. 100 recede prompt at '" "At Browa's Royal Care ladies will now Sod large and airy dining hall on ttss'siasiiJ'.loor, where all kinds -of , , IstteWs; or rmm h 1 are elegantly served. Udks tttMM first door west of Cafe, Hst s)si 1 Mattel Vents) at rest. Mil CyrlliiR- h'ol.n. Omfihii hrooniH were out In force. 'I'lin nrlxii lint wiin tlllflmitifixllv tint Uncut yet offered at any louguu meet in iNcnruHKa. IV.- ... I..A .1... t I. .J t - ror once, in ipuhi, inn vjiiiiiiiii ooyn expressed themselves pleused with their reception in Lincoln, The "smoker" In tho evening, held nt the Grand hotel, wan thoroughly enjojed by one und all, The "push" was not noticeable. Twonly-llvo converts wore innilo to tho League of American Wheelmen; there being that ninny appllcatloni received at hcad(iiartorH. Our genial president, ,T. II. Howe, who has been up In Oniahu , for tho past month, eiiino down to lntlii malm thn meet tint huccohh It wan. Manager Hickey puts the total admin hIoiiii at 20,000, making it tho banner day (or Lincoln park, und to the wheel meet much credit Ih due. Mr. C L. Holcrson, chutrinan of meet committee, left (or Fort Scott Immedi ately after the raccH to attend tho Han nan iIIvIhIoii L. A. W. racea, which took placo there on the 5th hint. All old timers wore well plousod to boo L. E. Holton, of Omaha, win tho two mile L. A. W. cliuniplonshipof thestuto. Mr. Holton Ih a hard worker, a thorough gentleman, und Iiiih tho good will of nil in bin success. Ah an announce, Mr. E. K. Milmlno wiih an entire huccchh, although he had been under the weather for boiuo time. He managed to got hln voice out and give the good people an Idea what an announcer sounds like. Everything went off very satisfactorily, tho public especially being highly pleased with tho races; there wcro but few drawbacks, the luck of programs being tho only seriouH ono. This was caused by the crush of work and short time to do it in; they were In tho handH of tho printer, but fulled to materialise. Tho prettiest and most interesting race of tho program was tho live milo handicap with twcntv-ciirht starters. wherein A. L. Bunks, a 10-year-old boy. or JJcnverwith a lnu yard handicap, with ono spurt passed tho Held und cumo in tin easy winner, A. J. Sullivan, tho next youngest participant, with a 400 yard handicap, made a good showing, camping on tho scratch and u 50-yard crowd's trail very neatly; but that becamo monotonous, whereat ho forged ahead and endeavored to Hud un open ing, but they had tho track fenced too high for him, and this is what cost him tho race, bringing him in a good second. These youngsters are making tho "old ones" look well to their laurels not only here, but from all over tho country como reports of the remarkable work of tho "kids." A HkjrclUU DUeaie. Ono evil traceable to bicycling is tho continued stoop which has already de clared itself in many whoelmen, a result common in the less strongly built bicyc lists of tho Continent as to havo found its way into classification as tho "Kypho sis bicycliBtarum." Tho dorsal curvature posteriorly which used to bo rare in boya under 14 years of ago, is, now that tho bicycle is so largely used, very frequently met with, partic ularly among those young bicyclists whose spinal column is developing more rapidly than tho llgamonta and muscles and in whoso case, therefor tho equilib rium between those parts is more or leas disturbed. Were it merely an unsightly deformity tho stoop in question ought to bo com bated in every way; but confirmed dorsal curvature posteriorly has consequences of its own quito mischievous enough to call for immediate counteraction. Tho displacement, embarrassed functional activity, and arrested or diseased devel opment of these organs, which kyphosis inovitabiy induces, are all too serious to warrant tho slightest neglect in rocdjr-rrjvyjg UK I HUM. Exercise of a kind to accustom the spinal column to an action directly antagonistic to the inclination forward of tho bicyclist's attidudo is what is needed. The use of tho Indian clubs or such similar meana of incurvating thur spine anteriorly, throwing out the chest huu lumuiitimiiK uiu ucuu urcci, hduvwu. pe Practiced wan that owect. Alt' w&Lm How do'jmu account for thut? iraS :"IainLf! ! ;cu",?":ifrkson,witha IUUD UV lUlUIUVU, WIIUUUV UlUl UUIIIVU- tion of the stoop which tends to take u cubit from tho stature of its inveterate exponents and to imposo a hunchbacked developmenot on what it would then be a figure of speech to cull tho rising gen eration, 'Lancet. Lacroue Note. W.B. Walton of Lincoln acted rb referee in the Omaha-Kearney game. Bert Peach, tho Btar player of tho Toronto team, will start Monduy for Lincoln. Tho duto for tho Shamrock match hns not yet been fixed but will in nil pro bability occur about the end of July. J, Russell Brydon the contro player of the Lincoln's, has gono on an exten ded tour through the eastern Btutes. He, is accompanied by his wife. One of the nrettiest frames of lacrosse over witnessed in the west was played in rtearney on juiv between umana ami Kearney and resulted in favor of tho latter by two goals to one. 1 Tke'next championship match will bo played in Lincoln late in July and will be the moat exciting game that will be played thk year, The Lincoln boys aro working like Trojans and will all be in the pink of condition for the match. MISCELLANEOUS SPORT. Choymkl ve. litiiltniuoni. Choynski and Fitzsimmons havo been matched to fight before some club for a stake and purse of 115,000. Experts say this will be the greatest fight of tho century. Fitzsimmons has been beating all the middleweights 'easily, but this time he goes against a man who has traveled in tho heavyweight .class, who is perhaps the best general ja the ring save Mitchell, and whose gameness has never been questioned. Those who ought to know best say that this time Fits will have his hands full and that the Californlan will give him the battle of hia life. Just now it la not known where the .1 H 4 1 i f ' wiFi$nhr!w aVnft ill it i 1 1 1 1 V r &BBBBBWBBBBIBWSBBBBBBmBBBS0BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF M 1 BbW" m ill 11 I MISS MABEL ESMONDE O AH ILL. The lady tonnts chnmplon of America for two pear rt Is Miss Mabel Esmond i Cahllt. She cumo from England evernl yean ago ana won the American championship ta bhcut the firtt tournament aha entered, bhe belong to the New York.teaiia sUk. buttle will bo fought. It is not likely that the Roby club will glvo tho purse. Tho recent ntiulrs before this organiza tion havo been rank failures and it Is not likely that its managers will risk I tutting up tho big purso Fitz und 3hoynaki will demand. But wherever theso two como together tho fancy from ull points of the compass will gather to witness their meeting. Indeed thero nre many admirers of the gnmo of fisticuffs who would rather seo Choynski und FitzsimmonB como together than Mitchell and Corbott. They beliovo tho latter may prove a walkover for ono of tho contestants, but when Choynski und Fitz meet they feel sure it will bo a long and bitter ana well contested battle. I'rtn jMrkmin oil the Hltuiitlon. Peter Jackson is tho lion of tho hour in London, Just now. When usked by 11 reporter to give tho reason why Corbott preferred meeting Mitchell rather than him, ho had this to sny; "I cannot say that I can. Probubly ho had reasons of his own. Ah far us I urn concerned, however. I was always ready und willing to tight Jim Corbott for tho championship of tho world, und my manager, 'Purson' Duvics' vulnly endeavored to got on 11 mutch with 'Cor bott, but tho latter chose to givo tho preference to Mitchell, which was his privilege, no doubt, to decido as ho did." "Havo you any object Ions to giving your opinion as to tho probable winner of tho forth-coming. Corbott-Mitchcll fight?" "Yes, I havo; but I havo no objections to tolling you what I think of tho two men. Oorbett is unaucatlonably. .very clover and strong, and no has, moKpver, height and length of reach in his favor. Furthermore ho has defeated Rman who was looked upon us almost invincible, and it must bo admitted that, that is a freut thing in his favor. But remember, consider no man invincible. Then, again, as regards Mitchell, I find that as far as tho ring is concerned; everything ho bus over said ho would do ho has done, and dono it well, and whatever others may say of him I bclieyo no fnnier man over stepped into n ring. lo has grit 'did science also, and Cor bott will find him a hard man to do feat." "Will you fight tho winner of that match?" "I can't say anything until tho fight la over." An Incident occurred nt this juncture, which ia worth recording us showing tho estimation in which Jackson is hold by those with wbom ho comes in contract. T. H. Iamay, of White Star line, appro interviewed,' aaid: "I desiro to ached Jackson and, seeing that ho was stuteVimt during tho ontiro voyago Mr. JackBonwiis first favorite in tho smok ing room.'V Jackson acknowledged tho complimentary reference to himself by raising hisViat. Mr. Ismay eubao iucMv retorted and Bald, jokingly, to Pitwis,'4'Areyou uwuro that Binco wo Jift)Ym York, American securities hftWttllcn?" account for thutr said smile on hia face "Oh," said Mr. Ismay, "owing to tho fact that you havo brought such an amount of American gold with you to England." Peter then saw the joko und enjoyed it by luughing heartily. Maury l'rlxv for Pviiiiunt Winner. E. B. Tulcott, treasurer of tho Now York club is quoted as saying: "At tho fall meeting of tho National league and American association, I will introduce u meusuro to muko up a purso of 5,000 to bo contributed jointly by tho clubs of the National league and American ussociution, which shull bo divided us follows: 12,500 to tho playere'of tho first team at tho finish, 91,000 to tho players o( tho second team, and 81,000 to the third. There aro soverul mug nates who aro in sympathy with tho idea, and who will aid in pushing it through. Tho race is so close every year that possibly u single error und tho subsequent loss of a gamo may lose tho championship. This, however, does not muko tho second team much weaker than tho first, and it should receive nearlyas much credit. The players of tho leading teams aro always doing their level beat, and they should bo rewarded, A team that wins tho pennant, of course, comes in for general praiso and tho players becomo heroes. But I think they should receive a moro substantial reward for their work. Also the second and third teams, who havo undoubtedly done their best. It is with this in view that I propose to ask tho national league and tho American association clubs to offer a 15,000 purse. It may ,bo mot with disapproval, but thero is no harm in proposing tho schome." Derby Aftermath. "I mado him n rich man in two min utes and thirty-six seconds, and that ia all I got out of it." Thus said Garrison, who rodo Boundless in the Derby. Tho owner received $50,000. He gave Garri son 1,000, and Garrison is wroth bo cause It was not 15,000. What a mighty man your jockey is! The horse did nothing. It was the jockey. So tho jockey thinks. What tho horso thinkB it is impossible to ascertain. Tho rider is tho person of consequence in a horso nice. But what shall wo say of the trainer who though long days of labor und nights devoid of euso has developed tho best running and staving qualities thero aro in tho horso? Where does ho como inr Put Garrison's proposit ion in mother way. Ho admits that all tho work ho did was .in two minutes und thirty-sixseconds.' Is that luborentitlcd to a compensation of 81,003? Thero aro men who work two years instead of two minutes and thirty-six seconds und their compensation is not 81.0C0. Let it bo admitted that tho jockey rodo with skill. But is skilled luhorof this kind worth 8500 u minute, much less than 82,500 11 minute that Garrison thinks is its real vuluo? If thero had been no weary wuit ing at tho post Boundless might not huyo been tho winner, ih which event though Mr. Garrison exerted his skill to tho utmost what would his compensa tion bo? If the young man wants moro money lot him look to tho bookmakers. Their combined winnings because of Mr. Garrison's alleged skill is fur in excess of tho winnings of tho owner of Bound less. Mountain Rose Pino Apple is better and cheaper' than any other in tho mar ket. Miller & Glfford. Kindly Meant. Mr. Macmonnlea (an old friend) Well, look here, old man, I'll tell you what really brought me here today. Tho fact U, my wife wants her mother painted very badly, and I naturally thought of you I Punch. Plane For the Tatare. "My daughter now attends the girls' college. It is so difficult to find husbands now that we have concluded to let her study law." "And your eonf " "Oh I he declares that no girl is proficient in cookery nowadays, and epicuro that ha is he has decided to qualify as a profes sional cookl" Deutacho Wespen. t Ho Old Gentleman (at hia daughter's wed ding) My dear, I don't see how I am to get along without you. Bride-Ob, that'll be all right, pa. Since the ceremony was performed my husband has confessed that be haan't enough saved to go Into housekeeping, ao you won't lose roe after all. Tit-Bits. Got It Mixed. 'Elderly Gent I thought I told you I wanted a boy. to go along and grub my hookr Boatman Didn't he do Itf Elderly Gent No. Instead of grubbing my hook he hooked my grub. Truth. Dark Omen. They were speaking of superstitions, and Mrs. Ulx said. "What is It a slim of to have the family cat howl outside at night? " "Of a death in the family if the man is 'a good shot," replied Mr. Dix emphatically. -Frank Leslie's Weekly. The Kind That Counts. Jaxon (dejectedly) Is your wife a dress reformer toof Paxson You bet she isl Only today she told me she was reforming some of her old gowna for the girls. Detroit Tribune. The Wrong Place. He Do you know, darling, I have never kissed any one before? . She Well, this is no kindergarten. Life. To Fair Deserter. When in the autumn day long fled I talked of love to you, You did not turn away your head Aa sometime now yon do. And when ray klwet pretted your lips, Around my neck you'd twine Your arms. Dut now your finger tips Are all I claim aa mine. Ob, can it be that love grow a cold As ) ou Brow older, dear, And that the atory now I old That was so new but ear? Not H'anotthl. Tit other men That claim you now the more, For yoa were twenty-seven then, Bat sow you're twenty-four. Trni i M KM B Apropos rf Willard's production of "The Profecsor's Love Story," now run ning In Chicago, El wjn A. Uarron tays in th Inter Ocean: "Wo think it is one of tho most pitiable things conceiv able in dramatic art thut tho fame of thut rxqtiisito comedian, Joseph Jeffer son, should be passed down to jMwtority sustained by the rags and patches o'f that wretched travesty of comedy, "Rip Van Winkle." Notwithstanding tho (net thut he plays other, hotter, und moro difficult parts with consummate skill und Indescribable charm, the public has been taught to think of Mr. Jeffer sen as the incarnation of tho vngalond vulgarized by Mr. Bottcicatilt from Washington Jrviug'H dreamy legend. Tho high )Hwition in dramatic art is defined not by 11 single star but by a constellation, and Ih achieved not by tho ideal acting of ono part but by tho ex cellent interpretation of tunny; und the actor determined to occupy tho piunaclo towurd which his ambition guides him must mount, not vault, to tho eminence. Tho nctor must keep the public itwtiru all tho time that he is capable, and that he cannot do by holding too long to one stj lo of performonce. Thero is so much proof of this In the uunulsof tho modern stage. Some of us remember what won derful thingB wero tiredictcd of Frank Mayo when It was thought he wus tho best young romantic actor on tho stnge, und when ho wus reckoned heir pre sumptive to thn Shukespeureun estate. It was said one time that ho bado fuir to become tho Hamlet of tho American stage, und soverul of his interpretations of Shakespearean character wero prnined in utmost extravagant terms. But in an evil hoik that idyll of autumn leuvcs and mosses and sylvan haunts und wolves, "Davy Crockett," fell into hia hands und tho future of Mr. Mayo was trunstlgured in a coonskin cup and a pair of buckskin leggings. Ho was never nblo to disenchunttho public with Davy Crockett sufficiently to enthrall them with Hamlet or any othor noblo of the drama. Thero is nut tho shadow of doubt that ho was u fine uctor in tho clussic roles, and it is moro than prob nblo that ho would havo mudo high reputation and enduring fnmo had lie continued to net them, nor been betrayed by tho siren voice of tho success that at tended his presentation of "Davy Croc kett." It wus impossible to vault from tho uncouth mannerisms of the ignorant backwoodsman to tho polished graces and scholurly melancholy of tho l'rinco of Denmark; und, if ho is anxious for the. future, wo hope Mr. Willard will not bo beguiled by tho populurity of "Tho Professor's Lovo Story," which, wo re peat, should be his pastime, not his de pendence, babble tho box office us it muy." It in nntri thut.Tnnioa A. Hnllitvlinomir. chased tho interest of thn P. T. Ttnmiim estate in tho Burnum circus, for 8750,000. Mrs. W. J. Flornnco will rntirn frnm tho atugo permanently. Eugene Cowles this week leaves tho iiostonians, going to Ituly for a yea which ho 'will spend in improving hi our s voice. "A Trip to Chinatown," in Now York, has reached its GOSth performunce. Tho Bostonluns have cleared 8140,000 on Robin Hood. At the Turk. It's nn ill wind thut blows nobody good. Many people huvo been disused to complain of tho heat in tho lust few days, but Munuger Hotchkiss und tho proprietors of Burlington Bcuch have beon jtositively beaming. How tho peo ple huvo crowded tho beach theso hot afternoons and evenings! And invuriubiy relief has been found in tho refreshing water of tho luko or tho cooling breezes. On an extremely hot night tho visitor to Burlington Beuch ia apt to appreciate tho manifold advantages of this resort. It is ulwnya cool at tho lako, and thero uro so muny pleusunt kinds of umusc ment. Bathing is always populur, nnd tho bench is now in bettcrtonuition than over. 'Most everylxxly wLo visits tho luko goes Bulling. Everybody can sail a boat, und the siort ; highlynjoyod. ' if Nearly 20.0CO .pulifi'o isfill Lincoln jMirk on the Fourth bf J'5''' It wus tho biggest duy-in tho hwiory ui this resort. Tho array of attractions was imposing, und ovorylnxly went away well pleased. C. J. Kilpuirick, tho one-legged trick bi cycle rider, has given exhibitions of fancy riding vvery afternoon this week. His rido down tho stairway is really remark able, His engagement will closo Sunduy ufernoon when a special exhibition will bo given. Munuger Hickoy has just closed with tho Ideal operu' company, numbering St people, for un extended en gagcmcnt,'commcncIng early in tho com ing week. This company is one of tho strongest summer opera companies on tho roud including u numlxr of really talented people. A largo repertoire of popular operas will be presented. This will undoubtedly bo tho banner Bummer attraction of the season. Cushman tuirkwffi thronged lust Sun day und again on tho Fourth of July. Tomorrow, Sunday, there will bo another monster jnicnic under tho auspices of tho Uormaniu societies. Some Bpecial irrntngenrents have been made for this weeks picnic, and tho indications point to u very lurge and enjoyable gathering tomorrow. As usual trains will bo run ut frequent in tervals during tho ufternoon una evening from tho Burlington depot. The time tuble is given elsewhere, nowhero in mrx. The only -Pure Cream of Tartar Powder, No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard tho vicinity of Lincoln Is thero a pleaoanter place than Cushman park. Thero is an ubundanco of shade, plenty of good water, with ntnplq facilities for rowing, etc., etc., and thero aro dancing pavilions and refreshment halls con veniently located. Thero will lo plenty of good music tomorrow and u specially arranged program. Mr. Andrtm ussurcfl tho public thut every visitor will Iw cor dially welcomed. Tho Germunia picnic will bo ono of tho greatest picnics of tho season. Hood's Pills euro all liver ills. 23c. Sent by mail on receipt of jtrico by C. I. Hood t Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Muss. - 1 1 1 Au Oyiter Stew. A well ilnijed nnd prosperous looking cltlr.cn entered a well known oyster saloon not far from Sixth and Chestnut streets and culled for "a stew, rich and well done, nnd," ho added, ''don't make the dish too full." When the stow was" placed before him, ho procredid to suuson It. First be shook a salt castor over tho milky soup about a dozen times; then ho gave a red pepper bottle an equal number of dashes. This ho followed by liberal qualities of vin egar, sherry wine, Worcestershire sauce, catchup nnd several dlppcrfuls of horso radish, lie next broke up one dorcn water crackers Into the stow and mixed the whole business up into 11 sort of mush. Having thoroughly stirred it together, ho looked around nt tho astonished observers and snld in a loud voice: "1'vo often won dered why they put all theso things in front of a fellow when ho calls for oysters. I've now Riven tho thing n trial. I wanted to t co what a stew would look Ilka with all of 'cm in It. Thin will cost me a quarter, nnd I'll givo ft to anybody that'll eat tho mess." Nobody volunteered to earn tho dollar, and tho man, after emptying partof a glass of Ico water into tho conglomeration, walk ed up to tho cashier's desk, paid his bill and marched out. "Well," said tho wait er ai ho removed tho dlsb,'"if thero ain't somo of the blamedcst cranks in this world, I'll bo blowed." Philadelphia Record. Itcaiorae. As they reclined beneath the grateful shado of tho veranda their conversation turned to various topics. They were real nice girls apparently, 'and their ruddy checks told eloquently thestory of graham bread and dress reform. ''Really" It was she in the shirt waist with crooked stripes who was speaking. "I feel ashamed that I don't know more. I haven't" There was a cloud of regret in her eyes. "mode tho most of my opportunities." A sigh deep enough to extend at least to tho top of her shoulder blade escaped her. . Tho" Tho girl with tho four roses on ber hat was a bit impatient. "ideal" "Yes," persisted the other, "I meanwhat I say. I had a switchboard in a telephone exchango for nearly n year, and I can't truthfully say that I learned halt as many things as I might had I applied myself." A katydid broke forth in a tumultuous, joyful strain at that moment, nnd tho con versation came to an end. Detroit Tribune. A Choice. One of the talents of the restaurant watt er, according to the humorous paragraph era, is fertility of resource. The story of tho waiter who told the smart young man who ordered elephant on toast that be must pay in advance is timo honored. From France comes another story of a waiter's ingenuity. A patron ordered a filet saute. He was told that tho cook was out of fllot saute. Then be ordered chicken. That, too, was out. "Why," he asked tho waiter, "does the bill of faro offer a choice of three dishes?" After n moment's reflection the waiter earnestly replied: "You sec, sir, it is the proprietor who takes his choice." Youth's Companion. A Sad RetulnUccnce. Stranger I should like to view the inte rior of this church. Guide Then I will wait here till you come out again. Something happened to me there three years ago that has left a painful impression on my mind. Stranger Ab, then I won't hurt your feelings. But what wus it? Do you mind telling me? Guide Not at all. Tho fact is, I was married in this very church three years ago. Humorlstlsche Blatter. A New Name. In the public schools there are many pu pils to whom furnace heated buildings are a novelty, and the word "register" seems too much for them to remember. Not in frequently it is called "the refrigerator," but a New England youngster here in school has capped the climax by asking, "Please, may I sit on the janitor?" New York Tribune. ' A nit of Romance. "May I kiss your hand?" said he, "You may not," said she. "Why not?" he pleaded. "Because ah hands aro not made to be kissed:' Then he looked higher and kissed her in the right place. Truth. "A Long Story llolteit Down." -Life, p4 " wik PRICE'S "4 X . -'' - .jfv'K , , ir . .' . -ft A rox