Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, July 08, 1893, Image 5

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fine FlrriNa foot weak
., o Tin:
, . WbRLU'8 PAIR.
Y(ii: will MUhvh find n jjrcut lino to
Rcli'i from ftt our ntnro. All tho very
I iitex hIiaih'I and desiRus In tho numt
eotn.oithbhj kml ciinU'Ht tltttug. Tiuis hi
Oxfo&d, Onlttrs, mill MueherH itml nil
the other mtbhy elfeotH.
10l:i O. street.
Kynitml K.irMiirwon. ,
V : W. L. Dayton, ouullnt ami aurlHt,
No. '.XVI O Btrout, Utmnln, Xeli.
lluw'i. Thlt
Wo offer P100 reword for unv caso or
Catarrh that cannot ho cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cun'. ' .
V, .7. CHENEY ,1 CO., 1'ropH., Toh-tlo, O.
Wo tho umli'ntfcm'ri httvo known F. .1.
Cluvvvfor tho Inst 15 yews, anil ho
liov lilin perfectly honorablo in all
him OKHtruiiHuctloiitUintl llniineltilly alilo
to ( irry out any obligation miido by
their linn.
Wixt fc Tiiuax, Wliolewilo Driifrulntp,
Toledo. O. Wamhno, Ki.n.nan A M.ut
vt, Whohwilo DhiKKiHtd Toledo, O.
'ill'a Catarrh Cumin taken internally,
i i ur directly upon the blood and
i iuh Mtrfiiccn of the. nyHtciu. Prloo
rer bottle. Sold by nil dni(nlstK.
'- y i .lonialH free.
Clu'lip ltlltr.
1 t, one way 6 12.50
1 r, round trlpr 1M.O0
C go, ouo way HUH)
C'u i'o, round trip , 10.70
St. fjouifl, ono way , 10.05
St. Loulfl, round trij 13.10
' Kor full part iuulaiH call at Union Pa
cific ofllco, 1011 OHtreot.
T. T. Makti.v, E. H. Suhko.v,
City Tickot Agt. Oon. Aj;t.
Itooinn III Clili'iico.
Elegant rooms for World's Tair vinitors
right lit World'H fair urounds. Prices
reasonable. Mas. E. 11. Aimtmh.-t,
(5017 Sheridan ave.,
tf Chicago.
Tiiurlnln Tlt-kcN lo Colorado,
Tho Union Pacillc railway will now
Bell round trip tickets to Denver, Colo
rado Springs, Manitou and Pueblo at
tho low rate of 621.15 good returning
until October ,'Ust. Stojiovcrs allowed
between Puoblo nnd Chevenno. For
full particulars call or address City
Ticket olllce, 1014 O streot.
J. T. Maktin, E. 11. Si.osson,
City Ticket Agent, Gen. Agent.
Cliattfl MorlKiij; N:ilt.
Notloo H lieroliy Klrnu Hint by vlitno of a
rhuttol iniirtKiiun dated tlio lltli day, of July,
1M, mill duo tho 11th ilny of October. tMU, mid
duly tlh-it in tliu elllru of t tin county clerk of
Lniiciititpr count', Nnlir., tho lltli day of July,
INC. mill executed by (leo. Ilotliiim to I.ouIh
I'okkii to peciiru tlio payment of tho xutu of
Thirty-live Doll urn, mill upon which there in
now dun the um of tlilrty-llvn dolliirn mid In
terest ut II) per cent. Default ImviiiK been
miiilo in tliu payment of tlio said mini mid
now unit or other procoedliiKH nt Inw liavini;
Imtii Instituted to recover Kiild debt, therefore 1
will Hell tlio property therein described, viz:
iinobluck inaromiilu about 8 jours old, wcltfht
nbout NM pound; ono blncK horse niiilo II
yearn old mid weight nbout lit) pound.', nt puln
lie nurtioii to tlio blithest bidder for ciihIi, snhi
to tnko plnco nt. the corner of Ninth nnd H
HtreetH, Lincoln, Ni-br., commencing nt II)
o'clock p. m. on July loth, 1MH.
' Louih I'oska.
Dated Lincoln, Nub., Juno IS, 1SKI. -Js-lt.
In tlio District Court of Ltmcastor county,
Intlio mnttcr of the application of Kmmit
Wltte, administratrix of tlio citato of John .
Wltte deceased.
Thlscnuse cmnnon for hearing upon tint pe
tition of 1:11111111 Wltte. ailinlnistralrlx of tlio
eslulo of John H. Wltte deceased, praying for a
license to sell lot KCMn the vIUiiko of DeWllt,
Hallne county, Nobr., for tlio piisment of ilubtH
nllowedaitainst said estato mid for tlio costs of
ndmlnlstratlon, there not ImiIiik HUtllcient per
sonal property to pay said debts mid exp-nses.
' It l therefor ordereil that nil persons inter
ested In raid estate appear before mo on tho
'iTith day of July, l.H'.U, ut III o'clock n. in., or as
oon thereafter an council can bo hoard to show
cause why a license should not bo Krnuttxl to
alil administratrix to sell the nlxivo described
real estate of the deceased, as shall bo neces
sary to pay said debts and expenses.
Dated this l'Jtb day of Juno, IH'.a
('itAH. L. Ham.,
JuiIko of tho District Court.
Excursions from till points. Grand
treat for tho weary. Grand performance
tight rnpo, gyninnstics and othor at
tractions. Special trains via tlurlington depot at
1:00, 2;.T0, ,1:.') and 5:00 p. in. Returning
1;.T0,:$:00, 4:00, 0:00 and 8;M p. in.
rnrr Tiiltlonl Fall term, In soven dltlerent
iflLL courses. Only hUh Krade iudopondont
Normal in tho 8tnto. Tho I'lnost ltulldlns,
KiulpmentH. nnd Ablest Normal Faculty. No
xiK'rlment, but mi established management, 40
courses, !U teachers mid lecturers. A live school
for tho masses. Writ j for catalotjue.
E. It. SIZKlt, Hsr. Lincoln, Nob.
I'ntuiihlots de-icrlbln tlio
resources of
May Ihi had by ndilriHilnv (l.T. NlchoU
V. & T.' A., A. T. A H. K. K. Il Tnpokn, K
son, fi.
Muuiiou mm paper.
mi Illustrat
ed folder do
ncrlbliiK tho
f it nun,
mini's nnd towns of Now Mexico
Tho prolltH
of fruit riiisitiK uro niit forth in detail: also facts
relative to sheen, cattle mid Kotiorul farming.
No other country possi'soi such n delrable
cllmato nil tho around. Write to K. L.
Palmer, 1'. A, Suntu l'e Kouto, Onialm, Nob.,
for frro copy,
hi n.
th Accomaiodatlnf Hoarditr.
Th j bonnier '.run grtttnpy tlmt morning,
nd thelnni!lily was doing tlio In-ot tttio
"Hah," ho excUlmcd, "thU coffco Is mis.
ernble. It's tho weakest tit(T I over hint."
"Well, Mr. reeiler," ho Mid tvpnuich
fully, "you shouldn't jump on It ro if It is
too weak to tlefoUtl Itself. You mIiouM at
li'ftt Mlect Kotucthlng of rmml HtretiKtl)
with yottrsclf."
"I will," ho gmwlrd. "I'll do mow. I'll
tnko Bomcthlng tn)iiger than . myself.
Whcro In tliundtr did yon net tills but
lor?" And tho gentle Inndliuly burst luto
Icnrs. Detroit l'rco Press.
Tho Nenllcii UiipkIIdii.
nilly Mackintosh hooka like rnlu,
doesn't lt
Tommy C'overcote Yau. Fact Is, It Is
rain, don't ye know. Wlmtclier think It
Wnj, cull'ee? Harper's Weekly.
Ill friend.
Dr. Iildile'l's morning levees wcro crowd
nl iwyonil tlrscrlptlon. It was his pride and
boast thnt ho could feel Ills patient's puWe;
look at his tongue, nound him with a stetho
scope, write his prescription and pocket his
fco In a spneo of tltuu varying fiom two to
Ave minutes.
One day an nrmy man was shown into the
consulting room nnd underwent what
nillit be called tlio lustntitaueotis process.
When It was completed, the patient hhook
hands with the doctor and wild:
"1 am especially (bid to meet you, as I
hnvn often heard my father, Colonel Fores
ter, speak of his old friend, Dr. Llddell."
"What!" exclalnvjd thu doctor. "Atjjyon
Dick Forester's nonf"
"Most certainly I am."
"My dear fellow," exclalmtd the doctor,
"fling that prescription Into the flrontid
sit down and tell me what's tlio mailer with
you." Yankeo
Not So llnil.
Tho manner In which tho 1)1 no sash was
adjusted about her slender waist confessed
her nt once the. recent graduate of somo
leading Institution of female learning.
The confession was corroborated by tho
faraway look In her eyes.
"And ho"
It was n man with n largo red neck nnd
an aspect of IndllTereucu to the stringency
in thu money market who addressed her.
"my littlu irl didn't take ilrst hon
ors." Slio tossed her head.
"Well I should say"
Sbo was decidedly impatient.
"not. I ain't qulto so homely ns nil
that. Third placo is bad enough. Huh."
And tho girl glanced daggers. Detroit
A Common Word.
"Did you ever notice," said Hicks, "how
men and women get hold of some slnglo
word which they uso on every possible oc
casion?" "I don't know that I've noticed it," ob
served Parker.
"1 have," put in littlu Johnny Hicks.
"Pa nnd ma huvu ouo they're using nil day
"What word .stunt?" asked Parker, with
a smile,
"Don't," said Johnny. Truth.
All Spoiled.
Mrs. Tittle Did you hnve a good time at
tho sewing circle this afternoon?
Mrs. Tattle No, u miserable time. It was
awfully dull.
Mrs. Tlttlo Wasn't anything said nbout
how Mrs. Blazer has been currying on?
Mrs. Tattle No. She was mean enough
to be there horself, and of courso thu pleas
ure wo had all looked forwurd to was
spoiled. Strange how people can ba so
elDsh. Iloston Transcript.
An Ilnneit Wooer.
The Heiress Why do you wish to marry
The Impocuuious You wish mo to an
twerhouestly? Tho H.-Ycs.
Tho I, Without concealment or prevari
cation? Tho H.-Yes.
The I, Because I want you to be my
wife Now York Press.
He Mud.
"Havo you overtaken any pains to collect
this billngnlnst old Meddergrass?" Inquired
the head of the firm.
"Pains?" exclaimed tbo bill collector.
"Pains, did you cay? Great Scottt I have
climbed a dozen barbed wire fences, been
chased by a bulldog and picked half a pint
of bird shot o'ut of my legs. By George, sir,
I have!" Chicago Tribune.
MlMrlc of Managers.
Stage Manager GrtvU snakes!
Don't move that scene, vet.
Stipe It's roost tlcue.
Stage Manager -Don'; touch It. Juliet
Is there dead in the tomb. If you move
that canvas, It will let in a draft, and she'll
sneeze. Texas Sittings.
Must Have Been.
"How do you know that this Is tho same
blind man you helped before? This may bo
an old fraud."
"John, how perfectly heartless and sus
picious you men all nro. Didn't you notice
ho knew me half a block away?" Chicago
Inter Ocean.
Mythological Information.
"Who was AJax?" said tho teacher to a
"Ho was a capitalist," replied one.
"How. do you make that out?"
"Ho defie'l tho lhtnlug to strike."
Brooklyn Life.
Magistrate (to prisoner) Havo you any
remarks to mako?
Prisoner (a barber) Yes, your worship.
Your bulr wants cutting.
Magistrate Sodocs yours. Three monthsl
Wbero llq llml Clone.
"Where Is tho mail who keeps this res
taurant?" said tho disgusted patron,
"He's gone out to luuoh," replied the
cashier. Truth.
A Mystery,
A fat man with n brown soft hat watked
brNklylnton Main street restaurant ana
took a seat ut tho lunch counter. Tho man
who wn presiding over tho section of the
counter nt which lie sat ambled over to him
mid said, "Well?"
"Well?" repeated the fat man.
"Watcher want?" nkml tho waiter.
"Gimme a piece of npplo plo and a glass
If milk."
"Hain't got any npnlo pie, sir."
"What kind of plo have you got?"
"Cocimnut plo and lemon pie, bIt."
"flltnma a piece of lemon pie."
Tho waiter went away and returned with
a slub of il.irk brown pastry and a glass of
light bluu milk. Tho fat man sawed off a
piece of tho plo and transferred It to his
mouth. A pained look enmo over his face,
hut he gulped tho pti) down and beckoned
to the waiter. "What kind of plolsthnt?"
ho asked,
"Whnt Kind did you order, sir?" nskod
tho waiter.
"Lemon plr."
"Well, sir, that must hi lemon pie, then."
. "iitit it nltrt lemon pij."
I "Ain't lemon pie, Mr?"
"Not by n darn sight."
sure it-nui i teuton pie, sirr
"Of courso I'm sure."
"That's funny, sir." '
"Nothing funny about It. What kind of
plo Is It?"
Tho waiter leaned over tho counter nnd
said In a hoarso whisper, "Confidentially,
sir, I havo I ried to work tjiat plo off for tip
plo, pineapple, pieplant, peach and prune.
rand it didn't go, and If It uln't lemon I'm
darned If I know what It Im." HufTnlo Im
press. I
A Noir Ilnmlot.
Thonummer girl had flul.ihed her sched
ule for tho campaign nmluntdowu to think,.
Sho was looking iillttlollko Marlim among
the ruins when her di'arcst.frlend camo In,
"What's tho tnntter?" was tho quick In
quiry. "I'vo Just completed my want lint for tk-e
summer," sho replied, handing It to her.
"Gracious me," exclaimed thu other girl,
looking It over, "this ought not to mnko
you sr.d. Hero's gowns nnd gowns, and
bonnets nr.d hats, and Jackets m:d waists,
and shurs snd slippers, mid parasols and
fans, and gloves and hundreds of things
that are too lovely for any use."
Thu fair po-tscssorof it all sighed pro
foundly. "Yes," sho said, "It U all Just llkothe
play of 'Hamlet' with Hr.mltt left out."
"How do you mean?" mid tho big eyes
opened Xrondcrlngly.
"Wkcro'ntho man?" sighed tho Ilrst girl
again, nnd there was no answer. Detroit
Free Press.
Two Irl.b Hulls.
Two prlmu Irish bulls wcro recently found
among tho uiitograph letters of Sir Philip
Francis. This is tlio Ilrst: Somo ladles
I went to tho Irish house of commons to hear
a particular debate, whlcli happened to bo
put oil till next day. Sir Boyle Uocho said:
"Indeed, ladies, I am very sorry for your
disappointment, but why didn't you emtio
tomorrow?" Tho second is qulto apropos
of recent Incidents In tho Imperial parlia
ment. Tho hntisu being ouo day remark
ably quiet mid silent. Sir Doyle got up nnd
said: "Mr. Speakerl I spake, to order an
honorablo gentleman, who always sits be
hind mo, is perpetually laughing in my
face; I move that before ho laughs at me
any more he will bo pleased to tell me
what bo Is laughing at!" Pall MallGa
ictto. A Natural Huppntlllou.
Detective And which of your employees
do you suspect of taking the money?
Business Mnn (thoughtfully) Well,
there's the bookkeeper, ho has n new suit of
clothes every week; the c.nblcr drives n
better hnrso than I can afford; the pur
chasing agent wears four big diamonds;
one of our clerks ban a wife who goes In
society so I guess you had better accuse
that miserable ragamuflin of a prlvato sec
retary. Nobody has seen him havo nny
thing new In two years, and it's pretty near
a certainty that bo's playing tho races.
Detroit Tribune.
He Do you know that these things you
think so trivial these engagements are
capablo of breaking n man's heart?
She-Why, ccrtolnly. That's about all
tho fun there is la them, Truth.
Up III Harlem.
Dudely Canesuckcr I met your charm.
ing daughter at a masquerade ball some
months ago, nnd I havo been hunting for
her ever since. At last I havo found out
where she lives. I lova her better than life
Itself. Without her llfo bus no charms for
mo. Can I see her?
Mrs. Mulligan Naw. Today is washday.
Toxus Sittings.
Would I'rabnbljr Do Just as Well.
"Huvoyougot any Gretna greens?" in
quired tho facetious customer with the
basket on his arm.
"No, sir," answered the grocer. "Near
est I can come to 'em Is parlor matches.
Anybody waiting on you, ma'am?" Chi
cago Tribune.
A Much Traveled Mnn.
Brlggs That fellow over thero Is ono of
the greatest travelers of modern times.
Griggs Whero has ho been? Around the
Briggs-Ob, no. Ho 1ms boen around the
World's fair. Clothier and Furnisher.
The Accommodating Lightning.
"Ilumphl" said ths lightning ns he
flashed through thesklci. "What's that
sign on that country bouse?" (Heads,)
"To rent. Ah! I'll take the hint."
And he did so. Kxchnnge.
Anothor i:iitn:i:;leiituiit.
First Fly Will you mnrry me?
Second Fly Alas! I cannot. I am stuok
on this jmper. Truth.
I wWfr
II Zlit at I'd i. tliu
9 to 12 A.M.
77iis chiiinih. will (ulmlt lo
CltAIMlK, uny mrl or woitiif ft
amnriutu moviinm, ( w, jivm v to vj weiotK.
rulril with vHt'tn of trunk twin
ti'i'ces ilrmfsor miiA's, M triifs for iHttliiimnnih, A'o clnuyc
iriiicrcr on briny our otcii unit,
Every Venn Ho
Wanted a Tape-
"When 1 cniiiu last Monday," said the
and faced man to thu widow whom ho had
tviciicd from thu barlied wlru fence at Da
ker's bench, "you mivu mo Co."
"l'nisuro ion deserved h," replied tho
widow, "and-and jou luivtt my fftiitltuilo."
"Vou said you bl.ed my appeuraneo fair
"Yes after oii had got Used up In poor
uusimtitrs clothing i uiii." ,
'Hul I wcllr poor liurb.iid , clothing no
longer. These gartnmtH tiro my own. You
said, nsui! talked of our oast Individual
experiences, that If I could ileinonstratothu
basinet's ability of which I spnko you might
take mo as u tiarttier In your little home."
"Yen, but I I would 1 wouldn't want
to rn'in harsh or unkind .if you haven't
been fully able to sticeeed. Perhaps you
"You said you own this little place and
an improved ranch In Oakland."
"And so 1 do a ranch that two might
llvoon comfortably."
"And yoiiutld you tired iicmupanlon who
Is nblo to manage a ranch and collect a rent
from this place."
"Yes, I think ho yet. If Iknuwninnti
that would be good and kind, perhaps I
could get along myself with the finances."
"I belluvo I am oiigavoiuo
15 on Monday."
"So I did." '
"On Tuesday I had doubled It and mads
fll more. I doubled that whole amount tin
"Can It be poslblo that you havo gam-,
bled?" cried thu widow will) n Ilrst Indlca-1
Hon of despair. t
"Thoughtless womnnl Could n matt win
twice in one week?" i
Thu meaning of the widow's sigh might
hnve been a problem furthowid faced mnn
If he not noticed that response, but just
then he was busy with the account of his
"On Thursday morning," us tho stnto
ment continued, "I had &.1 less f.'.W that 1
hud paid out for living expenses. It was
tho most money I hud owned In eight
years; It was tho first start I could get."
"Goon," exclaimed tho widow expect
ancy, nnd yet fearing to hoar of llual
"I-nmile 18 over and above expenses on
Thursday and lived at a hotel. I tell you
It seemed good to bo myself onco more."
"Poor manl" The widow almost wept In
"That was $11. SO. The next evening.
Friday, I counted up WJ.1.. Saturday ;
morning I bought this suit at a bargain
for 115.50. Your former' husband's apparel i
I stowed in a secret placu where I used to .
sleep, as I chanced to bo near there soon
afterward, hut I will bring them back to
morrow." "Don't mind about, thnt," snld tho widow.
"Saturday was tho !cst day of all. I
made a clear gain of $.'11,110. I kept n little
chango for ordinary use, and tho rest 1 put
in Isink until Monday. There's tho book
with 70 to my credit."
"All that from the money I paid you?"
Asked the astonished widow,
"Evury dollar of It," quietly tho sail faced
mnn nfllnued.
"Then you have proved all you said, nnd
1 am sure but first tell mo how you earned
so much,"
"I'vo been peddling tupclines. With
every tupeline I gave complete directions
how measurements should be taken by
thoso who wanted to compete in tho Venus
contest. I'vo run out of tupellncsuow, but
I havo ordered COO grossof them to bo made
right away." Sau Francisco Kxamlner.
Ill Wonder.
Very many stories nro told of tho 40-hoss
talking power of Senator Blackburn of
Kentucky, and most of them have some
foundation in fact, for the senator's best .
friends will admit, when cornered, thnt Joe
Blackburn Is a talker from Talkvllle.
However, It ia interesting talk, and there
fore ho Is excusable. Coming east In aC.
& O. sleeper not long ago tho senator made
tho acquaintance of u bright small boy,
which later led to on acquaintance with tho
yottter's father antl mother. Tho seuu
tor wax sitting with them chatting along
in his boot style, nnd tho boy frequently in
terruptedYdm. Finally tho mother put her
hand on lit): son's shoulder.
I "Littlo boys," sho said reprovingly, "are
to no seen, not lieartl."
That quoted him for n time, but later '
the mother had to tell him tho sanio thing
fVjitin. He quieted down for a half hour
longer, and nt tho Ilrst break In tho sen-1
ator's talk he looked upnt him Inquiringly.
"What Is It?" nsked tho senator. i
"I was wondering," replied the kid, "If
you was ever a little boy like mo, how you I
outgrowed It so." I
The senator looked at tho mother, the
mother looked nt the senator, they both
looked at tho father, and then cvcrylxxly
laughed and tho kid was given a chance.
Detroit Free Press.
1Mb U"t
"Oh, Algernon" sho exclaimed, with n
trim blue enthusiasm of a Boston lrl,
"don't you think tl.o greatest joy in llfo Is
the pursuit of thu good, the trtto and the
I "Well, rather," returned Algernon.
I "That's why I'm hero tonlght."-Qulps.
I I'lin-ly mi Ai-rlili-ut.
I Wool How do Mm stiiiiiovi Oiuk'ii I.llln.
, okalanl got her st range name? ,
, Yt'.n Pelt llorinotiicrtnayhavohltoult ;
! by accident while learning the typewriter. I
l. lie.
Ii-:iiiI cm Mlduny I'lnUunro. '
First Stranger I can hardly realize :aat '
m, ltut 1 , Ml IPJllll' 11 A fm,tliit
Second Idttu Hut you nre. Don't you '
I see all tho foreigners? Chlr.i.'o Heni
1 1
ITMIS.A.'.r imuivoic
tin' nival HlinHw FliKK OF
Iwlwveu firtiycs of t'J ami W,
lltotH' uimiO'
obtain tin' mtnn nt tin' inninl
In Had Tried Various Thins", but l.lirt
Was AKiilnst lllnu
He wasn't u tramii exactly, but ho v;m
on thu way there, lie had struck tho mer
chant for n dollar, ind thu merchant wan
rather interested In him.
"1 don't mm1," ho said, "why yoil go nbnut
asking for money or help. You urn an In
telligent man, and I should think on roulil
get. something better to do." .
"I don't know nbout thai," was thu de
spondent rejoinder. "The Lord knows I
tried hard enough to gel along before I loil
my heart entirely."
"Wlmt'illd you do?"
"Well, a littlo of everything, 1 had unmi
money, and i thought I'd go to raising rlci
In South Carolina and show those penplr
down there how todo It right. I knew It nil
of course, and one day a man emtio tilling
selling n new brand of seed rice. Downs
a nice looking man from Now York, nnd 1
liked his style. Me liked my style, too, he
said, and would sell me the exclusive right
to handle bin stun In South Carolina. It
was something new u seed Hint could not
be exposed lo tho light, but that would
yield three limes us much as thu old vari
eties. That was what I wns looking for,
nud very quietly I took It in, paying (WW
for tho right i.nd four sealed cans of seed.
1 did all tho work at night, and when it
was finished I sat down to wall and la
chuckle over my enterprise. Hut I waited
nnd walled, and nothing came, and ouo day
I looked Into tho old cans nud found I had
been stuck with come menu little wheat
grains, mid you might ns well try to rnlse
Icicles in the bad placu as to raise wheat In
n South Carolina rice swamp."
"Thnt wns bad luck," said tho sympa
thising merchant.
"So I thought, nud I left the stnto nud
went to raising cuttlo In western Kansas.
Hadn't more than got my herd set out be
fore a cyclone came along- and blew every
horn of It clean over into the next county,
and when I went nfter my stock a ploiti
cowlxiy who hod gathered them In with
his own Informed mo that they had been
sent to him by Providence, nnd he'd like to
seo any son of a gun try to take them
away. As ho lind a Winchester nud n lot
of friends with him I didn't seo my way
clear to Interfering with tho ways of Provi
dence, and I left tho country."
"It's pretty hard when Providence goes
against a mnn," ventured the merchant
"Yes, but that Isn't all." sighed the dis
consolate ono. "With what little I had
left I went to Pennsylvania and bought a
water power gristmill In tho mining re
gions. I fixed it up with new machinery,
and for awhile It looked as if my luck had
changed and I was going to como out on
top ut last. Hut ono night a big mino ly
ing under tho stream that gava niu my
mill iower caved tu or sank down Just
enough to change tho lay of tho laud, nud,
by gum, the water begat) to run the other
way, and when I got to tho mill In thu
morning thu water gates were open, thu
stream was running up hill, as It were, and
my mill machinery hud been running back
ward until every blamed wheel was busted
and tho whole shebang was u wreck,"
The man wiped a tear from his aye.
"Then It was," he went on, "that my
heart broke, und 1 laid right down nnd quit.
Now, do you blame me fur what I am
Tho merchant gavo him (3, nnd thu mnu
was In tho police court next morning. De
troit Free Press.
A good mnny older persons who hart
been In difficult positions und hare felt that
the world was really very bard can sympa
thize with llttla. Flo Sanborn, of whom an
exchange writes:
Sho hid been censured by her mother for
some Muitll mischief which she had been
eng.igi-d in. She sat thinking It over foi
some time, and finally said In an utterly
discouraged tone:
"Hverythlng I do is laid to me,"
Youth's Companion.
All Took Hand.
The Uavurian peasants nro In many re
spects similar to tho Irish. They drink a
great deal and nre very witty and are never
so happy us when they nro fighting with
each other. A story Is told of two Bava
rian peasants meeting oti the road und
holding thu following conversation:
"Were you ut the wedding last night?"
"Indeed I was. It was tho ulcct wed
ding we have hud this seiiMiu. Why, even
the bride took a hand in tho light." Texas
As m llule.
"Do you cat anything usually before go
ing to Ited?" us It i'd Dr. Paresis of his pa
.tieut. "Certainly," replied Mr. Cumso. "I eat
breakfast, dinner und supper us u regular
Willie Wllt-Aw-rrnlly. Miss Perte,
I'm not such n fool us I look.
Miss Perto Hut Mr. Wilt, you know wa
cannot always hco ourselves as others see
us. New York Htxald.
Studying Uor ft-tilreiuiiit.
Dora -Don't you think my gowns fit
better than they used to
Cora Yes, Your drexsmuker told me
yesterday shu win taking lexsons in geanv
etry. tiulps.
lU-iuoi) I. uough.
"Old Scadds seems qulto upset by the
failure of the Pycrust bank."
"No wonder ho lost his balance,"
Hose Does Mr. Verydull know anything?
Lillian Know anything! He doesn't eveu
usucct anveklm:. Life's Cubmdar.
rr.-CYVL W Vft.Ajv i- t r-S !.U .
i rfc
.'v.-YWlV. .IKS Vw3WS.Si
-&4iHKIIrC; llKmui'WLi
Mm, Anna Sn'.icrlaml
Kalamaioo, Mich., had swcl.hiBs In tho neck, or
Goitre SS'iS 40 Years
irrrntsiiffrrliiif. Wlnnslioc.iiiRlitcolilcoulilnot
walk two Mucks without fainting, fsho took
Hood's Sarsaparilla
And 1 1 now freo from It nil. Hlio lim urged
tunny others to tako Hood's Harinparlll;. and
t!uy luvonlm been cured. It will do you good.
HOOD'O PlLLO Ciiro all Liver lluVjwndlco,
slok headache, blllouinon, mur itomacli, niuisa.
500 Summer Corsets, Per
fect Shape, Worth 60c,
For thl!iWreek
Only ONIi to be sold to n customer.
1030 O STREET.
FROM S2.50 TO 84.60.
Lincoln Stiff Hat Factory
Old Hut lUocLril, Cleaned, Dyed and
made, an yooil us new. All Id nth
of Jlejtair Work done.
Real Estate Loans
Un fnriitH In Knsleru N(hrnnkii ami Improved
property In Lincoln, for a tertu of years.
(J irncr Ulerentli ami O HtreetH, Lincoln.
' Wm?Tl lQ HowtnpcoiiomUotlni-:
; M.W.HHI )j nnd mom-VHoitH timeo
li1 All? la'worlilVfiilrtolK-iit.:
I X'rVlJl, nilvimttiKo, la 11 mios-
, , , ,.lii! Hint tnuy IiiitoI
;puiilrd you. Avoid mUlukrH liy Ki'ttllW
. poHliil in nilriiiicn. IVrhups tlii'lutmtmtcd,'
; foliliT Jut InhUfil by Hanttt Fe Houtn In
.whnt jounced. ItcoiitnlnxvlowNof world's.
,'ruirliuihliiuoi, accurate rmip of Clilc;io,
.niul uthoc fiiforniif ;
;tlou of vnluo tonight- CJ 1 Vm t TiW
I'almor, 1'. A. Hnntn lAIUI11
: fo iiouth. oniuhii, JiU U Trj. :
; niul nk for free ropy.
1 arms
IN Qhe"
Vrlto lo K. I 1'iilmor, 1', A. Santo Foltouto
Oniuhii. Nt'h., for freo copy of illustrated tuldor
Clterolcvo Mtl,
iiml theTonkiiwn, I'auneo nnd KlrkiiHHiltr:f
yntloiiH, MMin to Imjoik-iiisI furxcttlciiwiit liy Uio
U. H. Kovi-rnmi-iit. MillliiiiHof iicren In I In-(in-cut
nurlriiltiirnl rountry iimlor tliniuii, wnititiK
tulM'tlrkhslhy tho hiishiiiuliiinii'H plowahnnt;
linn In iilinoht tho Inut chntico to otilnln one of
Unrlii Kniii m fn-o fiirmn.
Tim I.rK-t In llm Worl.l!
OvitI,iui ItiNimi!
Only two block from tho Midway
I'lninmiruentriincpofthn world's fair.
AiiK-rltitii IMiiii a.oo.
KurnprHii l'laii,$l..10.
Wrlto for ilnti'M, moms mid riitivi to
Formerly Mr. 1'iilnior llousa.
There U mi iu.stiinceof n fulluru of It to euro'
DlM-ovon-d mid Mnnufu.turcd only liy
l)r...I..Worl 74.i!ohiiiSt.,Iftrott,Mlcli
Send J for n trial Ixittlo mtd mmriiutiM.
The llt for ttirj'rlrf lnjln- Worlil I
Muiiufiu-tiinsl oul ly
I..T. WACIISMHTII A. f).,(hic.uo,l!lluoli.
CIllMlpl.VIIIKl WlMlllllt
Solid U7 ei'iits in 8tiimp foru periounl circular
from nun who Iium Ihh-ii thvro.
Address, H, it. I'KltMMlKIt,
l.'l Market St., Chlcimo. 111.
J. II. IRIS 1 1.