Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, July 08, 1893, Image 3
"TV i this atxjki:qay morning courier Ai THE First fmm Bank. O AND TENTH 8THEKTS. Capital, $400,000. Surplus, $100,000. OFKICKHMi E. 8. llAicwooft, I'rrniilent. Cli Ad. A. Hanna, Vicii I'reildotit. K. M.('(hik, ('"'lilrr. ('. H. I.irriNtdTT, AulMatit Cmdilor. II. 8. Kkkkhan, AulMant Cariiicr. 101 LINCOLN, NEB. GAPITAU, $250,000.00. OfflriTR Hint lllrrrtor. Ioiin II. WmuiiT, I'reiddcnt. T. K. 8ANDi:UH, Vlcn President, J. II. MiC'lay, filthier. r E. Joliwon, II. 1'. Lnn, Tho. IVicliTnn, E. 11. Slier. T. W. Lowrcy, V. I.. Da j Inn. General Banking Business Transacted. OltXECTIONS A Sl'l.CIALTY. I. M. lUlMONl), 1'rciddcnt. 1). E. TlKIMI'KON. Vlco President. S. II. lll'IINIIAM, CUIIl(lT. I). (I. WlNO, Assistant Cashier, HlclnrJi' lituck, Cornet lUtvcntli ani O St. OH. LINCOLN, NEB. Ccillt, ibuso,ooo. PiBiXTonn I. SI. lfnjmoinl, Lewi (IroKory, S. II. lliirnlinm. T. V. Lowery, ('. (I. Ditwiw, , M. Morrill. A. .1. Siiwjit, E. K. llrnwn, r. . Little, t. V. Itumlinm, (1. M. Lmnbertson, 1). E. Tlionioii, LINCOLN, NEB. CAPITAL, $100,000.00. SURPLUS, $20,000.00. JOSEPH BOEIIMElt, Pre. HERMAN II. SCHAIIERG, V. J'rcs. CHAS. E. WAITE, Cashier. GEO. II. SCII WAKE, Aunt. Cathier. 3 !T Cfllt (III Deposits I'll ll Ht llll IvINCOLrX 0LviriSSi Bank AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO. Cor. I' and Eleventh 8ts. ThconluSufc Deposit Vaults in Macula imiECTORH. N. 8. Hnnvooil. N. ('. Hrock. Win. Mrl.iitiKlilIn. W. A. Selleck. ('. T. Hoitcc (). W. WehMer. Allx-rt Wntkluc. Kred William. Ilnchel Lloyd. II. I). Hntlmwny. J. .. Ilriscoe. ('..I. Krnst. II. W. Hrown. 11. O. Phillip. E. It. HUcr. Henry Yulth. , Henry E. Lewi. X$BRASKA Savings Bank CAPITAL, ' $25o,ooo.oo Stockholders' Llnlillltlc. SWUM). I'nis interest on tnvhiK account il time deiio-Jtc. Furnishes exclimntu free to customers. John Tailor, President. Jauli Kimicun, Vlco President. E. II. TlMii.BY. Cashier. Steam Dyelne AND CLEANING WORKS. IVo. tit 2V.'l."vv.-lJftl st. j. c :ic:vJ3irjL UPHOLSTERER AM CAHINKT MAKKK, Does all kinds of Repairing Promptly. All work wurrunted. a08 So. lttli ht. - Lincoln. l. T. C, KERN, 1). J). S. DENTIST. Rooms 25 and 26, Burr Block. LINCOIvX, - - WSTlSli. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S flATRCUTTINU AM) o o SHAMPOOING A SPECIALTY, AT - SAM WEKTERFIELD'S. BURR BLOCK. phpflfLasra&ttJlW' OA&maC. 129 EB. LltfCObM. S. 30. ST. (MilA BUN German ii p. hi Mr. Bert Wheeler was In the, oily Moni1uy. Mr. C 0. Dnwee lnifl returned from thn mat. Mr. Richards, of tho Lincoln hotel, Ih in Colorado. Minn Shear !r expected homo from Chicago today. Mr. M. M. Mitghco left Tuesday for the world's fair. MrB. L. V. Snow departed Sunday for the world's fair. MIhh Emma Mclntoult left Tticnduy for Rivcrton, la. Mr. and Mra. R. M. Turner left Satur day for Chicago. Mr. and Mre. A. (J. Greenlee left Mon day for Chicago. Mr. Fred C. Howu wan an Omaha vis itor WedneBday. Mr. C V. (iritllth han been Heriotmly ill the past week, Mr. John!). Knight left Wednetulay for CllowHvllle, N. Y. Mr. and Mm. T. M. Hodgtuuu left Monday for Chicago. Hon. U. M. Lamliertiion Iiiih returned from his eastern trip. Hon. W. J. Bryan irturned thin week Irom lim poutlicrn trip. Mr. 11. II. Wilwin delivered a Fourth of July oration at CcrvHco. MrB, 1). C5. Courtnav and daughter have gone to Mauitoti, Col. MrB. C. M. KitBterday and daughter left Tuesday for Portland, Ore. Mm. K. K. llayden has returned front an cxtvutlvd Hojourn in the Mouth. Mrs. Zara Wilaon 1b in Fremont at tending the Chautauqua aBBcmhly. Mr. Fred Pluiunior Iiiih returned from his trip to Nrw Vork and Connecticut. l'rofepnor F.W. Taylor returned TIiiiih tlay from a visit tt the City of Mexico. Mr. John I). Knight rut timed Satur day from a northern tlBhiug expedition. Rev. and MrB. (iiiBBiuau, of California, are gueBtB of Mr. and Mra.OHcar Funke. Mr. Samuel Shears is in poor health. Ho Iiiih gone to Colorado for a few weeks. Mrs. JuiIboii and Mrs. Billson.of Cleve land, aro thu gttestfl of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hall. Mrs. Zehrttng and Mr. Frank C. Zeli. rung, expect to leave for Colorado to morrow. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Atkinson and children are seeing the White City at Chicago. Dr. Dunn has been c ontiued to tho house with rheumatism for the past week or two. MisB Alice Eikenhary,of Plnttsmouth. is in Lincoln, the guest of the family of Dr. W. S. Latta. M!bb .Minnie (Jaylord has rotumrd from Toronto, where Bho has Imcii sttidy ing vocal vulture. Rev. and Mrs. S. W. IVrry left Mon day to spend a vacation of about live weeks in Chicago. Mr. Charles L. Burr left Wednesday for Spirit Lake, la. He expects to be gone several weeks. Mr. Frank L. Hathaway, who linn Iwen in Chicago for the past three weelcH, is exjiected back toihty. Mrs. William Sanderson, Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Williams departed for the world'B fair Tuesday. Mrs. William K. Fullc rtou, of Beatrice, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. L. W. Kldridge, 'J010 K street. Mis. J. P. Todd left .Monday for Sey mour, III., where she wiih called by the Bevero illne8 of her father. Miss Margaret Cook, of Omaha is visiting in thocity, at tho residence of Mr. and Mrs. O. R, Oakley. Lieutenant J. J. Pershing left Mon day afternoon for Chicago, lie expects to be absent several weeks. Mrs. Edward 11. Curtis and childres Jeft Thursday for Waukeegan, 111., to spend tlie summer with relatives. Miss Clara Walsh left Thursday for Philadelphia and Atlantic City. She expects to remain away till September. Miss Floy Langdon, who has been vis iting relatives in Lincoln for tho past month, has returned to her home in Chautauqua county, New Vork. Mr. J. H. Hill and his daughters, Miss Gertrude Hill, and Mrs. Joseph Bigger and Mr. Herbert Hill returned Tuesday from Chicago and the world's fair. Professor and Mrs. C. N. Little left Monday for Chicauo. They will spend Botnu tune in the east before returning to Lincoln for their mini departure for their new homo in California. Mr. T. J. CurtisB was this week called to Owatona, Minn., by a telegram notify ing him of tho serious illness of his aged father, Mr. John Curtiss. He was ac companied by his sister, Mrs. Ablxitt. The number of Lincoln people at Crete attending the Chautauutia assem bly, already large, will bo considerably augumented the coming week. A great many jieople go down on tho evening trains every day and return in tho morn ing. Mr. W. 10. Hardy and Miss Cora Hardy returned Saturday from a trip to tho Black Hills. Mr. Hardy left Lincoln again Wednesday for Crete, where he will remain during tho Chautauqua assembly. He will conduct Round Table discussions daily. Miss Daisy Tuttlo has returned from Boston, where she has been cultivating her voice under the direction of Mrs. I'Mna Hall. She will give a public en, tertaintuent shortly and give the people or liincoln an opportunity or observing her proficiency and improvement. Miss L. B. Loomis, Miss Anna Tib bets and Mrs. Metcalf left Friday for Chicago to attend Colonel Francis Park ers summer school for teachers at Engle wood, known as the Cook county insti tute. They will also attend the world's fair and will not return until fall. The Hotel Beatrice in Chicago, man tiged by Mr. C. W. Lyiiiati, is entertain ing a number of Lincoln guests. Among 'otners slopping mere recently were Captain J, 10. Hill auddaughteiB, MisscH i (lertrtttle anil Winifred, ami Mrs. Joseph ! Bluircr. Mr. M. I). Welch, Mr. and Mrt . Wadsworth and Mr. T. 0. Flske. Rev. C. B. Newuatt has resigned tho pastorate of the Christian church. His services during tho summer will bo em ployed In the interest of Cottier univer sity. Mr. Newuan has been a devoted pastor and during his residence In Lincoln he Iiiih made hosts of friends including many outside of his church. His resignation lias caused much regret. Mr. Iaiu Wessel left Friday for St. Joseph, where ho will join his family, who are visiting at his wife's home, and proceed from there to Atlantic City, N. J., to BNnd the heated term. Incident ally ho will visit tho world'H fair, Phila delphia, New York and Saratoga, and readers may auticitiato an oc casional letter from him while sojourning in tho east. By a recent change in tho proprietor ship of the Lincoln hotel Mr. Stuart .Shears becomes a member of the firm of Shears ,v Market. Mr. Shears Iiiih been actively connected with the hotel for the past year. His admission Into tho partnership gives him a resHinsible place in tho managentent of the hotel, a reBH)nslblllty which ho Is In every way competent to assume. Mr. Hheais Is an experienced business man, and ho MBBCBBCB tho elements of substantial jiopuhirity. Rev. L. P. Ludden and family departed Monday for the Y, P.S. 0. K. convention, which mot at Montreal, July ft, to con tinue four days. Mr. Ludden Ih on tho program ror an address, lie was accom jmiiied by quite a delegation from No iiraska, among others; Rev. and Mrs. llradt. Miss Annie Norton, Miss Seba Dewell, Miss Stryker, Miss Cook, Mr. Frank M. Cook and Prof. McDuulc. In addition to these there area number who have gone in advance to attend tho world h lair en route. Prof. Franklin Katou, late of Terra Haute, Ind., and Washington, I). 0.. but now a full Hedged Lincolnite, and, by the way, one of the best piccolo and (Into soloist in tlio west, Iiiih taken unto himself a wife. It Ih the oltl story retold with all its original freshness. When the professor lived 'in Terra Haute, ho gave instructions on the guitar to Miss Cora Ilea Zell. and for two yearn taught her nimble tinners to delicately ulido over the strings. They mot as strang era, and when Professor Eaton left Terra Haute for Lincoln, it was with a detq) reluctance, but the sequel came in June, and citpid Iiiih made another match that bids fair to be long and happy. Mr. and Mrs. Eaton are now at homo at Vt2 O street. Professor Eaton came to Lincoln a stranger a few months iil'o, but has in a comparatively short time worked his way to the front, now lietng the instructor or the Tuxedo Mandolin club and numerous other patrons. Murder Will Out. "Po you're cnaitRedf " "How'd you gucNt M" "Because you don't wear a veil any more. "Truth. Advice I'rom Doctors. Every one should know by this time that H is dangerous to ask n doctor's or a law yer's advice oven in the most casual and tiubllo manner unless one expects to pay him for it. There is a welt authenticated tory of a man In Now York who chanced to remark to n celebrated pliyMcian once: "Doctor, hnvo you any suro means of preventing seasick nesI" "Certainly," said the doctor. "What is it!" "Stay on shore!" Mild the pliyslcinn and sent the man his bill. Another geutlemr.u, who was it vale tudinarian, met a doctor of his acquaint ance on the street one day. "Doctor," said he, "I'm ulad I met you. Do you I. now, I'm so wci.!; that the least bit of wlII.Ii. on theco pavements tir(.tf nie nut. What do ou think I'd better kiker" "A horse cir, I giic-," said the doctor crustily. And he, too, sent in a little ineniornniltim of the r.mniiut due for this wise pteserlptlon. Youth's Companion. A Colietiialnii, "Any lotteiH forme, iuImI" "No." "Auy for'tnnf"' "No." "AuntSallyf" "None." "The Jinklns galsf " "Nono." "Why, you hain't nlv us nry letter In thrco weeks!" "Can't help It." "Got any sido meatf" "Yes." "Well, I reckon wo won't take any ' Atlanta Constitution. The Fatal Number. Tho conversation turned on the numU-r 13, the spill I iik of salt, knives und forks placed crosswise and other kinds of super stitions. "You need not laugh at similar beliefs," gravely remarked Trnuqiillletti. "An uncle of mine at the age of 77 committed tho im prudence of going to u dinner at which the guests numbered lit." "And bodied that very evening?" "No, but exactly i:i yuir, afterward." Gazetta Plemontese. Adilre, Dr. X. (the celebrated physician who makes, wo are told, l.Vl.tfl.) fr.incs a ear by his practice)-Well, sir, wheiudo jou suf ferf Patient Here, sir, In the pit of my stomach. It hints me dreadfully when 1 press against it. Dr. X. Well, then, sir, ymi must ta'e care never to pi es against It. (Pi,:uut dis missed after paying his ficof 2 touts-1 Phare du Bc-pliure, CRUSHED. lion Mr. Jor.r Out Krrn With Iter lln. bnml For Mh) Inn tint. Mr. Jnni'KWt'iit liouiulate the other ulgliC and fomiil Mm. Join k fitting up for him with nn I'xprt-Mlnn of nuiiiU'iinncp that In tatitlr rendered him iik koNt an it Judge when lioldlnir court. "Mrt Thlinpthon mid went with him to thcoa boxing match you you you don't cr, do j on, Marlit?" "No, liteed,"niitwtrrd Mr. Joiich tuuf.v bly. "I I y didn't txicct you homo early. I thought you had gone to tlio can what Ik It, Jepthnl" "I'nuniA, Mnrlnf I'm going to lie cli-c'.cil to fill thnt vacancy In tho rlty council, and don't you forft It," "No, dear, 1 won't. I didn't forget It to night wlir n a young tnnn from the ticwupa per called to Interview me about you." "W-w-whitt did you tell him. Mnrlnt" "Nothing bad, .Teptha. Don't you worry, dear. You re he didn't want to know much about yon now. It wan your pant he wn looking Into." "Well, I haven't done anything to ho aMiamed of. 1 mtppi)M yon told htm thnt I was a lawyer when you married toe anil tood high la thoentccin of my fellow cltl- Klin, CtO." "No, that wasn't what he wanted, lie Mkcd mo If 1 bad any picture of you taken In youth and early ninnhood and at later Intervals" "Whatl" "So I gave him the one you had taken for me when we were first engaged that old dnKuerreotype, you know," "Great heavens! The one where my hair comes down over my coat collar and covers my ears, and 1 nut bearded llko a plratel" "Yes, that's the very one," "Maria, you never gave him that slnh sided, knockkneed caricature of me, did you I" "Yes, I did, Jeptha. I'm sure It looked jutt llko you when It was taken. And there wnsanntiihrotypc of you when you organ ised tho II. M. C. S. That wan n swift pic ture, because you looked so uikkI." "Looked so ((recti, I should say," snorted Jones. "Maria, you have ruined every po litical chance 1 ever had. In that picture I look llko a bniM monkey. Thank good ness, there are no more portraits of me." "Yes, there was one more. Tho crayon picture you gave mo for a birthday previa last year." "That measly thlngl I look llko a mur derer In that, Maria, aiyl you know it." "Yes, I alwayMthoughtso. You said you had It pointed bccatiHo the artist was a poor girl who had a family to support. They will have yon at thrco ages, Jeptha, and you can send tho papers home to Jopcr county and show how you've got famous at last. It's all the style to hu triplicates now." "Mnrla," gasped jioor Jones, "you've sold urn to tho Philistines. I can never hold up my head again, never! I hope my fate will be a warning to nil men not to have their pictures taken at tiny age. I'm crushed, Maria, crushed!" And ho knew by tho twinkle In Maria's eye thnt she had douo tho cruel deed In a cold blooded spirit of domestic r-r-revvngel Detroit Free Press. Lacked Ilnslncss Hagacltjr. Father Yes, I admit that our Imy ain't Inr.y. He's a smart as cau he when It comes to 'tending traps and runultiK er rands, but he doesn't seem to have any busi ness sagacity at nIL Mother Why. what makes you say that! i '."Well, for example, look whnt he did yesterday. lie had four nice, big, fat rab bits, and what does ho do but take them down to town and sell them. If ho had taken them tip to tho woods where them city fellers are huntln, ho could have got i double price." Pittsburg Post. Her Letter. Mrs. Mary Clay, colored, did tho washing ; and ironing for tho family of Mr. Jones, I tho Green street grocer. Pay for her work , was frequently taken out in groceries. This Is a vcibatlm copy of a note fcetit with one j week's laundered clothes: I Dcre Mrs. Jones Pleas send tue I ihiuihIc, cof- fro one bax siintT I ponitc. KiiKnr elmruu to Mrs. Mary Clay Yourouft"cctlmute MaMiumimn I Mrs. Miiry (JUy. -Harper h The Mranckt Vet. Mrs. do Gubu Of all tho menu, selflsb, Inconsiderate people, I think that Mrs. de Blank is tho meanest. Mr. de Gabb What has she don: now? Mrs. de Gabb She wa the only resident of this neighborhood who had a telephone In the house, and she's hod it taken out. New York Weekly. j Worse Than Scolding. i Watts Docs your wlfo ever scold when you have been out lato ut uiglit with the I boys? Potts Oh, no, she never says a word. j She. gets up the next morning about 4 o'clock and practices on the piano, and I l daren't say a word. New York Mercury. A Good Gucis. "Oh, ya-asl I nm a college graduate. Guess from where!" "Vassarl" Life. I A Trnr Lover. ' Mrs. D. My dear Mrs. Croa'sus, may I not put your name down for ticket for 1 Professor Pundit's course of lectures on I Umldhlsts? I I Mrs. C Oh, by nil means! You know I how passionately fond I am of flowers. I Boston Globe. i flood Gronnds. Pension Agent I don't see on what grounds you ask for a penslou. You were never In tho war. Applicant No, but I've been listening to war stories ever blncc. Rochester I'ost-Kx- press. Nub Hoik. Smith May I make a confidant of your JoneB Why, certainly! Smith Well, I'm hard up and want 150. Jones You can trust me. I am a silent as the grave. I have heard nothing. Truth. A Nmnr for It. "I was careless this tnoriiiiiK at church and put ft in the box whtu 1 Intended to give only a dime." "A case of contributory negllgeuce, so to speuk." -iMrolt Tribune. Special discount Shlei Table Ilnens, Towelu and Trny Goodw. IT 6HEHTLT REDUCED PUB BLOCH PrtiuroMMlvo Dry I 141 AND I Yok Totass Iiitondliiu; Tntvclcfi, VlMltoi'H to tlio Worlil'si Kcilr, Men Shore, Alois tit iIiim or LiiIccm, Will find it greatly to their advantage to look through our stock before making up their Just now we are offerinn- some exceptionally fine bargains in all lines of 8 And can save you from 10 to 30 called bargain bouses, I Iv. Meyer & Co Hh-IHl SOUTH 10th ST, OPPOSITE (JOVE11SMEXT SQUARE. WESTER) HORmflL COLLEGE, Tlic School If or tlo ZVIriMMoa U OLD SCHOOL II D NEW Mil (FORMERLY OF SHENANDOAH, IOWA.) tt I0llll'tlllOlltM. Ilemitifiil.lienltliy liK-ntion.'Jl iicru cniniiii, elect rlo l reel cur line run directly to cntnsus without rlmnue. KSO.UU In linildiliui, iliiidlil eililiineiit, iiHrior nrcoiiiiiiiHliitloii, mob rut-ill t y. experience.) niiiiiMi(eiiieiit,coiiiirclieiiiitti rirriciiliiin, tlioroim-li uork.lilnli iniirul aA flirirtiiin liillnciiro ami !n exiiciw. for xtiideiitu, Dlil'AlvTMliNTS AND GOURSES. We liiitnirotine. Our miiric, linn art, mmi iirt, delHiirte, ehiitloiuir), conrseit mid Undo-. KUiten iinil moili I truiiiliiu hcIkniU ifor Uitli children mid tinlent tenrliern), urn not ee.'iulletl la thn wot. KTKEliT CAI TKANolMilvo lomiy iniit of thecit) fornll uhoiitteml the Wi'i-lern Noriuul. iu enn enti nt nny lino anJ Unit JiiM snrli clin-i-i'i' ii )ou ilmire. Write, or call mill hw u. HprliiK term oen April II, 1MCI, mid i-nntiniie. Illueek. Siiniiner term hipii .lunoll), ISM mid rontliiuer -s ueek. leu run enter nt an time, hovkxter. (utulotfuei and cln ulr fruu. WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE. LINCOLhTnEB. TELEPHONE 250. jAivii3s ii. STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING. (JUbtind Klectrie FixtuifH. Agent for CAPITOL and BOLTON HOT WATEW HEATERS m COMBINATION (!AS MACHINES. 125 NORTH NINTH STREE1 ISTfiltliiM. s KOHN'S GuuiIm ivioilt.aiYas 143 O 8TREET per cent over prices offered by so. ttn TciioIioi'h, H'.V. M. VUOAX, Prtxiihnt, or II. .. KIXSl.EV, Sec'yimil 7'mis. crivisiXvr,, B