Sunday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1893, July 02, 1893, Image 7
THE SUNDAY MORNINQ OOURIDR tr A FRIEND Speaks throng! the llontlilmy (Me.) Ktgltler, of the lit'iii' refill ho has received I rum areimlnr moot A.vrr'n 1'IIK llitsnjst "I win feeling tick nuil III i'd niiil my Mntnnch iirrmeil nil out of (inter. I tried n timnticr ot retneillei, but imuo scrim'il In ghe nu relict iinlll 1 was IiiiIiicimI to tiytlio old roll.i Mo Ayr' 1'IIK I lime taken oiil) one box, hut I foci like n now mini. I lliluk Ihcj nro tlio limit plenvint Mini to titknnl nti tiling t crr iiiimI, Mug 54i llnely sugar coated Hint even a 4'ldld will take tlii'in. I urge iimiii nil wlmnrc In nerd of n l.t v n 1 1 to try AjrrVNIU. They will do good," 1'or nit dlcni' of thu Stoiuiii'ti, Liter, nmt lliiwrln, tnkn AYER'S PILLS rrepared ly Dr. J. C. Ayrt & Co., Low oil, Mum. Evory Doso Effoctlvr MM uk nrii'c, nnd H tlili basis wkal Interesting and Instructive to All People. WORLD'S FAIR UliASS FACTORY. llolltUd U JI..I, J ... i .1, ' lit easy to llmiro out from the value of n drrs pnttrrn would be. Tliu llrm In how making a glass gown for tho Princess Kulnlla, who mvw some of the fabric and tlio method of luul; Inn It a few weeks ago, 'during lior visit to thu fair, nml was greatly impressed with It, Tho vnluo of tho prim-iss' gluvi gown will ho something llkn lttXXX I ThM fulirlo, contrnry toVcueriil expocta- t!on, is soft nml Mlkcti. There I nothing harsh or brittle nliout It. It U u idieon. of jewel. It Is tho llnest of silk plastered over with crystals. OIiim fabriu has this Vlnltom to tho Mldnny I'liit.iinco Can Btt llmr Alt Manner of Cimtly atut Clii'iip (IIiiod In Mninifarturril liy Skillful Work. mrn-TIi Work of M..kli.K Cut (llass. " i" """ "i"i,"?.,",Ti: - "I ' i-l u ... l . l mi.lllliuuu M Ul iiiwsi. iiiiiui Iflifllin, iv ,1... iua wear out. u noes not, inrnisu in riiri ."pinning lliu. Wottui's Faiii, Juno no. Special. For Hoiuu of thu most Interesting features of tho fair the enterprise of American manufacturers Is to ho given ctodlt. On tho Midway plnlsancc, for Instance, where thero Is nn assemblage of savage llfo nnd strange peoples from nil over tho world, thrro is no moro Interesting exhibit than that innilo by rt llrm of glas blowers. They Inivo erected hero n complete plant, with steam engines, iv great furnace, ma chinery of nil sorts, and perhaps SiOO work men and salesmen. Hero they nirry on tho wholo business of glass making, blow ing, moulding, coloring, cutting. If una inny Judge by tho populnrltyof thofnetory water, nnd It stained by a foreign ul st nro may bo washed with soap and water or with chemicals without in any way injuring Its texturuor color, I should not imagine It would ever bo popular for dress goods. In tho first place it Is tot expensive, and tholigh tho manufacture may Ihi ablo to cheapen It somewhat tin they develop their processes, It Is not like ly to come within tho reach of cu'ry-dny purses. Morcoxcr, It Is too pretentious for any wear but to balhooms, and thero It, should homnculllccnt. herothogluss fabKu Is ot most sen lcol in tho making hangings for rooms, curialus, port lets, of and wall decorations. It is not only rich m.d handsome, but it lasts forever nnd may always bo cluanid. If dustaccumii- among tho visitors to tho fair not many of lates upon it, take it it own and souse it in our people have had tho pleasure of seeing water, tllass falirlo Is ono of tlio novelties tho glass-making process. Great crowds of tho exposition, and tho manufacturers I ..I ....f fh.t iiiiiivu mi it Kiviib iniii'1 j uiniiiiiiiiiiiikii'n'.5t.'.'"!:. "i .vsssy VK.WW(VV'.'ja f .v'nt' . '& i.V .V J.'VXV nro constantly passing doors. It is not a free show, elther,though tho admission fee is only 10 cents, nnd tl'ls Is refunded on tho purchaso prlco of any nrtlcloyou may wish to buy within. Tho nroiirletors say they charge ovon this llUUMXriTOX KOUTK. THU OKKtl'IAI, UNF. TO ClllllHTIAN K.N lU'AVOII t'DNVKNTION AT MIIMHIiAl, Tito Xebinshii delegation will louvo liliH'olu tit Vlj'Jo p. in., Monday. July ,'l, by fimt thrmigh tinlii over tlio llurlliiglon route to ('liiengii, tluMico liVHix't'liil 1 ruin via W'almsli and Oinndliiii I'lii'llUi rail wa.K to Monti enl. Regular truiiiHfiotu north, noutli nml west will connect ut lilncoln with tlio V. P. 8. V. P.. train, which will lie. ciiuliipcil with elegant reclining chair earn, riill iiiiiii sleepctM, dining earn nnd piitiitlnl coaclies. Ample iiccoinuiodiitloiiHliuvobccti pro vided and it In tlenlred (hut nil who In tend visiting Montieal dining tlio con vention uirutigo to go on thirt tvnlii. Full partlciiliiiH mny be obtultied from Itov. Ij. P, liiidden, liliu'oln, iiJho ut II, .V M. ilepot or city olllcc. corner Tenth nnd O fdreotn, wlieic iilceplng cur bertliH mny bo acctircd, nnd nil urriingcmenlH for (ho trip completed. A. C. Xtr.MKit, U.P.AT.A. Cut out tlio coupon nml piocutc ndiulHsIon to (lie giciit plunge In new Hantnrltim, free the Biuiill Hum tint tnr flu, Hnlco of roviMioe. lint to prevent their placo being uncomfort- posslbllltl.sof aliimlniini .urn al ably crowded as would be tho caso If thero ' y.!'!1'!1"r.V1 J"1 .& ' wero no admission fee whatever. I Dr. T. O'Connor, (Sucoemir to Dr. Clinrlcn Sinirl(.) CURES CANCERS, TUMORS, W.m nnd Fltnlii nlthmit the u ul Knlte, l'liiori(iitiu or r.ili'T. I'l.'U'.. 1W 1) Strmt ('ii I. luck. t. ( y 'ii ,TLIN COLN, NEB. Chicago Rock Island & raciflc Ry. IJUBH1 . . i-.i. ' ij1 ' ' 1 1 Host Dluliifr Car Service In the World. . TO THE WORLD'S FAIR GREAT nOcTlSUHD ROUTE FROM THE WEST. Remember, thla Z.ln hns a Depot for all trnln at Enijrlewooa(Bnburborchloaffo), cloae to the World's ralr Oate. TAKE THE ROCK ISLAND. JNO. SEBASTIAN, G. T. AND P. A. CHICAGO. ILL of it to bo sold as souvenirs at rctiMiunblo prices. Another iutoiosting and novel exhibit nt thu fair is a beautiful wagon, tho metal pottlons of which aro constructed of aluminum, tho llrsttlmu that this metal has been imt to such practical tiso. The Imost ti- Interest Is felt in thu future of this valuable, motal. rrlitrl v.lli ii vi.nru lliii If. wnu mnrnlv IL Knterlng this World's fair glass factory CMt,nifcui curiosity. Today many solcntlilo you find yourself near tho bau of a big wrltem think ftis destined ultimately to glass furnace. Through tho little doors succeed nil other metals for mechanical which tho workmen open now and then nnd ornamental purposes. A striking il- you may seo tlio mass ot molten glass within, red and glowing. Ono of tho blowers sticks his tubo through the. open door, worms It around in thero for u mo ment, and withdraws it with n small quantity of molten metal adhering to tho end. Hu lifts this in thu air, blowsthrough tho tubo with Ids lungs, and inflates tho mass of mo'teii stuff to globule, liy rolling it upon n hard, smooth surface ho causes tho bulb to assume any form ho wishes, an electric light globe, n tumbler, n vase, n saucer, a. flower-holder. Ho adorns it with glass of various colors wiilch Is wound upon his globo much as a coul Is wound on n bobbin IniiKpIuuIng machine. Hu fashions tho exterior of his bulb in various forms by rolling it along pnttorio. Tho wholo process is so simply and quickly done, tho glowing mnss of glas being handled as if it wero plaster or clay, thut ono is amazed. Tho cheaper lino of work is going on nt tho biuiio tl no near by. This is what is olafs nuiwr.its AT wonic known as pressed glass. Ono niiin reaches iustmtlcm ot lts VilllU) ls Kivt.n j tho bonu Into tho furnace with a long tube, extracts ti(i wagon which has been inmlo by a a mnnll quantity of metal, plunges Itinto otc,i Indiana firm of wagon makers. Tho a mould, another man cutting off tho tlrcsof tho wa'ouaronu.doof steel, bur superfluous portion with n pair of scissors, n,shcd ftnl lalo t() Ustuu ,lko lnIrrorM. a lever is pulled nnd tho piston of tho Antl,ort'inalnliiK melnl in tho vehicle, mould comes down pressing thu glass iuto con8Utltlg ot i)oU(S m,t, screws, rods, tho Hhapo of ft butter dish or cream cii,w. braces, chains. jialU. etc.. aro mado pitcher, in a trice tlio hit ot molten siuii of olId ui,lmimm,, nu pounds of tho lias been cotivertejl ntonuisn uinowiu- llu.tal having been used In llnlshing tho most perfect. A. llttk ) finishing, libit of wn,on inm had been used Instead its polsh ng don; also by machinery, will wd.?llt would havo been 41H) pounds. Tho jnako it ready for tho market; nnd when it W00(lw)rk on tIlu W11K0I, i equally as Is done, it will bo ft thing of benuty, bright beautiful ns tho metal portion. Tho polo nndgllste'lng.nlinost as clear and fine, as ja 0f curiy ttsh ,i thu hubs of yellow cut glass I vself, and yet very cheap, lids b,r(ji Tho renminder of tho wood work is but one f an almost Infinite variety of of tho ,H whlt0 tl.col Krowth i. methods by which modem manufacturers (1,Um lllckory, Jt il( Unlnhud with oil produco tho most beautiful articles at ftn, rubbg varnish, to protect thu prices within tho reach of thu multitudu. fll)()r aml nilturill i,wU.r f thu Tho bowls, pitchers and glasses which w()0(1 wlt,out concealing its natural uro to bo decorated by Jiand aro produced beauty. Tho box Is mado of rose in tho sanio way, though of finer material W)0(l inlllld wUh u nmov f holly imd moro careful workmanship. Iho (m(l wUh ti,jrty.jvo niedTils awarded to beauty of cut glass consists not so much tho makers slnco 1W2. Tlio log required in in tho quality of tlio material ns lu tlio ex- lur to t boards of a hli:c adequato for ('lifiip ltiiti', I)encr, one wav 8 l-XK) PciiMT. round tiin '.'(UK) Chicago, one way ItUHl Chiciigo, round trip ID.70 St. I.oiiIh, one wav , , I0.0.i Ht. houls, niiinil trip 18.10 Per full paitlciiliiiHcnll at Union IV dlle nlllce, 1011 OHticcl.' J.T. Masiin. K. II.Si.osso.v. City Ticket Agt. (leu. Agl. VlOtttrfTS MR EXCViRS0H KMES. THEY WILL PERMIT ALL TO The iiiost direct roule Is via tl .MAMMOTH Tltl'.NK I. INI! KNOWN AH THIS QO s. f'""nL"Sv ifesBlStSSfe ' '..i i "c -'."ir x x jr st " S-K. m"-yjr: A'Zh-ftT. "--"- ' ,?- SS rr T; IW".'"!- -.-, - 'eciLk-'s Kru ,V n m.. -T iin H -aU.t - " . rhiilh'l Morluiiuo Sul,., Xiillro I" hi'ieliy isUeii tlmt l virtue of a rlmtli'l itinrlKin,'!' iliitcil the lllli ilnj or .Inly, IM'.', mill ilnn tlm Dili ilii) orOrtoliiT, IMrJ, miii ilnl tllcil In tlm clllrii of the I'niinty HitIv of l.iiiiriiKli'rriiiiiit), Nelir., (lie lllli iImj of Jul), IM. nml exiTiitnl li (Ico. Ilotlinin to l.oid I'ikIoi to Ki'i'inn tlm liniment of tlm Mini of Tliiiti IUi DiiIIiiik. nml nimn wlili'li llicn U nowiliiK tlinsinn of tliirtvllMi ilnllnrK nml In terext nt III .cr cent. Oofniilt Innlnu Ih'cn iniiiln In tln luiMiiciit of tlm milil miiii nml now Mill or oilier iirix'i'i'iliiiitH nt lnw luuliw lii'enliiHillnti'il In rifimirrtilil ilclil, llii-refiirn I will m'II ilii. iriiicrtj tlieri'ln iliwrilln'il, Ui Ollllllllll'k llllllll llllllll IllMllll S J I'll IK lllli, VM'lUllI iiIikiiI MM ioiitiils one bliii'k lmrii nniti II M'nrx oM gnil wi'lulit nlioiil lui ikhiiiiIh, nt llll. lie iiiii'tlnii lo tlm lilulient lilitiler for i'iihIi, hiiIk tolukn plum iiltlic I'uriiir of Ninth unit It street h, l.lni'olii, Ni dr., iviniiui'iiiiiur at III oVIixk p. in. on Jul) llllh, lMtt. I.oi'ls l'osi(, MllltHHl.-1'li, I III I I'll Lincoln, Ncli., ,luni P. IMtl. S2.VII. bINCOUN TRUNK FACTORY. It Ih the only HiHl-tiiisH line In the city, and all hIiiiiiIiI buy t Idiots over this route. Ttiiiikh, Traveling lings, Kxteimhiii Ciihch, INickel IIiniUm, Urcsslng C'iihcii, StrapM, nml everything Hint class for tiavcllerH. Rambler BicycloEs AIE EASIIoY KI560GNIZKD. Thoro Is a certain nir haps you have noticed it. of distinction about l(AMHIol:R ridersper- notii'i:. lii the District Court of l.iim'iinter county, Niliriinkii. I liillni iiinttur of Hie iii'1IcmI1hii of ctiiiuii Wllle, iiiliiiluUtriitrlx of Hiui'Hliitu of .lolm II, Wlltiuh-ci'iiHcil. TIiIm ciiiihp i'iiiiikoii for lieiirln upon tlm m tllioii of I. uiinii Wit It', iiilnilnlMrntrlx of tlm eclule of .lolm II. Wltli' iIim'i'iihi'iI, pnijlnu fur n llci'iiM' In m'II lui lir.T, In tlm illnuiof DcWIlt, Snllnc county, Xchr., for Hm iniMiii'iit of iIcIiIh nlloui'ilimiiln.'l sulil estalii nml fur tlm i ih t h of iiiliiiliiiKlriitinu, there not IihIiik Millli'lenl per coliiil properl) to pny Milil ilelilM nml expmi. It Ih tlii'iefor iinli'leil Hull nil pitkiiiih Inter exti'il In kiiIiI cHtnlii nppeiir liefnre Ine on Hm 'J-'tli ilii) nt .Inlj, I'UI, nt Klo'iiiK'k a. in., or hm hooii llieienfter ns council run lie heuril to hIiiiw cnlIHe wliv h Ik'eiiHii hIiiiiiIiI mil lie 1,'riilltl'il to cillil iiiliiilnlMtrntrlx to fell thu iiIiom- iloHi'rlheil renl ei-lulii of the ileceiiHi'il, iin clinll he ueceii Miry In liny biiIiI ilehtn nml expenin'H. Duteil HiIk I'Jth ilny of .lime, ISKI. fit VM. Ij. ll.M.t., ' .luiluuoftlm District Cinirt. THE GREAT EASTERN HOTEL Chli'iiKO The I.niet In Hie World) Out 1,0(0 IIimuiihI con. ooth 8t and st. lawhencc ave. Only two hlockn from the .Midway I'lnlBiinceent nineu of tlm Miirlil'H fair. American I'liili Atl.llll. Kiil'iipeiin rimi, Write for ilntci, roiiuiK nml rules to ('Ol'HI.XNII TOWNSCNI), Mr Kornicrly Mur. l'nliner HoUmi. qulsito nature of tho work put upon it. In this World's fair glass factory you may seo glass-cutting in all its phases. A dozen or moru young men sit before emery wheels working by steam power with streams of water trickling down upon tUelr peripheries, griuumgaimcuuiug uio fr()m tluruto Xew York by sunacesoi uiu giass uinnua iiaiinuiiij iu reiiulrod tho services of a tlio which have been chalked im LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO patterns 1 upon them in tho pattern room. To pro. ducu ft perfect cut glass rose bowl of mod- 'IsiiiibIzo ono young man will work for a week or more, and thus you maybeo why it Is tlmt cut glaaswaro costs so much money. Ho must grind and grind, cut Mid cut, hour nfter hourto produco tho al most inuumorablo prisms which reflect tho rayaof light llko n diamond and mako rj,llu lm.tld jH ever this prodrct of thu glasvblowur'B art liko 8t(lto but lU-s uuitei IIIU JU1U10 (IIUUltfllQ OVUlli:. Theru a m slnglu pieces of cut glass lu this exhibit which represent a month's hard work by tho most skillful of me chanics iu tlio grinding and polishing aloue, and perhaps two weeks moro ot workiu iiuperintendcuce, inspection, fin ishing and assistance. Tho result of all this effort la glorious, and costly. , Somo of tho most beautiful souvenira of tho exposition aro mailo iu glass. All hurts of articles have- pictures of tlio principal exposition buildings within them in dell cnto lines. On somo you may havo your namo engraved whllo you wait. These en graved souvenirs aro very popular, and largo mini bent of them aro sold every day. But the most wonderful thing iu tho show is tho ulasH fabric. Ono of thu workmen iu this concern discovered somo time ago that ho could spin glass into threads of even slzo and texture just us wool or cotton is spun. Ho talked to tho proprietor about it, and tho result was that tho firm decided to make a specialty ofspunghuss articles iu caso they could unit salo for tliem. Tiiey began in n mou tho box, sides and ends, weighed 1,505 pounds and cost iif thu raw statu V.'flO.bO. It was cut in tho province of llelinonte, Brazil, and was brought down tho Bel nionto river maiy miles lu a huge canoe, thenco by bark to linhln, Ura.ll, and steamer, it woodworker PROT15CTIO! Them Ih no InMMiirnof u failure of it to cure PNEUMONIA, DIPHTHERIA, 80AHLETFEVEn, 80RE TMftOAT, Oil A COLO. DlhCoMTeil nml Mnniifn. ttirnil only liy lr...I..Woiileii,7S.eliiltl(iKt.,I)etroit,Mli'll Semi f fot ii trlnl iKittlu ui'il uuiiriuiteii. People jjivt' them credit for belli"; competent to jtuljre a bicycle for Unowinj,' a yood tiling when they see it. An air of confidence is clearly marked In the graceful bearing of HAMUIoHW riders. They know the wheel they ride; have utmost con fidence in it. Knowing, that Ramblers are liliih untile, and are sold at list price only, people do not look upon RAMBIdIM riders as frequenters of "bar gain shops." "ALL RAMBLERS HAVE Q. & d. PNEUMATIC8." 1. 0-U1MXlI15, sows -YGisrwr, mio t M'l'ioioic'i ?? SSi-JSSSSS SSS Jt-S-iSS'.?) The YOUIl DKALKIl FOR HOMU" CLOTHING. Ilet nil' Hie I'llee In I lie Wollill ! ASK IAPPY ISVKKY HIIT llt'AIIANTISI.I , .Miiiiiifnctnnil oiilj liy i.. w.tcii.sMrni .v'o.,(iiiciiun,illlnoiH. three months to prepare the box for tho finisher, and thirty successive processes to bring it to its present state of polish. Aluminum is now woith about WJ cents a pound. At one time it sold for till n pound. In lb! it was reduced as low as 81.50, and lu lb'Jl it sold at l.U0. Iu 18112, competition in America and abroad had forced tlio prlco down to oo cents a pound. louud in a natural ited with oxygen lu clay, HOW TO VISIT THE WORLD'S FAIR! SAVh YOl'H MONIiY. Choopl ;v- 1 1 1 I -vn' Itliout I Ol llg illl IMOI I lipilll. Semi .'i cents In ,"tiinim for ii ikthoiiiiI clrculnr fli in oee'ilio tins heeu tlieie. w iii:i:i; to sioi . rotsTi:ns io ri.oi'i.i:. lion 'to uvru i in: oiiot siih. Aihlrct, ,11. It. I'lSltlNOISIt. I'jLMiirket St., Chlruuo. 111. (i ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( til Who will cut this Goupon out and buy a pair of Shoes before July 3d, 1893, of 5 per cent of Goupon Purchases goes to Y M. 6. A. Fund. ) i ) ) i i i ) ) n ON THE CHEST OF THE AUEGHANIES. iMnlnblni. H.AO. It. It.) SEASON OPBNS JUNE IS, 1893. Rates, eiSO, 8".r nnd fiKl a month, no cording to location. Address GEOKCJE D. OkSIUHLOS,. Manager, Cumberland, Mil., up to dune 10; after that date, either Deer Park or Oakland, Clarii'tt county, Mil, G I RfATFSiHtfrLilDIN 1 h thi; iniRijnjUiiuk WORlD. IflouiicitlT Callorn-nil furi'livulnrciinfilnlnif U'v mo.t uirreluiiacuivmif C.iniiiiiiltun. ( m ,-, Ilrlalit's lilwin1, ScrofuU, K ii'inn Syi'tilH.. lite iiniiitl.iu, L'uliirrli, T'linuiv, Stiitnnili Tnmlilen lie, tic, is a unman i.t mn not icviiuliiv. ,tv-ili-'li' rwlie... iiinll"l,!l1"l,.l:.l!ll'.ii1' l.r K.tb. imt A4MI lr.l.. lllli 41.0, lit est wny, but their wares, on account of novelty as well as beauty, havo attained such popularity that glass hplnnlng is now nn Important feature of tho business. It would bo dl.'Hcult to imagine anything more dazzling and curious than this pro cess. Tho molten glass is spun out Into a long thread by tho rotation of ft splndlo, nnd on being cooled la wound around ft bobbin precisely us ouo would wind yarn, though of course tho diameter of tho spool is pretty largo. Tlio makers say thu glass spins out in very even thickness, and runs surprlslugly "true." From tho spin ning It goes to thu loom. Ono girl cuts tho threads into tlio proper lengths and in epects them for faults. Another operates the loom. Each glass thread Is laid in by hand, and a careful movement of the mn chine pushes it to its placo in the fabric Then another thread is out in, and so feldstmr. corundum, cryolite, and most other minerals. It conies chiefly from Ilaux, a small vlllajjo in tho south of Franco. Deposits have also been found iu tho United States, and it hns been esti mated that thu metal constitute)! about ono-twelftu of tho earth's crust. Theroaro a number of processes for obtaining tho metal and it is hoped to yet cheapen its production so that it can come iuto gen eral uso. Its weight is alxmt onu-thlrd that of iron, and one seventh that of gold. When cast It is as soft as silver, but whoa rolled or hammered it becomes almost as hard as iron. Its tensile strength is twelve tons to tho sipuiru inch. It does not rust nud thu mechanical world looks forward to tho day when it shall become as cheap as iron and rovolu tiouUo at least ouo branch of mechanic, arts. ltOIlKHT filtAVEB. A glorious plnn of continental bell ring ing has been evolved by tho directors of tho World's fair. It will Ikj tho grandest peal of rejoicing ever heard. At noon, exactly, by central standard time, tho now liberty Ixill will ring out iu tones which will be echoed nroiiuil thu earth. At thu samu tiiuo all tho boats in tho harbor will Milut'Uiul every bell In tho city will bo rung, 'hit thu ringing will nut end there. Arrangements aro Mug mado to havo every bell in tlio United Stales peal forth at exactly 12 o'clock noon, Chicago time. At night by far tho grandest end most extensive pyrotechnic display over seen will bogiven. 1 A number of exhibitors havo been giv ing away fans as advertisements, much to tho dismay of tho man who has tho f ran cldso for selling tho comfort producers. As protests did no good, tho concessionaire has appealed to tho exposition authorities asking that tbuy prevent his trudo from being ruined. t WAP I FV1 llnwtorroiioiuizi'tliiic. tiwlilil j nml nioiie) ho ii to mmi; II1 V I t UiKWorhlVfulrtolieKt . I ii 1 It. iiilvuntiotK, Ih a ijiii-H-; ' Hon Hint inuy lnun. ;puizleil ,on. Arohl iiiUtiikcx h ucttiinr; .piwteil In ml wince. I'crliiiiix tliollliiMrntcil . foliler JiihI Uimcil hy Siinlii I'n HoiiIk U; ' whiit Jon nei'il. It rout ii IiihWuwh of w orlil's . fulr hiilhllnifx, ncciirnto uiiip of Chiruuo, .' .unit other hiforinu- -tlnllofwlllll-tOKUlIlt- (J m i liMlV Immix. Aililrei.H. I.. H A i I A I' VJ l'nliner, I. . Siinlii nVI'Mll : :f,. liontii, omuiiii, KIM I Vj. ; iiinliii'k for fieocopy. ; ((((((((((((((a Yi OlFICKIISs (, IC. Mooitr., I'rexhleut. 11. K. IIiiown, Vice l'ri-H. ('. II. Imiiofp, CiiHhier, Dlltr.C'IOItS: It. i:. Mouie, .1. I). Jlncfiirlnnil. II. K. Ilrowu. .1. V. Dimeeiw, I..I. Imhoir, ('. K. Yiitcx, A. ri. ltnyinoiiil, lolm I'lt7uenilil, T. i:, filbert. ooooooooooooooo 1,1 lifl ill llltelot. AIimiIiiIx .scriirlly. Inlerext puhl nn SiiIiii,-h l)eHixitn ut the rate of 1'lvu per rent per iinmitn. Union Savings Bank, III Noutli lilcventli Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. ENTIRE CAPITAL INVESTKD IN U. S. BONDS YOUR SAVINGS SOLICITED. P 1 a ee irms im lierokee m l) Strip. I., l'nliner. P. A. Santo I'n Houte , for free ropj of illiitrnleil folder rite to i:. Oliiuhii. Neli. ilfM'rlhitit,' unit tlio Tonkiiun, I'liwuee nml KlckupiuiIUtxer Mltl'iliH. xonu to heolieueil for Kettlemut I'S the l'. s. uiiwriinii'iit. .Millioim of ucreH In tlm tin i ht iik'riculturnl comitry iiniler tlieciiu. unit Ink' to he lickh'il hj tlm IiiixIiuuiIiiiiiu'h ploWHliiirn, thix l iilnm-l the hi't clinnco to olitnin one of I'mie Siun'x free funnx, FRE AIM'ONA, XKW MKX'ICO thread by thread tho metal textile growH, i Au exhibit from tho holy land haauoun It 1b slow work, a uluiblu fingered girl, received at tho Transportation building, with ouo assistant, being ablo to mako but ! Among other things it includes n model of a quarter ot a yard of glass cloth in a day the boats used on tho Sea of Galilee in tho Naturally glass cloth Is oxpcuslvu. Sixty I time of Christ. Mil J he hint hi nililre-wliiK (I, P. AT ., I.T. AS, 1"., Mention thin hi per, l'liuiphletH ile-crililnir tlm nwoiirces of KANSAS, OKLAHOMA. CALIFORNIA, T. NIclioU (I. Topeku, Kiiiihiix. AM) UHiKtitiuor nn illutriit- ed folder lie-M-rllilnu the fiirin.i. rmiclieH, xtro. Thn orotltM of fruit rnixiuKuriivet forth In detail iitlnofnrtii relnlhe tonlieep. mine unil Koncrnl iiirinim.'. No other roiiutr) poxxexHe mirh u ilexinihln cllnmto nil Hm )enr iiround. Write to 1. I, . l'nliner. 1'. A. Siinlii K Houte, Oniiihn, Neli., for free ropy. TllltKK-Ml.VUTH TALKS Alllll'T NKW MKXICO. niluen unil low ii of New Me Moving Household Goods and Pianos None but lixpericiued Men einploved. Latest devices lor Moving Machinery, Safes, and other heavy article. S" lIM- MAPUIMC .Dvvmu nimnimo AND GUN ! pEPAIRING. We luie jimt eniilo)eil n hkillful workimiu from the Ijut, ho U fully coinpetent to luuko alt repair In tlm nlsitu Univ. T. d. THORPE & CO., KM South Eluveuth St.