Sunday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1893, July 02, 1893, Image 6
WfW7Wi" r' ' h 'THIS SUNDAY MOliMSXIVO COURIER ' ''pPfpflMp ? s, ". v . ( fci, a !"r .. ? 1.1 M t Vn ",U Rr t r " t-v V.1 r, !. kl tV , ' l f V n. r x JM1 f Jgt. A-.5?T:3zaf!2r- I X Jm X S XTOJi. ,.Ay&Srajf-T f !. i - ! - s l . k - h w r j- -ten jiilftXs.''.. -. V. VflfeliH.rMlJ(T.VjrJA ii mj 2MasfiviiB&K Hwww ...- .i.-TT3nrj ir.rmiK -r. i' . -jwm -j- "v M Mil "Scfl p NSf"-" " ' 77 111 r 1 m I 1 - AN OLD TIME FOURTH IT IS NOT 8UCH A CELEBRATION A3 IT USED TO DE. AaIU at riunrUa nnilCrotutii All IIh) Ohl Sotttrrauml lllc riunlllcn KlrvworkH In tha Kvnnlnii Tlio lltirnt 8mrU !! 4lrelvtl Fualliiilts !IM13 wiw when tlio Fourth of Ju ly wjih tlio ono bright iMirtlouhir day (n tho ciilcn tlnr. It niiuu aft er corn wimiihint wl iiml wifely hmi ' throiufh tho (Umhttul stiiKort ' nfter liny linrvert mid often aftoi wheat wiih in tho THft fIFtB, hock. It cuuto after tho sliwp had loeu washed and after tlio busy Mieariiij; tlino, nml there really was no nrison why tho family shouldn't enjoy Itself Add to thiii tho coiiiIuk of that event on a Saturday, mid you linvo every reason for n big celebration In every county town in tho country. In tho dayn of militia and muster nud tminiiiK mid all that it was miro of a Rrand recognition. Uut latterly patriot tsm hnsbeon permitted toescaiHithronijh ft vent called Memorial day, and thero Isn't enough left over with which to "lick tho DriUan." Juvonilo Anioricii, that used to learn horoicH and exoiciso them, now han a day of its own, and cltildrcn'tt day Is their cajwcial jiresorrcr, ven tho bad boy joiiiii.g in tho fesav ities, not n whit Kauctiticd by Hh connec tion with a ijunday school. Then there Are tlio count Uwcxcursious ami jiicnlcs and jtho journeys, nono of whicn was f fttteApted by tho fathers. And of cmrso j croslsn t ginger enough to eltorvcbco tho entire year. All that mailo tho hucccss of tho colo- bration at Woodvillo tho moro remark ble. A now lawyer had come to town ftlong In March, und tho first thing ho did 'Van to move for a good Fourth of July iMlobration. It was stratigo, having tho ; management of tho affair in liU own 1 bands, if lie didn't deliver tho main ma tiou, and it was stranger still if after giving them that taeto of his metal lie fdld not win a fair huro of their casea in court. Ho conceived the happy idea of offering a money premium for tho lar gest, delegation from any ouu township And his has become m much an ago of 'monoy getting that it did what patriot ism could not und fnirly filled Wood villo vith countrymen by 10 o'clock in tho morning. Each of tho townships brought u band of Its own. Uy baud tho rural reader always understands u com pany of iuuitfiiiiH And tho collection displayed at Woodvillo was a marvel. , i UUI .nf i. i V w '- - a wild exriiOsioN. lo'ordw to avoid nil professional jpal -.iansiciaus are proverbial quar - wr 4&w 'Vsf n or fLAi Ml 1 5 1 ' T " : v I Mtm Lawyer Wuite ynivfi each, town "Long may our Innd bo bright, SMp')p,lace in the order' of its'iirrlving hrompted tho tenor, with his book bo JWHOi. m4 fttell delegation; beaded by fore him and his ringer on tho lino. And ' wabb4.-fiiii-HldtW, principal after tbatthe master of ceremonies weut Mil warctMaotmiayijrtotiMitirwtnmiagiy tnrougu to tbe end, tie 4 iag J V TWP"w r-?V "TV ",i. y cvv.T hi,. lJs yj- ACS . J'Z, WhltCM'iUo was entitled to u foromojt placonot only lii'cntiso U enmo (irst to town, but becaiiM) Eli Plaisaiico.who had It in chargo.wiis'plaintili lit u larger mini ber of lawsuits t linn any oilier man. and Counselor Wntto wanted him. But theso wero only u fowof tho many thinga that went to m:il:o Woodvillo great. Tho oldest settler In the county was hero a totally rjxiei"'tablo but do llciously comical old fellow, who had drank to repletion from every jug m tho grounds, mid who Insisted on Inter rupting every conversation with tales of tho Indians ho hud slain mid tho deer ho hud outrun on the dry grounds whem tho bet buildings of Woodvillo now lifted their galvanized Iron cornices. Tho first woman M'ttlcr waa alto pres ent. She came down in u chair set in tho common wagon box and was a pei son of Interest for tho first tlinoin years. Shu had been snubbed and browbeaten o many times by her son-in-lnw that sho took unstinted revenge now In re ceiving the attentions of tho populace and in telling how sho uted to "swing an ax as good as any man" in those old days b-'foro tho wilderness had learned to blossom. Tho man with tho biggest family was then' a w.ary, wiry, aguish loohlng chap with it progeny himply appalling and it wife who slipped ol? her shoes an l sat in stockinged comfort most of tho day. Nino of tho children woro gar a StffoV&'f A MILD INTOXICANT. ments mado from tho bituio pieco of "do mestic." In tho c.iso of the girls it took the shape of gowns called dresses in Woodvillo. On tho boys tho same figure nud fabric appeared as shlrtsthough for tho youngest not enough tin had been allowed, and his collar was pinned on to his great annoyance and occasional agony. Tho rest of tho children wete either small enough to wear the eastoiF clothes of their elders or large enough tc wear purchases of their own Of eourst' tlio man with the biggest family had a money premium, and of course he mo uopolized it, as if tho bearing ami rear ing wero all results of his own fair hand iwork Squiro Stradley had eonseitd to read tho declaration, and ho did so with a strength and judgment which showed that ho at least was as good a patriot as tho first man who ever "held thee truths to bo self evident." Then came a prayer by tho most daring minister in the place a man who lived In hope of fcomo time being hauled up before th? conference on a charge of heresy. When ho concluded, tho glee club t-aug "Amer ica." with the tenor perpetually wander ing about in the vocal clouds that circled, above tho ba?H and air and woude-'ng what had become of tho chord. "Now wo will all sing that Int verso together," said Lawyer Wuite. rising iin presslvely, "and tho bands will accom pany us. 1 will recito it; Our fmluTsMitKi, imiat), ' Author of lltxrtr. -yx, To lltfo Ho slug cr-er Ana- there lit stopped, for ho couldn't remeiiilter the succeeding words to save 1 his life, m 1 Sy A. . "I J- ory, but mi ono minded tho break. Ev cnthluif was forgotten In tho song that followeil. Tiicu came tho oration. Tlio mastet of ceremonies was tlio orator and Intro duced hlmuelf, IJuattncl.'eil tho original foo of Amerlcit'M caglo mid vainiiilshed in i. .,... i,,r L.r ...!.. -I, .1 ti...i ' overbad threatened. Then hoaniioiince.l , lo Mf' Nul" wil1, ho comniittwl in that dinner was nadv, and tho shifting ''' """" ' IiliiiuiliiK of tho throng BUirouiidcd tiio two long tablet iiimuul lenion approprirulon bill nml or lost Itself In llttlo groups about the ' -! f tho Democratic party In the grovo und ato from ImsUets that had been W'1 yer tho pension iiuestion. Iniag liayn l.i filling, but which stood depleted I"' "vigorous man about 5 feet 0. clear after an hour's feast. ' cut fro"1 lm' Kro,,," "I broad shoul- Other sports foliowed. and when tlit ,1U'rH- k"-,l) vUl'M' ,jl hones-as compact interest tho sun was down, and ', I'"-, l " "trotig shoulder I. tter. every ono took it good position for low-. " '"'lr " coarse, dark colored, wit 1 a lug tliu fireworks. This had been H,( , faint suggest on of re.ldlshness. His grand eirortofthiiconiinitteo. and nearly' ' is smooth shaven: features clearly 0101) had been raised-through tho hard - ljlliil. His i.iouth is largo, but It Is cut coinlng-for the ptirchnsc of ' '' ll,)S0 "" wonUl Hlhigulsh him any mifl itiiiilliij mill ttltiu'liitolrt Mint Wntitil Wllt'lO. show all tho colors of, tho rainbow. II was unfortunate that tho committee didn't l;nov as much about firing as it did about buying, for 0110 of tho first things done tvtts tho dropping of 11 light ed torch in u heap t.f explosives, and n volcano resulted It was tho wililo t sceno ever known in Woodvillo. Ham Gill was burned i:i tho t.ico, and Charley Fallen hail tliu skirt of hl.i coat scorched a ciiiniiino.i brown before tht'y could es cape tho misdlriVted funllhulo. Then tho air was red and blue and smoky from tho cracking, snapping, roaring box or fireworks and that was tho end of tho day's festivities. While It was admitted tho law frowned upon tho sale of l!iuor on tho Fourth, it had been noticed ever hiuco noon that some 0110 had a Umi.less supply of mild intoxicant, and ly tho tlino tho day was done tho men were as wild and Inebri ated as wero their sires on training day But It wan Fourth of July, and no one nlt'ifiri'il U tin fitrntiit thom Tint w-ttir. Vtl(ltf "" " " "- ...-.- ens wero tilled with farmers and their , families; tlio buggies which 11 later gen eration had chosen, instead of tho spring hs. comfortless chariots for lumber crowded the narrow streets and hurried out into tho country roads. There were Rongs and jokes and a world of fun, and then the all pervading night ttwallowod and silenced i,U hcritngo of day. A Minirnfiil liny. Algy What are you dwessed in blacli for, ohVnuiuy Wcjy You evidently lorget. Alg' Unit this is .! Fourth of July THE PENSION ujuSTION. Hon. Jo.ciili II. tl'Nt-lll Will the 1'1-jlit ill 111" .Nl'M M-ikIiiII. tiH'l'llll CuI'IVrillUllellt u. Wasiunoion, June Oil. All move ments of widespread interest necessarily Iiavo to bo propelled into public nutlet by siiiiio person and some definite propo sition. Sometimes in the growth of tin movement tho initiating force is almost forgotten, and tho movement seems as it it grew of itself. It is so with the present agitation in favor of pension reform resulting in tin Faruham post trouble In O. A. It. ranks It was not until in tho houto of repre sentative last February, when several amendments to tho pension laws wen. brought hi as "riders" to tho pension appropriation bill, that concrete form and impetus wero given tho puiision tjues Hon. These amendments proposed in briel j that no alien living outside of tliu United States tdinuld continue to receive n pen sioiii Hint no widow who married mort than live years after tho war should bt pensioned, and that under tho depend- ' cut and disability act of ISiM) no person should be pensioned who is not disabled from manual labor and is in receipt ol f an income exceeding ijl'iOO a year. These amendments failed, as it was Uuowu they would fail, but had just tho effect anticipated by causing a two weeks' de bate that started tho present movement into activity. The propelling forco of tho nmei ments was .lu.-eph 11. O'Neill, nieiiib. f of congress Ironi Doatou. The groin . was probably fallow for at least a dls cu"ion of the imontion whether pension allowances hud gone too far. Had he himself not thought tho time ripe and that ho could Kifely strike the blow their author would not have presented the amendments. Mr, O'Neill is not tin man to rashly throw" himself into 11 breach, That may bo heroic: but, as he himself would say, it is not politics. Nc moro distinctive type ol tho Ynnkeo Irishman could be imagined than Joe O'Neill, as his iiiti.uates know him He is not the mercurial, devil-may-care Irishman of the novelist. Ho is lioue-t, industrious and warm hearted, but cleat headed. No moro cool, calculating mem ber sits on the llnor of tho house. John Sherman is Iturulya more complete mas ter of tho knowledge when to act and wheu not to Mr. O'Neill is just turned into his for tieth year Originally from Fall River, ho located in South Dostou and plunged actively into silitics. Ho has always had to light for success, but lias always succeeded. As there aro In South Bos ton a number of hrnht young men llko himself, ambitious for a public career, tho fact that Joseph O'Neill has nlwuys succeeded si eaks for it cf him aa an adroit uoliticiuii. Uy on. slon he U a fmS 3rr.f apjSi -wH"' r4';, fPV and 1io practices Imt neMoui. Ills public career began in IB7 as a member of the Boston school committee. From 188 to 1831 ho was in tho .MaxKachuxetts Iioiiho of representatives. Ho was city clerk of Boston for two years ami was then sent to the Fifty-first congress to begin hla promising national career. It is large, long and points straight out into tho nlr not 11 curiously iuipiis itlvo iukc, hut 0110 that pokes itself into anything It thinks it lias aright to know about and measures things by tho cold, hard facts of its discoveries unbiased by cutliiiL'iiUil considerations such as usu ally weigh strongly with an Irishman lie does not speak often In tho house, and when ho docs drives squarely at the matter under discussion in a sharp, rather harsh voice set off by no gestures save a straight propulsion of tho right arm. II j is a line stump speaker. Though a young man, he is not of the (jiiinuy wing of the Massachusetts Democracy. Ho was not a Cleveland num. and in the last speak ership contest was not a Mills man, but adroitly masked his Hill feelings under n boom' for young Uovtirnor Uusell. nud as ho hail kclared on the stump he would voto lor no free silver man he threw his voto away and cast It for John The shrewdness characteristic of a Scotchman nither than of an Irishman wuhhIjowii bj an Incident in tho deb vor tho pension bill. Pickler of D.ik lehate ota and lllnghani of Pennsylvania wer charging uivagt ly into it. I was on thy tloor, and meeting Mr. O'Neill, who wa walkingabout, hesaldionio: "Thosotwo men were gallant lighters. They are not tho men I'm after. I know what all their records are. I've looked them up. and some persons may find it out." He had examined the war records of every probable opponent of the bill. What will come of tho movement ho started remains for time to tell, but it will give Mr.O'Ncill t ational prominence. C. H. Mr.mi.i..T. UN I'uulU Miss Summit Wlrit ntmle you stlrk it clo-e to Mr I'l.ld ""-k all last i-vt-i:!iie when you saw I wasdyhut to talk to hlmf Miss Pallsutie Don't bhmiumu, He liogiii-d me to do It. Truth. Iittiri)lni; Km-i-i-Wi'. Papa See here, str! The policeman tells me you are one of the boys wbo jump on ami 11IT of railroad trains at the eroding. Small Son Ob, that's real iiiiproviu ex ercise. When I grow up, mehhy I can get on an otT of street cars without Kettln killed. Good News. RV GOOliS ATB COST OR SHE. KI OR CRY. THIS STOCK MUST BE SUU OUT AT OXCE&COMK AXD CKT WHAT YOU XKi:i) WHILE THE AFSORIMEXT IS GC0D. AVB3IEAX1JVSLNKSS I V.. C, imilt'llTMlN, frit C LsX few wav'(j, EM DRY GOODS STORE Cor. 11th and N Streets. ?t mwibi !..' - WAV v IK' A 1 A A W v-'fHii ad. lwm. Shfirm wSrmm ii t, -&&?& ?ra.tvUj J t s7 V'xYvP--JHi ifclT-l . ii ..iB' !!! I.)l v. If"1 I "Dauntless bcorcher," "King Scorcher," "Royal 'bight Roadster," "The Majestic," "The Dauntless Compeer," for badies, Also the I-atest Novelty, tho COMMON' StiNSli HIGKORY WHBBk. Never buy a Wheel until joti have rcen us. Gor. 1 0th and M Sts. pOUND IT AT bAST. JUST THE BOOK I HAVE BEEN. bOOKING FOR. And beveral thoiiaiKl others. I would advise all who would save time to go to I-I. Wr. BKOWX'S, 120 SOUTH I ITH ST. THE EkEGANT AT t ARE RAPIDLY DISAI'PKAKIXtJ. COME EARLY. Concise. Modern. Practical. Inexpensive. Ti YOUTH'S CYOLOPEDIA Now reuily In two luvfjo oelnvo volumes. Prepared by a corps of tenohora anil educational writers expiesMy for use of pupils and students in pub lit: and private schools, seminaries and academies. Costing but a small fraction of 'J10 prico of the largo cyulopiedlns, it is ten times mole valuable for the purpose, Iiocutlso it tits. Teachers are enthusiastic in its praise, Baying it meets 11 need which has been long nud deeply felt. For agents It Is 11 lioiinii.n. No competition! no other book llko It; a positive anil urgent demand for .t. Wh have a system of canvassing the cichools which insures quick woik anil big results. First agent took IOO orders m IO days, another has taken ordt-ts for ilO.'J sets in 7 wefcks, and says "1 have sold books for ten years and Ibis is tho best seller I ever struck." UUC UANT APCWTQ who will givenll their thin' nud wnnt tomnkelibmqney. TIL Wrtni KULlllu We give extva terms and o.vcllisivu ttM'i'Hory. Teuclitsrs and Students wlio want inodtnlilu vacation Avork shnultl write us. For full iufnriiiatiou and teinis, inliliess LAUREATE PUBLISHING CO., Lakcsldo Building, Chicago, 111. SULPHO SALIJIE BATH This palatial oatibllnhmsat Is now nyou in all douartinsnta with tlie xoeiitlou or Tnrklsli, liuuuian, hleetrlo ..aliluot nud and these will ua roady by June 1, Arrnrttfotrioptlof Hours-OUKVT Pl.l'Nnn. I.mll.-, from 8 a. in. to I. ".sou m. IJnlly vsn-pt Snuiliiy. (lentletiion. from 1 p m tulip m. mvk iIiivh, nml Irtim s . m to 1- m Hmnlni MICUl. H IMS-Un Momliir ami Tltil'mlny venliint t-. in.10 thrt llniiKC will l. upon tn both nt-n-8. (iHiitltnitii mi ilifi t-wmiitiit mil l.u tti ut t tt-tl only hIih.i iici-iimpniilt-il li.v it Iml v nml nil Hiniau.'ri In tlm Inxtltiilluii rnii-t puw ure mi Intio tliictloii la-liirx tln-y vim puit'hittii tkltjiu, Only ..-i Itil utiu-iinurtreritlilu tli-ktu will bauo rvptrtl on foiinl cwnlMK.t. opHOlnl Ivottcua- On WtnliiPMlnynlturniion from I In HoVlnck llii(rriiit iiiiiiiireian li rented lor prlvnie p trtien. I lilltlren iiudtr IS will nut U nilmltt ,1 n ilnn iiii-iiiiiihiiiIhiI by parent nr uiiurillmi. IIo,vh uml.r Id will l.f n.lmit ti-l .In: Iiilc luili.- Iniurx wlii-n Hrenin. pnuleil iy lln-lr mnilier uruniinllnn. Durlutr Jim-. .Inly nml , jtrnt III.) un-ut iIiiiicm n In- open tn hnlh ovxi-a friim n m to S tt in. nllv i-eept Mm my ' m irr.nt iilmiiru oct-iiplt-HHHpiuetil Mi het wlilu lit 112 ft-el In linulli iiml I. friim SVk to U fitit ilvoii It In till i with inln-uil nnterfrom lli-ciMiipittiy'M onn mhIh nml nlMoliitelvpnrii nml ivmiirk iilny clenr nml t.uu.wini 'I aro Knt flr-cMliiK ioiiitiH,to unlet rnoniH.iwii hot nml cold dinner linllm. one iintomittle needle luttli, to rttliiu-r i-nvmi-d .prliitr IhiiihIh, u rnlt a tnivWInirt nine mid rope for iir(iilrini Ihonrt ol hhih hi iil.-. S v. nil life piei-unern mlr torn, tomlHiiiid lnnlieii, miniN nud tonvU, etc., nml tlie adtnUiluu to tlie u iiur with nil ol tbtM ptlvUitjK U but 3d CHal'H. v '' Mlm It.Ttln Iturr nml Mr, P fieyer ulr Inittrilctlnni In unltniiilnK to Indie and cblldren nit n mid Iju.vm durluit iidv.rllril lii.tirn, ' '1 ho Hot Srtlt ria,hs iin-Miinrkiiblv effli-uilou In men nllmetiu iin rli--iiinntlsin il.vo'..'ilii . uniit, iiiuIiiiIh, kidney, liver mid li'-rvuii. truui lt- nml lilimd ilUeiii'S. 'I lm lint milt dep rtini'tilH nr- proimbiy tb- mnt impu unit ol linn rent eiiii.llhlniiut nml botlt i-xm amy but tie nt tlu-Kniiie Him there belnu iieniriiie iiiidilixlnut np.iriinuut fur Indlei nml Keutieuiuii, wllb "killed nitvuiuiutH In eiuh. If yuti lire m tk.or Ii-el bad and duu't know finell.t wlutt iiiIh tou, try ibn-e ill bitth lor n bnrt tlinenud eo tbe rrtuit. It will lix a revi-luilou toynu. Tito Mod rt ms nni cluirinlinr, they are well v-ullluled, liiiniUiiinely fnrnMied and nre fur theintuiiiiiiiidiitloii o Hin-i In ill brnltli who lab to take luitlni nml leiniilii In the l.ulldliiu. or for iIi.i.h who l-li u nliibtit lodKiui; utter n HukhIiiii or Cnblii.-t bntli The Ri'Ctipiion Hooms .-i . iJrlvato r'arlora nreriihiy devunited nml ulfoiii uiuch loinfort nn rent to iliu-e ho lh to while it way mi hour or two nfier u bntli The Intent IhkIiIiiii bunk, perlodlinu mid llluntruled pujiern me on convenient tniile l'axur loo iIIiiii, roikerH nml en-y elmlr nreon uvery IUe. 'Ibe ciiriieu ain rltb In lolor und diman, lie iirvunil vmlt Ihiee iipitrtiiienu. Tho bnrhar ohop l in cluirm of careful men. The tools an iluirp, the lurronnd. Inc nent and coaifortablii nud the i hnrKei' inoderule. Tho l.nclloB H.tlr ur-t8lnir Dapartmunt U very cuniplt mid i mninlled with tvr.tthliiK necemiiiry tor artUlloaud taMxIuctory mirk. u limy atteiulnuu iiraexne-l. ncd and cnnrteoiii nud will ntrlve tn pleaw all wltn fnyor them with itvl-li Tha I-lal 1 Bl.thS are very couipletH iml afford ample aciouiiiiodatlnui for both ei at the tin Unit. All tube are white porcelain, " I'aiuphUte, tMtlinonlal and nil Information may be cured by nddrtlo lira. U II ml i O. Kverett. munaitlUK phytlclaae. M and Kourteentb etreeta, Lincoln, Neb F") Mosit Jr013XJ.XO-V or axtie x?kr T Wo have now in stock tho most approved and best lino of Wheels over shown here, and Invite you to call and . PC(j tho, . Carriage Manufacturers. WAbb PAPERS AND SANI- TABIUM. T WfV,il Jf - "-&&& 'zs """IWiv MflHf E ,..H J i f, A 'i , V t '; V -TO lawy r hut ..atti,.( takes t ills tune. "it. Ti..U.;i,... S y jr'- lAwmmLEmmmx XilHff1 w!..Jif,lBt Bf .'. " L'.rjft.aCTg"JW IBM -UMIIIBM. 1" ., . -L i e.- .4 nUmKMMmmtmmmmammmmmm-, ML to wmw fro MUNfa.iortra wr upw or