Sunday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1893, July 02, 1893, Image 4
TffAHaiAi.itff.i.r.iiu.jfti8JMVMliiiiltifi,,ilM-i;i,ti..irii itrvmitmmmifitlltMlttf1titiiwm " 11 i " y mum PW iranawiira , f f i- , (U OriII3 SUJ&DjSJY 3WXOIJVI3VO OOXJIfcllS-R 8 W fcv I- t !T f '. ' t 1 ". 0 i! .; I UPY1R1& COURIER PUBLISHED SUNDAYS III Till'. COUMKR PUBLISHING 60. l. Vr.M., Jit., Wi. Mourns Hmi i ii. I'-wlili'iit iimt MntinutT, ScotelntyninlTri'iiniriT. 1IiiIiioi- Oilier. 11.11 O Ktiwt, Plume SKI. i. i. -- - t- ; -. - - Tr.tiMo or suiifioitipriONi Tiir, rm ttimi, mm cnr l mUiiiu'is .f.MO Hlx iiioiillit Tlirootitimtln ... Ml OOIIIICQI'ONDENOE. CiititrlliiitliUM nml nil eoniiiiiuilcHtlmn relip ( Ivti to iimi nml nlltorliil inuiur ulitmlcl lm nil ilri'p'tli To I hoed Iter. , . ., All liiiiii' lttiM( nml remit (nitre rlimilil lin ml lrii-il i Tin: Cot'iinoi I'l ni.noiiMi Co.. lilncolii. Ncli. lmfl, rliKn nml iitiilllrii orihri AiiimM liuiHiiliinsnlili In the unler hi t lip en in puny Till! (Ipl'llll'.ll I'l'IIUHllt.Nll I'll. W. MOUTON 8MHH, tOITOIl. j Tin: Coruini InvlW'rt tho .voutli of the city to bathe In tho groat iIiiiiko lit the Hiiiiltmltiin ut Its expense, I.njim him slapped fioo coinage In tlio fuei'. Tho llniini'liil desideratum of Mr llrynn ami Mr. llurrows Ih now further itvvay than over. It took John Horry thirteen iIiivh nml Hlxteon hours to ride from Chudron to Chicago. Aside from tlio part plavod In tho oowlioy race by tlio Illumine society, there was comparatively littlu Interest In thu long ride . WllKN tllO X)lllllHtH luivo Imllt thu rnllroml from llrlllsh America !- tho Oulf of Mexico, a project will bo not on foot to connect the north nml noiith polo by ineaitH of an elevated olootrle railway, with branch lines to tho moon ami Htnrs.,tu'.i' Matiii'.u, who decided hint Hprlng to give tho stage a rent, will htinlly give It, tho stage, time enough to recover from that tired fooling. It In nnnnuneod that sho will come buck thlw fall, reinforced by tho Pnbst money. Ami tho Mather shriek ami tho Mather fall will bo revived In all their glory. Hl'IT.VI.O Mil. I. I'llll IKlVKII.VOIt. Tlio Chicago Sunday Democrat sug gests tho llonorablo Wllllani l' Cody for governor of Nebraska and n number of uiii'in In thin Htato have ondoisod tho suggestion. ThtH Ih tlKht. hot iih nuilio IliilTalo Hill governor by all inoiins. Tho election of Col. Cody to tho ollloo of governor would bo an iiiri)irinto climax to tho scrlcH of events which oninmenced with tho clout Ion of horoiro Crounso. CronnsclH himself an olllelnl freak. HulTnlo Hill would bo a lit successor. It In CruniiHO who Ih lamely ri-Hiioimb bio for tho hldi'ouH moiiHtiortlty Itnown an tho Ni'bniHlm bulltlliiK at tho wnrld'H fair, It Ih Cronmio who Ih i-chiioiihIIiIo for that nthi'i' olllelal frralc, .1oh(iIi flarniMiu, Jr. It wiih Ciouiihu, tho Kvor nor of Nt'briiKkii, who on NoIiiiihUii tiny at tho worldV fair platTil lihuHlf nil ox hiliitlonut tho hi'iiil of attain ut IihIIiiiih, ami pationi7.(d thu cowbon. It m (Vonmio who, 1 1 tho continuation In nlllconf JoHcpli (lariicaii. lumpvcii the world or that portion of It Unit linn vImHoiI the world'H fair, tho liilpiiwlon that Ni'IiiiihUii liui Htanipliut ttrounil of In illaiiH, cowIio.vh, and InilTalocH, whoro corirlH tho only product, and clvlliziitlon, oulturo and tnnto arc iinhnown iiiautii'H. It Ih OriiiuiHc and IiIh piccloim coiiiiiiIr nlonor, llnrncau, who liavo iiimlo No briiHUa tho lautthlnj,' Btoch of the coun try, So, an lomt iih the public Iiiih Icarui'd, through CrouiiHo and Clarncau, to think of NobniHka only iih a howlint,' wililcr iichh, tho homoof Hulfitlo Hill ami hln cowboyH, tho laud of I milium ami buf falocri. It't iih Itcoji tho thlntt up by inak lt HulValo Hill ttovornor. Then wo could have tho nlato buy the wild wiHt hIiow and, after tearing down tho ntato houue, place it on the cipltol Htiaro ami (jlvo free oxlillltiiim dully; wo could have ImliaiH for iKillceineii ami owboyn for lettlnlntorH, with toimi hawlcH and bowlo kulven iih tho twin Hyuiliolrt of authority; wo could whoop thhittii up tteuerally, HulTalo Hill for govonior by all meaiiH. "WE TWO1' OX WHEELS nblo, old faHhloiied loiiligo and listen ilreiiinlly to our garrulous little lamb lady. TWO YOUNO LADIES ARE DOINQ GREAT "Dear, dciir, and If.i hard toliellovo nniTAiM dm nirvro cc ' tllllt '" lv '" tm' w".v rr,M Merlcky. DRI fAIN ON DICV0LE5. , Y() ,M ,, ,yo hvnn; ,UJ ,0 M,(rt i out like thW. just the iwoof ye. Ami TlH-lr Irli'ii.U TIhiukIiI Thi'jr .Hint tit tell 1110 why "o didn't brlllK bOlllO llll'll with ye too." Kilo In coiivuImm! with latitflitur In tho depth of her chair, ami I iuiiuiiku to an nwer with ilno irravlty Hint wo iliiln want to bother with iiiuu and that wo'ro belter olF without thein. "Well, I dont Know lint that yo arc rlj;ht, but It don't hcciii mi. Now, yo two arc traveling nil over tho wot hi. and here am I, u poor koiiI that never gets out of Chester, I've two brothers i. .ir rled and nettled in your country. May hap yo may have heard pe.ik of thciii. It's somewhere in Canada they live. Now, tell me, Ih that near UomIoii?" "Not very." "Well, Cantitla'ri tho iiueen's own, anil Isn't Hoxton too' "Oh, uol" I hastily answer. "Well, I've heard speak of It nml of Chicago anil Pennsylvania ami all them places, but tC'ri little 1 know of them." Blio hunts up a long unused lamp and llxitt It up for us because folks from our country don't like candles, and her last appearaneo Is just as wo aro ready for bed. "01 course yo two girls don't mind if 1 come in now, for I want to tell yo that tho key to your door Is lost, but yo'iojiiht as safe as If yo were under yer mother's wing at homo. There's nobody hero but me and my man. He's a shoemaker, as his father was before him, and lm.ny ugood bit hu picks up by his trade. Miss Hurley, she had these rooms for near three years, and sho It was that lot tho key to tho door; but Hover inliiil, ye'ro all safe," ami olT sho Y MAOUS CYCLONE BARGAINS. Crury, but Ifii-y An. Iluvlnu o Tlnn Sninii Note Uy llm Wii) Sllil. j ..Inn In Clii'Ktrr. HhuIiiI OiriVDlxiliilclii-r.) i Ctiravrr.ii, l'iii;land, .liino s;j. When ' IMith ami I iiuuouueed tint wo had do-1 termlmd to "do" Oroat Hrltaln on lib cycles, great was tho consternation there oil Our friends out homo In New ling- m$mw 2rS' r 'i t Ipieu Hnd Uhp Hhts Co n Beggihc Trliiimeil liatH at JiSc, 81.1'J. 81.11', 81.IK), 61.97, etc.. former prices wort fc'J.f0 to 60. In fact you can buy any trimmed hat In our store at less than half of the former price, hadies dress shapes, latest stvloH, white chip, fancy luaidH and fancy straws, at 1'Sc; former price i'2.M. MlhAX AND KAXCV STRAW, WORhlVS FAIR SAILORS -TOo. Ah the line is not a large one. come eatly for a good choice. ,- K-t.K, -? I I Nkxt Tuesday ovonlng thero will be a gojd many burnt lingers and a gmid many husky voices, for tiro worltH ami Kottrth of July orations have their coil- HciiucnocH; but the pi'ople will have manifested their patriotism by the noise of powder and voice, and there will be tho cquvtutton that the (heat Day va tlrtlngly lAiserved. , . Tiimti: were enough anarchlstH loose In the world- and in thin country--be-foroQovornorAltgeldotlllinolHllberated Kielden, Schwab and Neebe.on Monday. Thu Chicago anarchists were undoubt edly guilty when they were sentenced, anil they aro just as guilty now as they were then. It Is too bad Gov. Altgeld cunnot go back ami unhang Spies, Par sons, Fischer and Uugel, while ho Is in tho business of lo-illstrlbutlug anarchy. Tiik Hutler County Vest says: "Judge Maxwell is receiving more compliments than any other man In tho state." The JVtW Idea of a compliment is certainly liniilite. A very large number of people In this statu have come to tho conclusion that Judge Maxwell makes them very tired, and tho public expressions of that feeling aro lxth inultituduious and em phatic. If the l'rfu can twist tho gen eral protest against tho re-election of Judge Maxwell into a compliment, it can do more than many of tho vener able judgo'a moat intimate friondsenn do. Tin; Sunday attendaneo tit thu world's fair has fooled ovrrybody. Sunday, June I'J, tho attomlauee was Tl.'Jl.'l, against 7'J,8S!, the Saturday before, unit 77,lllUhe Momlay following. On Sun day, tho 18th, it was r.'.l.tKK), against 1-19,-OIM tho Saturday previous, and So.Uill the Monday following, hast Sunday U-,029 people attended the fair, as com pared to 1HS.SU tho Saturday previous, and 1)1,1(10 on Monday. Tho laboring men who are supposed to bo .unable to visit the fair any other day, haven't docked to tho fair by tho million on Sun day, and it Ih apparent that tho argu ments of the Chicago papers, so far as thin plniHo of Sunday opening in con cerned, were nearly all gulf. "wi! two" on iiiic tvrr.AMi'.n ooino ovnii. land labored with us, they pleaded with us, ami they volunteered such pleasing remarks iih these: "You must be crazy." "Well, I never expect to see you back agabi." "H'hii most preposterous Idea for two girls to start oil" alono on any hitch expedition." etc. Hut hero voire, safe and sound so far. After lauding at Liverpool we linnicdl ntely proceeded lo have our bicycles sent to bo uiipuukcd ami set up. Ah may no trots. Wo pile tilings up agonist tlio tin imagined, the American wheels created locked door, look under the bed and peer quite a sensation, and when wo called i Into tho closets and then crawl into the later on for them wo found thoin stir- j snowy bed, which smells of lavender, rounded by u crowd of men and boys, and aro speedily lost to the things of this Thu smiling clerk brought them to the i world. btreet for ns. and as we were pteparlng j Wo rise early to explore the queer old to mount two digtillled young English t city with its Roman nntlquitiesnnd vnri moil who wt'fo passing stopped, and ono ous relics of innnv centuries ago. We exclaimed to tho other In an audible I (ravin-no the top of the wall which stir aside: I rounds "old" Chester and get Into the "HyJovol 'Ihero aro two hout ami , sentry boxes nml peep out of tho loop r MRMMP gggfK Two Hours exclusive! tnilliner.v O and 12th Sis.. Funko's Opein House corner IS EII1I11 1. 1. CI OFFEH WHICH KILL BENEFIT YOU BESIDES PAYING OEP HIE V. N. C. A. DELT. Commencing Friday morning and for eight days we otter our entire stock of dry goods at a cash discount to jolt of one llfth oil' on everything and in addition to this inarveloiiH oiler we will give Hie . M. C. A. fund J per cent on every dollar, provided von present the Journal coupon or (hi wo being disliibutcil lv tho V. M. V. A. LadioH Committee, mailing the enormous discount given bj us of J OKI. 1 lui.i., of iMimlen.iuoueof his ad dresses befoto tho crazy "north and south railroad" convention in thin city, said: "Tho only obstacles in the way of the successful consummation of tho project aro the constitutional dilllculties, which could be overcome." Mr. Hull Ih very ingenuous, (mil his faith is sublime. To him tho erection of a railroad '2,000 miles long at an OHtlinntod tlrHt cost or $'2,000,. 000, is as simple a matter as rolling oil a log, and rolling otr a log Ih what might bo called dead easy. Tim.sK people who aro not going to thu world'H fair, and tho public genet ally, cannot tnuko better use of their time than by spending a few days at ono of the Chautauqua assemblies in this state. The Chautauqua assemblies have succedwl admirably in mixing intellec tual prottt with pleasant recreation. Iiw. Fn.vNic l.F.HUK, iu her reply to her late husbaud'B newspaper interview in wlatlou to tho divorce case, said: "1 had almost sooner bo accused of murder than bad taste." Mrs. Leslie will prob ably never bo accused of tho former, but sho constantly invites the second charge by her own conduct. A woman who keeps herself before the public, by the methods of prurient autressis and adventuresses, can certainly not bo credited with good tusto; and when her domestic infelicity is tlauntiugly trailed through the col umns of the public press, she exhibits u taste that comes very near being do- praved. Tub Jmtnuit shockwl the public Sun day morning by expressing what closely approximated an opinion on the Mosher case. Our contemporary's remark by way of excuse for its silence in the pilst, that "the situation was too grave, and too many people were vitally interested in tho proceedings to justify extended comment," Onuses one to wonder just what i the Jonniu'it conception of the ecopu ami province of editorial comment. Some people, may bo with less knowl edge of editorial ethics than tho learned Journal, tire foolish enough to imagine. that when thu situation is grave and when a great many jieoploarolntetested, is just tho time for editorial treatment. Ami wc must confess that thero is no imrtleular interest in tin editorial harangue in tho year of our Lord eigh iUen hundred ami ninety-three, .i some obscure event that occurred, say, In tho year .100. In tho present instance tho wonder is that tho Journal ventured to expreiw un opinion, or what might be tkMd M opiaiou, k early aa six months ft tt wmwwa. Tin: world's fair is not an unmixed blessing. A year or so bofoio' the open ing of tho fair, Joseph Ciiirneau, jr., was enjoying undiHturbe.l repose among his crackers and obscurity, and tho public had no reason to regard Nebraska as a hout American bicycles." "Yea," was the answer, "and they are hout and hunt American girls who are going to ride them too. We'll wait ami seo them go." "It's an easy matter to get away from the 'vulgar crowd.'" 1 call back to Kile1 as we sail swiftly down the street, turn the first corner anil aro lost to sight. Wo linger around Liverpool for a couple, of days to see the sights and "get our bearings" and then early ono morning cross tho River Mersey to Dirkeiihcad ami take tho turnpike road to Chester, the old walled city of which wu havo read so much. The road for tho entire distance is like it lloor. but it is far too interesting to hurry over. The "gentry," with their stately homes and ancestra' acres, lino thu sides of the road all' thu way. with un occasional little settlement of more common people and u country tavern or two, where we stop for a cool ing drink or some other refreshments. Wo stop to chat with the country peo ple wo meet on our wuy, most of whom are so ragged and dirty that if wo met them In America wo would bo likely to call them tramps and give them a wide berth. Here their honest, good uatitred faces reassure us, ami we often gain i. fund of interesting information from these slow going tanner folk, who al ways scum to have plenty of time to stop their horses and chat. Wo meet party after party of cyclists, many of whom slow tip as they draw near us for a pleas ant word. We are Informed that at Mrs. Urown's, tho "half way house," we can get a good dinner, as sho caters es pecially for cyclists. As wo draw up to the door the following Inscription greeta us: "Mrs. Hrown is licensed to sell In toxicating liquors and small beer to be drank on the premises." "Well," said Edo firmly. "1 won't sacrillce my temperance principles and go in there. If I am hungry, ami wo journey on. In a short time woconio to an inn that is decidedly cozy and com fortablo in appearaneo, and wo decide to stop. As we pas around to the side to the entrance the big siu'ii .winging in the wind reads, "Licensed to sell wine and spirituous liquors." Tlio corners of Edith's month droop a little as this meets her eyes, but sho howling wilderness over running witti hutfnlocH and Indians. The Nebraska building was then a thing unknown. Tub Heatrico Kxpivus propounds a query which the iletuocratlo press will probably not bo very hasty in answering: it is this: "Can any ono mention any new industry which has been transplanted to this' country since March I, IS'J'lf holes nml try to imagine wo aro sentinels watching for invaders. Red coated Brit ish soldiers travel about the city ami give an added plcturesquoncsstothoolil place. I (1ml tho "wishing steps," and. according to the rule, walk up and down over them thr-M) times, holding my breath and then "wish for what 1 want most." I may as well add right hero that I didn't get that wish. Then I found the ruins of the mill that Mauds on the River Dee where the miller sang so cheerily, "I envy no, body; no, not I. and nobody envies mo." We visit the cathedral, Tho Rows and other points of interest, and when we aro told that Chester is built on tho ruin9 of an old Roman city ami that it is im possible to dig into thei irthto tho depth of two or three feet without coining upon souiD relics of the old Romans it ii WMWmkmm Thlssaleisgiveu ex pressly for the benellt otlheY.M.C.A.fnnd. LADIES COMMITTEE: Mrs.T. II. Leavitt. Mrs. S. II. Hurnham. Mrs. L. C. RichardH. Mrs. M. D. Welch. Mrs. J. W. Winger. Mrs. F.M.I lull. I. pi U REBATE FUP. Lincoln, AVo., Jhiic 23 lo Jul') li, 1S03. I'a II o llio onh'v of V, M, .'. -rl. Fund on account of Mr (Sii;ii mr un mo unit iiililrcKf.) Tliin check in good for !i per cent reliala iu addition to our '0 per cent discount sale now in jirourcxs, when presented at time of purchase. 11. It. h'fiUO d- Co. 5PERCIlEflGllllJiRu0R0EffR CIIKKTl'lt CATIll'.nitAU only tho fact that we cannot possibly carry any oxtra luggago that restrains us from at-once starting out with shovel and pick to dig for antiquities. And so, having "done" Chester, wo got out our wheels and start duo east for Manchester. Caimui: L. Hodsdon. in I'lhii County llriiilnlici'iiei-n. ISln'i'liiUTiirii'siionilpiirc. Summit, N. .1., Juno 20. The other night a very nice, sociablo old fellow came up and introduced himself as Jabez Meserolo of Piko county, Pa. I told him that I had been at Milford and Diugman's Ferry and went into raptures over that lovely region and spoke of tho great hunting up there. "Thero ain't no sich hunting as thero used to be," ho said with heartfelt pa thos. "When I was a boy, (ho quail was so mentilul up there that you count walks steadily forward this time, and j catch .,. j,, iiHcoopiiotllko butterflies." TiikCouimku this week begins tho publication of a regular weekly letter from Chicago by its own special corre. spondont. This is in addition to the regular world's fair correspondence. "I mkt Eulallaon tho Midway Phils nneo," is n harmless little sentence if you are sure of your pronunciation you can use it to humiliate tho people who talk about U-lay-ee and playsants. Rki'kai.imi the Sherman law is one tiling. Enacting something else in its place is quite another thing. Sure, etllciont, easy Hood's Pills. They should bo in every traveller's grip and every family medicine chest. 5c. a Ixix. CUTOUTT1IECOURIER COUPON. Rich, puro ami wholesome ice cream and ices for tlio homo, party or picnic at jiriqier prices at Chas. Juno's, comer Thirteenth and O streets. Telephone 674. we enter the coztest ot iHuIug rooms, and an enticing repast is soon spread be fore us. Tho obliging waiter asks us if wo would like some bi-cr or anything else to drink. There is consider.ihlu acidity in Edo's voice us she orders lenionaih' and disapproval In her eye. a.s 1 ask for a glass of porter. 1 silence any remon strances, by remarking that 1 am going to drink it for its tlesh producing qual ities, and as thero is no occasion for Iter to use it for that reason she may as well drink lemonade. Wo linger around until wo suddenly awako to the fact that night is drawing on apace and sottledown for a quick run into Chester. Wo dismount in trout of a little shop, ami I enter to make some in quiries as to lodgings or hotels. A quaint, motherly little oul laiiy meets uiu, and after a somewhat pro longed survey of my general apiu-aranco and a glance at Ede, who is standing guard over tho wheols outsido, says heartily; "I'm an old fashioned woman, but 1 have a comfortable room and a good, clean bed. The two of yo are tired and dtpjty Now, then, come in and stay tho night, and I'll do the best that over 1 can for ye." Tho nlaco is antiquated and gloomy, hut neat, and I decided to accept tho in vitation. Sponges, brushes and quaiiti- ties of soap and water soon set us to rights, and when wo come back from I our room to (hid a tablo spread with tho most iiumaculato linen ami daintiest of ancient eggshell china, which is loaded with an appetizing super for just "vvo two," wo sit down and heartily dis cuss it and feel at peace witli all the wot id, Ede creeps into tlio depths of a big chair, and I curl up on tho comfort- "Then vou were a hunter';" I asked "Well, yes." he replied, as if ho felt offended on being linked such a question. "1 used to hunt a little, but not iu the ordinary way. I generally had a plan of my own. Now, when the snakes came around to suck the eggs, yon don't sup peso I sat up all night to kill them, do yon? Not much. I het eel pot h for them around tho coops, and in the morning I put tho eelpots under water and drowned the snakes ami skinned them for the mar ket. That's the way I caught snakes." Hero thu old man began to laugh. , "I have to laugh," ho continued, "whenever 1 think of tho snako 1 caught trying to suck a big china nest egg. liosh, how puzzled ho looked when Ids teeth slipped or broke off close to tho I roots like icicles! Whew, jiinuiiuy, but It was funnier than tho way 1 used to catch chicken hawks." "How did yon catch thom?" 1 asked. ' "Why I u-od to put a big fishhook well baited on a Into tail and raiso tho kite. Ai soon as tho hawk swallowed tho hook I would play him liko a black , bass until ho caved in, and then I would pull him down ami cook him for chicken i rood." I And then Hie old man throw his head back, closed his oyi and went into a sort of rapture trance. R. K. MUNKITTltlCK. To tho Y. M. C. A. Fund on the amount of trade this sale ought to bring us will surprise a great many people. Wo give you a discount on every single article iu our stoic of onc llfth oir (which you get). Then If von present a V. M. C. A. con (ion at the end of your purchases, we give the Y. M. C. A. fund 5 per cent on every dollar bought. It iaau undisputed fact that each and every famild iu Lincoln and vicinitv aro more or less deeply interested in the Y. M. C. A. ond its llnancial distress, Vith your hearty co-operation and the astounding sacriilce we are making, both to you and the Y. M. C. A., ought to warrant a very neat sum of money during these eight days, provided you bring a coupon and concentrate jour shopping for that time. Very truly, KRUG & CO SUCCESSORS to ,j. V. AYIX(JER & CO. lOOO O Street, Lincoln, Xebrnskn. LUXURY tj-rrrvW SKEOUH M HOI ! W 4 Hi T -d -&?!?.' -it "-si Where Our Mini.')' "l At." The amount of money held by various London banks is not f.trbhortof $l.ir0. 000,000. No Civil Hrrtlrt Kmiiiiliiution Tlirt. Fully SO per cent of Russian and Se.v- iau soldVrs are unable to cither read or write. WEATHER wlitei"!i b iPvjM:.4 fr w-$wrs3s Vti --l v . , ftwrr ma. Coll rrcl Pinoo IRON O Your Orclo a'rHisis'r. V. ... HtvVAi & BR0. I, 'X J4' vi" V 1.' A V fl