Sunday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1893, July 02, 1893, Image 2
YV l - &' fo r tr lv ?it '.'V' V " 'V v .', u 'h' L" Mf y. v. i ?. - , , . ." i , ''.,. v ,..,;..,, ...... 11 MS .--. - Ml I A ttiitit'liiK l'nrt)5il Ihn Luke. Ono of tho largest and most onloyublo nodal ooiiIh of tin week win th il.ui dug parly nt Salt l.alto IuhI evening, given ly MiH0H Klltit ami Alloa How dorv in honor of their friend, Ml' Nefllo North of Columbus. A largo number of married people wcrti present mill a very pleasant ttnui was onjoyiu nil present, who wore! Misses Mm1 llurr, Maud llurr, I tort lo llurr, ll.illu Hooper, Funnlo lluwloy, Joannotio Wilson. Fay MarHlwill, Clara Walsh, Anna llarr, Anno Fuiiae, Olive Luttu Nellie White. Carrie LeliUid, Hattlo Lo latid.Nuoiui W.'iivor.UortrudoMaiqiiott, JS'uiinlo lillllhridgo. Stella Kmior aNVIIIo Kelly, Gertrude Hill, Maud Main, numd, MiiNio Mulish. I'.Iim.ioc KIIihui Maine Cm huh, ItnsoCniHon, Margin ot llalrd, Leila Shears, Mary Miller, tier Undo Ijiiwi, I'non Laws, ih.iilotin II l lowhilKhi M H-irH Frank llurr, Charles llurr, Hurry Kthk. W. I Moor. Low -Mm-shuH, lohn Dorgun, C. . Smith, Frank lliithiiwny, A. Koch, Aiiiltliino, Frank C. ZchrnnK, Hubert ,lojrt, V. il. Morrlwin, Matt llaidwiu, KuiCor, Cnarh-H Hawlny, Fro I Sm wr. Martin Altkun, W. M )rto:i H.iitlli. II. ri. I'Vo.' nan.llarrv IHiilw.C I). Million, 1'V.vl HiiiU. fc. 1 Ht.Mohn, l-Vanlc IMIk, (In. WimiIh and Dr. Sptihr; Miwrn. unit Mortlanu-H 11. K. Hallcy, U)lmrt I). Mulr. Kliiu-i-llonldi-.U. I' Imthl, K.ltfar U. Ilololu, MarkTIltnn, Ooorno MiArthur. Unnry MaiiHllolil, .hwDph HlKKor, John II. Wright, CMiarloH Mppincoll, lkorK llrown, 11. I-., lliown, l- V. Urown, .). A. HmlHtiilT, W'.ll. HurKrt'HVi'H, (Ircon, H. ,F. Uiron. A. II. C iirnith, .1). K. Thump, pon. 'l'lMiuiirt II. Denton, A. Iliirllnit, II. I. Hnthawny. T. K. Saiiilm'H. DkiiiiIh.W. II. Wolcott, ilonry Zohrtinu, Sutton. II. II. NIhhIi'V, II. I. FiNter, .liinmMi, CIhih. litill, lltmry Hall. I'Vanh Hull. C. H. Vim Diuumi, U. 0. Phillip, HtttuhluH, . C. llurr; llurtlott. It. K. (lUToii. Mark WooiIh. WIhk, M.viou Whoi-lor, Kirhy, Krctl O. Ili'.vo, Mt. MohIiit anil Mih. T. W. (Jritllth. The tlimcliiK pavilion, Hurrouiuloil on till hIiIw by wutor, lirll llantly llhtiil ami llllcil with ihmroiH, prcHonteil a iiiont iittniotlvn uppi'iirnnuc. A I'ri'll.v.Wrilillni'. A very protty fniu'tionot thopiiHt wook whm thi' fi'ii'iuony utti'iiilant upon the -vmlillnn of MIhh Bhaw to Mr. A. 11. McCoitnoll whh-'h wuh porfornu'il liy Vutlmr MuShano at St.Thuri'Ha'Huliuri'h. Tim litlilo wim nttltod in a hiiiulnoino lavonilcr nllk continue with point lai'o, lint ami (lliiimimln, uml uarrieil a Wait ilful IkmiuoI of roHcH. Him wiiHiiucom. panii'il to thi' altar hy hcrmaiil of honor, fttiKH llayili'ii, or pumhii, who woro a lu'comlnu p)vn of hi'liotropo nllk. Mr, Harry HiiMHi'V. of Omaha, wuh tltn KrooiuV Iwxt man. After tlio cerumony the lirhlal party, with about thirty Invited uueHtH, departed to the homo of Mth, II. M. Uico which had been huudoinely decorated for the ocuiihIiiii. The purloin were banked with tropiual plantH and rOM'H. After eoiiKiatnlntioim had been heartily wlven tho younr couple by all preHOiit, tho company paitook of an elegant wedding supper in tho dining riKim. A large lloral bell of ronen wuh HUBpendcd from the chandelier and hung down over tho cimlru of tho table, which hh abundantly trimmed with lloral do corullonn. Tho hclmio pveHonted wuh very twuMtltul and inviting. After thurepiiHt h general good time wuh onjoyeil liy all proHont; nuvoral muHical PclcctloiiH were rendered; Mitw Maine, of Chile, wiih irtBont and gave foverul delightful recltatioiiH. Mr. and Mih. McConnell will vltt Philadelphia and tho ciiHt before returning to Omaha, where Mr. Mu Council in a member of tho Unit of Slier-lnanA-McConitVll.druggiHtH. Tho bride Ih n charmltig and gruclouH young lady and will bo inisHed by a largo number of frieiiilH In thin dry. MmrliHl nt lliiinc, A beautltul homo wedding occurred Wednewluy evening at l(Kl X Htreet, tho contracting purtlcn being MIhh Mlmilu Kinher and Mr. Willlain Prewltt, tho photographer. Tho coiemony wuh lierforimnl by Rev. 11. T. DuvIh prcHiding chlorof tho MethiHlist church, in the presence of a largo number of lvlatiouH and Invited guentrt. Tho parlorfl were brilliant with plantH and llowern. At jirecinely 0 o'clock the brido and groom entered luccedcd by tho lirldcH' niece, MIho liol)liy Finher, attired hi a jirutty gown of pink Bilk, who allowed Howoih in tho bridal path. The luiprcttmvo corouiony took place under tho inch way between tho parlorn which wan druiied in Hinilax and nweot wuh. The bride, who in a miwt charming young ludv, looked very protty In a haiulHoiuo white futin costume trimmed in 'lace. An olegant wedding nupper was neVved which wan participated in by alxiut tlftv rulativeH and friends. Tho bride anil gnxmi wcio tho lecipientH of many priwnta testifying in a notable manner tho enteem in which thoy are held by their many friends. rl hey will roinum at tho homo of tho brldo'w parentHiit UKK X Htreet. A 1('i'i(liiii Ml llu- Lincoln Nuriiml. A largo number of Lincoln teachera TOHponded to invitatioiiH fnnn Prof. Say. lor to vinit tho Lincoln Xormal univer nity Tuesday evening. Tho profensorH and pupib joined in a cordial reception to tho guests, and tendered a very inter CBting niogram. Tho vlnitora woro tlml uMiOredt hrough tho variouHdepartmentH of tho Hchool and then gathered in tho handsome new chapel, whero Prof. Her bert Oldham wa in rcadincHa with a mimical program prepated cHitccially for tho occnslou. It wuh opened hy a piano duot by Prof. Oldham and MIhh David win. Prof. J. 1 Suylor then wolcotuod tho guoHtH with a fow appropriato words. Nina Wright Ming tho beautiful nolo, en titled "Tho Pilgrim;" follow od by a piano bo1o by Mr. Carl Tucker; a recitation eib i titled "LiiBcn," by Misa Sadio llentloy v , elicited much appliuiHe. Tho vocal duet , ' ( "by'MifiH Wright and Minn Davidson hIho i'b brought forth nuch apjilauso that thev '7ii' woro co'Hl'ollwl to return to tho Htage. m Tlio program was closed by Prof. Old hath with a boIo on tho pipe organ. A short tiiuo wan BKnt in Bocial convorBO ' at tho closo of tho nroimiiu. and tho KiiestB returned in the best of ppiritB, having steal tho evening in a moat on joyable uml entertaining manner. C'oliimldnii (iriii. , Mr.jindMrB. Fredorick B. Shepard on- lertained the farewell meeting of tho Columbian group ut their rcBidence, Fourteenth and D BtrcotB. Tuesday oven. .' JnK. The meeting was one of unusual in. jlwwt, ProfeaBor George U. Frankfortor, WlSy JKHH III 8TREET TIib Htfiiro nn tlio left uonmn cintuuio uf violet littnr.iltus; foldi of velvnt of n dnrlier mIiihIh ve or tlio m:mi of li itli skirt and i'iirvi;o; tlio llminco. tlio Wloon Illicit sal tho ilr.ipory nil lliu willit nru if lion-mlini In two sliulcn nf lolotj liplt RiidiUu.p enffrf of M'but. Tliu kliuiilliu fltruni ilNplrtrt n yinnx IiiiIv'h nMttiinu of bnnna lincvti cliuilot, with iloulilu nkirt; ciuliiiiuni liraUl of illilunnit Miiltln fiirnNlu9 KimiHiirv. lately returned from a four yeniHHtudy in (lermuny being prenent; Ho preHon ted ImpreHioiiH of tho world'Hfuir in a highly entertaining ami planning man. nor ami alHogaveti graphic deHcrlption of tho (leruianoNlilblt. Mr. Hugh La MiiHter gave IiIh experlenco at tho fair, whero to go, tho bent way to boo tho fair, ami the oxpcnHcn, which ho claimed woro iti'i.lerate. Thoi" prcu'iit wereMr. and Mih. Will O. .Ioiich, Mr. and Mih. Paul K. Clark, Mr. and Mrn..!. II Mock ott, MIhh Mary L. JoneH, Mr. LaMiiHtor, Prori'Hior IK'orgo Frankfortor. i.ii'ui N.vlat. Tuemlay evening betweon tho Iiouro of 8 and 11, tlio beautiful and HpuciouH lawn Hurrouudlng tho hantlHonie rem. deuce of Mr. and Mih. TIioiuuh Darnell, 121 1W V ntreot, proHontod a moHt attrac tive appearance. It wiih the occiihIou or a lawn Hocial In honor of Mr. DarncD'H Sunday hcIiou! cIiihh in tho Holdrego Htreot itiiHHion Kchool. Several merry gunioH were Indulged in by tho joung people, and tho vocal nolo, en titled "After the Hull," rendered by MIhh Jennie Ilicheock, received emphatic cxprcHHiuiiH of ap)ir,oval. Two joung ladleHiletuonHtrated their abllitieH at mind reading, and the evening nlipped away inont merrily to all piepent. I.iiu'ii.1-i' Comity rnnni'iH' Oluli. Mr. and Mrn. Perrin entertained tho LanciiHtor County cantor County FarnierH' club at Hh nieotltig, at tho atnto fttriii, Avery lorate dinner wiih nerved, after which hint mi elabo tho gueatH wore shown through the grounilH of tho experiment Htation by Mr. Perrin and Prof. Ingorwll. Tho lutBlueHH meet lug commenced ut.'t o'clock. Prof. IngeiHoll conducted u very Inter eating (IihuuhhIoii of fruit culture. Heci. tutioiiH were given by Mr. liowiuan, MiHH Johnson and MIhh Hosio. Tho next meeting of the club will bo at tho iimI deuce of Mih. lloxio, b!x iiiIIoh math of liiiiuoin un .-(iiiui mini. In. Civihii snciiii. Wodiu'sdaytholudloBoftho W.C.T.U. ' had ikwbobbIiiii of tho entire Bccond Mojtr, of the . M. C. A- building from 5 tulli o clock p. in. Tor the puriioso of aiiiHii. Hing ice cream, cake, HtrawborrioH, ranp. berrieH, confectionery, cut Howoih and, iHitted plantH. for tho benellt of tho Y. ' Si. O. A. fund. The piiilora woro pret- tily decorated and tho rollowjng ladlefl superintended the tubloH. Mih. Hello C!. ' I lligelow. Mih. S. 0. O. Upton, MIhh I lart- ley uml Mihh cram all. Mho conrection- vi iimi iiiint-i iiuiiiiiiiiuiii uu, in charge of Mihh Ahnena Parker and Miss hnnnio Newman. Dlni'.l ill Hit. I'lirin. utilui'd number of young people Knsign'H coach WedneHday eiening lor a drive to the Kiwign farm for Biinper. Tho iiarticiimntH were: MIhoh Helen llurwooii, Don a Hurley, Stella Curtia. , 1 ho engagement or Mr. Ldwurd Wch ane, Mario Marshall, Lucy ' ,f 0la,"' ,,1'1 Mltrt ,Hncliel cho CJarten. Grace Hunt Schwab, of bt. Joseph, Mo., Ib Daysle Cochrane Grl i. lianc .luirer. Aila HeatonJ Mohsoi-h hVank Kitchen, Hurry Hviiiih, (Itcgory, Rohh Curtis, Wilson Winger, John Lot t ridge, Harry Hurley and Homer Honeywell. Nirtely NiiIik. Last Saturday evening thoro was a notable banquet at the Windsor hotel, given in honor of Judge J. It. Johnson, of Topi'kii, Kan. Judge Johnson sat ut ono end of the table and Mr. J. W. John son, Boerotury of the Htuto board of transportation, at tho other. The -other bnnuuotors wore Judge J, II. Strode, Judge C. L. Hull, Judgo A. S. TibbetH, Judge I. W. Lansing, Mr. F. J. Kolley anil .Mr. U. D. bteniB. the ropiiHt wim enlivened by tho interchange of reminis eoncei,oti,undthooventHof tho evening left a very pleasant imprcBH on tho mom. ory or those present. Mr, Justus 1). Sutherland ami MIhh Laura 1), Stevens woro united in map rlago TucHday evening, at tho resilience of tho bride, 1801 R Btieot, Rev. O. A. Williams, of the First llaptist church. nlllciating. Only immediate relatives of tho contracting nartiea woro present After an olalxirato wedding Biipper. Mr. and Mre. Sutherland departed for Klin wood, whero thoy will reside. Tho bride, a very accoiniillBhed young lady. Is a Hlstor of Mr. W. T. Stevens, of the legal tlrm of Stevens, Love & Cochran. Mr, Sutherland is a prominent ami highly re8Kcted young attorney of Ehnwood. Tho state convention of tho Daughters of Vet runs opened Hh session at tho hall at MV ,., , ..... 1 (... xweiiiu uiui mi sireeiH. luesoa.v evening. ; There wus a large nuinlaT In uttenilance, und a very enjoyable tiiuo wus had by all present. Judgo Strode welcomed the vTJP$fci' COSTUMES. vinitorH in a cordial and appropriate manner and wiih rcH'ioiidi'd to by MIhh Ihiiiiia Calvert. Honlor vlco-preflldent of tho Htuto departuiont, who Hpoko very highly of the hoHpltallty and courteay of Lincoln people. A party cotiHiHtlng of Mr. and Mrn. I'. C. Hrownell, and Mr. and MrH. Kldrldge, j of Leadville, Col., arrived in Lincoln t Monday, and remained until TucHday evening, at the tcHidenco of Mr. .1. K. tnony 'uniting the IIvch and fortunon of i marloy, to witnesH tlio t, iill itiicu r lut mil iii Hint MJti'ii Alitw I'linnio -M.irlev anil Mr. j tarry n. Shaw, of LcudviHe, Colo., after which ( the party of nix Htarteil for the worlit h fair city. Tho lawn around tho residence of Rev, Uohn Hewitt, Thirteenth and .1 atreetH. proHonted an nnhnated and brilliant up-1 iiearanco Tuenday evening, the occasion helng a church h ciul. 'I lie lawn was boaiitifiilly decorated, mid refreHhiuo.itH i ere nerved from Hiuall tabjoH which were lighted with eundlfH, ineHentlng a votV invol and iirctty hco e. 'I hero were a jargo number in attendance, I The program of the Delphian nocioty , oi mo i.incoin oi nun uiitvorHiiy at mo . ineotiiiL' last nluht wuh uh follow h: Hiography, MIhh Uiowii; tecltation, MIbh HoynoldH;uiUHlc;reviuw, Mr. S. M. Kirk land: nelection. Mih. Ilummell: reClfa- t ion, Misa Johnson; pntnphcaBo, m , Kouse; npeech, Mr. Scjtt Lamb, ,, , ,, , ,, ,, ' .M.r,,,M" M.r,'J-,J- lJhiutn a and narty of Omidia, will leave for Spirit Lake, Iowa, Wednendiiy evening, in'endingto Hpond tho Hummer at thin delightful re sort. They will iirobably bo joined by a party from thin city, Mr, ChailoH L. llurr und otheiH having planned to go. A number of young people are plan ning to celobrato tho ! ourth of duly by nn outing at Woodlaw n They expect to K ,)Ut ,,luy i the inorulng, and' loinaln .,u ouriy evening when thoy expect to give a lino display of lire workH. The Junior Endouvor Bocioty of tho Kt Lincoln ChriHtian church gave an onjovublu Hocial at tho residenco of Col. Trii.p, Thirtieth and W BtreotH, Monday oening. ,. ',, ,, . . , ., , ,,. . Mr. illlain II. A. Anhworth and JIibh Aiiiiii M. DU-terlo-Khodo wiue united in marrlago ThurHday, June lid. They will ' "t bomo after AugUBt 1, ut lu0 11 "l' Mrn. Lou HurgebH.whohaHbeen matron r .Uo wortlnngton military acaiiemy , f,)r tho past vear. will bo married next ( vm,t to Mr. VanDicHsor, of Washington. I Tlio residence of Dr. and MrH. Lanby, i Fourteenth and M HtreetB. wiih the nceno ; ,, t.nji.yuhlo ico cream Hocial, given for ' the benellt of tho Y. M. 0. A. fund. announced. Impure blood Ih tho cause of lunumor able muhidicH. llouco ono of the great est benefactions to humanity wuh tho discovery of Ayor'H SarHiiparilla, which, more than any other medicine, has saved America from becoming a nation of in valids. Hoh and L'irlH between the ages of 111 , anil (, wlio furuiHli their own bathing suits, will ho admitted to tho giea ' nlunire in tho new sanitarium. Four onth and M streets. AHSOLUTKLY FKBK OF CHAUGK, Tuesday and Saturday mornings, July 1 and 15, on tho presentation of a coupon. Tuesday inornirg from !) to 12 o'cloc'r, ' for bo)Bj Saturday morning, July 15,1 Biuno Iiouih, for girlH. Special ladieH- ico cream parlorH liuvo .en opened over Hrown'H lloyal Cafe. i wen oi 121 North Tenth ntreot. whore tho most delicioiiH icoH and creaniH aro sened by courteous and trained attendants. Pri- vato dining rooms for small parties. M!hh S. 13. lilnkcslcc, lino dressmaking, ut Mrn. GoBporV, 1114 O Htreet. A tine lino of canned soups, 25 coats -tor can. Miller & Gilford. groceiH. W. A. Collin & Co., grocers, 141 South Kloventh street. MisscH Hoggs & Catfyn, dreHBinaking parlors F.uo stamping, l.'tll M street, telephone 511), Visit tho New Students' gallery and bo convinced that the work is tlrst-class. 10,'M O street. IF YOUTH 1LVS PI OWN WI9E WOMtN WEAR DARK C0L0rt3 AND STillVf. f OR SOBER EFFECTS. Wtieu tlit lltoom r Vi.ulli la ll Ollrt llnrpr'i Ailvlrn In Sliilroim Tli'lr llauulilrrn Are AUo Tulil llmv l Off" llrriiniliiul'. lS"clnl C(irrciK)tntinrc.) Nkw YoiiK, Jiuuj liO. It U n dinicult and heartbreaking period for a woman, that lying iMjtwoen yoilth and old age, and few women have tho courage to face It. It means that all the llttlo Bveet at tentions given tlio young women aro out of place If offered, and they aro ottered more and ttioro rarely, for there lit a time when youth has llowu and old ago has not yet come Unit tho woman lias not tho pleasurei of youth nor tho privileges and honors of many years. It Is hard for tlio "woman to give up one after an- DOWNS TOlt MOTIIi:itS ANI tlAL'nllTKttS. I other the dainty little udorntuontH only nnitaiile for youth, lnit, oh, ho prettyl Henceforth HhointiHt dress in lieavlerand Btatelior goods. Hho cannot wear the rlbbotiH. the hatn, the Btylen. of her younger i-fatcm. Her hair tnnst not be drcshnl ho becomingly, and over all her attire must bo that Hobcrne bellttlng the "middle aged woman." If It were only all youth and old age. without that dreaded middle age, when n woiliati Ih made to feel that hIio in "nothing to nobody." many homes would be happier, for the middle aged woman ia not happy. Indeed I think the pitiful struggle of a woman to remain young to keep out of that ilrouitoil time when whole world nllghtH ami .Ignores her- mi' "ii. imiiieiiumgiii m mo worm. Her liUHhand has not kept pace with her. bhc Huh HUiluonly p.isseil ueyoml beauty and youth, and if huo reHonts his turning to fresher faces bIio haa an added cros to bear. Her lnmbiitid Is called a young man still, and ho la no, even though ho has iiassed Into Ids forties, tent tho woiiinu -well, she must try to Dear it and Htiidy herself a llttlo bo as to avoid too youthful dress on ono niilo or falling Into a careless habit on the other. Now Is the time for her to wear tho tlilr'k rii'lf Pii.lirti.-4 Hint nn. mi liii-iilumiui tjmt ti, uy s drawn to them rather tjml . (0 -a,- ling face. Lace is of tho greatest value, and wherever lace, black or white, can possibly bo added to a gown It should bo. Cropo Jlsso rufllca aro also o.v 'I'jnt for a Miftenlng effect. Full lace r.. riles around tho neck, be it on gown, negligee or cloak, are desira ble. Let the bonnet bo of lace, with broken lines around the edges, and let the whole apparel bo neat without that oxact precision that strictly belongs to old age. The complexion suifors with tho rest. and it grows sallow, and this requires great euro in tho Belection of colors. Grays, greens, some browiiH, all purples nnd most blues should be let severely alone. Chooso Instead tho snuff browns, tans, pinks, garnets and deep, rich tints In bluo. Dark green can bo worn by putting lace, lots of luce, between tho gown and tho neck. One design for a middle aged lady Is a superb black grenadine with velvet stripes, and, by the way, velvet is tho most becoming material the woman who I is losing tier youth can wear, 'J his model has a plain skirt and a plain, gathered waist, with a wrinkled velvet licit. Tlio sleeves aro modified balloon puffs, and there is a simulated Eton jacket of em broidered vi-lvet. Around tho neck is a rulf of lace. A small black lace ami jet bonnet completes the toilet, which id very elegant, but, alius! not what tho lady would fain wear. T rim. m hwjA -I'WfC.'tW-E 'wxsfiiwnjfcifi -.--f.jr-; -' - .'r. ' .1 . Ar -l..,. ..IT GI.Kn.NT fil'MMKlt ATTIIIK KOlt MATItONH. ITlkM lllltllllltlHllI ll.iu 1tl.i .. .1. .. 1...1.. ,,","" in"" ' V .T in I lno 'l"yr. lilac and white, with the ,uw K''ren inn oi son straw covena wmi ounerciips, looks a itcturo or Iovo llness, and her whole outfit does not cost a twentieth part of that of her mother. Such is life! There aro other matrons not quite bo old, and for them almost anything is per mitted, yet thoMi who have a reputation for correct dressing keep a littlodlstanco from the styles set apart for young girls. Ouo very retluod dress was of stone gray cashmero sublime with fivo rows of satin ribbon of the exact shade Bowed on flat. Tho corsage is like a mlingoto, hut turns down at tho top hi a liertha capo, and tho top is filled In with cream crejH) do chine, nnd there is u fall of lace. OUVE IlAltl'KK. km we 1 1 il ( 1 fllll PL THE TURKISH now oi'isiv koi he LADIES TURKISH DEPARTMENT will open Monday, July 3. There ! Cotlilntc Plner iiitlieVo.ilcl Sriil'ILY RUDGE&MORRIS COMPANY. I RE AND boonard Hard-Wood Kefrigeratois, Quick Meal Gas and Gasoline Stoves, Garland Stoves and Ranges, Richardson&BoyntonGo.Furnaces, LAWN MOWERS ONLY $4.25. LAWN HOSE, licst Qiitililii, t'J l-'iv ih'v fool. OUR COMBINATION GAS RANGE AND WATER HEAT ERS IS THE BEST MADE. 'JPoliless.., 01xciixs, liioolcer'f-i. 1 1 18-1 122 N ST. I6E 6REAM PARLORS Are Now Open and we arc Serving the Purest and Mott Delicious Ice Cream In the Gity. , ALL KINDS OF CAKES TO ORDER. We Make a Specialty of Family Orders and will promptly deliver all Supplies a' Reasonable Prices. vvii riwii TELEPHONE 457. Dvins l?OK WEDDINGS WITH AMPLE EXPEK1ESUK IN THIS PMlTIQULAll LhXE, AllE EXAHI.El) TO EXECUTE THE MOST Klegant At Popular Pricfti, ut the mime time uiuminteeiim OOHHECH FORMS uml mill nil the Very Latent Stylea, TIE COURIER PUBLISHIHE MPRM IVItkll OrclerM tAolloltecl. DEPflPEKT oiixvniSAiisr. - SAIilNK BATH CO. . RUDG& MORRIS 60. irf.v- i rfik, KJi 15, 1 !., 2TH AND P STS M'BRIDE BLK., COR. nc , tit. WE .' O St rent. V j n ' f Mi .; -mt 1 """S . ' n '; U ... 1.1V c t 1 ,' " v '.(. 'vti,i ( .X w, '"AZf