Sunday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1893, July 02, 1893, Image 1

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Sunday Morn ing Courier.
VOl.UMl; 8 NO. 30
.1 J ' ' " 1
Thirty or forty inon. Irresponsible
"delegates" finin live nr hIv states, mot
In convention in this Ity last woolt. and
"resolved" t(t liullil u railroad, or rather,
have their respective Htatcs build a rail
road, fiom "a point on the line of tlu
British possessions on the north to tho
Cmlfof Mexico on the south" ii distance
of 1,1)00 miles, tho piobublo llrst cost of
construction of the same to ho a inoro
PdjuiIiHt fancy Iiiih jrlwit hirth to many
fantastic hcIiciiich, lint thin nottli and
south railioad, to ho built by North
Dakota, South Dakota, Minnotota. Iowa,
Nebraska, KiuiH.ty. Tex-imaml Oklahoma,
it the most picturesque ubsnrdit) that
has over omanated fiom these political
visionaries and liair brainod cianlm.
Such a railioad, if ptopcily inuuuged.
would undoubted!) bo a flood tiling for
the central western states; but It will
never bo built by imj such process as
that recommended bv tho l,incoln convention-
never in a thousand jeais.
Tho scheme wan conceived in populist
mental inubrlety, and worked out in
fauatieal fad worship.
It is remarkal)lo that such men an It.
T. Clarke and Max- Mover, or Omaha,
and A. J. Suvvvor, of this citv all clear
lieaded, practical bimiuoss men, could
bo induced to lend their name and in
tluenco to a scheme so manifestly it n
practicable ami visionary.
Tho board of education didn't surprise
anybody when it went to the full extent
of tho law in making an cstiiiitite for
Bchool expenson for tho cuiient vour.
When tho new law authoiizod a 1 mill
levy it mateiiallv followed that the Ixmiri
would ask for l." mills.
The beautiful Rummer evcuiuH com
mon to thin loeulit) are a most delightful
and refieshing change from tho heat and
ghuo of the day. Dining tho past week
Lincoln people have enjov cd to tho
utnumt, tlio lowlj J uno evenings and
the tiiHtH weio never more beautiful or
the air moie btilinj. Seat eh whoiovou
may, in the topmost eiestsor mountain
fastnesses, by tho Hide of tho lolling
ocean, in the trailing gardens of the
Bouthlnnd, or the pine foi cats of the
north, on tho highlands, and in tlio
moors, on can now hoi 0 liud anything '
surpassing in loveliness the ovoningH in I
Nebraska at this time of the war. 1'ioiu ,
over tho wide tunnies me wafted iron tie
bieezes, fragrant with tho buojnnt
odors of siring,and full of tonic, stirring
the tteos ami imparting a univeisal
utaniiehH. me mi, nepi 111 uoasuoii cir
dilution, is as balmy aud puio as that of
nnv virgin forest or 'mountain range, and
it invigoiateH while it pool lies. What -
ever there u hv of discomfort and
annovnnce in "tho dav, the
ecoic'hing lavs of the sun, or tlio hut
winds that now and then come up fiom
the south, bunging chimin of dust aud
spreading discontent, disappeaiH as the
6un sinks down behind tno vc stern lulls
Heat gives place to a delightful foulness
aud if theie was a blasting wind, it
becomes but a lefieshing buoze. And
when the mood sheds its mellowed null
ancoovei tho bi-eiie. enveloping all 111 a
softened light, what vvas cnaimiug be
foio becomes pel feet ion itself. Theie is
nothing finer or moie beautiful than a
June evening in Nebraska, and after a
.Juno evening theie is nothing that ex
cels 1111 evening 111 Jul).
"I will not haw to wear a striped suit
if 1 go to Sioux Falis." lomaikcd C. W.
Mother to a Col 1:111: iopietentatiw in
Onialui tho other day. "i much piofor
to go there, nnv wav. If I weio im
prisoned in tho pen at Lincoln, the)
would bo liaving me in couit over.v few
dajrt, liud 1 would bo continual!) making
a monageiio of invself. M) familx will
probably move to Sioux- Falls if 1 go
thole. .Mr. Mimhcr seems to ho in a fair
wav to have his wish giatitled.
Thu Ciete Chautauqua asseiubl) will
open July o. Lincoln people havea veiy
considerable pint in the management of
this institution, and Lincoln people aio
looked to to furnish liberal patiounge
for this paiticular asseiubl). An un
usually interesting program has I eon
arrant-e i Un thin neason, of which men
tion in mado elsevTheie.
Since Hob MeUo)iiohl lode thiough
thu city as King 'lartatia.x at Hie head
of a magnillcent ageant, theie linn been
uoFouith of Jul) celebration in thin
city. Wo niisH Mcllov nobis.
Wednesdii) inornlng, iuunediatelv after
the D o'clock biiL'.aio of business men
had passed thiough the stieets aud up
to tho poHtomco, and thence to I no vai
ions posts of business, came little Htrag
gling gioups of children in many coloied
HUUiuier dicsHcs. lleio aud theie, uji
and down tho stioets, came the lunip of
merry cluldioii. eioetation and delight
beaming fiom owi) countenance. Then
in a little while the childieii weio joined
by older childieii men and women,
and soon tho cit) vvas thronged. The
light dicshcnaml be tloworod huts of the
women and girls impai ted more c dor to
tho stieuls or Lincoln than thev had
Been for man) a day. Tho outlviug
faints and suhuihuu sottlemoiits added
thcirqiiota, and bv 10 o'clock the town
was full of men, women aud childieii out
for a biiof holidav. The sidewalks weio
packed, and tho cuib stones along O
sheet tn. uked a Hue of standing, walling
huiuanit) thai Htiotched for IiIocKh,
Theie was au houi's wait, and then a
wheezy band announced the coining of
tho ci cum pane'o. Then came a few
gildea wagons 01 tuo.c o. less uing) up
t'eiuauc" a "d no" of one eloiihunt. a
i.'iiint'l or two, i s'.c.u.i cll.-i, e, s uo
enged animals, a couple of clowns and u
few homes, and It was all over. Hut tho
o'owd wiih iipjxiiciitlj untitled. Lincoln
with its boasted metioixilitau ah s, Ih a
dizzy sight when the clrcim comet to
town. No small countiy village on Mil
duv over gave ovidonco of ho much gen
uine, whole-hem tod iov iih can 1)0 oh-
nerved in this cit.v when a clicim pmudo
ih passing or about to pass.
The CitW Hiiggestion that stops bo
taken to secure a hoi Ion of Hummer con
ocitrt on government squiiio, inn good
one. CoucertH, mioli an that given bv
tho Nebraska Htato band on tho balcony
of tho Lincoln hotel Tuisduj owning,
would ho u genuine plousuio to thousands
of people, and the cost would bo trilling-
llettn fined lather
in a louu time. Tlio
jail befoio Hontenco
badly. Two jciiih
timi) ho nerved in
evidently not
taken into account.
Tho. Amelia' dispatch failed to drown
Mr. Seitz. Tlio inorniiig paper's state
ment that the dispatch was a fake, is
hnidly a satisfactory excuse for tho un
foituuate blunder. Yeiv few nowspapeis
of tho Jouvtml'x importance publish
communic'atioUH of tins soit, uules thev
know the sender or are, la-suied in some
way of tlio authenticity of tho teleiam.
Humanitarian in this city mo ploat-cd
to learn that even piotmncitt citiens
cannot abuse dumb animals with im
.Mis. lA'dawa aud her two dauuhteiH.
notoi iouslv know u an t ho "1'Ydaw a gli Ih,"
have been llguiintf in tho courts lather
e.xtensiveiv in the last tondav. I-'roijuont
ariest does not hccm tti bo a check to tho
dopiavit.v of tho two voting women. It
seems to bo tho icgiilar thing for Judge
Wateis to have these vouthtul oirendeis
befoio him about once a week. The
public good demands that somomeasuie
bo taken looking towaid tho petmaueut
suppression vf the Fedavvu glilH.
A iiaiticulailv attiactivo feature of
tho now s.iuitanum of tlio Sulpho Saline
Hatli companv Is the gieat plunge bath,
piououneed by thot-e who aio in a jiosi !
iiou to know, one of tho lluest in the
counti v. Tho advantages of the plunge
have been icadiiy discovered, and these
hot daH and nightH it is eeeedinglv
iopular. Tho salt water has a most ,
salutary eireet on a pornm who in tired
out, and tlio baths aio very lefieshing.
Hailing the surf there aio all the mlvan i
tagi's or ocean bathing without thoin (
eonvenioncoH necesearilv attendant upon
tho latter. SkilledattendantHmoalwavHl
present, ami men is no possinio danger,
riiiHwe:. by spccuil ariangoinent with
the inanageinent. 'int. will give
uh leaoeis, oeivveen ine ages 01 1. iiiki
-"1 l"1 iiiiiiupn " s'" 1
' plunge fieo. Tuesday morning I
I July J. from !) to '2 o'clock, has been bo. I
1 apart forho.vs. andSaturdav. July lo. tho
.name hours for girlti. Hovs and girls
' between the agesor l'J and 1:1) presenting
uCmiiiiu coumiii will bo admitted to I
mo piungo iriuniui enuiyt: 11 uiev au-
piovided with their own ttunks or suits.
Thoe not supplied will be given suits at
the usual iie"s; I'litlnng suits forbo)H
or guls at l." cents; trunks for boyw. o
ci nts. Theie will lie no el a gewhatevei
when bathers ftunish then own suits
Hilt each J eisnll lulls' plOSOllt II CoLllU.U
I have heaid a number of people com
iiiui-r 01 iiijuf 1.-11111
ig kept awake bv
heir lawns and side-
set apart for sleep
plain Jiitelv or heing
luases tramping on th
walk's, mil nnr iiourH set apart ror sleei
upon inquiry 1 learn that the hoist's aie
fioiudilVonnt livoiv stalilesaionnd town,
and by being nisecUiely tied in their
stalls. 01 not tied at all. and with bar.i
doois left open without bins up. the) get
out ami 10,1m mound ovei neigtii oring
lawns, ilestiovmg not only the
mind of the owner, but also his
llovver beds.
peace or
sod aud
I know of one man who thought he
could put au end to the nuisance bv
taking the hmses to the hund: so fin a
miinhcrof niglitn lie got up between
tuidmgiit and dawn, caught the hoi sen
which weieon liis lawn and led them
some distune to the pound aud left
them to await tho keeper, and as lo
thought, a fee for then lelease from the
pound; but aTtei liav ing made a numb"
or midnight trips to the pound, ho leai neii
that Hie pound mastoi was also a livoitv
man, aud that the other livervmen in
town sttHid in with him, and did not
have to pa) to got their hoisesout. 'the
uuisaucostill goes on. but other means
me being talked of to make caieless
livci) Htaiilo keepeis moie caioful about
tying their hmses in thou stalls at
night, or seeming the inns at tlio I ig
li V.N.N.
linn's 'I Ii Ik t
Wo olfer S100 lowiud for any case of
Cataiih that cannot bo cutcd lv Hall's
Catarih Cine,
F. J. CI I KNUV .t CO.. 1'iops., Toledo, O.
Wo tho uudoisigued have known 1'. J.
Clieuox for the last 1.1 joiuh. and bo
hove him pcittctl)- houoial lo in all
busi.ieis transact itmsand llnanciall) able
to can) out mi) ol ligation imme bv
their lli'iit.
Ww A- Tki'vv. Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo. O, Wvi.dimi, KiNNVNit M vi:
vi.n, Wholesale Dtuggwts, Toledo, O.
HiiH'sCutauli Ciuois taken iutoriially.
acting diiectly upon the blood and
mucous sin faces of tho
svstein. Piico
iv all tlruiririHtH.
"oc. per bottle. Sold I
Testimonials fwc.
Do not foiget TiilCol'i:ih:'h twofreo
davs at tho sanitarium. Hots ami girls
with CoL'iUKit ciup-i'is admitted five to
tho g.oai pliiiige. Tue-da) ,1 1 t and
Saturday. July lo. Ho sine and cut out
t' c
' ! r"pr ihorlioai). She IiMh lino iminnorrt and In Pr
II I 'an noeinnpllshod ennvoisutlotuiliHt. wiy If
,, j J l Put islan in her stylo; hut It might bo ob II
. "(.'solved that her gotgcoitHgow iih lit her u I
II ' 1 gioat tU'til bettor that hIio lltn thoin. ami I
J - '. 1 1 that hIkTIm Indebted to her modiste fur i I V
C'llii'.viio. .luno W, MK) IKnoeliil
Cm mi n Coiiespen once Thoehivil
ions ( hieiign pies to the oontraiv not
vvitlistandiiig. tho extrnordiuarv eon
duet of tho I'tineesH liiillalia while here
aud partic'iilaily her lev snub of the
gilt edge l' Oat Mis. Potter I'nlmo-'s
lecepiioii in her honor, lum eiooped out
in all its savoi.v delailH and lum I ecu tho
legemlarv nine davs' sweet moisel of
gossip in soeietv if not in the papeis
In felf ilofoiiM' the diiilion and the
ladle of tlio HKI pinotioallv agieed to
ignore the alliont, but with that ne
histoiie success that invaiiablv attaclies
to "soeietv secietH. I lie whole stoi v in
a nutshell is inte.estlng lea.ling ami lis '
to 'soeietv secietH." I ho whole stoi v in
deiav in reaciimg tlio puhlie (letiaeis
nothing fiom the iclish of the facts. I
have the paiticulaisfiom a.iepoiter who
vvi.h detailed to keep tab on tho rovnl
plutv that dav and fiom an eje witness
of the now noted proceedings in tho
pin loin of tin l'iilmer castle.
The piincess and her partv spent the
afteinoon pioceding Mrs. I'aliner's le
ception at tin Tail aud imido a livelv
tour of tho 1'lalsance, stimulating them
selves heio aud theie with the vaiioim
leverages on tap in that hetoiogeueoiis
thoioughfaio; so that when thev 10
turned to thol'almer house in the even
ing for dinner, someof tho ioaI crowd
had a votv iiouounced eatarihal 01
neuralgic headiiehe. iucludiiig. thev sav.
even t lie piincess. it vvas theiefore far
inst fashioualilv late when her highness
ilnall.N issued fiom tho hands of her maid
and her boudoh leady for tho leceptloiii
and the assembled HH) in the turieted
manor over on tho lake shoie wen'
iloundeiiug in wondeiment aud sus
jieiue. It vvas at this late juncture, it
seems, that the piineesx liist chanced to
hem that Mrs. Potter l'ahner vvas tho
wife of the hotel keeper, and thciciipou
she llatlv refused to attend the iceeptioii
lit all. Sho Ih said to, have piotested
vigoiouslv tliat it was impossible for a
ladv of tank to.socadl.v ciosstho thres
hold r "an inn keeper's w ife." She had
been under the impression that the Mis.
Palmer who vvas to give a leception in
tier honor vvas the w lie 01 .Mr. I Iioiuiih
W. Palmerof w 01 Id's fair olllcUd lenowu
and this. too. notwithstanding that
Mr. and Mis. Potter Palmer had met
the loyal piii t,v at tho Mavor llauison
Picsidcnt HiL'L'inbotliiiin and Consul
Hobart C. Challleld-Tav lor functions of
state. This lidieulouH episode still
rurther delaved tho depaituiofor theie-
cent ion and Commander Davis w said to
have oncoiinteied tho haidest task of I
his chapeionage assignment in pusund- 1
ing tlio pnueoss to como iiown on her,
uiu ieu-u umi k" i" "ll 1 Miiiiei uiipiii-.
Tlio artornooii on tho l'laiwmce and her
nouralg unelo it.
u, tn mi unusual extent; tint the wd.v
coinmaudet tlnitllj succeeded, nftoi
dwelling with what vehene-ne. no il.ued
upon ttio dire consequences fallront
mg a lantess .r .Mrs. 1'ottir I'almerH
in miiuii nun n.iiiHii iiiiu ii ii.m.iiii.iiiK ,,,,1,11,.. isvorv HeuMitlon or mine was 1
.ho ihicago UK). lhe ami transf used into tho audience; it tospon
pait) lelueti.ntl) enteied the e.uiiage K,4, iHtuiitnneoiiHly to in) sentiment. I
in waiting after an hours oxplanati.... I uml ,anirested its perception of in) I
,111,1 im-iuuur, (inn vil' iiiiiu ui lilt-
Puliiiei palace, whicli was nnpivceded
liictuieHiieand biilliaut with elect, leitv,
llowors. foliage, and the cc'ae tie In
acme orcineago societ).
Tlieieupoii fiiHiied 11 scene uujiar
alleled in tho Hist circles of Amoiiciin
hociet), as deseiii.ed I)) an eve witness
Mini nf tlvniii.iutu f 1 111 1 tt)iiIt (till uitt I'll
imtiinlx iidii rxwliiiinn i,r thu niivHilii
lir,..o ..I ,...,., , ..!..,,, K.. 1. 11I I. .10 l..fl , I,
'""" . ...,,,v ..,...,,.1..,..,, ..v.,.
blown taste on. Chicago society pala'o
as one of the iiu-moiis or tin piincisV
1 visit. Aiuviau' at tho lesidence. tho
10) id part) swan'geiedin and disdaining
tlio pioltcicd diesMiig looms lluew aside
then- win 1 1:1 in the Ii. ill, the piincess at
mice sank into a luxurious huge aim
chair had been piovided foi her in
the event of weauness dining tile rocop
tion. ami Bat theie stoicallv during (ho
pierentatioiiH bv the astoiuslied but
.tiliipta; le hiHtess. The pi inee likewise
helped hunselt to a cliiui or divan at one
mi. e and oi used tlio till wiih blase in-1 Lnul has hotli I-'kh tnUon oil as tho re
(lilfo.c.ico. 'lo Mis. Palmoi's social in-, suit of a railroad accident, and the
quiiiesund demonstrations the princess voting boy has a haul stiugglo to ic
seemed tongue-tied mm uniiiipiossion tain impe with tho loss of his limbs. He
ai le except pet chance with a caiicatuio lights and wins nobly. It is it pathetic
or a smile now and then, but to the storv, and Mrs. Maulo tells it witli much
com is-jiug panorama of guests she otleotivonosi-.
v d novel a glance, wind or
i (, on alio slmplv sat and stared and
tin d even of this in just (went) minutes,
wliei. she leltiiH uncoremonioiislj as she
came, tlio entile partv donning their
jWiaps as the) walked out, as if the)
weio leaving a hotel or club.
The ama.ed hostess and leaders or
I Chicago society soon iccoveied some
I thing of then wonted oqiiilihiium ami
i held a council bv way of deciding what
to on in tho innttei. lite) veij seiihiblv
decided to ignoie the alliont and have
I done so but not so sociotj in general. I
i which has been lolling the inoisel under '
i its tongue glibly, and is iosinsiblo for
many exaggerations as if tho facts
, weio not enough. I
'lhe conduct of tlte piincess to Mrs.
I Palmer contiadictH the New Yoik
veulict of hoi ileinociacv ami tact, but .
piohuhly hoi case of neuralgia icndcictl
hoi hiesponsiblo on thin pni liculnr occa-1
sum. (hunt) in bmad and Chicago1
Hiciet) is dismissing the subject iih one
1 of the jokes of the season. The Tritium'
touched upon tho ciiciiiustiinco with l
gloves, but the voice of Tho VViacx was
I silenced bv the golden salts souvenir
given Muvoi Hauisonby tho princess.
I saw tho iniucess as she was lonviui:
1 the Palinei housefor Niagara Falls, and
' auaiii on 1 iftli Avenue in Now York.
il... I r.... f I 1 ... 1...
She is far fiom beautiful and jot has an
attractive face, whoso chief defect is hoi
abnoriuall) sized nostrils. Tho ejes
have a kindly expression and tlieic Ih
little doubt of her good heart when sho
ishciself. It is hardlv wouioroil ut
that the ti adjisin of Now Yoik, Wali.
i.igtou an I Chicag I", a qi louro tt r :otl
wlultove featuiesof
sho jh Hiesses,
and nt.vlo
Tho Nohraska Htatobaud will not bo
henid in Lincoln on tho Font th, llealrlco
having seemed tho out It o membership
for tliat occasion. Splendid Induce
inontH were olloicd and accepted, uml
Tun Coumi it hasteiiH to iimmiiio iti
lleatricO friends that a rich musical heat
ii in store for thoiu. The band aecoiu
p.dued by tho Lincoln light infanlrv
will inako a short paiadc oaily in the
inoriiinwof tho Fourth, thence pioceed
to tho iljpot and lleatiice, 'J'lie Queen
City wlH celebiato In giand stjle and
many verj iuteieHting featuieH aio on
tho iir(iinun. to attiaet tho peopl of
the state, Fullv ouo thousand people
,, .11 .... .ft...,., ,,:... 1 i.,...,!,.
w'" Hwji fiom Nnwrtn
It Is sill prising that Clint Ich Hgbeit
Ciaddoijlc, whoso now seilal "Ills
VnnlslieJ Star," liegiiiHin the July iiiiiu
her of Out Atltwtit' Monthly, can eon
tiuuo toXviito about Tennessee mountain
life, audi also continue to lie liiteusel.v
inteiestijig; ami .vet that Ih pieciselj
what sh does in thin new novel. She
has neve written with gteater masteiy
than now. Her plot no quickly develops
that thefreader, as ho leaeheH the linal
pages ofjtliis InHtallmout. Ilnds hin heart
lieatlng a little faster, and epeileneeH
that Indetlnablo soiiho of eeiteinenl
which wo like to fool now and then, and
which vilry few books Jinvo thu power to
make uh feel,
That aiidaeioun aud lively publication,
"TnloH fioiii Town TopioH,' is out again
in a midsummer number, with a special
ei.000 prize, novel, entitled "Si Moatlm
In Hades,'' added to tho usual collection
of blight things lepiodiieedfrom tho old
numbers of tlio New Yoik society Jour
mil. Tho story is decidedlv odd and
fascinating in plot, and the short matter
is selected with tho especial view of add
ing to tho geniality or tno Hiniiiiior wit
son. -"Tales fiom Town Tonics'. iH just
the sort of a book that one likes to take
on the shady end of a piazu.or down on
theiookHbv tho nhoie liming 11 imict
and laz) afternoon. It is a cool, clover
and cunning pioductinu, and mite
unique in the liturntutc of the day.
"It is veiy seldom that I have at
t!..,i uuiiufni.ti,,.! uiih nivu,.ir in itn.t
rujl(. ,nv yay (hut hi tho'thousaniisof
jnUf's tliat I have plaved it I can count
jlt, nKt.rH of one hand thoso when
I huv&jnuLio.inrtelf.
I can do no bet-
tor, and nan oT'thowi tintoH
Wiih when I
gave it at the Teatro
(iei I'loieiitiui 111
i'ommas'i Salviui
'Vn, n 1 IT 4 11 1 1 41
of Oih-lloin ids autobiographv in the
1., . . 1. " 1 '.i..4
X. Mil I ill I I . 1 U ll'l-IIIIU I lllllllll Ul Tll II 1111
.iill) 1 fnuni. "ii socmen nun even
... ..!. . ...1 it 1 :..
,.un,t conneeteil the artist with tin
11, . ..- t...,, ,.t .. """ -
ineaniugH by a low iiiiirmuiing, bv
sustained tiemor. J here vvas no ie
casion for relhction, nor did tho people
seek to discuss mo; all weio at once in
unison aud concord. Actor, Moor, and
audience felt tho minio impulse; wore
moved as one soul."
' For MiiiuhIo'h Sake," by MrH. Mary K.
I Mlllllo. of tlliu fit V. llIIH illHt ln'Oll Hill)
, ;v ., V, t
lished by Jacob oith ,t Co.. and ih now
1 on sale at Clason ,V Fletcher's. Mrs.
Maule dedicates her book: 'lo all uf
dieted little ehildiou, whoso iiathwav
in life is cros.t-0 1 by accident 01 disease,
and if hi its pages," tho author con
tiuues1"thev llnd one rav of onoouing''
inent. an incentive to noble pm poses, or
commie to meet ami bear their atlhctinn
patiently. , its mission will have been full -
tilled. lift-little book tells the stor)
of Lnul tlaiK. a ciiiple. in a wav that
i cannot fail to iiitoiertt juvenile leadeis,
V.l.lli lniml siirltl Nut.--.
Mih. D. F. Thoinps ill an 1 Mew Mary
Miller returned ycrttorday fiom Chu-.igo.
Dedieatorj hoi vices of tho Triidt)
Meihoihstl-hiise ipal Church will be field
Sundaj.Jul) 'JHJJ.
Dr J. SShieldrt.uud familv.if Holdrege I
mo visiting his lirothoiH Dm. W. D and
12. T Shields. Ho expects to live out at
Univeisit) Place.
Mi. Kd. Herrvimiu formerly a Lincoln
ito aud ameiiieber of the Hint I lard ware
coinpaii) is in tho city, in charge of the
Looaiis Hardware stock opposite the
postotlke. Mi, Herivman is now with
Lee Clink iidieet-ou coiupaiiv of
Oinalia who u ho represents in closing
Ollt the IjOOIIIIS stock.
V Mi-ii') ('inn hint; rail),
A ineirv pat tv ol joung people en
jnvul a coai'hiug patty Ihttisilav.
The) ih ove out to Mr. Kiwigu's faun
vvhe'ie a tempting supper was pai taken
of liefoie their leturn 111 tho iiuhiii light.
Tho part) included Misses .leaiinette
Wilson He tie Hiirr. Olive Latta. Anne
l-'unke. liiaee Oaklo), !. Maishall.
1 1 tit I it- Hooper Mossis. Mat son Hahl
win. liauk liuii.Jolin Doigan W F.
Mou-i I 10.I Ihaitz. (ienigo Wools, ami
I, 11.... .... 'I I... .....
Heiuaii Dawes. 'Ihopartj was chiipcio
nod bv Mi. and Mis. Fied C. Howe and
.Mis. i'. W. liriltith.
Wv.Nrt:i .Sinning by a thoiouudilj
oxpeiie iced mi 1 component nurto. Have
nniH".l ten joaro in thu eas;. tuqiil e
lO'o F s' W.
1 1
Seeiotar J Steiling Morion, In an
intoivli'W with a lepieseutativo of a
Washington paper, ONptessed hhmielf
as followHou the silver iiiestlon- Mr.
Mm Ion's statements urn iiIuiijh clean
"Hero Ihii propositltiiii What iHHllvery
An oai'th pioduot diagged out by
human elfoit, The (linuitc Mountain
Mining v nupanv piodueed lollued silver
in tho war IHS7 or ISSS, according to Uh
ropoiltotho Heoioliii) of the tieasury,
to tho amount or ueaily :i,HH).iHHl of
oiim'eH at a cost for lollued sliver of I'J
centH an imuco. The whole output cost
that war in all fr (H.(KH). Coined at
II -'.4 grahiH to the dollar, it would
make over ?:M00.(HH) or legal tender for
over a.lHXUHHI bushnls of wheat, the
labor cost of which in moie than tVKO,
(HH). That Ih, Ii fieo coinage, under
law, 8.'MIS.(Mk) of mine labor Is imido and
roieedtoau e.unlll) with 1? LO(KMKH) if
fat 111 labor cost. II) law this fieo
coined silver, when II lepiesenlH onlv
8' li.MK) of mine lalior in .Montiinn, will
bo ONohangoublo for J (HMKXI faini labor
in Nebraska. Ih HiIh ilghtr Will No
braska and otliei farmeiH hurrah for
this emamouH mvimllo of their toil?
Tlieio Ih no advantage to the fanner or
tho laboier inn lediindauey of cheap
money. It mines tho pi ice or I noun in
pmductH in cheap money, cutting oil'
tho ex poit trade and iiariovviug tho
market. With a HctlcloUH price tint
upon wheat through tho cheapness of
tho mono with which it Is purchased,
the foteign puieliaser cannot itlfoid to
deal witli our fainiein, but goes to India,
Itussia or tlu Aigcntinc Kepublic for
Ids wheat. The consequence of thin
Is hind times heie and tho ovpoit of
gold fiom the country.
"Ah soon iih our wheat gotH down to
a pi ice where it can llnil piiichasfliH
abioad; iih soon as wo begin to sell to
foreign pttichaMUH, tlio Hiitiplv and tho
demand alone legulatlng tlio irlee, tho
gold bogl iih to coiuoi liaolc to uh. Tho
tin 11 in the tide of gold noticeable with
in the last few days, wiih due lo the
sales of wheat, which had been brought
out by tho noeosHity tho holdom wore
under to raise money."
Mr. Morton snvs the populist party
(iisiutegtatiug. " liy thu nomination or
Mr. Cleveland and thu wording of the
platfoim, democrats repudiated all
heresies aud took the position to which
it belongs, on the side of Hound money
and sound principles. The paity Ih
pledged to this ami tlio election of Mr.
Cleveland is an indoisemout or his
position by a majority of tho people.
His election meant, among other things,
tho nomination of laws placing no
artificial prices upon -ooinnmdilies,
whether of wood or metal, tin or silver;
that tho L'owrnmcut should not bo
I lllll I III- Cllll I llllll 111 nillllllll IMIL III'
! f 1 li. Ih. i, Imi ,.r- ,., .1 f, mIiimi- .if
i roiceii to in- a nuverora rice coinei or
uii..,.. ,.,,.1 it,,, 1 u..,i.i I.,,.,,, it.. ,.1 ,...! f ,.u
n..,. ........ ...... .,... .. ..v ...., ........ ..r,
u i... i.,.r..,.....i tuiii 11 ,.. liiiii. .v
. - - , - . ,, -".. ,...,-. .- , .: -, i
uuiiuciuaiiug siamiaiii 01 vaiuo. 1 no
not think tlio people are led uvviij for
long bv (lemngiigueH.
''The Htiong cominou sense of the
average citien diseoveiH tho agitator
ami demugogue in time, and the thhd
part) led bv diw'i-.ieed demagogues ills
lnitr.l fi,,!.. tit.. 111., l.fil 1. tiifil ,,tl-li,.u lu
v.,....v .. ....,,, .... ,., ,,,,,..,,,, ,,,,, f-t "
piohalil) go 111; to pii(es. A the plain
..'. I
people of tins counti) want
t a sound re
liahle ciirreuc) Hiilllciont ror tiieir pui
pose or their trade and cotmueico. Vou
can never get a uiajoiltx of the people
of this cnimtrv to favor a euuencv
based on iiitillcial value, and conse
quently unstable and liable to cause
seiioim dost met ion. The gieat tumble
in nettling this question has come from
the fai-t that mini) or our statesmen of
both parties in congiess are dcmagogucH
and aie inlluemed bj the consideration
of wliat maj be the imuieiliate eireet of
thou- action upon their political pnw
poets, i.ither than by their own judg
1 'j'. x (l(.toi mino thi-niselveH as to whut
, t. ,.,,jt. ttat. and then wniet!uicn
,lmo constituents into wanting
iiu-iii ii in iiiii is un- iijjiu iiiin ii, .in.
what is not the best thing for them.
n evidence of tin- pressing needs of
Hie popiiusiH is uiven 111 ine euoilH me)
are pulling loith at this time, im-v-111
engaued 111 what the) call a mid
summer eamp.iiu'n, held in camp .mil
mass meetings, to pn-ss their iloetiines
Upon Hie people. Allen, the nevvlv
elected senator finni Nebraska, is hold
mg mii'tings and piessing tho Hat
mono) iloetiines tluoiighoiit the state,
but is having small andieiH-Vs. and
Hrvau is down poutli talking fieo coinage
ofiiilvor, but with all their etfoits at
this unusual season it is evident that
thev are losing ground rapidl)."
The Becrotarv of agriculture is a 10
imiikabl) well posted man. ami 111 tho
discussion or the tiuaueial question lie is
verv much at home. His explanation
of the inevitable iouilt ir the lice coin
ago of a cheap silver dollar is at once
clear and sound.
The nitcit leu selves to show the wide
divergence in the views of Mr. Cleve
land's seen-tar) of agiicidtuio and the
congressman from this disttict. Theie
aie people unkind enough to insist Hint
Mr. M01 ton's icfe ein-o to "demagogues
w lio 1110 iutliienco 1 bv the consideration
or what ma) he the immediate eilect of
their action itpo.t their (mliticd pios
peels, lather than bv their own judg
incut, iih to what is the iijht thing to
do," is aline I ut Mr. Ilrv.iu
V. W. Collins has been talking mi the
silver question, too. To a AVirw iiqiortoi
thootheidii) ho said: "The uatum Is
imioiih 100 liiucn suvoi on 1110 siouuich
it needs to ho phjsickedor the
man silver law. .'hut accomplished, the
piiHont -hould have ca-oful tiuaueial
diet. A po.son whoH'Ston.cli a 1 1 hver
il' out of n'lo i ll-ll-.i j 1.11 1 i'e I
by the demons of iIIhIiuhI ami despon
dency ho with (he nation, Thonntlon'n
liver hi dlsoideied, and IhaU too, hugely
b over Indulgence. If tho heiesleii of
the hl-metallistH piovall, thin countiy, In
my humble judgment, will bo vlsiled by
llnaneliil gloom and distress, beHldo
which lllnek Friday was not a oiicum
Hlaneo," O. M Peteisou lemaikri in the Plultti
mouth AVici Hint "thu Calhmins ami
Caspeuiof the democrat h; aggregation
wlileh Ih tho only genuine 'gi eldest
hIiow on oaith' do not seem to leidlo
tliat tho election In ovet, aud that Hip
Clovelandii, Mar ins, tho OIiiojh ami tho
Hoke Siuitlm aio In tho raddle,"
Tho Koainey ,oaniu hiivhi Judgiv
Maxwell linn held down an ollleo for
eighteen win H by tho grace of tho in
publican pintv. Ago iloen not wither
tho asphatlous of a man once Initialed
into the habit of political position. Tho
evident Intent of the late coiivoihIoii will
not tend to make popullsta ted hot to
Hiippoit htm when tlio) have 'middle of
the road' men of longstanding looking
for just Hiieh a plum. '
Cul out tho coupon and piomuo freu
adinisalou to the gieat plunge In tho
now sanitarium.
Wh) let vour futH remain id homo
whore moths aio almost sine to got Into
them, when F. H. Vol Iter. 11 nrncticitl
fui tier, will hIoio them until next winter
and guarantee to return them in perfect
oider. Call and see him at the V. M. (J.
A. building,
For all social ilolugH the Nebraska
state baud or oiehcstra Ih what In
alwavH most desired,
Fruited Ice cieam soda water imuhi
fiom the natural fiuit, at Hector's Phar
macy. Mih. W. K. OoHiiur'H new spring Htoclc
of millinery, the llnest in tho city, Is now
When ion and jour best girl are out
rorastioll iilwavs make a boo Hue for
Juno Ice cream pavilion Thirteenth
and 0 streets.
FiiiHHtorcd at F. K. Voelker's.
"The Host" Laundry, 'SlO-i O Htreot.
telephone fi'tf, H. Tovvnsond it Co., pro
piietoiH, Lincoln, Neb.
The DaughtorH of VoteraiiH enjoyed u
very ploiiHaiit picnic at Lincoln park
Wednesday. "J'licro was also a Haptist
Sunday schodl picnic tho same day.
Thursday evening, tho Mandolin club,
one of Lincoln's newest ami most credit
able musical organizations, gave a de
lightful concert, beginning, today,
Manager llickoy has a most attractivo
list of attractions. This afteinoon tho
1 ...
Vir.ICO S lllllllOll till looll COIIlpllliy
.. , , p n ifif
i win iiiiiko an aHLciisinn. t. (.. ivn-
, . , . i,i,.f nml
1 pairicic, mo cuampion wick ami
' rmii.v leice
liner, will
1 - .. , ,
open Iiih wooKh cngagomeut thin
afternoon. Mi. KilpatricK is the man
who created such a sensation by riding
a bicycle down tho steps of the capitoi
at Washington a few weeks ago. ilo
onl) has one leg, but he la without a.
peer in tancy ruling. At Lincoln park
., , .1,.,,,,. ,, .,,.,.. , 1 1.,,,, ,....,, ..I
, '" "'" "" """". "i-'j - """"'
J .il it.., 11,1 1. hl I r,,..i, .....I .. ,11 .., .. .....
' """'"'v "" ,," . h'""
liihltioiiH on a plairoiiu in tho otien air,
Ho will pei foi m every aficruooii and
evening of Huh vveoK. 'LuiHiiaj, tho
Fourth of July, in addition to the at
tractions mimed above, thuie will
bo oxhibitioiiH of high and
slack wiio walking and per
forming; tho great hicjcio totirnaiuent,
l ef elicit to olsovvliote; dancing afternoon
and evening, and ii iiiagiurictfiii display
j OI hiowoiKH in uiu ovoimig.
It is probable Hint the last big pie
' ,c at Ciihhiuaii pailt iiiuloi the picKint
iininageiiioiii win occur toiiai.ii iieinir
' ifiMirtoil tlu rcw
, wi,, the eoiitml or it r
' 'UmIiix there will ho a
rtsort is about to iass
i .liOius svndicate.
I tilillli anil fiiatit-iil
tno PlaltiiueiHclio un htiicstzung
Vitu.ii. uml ilu usual hiir iumil k nv.
poctcil. rjpeend trains will leave thu
liuilingtou depot at i:.;u, 'J:.,u, ,r,;d) unci
o p. m.; letu ruing at 1-...U, .1:00. 1 :,((). (i.H)
and :.,U p. 111. .v uuiubor of special ut
tractions have been miaiiged tor todaj,
and theie will lie the usual concert after
noon ami evening. At Ciishmau park
theie is boating, iiwimiiiing. dan, -ig,
etc ami the blliulay piciiics have eu
tin most Huccessiul tea tu re eve -tempted
at the p.nk. It ih no jit
known what hiIIi-v will Im pursm '
the now ow.ieisof the pitrK.
It needed tho settled warm wi
or late Juno to si nd h.iKe crouds ti. . .
Iingtnn bench t tie people fail I) Hocked
to this it-sort nil Inst wiek, and bathing
was the chief altiiictliiii. I'rom plcsenl
indications the present season will be
oven moie piotltuble than last. The
beach 1-. in wrj tine condition, and tlio
general attiaeiive.iess is considerably
enhanced. Ttio steamer,' whicli now
nialtes icgtihu trips n.ictiioon and oven
mg. is cmw doit iieaily alwavH, whilo
tin-big dancing pavilion at tho cud of
the plot, is full or inorrj danceiH moHt
of tno tune, bailing coiitiiilioH to be
vel) sipuhir. Iieilier one deshes t
bathe, dance, iale on thestoaniboa
or gaze into thewater.theioatoiuoanb at
hand tor thoioiigli 1 iijojiiiout, lu tho
evening when the t Iconic lights are on,
the beach presents a lno-.t healitlful n)
pe.uanci. I bote is alwajs a cool bieoo.
elaborate program of aquatic siMirts last
mg all lhe afternoon. Ihorowill bo all
kinds or boat racing, sailing and rowiii"
mi un- riiiiriii 01 ,11111 uieio w in in, 101
tub races, swimming races, etc., tho
piizcs consisting or medals and season
bathing ticko.s. 'Iho.e will bo niusiis
ufieiiKHiii ami evening, with agrand ball
ami a tag uispho ol U.owoiKh in tho
ovi . ,.