Sunday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1893, June 25, 1893, Image 1

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Sunday Morning Courier,
111 II
"Tho handsome anil tulentetl dink
eyed child of tho west," is tho way tho
Atlanta Constitution refers to n distin
guished Lincoln citizon, tho Honorable
William Jennings Hryun. Mr. IJryun
BKko in Atlanta, Juno Kith. Tho Con
stitution Bays: "When, lit tho clows of
hie thrilling pntch, tho enthusiastic
uudionco rose tip and proclaimed
him with wild shoutB, tho Andrew Juek
eon of modern times, it wub clear with
what Hwer ho had held them with IiIh
matchless eloquence and forceful argu
nient for two full hours."
"Ho wiib tho sumo silver-tongued
Bryan who stood up in tho hulls or eon
greBB and with a single HiTech, estab
lished hitrmolt as u louder anions men at
tho national cupital. Mb speech lunt
night recalled tho days of Georgia's
(rrcat orators Hill, Stephens, ToohiIb
und Grady, and tho enthusiasm ran
high, indeed"
Governor Northen Introduced Mr.
Bryan us "a democrat who elect rilled the
national congress with his wondrous
eloquence, and snatched .victory from u
republican foo in his district, after tho
most memorable campaign that district
over saw to tho tuno of 4,000 majority."
Governor Northen is a llttio bit careless
with his figures. "Mr, Bryan is ono of
tho strongest believers in bi-mctnllismin
congress, continues tho Constitution,
"Ho is uncompromisingly for it, and
says that it is the salvation of tho coun
try's currency. Tho tirst money ho over
drew jib Hillary in congress ho requested
that a piece of gold be given him and a
piece of silver. With thin money lie had
made a pair of cutMiuttons, ono silver
and tho other gold, which ho still wears,
indicative of his faith in hi-metallism.
His sentiments in favor of hi-metallism
were rapturously cheered last night, and
it WUB clear that his audience was with
him in every word along that line. Ho
said some democrats of tho south may
differ with him as to tho democracy of
his position, but it had been tho policy
of the party from 17itt to 181X1. "Today,
my friends," said he, "wo stand upon tho
threshold of tho greatest political con
Jlict this nation over saw. I warn you
that it will be a battle of tho standards
upon which tho civilized world will look
with interest and concern. Some may
want to reiieul the Sherman law without
doing anything else, but when wo do
wo enter that dark door over which is
written who esters iiehein leaves!
Another Atlanta paper, tho Journal,
says: "Mr. Bryan, who is a tall, broad
shouldered, manly looking man, with a
clear shaven face and a frank, open
countenance, produced an excellent im
pression on all those who heard him,
and who had tho pleasure of mooting
him. It is safe to say that if lie carried
away from Atlanta half as good an im
pression as that ho left behind, ho will
want to come again."
Mr. Bryan regards President Cleve
land as "ono of tho grandest of living
Americans." At least tho Journal
biivs ho docs- "a bold man, a fearless
man. an honest man, a man of his con
victions." But, the reort continues,
while Mr. Bryan admires Mr. Cleveland,
he wants tho friends of silver to bo
equally courageous in defending their
honest views. What ho doesn't like is
to see one man of boldness and eouraae
making the opinions of a lot of other
men who are afraid to think for them
selves, Mavor Weir's boom for tho independ
ent nomination for governor is moving
along with encouraging swiftness.
There are some republicans in this city
wlm could bo induced to vote for him
without very much difficulty, particular
lv if a man like Lorenzo Ciounse were
the republican nominee. But Mr.
Weir, ixipulur as lie is with tho inde
pendents and Lincoln citizens generally,
will not bo nominated. He lives in a
city. He is not a farmer. And tho in
dependents are not jet prepared to be
lieve that any man is Utted for an im
iKirtant ollico who is not a genuine
farmer. They abhor a man from a
wicked citv. So. unless Mr. Weir moves
out to the "suburbs and runs a farm, he
will bo passed by.
A "nrominent lawyer" is quoted by the
Nebraska City Pre as saying: "1 he
lawyers as well as the people generally
recognize the fact that the Nebraska
supremo court should tie lifted from the
miro of iiolltlcB. This can only bo done
by astrlctly non-partisan nomination. It
is 'impossible to induce one party to in
dorse u man who has already Iwen nouv
inated by another party, tor instance,
if the republican nominated a man tho
democrats would not indorse him. H
tho democrats nominated the ropub I
cans would not indorse him. lam in
favor of having a convention called at
an early day for the purjiose of making
a non-partisan nomination. Every coun
ty in the state should lie represented in
this convention and each of tho three
parties should have equal representation
in tho convention."
T. D. Worrall, of Valparaiso, is n can.
didate for tho place now held by John
Steenof Wahoo - stoWce inspectorship
for tho Nebraska district. A lKmtotileo
inspector bears about the same relation
to tho ixistotllces that a bank examiner
beais to the banks. Iho job
pavs 0 ior day, and expends
anil it is rather plwisant wo.k.
Mr. Steen, tho present incumbent, has
had almost twenty years experience in
the pimtul service -ho was an Irwiwctor
befo lo he was elected commissioner of
public lands and bu Id ngs. and ho Is
regarded us u particularly capable offl.
cer. It l possible that tho government
may decide to lot him alone for some
time yet.
It is intimated that nothing will bo
dono with tho Lincoln postoflico until
after congress meets. If Mr. Bryan
should meet the requirements of the
president on tho money question the
congressman will undoubtedly bo al
lowed to name Mr. Gere's successor, and
Major Calhoun w II bo tho man.
But if the congressman refuses to get up
on tho president's platform, as ho prob
ably will, tho chances aro that Mr.
Bryan will not bo allowed to participate
very ebtensivoly in tho mutter of tho
selection of ixwtinuster.
A corrosixindcnt calls attention to the
fact that Governor Crounso has a man
employed as a clerk in his ollico at a
salary of 81,000 whocannotread or write.
It certainly does seem as though tho
governor might have made his selection
of assistants without entering tho ranks
of tho illiterate.
There is u good deal of stir about the
hi-motallic league in this city. Tho "hi
metallists" aro manifesting much activity.
Query: Why do not the advocates of the
free coinage of silver call themselves by
their right name lnsteud of hiding behind
a deceptivo 'hi-metallism?" Tho A'eirx
is tho latest convert to this latest phase
of "hi-metallism."
IBI 25
A bank failure has precisely tho same
effect as a cry of llro in a crowded theater-
-only tho excitement is more in.
tense. For jieoplo aro often more
anxious aliout the preservation of their
money than they aro aliout the preser
vation of their lives. Only the bankers
themselves know how the people in this
city have lioon affected by the present
llnanciid depression. Business is good
and tho crop prospects are excellent.
But overyliody is timid. People who
have money hesitate to loan it and they
hardly know what to do with it. When
tho Capital National bank collapsed
scores of ieoplo who had lieen holding
certificates of deposit in the national
banks withdrew tlieir money, and a largo
number of doHisitors in the savings
banks followed tho same course. In a
number of instances money was with
drawn from the savings hanks, where It
drew live per cent interest and dejHislted
tinned, "Real estate offers strong In
ducements.. Very desirable property
can ho had at particularly reasonable
prices, and I regard Lincoln real estate,
particularly at the present time, as a
most desirable form of investment. A
man with a little inouey can make money
In real estate now with the exercise of
ordinary cure, und speaking of Invest
ments, it may interest you to hear tho
statement Just made to mo by Mr.
Untitling, ono of the directors of the
Bankof North America of New York
City. Mr. Untitling visited Lincoln
twenty-six years ago, and again six years
aro, and now on his third visit he tells
mo that In his opinion Lincoln is tho
best western city to invest money in that
ho knows of ; and he is well acquainted
with tho west. Ho Is absolutely confi
dent, of Lincoln's future, and 1 can en
dorse all that Mr, Hotallng says,"
I). G. Wing, assistant cashier of the
American Exchange bank, wild: "To
begin with, a man with 82.V) is lucky.
There lire many ways in which he can
invest such an amount with safety; but
the difficulty Is that most )ieoplo do not
have tho time to investigate sulllciently
before investing their money. I would
not adviso anybody to put money into
Tho event of tho week, jiolitieally, was
tho exchange of courtesies between the
stato auditor of public accounts, Eugene
Moore, and the tho Nebraska Worlds
fair commissioner general, Joseph Gar
neau. The auditor's letter, in which
ho called attention to the
unwarranted extravagance of the hit
ter's administration of tho affairs of the
Columbian commission and emphasized
his refusal to issue warrants for some of
Mr. Garneau's unreasonable vouchers,
called forth a highly indignant rejoinder
from tho commissioner. Garneau com
pletely lost his temper, and instead of
replying to the points made by the aud
itor," hurled back a tirade of innuendo
which, while it may have relieved Mr.
Garneau's feelings only amused the of
licer to whom it was directed. As a
matter of fact Mr. Mooro has on several
previous occasions called the attention
of the governor to tho unwarranted ex
penditures of tho commissioner and a
number of vouchers were withdrawn.
This time tho governor was out of tl.o
Mr. Mooro was asked by n Coukikii
representative if Mr. Garneau's letter
had convinced him that ho had made n
mistake and that ho had no authority
to scrutinize tho accounts of tho com
missioner or withhold warrants for the
same. Tho auditor replied: "Mr. Gar
neau quotes tho very section of tho law
that gives mo tho authority to audit the
accounts. The law provides as follows:
"Each estimate shall be accompanied by
a detailed statement of tho expenditures
with proper vouchers. On compliance
with the foregoing provisions of this sec
tion, the state auditor is hereby author
ized and required to draw his warrant
on the state treasury against the funds
appropriated in this net." The commis
sioner has not comulied with the law.
and I have no hesitancy in saying that
lie will receive no money from ino suite
on irregular voucners. vnirneuti nas
already drawn about 820,000 of tho sup
plementary 8.'t.",000 appropriation.
Mr. Garneau says in his letter to Mr.
Mooro: "I am executing my duties to
the best of my ability." This statement
seems to lie an admission on Mr. Gar
neau's part that his ability is nil.
Uncle Tom's Cabin" has certainly
"broke loose!" The copyright on this
most famous of American novels by
Mrs. Stowe. has recently expired, which
freosMts publication from the monopoly
of the highpriccd publishers and though
in anticipation of this fact they have
within a few months greatly reduced its
price. Now that it is really "unchained"
the consequences aro something surnrs
ing. John B. Alden, publisher, of New
York, issues several editions, selling them
only direct (not through agents or book
sellerB); one in good type, paper covers,
for 5 cents, sent post-paid, or the same
bound in cloth for 10 cents with jwistage
7 cents extra: also an excellent largo-
type, edition, on lino paper, handsomely
liound in cloth for the nrico of 2.") cents
postage 10 cents. Surely a copy of "Uncle
Tom's cabin" will soon lie found in every
home where it is not already r. Allien
sends a !12 pago pamphlet describing
ninny of hi publications free, or u cut
aloguo of 128 puses of a veritable
'literary gold mino" for liook lovers, for
2 cents. Address John B Aldon, Pub
Ilflher,B7 Rose St., New York.
Miss Amanda Douglas' story "Larry,"
which appeared in tho Voxfi's Compan
ion ns the prize winner in tho 82,000
contest, has been published in Inxik form
by Leo & Shepurd, with a number of
c'lapters that were omitted in tho Hrst
publication, giving tho story a rounded
fullness. "Larry" is interesting to
mature as well itstojuvenile readers. It
is a charming little story, and its latest
appeal to the reading public is pretty
sure to lio cordially received.
"It has cured others and it will cure
vou," is true only of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
The motto suits the medicine and the
medicine the motto. What better as
surance could you have that a remedy
will cure you, than tho fact that it has
cured such multitude of others.
ti" . -V .BWfci W7'7, ivvrmt!
.-. m.?T.'-rjn'f- T"'
The msrriaire of Prince Georie of Wnles, who limy one ilnr b kinif of Enjrlsnd,
and PrinceM May of Tack, the fianco of the late Prince Albert Victor, brother of l'nnc
George, will occur In Jnljr. In appearance tho prince resemble hi futber, and there I
also a strong meniblance betien him and his future wife. They are second ooniiiHi
in rented lockers in safety deposit vaults. I real estate mortgages without careful
Local confidence was returning when i examination, and not many people have
the foolish run on the Nebraska Savings i time to look these things up as they
bank commenced. Then diqiosits were should. The same is true of stato war-
again witmirawn. ami it is a fact that rants, ton can buy warrants at par
"I believe that the worst of the tlnun
eal Hurry is over," said State Treasurer
Hartley yesterday. "The principal im
mediate cause for the existing depres
sion is the timidity of the people, and
the excellent crop prospects all over the
country aro making iooplo more conll
dent. Nebraska has stood the strain
very well, I think, and I have been par
tlcularly gratitled at the manner in
which the stato banks have stood the
racket of the last mouth or two. The
state law, passed four years ago, and
amended at the last session of the legis
lature, has proved most effective In
weeding out IrresjMiiislblo concerns and
iiringlng all tlio state lianas up to a high
standard. The system of examination is
rigid, and the business of tho banks,
closely supervised by tho state depart
ment of banking, is done on systematic
and conservative tines. Five or six
years ago the ntate banks would have
neeii tommy ilemorallzeil hy such a
stringency in the money market as exists
now, and there would have been many
failures. As it is there Is very little
trouble." I. M. Raymond, president of
the American Exchange National bank
of this city, was the father of the state
banking law passed at the session of 'HO,
and he worked very hard to secure its
enactment. He has not since had reason
to regret his efforts in that connection.
The state has 82,000 in the American
National of Omaha, which failed a couple
of weeks ago; but Mr. Hartley is not at
all anxious aliout the money. "1 am
satlslled the bank will pay out in full,"
he remarked.
The case of A.J. Righy, of Syracuse
Neb., formerly of this city, who was last
week placed in the penitentiary under a
j ear's sentence, furnishes a more or less
striking illustration of the trite saying
that the world is mil of iiicuiiulity and
injustice. There is no such thing as an
exact measure or schedule of rewinds
and punishments. One man suffers for
a paltry offense, while another man who
is a worse criminal a hundred times over
is hardly molested. Rigby's offense
consisted of the misappropriation of 810
and the law promptly places him in the
penitentiary to servo out u sentence of
ono year at hard labor. C. W. Mosher,
who wrecked a bunk and nil but wrecked
a citv. who stole thioe-uuurters of a
million dollars, und blighted the hopes
of huniu-eds of poor people, is protected
iiy tite Mtme law. it la almost impossl
oi intelligence, weie seated In the lobb
of the Lincoln hotel. One was reading
aloud the account of the Boniiciim
troubles. He came to Halolll's namo
and read the abbreviated prefix, "Mgr.,"'
with great gllbness, as "manager .
The listener never turned a hair
"Manager" Satollll
People everywhere aro watching their
ey very close Just y in w.
its city are receiving
Tin. I.,.., I...
111! ..,.,, l.
nearly 500
of th
drafts on Lincoln merchants dally, Just
annul doiiuie ino usual uiimiier. Wast
em dealers are pressed themselves and
they are not waiting for voluntary set
tlements. Tho proMirtion of draftn
paid to those presented Is said to bo
about the same as during ordinary
times, which shows that Lincoln mor
ehants are standing the strain remark
ably well.
The wholesale grocery houses in till
city and the Jobbing houses generally
iesiit business to be quite us good IT
not better than at this time last )car
with collections very satisfactory,
"Tim Methodists have boycotted tho
World s fair because it Is open on Sun
lay," remarked u representative of union
labor in this city the other day, "and 1
xuppose it's all rigid; but when a labor
irgunmiiinn noyeoita iinytning, us nn-
aichy. That the difference
tweedledum and tweedledee."
thousands of dollars are todav hidden
away in Lincoln in obscure places, in old
socks and in holes in the cellar, because
people are afraid of the banks, and do
not know what to do with tlieir small
and get 7 per cent interest, but the
average man doesn't know how or where
to buy a warrant, and of course this is
onlv a temporary iuvcttfiiont anyway.
If caution is observed the money can In
7'he single tax club through its com
inuiiieation to the city council has suc
ceeded In seeming some very valuulilo
advertising. 7'he single taxers and tho
free coinage people, yolopcd, "bl-mctall-lata"
are not letting tho warm weather
interfere with tlieir enthusiasm.
7'he result of E. R. Sizer's public unity
of real estate at Normal is a most grati
fying indication of the real condition of
Lincoln people. M'hen a crowd will go
out to Normal on a mean, ugly, swelter
ing day like the ono selected by Col.
Sizer, In a season, too, when everybody
is talking aliout hard times, and deliber
ately buy 810,000 worth of real estate, in
8200 mid 8.",00 purchases largely, it in
evident that things are not nearly so
bad as they might be.
Some lively rustling is now being done,
by the stockho'ders of tho erstwhilo
Oipltal National bank to raise that 100
per cent assessment levied by Receiver
aytlcu. In a number of cases tho as
sessment means a good deal of annoy-'
a nee, and it will about ruin two or three
of tho stockholders. Many nconlo.
haven't much sympathy for tho direct
ors, who ought to havo known how
things were going, but it is pretty hard
ior iinyiHKiy mii'Ufieui scimesympBinypr".-r--r
tor the stocKiiouiers who mil only lose
the money they had in the stock but
are compelled to pay an assessment of
as much more, borne of the latter aro
accumulations. They are forfeiting a invested in such a way that it will easily
good rate of interest witli unqtiestion. i earn 10 per cent. Now is the time to
aide security for the very jioor security ' niake money if you've got any to lend,
of an old stocking, without interest, and it can bo loaned with entire safety,
Many persons with 8200 or 8:KK) are at it too. But I would say, put the money in
loss to know what to do with the money the bank until you vo got something
and advice, is frequently sought on this i better. There need bo no fear of the
Lincoln banks. The money can bo do-
Hisited in a savings bank at per cent,
or it can be put into a national bank on
a certificate of doiosit at the same rate
lot interest ."
II. S. Freeman, assistant cashier of
the Fiist National bank, said: "Owing
to tho scarcity of money tho regular
luokers have stopped buying state war
rants, and they are just now readily ob
tainable ut par. They run for 10 months
and draw seven per cent interest and are
point, "inings are so uncertain now
they say, "tliat we do not want to run
any risk. What shall we do with our
"What would you advise a jioor man
to do with 82TiO how would you advise
him to invest it so as to lie perfectly se
cure and at the same time receive a fair
rate of interest?"
This question put to Joe Hartley, state
treasurer, by a L'ouimek representative,
was tiromptly answered iib follows:
"If he desires perfect security and l absolutely safe. They can lie had in
good interest without the element of amounts approximating 82T0 or smaller,
speculation, I would advise the mini witli , and are a convenient and remunerative
mortgage; 8250 is too small an amount to
nut in a mortgage to good advantage
temiKirary investment. At the expira
l tion of 10 months if they are called in.
the money can then bo dcMisitad in a
savings bank and draw live per cent, if
more warrants are not obtainable, i-or
larger amounts good mortgage paper is
C. E. Waite, cashier of tho German
National bank, thinks there are plenty
of ways to invest 82.V) in a manner that
will lie entirely safe and remunerative
1 at the same time. "An amount of money
like this may be readily invested in stato
warrants, which vield 7 ner cent inter
est; but a higher rate of interest can be
Jo to secure even tho lightest kind of
punishment for this great criminal.
Moshcr's punishment, If proportioned to
Rigby's should bo imprisonment for not
less than live hundred years.
Those persons who maintained that
the case against ex state treasurer J. E.
Mill for the recovery of the state funds
deKiHited by him in the defunct Capital
National bank could nit be fairly tried
in Lancaster county are doubtless dis
apMiiuted at the ruling of Judge Davis
of Omaha to the effect that tho case
should properly be tried in this county;
but llii' L'l'iicrnl nubile is iirobablv unite
as willing to accept judgment or justice I family has much the best claim,
at the munis or a iaucasier county as
The Turner will case is a stumbling;
block in the way of Lincoln juries. tIio
, case lias caused much comment, and
I while there are many who seem to think
Dr. Turners money ought to go to tho
charitable and benevolent enterpriscB
indicated, theie are those who hold to
the view that a man's first duty is to
his family, mid that in this case tho
82.V) to put it in a savings bank. These
banks, operated under stringent state
laws, aro entirely safe and they are the
proper receptacle tor small amounts,
Nobody should lie afraid to put money
into a good savings bank, and it is the
height of foolishness for pooplo to keep , a perfectly safe investment,"
uieir money uuu mm 111 nuugcr oi iiciug
lost or stolen, when it should be drawing
interest, rut the money In a savings
bank I say."
S. II. Burnhum, cashier of tho Ameri
can Exchange, remarked: "If I had two
or three hundred dollars I believe I wovld
take out a certificate of deposit in a nat
ional lllinW. ullil'll would lillV ttVAnorei.nt
intorest if running for a year or four per easily obtained with security that is just
cent on a six months' certificate, or I ugood. There U demand for loans from
would put the money in a savings bunk parties who aro tierfcctly responsible
at Hvn tier cent interest. Now If It u-,.r. and who Will put Up llllltile security, II lid
SHOO I wiAlkUuy buy it good real estate 1 10 W -,el interest is easily procuruli e ( onjmu ( the priests, but in incurring
iniBciiiKHiiiiiitcniiiiciiip. win caimu ! t,(, displeasure of satolli
at the hands of a Douglas county court
To begin with there is not the slightest
chance of success, anyway. Governor i
Crouuse may think Mr. Hill is legall
responsible for the loss or the moue;
but most lawjers are agreed that Mr.
Hill's responsibility ceased when he
turned over the certificates of dcimsit to
Mr. Hartley. Whether the case Is tried
In Omaha or Lincoln, it is not at all
probable that Mr. Hill will be held Ha
The mayora
Hiieli r m tests tiRiin
made a mistake in allowing 'proceedings
to be commenced. By the way, Judge
Lansing's attitude in the case has been
rather severely criticised by certain par
ties, and in the last few days there has
been an occasional murmur about "get
ting even this fall," or words to that ef
feet. The judge may have allowed him
self to become unduly excited during the
trial; but that he was straight-forward
and impartial no reasonable person will
deuv. Judge Lansing has thus far
iiiiule an excellent record, and his of
ficial performances have the approval of
the public. Any attempt to create op
IKisition to hjs renomimitioii will not be
conspicuously svccessful. The success
or to Ike Lansing will be Ike Lansing.
The Mooro-Garncnii controversy of tho
last week was rivaled by the dispute be
uccn the State Journal and Mr. John
P. Sutton. Mr. Sutton isn't a novice in
newspaper controversy ami his articlit
was lead with much amusement, partic
ulaily by those who have grievances,
against the Journal,
Mr. Henry Arthur Charles Herbert, of
1 1-..In ml n'li, . intii-riiiil Mluu l.mitol .P
lty 'contest ended as all Oniaha. aiiepl.owof thereal.
isiiallv end. Mr. Graham ".d "Kimd "Herbert of Muckross." It
ih niierertwiin in nine Willi I lie latter Pull
lives in New York, but not in the placed
that once knew him being rather down on
his luck. Some years ago he came into
IM.Sfcssiun of flue old Muckross Abbey
and his birth-right fortune, and was
enabled to live at a very lively pace.
The abbey passed away as well as money
and he of Muckross came over this sido
to retrive himself. With his true Irish
Imnhomie and wit he was an attractive
man, and for some time society took an
interest in him ami entertained him
lavishly. Then for some reason ho left
Ms old haunts, and not imiiiy of his former
friends are aware that he is still within
he gates of Gotham. Town Topic,
New York.)
The Catholics may have just as man
disturbances as the other denominations
but tho discipline of that church is such
that their grievances are seldom aired
in public. The Bonucum n w is an ex
ceptional instance. Bishop Bonacum
seems to have been extraordinarily suc
cessful, not only in provoking the antag-
inortgages are also a good, wife invest- delegate would n t have
The Pimnl
pui II 'lv lop i
If tho small Investor hod plenty of time i "u-nt. 'lliere are numerous ways to in-1 mniled the bishop, telling him that his
to look up the securities und would take ' vest 8250 with (lerfoot safety, and no one i conduct was most offensive, unless he
the trouble he might place his inonev ''d be afraid to put out his money. , WI1H Heriouslv revoked, and the friends
Rich, pure and wholesome ice cream
and ices for the home, party or picnic at
projKr prices at Clius. June's, corner
Thirteenth und O streets. Telephone
...i.. ... u .......1.11,.... n...... i ... I
Hill iv il nwmii uu i-jjuiui, rtuiuitllll n UCrC
it would pay a much higher rate of int
e (St. If he wants something that is per
fectly sufo with a fair return in the wuv
of interest I would say put it in the
liai k."
Mil. II.MtWllOll'h ADVICE.
"There is absolutely nooccusion to dis
trust tho bunks; they are perfecely safe,
and nothing could be more foolish than
to draw money out of the bank ut this
it may lie freely
used by old and young
I . I :. illlf II 1 li-ti. Mii.iti!ill I In. in.
time tor the piirisiso of hoarding t at ; , , ii it ' "'""""i"',
home or carrying it around Tn tie W',, ,f"1 ri '"'l' Anne Hinke
pocket; but I do not propose t urge lh'rtie Hurr, 111... Laws, Minnie Haw ley.
people to deisisit their money In tTo Messrs Meyer Maldw.n,H..utz,Maishal,
lianVs." Such was the remark of N S. Sail h, l-ied Smyser. of Boston, Ironic
Hurwood, president of the First Na
tional bunk. "This is a very good time
to make paying investments," ho con-
of the liishoii are very much afraid tha
As a blood purifier, the most eminent he has greatly pio.udiccd his ease,
phjsicians prescribe Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The charges preferred against the
It is the most jK.werful combination of bishop by the priests are of a very seri
vegetable alteratives ever offered to the ous nntuic, and if proven the Ir'shop
mliiic. .s a spring and family medicine will tlmllituiscir man uni'lcasai tin hi kd .
Mill ins friends insist mat there are two
sides to the story and that he will conn
out of the trouble triumphant. It looks
just now as though there were a goodly
number of obstacles between IJislioji
Hoiiaciiin and a triumphant acquittal.
The outcome of the case is awaited with
great inteiest. Now that the trouble
has been fully o dilated the public is
concerned. People are keeping theh
e .ts on Satolli.
An enjoyable coaching party to the
Ensign farm Friday afternoon comprised
Not very many days ago an advertise
ment was iiibcrted in the "Lost" columns,
of the Chicago Herald offering a reward
fo. the return, unharmed and without
any serif ches or oilier blemishes, of it
guileless youth answering to the name of
Spike." It appeals that the advertise
ment had reference to a well known res
ident of Lii.c.iln, W. B. Morrisson, tho
traveling man. Mr. Morrison went to
Chicago with Frank S. Burr and R. M.
J eo for the purMise of seeing tho fair
a id other things. He became dizzy f out
gazing at the lerris wheel or something
else. And when Burr and Joyce weren't
looking Moirhou disapeared, ami the
m w. sea oh failed to discover
iiiy trace of the mining man. In des-
r .1 ' i.ost" ml put in the paper.
T'i day. af ei hope winalmoHt gone
Morrison i, ne.l up. He didn't claim
t.. i-.. aid, a..ii he refused to tell where
li- 1 a I Im en. His friends were so grout
I rel ov -d that they did not press him.
1 Wii sunn ed th i' he passed the night
i . the ,iui .e-k i iiuiMing on tho fair
g iiiniK and tin illy reached the hoto!
. th the iiisis u.iiv of a specially do
Coli.mhia i . imiil.
.. L
S. Burr, Zehrung,
Mr, Fred Smyser, of Boston, is in the
Two gentlemen, with the ap earonce i iiml
f. iii'us noiuiiHiK in i.eiano:i, Ohio
11 l'4 Flil'lU I'Veilrl" il Inn.,.
die ic if the UVstoiM College.
lis was "The independent Nor-
Ja2. .St U,j