Sunday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1893, June 18, 1893, Image 8

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HisWliiii is
Ocrner I Oth and P StrMt.
At in w rimwliut it lnrrfn lino of
In witty ilcpntlni'iit.
A Specialty.
AficntH for llitttorlfk INittoniB.
II. 1. Xlmmltir Ns Co
TIip CoiiHiT rim Ho I'iiiiiiiI nt
Hotel Lincoln Ni'WH Stimtl.
Windsor Hotel Nows Stand.
Capital lloti'l NVwh Btiiml.
Hod Dude CUrnr Stoie, 1020 0 St.
Kd. Vomiif, 1207 O Bt.
Clinton, Fletcher A Co.. 1120 O St.
"Monro's News Stand, Ufl Bo. llth Bt. Olllco. WHO St.
Casino Cfcnr Store, Kith unil O Hts,
WhltohreiiHt Coul and Lime. Co.
Lincoln Frame und Art Co.f225 South
W. K. JJoinlM X? Co.
1137 O Street.
HiitliiiiR caps nt Rector's Pharmacy.
Althon toilet propurntorloB nt Rector's
Dnvld 1. Blum, dentist, rooms 42 unil
43, Ilurr hloolt.
Try Cluh House coffee, none bo Kod.
Miller Clifford.
Imported uiul domestic toilet sonps ut
Kcotor'B l'hurmuoy.
Mrs. McFnrlimd, professional nurse,
i:il South Eleventh Btreet.
Sumimnn SlstorB, artistic ilressinuklnir,
112J1 O street, over Doreoy's.
Bullulo Flour, 1.00 per suck. Miller
& Gilford, jrroeors, opposite Hurr Mock.
An entire now Hu of ladies' canlenses
ami HMkot Rector's., Pharmacy.
Mm. H. II. Demartst, Hulr Dressing
anil MnnlcurlnK, fiMima 101-102. 1MB O
A full Uneot Imported gardhjes ami
canned soups. MHlocr& aiffard.ipposKo
Burr pV. -$ g
MJorders via telephone BUS wUl roaeh
WrAV Coffin xfc-Oo. anil .receive 'prompt
and careful attention.
Pull lino of artists' materials nt Lin
oln Framo and Art Company'. --20
South Eleventh street.
No Buch lino of canned fruits in tho
jlty as shown by W. A. Cotlln A Co., '1411
South Eleventh street.
Mrs. II. II. DoraureBt. late of ChleiiKO,'
hair dresser und nmnicuriBt, 1518 O Btreet.
Take, elevator, rooms 101-102.
For dunces and outinra thero is no
auch iiuibIu in Nebraska aa thut supplied
by tho Nebraska state orcheBtru.
Never, order un invitation until you
have aeon tho samples of tho. work done
by tho now Courier Publishing Co.
Frames, frames, frames, of every de
scription ut Lincoln Framo and Art
Company's, 220 South Eleventh street.
In Mrs. Qosnor's hair iroodfl denart-
went you will tind all tho latest' hood
adornments. Hair dressing by competent
.Visit. tho.Aunux.when you want a de
licious meal, cleanly spread, well cooked
and politely served. Cull at Ml South
For rates and, ojwn dates of the Ne
braska Btuto bund or orchestra apply ut
tho Coukikk ofllco, 11JM O street, tele
phone 23:1.
Wantki Nurslnjr by u thoroughly
oxorionccd und competent nurse. Have
nursed ten years in the east. Inquire
1035 F Btreet.
Latest novelties in Spring Millinery,
tho tlnest in tho city. Culdwell Sisters,
208 South Eleventh street.
Miss Bertha Snyder, stenographer and
typewriter. CorreBixmdouce, law work,
and till kinds of shorthand work promptly
nd neatly executed. IliU O Btreet.
Telephone 25:1.
Miss Mabel'-Morrill; tho well-knownr
artist, is again at her studio, room .'I,
Webster block, whore sho will bo pleased
to executo orders .in pastel and oil paint
ings. Lessons given.
Tho now Courier Publishing Co., 1134
O street, is now ready to accept orders
for all kindsot tlno printing und engraved
work. Wedding in vitutlou. calling curds,
cttwu specialty. Phono 253, - " ' -
WhoriSyou want prompt', service, and
fair treututent und the selection' from
the largest stock of groceries In'LiBoolu
call BflW. A. CoMa 1 Co., succeesors to J
J.'Millor.1 143 South Eleventh street.
ffalfers market, old reliable markot.
. - . " . .-. i.
,now mov Thirteenth street, oppoeUo
utLamug wnero laaies saouiu
call for their Mtieat orders. Telephone
orders ovor No. 100 receive, protipt afc-i
.tentlon, " ,
Professor Swain's'ladles tallOrlmr and
dress' cutting school. Thorough instruc
ttn4 Tosaoiisnot Hmitadi l)rss mak
ing done with dispatch on short notice.
PullApa llfr ifi mAaailn. nnrl ull ttrrtvlr'
guartoteod. t t : j p.V7 C i
-At Rrown's RjvuIi Cafe i ladies
aow find a large and airy dining hall on
tuo second Moor, whero all Ktaas ot
lUBchea or joeals are elegantly. served
Xadles entrance Mrst door westofCafe,
I'M North Tenth street.
NEW HI ill
.IiihI linniflno Corbett .L'ctting lick
sometime und being unalile to appear In
"(lentleinan .Jack." Vincent b ami
llradv's "HiiccenHful coineda drama"!
The play Hhnplv couldn't bo put on,
For Corbet t is the play.
From the rlno of the curtain on the
tlrnt act until time is called at the end
of the llftli. It is Corbett -Corbett im a
hero In white llanneln, Corbett iih a gen
tleiuau, Corbett iih ii gallant, Coibett iih
ii banker, Corbett iib a trciuoudoiiH mor
al hero, and dually Corbett iih Corbett.
When the champion Imi't on the ntuge
the other people talk nlout him and
when he Ih on tho Rtage the support
HhrlnkB until it is hardly visible, leaving
Corbett iih ii inimt coDHplcuoiiH center
If ou nreirolng to be u hero on the
atiigo jou might JiiHt iib well do it Up
brown. That's the way Corbett does
-and he inakeH 8100.0WI u ear. Who
befriends the apple woman? Corbett.
ho breathes tender mmtiiuentf Cor
bett. Who iinneitrB lust in time to save
..' JilnKr from the bully, Ueovyi1
((? Corbett. Who dOOllirOH like
lieorge WiiHliliigton, "I tun u to save
IiIh olil father who in accused of theft?
Corbott? Who slaps the face of the
chiimnlon Ixixerof hnulaud r Corbett r
Who Is loved by everybody on the stage
except Oeorgor Corbett. And tlually
who wins the chainpionsnip o ute woini
in the liiHt nut by lifting his hand and
knocking down Charles Twitchell?
Coibett hiiR n corner on heroism and
virtue, lie faiily wallous In them.
l'eihaiis theio are some iieonle in Lin
coln who are Interested in high art and
who did not see "(lentleman Jack."
ion ve seen plajH where every once in
a while BomoiMHiy exclaims, "un, my
Hod!" where there Is a villiau with a
dark complexion who eventually appears
In it dresH suit and a silk tile, and calmly
smokes a cigarette while the orchestra
iiluya slow music; where there la some
iienutiful sentiment alKUit a mother's
love one minute and some kind of a
break down the next; where thero Ih ii
most magnificently thrilling climax ut
tho end of every act when tho hero
shows up in time to say "I do" with a
majestic wave or tho hand, or where ho
saves somebody from thedomnitlou Ihjw
wowb Just beforo the curtain falls on
tho awful scene. Well, that tho kind of
it nlay "(.lentleman Jack" Is. and in Its
own particular line it is, to tiso it tech
nical phrase, "a screamer.
lly tho way, why do people always suy
"Oh, my Clod," in phiVB of this sort?
You see thlfl in some 1' rench novels on
o vory other page,' but you novor hour it
in real life oftener than once In a thous
and years. And why are villiauR always
tlark? Why doesn't Bomelxxly give ns a
blond vllllan? Thero was one terrible
omission in "Gentleman Jack." Every
body noticed it and 'disappointment
rolled down tho cheeks of tho people in
tho auditorium in groat regretful chunks
the HKr woman In a long gray cloak
which she clutches nervously, and who
rushes to the center of tho stage und
plants herself under a small private
biiow storm, and finally sinks to the
Hoor with u d, 1 s g, t d. It
was a great mistake Hot to liavo brought
he.eut she waa ctftninly .there that's
where sho lives. Corbett could have
topped tho snowstorm and placed his
amr around tho 'gray cloak and waved
his hand with most telling effect.
Everybody would havo applauded.
Hut tho play js a long way ahead of
"Honest lleurts und .Willing Hands"
und other, concoctions introduced to tho
public by the Honorable J. Lawrence
Sullivan. Corbett us un actor is as
niueir Sullivan's superior as ho. is
us it, tighter. Ho is a good looking young
man; no Is not uwkwurd, and ho shows
somo signs of Intelligence. Thero aro a
good many worse actors than tho cham
pion. Thoro aro two or three clover peo
ple In tho company. Jov Make is well
done, Mr. French as Muxey Silah and
later ub a specialist pleused the (crowd.
Mr. Murrity s Mr. Itatlidnu ' wds good.
Misa Ditgmnr was much admired. Her
warbling was one of tho best features of
the entertainment.
Corbott in tho sceno showing the
training quarters, punched tho bug un
til tho gallery yelled with delight. Tho
right in tho lust act was a little tame.
Tho champion dodge Donaldson's
blows and the latter gracefully submit
ted to it couple of knock-downs. Hut
for a warm night it was a-protty fair ex
hibition. It was very briof. ., , 0
Tho Calhoun Oiwru Co. presented
"Said Pasha" at the Lansing Monday
night to a fair sized house. This com
pany has an excellent chorus and somo
clover people among tho principals.
Some of tho latter make it very good up
IMMtrunqo but can't sing, while others
sing very woll but can't act. Tho en
tile company was characterized by a
luck of animation ut Monday night's
iierformunce. Out judged by tho seven-iy-ttve
cent stundurd, tho ontortulnmeut
was u decided success. Tho comedians
were a little weak. Aloxundor Thomp
son did some good work as "Mini Pttnhn"
and Martin Pacho, "Tenanl,'' Bang ex
ceptionally well. Miss Millard und Miss
Godfrey us "Serena" und "Alti" wero at
tractive. Lincoln peoplo aro beginning to look
to tho animal Chautauqua assembly ut
Crete. fTho management has Iwon vory
fortunate thia.yeurin securing Mr.
Loritdo Tatt as lecturer "Upon the "Art
ot tho World's Columbian Exposition"
Mr. Tart, wno ta ine most popular lec
turer upon art. subjects in Chicago or
in tho west la tho instructor in model
ing and lecturer on the history of sculp
ture: in the Chicago Art'Jnstitute and
Unlvorarty-Bxtenflion 'lectures tor the
University tit Chicago.. 'He is the sculp-
.torotthehorticUltural'lHilldlai and is
Dse subifit jMlDraaa audjWacV is.a aaaa
terly way, but more than that, he is u
nleusing siieaker. jHis engagement at
Creto will be for twp Evenings only, and
both lectures will be superbly illustrated
by aterMpticgn vjews. Tho rlrst which
will. Ih) upon tho architecture ot tho
white city will touch upon architectural
styles ub sUL'irested bv exoosition build
ings, upon World's Fairs In general and I
y libnth6"now'"problemirln "citpoBltlon' I
Duiimug. ana win dwell in nurticuiur
,PIon the general arrangement ot the ex
position unu tne individual nuudings
with their adaptation to special require
ments. Tho second lecture, illustrated
by over 100 stereoptican views will deal
with th decorations ot the building and
tho work ot American sculptors. Mr.
Tatt is a graduate ot tho Illinois Stato
University, and of the Ecole des Ilenux '
Arts of ParlH. As a lecturer Uon art
subjectfl he han been uniinually success.
Mil, having proimwy three times ns
many apolutmcntR during the past
..cur iih any other lecturer. HIr views
and interpretations give one the best ,
(ossible comprehension of the exposi
tion. The Grand Hapldfl (Mich.) Lenikr has
thin to say regarding tho performance of
Sells A- llentfrow's circus which colnse
to Lincoln June 23. "It wiih ii very
large crowd that attended the circus
performance git en ly Messrs. Sells ,v
Hentfrow last evening. Fully !l,ri00 jieo.
pie occupied the seats and tilled every
jtOrtlnn of the main tent and departed a'
the close of the entertainment well sat
lulled with the exhibition they had wit
nessed. The character of the entire
show from beginning to end, in eveiyde
lartiuent, is pleasing and above reproach.
Kcntlrow, who ih a citizen or U ratio
Hanids and well known here, and hU as
soclate, Win. Sells, tho renowned rldei
and showman, are both gentlemen of
pleasing personality and honorable bitRl
ness methods, and they have Riiriounded
themselves with n corps of employes who
by their courteotiH tieatment of visltois
and general excellent lcKrtmc nt. are a
credit to the establishment and add tua.
terially to its popularity. Of tho per
formance itself nothing but words of
praise can be uttered. It is from start
to finish far beyond the ordinary circus
and In quality is the peer of any in the
The bathing season at Iiurlihgtnn
Heach commenced Friday, and notwith
standing the tact that tho weather wiir
slightly cool, a large number of people
availed themselveH of the splendid
bathing privileges of the beach. Ves
terday wiih hot and tho beach wus
thronged and u tremeudioiiH rush Ih ex
pected today. The bathing beach Ih in
flue condition and there is every ihssI
bio convenience for bathers. Theie are
bathing suKh for everybody. Sailing
and rowing aro becoming mine popular
every day. The boats me trim anil tho
lake Ih all that can bo desired. The big
steamer makes regular trips, and in the
afternoon und evenings thero is un
abundance of tirst-class music. If you
want to get cool und enjoy yourself go to
Burlington Heach.
Today nt Cushtniin park thero will bo
it Plattdeutwl.e Untie r i ijtiic. Arrange
ments havo been made with tho rail,
road companies for excursions from a
number ot near by points and it big
crowd is cxtcctcd. Trains leave tho
Hurlingtou depot every few minutes
during the afternoon and early evening.
The park can also bo reached by street
car via the Western Normal line und
omnibus. Thero is always u breeze ut
Cushmuu und tho facilities tor enjoy
ment tiro unsurpassed. It is ono ot tho
prettiest parks in the state. The general
public will bo cordially welcomed ut tho
big picnic today. Music afternoon und
Tho old Bottlers picnic ut Lincoln park
Thursday, wua a most successful und
enjoyable affair. Friday evening tho
Lincoln light infantry compuny gave' a
grand ball jn tho theatre. Sccial ar
rangements havo been made for today
at Lincoln park. Manager Hickoy bus
succeeded in securing tho wonderful
Moxicun ladder balancer for two per
formances, commencing at 3 ana 5
o'clock p. in. These exhibitions will bo
really reiuarkablo and aro well, worth u
visit to tho park. There will bo uitiBic
as usual, afternoon and evening, und
everybody is assured a pleusunt time.
There is everything for comfort ut Lin
coln park. It is just the pluco to spend
a hot day or night, and it is very easy ot
access. Lust night thero was n largely
attended danco given by Soidel. Next
Wednesday thoro will bo u picnic and
dancing party, given by u compuny of
young people. Thursday tho Red Men
will give u big picnic, und Friday tho
Lansing theatro orcheBtru will give it
dance. Next Saturday will bo devoted
to tho V. M. C. A. tournament, and thero
will bo un attractive program: ull tho
receipts being turned over to tho assoc
iation. "Bohemiun Girl" nnd "Futlnltzn"
wero also given pleasing presentations.
Tho compuny hud to contend with tho
extreme neat, but it played to fair busi
ness notwithstanding.
I.lmlM-y'K Now IllltUrtl 1'nrlor.
Within tho Ixmtors or this ratr city wo
havo today ono ot tho tlnest billiard par
lors in tho entire great west und for this
elegant resort thejieoplo ot Lincoln are
indebted to L. L. Linusey who up to it
few weeks ago bus been ono ot Lincoln's
most jiopultir restauranters. Last week
his beautiful cato next to tho Windsor
hotel was transformed into what will bo
termed a moat delightful pleasuro report.
Five magnificent now billiard tables, to
gether with ull tho accessories noeded to
fulfill tho roquirmenta of u tlrst-cluss
place. Tho entire outfit, which consists
of three billiard und two pool tallies, is
of tho celebrated Drunawick-Bulko-Col-lender
company's make, which in itself
insures suorlor qualifications und popu
larity. Each table .la made of antique
ouk, of tho vory lutest design, tho curv
ing being particularly beautiful und
Mr. Fred Dowiand of Boston, Into with
the Capital billiard rooms, has lieon
placed In charge und under his otllciont
management tho now pluco will guin
favor und pntronitgo from the start.
Mr. Dowlunct is an oxjiert player und is
now figuring on giving various exhibi
tions this full, among them being a lively
tournament which will doubtless uttructbl' "' Mn"'' .'.'V- wlinliiWrutrU of tho
,i 4.,.,i ,, !..,.. , i, ,, ''"tutotif John II. WlltoileceniKHl, jirnyinir for n
the attention of ull lovera tit the cue. ticwotiieHlit lies tu thu vIIIuku ofDoWitt,
In fuct, this resort is destined to bo BtlitO Saline county, Nebr., for the moment of debt
homlntiiirtors for billiard olavers. and
certainly no hotter or moro luxurious
pluco could bo secured or ask for.
. ltooiim In Clit'HKO,
Elegant rooms for World's fulr visitors
right ut World's fulr grounds, Prices
roitsonublo. Mus. E. B. Appklokt,
0017 Sheridan ave.,
tt Chicago.
" The only Pure Creun.of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
A Cure TIihI Altrnrl OuUlilcr.
Few people realize what a curative re
sort Lincoln is getting b be and it is
generally when we hear of what out
siders tell us of our scientific practition
ers In the iiitsterioim medical profession
that we realize tho extent of the good
that is being accomplished right heie at
home. In conversation with Dr. T.
O'Connor jestorduy that gentleman In
formed u C'oL' representative that
hlfl practice both here and abroad was
necessary to such proKirt!oim that It
kept him busy day and night satisfying
the demands of patlentM. The doctor
makes a specialty ot cancers und there
is perhaps no other physician in the
west that can point with mote pride to
his accomplishments in the past.
"Why, right now," BiiyR the. doctor, "hi
side my noine work, 1 am treating u doz
en or more patients fiom over this mid
ijdjoinlng states, who mo nlllicted with
cancer in various forms." Being asked
who some nt tho visitors are, tho doctor
gate the reporter tho naiue of a few of
ilumi. Rev. Warren Standard of Geneva
who Is Buffering from n cancer on tho
face Ih receiving tieatment and within
another week tlio divine will be sulllc
iently relieved to be able to go home.
He is accompanied by his son, He v. J. I).
Mis. Margaret McNeal of Blooining
ton, HI., mother of Hon. James McXeal
treasurer of Seward county. Nebraska, is
'also being relieved of a severe cancer lo
cated on the hreast. .Mis. iMc.eul was
seen and had only tho best of results to
roMirt. Mr. G. U. Havens, a former res
ident in the doctor's old homo ut Bush
hell, 111., but now u well-to-do business
iniiupf Ftiend, Neb., came to see Or.
O'Connor about tluee months ago to
remedy a cancer on the lip. Mr. Hav
ens was in the city this week enrouto to
tho World's fair and stopped over long
enough to see his physician. His cancer
Iiiih entirely disappeared. HeV. J. C.
Hammond of Keokuk is also here with a
cancer which seriously affects his neck,
and Mr. Joseph Heddeu, it wealthy farm
er near Vesta, Neb., troubled with can
cor is another seeker ot relief. There
uro several more cancer patients that Dr.
O'Connor Ih treating und if any one has
any doubts as to his efficient manner of
treating theso und other diseases, they
need but cull nnd see hundreds of letteis
from cured patients to be satisfied of
tho good work that has been accom
plished. Dr. O'Conno.B ofllco Ib at KM!
O Btieet whero he will be pleased to have
all tntcr.Mtcd itotfloiiB call ut any time.
What tln Itiillriiiiilo Art- Doing tit Trim
purl (lit- Crtintlit In CIiIciik".
Travel to und from tho World's fulr
from Lincoln litis been heavier this week
than ever, and from now on the multi
tude will move in masses to Bee tho
"white city" und tho "greutest show on
earth." Iho railroads, since making the
desired reduction in rates, huvo hud
nbout ull they could bundle, yet they
huvo generally taken good care of ull ap
plicants for transportation. Speaking
of tho World's fulr truffle yesterday,
Mr. Zieinor said, "Tho Burlington has
never been so well equipped for it rush
ub a present. Wo havo taken duo pre
caution nnd now wo'ro right in it und
hauling fully 80 per cent ot tho Chicago
business. We huvo several advantages
over all competition hero in tho mutter
of equipment. You see Lincoln is it
division station on our line und wo
always keep a surplus ot couches hero.
In case of u rush its an easy matter to
udd ono or a dozen oxtras to any train
and it sends our passengers out in com
fortable style. Then too, our trains leave
most conveniently. Tuko, for Instance,
tho tlyer; it. leaves bore ut 2:25 p. m.,
uttor crossing tho river tho diner is nut
on und the next morning you'r in Chica
go for breukfust. Then we huvo another
tine train leaving hero ut 10:1.) p. in. on
which you got it lino breakfast neur
Burlington und cut dinner on tho
Worlds fair grounds, if you choose. If
either ot these trains don't catch the
crowds we've got several moro thut leave
ut other hours to suit till tastes und do
sires. Tho fuct is, it the peoplo know u
good thing when they see it, they'd all
go viu tho Burlington, und you can tell
this to tho thousunds ot readers of your
now Sunday" Couiiikii.' Mr.
Ziemer generally knows itbout what ho
speaks bo wo glvo it ub it was given ub.
Fino now line ot business suitings
from 825 to 840 in Scotch and homespuns,
Jeckell Bros., 110 north Thirteenth
Btreet, neur Lansing theatre.
Chattel Mtirt(ujft Hnlt.
Nutlco l hereby Klvoa that by rlrtup of u
chattel mortKntfo tlnttxl tho Uth iluy of July.
1MU, mid clue tho llth iluy of October. IMU, nail
iluly Hied in tho etllco of the county clerk of
Lnncnstor couuty, Nobr.. tho ltth day of July,
IMC. mid oxocutod by Oeo. lkithnui to LouU
lVki to necuro tho payment of I ho uin of
Thirty-tiro Dollars, pint uikui which thoro in
aowiiuo thoiumof thlrti-llui dollars ami in
tercat nt 1U oer rent. Default hnvin hruu
made in tho payment of tho nicl aunt iiml
now milt or other proceedituc ut law lint intf
beeuliiBtltutiMl to recover sniil debt, therefore 1
will xell the property therein ilefcrihod, viu
one black niiiroimilo Hhout hi ear old, weight
nbout Nil pound; one black horvo niiilo 11
euri old ami weluht uhout WO pound, nt pub
lic unction to tho highest bidder for cnah, anile
tolaku plnco nt tho corner of Ninth nnd It
utreotH, Lincoln, Nobr,, c'nmmuiicluu nt ill
o clock p. in. oil July lUth, 1MO.
Lot'lK Poska.
Dated Lincoln, Neb., Juno 16, 1SKI. ivlt.
In tho DUtrlct Court of Laucmter county,
lu tho matter of the application of Emma
Wltte, administratrix of tho eutnto of Joint II.
Witto (lecoaitiMl.
lain cause came on for henrlni
inir liiMin tint it,,
iioweiinHiinit until estate nil for tl
iilloweiliwilnst until estate nd for the costs of
numimairution, there not ooiiik Hulltcient or-
mini proiwrty to pity anid debts nnd exx'nseH.
It ia therefor ordered thut ull liernona inter.
rated In anid estate uppeur beforo mo on tho
Utl, lu.i ..I l1. 1UVI ... II, ...-I. .!. ..
...... .. v. .,;, ..f, ... ... , vt.K ,i. in., iir Ita
aoon thereafter as conned can bo heard to show
caua j why n llcenao ahould not Ixi Kranted to
sulci udminlatratrix to soil tho ubove descrlU'd
rent estate of tho docuiiad, u shall Ih neces
aary to pity anid debts mid expenses.
Dnteti this lith day of June, IMKI.
I'HAH, L. Hall,
Judtro of tho District Court.
wa tw'&-s--jSjr um H Til Wwl
inn u
From Juno 10 for three diiya,
lino ot Assorted, Light Shades,
Figured China Silks for
Former price, 50c.
A lino of Wash Silks for Walsta
Former Bold nt 75c,
1,000 yards Plaid Jnpanocpo
Silks, fancy colors,
See our all wool 40-inch Hop
Sackjngs nt
Bill 1 1
I k tr
jinJ P
. v
- atrwv "m nut .
mpaiBaS r
Tho crowd Btill keeps increasing in
this department, und if tho shoo you
want is advertised this week you will
make from 75c to 81.50 n pair by making
yourBelcctio'n thut day. -
Monday all of our Ladles' 82.00 Ox
fords, 4 styles at 81.5.1
Tuesday all of our Ladles' 83.00 Ox
"fords ntr rrrrr. r. 2A'l
Wednesduy n new lino of 82.00 Kid
Button Boots, new Bqiinro toe, pat-ent-tip,
nt 1.G3
Thurwlay a lot of Ladies', Misses'
and Childrena'.Tan Gt. Oxfords,
choice nt;..... per nr. 75c
Friday our Mens' 85.00 Russia Clf.
Blucherat 3.05
Saturday our Boys' and Misses'
82.00 shoe at ....,..., 1.57
Just received a new lot ot colored 'Kid,
Juliettes and Russia Piccadilly Blucher
Oxfords', "Beauties." Call and see them.-
Wf. iW' .-
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