Sunday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1893, June 18, 1893, Image 5

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Clotilda PiliH, ior dozen
'i-lli. tmx'kiifrt'H CiloHH Stnroh...
1-lb. imckoKu OIobb Starch . . . .
,'J IIU!KIIKlH "177t"
fl Anurlam Wash Powder
Lewta' Lyi, )cr onn
Eult' Lvi, per can
Sntvolio. i xt package.
White Kmwiun Soup, pur bar..
Donu'Htlo Soap, per bar
lirown'n Soap, pur bar
Singki Wash liimniH
Double WiibIi Honnlft "; . .
Small TuliH, rnuh
Medium Wash Tulm
Large- Wanh Tulm
Small ClotheH UankotB
Medium Clotlu-H llimketH
Large Clothert HnnkitH
50-foot Clothes Line
Good Scrub Ilrunli
Large Dottle lllue
Mop Stick
Western WiiBhiiifr Machine...
... lc
. . . .' fie.
.... 8c
.... 4o
.... lc
.... Ju
. . . ,'S)c
. . . .fiOo
. . . . fie
'.'.!! 8c
Don't be deceived by flour Utah
priced nrocerinttn, but bun for
ciihIi and nave H'i per cent of the
onlu ctisli houne in Lincoln,
Look out for our FLOUR SALE
next week. ,
1 1 0. D. 1332 0 Si.
ihe rinin un Pile.
Excursions from all ioiutn. Grand
treat for the weary. Grand performance
tight rox gymnastics and other at
Special trains via Burlington depot at
1:00. '2iV). .1:r0 and fi:00 p. m. Returning
1:,10, .1:00, 4:00, 0:00 and 8:30 p. m.
Real Estate Loans
Ou fnrmt in Enttorn Nelirnkn nnd improved
' properly in Lincoln, for n term of year.
Rinivnus iilock.
Corner Eleventh and O StreelH, Lincoln.
FROM S2.50 TO S4.60.
Lincoln Stiff Hat Factory
Old Hid Mocked, Cleaned, Dyed mid
mode on flood un new. 'All kindx
of Repair Work done.
rnrr Tuition! Knll term, In novi-n different
llUl conrfei". Only liluh irrndv liidep"iidciit
Normal in tlio flHtt. Tlic Finm! ItiilMinur.
Eitii incntH. nnd Alilot Niirimil Fnrnltj. N'
expcrlni'Mit. I lit nil -tiib!ii.I'i miiniu'eni'nt. 4"
roiiro'D. '& leacli 'miinil Jwlur tt. A llvo cln id
for tlio mnff. Write for cntnloirne.
E. It. SJZElt, Mr. Lincoln, Neb.
to net r our iicint. Wr furnish nn exiuiudw
out tit nnd nil you noil (rna. Ii coH mithluir m
try tin lniliii. W will tnut jou Mf II, Hint
lielp ton to turn ten tlnii iirdliuiri wiiitrt llo'
K-xif of till iiH- eim llw HI home nndumk h
p.irc time, or ill tin line Am utiv iim uihi
iii nirn n t'rml ilfiilot iiiiiIH' . Jlmi li'itt-iiiiin
Two llitiidrril l)ohnr .1 Month. Xuil.t o
Im-oiiIi-In the world n c thiiMiiL' " mucli iimiih
without 1 11 lt ill n tlio-c 11' work fur Ur. IIii-Iih
pleii'init, Mrictlv liiiiiiinili'i', nml t liftler t 11
urn oilier oft-red to 11 irf nl -. Vnu I1.1t p n el, 11
tit-l.l. with tin coiiinetlliciii We eniiin ton titl
fMntliliic nml tumili prlntid illrtTliinit I
beKlltlier wlllcll, If oliexil fiiltlifullv, will lirlnt
mure tnoiiev time will tun other budliff 1 111
prme 011r proieet-' W lit not V011 ciuido n
t-Htllv nml urelt tit work Inr u. fli iiuulili
idiirtri onl) nectt'urt for nl(ilnte nife.
Miililet I'irriiliir pit lutf fieri ) .11 r 1 iculiir l nn.
.. . '0 nil. Iteliii not In endliiK for It.
Itus Mi, 4H8, rorllmid, Me
6)Q 9uarter,y Register of
Sliulr iiilri, &0c
Per teir, 11.50
llo 11 ml Column, '.'.00
" tt ought to b read tt t it tt-look in every contn,t
trid huh 1. o,ti. ti t II tt cveiy actiicmy tnd colltct '
Gl.'l. I' FlallhK Irtttuif Lept , Wtthlrgion
' t It - iMtstilat ihtt I ritc hltenlr t"d cannot tit. id
to rt'. ohhui. -A. B. WINblllr, Lditot JommI bl fcdo
hfful. tlmtly tad hljhltl (KjMlctlion I in
roue fctru 11 At,h ih vtrltty of tolid in tniatlt.n iou mtie
tir r.lrnv into o tmall a com4.i -P.C I. C,
SC..UKM AN, Cornell Unlmttiy, Ithttt, N. V
Foe ttlt br letitlnf Dookt llert tnd Not P'tltir
UHcu.hmit tht World hi lll al n iecelc tulMilimvui
tn lll t aitiled 10 tnv .Ut In tl f.ltl Union o
receipt of iht price (or tingle relic, tnd toui vulumet.
VrielcaouttcilpOni.f 1 j$. Ailliett
0ITSOI1, MICH., 0. 1. V
Old) Sl.TTI.I.ItS P1C.NIO.
The old settlers of Lancaster county
held their annual picnic at Lincoln park
Thursday. A very entertaining program
was ptepared by the president, Mr. II. W,
Hardy, and tho secretary, Mr. J. U. V, Mc
Kesson, as follows: Music by the Ne
braska State band; invocation, by Hev.
II. T. Davis: music: oienliiK speech,
Judjje Allen W. Field; music; dinner.
The old settlers weto called toiruther at
'J p. 111. iiKiiln and the program included '
music; recitation by Miss Haas; vocal
music by the St. Paul church choir and
stieeeheB by Governor Thayer, John II.
wriylit ami J tiilc, Tiiiiiotts; music by
Mrs. Utiymond's choir; sjieeches by
lions. A. J. Sawyer, S. II. Pound and 0.
H. Gere; vocal solo by l'rof. Howard;
recitation by Miss Minnie Parker;
stioeuhes by lions. L. V. Hillhujsl.v, J. S.
Gregory and Isttac Lansing.
Miss Pearl Camp entertained a few
friends very delightfully Wednesday
afternoon iu honor of her friend, Miss
Gallagher of Delaware, Ohio. Each
young lady wore something to represent
some well known Ixxik and each one had
a chance at giice-sing. Miss Lena De-weet-e
guer-seii the largest number and
was the recipient of a beautiful prize.
Those present wete: Misses Sarah
Schwab, Josephine Tremaine, Lena
Dcweese, Lydla Mullen, Martha Hutch
ison, Laura Hiiggard, Nellie Cochrane,
Helen Haruocd. Joy Webster, Alice
Wing, Stella Illce, May Lewis, Lena
Getner, Georgiu Cunip and Miss Gal
Tlie Athenian society of tho Cottier
university gave an entertainment
Wednesday evening, the chief feature of
which the comedietta "Evening
Dress" in which the characters were
taken by Mr. G. W. Smith, Miss Jessie
Dillon, Mr. E. II. Newcomer, Miss Lucy
Cone and Miss Mary Alley. Muicnl se
lections were reudeed by Mistu Maude
E. Ilohinson, May Druuimond, belle
Stephens, Gertrude Rush, and the Hnr
uioiiie quartette, Messrs. J. W. Hilion,
J. A. Dingan. S. A. Nesbet and C. C.
Fletcher, recitations lj Mis-s Cone,
Mr. Newcomer and Mr. F. L. Sunipter.
Society was deeply interested in the
fashionable wedding soleuiuued In the
Church of the Holy Trinity Wednesday
evening at six o'clock. It was a beau
tiful wedding, and the social prominence
of the contracting parties made it par
excellence the event of the season.
Tho bride is an acknowledged favorite,
her many graceful qualities endearing
her to the hearts of thot-e with whom
she comes in contact. She is a charm
ing girl and her fiiends were this week
deiignted to Ilnd an op)rorti 11 ty of evi
dencing their regard in sincere congrat
ulations and iu many other pleasant
wuvh cliaiacteristicof the occasion.
Mr. Howe, who came to this city f.o n
Massachusetts a little more than four
veins ago, to become secretary of the
statu banning board, at once became ac
tively utcntined wjth Lincoln social life.
Mr. Howe is exceedingly well known in
both business ai.d sow'jal circles and his
nidus pietuct a happy and prosperous
futuie tor him. ins union with Mits
Mtnke Muds together two young people
who enjoy the sincere fricndsnip and
h ie the nest wishtH of a large number
of Lincoln people.
'iheenuich won tustcfully decorated
with siuilux, asiaiiigiis spras and other
vines and plains gurnishoa with tloweis
of nine white, 'ine ettect wits particu
larly rich.
N ht-ii, at a little after six o'clock the
ilrst stiidiis ot the L.oiiL'ugnn wedding
ina.cii tilled the cntiich wnn sweet inel
oai, theio was gathered together a large
iisemily of people of piomineuce, all
near (uernia ot the young people whose
iu,i, lols ue.e about to t.e icle united.
iuipn Hice pU'Sioed at the oigan.
Toe O.Mai piocession was led by
the i.,ale clioir. and tuen came the ush
ers us .oIaWs: ir. S.iiu E. Low, Mr.
jidtn x. tu.g.ui, Mr. '. Morton binilh,
m.. 1 rank C Zehiung, Mi. Chillies L..
Dim. ihe Inioe, who vuiie a lovely
tltess of win e sauu with a long train,
carrying,!! o,uel of while loses, unlKeo
alone, with tier coutni, miss .Viine
buuke, as maid of honor, 'ihe briuen
mauis wu.e miss Jeaiiiiette Wilson, miss
Maine Lh sou, Mies mine Cowneiy, Mtsn
ue.t.e 1. tin ami mh .wicu Coivueiy.
iiie dresses ot the lutiiu ot honor hint
tn !..(, 1. aius wire of o.gardie over satin,
r untied with satin iiinsm, miss Anne
1 unke and miss Kuiie Cowuety 111 junk,
Miss lluir a.ut Miss Al.ce C'ouueii in
wniie and miss Caistiti and Miss ilson
iu yellow. r.itcu culled a ooipuiu of
iiiuH.en Lnir leiiis.
m . 1.0 ,e and his Lest man, Mr. Fiank
G diiitii. ot uohiuii,, lite l me inuiiii
pitity at theiillid. the Otldit-lliiiUiS tllu
t.v pi.i o at tne left .ui i t.i- tHiier-f .,11
ther.pi. .
ii.unr 11101. y, pel fonueil by the rec
lor, Wlib fel.tiptv Dill, as the
Lpiscojioi K-rVice iilwah it.
ihe tni..u iw.d grmn.i led the way after
tfie eirt 111 ni; , lii,.u,ied lv tt.e ina.d of
honor a..... the Lent inin., and then the
i.aien.i.a.ds an 1 usue.s, Mr. .eln'iing
aim miss V.0W1IC y, mi, l.u r and Miss
Alice Ciwdi'.y, Mi. fcinitL an t Mim Ijiu.,
Mr1 u w and Cusj.i ,11 I).i.'ii.i
and M.M- it ilrHin,
ihe in ia, il party was driven at once
,0 ihe iibmeiice ot M.S. IUjsu I'lllike,
the oiides luoihet, i.l.i..teui and it.
stieets, wheie a u-cepuo.i whk held tioiu
7 iO ii:.,0. ihe house Wus ,1 eiltiti le
nower. The.e weie howe.s eve.ywiieie.
blhlhix was e.HWl..ed ...wu.t.i the el. an
on 1 rs iiiu..n.lf 11...1 .he ukjiiis we.e
t.lleu with finniit .ce oi .i.btt.
1.1 the; .iH,m ,1 l.i.u table w.ik
sel tot the Six if. I li.ei.i. i.r- of ,he OlK.ul
pihtv, Ml. iiuAe n.,d Lib o.lul) at Ola
e..o ami M s. 1 u.itie .i..u .M.. Etnes
I Uukeat liu o.he.. I., i.ece.ite. ofthi
tiitle Wus a luagtiitiLv.u . e.i 01 iohi-,
and light was eniulea liotn t.Vo
i.ianniiil iii.le lamps.
Uther gues.s we.e seived at small
t.U hh.
An elegant wedding supper was
sei veil,
hhouly before 1(1 o'clock Mr. and Mis.
Howe, accompanied oy , 1 large number
of their f.ieiii.s, we.e intvea 10 the de
pot wheie lltey oo.irite.1 the tialu fo, ihe destin.iiion ot the oiidal
couple beyond that point Icing un
known. Ujion their return to Lincoln Mr. and
Mrs. Howe will be at home at Thirteenth
and 11 streets.
Among those present at the reception
were: Messrs. and Mesdames N. a.
luirwooo, iienry .Manstieiii. v. . lit
nlucott. J. A. HuckstitlT. C. F. Liidd,
G, lleeson. Ed Hauls of Denver, Herbert
Howe, of Howe.
Misses Maud llurr, Gertrudtt Laws,
Then Laws. Hoso Carson, Nellie Kelly,
Sarah Harris.
Messrs. Tom Kelley, Fritz Wester
uianii, Mattson Ilaldwiu,
Mesdames T. W. Grllllth. Otto Funke,
Alexatuler Wilson, Westermitnti, John
uolumiiia.n (IttOUP.
Tlio Colutilbian groujt met Tuesday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Clark. The program consisted of
discussions 011 tlte arrangement of tho
grounds, tho state buildings and the
(.Senium exhibit. Only a few of the
members wjpre present including Profes
sor Fossler, Mr. and Mis. Will O. Jones,
Miss Mary Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Clark. It is expected that Professor A.
G. Warner will let urn from the World's
fair In time to give an interesting talk at
the next meeting.
lir.1llir.HT I.T.MIST.
Miss Mary Leinist, of Onialiii former
ly of this city, was married in Trinity
cathedral, Omaha, at noon Wednesday
to Mr. Henry Arthur Herbert, of New
York. The ceremony was followed by 11
breakfast at the residence of tho bride.
Tho following is from a recent issue of '
the New Yoik i'lii:
From New Yotk to Oinahii, Neb., is1
quite a. little journey, even witli modern 1
fiiC lilies; but if the magical carpet that ,
fairy tales tell of could be secured, It 1
would not be an unpleasant trip to go
from hete to "Irinity Cathedral, Ulna-
ilia, and witness the marriage of Mr.,
Arthur Iienry Charles Herbert and
! ls Mary Lemist, for which invitations '
have been generously distributed among '
I the bridegroom's friends in this city,
Mr. Herbert Is a son of the late Cait.
Charles J. Herbert of the Grenadier
I Guards ami is one of the Muckmss fain-1
ily, so famous In Irish history for their
former wealth and advantages, as well
as for the misfortunes that have over
whelmed them In later years. Miss
i-emist is said to be pretty and iutctest
ii g and to be iossosrcd of substantial
ai. vantages.
The commencement exercises of the
WorthiiiKton Millitary Accadamy took
p'ace Wednesday afternoon and evening.
Ihe afternoon was spent with Held
s orts and iu the evening all the winners
received medals which were presented
by Hector Hewitt in a neat address.
Those who received prizes for good
scholarship anil dejsirttnent were:
Latin. Clifford Austin; Greek. Miss
Vina Horcr ford; geometry, Waltir Hew
itt; algebra. Harry Shears; improvement,
Theodore Wilson. Medals were given
Ward Fulsoin of Council llluffs for the
Lest drill, and to Miss Vina lieresford for
the best scholarship. The promotions
wire as follows: Cororals Clitford
Austin, Walter Hewitt, and Horace
Woods. Second sargeant. Owen Oakley;
1 icutenints Harry Sheais. S. Hewitt.
Stafford Hewitt receiving the founders
medal. After the medals were presented
the evening was sjient in dancing until
alsuit 11 o'clock. A large delegation
fioni the city was present.
Mr. Charles E. Weidmnn and Miss
Vesta T. Hoffman, both of this city, were
married Tuesday evening at 7:20 South
Ninth street by Hev. It. A. Hawley iu
the presence of a large number of
friends and relatives. The brulo is well
known In this city nnd the groom is
captain of tire engine house No. 1.
MAIIKIEI) at wahoo.
Professor Charles William Wallace of
tho faculty of the Western Normal col
1' ge, was married in Wahoo, Neb., Wed
1 e-day afternoon at 4 o'clock, to Miss
litilda Alphreda Ilerggren of that place.
1 he ceremony was performed at the res
idence of tlio bride's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. N. 11. Ilerggren by Itev. S. II. Hell
villo of tho Presbyterian church in the
presence of relatives and a few invited
guests. Miss Ollie Wallace, sister of
the groom, was bridesmaid, and Mr.
Ilerggren, brother of the bride was
(. rooinsiniin. The bride is a beautiful
1 nd accomplished young lady and be
longs to one of the most prominent
families of Wahoo. The young couple
were the receipients of many costly and
25 ?R
tlio iVixxovxrit: of JPtxiolxisse
It ixioaias;:
It means!
:c calicos, :i .v.;,-.
l()c SELJSIAS, 7 -v.
II2HI23 n smm.
i beautiful presents,
liit'iti'iUrt. iitnonir on torn, a
beautiful piano ftoin the paieiitHof tint
bride. Ihey left Wiihtxt at
8 o'clock
.and came directly to Lincoln.
(IttAIIUATH)N r.xt.iiuist.s, 1
The eoinmenceinent exercises of the '
consetMitory of music weie hold in tho
Lansing theatre Friday afternoon. Tho
exercises were under tho supervision of
Director and Mrs. O. II. Howell. After
a splendid programme Dhector Howell
presented tlio graduates with diplomas.
Miss Hose Olson, of Mend, graduated
from the piano Inn inony and theory tie
partinent, ami Miss Elizabeth J. Heche,
of Wahoo, from tho department of elo
cutlon. Miss Olson rccciU'd aeertilleato
for a (Hist graduate coin so, as there was
no contest font uiodiil. Miss Jaeger won
a prize out of a class of six for harmony,
A reception was tendered tho graduates
In the evening.
One or two good subscription solleitotH
can tlud steady employment 011 Tut:
Tin; Conn Kit's new printing otttllt Is
the tlnest Iu the city. Leave your oideis
for job printing and see what we can
June's Ice cream tmvlllion was opened
to the public Wednesday evening with
music, iitiuo s is 11 piciisiiui puicu uiene
' it.ii-ti ,it'.,tllii a
I ,1,1.11, lIllllllCI
The Lincoln light infantry gave a ball :
at Lincoln park Friday evening. It was 1
the most successful social event event 1
ever given under tho auspices of tho ,
A farewell reception was given Miss
Maty Fitzgerald at Ljceiuu hull Friday
evening, by the members of St. Theresa s
church choir. Miss Fitzgerald will
leave ill a few ilns with her parents
Guthrie, Oklahoma, their now homo,
Dr. Lasby of St. Paul's M. E. church,
preached tho baccalaureate sermon to
the graduating class of the conservatory
of music Sunday evening. Excellent
music was furnished by the ladles of the
Cecllian choir with Mr. W. S. Gray pre
siding at the organ.
Wednesday afternoon at I o'clock
Judge Frank It. Wateis of this city was
married to Miss Margaret Safford at tl o
home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. II. F.
Safford in Yankee Hill precinct. Hi v.
1 Mr. Curtis performed the ceremony in
the presence of only immediate friends
ami relatives.
The Second and Third Presbyterian
churches gave a Sabbath school picnic
Tuesdav. The two selfools met at tlio
home oi the friendless, whore they spent
about an hour iu going tlirouuh the
home, after which they proceeded to the
grove for dinner, and from theio to the
duo stored rocKcr. tlio girt
dates on the Burlington. Mr. and Mrs.
Adolphsoti will be at homo to their
friends at Twenty-Unit and D streets.
Mr. August Hagcnow, who is ntsitit to
leave Lincoln to take a isisition in the
Datnroscli orchestra, gave a farewell
c ncert Wednesday evening in tho Y.
I M. C. A. hull. Mr. Hagcnow was assist
1 ed by Mr. Clemens Movius, Masio Me
; Elwalne Shcpard, and the members of
the Hiigenow string quartette, Mr.
Hudolphtis Strassinau, Mis. Hagcnow
and Dr. George E. Andrews. The ac
companiments were played by Miss
Maude Richards and Mha Mary Hollo
Hagcnow. The tlrst lloor and gallery
were well tilled and the audience was en
thusiastic Mrr. E. II. Howeiicliapronedacar load
of teachers from this city to tlio world's
fair tills week. The party started Mon
day, and was joined by delegations from
Onialiii and Fremont. Thev will have
headquarters at the Lincoln hotel in
Chicago. The party included Mhs
1 Ioughbridge. Mis. and Miss Starrett,
Miss L'crtha Holtuiu, Miss Lena Smith,
Miss Jessie Love. Mrs. Felton and
daughters. Miss Nellie and Miss Grace.
Mrs. Fossler and daughters. Miss Mary
and Miss Christina. Mrs. Hubbard and
wo daughters. Mihh Hawley, Mrs.
Graham, Miss (iridium, Miss Horn audi
Mrs. Ford. '
m. in..,. ,i.,!..ilu.. ..1. ....i..- its pure, rest in en a r as for tlio reniart-
7 f-:V.
Tho Popiilur Hindi'.
Lincoln people who aro anxious to get
out of town for a brief test and for
whom tho exeltoniont of tho World's
fair has no attractions 1110 taking advan
tage of tho Inducements held out by tho
Union Paeltlc. Denver and Colorado
iMiinls, Halt Lake City and the cities
ami resorts of Mho northwest reached by
tho Union Paeltlc aro being visited by
hundreds. Cheap rates, tho attract
tlons of tho points reached ami the
many eoiivenlencles otTctcd by tho
Union Pacillc all combine to malic this
mail popular with tho traveling public.
TIik World'. I'nlr,
Tho seven wonders of tho world wore
playthings ami dull ones at that
when comimrcd to tho Columbian Ex
position of lh'.t:i. All the leaning toweis
ami ruined pyramids ami gigantic
bridges, and other so called' marvals of
the Old World, touother, would'ut form
ill ss'Ctneloi tine-tentli as interesting as
; what there's now to bo seen not a thotis
1 and utiles away. Words cannot describe
It; but if von take tho llurllngtoii
itoiite to Chicago you can see it for
otirself. Iloiniell, at the depot, or
rioinor,nt Tenth and O streets, will glvo
i' you full Information about trains and
telp make our journey pleasant and
I'jxctirsion rates every
lli'itiiri' fur I'lititrrli Hint con-
lulu Mi'ieury,
as mercury will surely destroy tlte sense
of smell and completely ileraugo tho
whole system when entering It through
the mucous surfaces. Such articles
should ueer bo used except ou picscrip
tlons fioin lelialile pliysiclans, as
damage they will do is ten fold to
good yon can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by
F. J. Cheney .V Co., Toledo, O., contains
no mercury, ami is taken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of thosystem. Ill buying Hall's
Catarrh Cine be sure you get tho genu
ine, It is taken Internally, and iiuido iu
Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney . Co.
Teflliuonlals free,
jySold by Druggists, price 7c. per
I'lieiip ltnle,
Denver, one way
Deliver, round trip
Chicago, one way
Chicago, round trip
,..8 V17A)
, . . 1M).(KI
. . . KUK1
. . HI.70
t. Louis, one way
St. ImiIs. round tri 18.10
For full part iculais call at Union Pa
eltlc olllco. Kill U street.
.1. T. Mastin. E. II. Si.iwsoN,
City Ticket Agt. Gen. Agt.
Hot Springs, S. I)., is almost as famous
for its beautiful, healthful situation and
class sanitarium with those
lug pleasure resort.
For tho strong and superb drives; in
teresting walks; out-door amusements;
everything In fact that makes tho steady
hand still steadier and tlte bright eve
still brighter. For the weak aro the
most valuable, strengthening and re
juvenating wateis in America waters
which mo marvelously bcucHcinl .0
sufferers from rheumatism, sciatica,
dyspepsia and scores of similar distress
ing ailments.
The hotel? Hot springs hotels 1110
larger, better, more comfortable than
those of any other western resort. And
its plunge bath and bath houses are
When you visit Hot Springs, which
you've ptetty sure to do some time or
another, take the lltirliugton Hotite. It
is the "Scenic Line" to the lllack Hills.
Its service is tlrst class in every respect.
Kcsidcs it has always on sale round trip
tickets to Hot Sptings at very reduced
rates. Full information mav beobtained
at the depot or at city olllco, corner O
and Tenth streets.
A.C. Z1KM1.11.C. P.ttT.A.
Canon City c ml
Coal and Lime Co.
at the Whitcbreast
Mrs. McClave and Mrs. Ensininger,
line dicrsmnkiug, l-.B O stieet.
of h charm-
jil.oii I'l.'ESS (HKH iS, 7.'h',
:,oc SILKS. .77 ..'.'.
c l.oo SILKS, 7 1', Etc., Etc,
Mr, Joteph Ilcmmcrtch
An old aoliller, canto oat ot tlio War greatly
enfeebled by TiphoM Fer,ntid otter being
In various hottt tlio doctor dliclmrgcd hlra
m Incurable with CimptU. Ho haa
been la poor health since, until lie began to Uk
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Immediately tils couch grew looser, nlirbt
sweat ccaied, and ho rriMliird K"d general
health. lie cordially recommend llood'a Sar
Aliarltla.eapcclnllytocomradrs In tlio !)
HOOD'O PlLLO cum ItaWluat CnnillpMlcm by
reatoring if rlttaltlo action ot tht alimentary canal.
The Indies of Lincoln cannot
afford to neglect to visit our store
week, as we shall place our entire
Mock on sale at
25 PER GENT Off.
Our goods are all marked In plain
figures and our reputation for giv
ing as we advertise is enough to
assure you that you will buy $l.0(
worth of goods lor 75 cents.
1030 O 8TREET.
The deep cut we make from
regular prices gives you an
opportunity to dress your
boys in the best of clothing
at prices that will convince
you that they cannot be had
anywhere but at the
Ht. i.ijujray