Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 11, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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    OAPITAIa oity oourier.
1 1
Crnr I Oth and P Street.
Arc now lionlntr n Inrg lln of
In iTiTjr ilrinrlinnt.
dress aoons. linkns,
n specialty.
Agents for lltittorlok's Pnttorna.
H. R. Nissley & Co.
'I hn t'liurltT Out lln I'ouml At
llotrl Lincoln New Htnml.
W'lmWor Hold Nw Htnml.
Onpllnl lliitvl ,Nirii Htnml.
llnl llinln Httnr Hlor, 10:0 0 HL
Kd. Ynnnir, ITOTOHt.
Climun, I'IkU'Imt A To , 1150 O Ht.
Mimro' .V Htnml, IIS Booth lltk HI.
Coil NIK n O 111 rr, lUIOHt.
Cnnluo I'lKiir Hlorr, IMIi nml (I Hid.
71 -i
6li VV V
1137 O Street.
On th Hid.
Whltobroast Coal mul Llmo Co
Cowlo, untlortakor, Funko, 110 S.
Lincoln Frnino nml Art Co., 225 8.
Tho best t ratio use White Loaf
Canou City ooal at tlia Whltobronat
Cool mid Lime Co.
David P. Sims, dontlst, rooms 42 anil
43, Burr Block.
Try Club Hoiimo colfee, uono ho
gootl. Miller & CI IKonl.
Mrs. MoFnrlnnd, professional nurse,
131 South Elovonth street.
Mrs, II. II. Domarost, Hair Dressing
and Manicuring, rooms 10M02, 1518 O
K. C. Baking Powder, 25 ouueos for
2G cents. Absolutely pure. Havo you
tried it?
A full lino of Imported SiinllnoHiind
canned soups. Miller fc OHioi-d, opp.
Htirr lllk.
B. F. Reagan has exoluslvo sale ot
Excolslor Patont" Dakota flour. The
best In tho olty.
Wonted Every lady In tho olty to
try Reagan's "Exoolslor Patont" flour.
Every stick warranted.
Everything now at 235 South Elev
enth stroot. Wo try our bost to please
iu quality and in price.
Full lino of artist's niatorlals at Liu.
coin Fromo and Art company's, 220
South Elovonth street
No such lino of caunod fruits in the
olty as shown by W. A. Collin &. Co.,
M3 South Eleventh Street
All ordors via tolophone 398 will
reach W. A. Coflln & Co. and receive
prompt and careful attention.
If you want tho bost flour in tho oity
buy the Excelsior patont of B. F. Rea
gan, 235 South Elovonth stroot
Never order an invitation until yon
havo soon tho samples of tho work dono
by tho Now Courier Publishing Co.
Mrs. H. II. Domnrost, lato of Chicago,
hair drossorand manicurist 1618 O
street. Take elevator, room 101-102.
Visit the Annex when you want a do.
UcimiKineiil, cleanly sprouil. well u inked
and polltelyserved. Call at 133 S. 12th
Frames, framos, frames, of every
description ot Lincoln Framo and Art
oompany's, 220 South Elovonth stroot
In Mrs. Gospor's hair goods depart
ment you will And all the latost hoad
adornments. Hair dressing by compe
tent artists.
It will pay you to coll at tho now
grooery, 235 South Elovonth stroot for
all first-class goods. Fruit and vege
tables, in season.
Miss Bortha Snydor, stenographer
and typewriter. Corrospondonco, law
work, and all kinds of shorthand work
prompUy and neatly executed. 1134 O
strwet Telephone 253.
When you want prompt service and
fair treatment and the selection from
the largest stock of grocorios in Lin
coln call on W. A. Coflln & Co., suc
cessors to J. Miller, 113 South Elovonth
The New Courier Publishing Co.,
1134 O street, is now ready to accept
orders for all kinds of fine printing and
engraved work. Wedding invitations,
calling cards, eta, a specialty. Phono
I iKvilaJC'Vlz' 2Li3BMBmfA E."
"ni 'NfCWif
.MIhx lleillo ItnrruiiMllw. iliM( In lnlr .
advantage of tlin facilities for uncial
h.mln.r.. nf Mm fonHti i.. r.n- u.w.i..i
enjoyment nlloreii iiy the now nanltnr
111 111. mul lint nml i liimii'l in it litititirtti
nt oil by her wasinnst successful. Invl
tntloim to n social swimming puny nt
the sanitarium Woiliiesilav lunrniiii;.
rrom Hi to Vi o'clock were sent to liuly I "' , ,., ' " "" i i" " proscmcii
and gentlemen frlonds.nnd lit the time " ,.Tl"i.t!, ' "IM""""""'"! nml wiih tho ro
2mllci.ted the gioat plunge m.s 1Iioh"V,"VT l,m'k V,H,.,",,,,: ,""s
scene of an unlimited nml menv mil lim- MM Hie tulile were. .Mrs. N. H, Horshlcr
from 10 to IU o'clock were sent to liuly
ing. miss niiir is a most nccninplfsed
swimmer; the public Is nwnre of her
life savlngoxporloneoof two years ago'
ami of the graceful acknowledgement
of her heroism by the I'nlted States
Uiiveriiment In the form of n Iieiiiitirul
gold medal. At the paity Wednesday
morning her grace iu I he water eclteil
general admiration. There wete many
other Indies and gentlemen present
who were good HwlmineiH present, ami
as the graded depth of the big plunge
maile It iiossllile for the most timid to
llnd enjoyment, the guests derived
much pleasure rrom Miss IIiut'h hospi
tality. The handsome parlors adjoin
ing the plunge were lull of people,
those who did not bathe availing
themselves of the luxury of the recep
Ion rooms, which for l elr beauty a e
une,,ualed In this city. Light refresh
men h wen. serv (I,
The invited guests were- Messrs. and
Mesdames Ashby, A. (1. lleeson, L. V.
Hurr, A. H. Ilurr, A. I). Ilurr, .1. .
lluckstatr, E. E. llrown, (leorge Brown,
C. T. Brown, I-'. V. llrown, S. II. Burn
ham, T. II. Ileutou, Ceorge Clark, W.
U. Dennis. ,1.1). Everett, Carl Funke,
llurlbut, V. llargreaves, Chas, Hall,
Harry Hall, Charles llammoml, J. B.
Cunningham. Frank Ladil, Charles
Llpplncott, F. W. Little, V. M. Leon
aid, Marshall, Mitchell, It. I). Muir,
ilacol. Mahler, II. K. N'lssley, It. II.
Oakloy, O. K. Oakley, Ogden, II. I).
Hathaway. Pound, Perry, E. I). Prltc
aril, 1. M. Itaymoud, A. S. Itaymond, L.
Wessel, It Jtehlander. Shwnb, W. S.
Latta. Sutton, K. II. Townley, Tilton,
Cal Thoinpsoii, 1). E. '.Thoinpson,
Charles Upham, Myron Wheeler, J. II.
Wright, C. E. Yates, Van Duseii, A. C.
ii'iiier; Misses: llnllie Hooper,
Mauilo llammiiuil, Ruby .lones, Nellie
Kelly, Maud Burr, Olive Latta, Mag
gie English. Martha Funke, Anna
Fuuke, Sarah Harris, Hoover, Haggard,
Loulso Adams, Anna Ilurr, Mnmlo
Carson, Rose Carson, Kittle Cowdrev,
Alice Cowdrey, Mauilo Smith. Leila
Shears, Karah Schwab, Cora Talbot,
Naomi Weaver, Wing, Oortruilo Liiwh,
Then Laws, llattio Lelaud, Carrlo
Lelauil, Stella Curtis, Fay Marshall,
Mary Miller, Loulso Pound, Nolllo
White, .leanotto Wilson, Clara Walsh,
Oortruilo Zlonior. Messra: Will Meyer,
Mohroiisteckor, L. Marshall, Lieuten
ant Pershing, Roseoo Pound, E. I).
Pritohard, S. T. St. John, Clarence
Smith, W. Faruain Smith, Dr. Sparh,
Eugene Thompson, Thomas Wing, Dan
Wing, W. Morton Smile, Baldriilge of
Omaha,Matsou Baldwin, CliurlosClapp,
Frank Cook, Ross Curtis, B. CI. Dawes,
John Dorgau.Oscar Funke, Ed. Fitzger
ald, Ck'orgo Forcsmaii,(ioisthartlt,llol
lowbush. I laggard, W. Hardy, Emery
Hardy, Frank Hathaway, Charles Haw
ley, Fred Houtz. Will Johnson, Fred
Howe, C. A. llaiiua, Robert Joyce,
Harry Krug, Thomas Kelly, Woodburg,
A. K. Audrlaiio, Frank C. ehruug.
One of tho leading events In social
circles at the university occurring re
cently was tho fouudiugof the Lamlila
PI. or of tho Sigma Alpha Ensilou
fniternlty. The badges were llrst soon
when tho cadets wore about ready to
. .v "
start for camp Friday, May 2iith. Mi
......v.... ...... ....... j, ...i.j ..... mi, ii ... m.. i i. iun llll'lllis hi, cr IIOIIIli
.... 1 fClll.. ..f II... .;..!. II.. ..ll!MU....II. 0 1 .1 . ... ""I"' I
.itiiiiiiu. i mi iv, ii inv uiiti'i.iii.t in -oiiiiiii oevuuieeiiiu si reel, Wednes
Mlchtgan,ou May 20th Initiated Messrs. I day evening. Miss Hutchison was as-
xv. it oawyor, l. ij. ioui, k. u. race, ii.
H. Avery, V. B. Hadley, C. F. Omul, E.
II. Haughtou, and W. P. Bross into tho
mysteries of S. A. E besides pledging
several men for the llrst of next year.
The Sigma Alpha Epsllon fraternity is
one of the strongest national college
fraternities iu tho country. It has
forty eight chapters located in proiul-,. t ...... .r. iiniiii,iiiit uiu uuiiui
StatoH, extending from Harvard in tho
east to Lelaud Stanford iu the west,
iiuui seiiiiois mo uiiiieu
friim Mm iiiilvniutli nf Xtliililirtm In Mm
north to tho university of Texas iu the
south. Among the most prominent al
umni of tho fraternity are the lato As
sociate Justice L CQ.Lumnr, Governor
Molvlnloy.of Ohio, Secy, of tho Trens
ury, John Carlisle, and Hon. II. L. Wil
son. A Sl'ltl'UISE I'AKTY.
Tho homo or Mr. and Mrs. S. Berk
son was tho scene or a happy surprise
party Thursday night in honor of their
son, Mr. Sol Berksou. Mr. Greeubaum
in behulf of those present, presented
Mr. Borkson with u hnudsumo ilk urn
brollu. Those present were: Tho Misses
Bertho Soliifsi Inn. Alviinn F,l.,..,l Til.
lie Friend. Amaniia kohn. Anna IayeV
Frank, Stlonlor, Tillio Berksou, Sallle
i. tt
uorkson, and Dora Berksou; Messrs.
Hugo Kahn, Swartz, Leon Ougenheim,
Meyer Barr, S. Greeubaum, Alfred Eis
ner, J. C. Oppeuhelmer, Henry Mayer,
and A. M. Berksou.
Mrs. I. Bracks gave a red tea at
her handsome residence, Eleventh and
II st routs. Tlmrsilnv In 1... ......
. .., ........ ...... .. .,.... ...... .ii.uw,
of Mrs. N. S. Hershler, of Burlington,
In., The parlors were draped in red u Tut
in the corner of tho tea table was a
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Pow.ler.-No Aimiioiiin, No Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes40 Years the Standard.
beautiful Ntaiiillng lump ndnrneil with
hiiiiilmiiiin red mIiiiiIo. I ft I ribbons
... ..ill n ill niiiiiiiuiK 111 II J IT lllllir
w'io HiiMpeiiilcd from tho chamlolloi
to Mir corners of the table ami wore
trliiiined with carnations. Tho supper
was composed iiIiiiohI entirely or lliiil
color such iih deviled crnlm In the shell,
lobsters garnished with red radlshoH,
hi raw nemos, etc. Tlio tulile presented
Ml'H. NcWIIIIirk. IIiii-mIiIiip. M A..W.
man, .LHiieier, M. Well, H. Ksensky, L
Vessel.H. I) .Mayer. II. Solilenslngor,
Mlleliell, .Mrs. 1. llntcks, and Miss
A una .Mayer.
The Higma chapter or Kappa Kappa
(liiiiunn fraternity gave a leceptlon to
Miss Austin, grand secretary or tho
friiternily, Monday nrternnon, at the
home or Miss Helena Ijiw, Eleventh
nml I) streets. The house was beauti
fully decorated with (lowers and with
the fraternity colors, light and dark
blue. Miss Mattle Berks assisted Miss
Law in receiving tho guests from l un
til " o'clock. Tllose lii'iiwnnl win..
Misses Helen llarwood, Sarah Kliwuhj
W " , ' i m7 J lS i .' T" ,,,'1",,
I N n ,mi W I. I Su' ' Vi"10 iV'T'
' :) "' ,,l,ls'." ll,l" Ij ' Million. Helen
irnifiirv. .ifwiiitiiimt 'I'miuiiin.. m...m...
. , " ' . !' iv'miiiiiii', 11 It 1 1 IIll
Hutchison, Orace Bridge. Nellie Coch
rune, I'linnle Woods, Joy Webster,
Pearl Camp, Sallle Cox, Stella Irvine,
MitX Whiting, Fannie llershev, Muriel
Oeie.NellieOrlggs, Elizabeth Seacrest,
Maude Kisser, Bessie (lahau, Martha
Burks Mable Lln.lley, Alia Lantz,
Florence Winger, Bertha McMlllcn,
Airhia Roberts, Sallle Oroh, Jessie
Jury, Stella Klrker Mary Jones,
Blanche Skldmore, Kate Shohhorn,
Conklln. Messrs: Bulla, Hubbard,
Harry Hicks, Will Hardy, Jolon Dixon
Frank, Bulls, Vonnd, Wyim, H. T,
Westerman. Sam Low, Charles Jones.
Chauncey Unsz.
After the regular coiumencemeut ex
ercises, Wednesday, the graduates and
facility of the State University repaired
to Orant Memorial hall where the V.
W. C. A. ladles had the drill room con
verted into a baiuiueting hall. The
tables were tastefully decorated and In
the center of the room was a pyramid
of Dotted nlants. A minilwip nf nr..i...
girls were In readiness to servo tho
annual alumni dinner. During the
courses the university orchestra under
tho direction of Mr. Menzendorf ren
dered appropriate selections. Mr.
Will (). Jones was toastmaster and re
sponses were given as follows: Tho
University. Chancellor Canllold; tho
early classes, A. M. Field: class of '78,
II. II. Wilson; class or Tl, Pror. C. X.
Little; class of '(), Prof. H. W. Cald
well; class of '81, Prof. Lawrence Foss
ler; class of '82, Mrs. A. M. Field; clews
of 8Ji. Dr. A. O. Warner; class of '87,
nun r. iiarn; class or T8H, O. 1$. Polk;
class of V.I, T S. Allen; class of W, II
C. Pertersu; class of '1H, Miss Schwab;
class of "IfJ. Miss Pound; class of '0.'l,
Emory Hardy. Among tho voung la
mes waning on Hie tallies were:
Misses Anna Burr, Clara Walsh, Oor
trudo I-nws. Delia Loomis. Gertrude
Hill, Margaret llaird. Helen Welch,
Anna vu-oks, .gnes Howell, Oeorgia
Camp, Bessie McNIU. Oeorgia Thell,
Nellie Cochrane, Stella Elliot, Mrs.
Ethel Drain. Mrs. Joseph Bigger, and
Mrs. N. C. Abbot.
Miss Martha Hutchinson, of tho
giiiiiiiaiiiig eiass oi uiu mi vers ty. en-
i...(..l.,...l .. r..... r-i i. ... . ." '
sisleil hv the ineiiiliiiru nf (l... n..u..
Gamma fraternity and took thisocca
slon to bid rarewoll to many of her
university associates who are about to
leave Lincoln. Among thnso present
were: Misses Sarah Shwab, Pearl
Canip (ieorgle Camp, Alice Wing, lies
so Wing, Mattie Treniaine, Josaphine
Tremalne, (Sraco Bridge. Nellie Coch-
VMlll llljtl I l..u........l v
i .i.H, iuilii iiiuwuiiii, uoy weoster
I Anna Brnady, Carrie Dennis Mice
Hutchison, Anna Wilder, Laura llag-
giiii, i-yiua Jiuiien, Xlmi Wellor.
Maudo Hammond, and Miss Keating
,,L1",,'Nvri'(,uluV' .Wi" Montiiioroiiov!
I-rank Woods. Julius Westerman. Wi'll
esteriuan, Charles Gregory, James
Caulleld, Woodbury, Nicholson, Stro
man, James Snyer, Avery Haggard,
C harles Jones, Burbor.ani! Mr. Keating!
The Renaissance club was enter
tallied by Judgo and Mrs. A. W. Field
I-rlday evening. Magazine articles'
were rev owed by each meinbor of tho
club, and Mrs. E. T. Hartley gave a
Ice." Tho roll cull mw Z. , i I
. ..?...'. L ,.' was rloiled to
.,,,.. " u, u""ciiant of Von
,73'. K?" .. wt!ro:
i ..... " '-..tiiuHvn ., u. niivv r.
H. W ilson and A. W. Field.
Mr. Oscar F. Funke, of this citv mul
Miss Elizabeth Hall.'of Onmha Ce
married in Trinity Cathedral, Onmha,
at 12 o clock, noon, Thursdny, June a
Ihe ceremony was performed by Dean
Gardner and Rev. Mr.Gi..sninun,of Cal
ifornln, uncle of tho bride.
ton al o y iv wJ TLm ull'
mate friends being prlent The
bdiutiful marriage service of the
Eiilsiimttit filmt'iili u'uu iiii.ul l,..i...u
--,-. ..j-i.. ....v.. ...a. ...-iv iiiijiiun'
slvelv rendered. The liriiln unu un
charming and the bridegroom so
manly, the Htiriouuiliugs were or such
a happy character, that the ceremony,
lifirffiriitntl iitiflm uinili riii(.i...l.l.. ....
,.. ....,,,., ..... ...... i. ,,.. in,
siilceH.was a bountiful event to be long
cnerisiieii in tno inemorv or those
Tim ilnv umh full mill Mm mil
- "" '-.. - ... Mil ... 1.IIII,
the scene of ho many fiiHhlouable wed-
ftllllfS. UflM flllV'lll tllflfl. III I If.. fPli..
-r , ' v ..I..... , . , -, , hit
SIIIi'h ri.VH lllslllloil llirillllfll llm rl.ili
Htaiueii glass windows, suiruseil the su-
creu einiice wiin a HUDiiueii light t lint
added to the Impresslvoness ot the oc
casion. So simple and Hocharmimr uns
the weddiiigl
On the Ntl'oke nf tu-nlvn Mm I n-l. I.. .,
the arm of her brother, Mr. Nethertnu
nan, iniiuwiug nor nininer, Airs. r. L
Hall and Mr. Bingwalt. her bruther-
lll.lnu'. l.rneeeilinl iIiiwii Mm umlii nlul..
meeting beforu the altar Mr. Funke,
who was iiccompuuieii ny Mr, U. u.
Wing, of this city. Immediately after
Mm llirlllltfllll Mm nln U'itu .if 11. t ......
....... .-...',. ....'..'.........i uiu iiiii
tracting partlesaud those who assisted
nun' urivon in uie resilience oi ino
liriiln. ' M rj.'i Kl. Murv'u A tvlu .m
informal reception was lielii until the
depaittire of Mr. and Mih. Funke,
Hhnrtly beruro I o'clock, for Chicago.
tiioso preseni nt Hie weilillng rrom
Lincoln were: Mrs. Fuuke, Mr. and
Mis Curl l.'imkii Mi nml ti-u f Int.... II
and children, Prof, and Mrs. C. N.
liinie, .xiiss Anne punue, .xir. l L.
it. .11... .... i .,, i.i .... .
iiiiiiinwuy, nun .miss nnenrs. ine iisii-
e is were .Mr. Ouniiott. of Omahu. mul
Mr. Smith, or this city.
'I'lm Itrldtil (Miittln will rifftt'jt Iti I lit
coin the latter part of this month nml
win resuie on ix street near Twelfth.
The lnlile Is well known In this city,
having visited here the guest of Miss
Shears. She Is a very lovely and
tllletlteil VnllllL' Imlv. Air I.'hi'iIh Iu
one or Lincoln's most popiilur young
men nun nus utiuineii a prominence iu
lmultmuu iiirnlfM Mini nll.t.ilu tiiiii.l.
credit upon his ability. Together they
win no niosi. wariiuy receivoit upon
their arrival In Lincoln by a large
number of warm friends.
WHIST C'Lt'll.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Leonard enter
tained asmall whist club.nartvMondnv
oveniiig,attlieir homo oiiTwelf th street.
Those present were: Mr. ami Mrs. A.
O. Beeson. C.N. Little, Frank Ludd,
Oreeu, and A. B. Cotrroth.
Continued m First I'uyc.)
Screen Doors, Screen Wire, Ice Cream Freezers, and everything to make home comfortable
and cool in summer time."
The Nebraska State Band
The Nebraska State Band, organized and incorporated under our state laws and especially en
dorsed by the Legislature of Nebraska, is now ready for the transaction of all work where a' high
class of music is desired. We can furnish any number of men for either orchestra or band work, sup
plying programs selected from a REPERTdlRE OF 300 SELECTIONS, embracing all the latest
music, both popular and classic. Engagements made for work either at home or abroad, on short
notice and at reasonable prices. Call or address,
U. WESSEL, Jr., Manager,
Telephone 253. ,I34 Q Street, LINCOLN, NEB.
JU A.CI-I DAY Foil ti-ijs AV32EK.
km b
i0 1 1)
u wore very busy last week in this department and shall continue
to offer inducements that will interest you. Remember our
Shoes are all N1CW and the latest styles. If your want SIIOKS
look to your own interest and come where you can get the
nicest selection at the lowest prices.
MONDAY (), mlit.s $1.00 Oxfords for $:U0.
TUESDAY Our Indies .V,0 Oxlbrds for &2.90.
WEDNESDAY or mel,'s $.j.oo shoes (:i stylos) lbr.$2..17
THURSDAY Our ladies $2.50 shoes (-1 styles) titJ.07.
FRIDAY Our Misses and boys $2.00 shoes 1.4-1.
SATURDAY 0m l-7v;hlurs Kcd ,uul Russet su,os
lit iL.'lij.
Paste this in your hut and when you come around take it in
H. T. IRVINE, Director.
i if nTfT- J
i I
-5 . S3 -JL. -"