Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 11, 1893, Page 7, Image 7
GAPITALv OITY GO U RIB Li. '.fsV.UIMLKb a ,' will l I -j ' JkV A. I VYIUW I kTAI r WVaVI I -i . li 'A " AOV V u M 1 1 rffip: '. fiooo P :.xv cflr Stttr nil I VISTAS ATM FAIR. Wonderful Views Which En trance the Senses. IPANOItAMA OF W1UTF, AND (Utl'.P.N. CLEAR SKIN Zvt MKF)(1 MENTAL! ENERGY LONG LIFEj IS M STRONG NERVES AVFQ'C Sarsaparilla Jl Itiitmiu'ily. u well-Known lnulneM man ot IIIIMmnt, Vil , semis IliU ti'iilimni) t I lie infill ot A (! S iii:ii.nllla ".Si'iiiil r:iii aim, I linit my let;, tiic Inhiry IraMtiK liMiieulilclileil to ci5in'l,n. .M .iiilTi'llHKt were extreme, lay Ice, tioni llio kiich Initio llllklt', lll'lllKII ! I I sole. Wlllt'll Ih'U.'HI tllCX- trial to othci putt of Hie limly. AIlci tr Inu arlotn icmnllcs, I lx'.in taklim'o'irlllii, unit, licdite I luul llnMieil (lie first bottle, I cxpcilcm-cil (ju-al lelli'fi tlio sucoiul lintlli' effected a completo unit.. Ayer's Sarsaparilla l'n jinri'J by Dr. J.C. Ar Si Co., Lowell, Mmi, Cures othors,will euro you Soda Water. PURE, DELICIOUS, AND REFRESHING. We have the finest nnd best equipped Soda Fountain in the city. TRY OUR ICE CREAM SODA. RECTOR'S PHARMACY, N. W. Cor. 12 th nmlNSts. bADIES' and CHILDREN'S )atrcutttn$ " Shampooing m A SPECIALTY, AT Sam : Westerfield's BURR BLOCK." 1 vHKA i IliffHlii ll.mutlfiil RIrIiIk AVIilcli Slnjr lln Nrrii from Various I'iiIiiU of untune ill lliodrriit AVorlil' Colombian i:ollliin View from llio Ciilmitiiiils Looking Nnrllt A KiinrlniitliiK SIiiht. "Woian's I'.vili, Juno 0. Special. Onu of tho charming features of the. expo sition Is tho largo liuinlicr of vlntus wliloh it contains- spots from which ono limy look forth and behold vlewH which en tranco tho sense and delight tho i'jo. Wherever ono goes nhoiit tho 700 acres of tlm fair grounds such scenes are constant ly unfolding themselves. Many tliui's lu a day tho visitor Is tempted to patisonnd drink In tho beauty of soino spectnelo which had lillhcito escaped Mh observa tion. This is one of tho tests of nrchltce tut nl and landrnpoart. Nodcilgner could be. expected to jilau vistas as a prlmnry idea. That would bo mere secuc-pniiiting and unworthy tho higher ait. Hut iu Htieh a combination as this exposition, where all cITort Is on mieh a largo scale and there Is Htieh dependency of ono feat uro upon another for excellence of olTeet, a work that did not present charming vistas would lack complete success. They aio inevltablo incidents whuro thoru is truw beauty lu tho massing. Tho wealth of such views presented hero is but another proof of.tlio commanding genius which designed this work. Per haps it may seem to you, dear reader, that it is rather Into iu tho day for mo to en largo upon tho outdoor glories of tho fair. The aichltectural and landscape features weie tho Unit things hero to bo described iu tho public ptcss and iu tho illustrated magalnes and weeklies. Hut let mo tell you that until this month of June, this month of freshness mul flowers, no ono had o er seen tho Columbian exposition at its best. 1'or tho llrst time lu its career it is full blown and ripe. Now it hai not only tho beauty which voiduro and sunshino alouo can givoit, but tho additional charm of masses of peo ple constantly moving to and fro on both land anil water. It is now an animate landscape. Tho llguies are in tho picture, ami, grand and impressive as it was befoio tho people came, there is contagion iu tho presence of n host of admit ers, infec tion iu tho enthusiasm of tho multitude. It Is no wonder to mo that half tho friends I meet hero tell mo they put in their llrst two or threo dnjs outside tho buildings, roaming thiough tho park, riding over tho placid waters of tho lagoon, realizing, or at least endeavoring to do so, tho unpre cedented grandeur of tho whole. "Thogteatest thing in tho fair is tho buildings which contain it," is an expres sion which 1 have so often heatd during tho past six weeks that it lias become trite. That is tho way iu which people aro im pressed. Tho majority of them aro dis couraged tho Hist time they enter ono of tho palaces for a look at some of tho ex hibits. Tliis disappointment is not iu tho interior show considered as a whole, but in its magnitude, mid iu the oppicssivo realization which overcomes ono at this moment that ho can never hope to see, it all. Then is so much of it it is spiead over such a vast area ono can never go through U section by section, alslo by aisle, exhibit by exhibit, article by article. Tlio utter hopelessness of tills task repels at Hist. So it is that nlno visitors out of ten remain but a short time iu tho build ing which they may Hist lmvo entered. They como back into tho open, tho sun light and tho fragrance, and feast their eyes upon tho ensemble. Hero is some thing which they nru ublo to see, and sco quickly, for it is a panorama of white and green spread before their eyes. Fascinating as tho outward show is at a single glance, one must travel about for many a day before thu full glory of tho plcturu is impressed upon him. Indeed, thu beauty of tho sceno, like tins magnitude ot tho buildings, is somo- Underneath them tho boats and gondola nro Hitting, and over (hem stream ot Ihuppy peoplo aro constantly passing. Tar 'liter along are (ho giceii ticcs and iho How ers of tlm wooded Island. In tlm ex licmo distance is tho great bight of iho Illinois building and tho mum beautiful dome m tho Art palace. Tho foreground of this plctuio Is misty, for there tho foun tains spiay tho air. Around tho corner of Mist Machinery hall como tho spelling strains of niiislc, 'J'lioslgliMltto from this jjiot is encased by walls of ivory, four of timgiealest and noblest buildings In tho world Machinery, Agriculture, Klco trlclty, and Manufnetuies ranging thctn sches cither side the view. There aro many such vista here, nd ono never tires of them. Another is thnt to bo seen looking south from thu rustle liiidgo which crosses tho lagoon nt the northern end of Horticultural hall. At tho right is iv long stretch of water leading down to tho richly-tinted Transportation Dr. T. O'Connor, (Successor to Dr. Clmrlcs Kunrlao.) CURES CANCERS, TUMORS ' With and l'lttilna without tho uaa ot Knife, Chloroform or Dtlnr. (Illkv 1300 0 Htreut Onvii Mock. LINCOLN, NEB. STIFF HATS MADE TO ORDER From $2.50 to$t.50. Lincoln Stiff Hat Factory, N. W. Cor. 12th and O Sts . Old Hats Mocked, Cleaned, Dyed, nnd made ns good as New. All kinds of Kepair Work done. PROTECT YOUR FURS FUES and FUR GOODS STORED FOR THE SUMMER Instucd and guaranteed against fire, iholt unil moths. For tortus mid fur ther purticulm-H, call on J. E. VOELKER, is PRACTICAL FURRIER, Y. M. O. A. BUILDING-. 1 J A OUJIrsi: OK THK AKT OALI.EIIY. thing which "grows upon" every visitor. Tills is to say, day after day your ailmiia tion and your enthusiasm increase through familiarity instead of diminish ing. Tho llrst thing you know you are in lovo with this spectacle, and like tho true lover you eeo new lines of beauty in jour sweothuait every time you meet her. Sup pose home line, fresh morning you get a glimpse of her head through a Mourning rose lnisli in the gat den, You may have Been tho head a thousand times before, but this vista seems to endow tho white brow, or tho golden hair, or the profile with a charm which you had never befoio dis cerned. You will never thoroughly appicclnto tho exposition scene until you have had homo such glimpses of it, till you have feasted your eye upon its yistas. Stand at the Colonnade, for instance, for a moment. That is at tho southern cud of tho grand canal. Tho C'olonnndo is of itself a beau tiful structure. It is purely classical, and looks as if it might have been transplanted from Athens or Venice. Sometimes it Is called "Thu Screen." Do you know whyf Well, the sceno to tho north is Venetian, in its architecture, its statuary and in tho movement of tho gondolas over tho sur face of tho canal. To tho south aro tho live stock sheds and tho exercising amphi theater. It would not do to mix the Vene tian scene and the horso barns, because ru are no horses iu Venice. Heucothu Screen." Stand at the Colonnade nnd look to the i north. The vista is unapproachable, It follows a lino of water, broken iu half a places by bridges w hich curve over tho channel with tho true Hue of beauty. pensn rrtoM tiik romico ok tiii: Miwnra mii.niNd. building, (ho only exposition struct lire which is not ivory white. At llrst glance, visitors do not like thu coloring of this building. It seems gairish and Inconsist ent with the surroundings, Hut like any thing else- hero It worms Itself Into your nlTcctlons. In a day or two your prejudice against it is ovci come. A day or t wo more and you aro cnthiisiastluoverlt, for It adds a bit of warmth and color to tho scene which only eniphasics tho whiteness and Iho purltyof tho neighboring structures. Hut this is not tlio xlstn to boseeufrom tho bridge to which 1 desired to call J our attention. Under your feet Is one of tho gondola stations, and a number of the craft aro at rest t here, t ho gondoliers bask ing in tho sun and smoking pipes or cigarettes iu tho most uiiroinautlu of pos tmen. Just-beyond llestho leafy expanse of Wooded island tho wooded island which impresses me as much as an thing else iu the exposition with tho genius of man and t ho power of money. On! a ear or so ago I saw this island when it was nothing but a mass of black mud thioun up by the big steam dredges. There weie no t ices upon it, no verdure or How ers. No ono seeing it then could liao foiesecu what it is now, no matter how much he strained his Imagination. Now it is a little paradise. You smell tho fragrance of the llowers, and watch the water fowl and birds at their sports. Through the blanches you dimly perceive the logs of tho hunter's cabin, and over them your ejo beholds the glorious dome of the Administration , building. Your view of It Is framed by tho splendid facades of Klectrlelty and ! Mines. It is a scene which tlioiisaudsof visitors pause on the rustle bridge to bo-1 hold. I Go down to thu peristyle and stand1 where two of tho gieat columns of that I magnificent structure will frame you a picture looking to tho west. The Golden ltepiibllu lias her back to j on, and you will note thu perfection of her massive drapery. Though of stupendous size, she has all thu grace of one of tho marble Madonnas iu tho l'alace of Fine Arts. Shu is looking iu tho same direction you tau nt tho Administration building, which is a thing of beauty, a creation that, completely satisfies anil rests the uyo and tho soul from whatever point it may bo viewed. Your plcturu comprehends but a part of tho basin, with its moving spectacle, and perhaps but a glimpse of the. plaza at tho right or left, along which thousands of peo ple aru sitting or walking, witli tho colossal horses or bulls nt the water's edge to euablu your eyu in part at least to realize thu vaslness of thu scene. There is a vista which not many people note, though it is sublime. Go to tho In dian school iu tho southern end of tho grounds. Stand on tho piazza there, and look to the north. The sight-line carrlea ou past vailety and magnlllcencu into m perfect bower of aichltccturo and land scape charms in tho far background. At thu loft thu eastern end of Agriculture, study onu of tho most beautiful buildings man ever made. At thu right n glimpse from thu middle ages, thu ancient Convent of Lallablda. Near it thu classical Casino. Hetween thu two, and a llttlu farther, tho Golden Republic w 1th craft circling about her feet. Then a long stretch of grandeur, thu laku front of thu giant structure, vast in expanse, nnd altitude, but symmetrical as a babe, lu tho distaucu the vision is lost amid a bank of domes, towers, mina rets, and trees tho ciiciilaraunex of Fish eries, tho varied elevations of the foreign buildings, and, finally, bits of thu Art pal ace, and tho many state buildings which lie be) oud. You will bee these and hundreds more uiitianilug vistas when you comutothu fair. And having seen them and delighted your senses with them, you will not only pardon thu enthusiasm of onu who has been heiualoug tiinu only to linvo his ad miration constantly iucieased, but will thank him for directing your attention to these, perspectives of perfection. Koiil.ltT UllAVKU. BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rf. World's Fair Excursion Rates. TMUY Wll.l, I'MIIMIT AM Tbft imiat itlrrrt ronlnlx MAMMOTH THUNX KNOWN AH I It I . TO (10, V . T.INB MAV, ,., MpWfr ', 2Z.l-' "i Host Dining Cnr St'rvlco hi llio World. TO THE WORLD'S FAIR TAKE THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Fl?OJSI TIIK "WKKT. Reinsmber, thla Lino linn n Depot for nil trains at Xuvlowonil (nuliurbol OliicHifo), close to tho world' rulr Unto. TAKE THE ROCK ISLAND. T AND P A CHICAGO, ILL. DEER PARK and OAKLAND ON THE CREST OF THE ftLLEGHflNIES. I.Mnlli Linn II A (I II II i SEASON OPENS JUNE 15th, 1893, Hates, !?H), -1?". and -!M) n mouth, ne eordiug to locution. Address (ilCOIKii: I). l)i:Sllli:i,l).S, Manager, Cumlieihiud, Mil., up to .llllio 10, lifter that date, either Deer l'ark or Oakland, (in net t County, Mil. Lincoln Trunk Factory. It Is the only Hrsl-eliiHs lino in tho city, mid nil should buy your tickets orer tills route. Ti links, Traveling lings, Kx tension Ciisca, Pocket Hooks, Drcslng Cased, Straps, nnd everything llrMt-ehiss for travelers. ori'HT.itH: It. l: MOOIIi:, 1're.lilent. I! l' IIIIONN. Vim l'rr. O. It. IMIIOIT, Cimliler UMIKt'lOIIH: It. K, Jlimr.', J. I. Mnitiirliitiil. li I). Drown, J. W lll'WI-MH, J. J IliiliufT, (!. K. YuIok, A. n Itnvmniii). Joint II I lunrnlil, T. i: CnlriTt. Liberal Intorust. Abaoluto Socuiity. loUront jml.1 on HiiyIiik lift""11" nt "i" mtti ol 1'Ivh per riil it Annum. J UNION SAVINGS BANK 111 South Tenth Hlroot, Lincoln, Nub. ENTIRE CAPITAL INVESTED IN U. S. BONDS. YOUR SAVINGS SOLICITED. Concise. Modern. Practical. Inexpensive. Ti YOUTH'S CYCLOPAEDIA Now l('H(l III two lui'gro octavo Million's. Diepared by a corps of Irnchoi'H and educational writers expiessly for use of pupils and students lu pub lic mid private schools, seminaries and academies. Costing but a small fi action of tho price of Iho largo eyelopadhiH, it is leu times mole valuable for Iho purpose, hcnuiso i Ills. Teachers aio enthusiastic in Hh praise, saying It meels a need which has been long and deeply felt. For agents if is u lioiiiiii.n. No competition; no other book likeiti a positive and uigent demand I'm- it. Wo have a system of canvassing the schools which insures quick woik and bigiesullH. Hist agent took KM! outers in lO days, another has taken oitlera for litl.'t sets in 7 weeks, and says " I have sold bookH for ten years and this Is the best Heller I ever struck." llC UANT APCNTQ who will glveall their time and want to iimkoblir money. IIL nftnl HUlIiIO Wogivo extia tfiniH unil o.m'IiihIvo torrliory. 'IViu'Imm'S anil StiiilcnlM w waul profltalilo vacntion work sliould write us. Kor full infoi iimtlou and lei ins, address LAUREATE PUBLISHING CO., Lakosldo Building, Chicago, 111. Free Excursion to THE WORLD'S FAIR gRJEE FOR ALL. The COURIER'S Special Offer: FOR 25 NEW SUBSCRIBERS To the GAPITAb CITY COURIER, wu will issue FREE of any cost whatever, a Round-trip Rail road Ticket, from Lincoln to Chicago and return, on any railroad, good for six months. This offer applies on new yearly subscriptions only. For further particulars and blanks, call on or address the business office COURIER PUBLISHING CO., TELEPHONE 253. 1 13. O Street, Lincoln. Of Intel et to Women. Tho exhibits of .Spain and DelIum in tho Woman's building uro very Hue, tho Spanish being tho mom elaborate and at tracting tho most attention from its loca tion lu tho center of tho south pavilion, from the exceeding beauty of tho ciciun and gold booth and tho varied natuic of tho exhibits. Them aro somo iniiKuitiiuat gold embroideries, and Hue laces i 11 c cry design and for every use. There aro tiny manikins iu native costume, and tared woodwork in rich and rare devices, ono beautiful Nine-covered cross being pejhnps tho Hnest. Not only has old .Spain neat of her costliest and best to lay as tribute at Columbia's feet, but new Spain has joined her, many beautiful specimens of needle work done iu liaana being bithocollec tion. Helgium's exhibit consfnts princl pally of paintings and tho uiro laces for which Brussels has always been noted and which aro priceless. Twcl o young men of Dordentow 11, N. .1., aro going to tho exposition ilia freight ear fitted up with sleeping bunks, a look ing range, and a well-stocked u- doiiartmeiit. Tho cur will boattaitmt to a freight train. I I THE NEW SCALE J J I Vose & Sons Pianos II OF BOSTON. I L I ESTABLISHED OVER 41 YEARS. CELEBRATED FOR THEIR J ""I Pure Tone, Elegant Designs, I r I Superior Workmanship, I I and Great Durability. J r HAX T1EYER & BRO. CO., L W I 1520 Farnham Street, - Omaha, Neb.