Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, June 11, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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(KmXW ?C lOtc
Tlio ift young Aini'iicnn whcclnmu tlimo pirturu iippi'iin iibuve haa foot) ttlmiul
for tlio sl'cdikI tiiuo tu incut tliu liust riilt-rs of JCuiojif.
Mark Murphv as o'Dmnl in
To-day, Sunday, at Cushninn Park i "O'Dowd's Neighbors," played to large
will occur tlu annual picnic ol" the business at tint Lansing Tuesday even
Turn Verein society, recursions will
run to tlie park from all points. The
Unyiil Spanish (iyinnasts will give a
startling exhibition on the tight rope
at ." P.M. Tin1 Nebraska State Hand
will furnish music alternoon and eve
ning, and there will be other amuse
incuts L'ldnrc. Sliecilll trains will leave '
the llurlington depot at 1:(H), 'Ji.'lo, Ih.'Hl, , lions in -O'Dowd's Neighbors" ami he
and .":(Ki i'..M.: returning at :W. .'t:H, uses tin. freedom allowed by the play
1:00, '.:(M. and S::i) i.m. Tlie park can to most excellent advantage! Theconi
also be reaclied by street car via West puny contains a number of clever peo
orn Normal college line, and bus from , jile,'theniost notable member alter Mr.
the college to Cuslunitn. Extensive i Murphy being Miss Clara Thropp. tlie
projiarat Ions have been made for the
grand picnic to-day, and tin1 indica
tions are that there will bit a big crowd.
The natural beauty of C'ushman J'ark
has boon greatly enhanced in the last
two years, and it is a most attractive
resort, with boating, swings, etc. Mr.
Andrus has made a numberof improvo-
ineuts, and he is determined thntCush-
man shall bo a favorite Lincoln resort.
Olio of tlio most attractive novelties
that the present theatrical season, in
this city, will odor, will be the ujijiear
auco at the Lansing theatre on next
Thursday evening, of champion Jamos
.7. his new play called "Gon
tleman .lack." Tint jilay was written
Ijv Charles T. Vincent, a dramatist of
enviable rejiulation, and in the main
tells a story of .lack lloydou, a gallant
young collegian, who is over ready to
side witli tlio weak. The scone in the
llrst act jiresedts tliecollegecaininis at
Payne, .lack is the horo of his class
mn'tcs, and tlio best all-round athlete.
The vidian, or rather .lack's rival, be
comes envious of him 'on account of
ue iiii-iii ssui.eiii.i immii n , mini ,
kinds. This together with tlie tact
tliat both Hoyden and his rival are sui- ,
tois for tlio hand of the same girl,
serves to keoji uji tlie feeling of hatred
to tint ,.nd. Act second discovers .lack
Koyden employed in the bank of his
enemy's father. His rival succeeds
in making .lack tint victim of a plot,
and tlie college hero becomes self-accused
of thclt, and is discharged trom
tlie bank. The third act jiioscnts a
brilliant scene on the roof of the Mnd
ison Siiiaro(!arden, New York City.
The once jiojiular champion of Payne
has become jirofessor of boxing at a
.New Vork Athletic Club. His rival,
having concluded that the sure way to i
win .lack ssweetheart Is to reduce I Joy
den to the level of a defeated pugilist,
therefore, employs a celebrated
lish prb.e llghtertochalleiigohiiii, after
llrst having insulted him. This oilers
a reasonaiilo excuse lor iniroiiuciiig u
the next two acts Corbet t at his best,
as tlio next act shows him in Ids train- constantly. I lie largo stea makes
ing ouarters. Corbettisa big, hand-l regular trips daily, and the sail and
some fellow, wit lia face and disjiosit ion row bouts are in constant demand Irom
bubbling over with buovance and good 'rly in tin ruing until late at
spirits, and as gentlemanly andcoiisid- night. The bathing season is now com
mute since boingornwncd the iioknnwl- liioneing and several hundred new
edged champion of heavy weight jnigi- suits have boon iiurcliasod to meet the
llwl.,l't hi, urn- i . t nil lie was vilieu
earning hisjliving more modest ly as jiay-iug-teller
of thoNovnda National Hank
of San Francisco.
At the Lansing, beginning Monday,
.lime l'Jth, till1 Calhoun Opera Coin
jiauy will hold the boards for three
nights. Tlio company is very strong
in jirincijials. Among the names are
some very well known artists, includ
ing Miss Laura Millard, prima donna
hojii'tiuo, last year jiriueijinl of "The
Little Tycoon," Miss Cairio (loilfrey,
Minraiio.'.Miss Nellio llartloy,contralto,
, .' ii... ii... . i ,. i;..
late of the Hess Opera Comimny, Miss
Carolyn Maxwell, sojirano. late of the
Carlotou Opera Company. Miss Kmmii
Knox, sojirano, Miss Dora llerdine,
contralto, Mr. Martin niche, primo
tenor, last season principal tenor of
the Kinina .Inch Opera Company, Mr.
lurtland Calhoun, comedian. Mr.
Douuhiss Flint, comedian, formerly of
tlie Dine Hoard .lr. Company, Mr.
Henri Leoui,
Thayer, basso,
baritone, Mr. Otis
Mr. IM. Huntington,
A large and well drilled chorus
nrilii.iv.iU.JwiirMiiiK.iii. "ino idles-
tin is under tlio direction of Carl Mar-
tens, who was for years conductor for
Fiiiina Abbot. The company comes to
Lincoln very highly endorsed. "Said
Pasha," "Fatlnlta and The llohe
miiiu Oirl" will bo jiresented during
tho engagement. Tlio juices for seats
will range from UTi conts to To cents.
ing, the biggest business he lias eve
done in Lincoln. And it was a good
show. Murphy lias few superiors as an
Irish comediiiu. lit is tunny when he
does nothing, ami when he begins to
move around tint stage he immediately
becomes the center of a cyclone of
mill I. 'I'lierii nre mi nihil riiiv t-esli'ii'
soubrotto. Miss Thrnii is not exactly
a beauty, but in her line of business
she is right up to date. Her rendition
of the "How-wow"' song was a hit; but
a little later when she Ming about
George, the base violin jilayer, and ad
dressed herself to I toll llrownit at one
cud of tint orchestra, slut caught the
whole house. Miss Throjip is decidedly
clever. Mrs. Murphy as the W'itlmr
HiillU and Mr. Kyiui as McXnlil and
,)oo Roberts as the man who wrote
"'I'a-ra-ra-boom-ile-ayo'' were elfect 1 ve,
and the whole jterformance given over
wholly to vaudeville, was very generally
Lincoln Park was visited by crowds
during the week. Tlie summer rush
has K, ,uil.y strt,.( ,! this resort is
now tilled with people every alternoon
and evening. Dances are held nearly
every evening in tlie jiaviliion ami
many special att.iactioiis are promised.
Today, Sunday, Manager Mickey lias
made arrangements lor a grand exhi
bition by tint Wert, Unit hers and
Cochran, rope walkers ami acrobats.
'j'l(.s(l performers ant among tlie very
) their line ami tliey will bo seen
i snmi, ....... i(.t,m.s j i,,dnv o.xhi-
liition. There will lie music atteruooi
and evening and every visisoi is jiroin
ised a good time. Lincoln Park is (lie
place to soend a warm alternoon and
evening. It is accessible trom all jiarts
of tint city, the ride out Tenth stieet
being specially refreshing on a hot
HiiiTuigton IJeacli can lie easily 1
reached by carryalls and earraiges that I
make regular trips from Tenth and O I
streets, and from the number of peopl,
woo have already visited thisiinupii
resort it is certain that it will be even
more popular this season than last.
There are attractions at lliirliugtou
Meach that can lie found nowhere else
in the city, or ill tlie state for that mat
tor. and improvements are being made
uemuiio. ." iiuiiiisiiiiu n-i- in nn
beach is charged and this fact is a big
drawing card. I oil can have a good
time at HurHiigton Peach without
spending a cent.
Tlie Neliraska Stat.i liaiid beiielit at
the Lansing Friday night was om of
tlio most siiccesstul musical entertain
ments ever given in this city, Tlie
bund itself surprised tlie audience by
the excellence of its execution. Mr.
Irvine, the director, lias labored most
diligently and his ell'orts have been
crowned wit li success. "Heart Throbs"
was deliglittully given, and the -No-
baaska State Hand u
l.v II. T. Irvine, was
received. Mrs. t . S.
mui in, i-iiiih-m-i
is ouuiiisiiisticaiiy
Lippiucott sang
very sweei y an air irom iiariuer oi
Seville, and as an encore gave "The
Maid of Dundee " Misses Uertie Ilurr,
.Nlaino Carson. Pose Carson. Mice
Cow drey, Maud Ilurr liuby .lones,
Nellio White, and Cora Talbot, most
becomingly costumed, executed Hie
Columbian drill, hi which more were a
ol very nreuy iigures. .miss
nreuy n
'otVllsaild .Ml'. MeamaiK s seieci ions ,
were greatly enjoyed as was also Miss
ltaines' recitation and the inns e by the .
mandolin club. Miss Losalind Mohl.-r
danced beautifully, and the Lincoln!
Liglit intantry gave aiiojhor exlnliition (
of its irolicieiicy in ladies I lie bene
lit was a most iidiiouuced success in
every particular.
IVraniuil Mi'iitliin.
Mrs Air. I. Shilling and Mrs. N. A
House are isitors at the world's fair
Miss Mabel Austin, of Minneapolis,
is the guest of Miss Mabel Dudley at
IT'JI South Twelfth street Messrs
(iuy Male and .loo Shaiiuou departed
Saturdav for the world's full1 ...Mr
D. O Wing spent Sunday in lloatrloo,
the guest or Mr. Charles Looiuls
General Victor Vlf.pialn, United Stales
consul geneial to Panama, loft Wash
iugton and started for his iost Satur
day . Miss I'ay Marshall is In Chicago
. . Mrs. ,1. K. Ilaum, of Omaha, visited
relatives ami friends in Lincoln last
week Dr. and Mrs, Dorris are in
Chicago visiting the world's fair. .. . Dr
Margaret Sabln has gone to Chicago to
remain two mouths ...Miss May I'ot
vin, forinerlyol this city but now of
Seattle, Washington, arrived In Lincoln
I'YIday; she Is the guest of Miss May
llohiu'nn. Miss Potviu Is onroutn to
the world's fair, where she will roiro
sent the state of Washington in the
great national conceit to take place
.Mine I'.Mh, 'JOI li, and -list ...Mr. and
Mrs. I.'redrick K. Mockett and Mr..l. M
.M ill-dock and a small party an enjoy
ing a ton days trip thiough Wyoming
and are devoting most of their time to
llshing in the mountains ...Mr. ,1. C.
Krust ami llov. L. P Luddou returned
l''riday from a trli east.. .Mrs.C. II.
Gore, Mrs. . O. Philips, Mrs. K. M.
Hurlbut, Mrs. A. II. Minor, ami Mis.
Haitlllldr Denver left Sunday to visit
tlie world's fair . . Mr. and Mrs. ("has
(1. Dawes are in Marietta, O, whole
tliev attended the wedding of Mr. l!il
fus Dawes . Mrs. T. W. (Irilllth, of
Fort Clarke, Texas, is visiting lier par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. (). U.Oakley ...Mr.
I. .1. luiholf left Saturday for the
world's fair city Mrs. Henry Mans
Held went to Peoria, Ills., Friday
Miss Nellie Ilaum, of Omaha, who
spent several days In this city, the
guest of Mr. and '.Mrs. I). I). Thompson,
returned home Mondav afternoon
Mr. Prank S. Ilurr and Mr. Ilohert M.
Joyce are in Chicago in attendance
upon the world's fair. . Mr. and Mis.
(Jeorge P. Schwake have gone to
Chicago... Mrs. I). K. Thompson and
her sistor.Miss Marv Miller, of Chicago,
and Miss Olive Lntta.lcft for Chicago
Wednesday afternoon. They will re
turn theeaily iart of next weitk. . Mr.
ami Mrs..). W. Winger reached Chicago
this week in time to attend the No
braska day exercises. .Miss Leila
Shears is visiting in Omaha, the guest
of Miss (iertrudo Chambers ...Mr. II.
D. Kstabrook, of Omaha, has been In
til' city this week attending tint ses
siouofthe board of regents of the
state university .Mr. S. T. St. .lohu
returned to.luniata Monday Mr. F.
C. Howe returned Monday from Denver
... Miss May Moore accompanied .Mr,
and Mrs. Winger to Chicago Wednes
day. She will Int gone two weeks . .
Mr. and Mrs.. I. K. Hill went to Alii
mice .Monday. Tlioy will roiurn noxi
week, and will leave shortly alterward
for Chicago, accompanied by their
daughters, Miss ( iertrudo Hill and Mrs.
losejih Kigger Mr. Prank ('..ohruiig
was an Omaha visitor Monday
Miss (Irace Oakley is expected to re
turn from school Thursday. . ..Mr and
Mrs. .lohu A. Knot, of Granville, Mass.,
are guests of Mr. and Mis. 1C. K. Si.or
.... Mr. W. II. lilchnrdson, accompanied
by Mr. N. M. Ingalls and Mr. and Mrs.
C. Itichardson, loft Monday for Hia
watha, where on Tuesday ho was mar
ried. The young couple will visit the
world's fair before reaching this city
Dr. and Mrs. ('. F. Ladd moved into
their new home at Seventeenth and (i
street s.Tuesday.... Mrs. Clin ton Hriggs
of Omaha, visited Mrs. II. K. ISrown this
week Miss Clara Carmody has re
turned from a visit at lloldredgo. . . .
Miss llattio lliillmim departed for Chi
cago Wednesday, in company with Mr.
and Mrs. .). W. Winger: she will remain
I two or three weeks. . Miss Clara Kich-
ardsou has loiued her iareiits in Chi
cago, and will not return to Lincoln
J until November Dr. and Mrs. F. W.
I Tucker went to the western part of the
i state this week, where the doctor was
(called on professional business....
I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas II. Ileiiton and
Mr. and Mrs. .Myron K. Wheeler lelt
J Wednesday evening for the world's fair
i city, where theyoxpecl to remain about
two weeks. . .Mr.aiul .Mrs. . A ood-
25 Per
We Refund on
1 One-Fourth
The Grandest Collection ol Dry Goods in Lincoln
at the Cost of Production, and less.
Lonsdale Muslins, 7 l-:2c.
ShittM' t'iiinbj'io. 3 .'Mi'.
:1c Calico's, : 3-lc
10c Sc'li-ia-, 7 1-iic
1121-1123 N STREET.
ward and family, Mr. and Mrs.C. O.
Wheedou and family, and Mr. ami Mis.
P. W Plank are in Chicago Mr. .iml
Mrs . M. MeAithur or lliillalo, Wvo,
wore guests, during the week, of Mr.
Simeon Hi ou noil Dr. and Mrs. A
0. Warner have gone to Chicago
Mrs C F,. Hall Is visiting at her old
homo in Cleveland . Mrs, N. S. Her
shler.of llurllugtoii, la , Is the guest of
i Mr Nowinnrk .. Mr. and Mrs. Keating
who have boon the guest son heir cousin
Miss Helen llarwood, for the past
week, have returned to lliolr homo In
Michigan .. Miss W. llarwood left for
Valparaiso, Thursday .Mr. and Mrs.
Ii'oheil I). Mtilr, leave this morning for
Chicago to bo gone about two weeks.
. Mr. W. W Kelly wont lo Chicago
yes) onlay ...Mr. and Mrs. II. D. I Int li
away will leave today for Chicago to bo
gone several weeks .Lieutenant Per
sliiug spent sometime in Omaha this
week Mr. Fred tl. I'luinnior do
palled Thursday for an extensive trip
through the east. Howill visit friends
in New York, and llridgoort, Connect i
cut and will attend the commence
nieiit exercises of the military acadainy
at Coruwoll, New ork, of which ho
was a former student Mrs. Kichard
(lundry, of Topolui. Kansas, is visiting
her sister, Miss Lillian Shelling, 1117
South Fourteenth street .Mr. Sam
I'j. Low has boon coiilluod to his room
by sickness ..Dr. Ilulkorst ami fam
ily have gone to Chicago Mr Harry
Lansing left Thursday for St. Paul .
Mr. and Mrs. A T. timelier, Mr. and
Mrs ,1. K. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. W.I.
Taylor and Mr. ami Mrs. .1. K. Ilutler
went to Chicago this week Misses
Sadie a .lennle Chase, formerly of Liu
colli but now of Winchester, Oil., are
guests of Miss Nellie Hyde. They are
ou their way homo from the world's
fair . Mrs. W. II. Lewis, of Loudon,
Kuglaml, is visiting in this city the
guest of Mrs. May I lohmaii, at Seventh
and Washington shoots .Mr. and
Mrs. Ilurr and Mr. C. L. Ilurr expect
to leave next Tuesday for Chicago,
where they will meet Miss May Ilurr
ou her lot urn from LaSallo Seminary,
Aubiirndale, Mass... Mr. II. .1. Hall
was an Omaha visitor Friday ...Mr.
Frank L. Ilatlniuay will leave lor Chi
cago to-day.
III .111 . w i i(-.
The Capital City Cycling Cluliisrai
idly coming to the Iron) in member
.1.1 1 ...til I r ,l...i
rvn.iMu .voii:s
....... ,.,.'.i i. .,n...
.'.li.'..' ii ... ii,..," .it... ,i..u. . nr i I
iiiruisiieo ipiariers. i no capiaill uas
a .schedule of races made out for the
summer and the boys make quite a
showing ou Sundays when the weather
is pleasant A run is called to Hick
man, lllteeii miles south, on Sunday,
.llllie llth. This is Tor tl lull. Tlnee
..I'll... i .1. ...... .I...I I,... V'.. ill..
r I I. I , . .Ml. . .. i. i
ill II. it I.M'.IMM'l-, lull I .ill 11,1 I, 'I, 11.
w. . ... ,..,,',,,,,, ,...,'. ,,.,.. ttlllll'lll
........ .....I .... 41... ........ MM I.... II 1
I1ICIII1MI Wll I 111' ntlllMi I Hill -Mlll,y, II 14
to Ixi u nnlatioii iiiitrtritiilH tnul
mui will hn oiio of tlio host ovor put hi
ll W'lll llfl tllw!lt t llll it llllll IffMtlltllu
ami win no one 01 me nesi ever pui in. '
It. will bo inside the old ball grounds,
I'Jld will bo so located that spectators1
ill the grand stand can haven Hue view
of the full course, and it Is also ox i
jiected that some records will bo low
eieil on that day as the boys are ou
their metal ami are getting in good
Daiidruir forms when the glands ol
the skin are weakened, and, if neg
lected, baldness is sure to follow.
Hall's Hair Iteneuer is the best proven
Made dresses for ladies and children
greatest variety at llorpolslioimor A
For rates and open dates of the Ne
braska state baud or orchestra apply
at tlie OillllKK olllce, Hill () street. tel
ephoiie 'J.VI.
niuii iiiiii iu nniiii in' imiimii iiieniresi
social ions in (lie city. Tint
club is now looking forward to IheL.
A. W. meeting. .Inly Ith, when they e
icct to raise enough money to be
enabled to move into larger ami better
Kan., a dislani I ninety miles, while
1 Mr. Seifert and others will try for two
hundred miles, by way of .Mi I lord,
Seward, York, Fairmont, Crete and
I Seat lice. The committee having in
chaigc the arrangements for the L. A.
W. meeting at Lincoln Park on July
Ith, last Wednesday let the contract
for the race course, ami work was coin-
Cent Discount
Every Purchase Made This Week,
(Bcginniiuj Monday, June 12,)
0(1' Lincoln's Lowest "Prices.
Foster's, S1.00 (ilovt's. 75c.
SI. oi) )ri's,s (5 ood-., 7")c.
50c Si Iks, 'Al 1--Jc.:
Sl.oo Si I k. 75c, Ktc. ICtc.
Whlto Lokmoim llalH, 00c WhlluChlp HntB, 00c.
ColortHl Clilj) HntH, OOo.
"" All now Midsummer Stylos, worth $1.00 ouch
UvL Your choice for
Two FIooch lixolviHlvoly Mllllnoiy. 'j
Uiind 12th StH.,
lrunko'H 0)ora lioimu Conior,
Will 11ml it greatly to their advantage to look through our
atock before, making up their
Traveling Attire.
Just now we aro ofl'cring Bomo exceptionally lino bargains in all
lines or
i f Dress (Boobs anb
babies' urnislins.
And we can save you from 10 to 30 percent ovor priceB offered by
so called bargain houses,
. - -
I Ci" T
- -i.V--V J
108-110 North 10th Street.
See llerpolsheiiiior V Co's shoe ad
vertisement, and see if olio of those
special days wont lit your feet with a
line comfol table slioo much less than
usual pi ices.
For dances ami outings there is no
such music in Nebraska as that siii
plied by the Nebraska State ( Irchest ra.
Imported and domestic toilet soaps
at Hector's Pharmacy.
1 69c
ifc V
s. , .
I) A
d" T" I
V I i. X V II
Opposite Government Square.
New Silk Veiliiifjs, or,
25c yd.
Now 1 nroi ''nt dk ikkund,
HLIU lAlllb, I'oint )e (Jeiie, jiid Colored.
dllli lAlLLb, uu.MMI.m; WAsII UO
lilach Sill: Mitts, l:ill, 50e pr.
Silh Mitts, Zl, 75c to $1.00 pr
Ctejin, 1'iiik, lllue diid IIUi.k
-. "F.
Kid Gloves, ;'Z';S0e-$l .90 pr
fi'"'' rSs, .tE)
Fig'd China Silks, 7Je-.$l.lS yd.
Kcducc.l In m ti x and f i 50.
Wash Silks, Hi'iluml to G9o yd.
'UnUI..J, iKH'tX svilMs, 1 HAM.
UK VV I'KKi Al 1- , dc. 4i Ir.un taVv to
4 ier rd.
OI'H lU'NIXr.SS increases right
along. We attribute tlio fact to our
tiood Goods at low prici'M, correct
and fair dealing.
Economy Dry Goods Store,
u, u, auBiiKTaoir,
-Corner llth und W Sta.
O) Z.HCOU s) , '
far tb i
K. U. SUKlt. Ugr.. Lincoln, Nb.