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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1893)
GAPITALa OITY GOURIB.R. t ! BKX?imrrtWoV: HkKW;w1Ut4"ulNU PUBLISHED SATURDAYS. ht tub 60URIBR I'UHUISHING GO. !j. WKSSKt., Jn , I'MMimuT and MiKAiim. Vf. MOUTON SMITH, Hu'T rili'J'uAi. IHulnM Offlr IIM . HI. I'lionw 8M. TERM OF HUtlSCHIPTIONl TIIK COillllKII. n Jrnr, In mlfanw 1 6 Ix monthi ," Thr month M oonntsroNDENCt. Contrltintluni ant, nil riimtminlfiUlmii rrlntlrt to ntwa nnl illturUI raatUr hunlil l !! m1 To tti editor. ... , , . . All utultiMi lttn mill rfmlttanrra almuli In di1rMd t Tn Couhikh I'mii imiiiko i i . I.ln. coin, Nli. DralU.cliM'ia, anil ioitufflr onli-ri hnnlil ba mada pajabla lu tb onli-r ( lli coin. Pn' TIIK COUIIIKIt I'MIH.IHIIINO CO. W. MORTON SMITH, EDITOR. Two coNHinr.iiVTios.H Imvo prompt'"' Hit oliiiiiKO in tint iluy or iuliliuiitloii of Tin: (.'ormiai from Sutiinliiy to Hun diiy tlio coitiilnty Hint tlio vultio of tho iapr as mi tnlvorllsliiK inoillinn will lio iiiiittiriully IihtousimI, anil tlio liopn that ilHiutoroHl for tlio louilliiK imlillo will also lio oiiliancil. pn: Cnmiti'ii will liorouftor lo (lollvorod by cnrriurH, unci it should not fall to reach ovory siilwrilier In tills city before 7 A.M. Sunday. Any failure to nicolvo tlio paper promptly hiidiiIiI lie imme diately reported to tlie olllce. Tim: Kfttnivji Journal, uiulei' now umiiiiKoinont, is one of the most readil lile papers lu the state. iMu. Mosiiini may rest easylu the as surance that the Nebraska press "will Klvo him whatever credit Is due him," when he Is "vindicated." Tiir.iu: are still a few criminals in the penitentiary from Douglas county, but (lovcruor Crounse Is turning them loose as fast as possible. ' That projected cowboy race has made Children almost as widely known as Nebraska City, the home of .1. Sterling Morton and the Honorable l'oto Hi-own. Uuhskt Hiior.s have won the day. About the only people that object to them now are those who have IIk feet. It is a well-known fact that lnr;o feet do not appear any smaller when ouciihod in rnssot shoes. Tin: liKLiKt'that the opinion of Chief Justice Maxwell "was plumed to size," Is, wo regret to say, somewhat widely prevalent. The dissenting opinion tits to a T what would be .lude Maxwell's Idea of tlio present opportunity In Ne braska politics. " conlldonco lu myself caused mo to fall," remarked C. W. Mosher It Is not generally known that Mr. .Moshor failed most people think it was the bank. And there is an idea prevalent that the bank failed because Mr. Moshor stole the deposits. Tin: 1' says that Nebraska City "has plenty of water in case of need." Of course It Is a Kood idea to bo well fortitled, but water Is and probably always will bo supertluous in Nebraska City. When tho Otoo braves fool the "need" of something, It Isn't watortlioy want. Tin: Fremont Tribune asks, "What has become of lionoral and Commander Paul Vaudovoortf Just as If a man could bo a patriot all tho time without takliiK a rest. Tin: Coritn:n may not bo able to lay its hands on the Kiand old man riht now, but It will arco to produce him in time to launch the next state legislature in a proper manner. It has been sujwstod that Frank Ilurd bo made the democratic nominee for governor of Ohio. Ilurd has been for years an uncompromising foo of thatculminatinKiitroolty of republican legislation which Mr. McKluley, tho prosent governor, so adequately repre sents, and a contest between gontlomoii would bo a buttle royal, indeed. It would bo a double contest Hurd against MoKlnloy and free trudo against protection. Ik Secretary Carlisle could only bo induced to road a few hundred editor ials in tho dally papers on tho "llnan- clal situation," wo aro sure everything wnnlil hn clear to him and ho W(mi,i would bo clear to li in and no would lmvo no further trouble with tho country's hank account. Tin: Coumai has now on hand a largo number of Nebraska ..M.liiiiiimu In ,vlil,.li tli,. whole subject of tlniince is so intelli gently and tersely treated that ono wanders why thoro should bo such general ignorance ou this point. If tho secretary will havo tho postmaster general Instruct Mr. (lore, to glvo us tho nocessary stamps for postago, wo will tako pleasure in forwarding thoso valuable treatises to tho treasury do Imi'oiitant sin. elections will be held in New Voik.Ohio, IVimsylvnnln, Maryland, Nebraska, Virginia, .Massa clnisotts and Wisconsin, in November. Home of those slates will elect a gover nor, others subordinate state olllcers, and ot hers a legislature. Tills election, thetlrst since (Irover Cleveland worked his great conlldonco game, will be vwitchcduith theiitmost interest. The result of the voting lu November will be thetlrst tangible evidence of the public appreciation of the policy of the democratic party, or rat her Mr. Clove laud's policy. As a democratic con temporary puts It, "It will be shown whether public coiilhlouco in the dem ocracy, no loudly expressed at tlio elec tion of 1H'.)J, has been Increased or iiupiilted,and whether the rebuke thus administered to the republicans for their iiiauy olfensKs against Just, Judl clous and needful constitutional gov eruuieiit, was merely a temporary man ifestation of discontent, or the fore shailowlug of a permanent exclusion from the administration of alfairs." The president of the United States Is a very able man; republicans willingly concede to him wisdom and independ ence and a certain degree of couscleii tiousness lu the performance of public duty; but It Is dilllcult, even for the most ardent admirers of Mr. Cleveland, to see In Just what manner the presi dent has strengthened the democratic parly since his election. Homehow, Mr. Cleveland, has failed to touch the spring of demo.-ratlc enthusiasm. Klected on a platform which declared the republican policy of protection un constitutional and a fraud, and which pledged the obliteration, of that pol Icy, Mr. Cleveland has continued to walk lu the footsteps of James (!. Illaluo and lletijamiii Harrison. The Chicago platform has been tossed in the garret of past expediency, where It rests on the top a mighty pile of cam paign promises dcmocrationuil repub lican. In the meantime Hie president has been running the government, guided by his own will ami not by democratic declarations. Whether he will sail away to a new harbor is still uncertain. For tho present he is con tent to remain close to the shore of republican policy, where -there Is pro tection and a safe shelter. Mr. Car lisle's tentative trip into new waters, in which disaster was perilously near, has not had a reassuring ell'ect on Mr. Cleveland, and as time goes on, demo oratio promises seem farther from ful tllinent than over. The president voluntarily assumed the burden of making all appointments himself and ho has staggered under the load; he has been kept very busy; but hlsell'orts in this direction have not called out enthusiastic democratic benedict ions. In fact it can scarcely bo contended that Mr. Cleveland has strengthened either himself or his partysiuco March I. Whether tho democrats will empha size their dissatisfaction at the polls In this fall's election, remains to bo seen. Tin: impeachment case was a good thing for the lawyers. The independ ents wanted to manufacture some cam paign thunder, and they wore shrewd enough to mako tho state pay tho ex penses. The thunder has boon pre pared, the people have paid the bills, the lawyers have possession of the money, and the state olllclals, after having boon used for political purposes only, are declared Innocent and are once more permitted to perform tlielr duties. There never was at any time any belief that any thing would come of tlio proceedings. Tlio impeach ment was nothing more nor less than a strategic move on tlio part of tho in dependents, and those who work with tlio independents rather costly for tho state, and it accomplished all that was expected. l'KitiiAi'.s (lovoruor McKinley's ro nomination and the tremendous en thusiasm incident thereto may have evidenced the governors great personal popularity, more than it Indicated an empowering sentiment in favor of tlio great economic principle which ho rep resents. Hut in any ovant Mr. Kinley is to-day ono of tho brightest republi cans in the country, and that ho will bo an Important factor at tho next pros ideiitial convention of his party seems highly probable, Win. Kinley and Tom Hood will bo popular antl-convontlon candidates. Jay lli'iiitows and J. M. Thompson have boon impeached, too, with Unr rows, and Thornton, and Thompson, and lIolden,and a few others to keep tilings Interesting tho independent party can never bo dull. Tin: iir.mii.ic.vNs will doubtless dis. pense with tho formality of a heresy trial in Judge Maxwell's case. Mr. Jacob Mahler who closed his classes in dancing, Wednesday, at tho H,usl,"' Academy, leaves to-day with 1 wife and daughter, Kosallnd, for an oxU,IU0( orstern trip, Mopping llrst at Chicago, then Niagara Falls, and from thoro to Now York, where ho will spend tliroo weeks before going to Saratoga mr uiu miiiiuii'r, wiiuru no hcih us llias- ter of ceremonies at Congress Hall for tho sixteenth consecutlvo season. Ho has mot with Ills usual success hero; many of the best families havo availed thomsolvos of his superior instruction, while ho is at all times strict with his pupils, yet ho rule them witli kind ness, and their direction for him was ni'lilnnt ni tltn lnuf Iduuaii lil.l.ll.n. l.t... goodby and urging him to return next I spring wlilcn no will do. Lincoln al ways has a hearty welcome for Mr Mahler. Professor August llagenow, of tho coservatory of music, will give a faro well concert lu V. M. C. A. hall, Juno 1 1, for tho benollt of the V. M. C. A. building fluid, and will leave Lincoln shortly afterwords to accept a position with Walter Daturosch in his Now Vork Hyiimhony orchestra, as llrst violinist. Lincoln people will reurot his tloiiarturo as he Is one of tho best musicians In the city. FINK FITTINCI FOOTTvUAU - nut inr. WORLD'S FA 111. You will always tli.d a great lino to select from at our store. All the very latest shapes and designs in tho most comfortable and easiest fitting. Tans lu Oxfords, (lalters and Hluchors and all the other nobby (lfects. WIOIIHf KU ,v KOOKUS, HUH () street. Wanti:d Nursing by a thoroughly experienced and competent nurse. Have nursed tell years lu the east, in quire lOIl") F Htreot. " Is this hot enough for you Visa silly question ; but if you meet a man who complains of tho sulforlug from tlio heat, ten to one you will Hud on Inquiry, that he does not use Ayer's Harsaparllla to tone up his system and free his blood from Irritating humors. Tliti World' 1'itlr. No one should hesitate to visit Chi cago on the score of expense. It's a mistake to suppose that a small fortune is needed. Twenty-live or thirty dollars Is ample for a week's stay. For that amount you can get a good room, board, dally admission to tho fair ami to three or four of the Midway I'lals mice attractions and still have enough money left for car fare, lunches, and other miscellaneous expenses. Your railroad fare is not Included In tho above estimate, of course, but you can learn what that will cost by en (iiiiritig of lloiiuell at the depot, or .lemer at Tenth and O streets, who will also tell you all about trains. I'iXcursioii rates every day. linn in to Herpolshelmer .V Co's and try one of tlielr line pure drinks of soda water from tlielr beautiful now fountain. Ladies' waists at ID cents early season's price, To cents at Ilerpol sholnter . Co. llathlug Caps at Uector's Pharmacy. Althea toilet preparatories at Uec tor's Pharmacy. Fruited lee cream soda water made from the natural fruit, at Uector's Pharmacy. An entire new line of ladles' card cases and pocket books at Uector's Pharmacy. Lntost novoltios in Spring Mllllnory, tho ilnost in tho city. Caldwoll Sistors 203 South Eleventh street Mrs. W. E. Gosper's now spring stock of mllllnory, tho Ilnost iu the city, Is now comploto. Miss S. E. Ulakosloo, lino drossumk lug, at Mrs. Gospor's, 1114 O St. A flue line of canned soups in cents per can. Miller Gilford, grocers. W. A. Coflln Jb Co., groctr 8,143 South 11th stroot. Missos Hoggs it Catfyn, dressmaking Parlors. Pino stamping. 1311 M street, 'phono 510. Sampson Sistors, urtlstlo drossmak ing, 1123 N Htroot, ovor Dorsoys. Hoys' clothing Hue new lino at Her polsheiiner c Co. Htilnilo Hour ?UX per sack. Miller & Gilford, grocers, opp. Hurr Hlk. K. 0. Baking Powder, 25 ouncos for 2." cents. Absolutely pure. Havo you triodlt? Abeuetlt forthoNobraskastato band Is being arranged. It will bo given some time in the near future at tho Lansing theatre. L. S. Gllllck, Fashionable Tailor. Latost novelties in gontlomon's spring goods. Glllick still oators to tho wish of tho public. Call ou him and be suited. 1010 O stroot, Room 10. For Sunday dinner supplies call at Halter's markot, opposlto Lansing Thoatre, Phono 100. K. C. Baking Powdor, 25 ounces for 25 conts. Absolutely puro. Have you triod it? "Tho Bost" Laundry, 2203 O stroot, tolophouo 570, II. Towusoud & Co., pro prietors, Lluoolu, Nob. Mrs. McClavo and Mrs. Ensmlngor, Uno drossmoking, 1238 O stroot. After tho theatre call at The Annex Cafo" for a lunch. Everything nice. uowand attractive. Prices reasonable. Miss Mablo Morrill, tho well-known artist, is again at lior studio, room 3, Webster block, whoro sho will bo ploasod to oxocuto ordors in pastol and oil paintings. Lossons given. H W 2&OZS.F0R25? Absolutely Pure Justify It. Prof. Swain's ladios tailoring and dross cutting school. Thorough in structions. Lessons not limited. Dross making done with dispatch, on short notice. Patterns cut to uioasuro and all work guaranteed. Halters marker, old rollablo markot, now moved to Thirteenth strootoposlto Lansing thoatro, Is where ladios should call for their meat orders. Telephone orders ovor No. 100 rocolve prompt at tention. Ask your grocoryman for tho "Wll bor Rolling Mills" Flour, Cluu. Har vey, proprietor. Enquire for "Llttlo Hatchet," "Nickel Plato," mid "Bakers' Constance." Every sack warranted. Statk ok Ohio, city ok Toi.uki, Lvcas Cointy. Fhank J. Ciii:m:y makes oath M. hat he Is the senior partner lu the llrm of F. J. Clir.NK.Y ,V Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, Coiiutyand State afore said, and that said llrm will pay the sum of ONF HUNDKFJ) DOLLARS for each and every case of catarrh that can not be cured by the uso of H.M.l.'.s C.v TAiiiiu Cum:.. FRANK J. CHFNF.Y. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Kith day of Decem ber. A. D. 1SS0. A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blond and mucous surfaces of the system. Sens for testimonials, free. F. J. CHKNKY ,t CO., Toledo, O. t3r"Sold by Druggists, Too. Kn anil Kar Surgi-on. Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist and ourist No. 1203 O stroot. Lincoln. Nob. A Kllio tcnlilriii'i For Unit. Anoight-room house with all uiodorn improvements for rent Juno 1st. Gas, bath, hot and cold water, steam heat, cistern and city water. Apply at rosi donco, 1827 L street or 1131 O stroot World' Fair Itiili'. Tho following cheap rates aro now In ofToct via tho "Burlington Ilouto," viz: riilcnKii, on wny $12 11 Clilc-ituo nml return '.".' HI Ht. I.iiiiU, urn. wiit 10 01 Ht. I.oiiIh nml rutnru SO 10 Bound trip tlckolH aro good until Novombor 15. For tlckots, sleeping car accommodation, and full informa tion cull at B. it M. depot or city olllao, coruor of O and Tenth stroots. Jl. O. Zikmkb, C. P. & T. A. 11 Clint .Morn to stay nt homo than to tako advantage of tho Burlington's ton dollar excur sion to Sheridan, Wyo., Tuesday, Maj 30. Ask A. C. Zlomor, city ticket agent at Tenth and O streets, for f urthor par ticulars. NotllM'. Tho undersigned horoby gives notice that it will not bo responsible for or pay any debt incurred by omployos, except thoso for which an ordor is givoa personally signod by it This rulo is Imporatlvo. CoL'itiKn Pun. Co. Lincoln No., May 1st., 1S93. Bargains in All Departments This Week At J. H. MAURITUS& Co., LADIES' FURNISHERS i AN. MlLIilXEUS. 1039 O STUISET. BAKING j SK..U.. j .POWDER CONTINUED! THREE MORE DAYS, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 75 Cents Buys Discount of 25 Per Cent! 1-4 Off on Everything! Lining Cambrics, 5c. Drilling. 8c 1 oil", lie. Calico, Oc. 1 oil', .'ile. $5.00 Worth of Goods Von Pay 3:7"). 4.00 Worth of Goods You Pay 3.00. J'i.00 Worth of Goods You Pay 2.25. 2.00 Worth of Goods You Pay J. 50. 1.00 Worth of Goods You Pay 75. N. B. No matter how cheap we have sold goods previous to this sale you still get a further discount of 25 per cent oil'. KRUG & CO. Successors to J. 1109 0 WARM WEATHER GOODS. : We offer our patrons the most attractive assortment of Warm Weather Dress Goods we have ever been able to show at this sea son of the year. The line includes Printed and Plain China Silks, Silk Pongee, Fast Hlack and Printed Satteens, Cotton Crepes, Printed Cotton Pongees, Printed Swisses, Printed Organ dies, Irish Lawns, Linen Lawns, Etc. MILLER & PAINE. -: WE WANT YOU io iici n rmr oki-iii. Mr liirnMi mi cxju imlto oullll Binl nil )oii mill inc. It ciMta initlilitj; m tri tin lmiiii'4. W Mill in nt tu Hill, ami In lp )iiu to turn ten linn nrilliiurt uai:i- llnlli m i' nt all iiki' i'a 1 1 li)i' at Ilium ami Mink In all tin' thin m unu am whin i .in 1'iirii a emit ilraluf timm i .Man) lint iiunli 'I ) llllllilli'il DiiIIiiik a Miintli. .Nuilao. nl I i il III Hit- unrlil ar,' maMim u iiunli mum unman uilliil tin tlin.i' at unrk fur i.. IIii.Iiii pli MMint, .trli'll) liiiimralili', ami a l lit i than am nllur nlliTiil lu.iiiiiit i.iiiIi.iw a ilinr llilil.uilli no coiiim till, in v(. cnilp win with I'M r tiling, ami mipnl) prliitnl illuitluii. fur IiijsIiiiiiti Hlili-h.lf iiIiiiiiI Lilihliilh, u hrlnj; iiiuri' minify than will urn nt In r liii.liim. lm prnw jnur priinTt' Win nut. ' i mi can iln u t'lKlly ami tun I) al work lor u lltaMiimlili' lilililrv Dili) mi' fur ulnnlutr um iniplili't circular citing tttrt particular la nnt in all. )i lut nut In n mllni: fur It. u:olt(ir. rvriN.soN x co llux Nu.-IMH, 1'orllHiiil, .llu. $1.00 Worth! oil'. 33c. Muslins. -lie 1 oil". :J3o. Linens, Toe. i oil', 50 ic. Dress (iouils. 25c I oil'. 19c W. WINGER & CO., STREET. The Noxt Number Especially Good, TVVLliS FROM TownTohcs READ BY ALL MEN AND WOMEN. I'lililUlii-il llrt day r Di'icinlicr, Mnrrli. luiu. nml h'itciiilT. DELICATE, DAINTY. WITTY, INTENSE. livery rvputnble netm nml look Mnml )ia It. l'rh'.', ijIiiijIi. niimlMT, A01:nts. 3.0 I'l.U I.Alt, ;nKtiiKi i'ici:i:. t JI,'1"! ,,ry,,i"t Qimrtfrly rvprtxluc tlii l-st hlnries, Hki-lulifs, Imrlcsiiia-K, imumiis, wlttl- mnnh".:.'.''''.'"'.' '" nillllh-W Of tllkt iiiicli talktil about Ni'tv Ynrk HiK'K-ty Journal ll iJ.ToncB. which Is )ubllbl . ihly. Kul K-rlptlon price, W.m w j ,.nr u ..T...two luJ(lloiw "Tows Toi'lCM" anil inwimi r",ov'f Tones" toKi'tliiT. at Iho low cluli-prlot of Jl (X) ik-i- year Ask y0ur ucwidealcr for them or aildn-g?, TOWN TOPICS. 21 Wwt 83d Street, N. Y. City. r.r.JAeucs &co.kak3as yi CVS)