Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1893)
CAPITA 1a CITY GOUR1B.R. i A Mother's Joy Hor Child Savod by Hood's A Sevoro Cnao of Bono Erya slpolas Four Run ning Soros. GRKAT DAY Minn Fanny MoVtennv Wolf, iinynu, Atk. ' How thankful I Bin to lloml's Hiusnpnrlllt, tons but u mutlicr whom child tins boon readied from death can know. Him wni taken with aovcrop.tlni nnd n ollliifi In licr right nnklo. Our physician j'roiiotiiicoil It n cmo of ban , rrftlprlm, mid her lotf nwellod up to licr body I until It looked hi If It wramlil burat. Tho pain i torrllilo. Tlia doctor lanced her log, tint II dlit no good, Rlio lay hovering , Betwoon Llfo and Donth I for four long months. Tho iwelllng hroko In inreo places aiouk mo iroiu nono. nrver r M)nii atiffrr na hr IM. In n abort tlmo places ot Initio worked out of nil four places. Tho physician said his skill was ex Intuited, and If nu thing would help her It would bo Hood's Harsaparllla. Wo Had to Co20Mllos to Jiatosvlllo to Rot It. Rlio was helpless as a tmho and iiKIcrlng Rroatly. Ilcforo alio had taken tho first hottlo of Hood's Sarsaparllla she had Improved ao iiiueli that alio could got on tho floor, and hop on hor well foot. Hho was soon nlilo to walk without oven n crutch. Tho iwoll lng 011 her legs has entirely gonn down, and All Tho Soros Havo Hoatod Up. fiho Is now Just flvo years old, and wo feel very much Indchted to Hood's Harsaparllla, which has given her hack to us In good health. O horr thankful I ami" HAUAIt 1. CI.knnv, violl iiayou, Clolmrn County, Ark. Hood's Pills ro purely vcgouuio, d d not imrto, palia, or grlpo. Sold by all druesUta. The Nebraska State Building Formally Dedicated. FEATURES Or THE OfiLEHRATION. ddri'MPD II) (lnvi'i nor Crounsx 11 nil lli. loii not 1'imms Tin' Com bo) unit In. limit MaUf 11 tlri-ut Display Mury nf lli l'iiliin KthlhlU nuil Vnrloin llcpitrl. incuts. WOltl.ll'H FaIII OllOPNI'tf, C'llKWOO, Juno H . It was 1 o'clock when Itulii-lii lllO-1'lll'O, plllUlcd Willi fl'lltllOIS 1111(1 ilaubiil witli wnr inltit, entered tho No liriiHkn state building. llulTnlo IHH'h Cowboy liiiiid, stationed on tho lawn, ppnned with mi ovoituio or national nlrs. Tlio Fifty-seventh street gates worn thrown open unit h company of I'lirnlrv took up their position in front of tho building. Then cnino HulTulo Hill nt tint head of nionntcit Indians, soldiers unit cowboys to tho iitiiutiur of BOO. Fully '.'5,000 people hint unwed llioiiisi'lvcs on tho lawn and a mighty iliout wont up as tho bell on the l'eiin ylvnnla building rang out a welcome in roinpllinont. i'oininissinucr (Icnernl (lainoau ailvanccil to a prominent posl- ftiMSiHi. UE . '-tt&v&L&ZtiL tiltcil licliiiN', Tlic principal room in tho bulliliiitf ii tho toccplioii room furnished liy tlic woiiuiii of tin' stato. Tho nitlclcs of furulluu) anil the mantel are designed in coin, grains anil punllowprs anil are vciy artistic ami tntich ailmlroil. They wore oxoeutiil by iMiss Kwo Nis luit nuil MIiw l'nima MeOnhoy of Lin coin. Tho typical designs woio jiro pnied by Mr. C. H. ('Iuhmui nlso ol Lincoln. MIhs Clara HatlKiur of tho .Stale unl cislty Iiiim iiiailo homo beautiful and tieful pieces of fiirniluio. Aiming the bchl specimens of her woik is a hat ticu for Sowanl county. If in very deep nnd well executed, having beautiful carved paiioR 'J'lie hinges and ornaments aro of bra wt artistically etched. Her center table Is unique and iiiile original in lo sign, thu general tlieino being to repro Kent tliu products of tho state in leliof, making a Hpecialty of tlio sugar beet. The genorni scheme of decoration of tho loom is Himplo yet very nppropriato. On tho wall lianas a beautiful pi ceo of Inpcslry, representing spring, by Mrs. Mntny of Hustings, and is much ad lulled. Miss ItiKilocker of Kearney, and tier pupil havo made wnue excellent picciH of bric-a-brac for tlie mantel. The youiiK ladle of tlio Htate tint vemity aro lepiemjnted in bit of wulpturo. well, tiny will not attract attention in (heir piiwiit Nisitliiii. Tho miKiir is shown in globes and colninim of ulass, and it is labeled beet Hiiar, but fuither than this, them is nothing in the display to indicate that Nebraska leads tho woihl in that wit of thinj,' tliat ber farmer Hud it more proiitnble to raise tho Hii'iir beet than to lain' wheat and coin, and that the noil and climate U especially adapted to it proper cultiva- 0y l Rambler Bicycles ARE EASILY RECOGNIZED. There is a certain air of distinction about RAMBLER riders perhaps you have noticed it. People give them credit for being competent to judge a bicycle for knowing a GOOD THING when they see it. An air of confidence of RAMBLER riders, utmost confidence in it. is clearly marked in the graceful bearing They KNOW the wheel they ride have 'nt 1 r.i.o 1111.1. Hon. There is nothing to show tlio methods by which the wifjar is mndo. Altogether, tho display cannot help but provo disapiHiintiiiK to Nebraskans. The commissioncra have just realized that tho beot mtf?ar display in tlio Afirb cultural building is not what it hIioiiM be, and havo concluded to make an ad ditional display in tho Slate building, which will moro fully nbowthoinduMiy. in tho loom is to bnvo They proviso to put on exhibition during W A BROADSIDE OF BARGAINS IN Boys' Suits AT The Globe Clothing House Tho doop cut wo nmko from regu lar prices gives you an oppor tunity to dress your boys in tho best of clothing at prices that will couvineo you cannot bo hud any whero but ut tho Globe Clothing House Cor. O and Tenth Streets w KLgfti Mv - mfffyiXtKr - NI-.llltAMlCA'S lll'II.DINd. Hon, nnd gave tho audience warm words ot woh'oino. Ho then introduced (Jov ernor Lorenzo Crounso. Tlie governor said that "it neonicd almost tho height of nudacity for a young ntnto to veuturo to tako part in tho oxpositiou; that lime bad not yot ripened tlio frultn of hor industry nor ago matunsl tlio creations of hor en terprise. Nebraska' was not an e.xten llvo or varied exhibit, yet 1 am proud to aslnt in dedicating Nebraska' modest Offering to tlio exposition, because it!ii.i ...lull Mi.lipttulrii nir.iru " Tll.l J II lllinillAl 1 1. Ml 4.1' Ml" "' W...'.I ..J lo- j jcovurnor tlien told Houiethlng of tho history of the mate and ol her resources, mill concluded by extending a cordial welcome to all to visit tho exhibit and to risit tlio Htate. Kx-dovornor Furnas delivered a lmppy address on tho eaily pioneers and early ilovolopiuunbi of tho Htate, which wa well loceived. Sirs. Henry Fisk of Chi cago then read an original poem, entitled "Nebraska," written by Sir. Kato M. Cloary of llubbell, Neb. Tho Hpeaking wa from tho front vornuda, and tho itato contmlssionor nnd representatives of foreign governments occupied Heat on mi improvised ntago. While tho gov ernor was Hpeaking tho celebrated Oor man band canio up, playing a lively march. They woro assigned a position In front of tho building on tho Minnesota liouso lawn. Colonel Cody was dressed In a buckskin suit. Ho was tho center of all eyes. At nono of tho dedications of htato building havo ho many people beon present and ho much enthusiasm been manifested. Tho exercises were ho orig inal that they will stand out as one of tho unhiuu things of tho great fair. On tho conclusion of tho exorcises tho pro cession formed and marched to tho Ad ministration building whom It passed in review before tho Infanta Kulalia and proceeded to tho Agricultural building, whom it disbanded, In tho Statu build ing, after tho exercises, Mrs. Urooks, tho celebrated butter inoldor, gave an exhi bition of hor hklll. It is estimated that fully fl.OOO Nebraskans were on tho ground. They came In excursions from Omaha, Lincoln, and many other parts of tho Htate. lti'ourTn Well Shown. Nebraska is nothing If not original. Sho has marked out her path at tho World's fair and It is not like tho path of any othorwtnto. Thogreat object In all this display Is to advertise tho state, nnd It is generally conceded that tlio inonoy thus far expended by the state has beon well spent and will bring handsouio ro-1 turns, l'eoplo from all parts of tho , world aro astonished at hor resources, i Tho early impressions that a largo jwr-1 Hon of tho stato was pint of tho great j American desert is fast becoming oradi-1 catcd. l'eoplo seo tho jKslbilities in an i agricultural and manufacturing way. They compare tho products, which sho V The main idea 11 place where Nebraska women can come and meet their fiieuds and sis'iid a pleasant hour in lest. Til.' rnrmtij IMillilt. ' No one is mom agreeably surprised than a Nebraskau who enters tho For- I oh try building and sees tho splendid ills- 1 piny his state has made. People do not expei't much of Nebraska in a timber way and that is what causes the sur prise. The section in which tho display is made is in the northeast corner of tlio building and tho general design of tho pagoda is ninth. Tho principal feature is a rustic aich which stands in tho cen ter of tho Himeo. It is Hill-mounted by a the season the beets from which tlio sugar is made, and little souvenir lsixes of sugar will be given away to the pub lic. This cannot be done, however, until the new beet come In. Upon these boxes will be printed a lecord of the output of tho Nebraska factories from the opening of tlie first factory at Oraud Island in ISIIO, to tlie present time, showing the rapid increase in product, which will reach this mmisoii between .1.000,000 and 0,000,000 pounds of sugar. Tin' Dnlr.v i:1illill. Themis not yet enough of Nebrnska'n dalrv exhibit ill place, or of the other natural graft of the letter "N," loaned by ' states for that matter, to tell what will I). K. High or Lebanon. Ono race or be done in that depaitinent. .Siiperm tho arch contains the inscription "71'J.-! tendent Ashbuin has spared no pains to 000,000 or Tree Planted in One Year." , nl" it success, and is confident that The other side leads, "Nebraska, tho ho will succeed even beyond the expecta Tiee Planter State." ' '",H ,,f Nebraska enthusiasts. Tlie evhibit contains l'il specimens or ; H has been through the elVoils r Mr. vnrietles of trees irrown ill No- I Asllliltrn t lull Hie services 01 .Mrs. nrooit, braska. These am polished to show tho grain and in e fixed around tho base or the arch. Thcieaieabo a largo num ber ir log discs which havo been pre sented by dill'eii'iit people throughout tho state, most or which aro native woods. These aro arranged into n rail ing Tor tho pagoda. Among them is a large disc or white Cottonwood 11 foot, 0 has been secured. She made her repu tation by modeling butter at the t'enten liiul. siie will make ono or two statues, which will be placed ill the dairy ex hibit. They will bo or .1. Steiling Mor ton and ex-(!overnor Furnas. Several other states have attempted to get Mrs. Urooks' services, but railed. In the gallon of tho Agricultural Knowing that RAMBLERS arc high grade, and are sold at list price only, people do not look upon RAMBLER riders as frequent ers of bargain shops." "All Ramblers have G. & J, Pneumatics." E. R. GUTHRIE, Sole Agent, 1540 O Street. inches in diameter. There is also n imiiuingis a noneyeMi11.11 wmcu auracis siileiidid immk. disc, which is said to bo mucli attention coming as n noes linuiecc the largest specimen known, nnd a beau-' competition with the old honey produc t if ill HiM'cimcu of hackberry and black walnut. One of the most uniipio speci mens and ono which no ono would think (lovr.itxou ntoi'Nsr.. Df looking in a Nebraska exhibit to find, Is a red cedar log, which grow in Keya Paha county. Another s'lociinon which attracts attention is a section ot an applo tree cut ironi J. Sterling Morton's homo. Kx-Qovernor Furnas' collection of tlio woods of tho world i tho finest exhibited in tlio building. Tlioy occupy a fino lariro ornamental case In tho exhibit. In Intr states. It is comparatively a new industry, but no ono who fees the attrac tive display can doubt of its thrittynoss. Great cam has been exorcised in tho I arrangement, making tho exhibit nrtis- ' tic. If Nebraska does not get tho premium sho will certainly get a favor- nblo mention from the jury ot nwards. . IMiimtl il IMillill. I Near the southwestern corner of tho ' gallery In the Manufacturers and Liberal Aits building is located the educational exhibit of Nebraska. The space occu- 1 plod has a liontage of 70 root and is 1 SO i'ts't deep, divided into three alcoves 1 with an nguicgatc wall surface of t , l0 , siUiuo Icet. !)0 Mpinro feet of table space and 72 feet, line, of show-cases. I The available siulace lor wall display is I greatly increased by the use of wing frames. The wall display consists of kinder garten woik, paper lnlding. weaving, sowing, color lessons, illustrated ltf-sons or various kinds, drawings, designs, maps and photoginphs. In addition to these is a collection ol' a great number ot specimens or the plants of Nebraska, pclentitically mounted and classified, pre pared bv Nebraska women, which forms one of tho most inteiesting and attrac tive features of tho exhibit. A number of the cities have coutubiited photo addition to tho cabinet Governor Furnas graphs of their school gioiuuK buildings, exhibits 1118 different specimens of both intoiiors. classes and instructors. Prob- irairtr indigenious and introduced woods. Tho Stato university has sent a very complete collection of tree destroying insects found in tho stato. They aio in glass cases and add much to tho display. Tho vino exhibit is also something unique and something which none of tho ' otiior states havo shown. j On tho roar wall hangs a colored mnp of tho Ktnto on which In red Ink is shown tho distribution or tho native trees. Tlio map was made from careful computa tions and is considered very valuable. On tho wall near this map is a life size crayon or J. Sterling Morton, tho father of Arlior Day. It is tho inten tion ot those who havo tho exhibit lu charge to interest people in Arlior Day ably the finest collection of this sort conies from the University or Nebraska, consisting or 17 excellent views. In show-cases aio displayed samples of work in clay modelling, bust work, inaiiual training, and other school work that cannot bo shown otherwise to ad vantage. Tho regular class work or tho schools is represented by bound volumes or man uscript , wiitten reviews and examina tions. These papers are arranged In four series or groups: First, schools in cities of tho first class; second, schools in smnller cities; third, village schools; font th, rural schools. The following cities and towns havo contributed material for tho exhibit: work, and small pamphlets, descriptive Omaha, Beatrice, Hastings, Nebraska J. C. MolSTETT, UPHOLSTERER AVD CABXVBT MAKBS, Doe all klndi ot Impairing promptly. All work warranted. 308 So. 11th St. Lincoln, Neb. Till". HKCIUTIO.V HOOM. displays with those which tho otiior ttutes display and sho gains by tho com parison. Taking it all in all and depart inont after department, Nebraska lina done well. Tlu Slut.' lliillilhiK. The stato building is whero most Ne braskans feel at homo. It was con- btnicted with the idea ot making it an exhibition hall and a club house. Tho main hall is given over to the exhibition of grains nnd grasses. Tho executive ofllccs of tho commission, as well us tho postofllce uuil check rooms, nro on this lloor. On tho second lloor is nlso a largo os Mbition room which is given over to woman's work to n largo extent and to works of art which could not bo whi- t f it, will bo distributed from tho pavil ion. There Is only one freak In tho collec tion and that is a horseshoe imbedded in tho heart of a ortioii of a tree. Tho tree was planted in tho spring of 1870 by R. H. llrabham of York county and in tho spring of ISSi ho hung a hnrsoshoo on one of its limbs, Tlie tieo grew and cnught the corks and grew around tho shoe. Tho tree was cut in the spring of 181KI and the shoe found imbedded in tho center thercor. Au-il.ulliinil IMillilt. City, South Omaha, Grand Island, Kear ney, York, Crete, Ashland, Wahoo, Holdrege, Tecuiiiseh, AVyiuore, Hebron, Pawneo City, Sewaul, Madison, West Point, Stanton, Scribner, Decatur, and Long Pine. The counties that have sont work from the rural schools are Gage, Lancaster, Madison, Pawnee, Red Wil low and Stanton. A novel feature of the exhibit is tho re production by means of tho phonograph of tho music of the Omaha schools. Rec ords havo been taken of tho school mil hie in all guides from the primary to tho high school. These mo icproduced by 1 poisons Tloso In charge of tho agricultural ox Jiibit havo not displayed the originality t'im, phonographs, to which In tno construction ot tlio nootli, in tno mv jton at a time. nrrangeinent of their exhibit, or in tho The Nebraska exhibits compares fa chnracter of tho things exhibited that vorablv with the exhibits from othor ARTISTIC IKbdding invitations, s PRINTED OR ENGRAVED. CORRECT FORMS AND LATEST STYbES. Call and sec samples of the woik at prompt and careful attention. this office. Mail orders icccive ll.HO Street Cue Courier o., SULPHO SALINE BATH HOUSE AND SANI- TARIUM. xnis paiauai eatauiiniunent la now open In nil deunrtmenti with the execution of Turkish, Buaaian, Eleotrio Cabinet and Roman, and tlieae H rl This palatial eatahllahment la now open In all deunrtmenta with the wlllbo ready Toy June 1. ArrnnRomonU of Hours OIIEAT IM.UNOi:. !.mlli. from 8 n. m. to 11:30 p. m. Dnll.T I'Xifpt Huiulnr UeiitlemiMi. (rum 1 p in. tulip in. wk ilms. Mini (rum S n. in. to p. in. Huniliijii. SOCIAL SWIM.S-On Miiniluy ntxl TliiirmlilY tivenliiK 7.110 to 10.:i0 Ilia plunKO will lie upon in butti xfXi'H. (Icntlt'iiii'ii mi tliean uvi'IiIiirk will lio mlinltteil only hIipii iiccdtnpiinlftl by n Iml.v nnil nil Blrank'tTM to tlm liiHtlt ullii imit procure mi Intro duction butoru Oiry vim purduiHu tick jib. Only Hpcclul lion-truunfernblu UckoU will beao cepttsl on loilnl pvunliiKH. Special Notlcos On Weilnpadnynttrmoon from 1 toOo'clock tlie Rrent plunge- ran bo rented for private pnrtlen. Children under 1'.' will not bo ndmlttpil uiileHH iii-coinpnuled by pnrent or KUiiriMnu. Iloj minder 10 will bo mlmltted durlnic Indie hour when necom tianleil by their motlier or uunrdlnn. Iliirlnir June, July ami Anuunt thu urent plunito will b open to both Helen from & n. in. to H n. in. Iinilv vicept Sundiiy. Tlio urent pluuno oceiipIeK it Hpnco nt f.O feet wldo by 112 feet In length nnd U from iVi to 0 feet deep. It In lllleii with inluernl witter from thncoinpnny'M own wells nnd I nhxolntelrpuriwiiid remnrk nbly clear nnd biio.wint. 'Iherunro luildremdiiK nioiuK,to lollet rooniH, luo hot mid cold xliowerbntliD, ou itiitoinatlc iimmIIk bath, two rubber roverri nprlnn lionrdH, n raft, a travel In tern lie nnd rope for ncqtilrltiic the nrt of kwIiiiiiiIiib. Bf itiiI life precertern, mlr rorn, ioiiiIik and bruihea, wiiiim and toHt'la, etc., nnd the udmlHilou to tlio pluui;e with all of tbeeo prlvilcKCK Is but 30 CENTS. . - - ,- . I T""V Mln Dertto Ilurr nnd Mr. I' Dorer Klre Inatructlonn In nnlnunlnK to ladlen and children, men uud boyH durlun ndvertlHed liourn. Tho Hot Salt Bnths nro reiuarknbly enicni'loun In mich iillmentH nn rheiimntlnm, d,vniepnla. koiiI, malaria, kidney, liver nnd liervoiiK trouhlen and blood illenH.'. The hot milt ilepartiuentH nro probably tho inont Important ol thin ureal pntithllidimeut and both Helen may bathe at tho hiiiiio time. tliure belnir iixeparnto uiiddlHtluct npartmeut tor Indies miii Ken tieinen, with nkllled iittendnntH In each. It you nro nick, or feel bad and don't know exactly what allnyou, try theu unit hatha for n abort tluiound hcu tho renult. It will bo u revelation to you. Tho Boil Rooms aro chnriulnir, they nr well ventilated, hnndnnmnly furnished nnd nro for tho nccomniodntlou of thou In III health whowinh to tnVo bnthn and romnln In tho bulldliiK, or for thoe who wlnh a nluhtn lodKluir after u Turkbdi, ItUKnlnn or Cabinet bnth. Tho Recoptlon Rooms anil Prlvato Parlors nro richly decorated and afford much comfort and rent to I hone who wlah to while away an hour or two alter it hath, Tho latent fnHhlon bookn, periodical and Illustrated paper aio on convenient tnblen. Luxur ious illvanK, rockern nnd eay rhnlrn aro on every ildo. Tho carpetn aro rich in color unit ill nlnn. He euro nnd vlnit theno apartments. Tho Barber Shop la In clnirmi of carelul men. Thu tools nro ahnrp, tho aarround Initn neat and comfortable nnd tho ihnrKer moderate. Tho Lncllos Hnlr Dressing Dopnrtmont I" very comploto nnd in supplied with oTor.vthlUK necessary for artistic mid satisfactory work, i lis lady attendants aro experi enced and courteous nnd will Htrlvo to pleae nil who favor them with a visit. Tho Plain Baths are very complete mid nfford amplu accouiniodatloiinfor both ftexe at the hiiiiio tlmo. All tuba nro white porcelain. Pamphlets, testimonials nnd nil Information may be secured by nddresslnit I're. M. II, nnd J O. l'verett, muiuiKliiK physicians, M nnd 1'otirteenth streets, Lincoln, .Neb. FREE TICKET! rrrrro Chicago and Eeturn j& Wo will give a round trip railroad ticket to the World's Fair and return for 25 NEW SUBSCRIBERS. TO 'i'HIfi; CAPITAL CITY COURIER Mutes. have been displayed in tho other exhib its. Tho pagoda, over which is placed F0111 f tlio older eastern states, such as tlioiiaino of Nebraska, is veiy similar to Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, present n half dou'ii other pavilions in tho im mediate vicinity, and there is nothing whatever in the display to givo it a ills-, tlnctlvo feature. Tho specimens of corn, ' wheat and other grains and the grasses . is not excelled by nny stato, Tlio beet sugar display, howover, is disappointing. It is the ono great in-, diistry whicli the peoploof tho stnte wish to get before tho ieoplo of tho world, I and while the specimen nre all very iviin tiic I'.Miiiius ironi ouiur , , ,. , xtpiit -wr tt i' wiiiie, of course, it is true that eiich subscription being a NJ'iW OISE lor one year. This tickot will bo given on :my road, and is good to go or come at any time during the World's Fair. For blanks and further ijarticulars, call at the busi ness office, 1134 O St. a wider range and a gieater vaiietyof pcliool woik, it must admitted that, in the lines of work Nebraska attempts to rliow, she is second to none. The exhibit is tastefully and systemat ically arranged, and, as a wholo, piesents n pleasing and attractive appearance. Nebraska may well bo proud of tho Harvest she has to show in education ns well us in uinteiiiil prosperity aud d-relopuient. COURIER PUBLISHING CO. wantvfcar tyvwia AAiM&M iCSi'.