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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1893)
OAP1TAU GtTY OOUR1I3.R. o A Mother's Joy Hor Child Saved by Hood's tevoro Cnso of Bono ipolas Four Run ninK Soros. Ery ' WNKRPJBWJSBBxatBBaBaEaBBaBXklT.i , Ti:iirHiiiiioiii:.s in.Mi'i.i:. I'mr. Mithlrr'K lliuiilllnl liiini'liiK Aemle. in) ll.crntl) In HI. ' ' The friends or Professor iIiiimiI) Mull hr. wlm Is now In liiiii'oln, anil t tin public uonoinlly tnuy bo Interested In a brief description f H"' ln'init Iful building which ho litis oreoled In HI UiiiIn, mill which Is devoted (ntlnly iptotlnu Inill, finished In iiMl,i'iiinhl(Mr uecoiiiinoiliilliiK :i(M persons, wllli con. vcnlont kitchens, imntrles anil hoi-vIii rooms. Nenr by tlioio Is u tastefully ilecoiiiloil HinokiiiK room. In t ho mi Irmii'K to Hi bulhliiiK thorn Is u strlk ltitf coinblniitlnn of lliillun nimble anil ouk, mill llii ontlioHlruoturolMllnlshod In html vvooil In artistic iIchIkiih. One lllll (if till' stllll'tlltO, consisting of seven rooms, Is the private residence -f4' .s. Jflaa JTnmij McVlrnnv Wolf li)(iu, Ark, "How thankful I inn to Hood's Hnrsnpurlll, none but u motlicr w lioso child hit boon rricuotl from dralli ran know. Hlio win taken with severe palm mid svu'lllnu In Iter right nnklo. Our phjslclati pronounced It a enw of ban erysipelas, mul licr leg swelled up to tier body until It looked a If It would bum. TIio pain wj terrible. The doctor lanced lior teg, but II tllil no good. Btio lay hovering Botwoon Llfo and Doath (or four long month. Tito swelling broke In tlireo plnces nlong tlio (rout bono. I urrer aw ? suffer ns nr llil. In n short lime pieces o( bono worked out of nil four jiUors. The physician said Ids skill was ex haustrd, mul If nny thing would help her It would be Hood's Barsapnrllht. Wo Had to Go20Mllo to llMcsvllle to got IL 8ho was helpless ns baoo nnd suffering greatly, licforo she had Ukon tlio first bottlo of Hood's Horsaparllla she had Improved so much that alio could get on the floor, nnd hop on hor well foot. Hho was soon able- to walk without even n crutch. Tlio swell-, lng on her legs lias entirely gono down, and All The tore Have Hoalod Up. i Bhe Is now Just five years old, nnd wo feel Yery much Indebted to Hood's Snrsnparllla, which has given her back to us In good health. O, hew iSmukful I Mint' HAIUH 1. Mo Ci.knxv, Wult llayou, Clebnrn County, Ark. Hood's Pills ' purely vpkoumo, ud not purge, palu, or gripe. Hold by all itruggUI. , FOR $9.85 We will give yon this week an array of "iB ..rv 1 k.awS8 &:.?fl r&$Ezmk rH7l i ficj?rN:ot MAHufAfr i An; v "tAPi'.Ar r me r vy..f.r.r.T to llii torpsiolioroiin ml. I'Vw In Htnu'toi-H In iluni'iiiK Imvo buildings of their own; lint tlii'ii It must bo rotnoin bored that there urn fow Milliters. Pci-hups those fow notes iiliinit tint St. Louis academy muy nwiikon tlio iloslro for u linllillinr of this mnt which Ims lii't'ii filt In Llnooln for a vt'ai'H. Thi'io iiro fow In Lincoln ailnito(l nninlior of rosldonoos of tlio iiropiiotor, All of tlio apart -imuitH mo llnlitod liy oloctiloity anil Kiis, anil MipplliHl with fiirnaoos. Tlio acadamy was stalillHlnil llfty-two yoai-H hko by tlio Into Albort Mahlor, who orlKinally oaino from bVanco as a ballot muster. Mr .Iamb Mahlor has boon inastorof ooroinonlos at tlio famous t'oiifrrcss for Iiiiko' hall, Saratoga, X V , for tlio past llf Men SBJrMjSjSjSBMSjSjSMSjSjtfMklf ' '' Tr"tf3sjSPSjSjSjSPr' V Mbibmbv IBBHai BjBjBjBjBjBjBsBHBsVsvfr7rM ug.O' 'wVeHSBvaBvaBBaHSBvaBvaTy' IbsbVBsw!99SshsbVsbVsw99suv!2;' 'f'MsisalBsffalw UQLl: "tjrUl i"1 i ssKaHSBfaBVHsBMlsBfaBasB&BfaBfaBfaBfaBfBUsl fc u'' M iVr?MsVSBBBDlaVBBsVBVB9sW-' t"B sVsVsVsILbVsVP,wsSsVsVsVsVBsW a 4B9 sbSBBBBBBBBBBT. Ji,aBSSBSBBBBBBBBflsBBsBSBBBKlQsBi. Jfc. tirf. 7 , i s ,, Tt- ., kBm BaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaPSMLa'fV I'd iV Jv jif I !i y V y, BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBSBAB$i'AiAl. jfreiJi vV-A,,'k2s MPS. MAGOOGIN'S COUHT COSTUME. Mho Will Wrnr It In llniinr of n Ortnln jily Frniii Niiln. "H'lmth'tlivll In thin Inflnt tlmtV licrv frnin Spnln, .Mi'. MfdliiKKertyr" "Mow In tli' nntiio uv coiiiinon Muse mIiiiiI Ol know, Mn. MiikhkIii'" "Or mil liytlier, mi lirro they r' nxlli inn In k to n lironkilowii In lirr miner, Mr McCrlwwrtj." "N that M), Mrs. MiiKooltif" "Knlx 'n lil It," wilil t!iu widow. "An fwlmt's norw, Ol'ui Kiiin, loo, Mrs. Mo (lliiKKcrty They ilo lo uftlicr telllliK mi' tlml'H lii Hoinetliin uv ii (ollio Imly over III Slipiiln, fwlieni they nto nsl peppers nil slimokurlmiroots iidlwht nlnliiy, Mrs. Mr (JliiKKcrty. Tli' Inwolto wns Hint me by a Cilbnn Kllitleinuii that KlitaiuU high in mi eolety mi M'll nbiiiUKKbsl KccKiirn fur n llvlli. lie lieloiiKt Iomhiiu oemlcoloii nso elation tlmt'n K'ulii to kIvo tli' dunce, nit lie Ker.tlutt in tliere'N r'ynl IiIikhI In the Inllnt's lirulli", nil hIic'h I oil Of to be It (IUeti tir kill) ur soriu't III ii uv tlint Hoort over hi Slipiiln Koine ilny, tli want to livelier n llrstcla'.s rIiiiI oir an Imw lier tliutwu Imvu noine KerruN In tlili cmitliry tlint kin (liiiiic ipiolto i well as C'niinyceety "Tli' AHhtors nntli' Vnmlerbllks tin War die McAlllnliterlinvenll bin lliwoittsl an lili CiiliunletN tells mi' tlint ev'ry una uv tli' Indies mmdit wear court eoilitooius mi be nway out av xolKlit. Tlial'll sluwit tin; to a T-Y-tee, Mm, McCilnnerty. Ol have me court coslitoom as handy as niiiiy av tlilin, me friuil, mi there'll iioiuiuv tliim lukamiy inoro MlicroomtloiiH at tli' kIiIiuIIk tlian will MrH. Hurillu MiiKoouiu. rliiiioln', Mnnl they tditup t' iiiquoire, Mi. Medina i Kerty. Ol was to eoort wuil lil M'v'rnl tonnes, uiofrlnil wniiHttotli'throl'l aliout ! llllml Murphy's will, wiiiihI to nee Illyin- t Oyetl Hilly MeCarty net nolne months fur ! batln his poor owlil mother ant II k1u w a- ' oiihIiinIIiIi', an tli' laxhl tolmo fwlilu my h' ' Tammy was up aioru tint JckmIko nu mi , plcinn nv weariu n dolmoml tli'mil.o av n IiIu'h ckk In tits fdiirrut front, whin it turiieil out to bo only a rliolueshtono thet hu pick t up in tli' alley hack nv Xlhlyo's Gnnllii. "They thought ho hhtolo id, Ol nhllppO'tr. hut homiver, an thu JoimIkv, lolku tli' kiiiI nu daycliit mnii ho it, (llHchiirKeri him an let him ko. Uv'ryliody thut's uver Heen th' coslitoom Hoz Id's u ilnly, nu ho id is, Mi McCJIiiKk'erty, as ye molnht nay yerself an yo felt lolkotelliu thu trooth, fur Id's oftin an ofttn yu oaw It, mv friuil. Vuu renilin'o th' yally Htlirolpeil delalnu illireox, .Mrs. Mr GlnKKcrty, wild th' ureen brocaded nIuiw I. nu th' lmpniro Isimiet with th' nil ribbon-. nu 111' nhaiuaniKiio In Id well, thet 'o ii-e coort coslitoom, anil luirrin id's a lit'' owlil, nu th' Kiiat has nto th' top out av t impolru houiilt waiist ur twolst, Mrs. Mi UliiKKerty, id's as folneun llliKiint a co i roshtiHim ns iimiy th' ShpaulNli lulhii il clap her oyes upon, mo friuil. "Mo daughter Toozy throlesto tell I i tlint Id's not a coort coslitoom at all an that Ol don't know fwhata cooit coslitoom i hutOivo hlu to coort in Id, Mrs. McGhu Kerty, an Ol know Id was a faist fur to eyes av uvry sou of a say cuko in th' cooit room. Id's u dandy court coslitoom, an hei r'yal nibs Ml ho paralyzed wuil J'y mi shup I prolso fwlilu shu sees id. HisCtiliyati jn-'leis so, lie's polu in coort coslitoom, too, an thai 1 ho'll wear kneo breeches. Ho moonlit have I u handsome pair uv lens to iHinfthcrwantiu to do, 'avourueen. Ol nuver saw lilt lens tlioUK'li, an nv coorso don't know fwhat they'ro loike, but liiven help him a IT he's howh'Ki'ed, for OI'll make n show av him at th' ball, Mrs. McGlnKKerty." New York Mercury. Rambler Bicycles ARE EASILY RECOGNIZED. There is a certain air of distinction perhaps you have noticed it. about RAMBLER riders- People give them credit for being competent to judge a bicycle for knowing a GOOD THING when they see it. An air of confidence of RAMMJCR riders, utmost confidence in it. is clearly marked in the graceful bearing Thev KNOW the wheel thev ride have Knowing that RAMBLERS are high grade, and are sold at list price only, people do not look upon RAMBLER riders as frequent ers of bargain shops." " All Ramblers have G. & J. Pneumatics." E. R. GUTHRIE, Sole Agent, 1540 O Street. SUITS! to select from which would cost at regular prices $12.00, $13.50 and $15.00. These are record beating bargains, and will agree ably surprise you. They come in ROUND SACKS, STRAIGHT-CUT SA6KS, DOUBLE-BREASTED SACKS, AND CUTAWAY FROCKS, are line all-wool goods, hand somely made, good fitting, and all late styles. No shop-worn chest nuts, but bright, spanking new goods. Take your choice from twenty different styles, all for $9.85, at the Globe Clothing House Cor. O and Tenth Streets J. C. McNETT, UPHOLSTERER AJTS OABZMIT KAUB, Docs all kinds ot KapaJrlng promptly. All work warruntoU. iluiu'liik' pnrtioH, ami (lopoiidouoo on tlio tondor morolos of hotel proprietors has its disadvantages. In the Mahlor buililliiK there is a lunio hall specially designed for fashionable parties and it is always in demand in the social season. Pressed brick and brown stone are toon seasons, and will leave Lincoln I'Vlduy, .lime Oth. to n'niii fullUl his position there. Hois also a member oft liu Society of Professors of Dancing of Xew York. Tuesday, route will May HO, the sell excursion lliirliitKton tickets to the materials used in the construction 1 Sheridan, (tfooil to return until Juno 5) of Prof. Mahler's beaut Iful building It at the very low rate of ton dollars for ll'iiiisssHMJElS" J"P1 ' '01.41 lT$l ': 'Ji if ' b'f j &'IM Hsl i .1 S HEn -isl HsHBTQHTssVsssBCSlswss 'ssBi IhIHIiI ll'lTsfl tissssHirfdt;'rfBlBsiiBMlDHsA!slssSHi. rmflMt lUll v)BBBBBKrf!fc1'.AflBBHlBllHlHlBlHBBM9HBBBBBVll llllllTI MTTTlH MissstflsssESlEziSHisVJP'xlsW lKIl IllllUi llufl EHHE'iusfliBssVn J'tiHSBSnBissi rerlluiia Oneututlmi. Abner I declar', Amos, yo' face done look like yo' bo'u famlllous wld oner ilee yeru railroad kerlt.yotis. Amos lilt feel de wuno way, Ahner. Abner Whn' porter cyclum ilunoliton yo'f I Amos 'Twarn't no cyclum, Abner. I jus' ho'n car'less wld hilt motif, tint's all. I Ahner How dat happen, Amos? I Amos Sorter iiatclinlly. Yo' knows dat ! nr' Fishy Flotinderftit, don' you'? Abner Suttlnly. I Amos An yo' knows, too, dat slio do'ie 1 not oner do m motifs dut of yo' deiluek U font do facudar haiiit ermiir er de count' I ntuieu let' ter putty upn crack wld? Ahner Dut de ve'y kin Vriuouf sIilmIoiii1 hah, Amos. Amos Well, will, I done bo'u chump email' ter try ter kiss dat motif las' nlht, I an jus' when mer lips j;lt whar de junk slums Kwlne Miicidato sho kIIi oner dem 'pottymus yawns er lier'u, nu Autos drap 1 in dar, an dis do kind er llz.yonoiuy I oxter 1 cated f'oin dar arter her jaws done drap 1 011 me. Huston Courier. turtle. I "You don't seem to lie us calm mid com I poseil this evening as ttsual, Mr. Tutter," , said Miss I'inkerly. "I don't, think 1 ever saw you so uueiusy. Hasn't your chair hull ed you?" "Oh, yes, Miss Clara," Mild youiiK Tutter, 1 twltchlliKlnnpltoof himself, "but I reall think I must be. Koiuit now," and as a mo ment later ho stood out under the clear Rtnrllnlit ho murmured softly to himself, "This camel's htilriiiiilerclothiiif; for spring Isn't what it is cracked up to be." Truth. is erected in n central location and represents an expenditure ofSl(J,OtXt. The dimensions are W) by llil feet, anil there is every facility for instruction and enjoyment in dauciuK. The ball room is finished in oak with a hard wood (maple) Hour, I0x"." foot, that is so smooth that it mirrors the youth and beauty of old St. Louis in most entranclni,' fashion. There Is a visitors' the round trip. Tickets will bo ac coptoil for passage on special trains li'itvltiK Lincoln at l'J:-0 p. m., May III. Tliroufh sleeping car Lincoln to Sher idan. Hoturniiitf, special train leaves Sher idan, Friday evening, .luiio 'J; reaches Lincoln Saturday afternoon, .luno '.). Tickets will lie accepted on this train and also on regular trains returning. A l'rupualtlmi. & Jiwl' Q3HErsssttiEssH iL K sfsMP9BissssssHssssssB i i Ik , il -fft mill: gnllery extending around the hall in- This is an uueuullctl opportunity of tended for class inspections, and there , visiting tlio coming metroplls of the aro luxurious dressliiK rooms for ladios i "Xewer Northwest" and you will do and gentlemen. Professor Mahler's privato ntllco is a handsome apartment finished In gold and whlto, with well to avail yourself of It. A. 0. Zio mor, city ticket agent at Tenth and O stroots, will gludly give you full iufor- "Hero's der latiutry, uml fader vants to know of you can't viihh yust der bosoms ol I der shirts for half price?" Life. j The Correct Thine. I "No," wild tlio poet, "I do not waste much ' paper in composition. I write all my verse on a shite." I "Delightful," wild Cynicus. "You can rub them right out, then, mid sodetroy all evidence of your weakness." HarperV llazar. i Not Wtuit Sim l'xpvi'ted. MissAntiipio (schoolteacher) What does w-h-l-t-o spell? I Class No answer. I Miss Antique Whnt Is the color of my skin? Class (in chorus)-Yellow. Tit-Hits. An Appropriate Nume. "Why is it cnilitl strawberry shortcake, I wonder?" asked Gus do Smith of Hostetter McGlmils. "Hecauso It Is genernlly short of straw btrles, I suppose," replied Hostetter. Texas Slftings. ART1STI6 &ml eY.CA-AJ -jqPj kfeUUHNU i tHW.IW INVITATIONS, PRINTED OR ENGRAVED. CORRECT FORMS AND LATEST STYkBS. Call and see samples of the work at this office, piompt ami careful attention. Mail orders receive lUHOfltrrrt. -Cliie (Courier o., SULPHO SALINE BATH HOUSE AND SANI- TARIUM. partmenta with tUa , lomsn, ana tnaaa Tbla palatial eatabllahmtnt la now open in all dcpi exception of Turklah, Russian, Eleotrlc Cabinet and: wilt d reaay uy June l. ArrnnKomontl of Hours llll'.T I'l.UNdi:. l.nillen, (rum 8n. in. tn 12:30 p.m. Dully pii-vpt Sunday (It'litliMiicn, from 1 i in, to II p. in, witk iIiivd, mill from S a. in. to Up. in HuinhiyH SOCIAL SWIMS On Momla.v mul Tliiirntlay evniln ":3U to 10.30 the plunut' will lieupvn to Imtli win, llvntlt'iiU'U on llimi. vfiilnK" will lie atlmltteil only when iiceompniilml liy a liulv mul nil HtruimrH to tin. Iinttlliitlon intuit procure nu Intro duction beforn tlipy van purrhiimi tick jIh. (Inly Kpeclnl noii-trau(oriitilu tlckeU will Leac reptpil on noclnl rvcnliiK". special Notlcos On WiMlnrariny afternoon Irom I toOo'clnck the Kreat pluiiKucun tin rented fur private parties, I hlldren iimler 1'.' will not be admitted unless necoiupnnled by parent or KUarillau. Hoys under 11) will lie admitted ilurliiK ladles hours whvu in com (milled liy their mother or xuurillnii. Durlnn June, luly nnd AUKiist tin. Kruiit plniiKe will be open to Lot Ii .eies from r. it. in to S n m. Iiullv except Suuilnv. The reat pluuice occupies ii upaco of f.U leet wide b.v If.' feet In leiiKtli anil U from 'JW to 0 feet deep, Ills Idled with mineral water (rum theeciiiipun.y's own wells mid Is absolutely pure and remark alily tleur mid buoyant. 'I here are HidreiliiK rooms, two toilet rooms, two hot uml cold shower liatlis, one aiitoumtle needle luith.two rulilier cinered sprlhK boards, a rult, a travellnn crane nnd ropes lor aciUlrliK the art of swlmmliiir. Several life preservers, mir rors, combs and brushes, soups and towels, etc , nnd the admission to the plunge with nil of these privileges la but 20 GENTS. U . - a. ... CCl ) Miss Ilertle llurr nnd Mr. I' liever Hive Instructions In snlmmliiK to Indies and children, men and buys dllrlllK nilvertlsed hours. Tho Hot Salt Baths are reiiiarkubly elllcaclous In suiti ailments ns rheumiitlsiu, ilvspepsla, Kout, inalarln, kidney, liver mni nervous troubles and blood diseases. The hot salt departments are probably the most Important ol tills ureal establishment and both sexes may lull lie at the same time, there helim a separate and distinct apartment lor Indies and Keiitlemeii.wllh skilled attendants In em h. If you are sick, or feel bud uml don't know exactly what alls you, try these salt baths for a short time and see thu result. It will be u revelation to you. Tho Bed Rooms are charmliiK, they are well ventilated, handsomely furnished and lire for the nrcouiiiiodntlon el those In III health who wish to take baths and reuinln III the bulldliiK. or for those who wish a iiIkIiIs lodKltiK niter a Turkish, llusslan or Cabinet bath. Tho Reception Rooms nnil Prlvuto Parlors urerlchly decorated and utford much comfort ami rest to those who wish to whilcuMiiy an hour or two after u bath. The latest fashion books, periodicals and Illustrated papers aie on convenient tallies, Luxur ious illvans, rockers ami easy chairs are on every side. 'I he carpets are rich In color and iIisIkii He sum uml visit these apartments. Tho Barber Shop Is In ctmrKe of careful men. The tools urn sharp, the surround In us neat and comfortable and the charges moderate. The Lndlos Hair Dressing Department l very complete uml is supplied with everything necessary for artistic and satisfactory work. I he lady attendants are expert fined uml courteous uml will strive to please nil who fuvur them with a visit Tho Plain Baths lire very complete uml afford ample accommodations for both sexes at the siiiiih time. All tubs are white porcelain. Pamphlets, testimonials mid all Information maybe secured by addressing Drs. M. II, uml J (), Lverett, mumiKlug physicians, M uml I'ourteentli streets, Lincoln, Neb. FREE TICKET! TO Chicago and Return We will give n round I rip rail road ticket; to the World's Fair and return for 25 JNEW SUBSCRIBERS. TO TICK CAPITAL CITY COURIER each subscription being a !NKW OISTE for one year. This ticket will be given on any voad, and is good to go or come at any time during tlio World's Fair. For blanks and 1'urther particulars, call at the busi ness oflice, 1134 O St. COURIER PUBLISHING CO. fountains, etc, There is also a buu j mutloii, 308 So. 11th St. Liucoln, Neb, I