Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 20, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Corner I Oth nml P Strootn.
Atf no i"lni'iitt n Inriiplliixnf
In rvttj trtnrtinnl.
KID (11,0V IM ami UinilONS
n Hpoolnlly.
AgontH for Huttoriak'x Patterns.
I-I. R. Nisslcy & Co.
7 VII Vl wall kit if f rJ L-!yyil r
Fbund T
Twelilv ninth slicnt. The guests uoto
Miss Stella llnyt.MIss Nellie fulfill,
.Miss Kolsor, Miss Wlekorsham, Miss
Mny Lansing, Miss Klyrcs, MIhs Hadlo
(Iriiliiini, Miss Minnie MollcU, Miss
Florence llali1, Miss Muy iJatihach,
Miss Mutilser, Miss Moore, Miss Kiiitnii
MoWhlnnle, Mlss.lcnnio Htewntt, Mrs.
Npcnecr, Mrs. Baton, nml tho Misses
Mull Mr. Clinic, Mr Bills, Mr. Cook,
k&" i s-i-i)i
fAHl I i l""!1' I Mill l 1'IMU', I W I 1 1 , lit'
tV"iLj n 4- own particular friends, to snub Mi
MullI MoAIIIkIim- mill to ilo everything In lie
.W V V ...... u i I II.... i I ..ill
1137 O St red.
On tin Bill.
Cowlo, umlorinkor, Fuuko, 111) B.
Lincoln Frame mid Art Co., U23 B.
Tho heat trmlo uso White f,onf
David 1 SlniH, dentist, rooms 12 mid
43, llurr Mook.
Mrs. MoFiirland, professional nurse,
1111 South Blovonth HtrooU
(Mult House ooiree, none ho
Miller A (llirord.
Mrs, II. H. Demurest, Hnlr Dressing
nml Manlourlng, rooms 101.102, 1518 O
K. O. Making Powtlor, 25 ounces for
2fi cent. AbHolutoly imro. Huvo you
tried It?
B. P. Reagan Iioh oxoluslvo bhIo of
"Excolslor Pntont" Dakota Hour. Tho
best In tho olty.
Wantod Bvory lmly In tho olty to
try Reagan's "Bxoolslor Pntont" Hour.
Every snok warrmitod.
Everything now nt 235 South Elev
enth Btroot Wo try our boat to plooso
lu quality nnd in prlco.
Full lino of ni'tlst'H materials at Lin
oolu Frmno mid Art company's, 220
South Elovonth Btroot
All ordora via tolophouo 398 will
roach W. A. Collin & Co. aud rocolvo
prompt aud careful attoutlou.
If you want tho best Hour in tho olty
buy tho Excelsior patent of 1). 1 Hon
gau, 235 South Elovonth Btroot
Mrs. II. II. Demurest, lato of Chicago,
hair drossormid manicurist 1518 O
stroot. Tnko olovator, room 101-102.
Fratnos, frames, frames, of every
description at Lincoln Frmno and Art
company's, 2.H3 South Elovonth street
In Mrs. Gosper's hair goods depart
ment you will And all tho latost head
adornments. Hair dressing by compe
tent artists.
It will pay you to. call at tho now
grocery, 235 South Elovonth stroot for
all flrat-olass goods. Fruit aud vege
tables, lu season.
Miss Bertha Snyder, stenographer
and typewriter. Corrospondonco, law
work, aud all kinds of shorthand work
prompt aud noatly oxooutod. 1131 0
stroot Telephone 253.
ti. S. GUllok, Fashionable Tailor.
Latost noveltlos In gontlomon's spring
goods. Ollllok still cators t tho wish
of tho public. Coll on him aud be
suited. 1010 O stroot, Room 10.
Tho flnost invitation work, handsom
est styles, and absolutely oorroot forms,
olthor ongravod orprlutod, aro now bo
lng furnlshod by tho Courlor Publish
ing Co., 1131 0 stroot
A Finn llrnlilrnre Fur Kent.
An eight-room houso with nil modorn
Improvomonts for rout Juno 1st Gas,
bath, hot and cold wator, steam heat,
oistorn and olty wator. Apply at resi
dence, 1827 L stroot or 1131 O stroot
When you want prompt sorvlco and
fair treatment and tho solootlon from
the lorgost stook of grocorlos in Lin
coln call on W. A. Collin fc Co., suc
cessors to J. Mlllor, 113 South Elovonth
mi- IM M' s usir
The present lslt or the liifinitn
Bulallo, of Hpiiln, In this eiiiiutry has
eaiiseil a great ileal nf pel Imitation in
social elides In Washington, New oil
anil Chleago.
"A hull us late us May 22 would not
lien wlsenioveon the pint of New York
Thus spoke Ward McAllister, the
oilier, day lu opposition to the pro
posed ball to the Infanta Fulnllo and
suite, which is planned to take place at
the Madison Sipiain (larilcu next Mini
day night, and over which society al
toady llutls Itself in a curious muddle
"'I lieu, again," continued Mr. McAl
lister, "too many complications, owing
lo tho rigid rules of Spanish couit oil
quelle, would ensue."
Mrs. I'aran SteveiiH, who at llrst was
full of tho project, Is now violently op
posed to it. .Sirs. Slovens ilesiied to
give the enteitiilument at her own
House on I'lllh aeuue, lo luvlle lior
own way. hue ut llrst associated with
herself Mrs. Van Kensselaer t'rugcr,
Mrs. llayllss, ami a few other ladies
whoso names are well known lu so
oiety. Then she wanted a major domo
or chamberlain to conduct the alTalr
Mrs. Stevens was determined not to
ask Mr. McAllister, and Mr. McAllister
was not very anxious to accept thomls
slou. It was suggested that tho enter
tainment should bo placed in tho hands
of tho I'lrculu Colon Cervantes, which
is composed of tho best Spanish ele
ment lu (ho city. and thus give tho en
tertainment a semi otllclal character,!
and lu that manner tide over many of
tho dllllciiltlos lu tho way of the In
fanta accepting an invitation to a pri
vate ball.
Mrs. I'aran Stevens wouldn't ap
prove of this arrangement, and shehas
now withdrawn from the all'alr alto
got her and will not discuss it.
Mrs. ,101111 Jacob Aster, Mrs. Cruger,
ami Mrs. llaillss have signified to the
Circuit) Colon Cervantes that they will
act as patronesses, "We are doing all
we can," said Mrs. Kurlcn Kosso, who
has charge or the arrangements, "to
make tills tho greatest social success.
Do not believe tho reports of the In
fanta not coming here. They aro not
true, Wo will have our servants lu
full court dress, black and gold. The
private boudoir and reception room of
tho Princess will be approached from
tho Madison avenue entrance.
"lu her suite aro tho Prince Autolue
of Orleans, her husband; tho Duko of
Tamames, and a retinue of servants
The Duko is her chamborlaln, ami all
these arrangements have been submit
ted to him ami to tho Spanish Minis
ter at Washington for approval. The
tickets will be 615 each."
There are many Intricacies in Span
Ish Court etlipiotte which will bo re
hearsed fully before any attempt. Is
made to carry them out. In Now York
staying quietly with friends, is a Span
ish gent Ionian, M. tie Carvajal.who be
longs to a noted family lu Spain.
Whim Hoonuttho Hotel Waldorf tho
other evening ho said: "lam very much
surprised that the Spanish society lu
this city should no such a stickler for
court etlipiotte lu its entertainment to
tlie lnlanta. tr you wish to unserve
the traditions of tho Court of Spain of
course you must hardly be seen in tho
royal presence. There must, of course,
lie a royal tiuadrillo, in which I suppose
these good ladles of Now York will
ilanco that Is if they aro of royal
blood. You cannot have a state ball
unless you have a royal quadrille.
"You must kneel down and kiss tho
hand of tho Princess when presented,
anil then back out. I think you should
also wear court dress, although these
things should not bo required in a re
public. You should receive tho Prin
cess lu a dignified manner, but the eti
quette of tho Court of Spain should
speakers will be two members of the
academic faculty, two from the law
school faculty and two seniors each
fiom tho academic college ami law
miis. wi:ssi:i, iait.uivin.s.
Saturday afternoon Mrs. Samuel
Wesselenletlalneil a number of friends
very delightfully at a "high art" party.
Prlos were awarded to tho successful
guessors of the names of famous works
of art lepresented by apptopriato ob
jects. Those piesent were: Mrs. M.
New mark, Miss Ida Friend, Mrs. .1.
Mahler, of St. Louis; Mrs Chailes
Mayer, Mis. Mitchell. Miss Pauline
Mayer, of New York; Mrs. Schlesinger,
Mrs. I. Ilrucks, Mrs. I,, Wossoll, Mrs.
Simon Mayer, Miss Anne Mayer, of
New York; Mrs. S. Speler. Mrs. M. Well,
Mrs. M KiiIiii, Mrs, M. Opperhelmer,
Mrs. A. Hloch, Mrs. B, Mayer, of New
York; .Miss M. Ackerman, Miss S.
Mr. Ilellley, Mr. Guy Hale, Mr. Arthur
Illshop, Mr. Chin Us Miller, Mr llasset,
Mr West, Mr. Klines, Mr. Vlvyiui, Mr.
Deeiaer, Mr. Spencer, Mr. Grath
llarnes. Mr. Will Collin, Mr. McNeill,
Mcssih. , lacked.
mini a i M.rciim.
Miss Lulu Fletcher, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. O. Fletcher, and Mr. W. C.
Miner, were united in marriage Wed
nesday o cuing, at the resilience of the
brides' patents, Fight anil () stieets,
Itev. (). A. Williams olllciating. The
cermony was w it nessed by i elat ivesand
a few intimate friends. A dainty sup
per was served, following which Mr.
and Mrs. Miner left on the evening
train for Adair, III., intending to make
an extended trip cast before their in
turn. The best wishes of hosts of
friends go with them.
MM'iniY .SMW.I. TII.K.
The Columbian Group meeting to
have been held 'I'ucsdnj evening, was
postponed on account of tho death of
Mr. Doolittle.
Tho reception to the senior class of
t he University of Nebraska, by Chancel-
lorami .mis. ,i. ii. mullolil. announced
to occur Friday evening, May 111, has I
been postponed to this evening.
j Mr. A I''. Oeder was man led Wed nes
1 day in llryan, Minnesota, to Miss Fllle
St. Clair, an estimable vouug ladv
'of that city. They will return to
home at
the Twenty third, and be
I liS F, sheet after .hum 1,
Cards announcing the marriage of
Mr. Ivl ward A. Lambeth ami Miss
Mary Kaithleeu GoM'at Galesburg, III ,
hae been received Inthiscity. Mr. mid
Mrs. Lambeth aro both lesideuts of
Nebraska City, and have many friends
in Lincoln.
The Lincoln Liuht Infautrvcomnauv
has made arrangements for a three copied. The ladles of the church ih
Mr. C. F. F.kfclt and Mrs. Lizle Per
sons were quietly married Monday
evening at oiri South Klcwnth street.
Tho ceremony was performed In the
presence of a few invited friends. The
groom is a salesman for Crittenden A
Fast man, wholesale furnituie dealers
of llurliiigton, la. The bride has only
resided a few months lu Lincoln, but
has made a great many friends, who
join in wishing the young couple much
happiness. They will be at home at
515 South Hleventh street.
The Jewish people of t ho city will soon
erect a magulllcaut temple of worship
on their lots, Pith and I) street, for
which plans have been drawn ami ac
Mrs. McClavo and Mrs. Eiisinlngor,
fluo diossmaklng, 1238 O street.
Sampson Sisters, tirtlstlo dressmak
ing, 1123 N stroot, over Dor.soys.
MlssS. F. lJlakosluo, lino diossmak
ing, at Mrs. Oospor's, 1111 O St
K. C. Making Powder, 25 ounces for
25 cents, Absolutely pure. Have you
tried it?
Visit the Now Students' gallery and
bo convinced that tho work is llrst
class 1031 O street.
"The Host" Laundry, 2J09 O street,
telephone 570, II. Townsond A. Co., pro-
Tim Vorhl' Fulr.
Tho World's Fair buildings and ox
hiblts aro Insurod for three hundred
million dollars. In othor words, they
nro vnluotl at an amount onual to one
third of tho national debt. But llgures
cannot glvo you ovon tho faintest con-
nnnllnn nt tflf I mniOllsit V. tllO 1)0101 tV.
tho charm of this groatost of all great
fairs. Tho only way 10 soo mo exposi
tion is to visit Chicago, nml tho muy
(satisfactory) way to visit Chicago Is to
takn tho Burlington routo.
Soo Bonnoll at tho depot or .lomor
at Tenth and O. They will glvo you
full Information about trains. Excur
sion ratos ovory day.
not apply except in Spain.
May is always a dull month, socially.
There Is still a prejudice against May
weddings, and tlio month is at best lit
tlemore than an interim before June,
when the young people come homo
from school and college, when fashion
able weddings are solemnized, and
when tho season for out door fetes
fairly begins. In Lincoln there is a
prospect that tho dearth of May enter
tainments may bo olfHot by an unusual
social activity in Juno. There will be
a number of weddings, and various en
tertainments aro in contemplation.
There will bo several receptions before
tho season closes, and with the ap
proach of warm weather tiiero will bo
tho customary coaching parties, pic
nics, etc.
Thoclassof 113 of thostato university
has docldod to celebrate class day by a
i:vri:itTiNi:i) ion mils mpiii.
A largo number of friends weie In
vited to meet Mrs. I). I). Mulr. of Den
ver, at the home of Miss Sarait Harris,
Monday evening. Progressive euchre
formed the entertainment and Mrs. W.
M. Ogilen, Mrs. C. N Lit Ho, Mr. W. C.
Wilson and Mr. Hubert Mulr being the
most successful players wore rewarded
with handsome prizes. The evening
passed very pleasantly and Miss Harris
proved on this occasion as heretofore a
most charming hostess. Those present
were: Messrs. and Mesdames J. II.
Hurley, C. ). Wheilon. It. O. Phillips.
C. II. Gere. I. M. Ilayiutiud, A. S Iluy
inonil, It. 1-5. Moooro, Carl Fiinko, W.
11. Ogden,. I. D.MoFiirland, Frank Hall,
A. (I. Ueeson, J. A. liuckstair, W. C.
Wilson, John II. Wright, O. 10. Yates,
II. K. Nissley, I). F. Thompson. S. II.
Iliiruham, ('. S. Llppeucott, It. H.
Perry, C N. Little, A. W. .lanson, F. S.
Harris, W. F. Leonard, Charles Brown,
Mrs. Francis Wilson, Messrs. N.S. llar
wood, C. A. Ilauua, WlllStull, G. M.
Lambertson, K. Iv. llaydon, Misses
Helen llarwood, Kittle Weston, Jean-
net to Wilson ami Mary Mlllor, of Chi
cago. hold m yi:ii sum vt.s.
Tuesday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at
tho residence of tho bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. David Mayer, 1115 II
street, Miss Pauline Mayer was united
lu marriage to Mr. William Gold, of
Hampton, Iowa, the Rev. Dr. Frank le,
of Omaha, pei forming the ceremony.
Only relatives were present, among
whom were: Mr. Solomon Mayer, of
Norfolk; Dr. ami Mrs. Fmll Mayor, of
Now York; Mr. aud Mrs. Gold, of
Stromshurg: Mr. Haas, of Osceola, and
Mr. mid Airs. Jonas Schlesinger. The
bride has resided lu Lincoln but two
weeks, having, with her parents, re
moved to this city from Now York.
Mr. Gold is a well known business man
of Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Gold left
for Chicago on tho evening train, ex
pecting to goto their homo in Hampton
In a few weeks. This wedding brought
all the members of the bride's family
together for the first time in fifteen
years, and the reunion was attended
by many pleasant incidents.
Sorosls mot this week with Mrs. D.
L. I trace. Dr. Norton led tho meeting
and took for her subject "Heredity."
Slip was assisted by Mrs. W. J. llryan
on tho "Laws of Horodlty" and Mrs. I).
L. Brace on "Heredity of Genius."
Tho mooting was of unusual interest
being the last of the series and there
were a number of visitors present.
Those present were: Mrs. F. It. Guthrie
Miss Uichardson, Mrs. F. L. Holvoke,
Mrs. C. N. Little. Mrs. Lees. Mrs. T. M.
Ilodgman, Mrs.W.Q. Bell, Mrs. Adams,
Mrs Pickett, Mrs.James II. Canllold, Dr.
Norton, Mrs. J. W. Bryan, Mrs. Heebie,
Mrs. Hartley, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Bar
bour. Mrs. M. I). Welch, Miss .May Fro
man and Miss Kiugsley. The meeting
adjourned to meet tho llrst Wednesday
in October.
day's encampment at Nebraska City,
May 28, 211 anil 30.
Piof. Ilrown, of the Western Normal
college, gave an enjoyable organ recital
in the Mist Congiegational chinch
Wednesday evening.
The Young Peoples Society of
Christian Fudeavor of the First
Presbyterian church gave a social lu
the church parlors last evening.
siring to assist in tho work tiro plan
ning a grand festival to bo held at
Masonic Temple, Monday evening, May
20, and invite friends of tho cause to
attend. TheStatollanil Orchestra will
furnish both concert and dance music,
and an enjoyable time Is assured.
Tickets may be had of the ladies oral
Mayer llros, L. Meyer .V Co., Globe
Clothing House, Hloch A- Kohn, Fain
ous Millinery, Tho Coritinu olllce. etc.
prietors, Lincoln, Neb.
Mrs. W. F. Gosper's now spring stock
of millinery, the llnest in tho city, is
now complete.
For Sunday dinner supplies call at
Halter's market, opposite Lansing
Theatre. Phono 100.
Latest novelties lu Spring Milllnory,
tho finest In tho city. Caldwell Slstors
203 South Elovonth stroot.
Prof. Swain's ladies tailoring and
dross cutting school. Thorough in
structions, Lessons not llmltod. Dress
making done with dispatch, on short
notice. Patterns cut to moasuro and
all work guaranteed.
Halter's inarkot, old rollablo markot
now moved to Thirteenth stroot opostto
Lansing theatre, Is where hullos should
call for their meat orders. Tolophouo
orders over No. 100 rocolvo prompt attention.
I i K ifl ii i
A beautiful wedding occurred at tho
First Free Baptist Church Tuesday
evening, in the presence of a largo
number of friends of tho contracting
parties. Tho brido was Miss Henrietta,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Hoot,
aud the groom Mr. Thomas llerdmtiu.
The ceremony was performed by Hev.
O. B. Baker, The young couple were
tho recipients of many useful and
handsome presents besides sincere
congratulations from all present. Mr.
and Mrs. Hordman will reside in a cot
tage on tho shores of the Lincoln salt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spouco enter
tained a number of .students of the
high school Tuesday evening, In honor
ot tue iweutieiii uiriniiay oi men- son
picnic at Milford tills year instead of I Jesse. The evening was passed with
tho usual exercises lu tlio opera houso.
Tho societies huvo all combined togivo
a slnglo Juno day program instead of
having four separate ones, as they
think there have boon too many intel
lectual feasts during commencement
week heretofore. Tho various commit
tees on arrangements are getting ev
erything in readiness aud a special
train will bo secured going out about l)
o'clock in tho morning and returning
in tho evening. A picnic banquet will
lie served with appropriate toasts. Tho
dancing, progressive high live, and
music. Tho guests wore: MissosCadio
West, Blanche Brown, Agnes Bowen,
Bttn Grimes, Nettie Smith, Belle
Franklin; Messrs Hubert Glover, Tom
West, Henry Peters. Bd Ciilliu, Wilbur
Camp, Geo. Friel, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney
Miss Carrie Vivyan entertained a
number of her friends at cards on
Wednesday evening at hor homo on
Waists, Dresses,
Jrf A.
I or Summor Wonr nnil Travel.
wy (
12 IIS
F" IU-J, f .MLL-ni
w mm
w mm
1518 and 1520 0 Street.
Special Sale Mattings,
200 yards Matting', Fancy Check, only 10 cents per yard.
300 yards Matting', Fancy Check, at 15 cents per yard.
Ladies should take advantage of this sale.
liook Cases, Folding Beds, Gasoline Stoves, Etc.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
Jtbst received a car load CHAMBER SUITS, ranging from $16.00 and upwards, in
any finish. A complete line of
House Furnishing Goods.
To those who desire will sell on weekly or monthly payments.