Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 20, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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Hl'iriAl ( III III Ml t OIIIIKal'IIMlI'M E
Xnv iftK. iMny 18 No newness In
(lii'iitrlciils luis reet'iitly tnkcii pliiee.
but t ho ninny piiil t liins i osuiitcil
lia( tliuvwt luino ihkIIcih'ch at hourly
nil the )lny houses. The end of the
present week en rrles the season heyond
the middle of May, and ninny of the
plays that have had Iuiik runs will
come to nn end. Notable unions them
nro JIurriKimV "Hellly mid the 1(H),"
and Mr. A. Al. Palinci's icfjuliir season,
Hal vlnl remains for one week longer.
Htuitrl Itolisou and his lieautifully
mounted "She Stoops to Compier" un
til the end of May, and Kosina Vokes
will end her American tour at Daly's
Theatie In two weeks, and as usual sail
to Kii"Jiuitl Immediately after. On
Monday Wilson Barrett diew a liu-go
audience who wntehed his llamlct at
tentively; but personally, I hnolen
up worrying myself about the vexed
quest luim of the play. No controversy
could well be more barren than that
which periodically arises and centres
Itself round the chnrncter of the mor
bid Prince of Denmark. I am per
fectly content to bellevo that every
carefully-played llamlct is u good
Hamlet, lor it
wit, of u man
must forever pass the 1
to make a consistent ,
chnrncter out of the inconsistencies
with which the party who writ Shik
spur lias enriched the part. Therefore
let it be loudly proclaimed that Mr.
Wilson linrrett is not only a koihI
Hamlet but is one of the greatest re
corded in the history of the stae.
I'ven us a child Solln Scalchi, the
famous coutrulto, guvo evidence of the
possession of a rich voice and rare tal
cnt.whleh in more mat tire years became
conspicuous. It is stated Iu a sketch
which recently apppeared iu the Omaha
cc that her rich gift of voice and the
progress she made wit Ii her celebrated
teacher, Mine, lioccubadati, weie such
that when she was only sixteen years
of ago she appealed as "Ulrica," in
Verdi's opera, "Un Bullo in Mnscheru."
Her success in the role was remarka
ble, and tho Initio of tho young artist
was borne away beyond her native
land and reached the British metrop
olis, and two years latet, iu lKli'.i, mid
when only IS years of aye, she
made her debut ut Covent (iiirden.
Loudon, as Azucenu in "II Trovatore."
From London sho went on a tour, vis
Hilly the principle cities of Knglitiul,
Ireland and Scotland, utter which sho
proceeded to St. Petersburg, whero her
success was so pronounced that for tiiuo
consecutive seasons she continued iu
the Muscovite capital. Here, as at Cov
ent gurtlcu, her grout ost successes wore,
Hindu iu "11 Travutore,""Llndu di Clia
inoiini," "Seiniratnide," and "La Pro
nheto." Sinco then she has been heard
in Vienna, and Madrid, and each of
these cities emphasized the verdict of
praise so readily accorded her at Lou
doll and St. Petersburg. While in the
Hussian capital she was tlie recipient
of marked favor from the Kussian
court and nobility.
Mine. Scalchi then crossed the At
lantic and made her appearance in Kio
Janeiro. Here ayain sho added new
laurels to her fame.
Mine. Scalchi'.s voice is rich, full,
and voluptuous, powerful, yot snipu
thetio and flexible to un ot inordinary
decree. Her method Is perfect, and
her phrasing is of the purest Italian.
She hint's with charmiiiK ease mid flu
ency, and her execution of lloriil pas
siloes is so marvelous that it is doubt
ful if any contralto lias ever excelled
As an actress, Mine. Scalchi is equal
ly accomplished. Whatever she does
she does well, and leaves the impres
sion that she is in perfect sympathy
with the character she portrays, and
with the intention of the author. The
laurels she has thus fur secured sho
wears gracefully, yet with a conscious
mid honest pride that she has fairly
won them.
Miss Blauvelt, the soprano solo-'
singer of the New Vork Symphony or- I
chestru is a native of Brooklyn. She
benan the study of the violin when she '
wasseven years old, and sho hus.studied
foryeur.s in this country and iu Furopc.
Iu Paris Miss Blauvelt sany for the
Kreut composers, Atnbroise Thomas.
(Jounod, Massenet and Dolibos.
The conductor of tho Symphony or
chestra, Walter Damroscli, may lie said
to have Inherited talent. He is the
son of tho famous and now
Dr. Leopold Damroscli, who was a force
iu matters musical up to the end of his
much regretted dentil some years nun.
Dr. Damroscli was the originator of tlie
Oratorio and Symphony societies of
New York city and tlie founder of Her
man opera iu this country ut the Met-,
ropolitan opera house. I
Of such a distinguished sire and a '
mother whoso womanly virtues, as well
as musical jjiftn, are ot a very exalting
order, did Walter Damroscli spring.
He was born limitary .'10, lbti'J, and ,
seemed destined from tlie outset Corn
musical career, He studied tlie piano
with Mux Pinner, a Lis.t pupil; studied
counterpoint and harmony with Itiscli
lileter and Urspruch, and with the
Ki'ent Hans von Billow ho learned many
of the mysteries of phrasiiu,' and con- (
ducting. Ho become ueonduetoi at an
curly iitfc, for ill 1HSI he wus diiectiiu,'
tlieNewuik, N. .)., Harmonic societj.l
which pioduced choial works of tlie
magnitude of iiuhiustclu's "Tower ol
Baliel" and Beethoven's Choral Fun
tasia, tlie piano pal t ol which he played
liiiuself. He wus the assistant eon
diietorat the (list Keiieral musical tes
tival, held in tlie Seventh regiment ar
nioiy in New Vork during tlie same
In lssl Dr. Damroscli died, and at
tlie close of tlie first season ol Herman
operant tho Met lopolituii opera house,
Walter Dumisch,thcu but twenty two
years old, took thetiermau Oiieracom
piinv on a tour to Chicago, Cincinnati,
I'hlladelphia, and Boston, producing
"i'unnuliaiiser," "Lolieiu,'iin,' "Walk
lire," "Propliete," "Fidelio," and othi I
jjreat works.
f fr
Mr. Dnmroseh lias produced ninny
important novelties as a conductor,
such as "Samson and Deliah" of Saint
Saeus, Schuetz's ni clinic compositions,
"Komeo et .luliette" ami "Untold"
.svniphoniesof llerlio..l'.uend'Albeit'N
Mrst Symphony, the llerlio Kcqulcm
and "Damnation de Faust," and also
all of the licet hoven and seernl of the
Tsclinikowsky sj niphonles.
"If t lii spirit of my old and icvctcd
comrade, Leopold Damroscli, could
only hao listened to (lie endeavors of i
tlie son, the woithy successor and con
tinner of the work beyiin by him the
nrtlstillcation of the laud of fiecdoml
Hut hedoes continue to live In juti.
'Mncte iitutc tun, Vnlter. Vale et me
ainu,' " wrote linns von llulow.
Walter Dnnirosch's filendshlp with
the weathy phihiuthioplst, Audiew
Carnegie, was another Important mile
stone in his cm cor, for ho was tho right
hand, so to speak, of Mr. Carnegie's
plans for building furiioglo Music hall,
which is now the local spot of the inns
leal life of the metropolis.
He married in May. 18110, Alnrgiirt't
Blaine, daughter of .lames (!. Blaine.
Despite his dist burnished social con-
nect ions,, Walter I )amroscir.s head has
never been turned by Ids position, by
(lattery or by the knowledge of his
many attainments.
He lehearses uiiroiiiittiiigly with his
men. He studies himself nil the new
scores of the day. He is nothing if not
His individuality is an impressive
one. Ho is forceful, unyielding, yet
gontlo witli his men, and to his aud
ience he is magnetic. His face is
markedly musical and its (J reck form
tempts the sculptor's giro. His beat
is decisive, never eccentric, and his
orchestra is unswerving in devotion.
His musical equipment, Ids sunny tem
per and strung will have pushed him
into tlie vun ol the orchestral conduct
ors of his ugo, mnl well he merits his
Lincoln coinpliinented itself by niv
itu,' Walter Dainrosch's New Vork Sytn
phony orchestra a very warm reception.
The attendance at Tuesday night's con
cert was exceiitinnallv L'ood fora musi
cal enteitaininent. 'Tlie Svinnhoiiv I
orchestra has for veins been one of
New York's most cherished institii
tiotis, and under Walter Damtosch it
has risen steadily iu public luvor. The
tiroKrum yiven herewus representative
iticludiiiK selections from Beethoven,
Salnt-Saens, Warner, and List. and
tho oxuuslto rendering was thoroughly
appreciated. Miss Blauvelt. the so
prano, was most enthusiastically re
ceived. Sho is personally very attrac
tive and her voice is singularly sweet
and of Kroat st relict Ii. Mr. Brodsky,
the violinist, is a genuine artist, and
his two select ions were greatly enjoyed.
Mine Scalchi was suH'criny from a cold
lint her wonderful power was only
slinhtely alfected.
There is a difference bet ween enthus
iast ic appreciation and noisy and ill
timed demonstrations, and the ap
plause at tlie Damroscli concert on one
or two occasions was not of a chnrncter
to relied putticiilur ctedlt upon the
audience. A singer like Mine. Scalchi
appreciates and enjoys evidences of
cordial approval from Hie uudience;
but when the applause degenerates
into a study pound to the time of one,
two, three, it is anything but nut-cubic.
ThoSovonth Annual May festival un
der the auspices of tlie Lincoln Ora
torio society will ho held at the Lansing
theatre May J-J, j:i and Ul. The soloists
Our present large display of Hop Sackings is not equalled
in size and variety by any in Lincoln.
56 inch Plain HOP SACKINGS IN
54 inch Changeable Hop Sackings, in
nations, including:
Crystal Silks.
J5?"One of the most Popular Silks of the .season, in 17 shaikh as follows:
Foriucrl) sultl licrc fot
121-1 123 N Stroot
cnpincd for this occasion, mo Mrs
tlenevia .lohnston lllshop, Miss Katli
ci lun r'lsk, Mr, C'hnrles Kuorr, of
t'lilciiKo, and Dr. Carl Dulft, of New
uk, barytone, all of them sineis
of Kieat note. The chorus will com
piise four bundled ciucfully tiaiii
ed oices. Monday nlnltt llainabj's
"Uebekah " and Handel's "Aces and
(lalctca" will be nihil'. Tuesday uiL'lil
theie will be a kiiiiuI miscellaneous
concert by thesololsts, cliorusor misses
and the in chest t a Wednesday oxen
Ini: the iirok'iMin will lie the oiatorio
"Klijuli Mis. Knyiuond has bestow
ed an unusual amount of cure on these
conceits, uiid loxers of music me prom
ised u uiietieat. 'I he chorus
i ', ,.
is miien
stranger than ever befoie and the
soloists arc exceptionally jjood. Seats
aie now on sale ut the I.iiiihIhk t lieiil 1 1;
piices,ei.(H), Tonnd '.'."i cents.
Collect nhiK Miss Aim loWnlnu light's
piesentntion of "Tlie School for Scan
did" which will lioglvon at the Lansing
Tliiiisdny, Mn 'Joth The I'ittHluiigh
llulhtui Mild tecetitly "Marie Wain
w right Is one of the few women on tlie
stugo that can hold an audience in the
old plays, ami alternately please them
iu those of modern envitnnmcut. She
luis ilntto litis during tho piesent week
at tho Amu Theater, and tlie lecep
Him Hint liiiut...itti n .l.le.l tier tiriuits '
II. i.l .J.., Iu ii..i,i-,l,il.l In PllUlinrir.
and that wo know her to he an ml 1st
... . . .
of llnlslied methods and scholarly un
derstanding of her profession. 'The
School for Scandal' Is a comedy thai is
ns distinct from the jduys called come
dies nowadays us Unlit is from dark.
Wliile there ate some dramatic situa
tions in Shei Idan's work, it depends lor
its ciitcitniiimcnt tnoie upon the pol
i ished wit and smoothness of the ilia
Initio than upon dtiimulic surprises or
sensational climaxes. Sheildan was a
voting man wlien ho wiote this play,
1 but he had been a keen observer, be
sides having enjoyed the advantage of
I mixing in tlie society depicted, and wo
are yi veil tlie assurance that his Sir
, I'rlrr Trtizli: Ids ClitirlrH Surfiici', Ids
.hm'ii SnrJ'itcr. his Mrs. t'mithmr, his
i SirVtirvr, and the rest, uro all types t
, of the peoplowilh whom lie was throw n
nut fitti t Inffi eniiliiiil iii'iir ii emit iii'V
ajjo. They are not iiuainary, but iciil I
nersonaires that lie shows us, and mi ,
recognize them because wo see that
human untitle is there very much as it
is iu the present day, all the difference
hcitiLdn t he mannerisms hat mark each
i neriod so distinctly, and that assists
I in makiliK history interest Iiik us well
ins instructive. Miss WuinwrlKlit's
costumes as .my Woiccan harilly 1k
described by a masculine pen, but they
ate very rich and elegant."
The line weather of the past week
brought out thousands of people to
Lincoln Pntk
On Sunday, tho .Ne
il made Its first public
braska state ha
appearance, anil cave an auractivo
iirotriani. Wednesday theie was a base
iiall uaine between the clubs from the
state uiid Wesleynn universities, ro
sultiliK '- to 'J in favor of the state
university. Wednesday nltfht the first
dance of the season was Kivon uiid
there wus another I a rue dance last
uiijlit. Tomorrow, Sunday, afternoon
and eveniinr. there will be a rand con
cert bv the state band. Ill thealter
iiooii tiiere will bo u balloon ascension
by the (irace Shannon Balloon com
pany, two ladies and a do making un
ascension and dropping from the bid
loon with parachutes ut u distance of
one mile. Tlie formal opening of the
new bicycle track will also occur Hun
day. Manager Dickey lias made many
extensive improvements at this popu
lar tesott, and the park is now much
more attiaetive than it ever lias been.
Mr. Hickey desires it to lie understood
that the price of admission to Lincoln
Park is mid will remain lOoents. There
will in future be no deviation from
this rule.
Primrose A West's Mlnstielscotne to
the Lansing for one niht only, Fri
day, May -litli. This nrnani.ution
stands at the head of the minstrel com
panies of this country, containing tlie
best burnt cork artists and vocalists,
and present inn telliied entertainment.
Primtose A: West have made annual
TAN, (Three Shades) GRAY,
;:;; l'l.K
(, shades),
?i.oo .1 anl Mond.iy's price .1 II ill
J. A.
islls to Lincoln fora number of years
mid hae imniliihly been Kteeted by
lai'k'e nudieiices, Tills year the com
pa ii litis been materially sticuulhcu
ed and many new and amusluu special
tlesaie piomtsed. After I'l liuiimo A
West, the Calhoun Oncrn Company
comes to the LinsiiiK, Nlny V..MI1, loi a
a three night's oiipii!otuoiii This com
piiux Is now iiIiiIiil' al the lloyil, In
t Oiaalia, and
has done iniutl Inisiiiess
all the week. The icpeitoire embraces
"Said I'aslia." "Iloccaclo," "Fill lull it,"
III Oil ill lll I lll'l.
KcL'anlluit Hood's sarsaparllla. usktlie
' i.. .. i... 1..1... ii. i ...ii.. i i
im-iiiih' it nn i nin' i in- iiiriin-uie, hi i i-iui
.. . .... ,.., ,,.... ....i.h. 1....1 ... u.i..
till' ll'1 IIIIIMIIIII-1 III I I'll IIIII-III-U III llll-l
paper. They will ceitatnlv convince
you that Hood's Sarsapai ilia possesses
unqualilled meiil, ami that HOODS
PI IISOSM. Ml. M ins.
Mis A. .1. (iieen Is in Chicago.
Mis.,) C. Kier depnttcd this weel lor
the world's ralr city Min. W S.
Head, of Cnniliililgo, O , mid Miss lies
sie lluit, of Omaha, me the quests of
Mr and Mrs. II. C. S oung fiuigtoss
mint llrymi gitvnii talk oil society hi
Washington at the Second I'lcsbjlei
lan chinch iu Fast Lincoln 011 I uesday
moiling . Mr. W. Fin nam Smith, oi
Olllllllll, llllll Ml'. IlltlllllllgO llllll Ml
Clllpp, lllso of Olliuhll, Spellt Kllhlllll ill
II. I.. ..II.. 1 . II..,
this city . Mr. (loo. N. loiesinan, I
foinierly of Lincoln, ami now ufOiuuha,
w ho has been in the south for some
mouths was in town for a lew da,s
this week Mrs. D. K. Thompson and I
her sister. Miss Mary Miller, were1
Omaha isltorsSatunlu. Mr. Thump
I son has let urned fiom his Black Hills
trip . Mrs. D. 1). Muir, of Demur, is
linthecily Miss Olie Lid I a spent
last Saturday iu Omaha Mr. and
I Mis Hudson Imholf hae teturned
from their F.urnpcnti trip which
they enio.M'd thoroughly Mr and
Mrs (). It Howell attended the Soiisa
concerts in Oiiiaha this week Mrs
Joseph BiuKor, and Misstiertrtide Hill,
were Omaha visitors this week Mis.
W. II. Woodward has ret ut tied liom
Hot Springs, S. D Mr. A. L. Burr
and family, of Alma, Neb., have been
visitiiiL' their relatives iu Lincoln this
w,u,k', ' ' ,.I,T Wi' "
toy, is visit itiK her
.Meyers, ol (sloux
brother, Mr F. M
Bllsh .. Mrs. .lames T. Lees is visit itu;
ill llloomlllKtoil, 111 Miss tieilriide
Hill is in Bcatiico Mr. Albert Wat
kins was in Fremont ami Stanton this
week Mr. and Mis. John It. Cuu
nllik'liam aie rejoicing over the bill hoi'
n daughter Mr K. II Andriis spent
Sunday in this city Mr ami Mis.
Laiidv C. lark ate iu Chicuuo
Mr. Hdward Fltucrald Is at Hot
Splines, Arkunsnw Mr, W. I'. Hardy
was iimoiu; the Lincoln coutiim'ent in
Onialiu Thursday Chancellor Can
Held has been attendiiiu hi'h school
comilienceliietlts ill dilfeietit pints of
tlie state this week Mr. Chillies K
Muyoon has returned from Chicago
Mrs. 1). D. Muir, or Denver, is in the
city visitiiiuMrs. McFnrland and Miss
Small Harris Dr. and Mrs. I'.mil
Mayer, of New Vork, who cuiiio west to
attend the Cold Mayer wedding, left
for their homo Tuesday ovoiiliiK Mr.
A. W. Kasterdoy and lainlly lelt Tues
day for Philadelphia Miss Martinet
Baird has returned from Des Moines
. Dr. C. F. Uuld has piirchaseil J. K.
Utt's residence. Seventeenth and
.stieets, and will take possession iu
'June Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Minor lelt
1 WediiesdayrorAdalr.lll Miss Alice
' Maitland and her little brother lelt
Wednesday to visit iu Sprinnliehl and
'other points iu Ohio Mr. K. K Cri
ley, or Topeka, formerly of this city.
I wiis iu Lincoln this week Mr. anil
Mrs. Frank W. Smith, of Alliance.
spent Sunday in this city . Mrs.Jane
Kuiidiill departed this week for Del
phia, Indiana The insinuation of
Mr. llerlieit Marsland, teacher of sei
ence in tlie Lincoln hlnh school was
lead and accepted with many teyiets
i by the board ol education this week
I . Mrs. C. C. Uphuiii left Wednesday
I lor Dixon, 111. Mrs. F.d Straslietner.
I of Chicago, is visit inn in Lincoln, tlie
I nuest ot Mrs. Samuel Wessei.
I No such line of canned fruits in tho
1 city as shown by W. A. Collin it Co.,
li.'I South Fdevonth Street.
$1.50 1
15 popular combi
TAN' (1 shades)
Pull ir li-vi on i.n h .tul.
r 55?: f?r?i
This elegant Imported Pattern Hat at
$5.9S this week.
Two entire floors devoted exeinsivetj to Millinery.
May Festival
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
Mny 22, 23 anil 24.
'I In- iiinmiyi mini ut I lie Ornliirlii Hoi Ii tv till, in ili iimirn In iiniiiiiiiiilnu Hint tho mi mini mTli-" of
I lirm urnml iiiiimIiiiI tutiw l nuw rnnlt, Mini lll lm pnnliii imI ni'tt uii'lt iimli-r koiiIit iiniiilui'i,
mkit i Iiiiiiih, mill niiirn I'liiliuriitii ni'iirriilly tlimi hvit lii'furn.
Ilrnlili n tlin unlit rlinriiM unit n hiiihtIi On lirntrn thn fnllnwIiiK hiiIiiIhIh will niinr:
NotitttHtiiutlliiK the fMiDnniHiM cxpeiiiM uf tlHH pnitlin thiiiM, tthvH Mill hi mm iimiihI, ntii ticket
m now nn mmIm lit tho I.iiiinImk l"ii ofllri.
Tlila palatial eiitablliihiiioiit la now open lu all d"u
:eptlou or TurklRli, Kusalan, Elactrlo Cabinet anil
II be ready by June 1.
ArrnnKurnontl of Hours OliRiT I'l.llNUi:. I.nillfa, Irinii H n m. In l'.'.no p, in.
Dnllr iii(it Humliir lli'iitli'tiu'ii, Iroin I p in tulip in wik iluvn, iiml trnm x it in to
Up. in HnniliiJrH Hill I M, SU IMS On Momliiv nml Tliurmliiy tivnulliK" 7-IiU In 10.:iO llm
plcinun hIII I in npi'ii tn Imtli hih llfiitli'ini n on 1 hi hi, Kti'iiliiKn Hill lm nilmltteil only
wlifii iii''iiiiiimili-il l v it ImI v nml nil t nil writ to tint limtltiitliin iiiimt proturit nn Intro
iliirtloii lifliirii thf.v liiii pun lnmu Hi kiln. I Inly Hpt-ilnl iioii-lninrriil)ln tlcknU will lioitc
Ifpli'il on nocllll t'ti'lllllK"
r)iiolul NotlCUH On WiMliiHmliijf iifliTiiiiiin Irom I to Ao'clock t tin urnil pluiiKran
tin n-nti'il lor prlvntit pnrtli-n, i hllilreii niuti-r I'.! III not li nilniltli-il iiiiIi-h-i mi'iiiiipmilixl
by piirmit or Kininlliiii llo)n nmli r III will lm mlmltti-il ilurliiK Imllrii ho urn when ikciiiii
pimleil Ii v tlinlr tnollirr or uimnllmi iMirlnu Jiiiih .Inly nml iiKiiat tlin Krwtt pliuiKit will
lit-iiihii to liuili ni'tia from .1 it 111 to hit in Imllt piiept Kumlny. 'I'Iih Krntt pluiiK"
1 in tipltH 11 npniit nl t.U tfft wiili, liv 111' fif t In IiiikiIi nml U Irom '.' to U fii-t ilifp UU
llllt'il hIIIi iiiIih Till Hiitnr Irom UiKi-oiiipmir'n ohii hHIm nml In iiliuliiti'l piir mnl ri'inurk
nlilv ilfiir mnl limit 11 nl. 'I Imti' urn liHiilnaaliiK rooma.iHo lollrt roniiia, urn hot nml cold
kIiohit lnitliH, onn 1111I011111II1 iiinllit Imtli, to rnliliiT nniTiil xprliiK liuiirila, u rult, it
trnvfllnif en in- mnl ropra lor nriiilrliiK Mm nrt of anliiuiiliiir Si vi-ril llt prranrvura, uilr
rora, 1 oinlia unit liriialina, aonpa iiiiil luMi'la, rlc , mnl Itir iiiliiilaalou to tlm pluni;a with all
ol tluav priWIiKi" U but 36 OCMTB.
;' aMaaV'BaM-aO
ABjLu Willi I TM
i m m i 1
Mlaa llirtltt llurr mnl Mr I' lii'Vi-r Klve limtriictlotia In aHlintnliiK to Imlli-a nml chllilrtn,
in imi mnl lioa ilurluu iiilv.TilaHil hi, lira.
Till) Hot Salt DuthH urn n initrkntilt rltlrmloiia In am Ii iilliiipnta na rliauiniitlmn,
Ivapt pain, koiiI, initlnrlii, kiilin-t llvnr mnl in-rtoiia troiililra nml lilooil illi-nara. Tim hot
ault ill piirlint'iila nn prolmlilr tin moat liiiporiiuil ol Una urnil raiiililiatiiiiinit unit both
a-iia mny liuilii' nt tin' an inn Him, tlitn Imliiu itai'piiritli iimliliatliict iipnrlinout lor IiiiIIm
mnl Ki'iitlcmi'ii, hIIIi atllli'il iittrmlmita In fin Ii II you urn auk, or fii-l tnul mnl iloh't know
i-Illl tl.l Hllllt lllla vol), try tlli'an ault lllltlla lor it aliort tlinemiU aiH thn mult. It will tie a
r vi'liitlou to mi
Thn Hud llimniH urn rliurinlntr, thay nnt hi-II vrntlliiti'il, linmUomHty (urnl.hcil nml
nri' tor thn nn o mm mint ion of ttioa., in ill heniih hIio wlali to trikt. hut ha tinil rvuinln fn tin
liiiililnof, or for Hi ia Hho Hiah it inulila IoiIkHik itllnr it Turklah, lluaaiiin or Ciitilm-t linth
'I h Huoiiiitlon Rooms unci Prlvato Parlors nmrlilily ilfcorttifil mnl nftoril
mm Ii iiimfort nml rnai to ihoan nhu wlah to Hhllnutvitt mi lioiir or !ho nfii r it Intth. Thv
llilrat fiiahloll liiioka, p.'rioilliuu mnl lllllatriltt'il pupnia mn nn I ont nnlnlll tulilna I.QIUr
loua illvillia, roi kara ull'l Pllay rliiura urn on I'HTy al'ln. I hi, llirpntH urn rlili lu iolor nnJ
iliaiun tin a urn mill vlalt thnan iipnrtlllrnta.
Tllii liiirtlor ishop la III ilntrtftt of cnrnfnl innn 'I hn toola urn ahurp, thn aurrouml
Inim limit nml romforiiitilu mnl thn i h'trvna moileritt"
I hti LntlltiH Hnlr (JrnHHliiK Dupiirtmuiit latnrt complntn nml a aiippllml with
nrt thlint iinivaaitry for nrtlaiii mi'l antiafuctort Hork i lm Imlv itttnmlmita itrnrxpcrl.
nun"! mnl i on r it, ma mnl will atrlvn to piniian nil hIio fit tor thmii Hiih ihkii
Tho Pluln B.itllH urn nrj ruini'lni. unl nrforil niiiplu iii'ioiiiuioilitllona. for both
a. let nl I lm auuii' t'llllt All tlllia ll n tthMf poro I inn,
I'liinpiii ', 'h.' inniiliila nml .ill iiituriiiiiiii'ii mny ha aecurml li nililrcaainu: lira. M II.
mnl J i) I t,"i ii iiiiiniiuiiiK pin alt imia, l nml I nurlnnntti a trivia, l.lmoln, Nnb.
SOI 14 i:.
1 !n mini' uf tlil (trHtrrittuii thftll hi tin'
Courier 1'ul h-lnm: 1 uu
: 1 lit prihi 1 1 Hi pltKi (if tlltllMMi tllllf If M
n- hn .Imll lm tn 1 h 1 11 u( I nn ulnt Imu atiT
diinu , ntnti uf Ni tintMkii
I I In trwit-r'tl niiiiin nf tin iKtHlm--- tu tn
trniifii. tt . nlmli l.c tlitit uf put'ltialiliifcr, uriiiliit
luu mill iMiiliititlnlnbr h mu-.niir
I I Ii- iiiiHiiiut uf cjip.f nl Ntot'lk imiliurltml
k ill In . IKMI. nil Miihiii tltidl iuit flll I'ltl 1 up
In furt tin utiiiniiit tut nt of huiiitH
1 Ii iiiifuinitiit of thi- 1 it I'orullori
.Imll t t un tin- ttrMt ila of Mm , i , mi i, fiml
t unt iuiii fur 11 perl ml of uiit lniinlri1 11 r iiii)h
mIihiiUiiI h iniitiMll t iill-eiit uf (til uf I lit rii..
luiltll'TN or 1 t it li pi ill t HM uf luu
tl 1 lit li utn-t it tn tin 11 1 of 111 Ii MimIiihrm or llil
hllitt to whit h t In nn to tioratiun U nt nt. onn
no,.. 1.. .ni 1.. .t..u , . .. 1 1 . .. t 1 nfii. . .
limn in ul I
I III 1 ll It ,1 Ml
7 II ..ill
l.olinl il 1
, k I
1 1 tt-i 1 imiii iiiii rin'l uiii 111 i ii ii
. r ol 1 Ii
'I 1 1
al k-
1 1 ir
I It ,' III 11 1 a
I I a II 1 a
mi ikii"
llll'llli 1 a if ill
1 I-
if .1
J. his Week
40 clozun Black Milan and
Satin Straw.Sailors for 29c
each; they are worth from
75c to $1.25.
It in O St., Opp.iia Hotiai: Coiineii,
Itarititlo'ri ltilknti mill llninltl'M "Atr nm
Oiiliitfu "
MIo llniii'iiiiK ('inner t lijr SiiIiiIhIm imil (Irn ml Ciiii
ii rl miO On liixtnt.
llriinil Oriitorliinf "Clllnli."
artmenta with the
Soman, ana tneie
' m
lu thn iliatrn I miirt of l.itui'iialnr ,oiiut Nn
iirnakn In Ihn iniillnr of Ihneatuti) of Jotill Dlnaoll, ill).
Nullin i hnmlo tfitnu Hint lu pnraii hum of mi
onlnr of llin llouorulili, I hna I, Hull, unit of thu
pulkrna ol tint ,11. in, 1 1 .Mirt of l.ulli'ilaltT I'oiint),
inn, In 011 tlin tilth tint ol Mm, l'i 1, for thn aulu
,,f I tin mill nallltn h. rt ill itn riltnit tilll lit' aulil ut
'In vital iloor ill tlin I'olirl lliU III I Ulll'ttatnr
1 Ollllll , Stlirilaku, till tlin Mil illt.t ot hllin, 1-'J1,
nl .' o 1 loi'k p in, ill tt luliin to thn liiKhnat tiplilur
for 1 iiali thn foiloHlnt 1I1 "trilinil prop rtt, to Hit;
I oi il in lilotk 7 lu tlin lira I mlilitlou to tint town
of I trill, l.mii'Halnr iomil, Nnlirnakii, aitlil aulu
III riiunlii opi'ii mitt hour !) Z
Ski mis r IIiiock,
Viliuliilatiu'iir ,, 1 lii , aiuie ill Joint tllfaon.iln-
1,11.1.1 a4 4
lit I 11 1! un 1 I 11 r iiii.'rii'ia fur ililllllllU'
Mil I l