GAPlTAla OITY OOURIELR. s&v pav. mmste m QlMVyi VU . S J '71ll r :.Vi. . C-ZYvW A fA.KSSjfff'.yi'V?cr sr-.i&jj1 &&&&&$ -i i".. i s m m ' s 1 1 -. -- - yrW& v Wkiyjv'i' CoPrRlGMTEj; PuaLISHEl).ftY5PECmL CH APT, Jit I. Midway between Lampasas and Sm Bnbn tho Colorado river rims a wild, romantic, winding stream AttlniositJ placid current flows evenly over Hu pllng iIioiiIh mul gloaming pebble Again tlio water deOMns, mul ty lluwei bordered banks ItH current eddies sullen alow mul grand, lint there in ouu plno whom tlio river plunges madly down- ward to runr lit tlio Iiiino of preclpltotu rocks ntid wrltho over bowlderii in iti hallow bed. Overhead dark liomlooki curtain thin rage of waters from thogaxt of day. Tlio Hiintilit enters only by tcaltli mul thru In tremulous jkmicIIs. At such inoiuontH, against tlio nonilwi green of tlio Hwnylng pines, tlio rod bird flashes or tlio liullgo bird Is noon u liv Ing sapphire in tlio midden light. And tlio rippling melody of rival mocking birds enters tlio solemn aisles iih though thogatoof heaven woro loft ajar. Within these aisles tlio foot sinks InxitrloiiHly mnld cushions of hemlock boughs mid plno noodlcH. Tlio tall, timo scarred trunkH lift themselves dimly llko pillars of Homo leafy gotlilo domo. Tlio vague rankH of forest oxhalo their cool, diiiup splcory. All nature It hushed and wan Only tlio rlvor'tt moan comes faintly, and everywlioro roundabout and pervading all things aro tlio twilight and bocIuhIoii beloved by tlio dryad. Whether Miss Cynthia DalliiHou a cer tain mild Fohruary afternoon win at all impressed by any of those sylvan sugges tions 1 cannot say Her untutored mind was as yet guiltless of mythology, mid no vision of straying god or goddess, no whimsical train of nymph and faun, hail hitherto Invaded her slumbering fancy Yot swinging lightly in a netted ham mock within an innermost recess of this spicy vault, just whoro a slanting beam of sunlight foil full upon her graceful figure, she might well have been mistak en for soino wood nymph surprised amid her favorite haunts, mo quaint a figure was sho, and yet so essentially in keeping with tlio woodland stillness, of which she Boomed a part. She reclined at case and lastly aa tho limumock swung noted the oft play of RUtillght through tho boughs abovo and tho trembling urubosipios of spray and shadow, ller hand holding n small leathern whip with deer foot ban dlo woro clasiteil behind her head, at once with graceful and careless abandon. A bloud beauty soniowhivt buu tunned and frecklo strown, lier attiro a plain blue woolen gown that clung almost tenderly to the charming curves of her figure, but twinging thus, and with a little silver spur upon tho shoo of her left foot tin kling nasho swung, a fascinating picture certainly for some stumbling Strophou. Miss Cynthia was at present barehead ed. I regret that this negligence had be couio a habit There was, 1 believe, a folt something lying ou tho ground among tho plno needles, which, from the fact that it was decorated with a ribbon or two and a gaudy woodpecker's wing at an extravagant nuglo, may have boon once intended for a becoming bonnet. Out at tho unexpected moment of tho young lady's introduction a pet antelope fawn was attempting to browse upon it and from present indications meeting with gratifying success. Tho antelope was assisting his prandial experiments by a vicious attack upon tho hut with his sharp foro feet. A grave hound, seat ed upon his haunches at a respectful dis tance, regarded tho antelope's sincere ef forts with a Bolenin Hpprovul that was certainly flattering. Cynthia, her ab itractcd eyes still lost iu contemplation of tho swaying canopy of green above hor head or watching through a sudden vista tho calm poise of a gray hawk cir cling aloft in tho limitless other, was rapt and all unconscious. Suddenly she raised her head with a itart. A sharp, articulate cry broke the stillness. Tho antelopo dashed away in tnddcn panic to a remote corner of the bowor, where ho stood eying her askance, a fow feathers from tho gaudy wing still clinging to his mouth. Tho great hound raised himself with a preliminary tretch and monstrous yawn, as If ex pecting a departure. The girl caught up tho luckless hat with a gesture of annoyanco and a snap of her whip in tho direction of tho terri fied fawn a movement nt which the hound, with drooping ears and tail, was itrickou into on attitude of eloquent re proach. "Not you, old boy," sho said kindly, patting his broad head, "but his impu douco yondorl Ho knows it, tho cute rascal, and ho'll hear from mo later! P'raps ho thinks I'm sittiu up nights makin lovely hats jes' to give him a chanco to try his now tooth. Naturally not, 1 reckon. But, Aulus," sho contin ued interrogatively, addressing tho grave bound, "I'm suro I heard a noiso, old boy, didn't you? What was thot? Didn't you get to hear it?" The hound, raising his ears with tho droll interest of dogs of that family, walked gravely to tho edgo of a cliff ou which tho bower abutted and looked tolomnly down. Suddenly his tail began ' to wag with llvoly Interest, Tho girl (prang from tho hammock with a litho activity that left It Bwiuging furiously behind hor. Creeping forward cautious ly beside him, sho gazed below. Far, abrupt aud sheer, down tho precipitous , descent sho behold u man floundering in tho rapids. A dog, dripping wet mul ' timorously wretched, was following him. It was tho latter which had awakened tho interest of tho gravo Aulus. Both were in evident distress and en deavoring to effect a crossing by leapiug from bowlder to bowlder amll tbi P- 0 ' d . nv., Howard J1-Y laqynr" o.p ppletom&'Co AP.RANCtENENT'WlTM'THBM' whirling waters, slippery mid moss Hut tho rocks wen1 ' grown, tho current dizzy mul swift. All at unco tho inauV feet sllp'd ou a trcnchorntiH stono, and ho tottered heavily backward. Ho sat down rather than fell upon his wretched dog, which was following him closely with front lu leapt. Tho animal uttered an agonizing yelp, and with a great splash both dog and man were precipitated into tho angry waters. Tho girl throw her head back and laughed long and musically In her sylvan bowor. At tho unaccustomed sound a mocking bird that had strayed into hor retreat and perched upon a high limb apparently for rest and meditation turned his pretty head to ouo sldo mul listened attentively, as If about to favor her with an imitation. Tho antelope trotted coyly up to her. Aulus, with rapidly wagging tail and whimpering muzzle, testified tho humor of tho catns tropho from a canine RtanilMlnt. In thin sympathetic merriment Cynthia half reclined between her pets, ono arm about tho hound's neck, tho other thrown caressingly around tho already forgiven fawn. Tho mocking bird looked down approvingly and actually improvised a fow bars of bubbling melody by way of comment. Fully three minutes elapsed in this harmonious interchange of oplu ion. Then tho girl crept forward again and peered below The man had oxtri cated himself from tho water and was seated, chilly mul miserable, upou a largo rock iu tho middle of tho stream. Cynthia now noticed that ho carried a gun, tlio barrels of which had lccu lllled with water during his recent iin merslon. Ho was occupied in emptying tho fowling piece, squeezing tho water from his dripping clothing mid legard lug with general discomfiture his pitia ble plight. Tho dog at his sldo, with cowering limbs and shivering hide, was hardly less miserable and wretched aud expressed In pathetic dumb show his conviction that matters could hardly bo worse at least from a dog's limited point of view. Two largo mul heavy feathered objects which tlio man had Just cast down from the rock completed tho group. "What do you think, old boy'i" said tho girl affectionately, taking tho hound by both his largo ears aud gazing critic ally Into his Intelligent eyes. "Had I hotter help that feller or not?" Aulus wagged his tail mid looked in terested. All at ouco ho raised his head and bayed loud and deep, with ii sharp recoil, as tr he stood iu uwo or liis own , vocal efforts. Apparently this wns em pliutio udvico that assistance was neces sary. At least Cynthia acted upou it prompt ly, Sho leaned far over tho cliff, hold lug on by the low branches of u scarrod and time ticntcn hemlock. A sunburst from tho nodding boughs above fell full upou her red gold head and shoulders. "Oh, struugerl" rv ;- -n- "A'ot io u, old lion," the until Madly. ' Her volco echoed musically down the ' rocks. Abovo tho noiso of tho rushing waters, abovo tho sighing of tho tossing i pines, it reached tho cur of tho hupless i wayfarer llko a silver bell. Tho man started and swept tho sides of tho ravine , with a surprised and earnest glance, i Suddenly his gazo becumo fixed. Ho liu.l espied Cynthia. To tho unfortunate sportsman In tho gloomy chasm tho bright face peering so curiously down i upon him from its coign of vantage ' was llko an inspiration in the midst of his distress. His fancy transfigured her with nil tho graces of hopo. "Halloo!" Tho reply cumo clenr up to Cynthia. Sho put her hand to her mouth to assist hor volco and shouted down a word of homely ndvlco: "Throw them turkeys Into tho river! ' Don't you sco thot's what's kcopin you back? Mako for tho shoro you've jes' loft and go down tho bunk a llttlot I'll bo dowu and help you over with a bout d'rectly." Then tho bright, animated vignotto was gone from his fascinated eyes. Nothing was left but the precipitous wnll of the ravino, with its fringing maiitlo of hem lock mid pine. I The man on tho rock remained for a 1 fow moments gazing upward. Ho smiled with a frank good humor that throw a genial light upon strong features, bronzed on forehead mid cheek by exposure and partially hidden beneath a light curling beard, moro carefully trimmed than usual ou the frontier. Although bo grimed and generally disordered from his recent contact with tho river's bed, there was much about his dress to indi cate tho gentleman. Ho woro knee boots, well mado aud of modern fashion. His jaunty hunting jacket had a stylish cut and finish, the metal buttons being cm bossed with trophies of the chase. Tho hut upon his head was now and of an excellent quality of felt. What was moro unusual, it was becoming nnd . tXJflhLSBifPA Jssfttt . kjnj ' CJCT bUsV I honied in keeping with tho athletic htilld, tho manly face mul bearing of tho flguro It surmounted, Tho gun ho car ried was breechloadfng mul double bar reled, A cameo ring graced tho hand that held it. Altogether ho looked tho picturo of a comfortable ranchman over taken by embarrassing circumstances, In need of nothing so much as a warm fire lido mul a dash hero and theru of soap sad water. Btich won probably his own opinion, for after a fow moments' hesitation ho i noted with promptness mul dispatch. He i cast tho two turkeys Into the stream. ' hardly stopping to watch them iw they i were homo away on the rapid current to float to some vantage ixrint below htm. Then ho looked hurriedly around n second, shivered a little, pushed his wretched dog off tho rock Into tho water mid quite indifferent to tho pitiful yelp I with which tho favor wuh received al ruptly followed thoaniinal. Alternately wading mul leaping from rock to rock both gained tho shore, the dog immedi ately shaking himself mul dispensing a gratuitous shower that effectually drenched his master where the river had forborne. Tho man recoiled, opened his mouth as if In angry protest, abandoned the Idea with griinness and then looked wrathfiilly around for a stono as more direct aud persuasive iu canine logic Finding, as usual iu such emergencies, that missiles were not available, ami that ho wiih confronted by bowlders and tree trunks only, he abandoned n tempo rary impulse to Impersonate Ajax mid burst into u hearty laugh. Tho dog, a handsome shepherd, which hud mean while awaited dissolution with pathetic resignation, took courage at once and thankfully wagged a dripping tail that distributed a watery benediction upoi, tho surrounding rocks. Then ho was up parently rendered delirious by tho pros pect of farther advance dry shod and bo cainoa frolicsome nuisance, demonstra tive, unduly familiar mul generally un bearable. The man interposed a fow kicks of his heavy boot by way of com mentary uK)ii this obtrusive pleasantry, which was appreciated and had a salu tary effect. But hero both were surprised In their diversions by a'louil call down tho river that Indescribable vocal effort which indicates a search. Tho man recalled himself as if with regret for his forgot fulnes.and hurried away over tho rocks along tho shore, closely followed by hi gamboling dog. CHAPTER II. Cynthia awaited tho stranger. She was seated iu a tint bottomed Inmt nt a wide bond of tho river, whoro tho water that raged above dimpled past her in sullen eddies. She had but lately rowed across, and tho oars, thrown carelessly down, woro beaded and dripping. With maiden recklessness she hud benched the little craft high and dry upon tho rocks. Still In uo bouso discoursed by the shock of landing and entirely soreno nt toposslblodmnago to the boat rout the rocont collision, sho sat quietly in the stern, her hands crossed in her lap, but her alert eyes glancing eagerly un mul down tho bank in expectation. Evidently the approaching meeting hud constrained her to greater formality in dress than usual, for she had donned the unfortunate hat. it now proved to bo simply a soft folt, the brim of which had lieen caught up nt ouo side mid garnished with a rib bon or two and tho wing already men tioned a K)or substitute in feminine eyes, doubtless, for tho exquisite follies of ' civilization, but worn amid her present 1 surroundings with a picturcsqucncss aud dash that were not without their charm. . Beyond her tho dark river, flowing with Its slow but irresistible current, swept calmly on its way. The faint green of trees upon the further bunk, the sharp outlines of rock nnd bowlder, framed her graceful figure against a rugged back ground. Tho noiso of tho waters above cumo to her ear but faintly. High over her head a red shafted flicker tapping monotonously upou a withered limb ac cented the lonely stillness of the ravine, while at Intervals a sharp yelp of despair , drifted across tho river where tho aban- doued Aulus, distinctly discernible in the J dim light, mounted guard at tho boat ' landing and bewailed her absence. Tho girl sighed regretfully. Sho waved hor hand from tho boat iu reassurance to tho faithful animal. "Keep quiet, old man! I'm comiu buck d'rectly I" she shouted. But her retlections were less amiable. "I reckon thot chap allows me to lx pretty nccoiumodutin waiting to ferry him over till nigh onto sundown. P'raps ho thinks it's my reg'lur business rowin half drowned men and wet dogs across the Colorado. P'raps," sho continued, glancing down in tho bottom of tho boat where tho dripping bodies of tho turkeys sho had picked up on tho way over were lying "p'raps bo reckons it's pleasant entertainment haulin bis gomo into the boat and gettiu soaked into tho bargain. I wonder now naturally If thot's his opinion." But hero a mournful succession of buys nnd howls from tho aggrieved Au lus interrupted her meditations. Sho sprang to her feet, impatiently seizing an our, as if to push the boat off and recross tho river. A brief moment sho stood thus erect, her blue eyes Hush ing, tho indignant blood mantling her cheek as sho placed the blade of tho oar upon a neighboring rock and throw the whole weight of her litho body upon It But her efforts woro futilo. Tho un wieldy scow remained fixed and Immov able. Then there was a sharp clutter among tho rocks, tho underbrush upon tho bunk parted suddenly, and tho dila tory stranger, followed by his effusive dog, stood revealed before her eyes. Ho stopped abruptly, smiled, aud dropping tho butt of his gun to tho ground leaned upou it with both hands upou tho muz zlo. Tho dog, evidently burprUed at the sudden meeting, sat dowu at ouco upon his haunches, and with panting jawa ap peared to bo Including in ono trouien 1 dous grin tho whole encounter and the afternoon's incidents. Thus surprised, Cynthia's resolution t vanished beforo that charming ombur ' rassment which HHiictimcs overtakes her .v She stood a moment irresolute sur veying tH' easy self possession of the nan before her. Tho next, tho oar.with i shower of spray, dropped awkwardly from her nervous grasp into tho stream, Itecklesfl of tho effect of this accident upon her future rowing, sho was Imme diately overcome with solicitude for her personal apicarauco, attempted to ad just a struggling lock of hair, and finally catching tip her fallen hat and sotting It quickly on her head sat down, a very bewitching picture of confusion, mul yet not without an effort to assert herself that only increased her discomfiture. The man looked amused, but straight way acted with tho docislon of a fron tiersman, lie glancod at the floating oar. Then ho stepped quickly forward, placed bis gun iu tho boat, and lifting tho Ikiw clear of tlio rockH by sheer strength shoved It off Into tho current, stopping In adroitly as ho did so. His dog, with 1 tho imitative faculty of his kind, at ' temptV to follow suit, but tho force nt j tho launching being considerable only ' succeeded in catching ono foot ou the i gunwale, whoro ho hung a miserable second, until, falling in with a loud ' splash, ho began at ouco to swim after the boat with ths usual whines of dis tress. PStZzi The dilatory utrunaer ntnod revealed be fore her. Strangely enough, It needed this pitiful incident to restore Cynthia to her nat ural composure With her affection for dumb animals her assurance returned. Sho leaned forward ami glanced boldly up at tho stranger. Ho was standing erect, using tho remaining oar as a pad dlo nnd urging the boat swiftly iu pur suit of tho lost ouo, which already iu tbs swoop of the current was drifting rupid ly away. "Don't you reckon you better haul thot poor pup in, jes' naturally?" sho in quired, fixing her critical eyes upon i him. I Tho man glanced at hor In amazement nnd burst into n ringing laugh. "Certainly, if you say so," ho said good nnturcdly, arresting his oar. "But to I lift him in now means u shower bath for 1 both of us. It's n neat little way with i him in roturn for such favors," he added, with pardonable Irony in vlow of his re cent experience. "However, I can stand , it," glancing down at his dripping boots nnd trousers, "but I thought you'd object, you see." i "Don't you worry alwut mo," returned i Cynthia frankly. "Them turkeys set tled thot!" Sho paused and whipped her bespattered skirt about her pretty ankles by way of comment. Then, with a toss of her head, sho went on: "I reckon thot gobbler'll weigh nigh onto i-Vi pounds. I hud all I could swing to. It was nip and tuck for awhile whether he'd pull mo in or I him, but 1 beat!" She laughed nnd touched tho great turkey with her foot as sho exulted over her exploit iu girlish triumph. Her companion, having his attention for tho first timo attracted to tho recov ery of his game, thanked her wurinly and applauded her achievement. His praiso was received with apparent grati fication and a sudden revelation of bril liant teeth aud becoming dimples. Meanwhile tho struggling dog hud overtaken the drifting bout nnd was muking impotent efforts to clamber In, fulling back rupeutedly with ugouized whining. The girl sprung forwnrd suddenly and caught him by tho collar. Sho attempt ed to lift him in bodily, but without success. With her limul still upou the leathern strap, she turned impatiently to the stranger: "Aro you going to stand there as if you was moonstruck nnd lot your poor dog drown naturally?" she inquired. Thus besought, the man stooped dowu, and without moro ado lifted tho dog into tlio boat, receiving at ouco tho cus tomary tribute. It wns delivered on the present occasion with a frankness and devotion to detail that made it note worthy. In addition to drenching the two In tho boat, It rendered occupancy of the seats unpleasant aud boating an actual hardship. During this animated cascado Cyn thia covered her face with her hat and shook with laughter. Tho man turned his back upon his dog with manifest dis gust. As soon as it was safo to do so he faced about and regarded Cynthia with grim amusement. "Ho did right smart, didn't ho?" sho l Inquired, looking up brightly nt him, her i eyes still dancing with her recent merri ment. "For an ordinary dog," replied her companion quietly, "a modest, uuobtru- I ve, unassuming brute. I should think ho did." j "I reckon so," sho said quickly. Then casting u sudden glance down tho river, j "Don't you reckou thero'd bo moro benso In gottin thot oar than jes' wastin day light talkin about your dog?" j Tho brusque! s of this rebuke was ! lessened by a quiver of mirth that twitched tho corners of her rosy mouth and flashed from her mischievous eyes. The man looked at her bcarchiugly and , with a gravo surpriso at her abruptness. ' Without a word ho turned tho boat again i Into tho current and began to paddle with a rapidity that Focmed mi apology for his recent negligence. 1 Until tho oar hud been recovered and they wero rowing back agaiiibt the sullen 1 jurreut tho silence that had fallen bo- s"TPrsvrv w-.i rTj -wi.-rz TI . f.een them both had been In marked' t mtrast to their previous merriment. This became so marked as they proceed ed that Cynthia begun to bo distressed. Tho suu un longor visited tho river in occasional shaft? and stray glimpses. It wns sinking below tho wooded heights. A vaguo chill crept over tho river. The trangor shivered and suddenly addressed her. It brought a certain relief to Cj n thlu. "Whoro do you live, young lady?" Tho girl experienced a delicious tremor at this form of address. His volco was low and deep, and there was a quiet dig tiity about bis manner. "Up at tho ranch back of tho bluff." "Whoso ranch?" "Father's." "And his name?" "Dallas Alcides Dallas but tboy call him Al for short that is, some do. lint others call him Allsides Buck says it's 'cause he's uncertain iu his votiu. They can't alters count on him for tho Demo cratic ticket. My name's Cynthia." Her companion, having already expo 1 rlonced tlio divine despair of tho average Republican in Texas, was not wanting in his appreciation of the woes of tlio elder Dallas. Howbeit, ho made no po litical comment beyond a gravo lifting of tho eyebrows. But tho name haunted him. "Cynthia," ho said, repeating it slow-1 ly. "Cynthia Dallas. How do you get to your ranch, Miss Cynthia?" "Not Miscynthla, but plain Cynthia," sho said, "or Cynthy, as father sas But I hnto thnt. You can call mo Cyn thia." Her companion looked up with a smile as ho noted tho privilegoconvoyed by her emphasis. "Thanks," ho said simply. "Well, Cyn thia, do you suppose your father has any room at his ranch for a miserable, tired, half drowned hunter a 'tenderfoot' we'd better call him, for ho was fool enough to let his horse walk off mul leave him ou the bald pralrio while he was looking up a turkey roost?" Cynthia's curiosity mid sympathy wero awakened at once. "Your pony walked off and left you I did he? Well, now!" Sho laughed. Then i as her frontier instincts asserted them selves, there was a little disdain in her manner us she inquired, "Can't you tie tho cowboy's hitch?" Her companion felt the implied slur 1 for ho colored visibly under bis beard. 1 "I must have been careless, I suppose or elso the knot slipped," ho replied apol ogetically. "At any rato that's tho state i of the case no horuo, rider wet, tired and hungry, dog ditto. Do you suppose your I miner can give Hiieuer lur uio iiigm iu tivn triitiitistV" I "1 reckon," said tho girl simply. Sho I I stooped to pat tho dog's wet head com I passionately. "Poor 'Dittol'" sho inur I mured. Then, looking up quickly with I u mischievous glance, "What's the name of tho other trump;" "He calls himself Henry Uruce, aud he hails from the 'Mosquito valley ranch, I of which you may have heard," returned her companion, showing by a humorous I twinkle that her sarcasm was appre ciated. "Tho 'Mewmlte valley ranch!'" ox 1 claimed Cynthia, with an astonishment I of manner thnt she did not attempt to conceal. "Yo don't say! Well, Henry Druco, I dou't reckon you'll have any ' , call to complain of the treatment you'll i get from father. Burrin the fact that a , stray steer o' yours gets Into our corn i bin now and then ho hasn't anything to j complain of." : All at ouco her thoughts reverted to the ranchman's straying horse. Dumb animals possessed a peculiar interest for i Cynthia. : "Won't that poor pony of yours get a i wlialiu naturally';" she inquired. "1 i wonder where ho is now';" I "I suppose his present address is I 'Texas, on the Wing.' " replied her com ' paulon, with gravity. "On general prin I ciplos, yei, I think I may safely say ho'll havo an intelligent idea later of the ca pacity of a quirt. Uut 1 shall have plenty of time to consider all that and possibly to get over my temper beforo I sco him again. Meanwhile," he added, with a shrug of his broad shoulders, "I'm feeling a llttlo chilly aud very much in need of dry clothing. Excuse mo, Cynthia, but if you could hurry matters a little aud get me homo it would bo better for all concerned." Tho girl responded with promptness to tins appeal. "1 reckon you're right," sho said quickly and with a sudden blush that was very becoming. "It's mighty alack In mo to bo so careless sittiu hero bother in you with questions and you freeziu to death. Hand mo thet paddle." She pointed out a small oar that had hitherto luid unperceived in tho bottom of the bout. "Now, If you'll row for all you're worth ugulnst this current I'll have you at tho lauding iu a jitl'y. We're almost there anvhow " CIITIMH-II NKXT KKK.) III Apology. Elder Spiulklns, who keeps a store nt Quohosh, was sent as temporary supply to a pulpit in tho villago of l'odiiuk, four miles away. Ho was Into at tho morning service and thuss "Jlrethren, I hopo you will pardon my tardiness this morning, but tho fact is I was kept up lato la,t night opening tho fin est stock of dry goods ever brought to Quo bosh. We will sing tho onu hundred und third hyinn." Urooklyn Life. Nrr, "This is my latest scheme for calling at tention to my wares," reinaiktd tho indus trious poet and humorist as ho displayed an tngrnvi-d letter head hearing thu follow iiil; legend: "In returning manuscript editors aro po litely requested to luulosu stamps enough to send It along to tho next olllee ou the route." Tint h. HjU'Cil thu l'arttni; (incut. Sifter ThejNiy I grievously regret you aro to leave our church, dear pastor. Pastor Peaceful You should not grieve. No doubt tho Lord will send you a better bcrvmit to fill my place. Sister Thoywi) I havo no such hopo. Of thu last 13 pastors wo havu had each ouu has been worse than the other. Texas Sittings. Cancers injhe Neck Torrlblo Choking Sensation smfa Mm. .nines linker of Locust Valley, Long Island. "Tour jenrs figo, nlillo living la Trinidad, Coloraito, a small lump aiprareil on my neck, which prailually swelled anil developed Into aa InCrtiM-lr painful llrid aerr with a centr (Weil with granulations llko shot. Another sore appeared nn Inch or two distant, mul 1 had to rIvo up nnd return to my parents In llrookljrn 1'hyslclans pronounced tlieia c.iuccm and Performed An Operation for their removal. I suffered a great deal botoro tlio operation, nnd far worse, since. Ono of tlio cancers, tlio smaller one, healed oyer but was ns soro as crcr, whtlo tlio other did not heal and was worse. Tlio physicians told me I would have to submit to nnothcr operation, but I said I would Dlo First A similar lump a year ago oamo ou the right ild of my neck. Tor many months I could swallow only liquid or very soft food, nnd sometimes found grrnl dllllrullr In pruning iiloml. At the suggestion of a friend, I began taking Hood's Barsaimrlll.-i, aud the only thing I regret Is that 1 did not tako It years ngo, nnd thus have pre vented tcrrllilo suffering, for had I taken the medicine, 1 sincerely believe I should not have needed liny operation at nil. Tlicso sores are now, after taking two bottles, Completely Cono and, I nm satisfied, permanently heated up. Tho lump on the right sldo of my neck lias nearly nil dried up, mid no longer causes me Hood's s Cures any Inconvenience. I can cat anything onct more, nnd can mo my voice ns well ns ever." Mks..Iami's Uaki'ii, Locust Valley, Long Island Hood's Pills euro Nausea, Hick Headache. Indigestion, llllioiisncss. Hold by Oil druggist , - - -- - Elllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltimim eH93tUmPICX3t!JS3.TytS!t!X ! i.i3:i;:jYJifcia:s SAFE, CLKAN, I ECONOMICAL, and SATISFACTORY. This refers to Gas, whether used 5 as n fuel or no illiiuiinniit. Recent S changes iu the home plant citable S i The Lincoln Gas Go. o furnish the very finest gas nt the lowest figures obtainable any where in the United Slates, under similar conditions. Fuel Gas is sold nt the exceed ingly low rate of $1.!15 per thou sand feet, and Illiiiniuatiiig Gas nt $1.80 per thousand feet. E Call up Telephone No. 75 nnd nrrnngc forn trial of this iinnp- s pronciinnic uici. House conncc- s r: tions for fuel gas uindc without charge to the consumer. There ; S nrcovcrJJOO gas stoves in Lincoln, 5 costing on nn nvcrngcless than $3 s P per mouth each for fuel. 3 f'TTTT TTWfT fTTTTTr TfffflHl J Siiiiliiilllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil PROTECT YOUR FOBS FUBS and TPTJR GOODS STORED FOR THE SUMMER Insured and gunrnntcod against tire, choft and motliH. For tonus aud fur .hor particulars, call on J. E. VOELKER, PRACTICAL FURRIER. Y. M. O. A. BUILDING-. STIFF HATS MADE TO ORDER From $.50 to $ 1 50. Lincoln Stiff Hat Factory, X. W. Oor. 13tu and O St. Old Hnts Blocked, Cleaned, Dyed, and made its good as New. All kinds of Repair Work done. PLANS FOR 25 CTS. Bond for tl National IIuii.ii Kit, it monthly ji iirnnl dotuled tn tiuilditiK interubtv- Kneh number contains a enmnlvtit wt of plims nwly to linild from. Trim. JUjo per TOrilliKlncoiies'iclH. Heml for hook, "lliwin I tiful Homes," coutiiiiiiiitl 2" pluns In colors. Kcml I for cntiiloiiuo of plans, frtsi. Tint . National 1 Uuil.PKll, Adams Kiitcsh llullcllliK, I IiIcuko. jMvAVittAVv. Aw