Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 13, 1893, Page 8, Image 9

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Finest Lines of Tt $j&
Wash Goods
km u:;
12cl, 20c. 25c, 35c, 48c. J!
POPULATION OF LINCOLN 70,000 nr9K' H?-3i C - j
ri C r--, & QSJiWTi&JZk2 found lirAV.
! If 1
itRwjmv w5
J' &C9
w 1 Mil IVI1 MIIS. Ill llll llll Ill I
Yv I i
Corner I Oth nnd P Stroots.
.r now tionliiK n Inrxnllnnnf
In Yry iliinrtiuinl
dkess noons, linens,
a specialty,
Agents for Huttorlok's Patterns.
H. R. Nisslcy & Co.
'I ln Courier Tun It I'ouiiil ,l
llnlcl Lincoln NrnnHlnml.
WlniUor lliili-l N Stniul.
Oniltnl Until New. Hlnml.
Ilr.l Duilo ClKiir HI ore, lO.'O O HI.
IM Yntinir, I'.'OT OHt.
tlnaiiu, I'li'li'lnT A (M , ltjt) 0 Ht.
Mmn' .Not Stniul, IISHimlti Mill Ht,
CoimiKH Olthv, 1131 1) HI.
t'ualiio ClKiir Hloro, IMIi mill () Hl.
1M U Stiwt.
Tim undersigned hereby gives notice
tlmt It will not lio responsible for or
pay any tlolt incurred by employes,
except tlioso for which an order Is given
personally signed by It, This rule is
Count Kit Pun. Co.
Lincoln Neil, May IhI., 1803.
On the aid.
Lincoln Frnmo iiutl Art Co., 225 S.
David P. Sims, dentist, rooms 12 and
43, Burr Mock.
Mrs. MoFarhind, professional uurso,
131 South Eleventh stroot.
Mrs, II. 11. DenmroHt, Hair Dressing
nnd Manicuring, rooms 101-102, 1518 O
K. C. linking l'owdor, 25 ounces for
25 conts. Absolutely pure. Hnvo you
trlod it?
B. P. Reagan linn oxoluslvo Halo of
"Excolslor Patont" Dakota Hour. Tlio
boat In the city.
Wantod Every lady In tho city to
try Reagan's "Excelsior Patont" Hour.
Every sack warranted.
Everything now at '235 South Elev
enth stroot. Wo try our boat to pleaso
In quality and In price.
Full lino of artist's materials at Lin
coln Frame and Art company's, 220
South Elovouth stroot.
All orders via tolophouo 393 will
roach W. A. Collin & Co. nnd rocolvo
prompt and caroful attention.
If you want tho best Hour in tho city
buy tho Excelsior patont of 11. F. Rea
gan, 235 South Elovouth ntroot.
Mrs. II. II. Demurest, lato of Chicago,
hair drossorand manicurist, 1518 O
stroot. Tako elovator, room 101-102.
If yur last year's hoso noxzlo is worn
out or it you want a now ono of tho
latest pattern, call at Dean &, Horton'a,
It will pay you to call at tho now
grocory, 235 South Eleventh street, for
nil Hrst-olass goods. Fruit and vege
tables, in season.
Miss llortha Snydor, stenographer
und typewriter. Correspondence, law
work, and all kinds of shorthand work
prompy and uently oxooutod. 1131 0
stroot Tolophouo 253.
L. S. Gllllck, Fashlonablo Tidlor.
Lntost novelties in gontlomon's spring
goods. Qilllok still cators to tho wish
of tho public. Call on him and be
sultod. 1010 O stroot, Room 10.
When you want Hrst class lawn
sprlnklors that will do your swnrd good
and ploaso tho oyo, there's but ono
pluco to got thorn and that's at Doan
& Horton's, 1450 O stroot
Tho finest invitation work, handsom
est stylos, and absolutely correct forms,
either ongravod orpriutod, nro now bo
ing furnished by tho Courior Publish
ing Co., 1131 O stroot.
A Finn Krulil.'iire For Kent.
, An eight-room houso with all modern
improvements for rent Juno 1st. Qas,
bath, hot and cold wator, steam boat,
clsteru and city wator. Apply nt rosl
douco, 1827 L stroot or 1131 O stroot
When you want prompt sorvico and
fair troatmout and tho solootion from
tho largest stock of grocorlos in Lin
coln call on W. A. Collin &, Co., suc
cessors to J. Mlllor, 143 South Elovouth
Mil. NI MIIS. Ill llll in: i:ll
Wednesday and Friday evenings Mr.
and Mrs L (' llurr were "at home" to
their friends In their beautiful new
residence, 1503 K street, anil both re
ccptlous, marked by the entire absence
of formality, were very delightful no
fusions, Mrs. Hurrlsn charming host
ess and her outortniiimouts are always
most highly appreeiat(il Among those
present at thotwoovontsworo; .Messrs.
and Mosdsnios A. V. Meld,.!. V. )e
weoso, N. (.'. Ilrook, T. L, Nerval, of
Howard; A. M. Tost of Columbus; l C.
llurr, A. I), llurr, 11. II. Townloy, M. H.
Ilawloy, F. W. Ilrown, (leo. K. mown,
W. ,1. Marshall, .1, F. Lansing. L. V.
lllehardH, (1. M. Ilartlett, Hewell, ('lie
uey, W. ,1. Lamb, A. ,1. Huwyer, A. H.
Tlliiietls, ('. L. llall.Krauk Hall, W. H.
Latta, T. II. Ilenloii, N. ('. Abbott, W.
.1. Ilryan. K. W. Llttlo, Klghter, l V.
llpham, Wheeler, II. I', l-'oslor, Hwlng,
Thompson, K. E. Ilenkle, W. II. Ilnr
greaves, A. E. Ilargreaves, .1. I). Ale
Kiii-IiukI, II. I). Hathaway, . I. II. Harlev,
h. Wessel, Jr., II. II. Patrick. K. k.
Perry, Vales, llailey, John II. Wright,
T. M. Mariiiett, Moore, Newman, H. II.
Ilurnham, H. II. Pound, Audrus, Phil
llps.C. II. Hammond, CO. Wliedon, A.
C Itlcketts. Putnam, Hauuders, II, It.
Cm-dory, It. Itymi, (I. L. Laws, W. It.
Dennis, Albert Watklns. C ll.Oere, A.
W. Jansen, Klnr, Wlnnott.AniasnCibli,
Campliell, (iiorgo Clarke, .Stevenson,
II. II. Wilson, A. C Zlemer, I'arker, C
I!. Slmw, Keerer, Paul Holm, lluiiliut,
J. E. I lout. M. II. TUIon, Dorrls, Up.
plncott, Will Oi-eeu, Ed (Ireeii, L.
Meyer, Shilling, II. It. Nlssley, A. II.
Ciirnith, W. H. lluirmau, l- W. Ilul.l
ulu, A. (I. Ileeson, It. J. (Ireeu, J. W.
Winger, W. M. Leonard. C (1. Dawes,
Kuapp, II. K. llurr, Kmlth, llrowuell,
Stewart,.!. H. Dales, H. E. Moore, Sut
ton, White, Ledranil lliildwln, Itov.and
Mrs. O. A. Williams, Miss Corn llardv,
Mr. W. E. Hardy, Mr. (I. M. Lambert
son, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. S. S. 1 1 rock.
Temple hall was tho scene of a bril
liant social event l-'rlduv evening of
last week, the occasion being a May
party given by a large number of
young people. The participants were
Misses draco ltamsey, ltoso Clark,
Lorotta Kolley, llertio Poston, Lottie
Audrus, Ella Cox, Maudo llerko, Mertio
iMoeller, Alva Wicket-sham, Loulso
Kowler, Myrtle Wilson, Irono Hyam,
Hello Church, of Howard, Neb., Stella
Hoyt, Alice lllack, Loulso Smith, Jen
nie Stewart, Josephine Lottrldge. Myr
tle Stevenson, liosslo MoDlll, Mattlo
Clrillls, Hlaucho Jones, Nollio Cotllu,
Norma Hood, Anna Dunn, Julia Key
sor, Dot Styros, Minnie Fryman, Fran
cos Styles, Lllllo Peters, LI..lo lluef
ford, Miss Styer. Messrs. Dudley Cook,
Wilson Winger, Erwln Mctloe, Kltuor
Clark, Ora Ward, Morgan Maghoo,
Chas. lilalr, Walter Hanks, Arthur
Vearlau, Cleorgo Lotson, tlrat. Harnes,
Ebon Prentice, Ernest Clorrard, Paul
Plzey, Wllllem Ellis, Harry Hurley,
Hay Welsh, William Collin, William
Kelm. L. M. Loiter ty. II. D. ltugg.U. H.
Unpihart, Robert Deomor, E. Plko,
Oeorgo K (lascolgne, C A. Clark,
William Adair, William McNeil, Cicero
Johnson, Fred Clund, Hay Wluslow, Ed
Strolght, Eb Mockett, It L. Woodwood,
J. P. Harton, Clato Sliador, F. MoFar
laud, Clarence Kimmerer, Charles Mc
Dowell, L. 11. Cornell, Freil Dawson, of
Sydney, Neb., Van Smith. Oliver
Clough, Leo Copolaud, Harry Cope
Mr. Harry Nott, of Omaha, and Miss
Maud A. llryaut, of Milwaukee, wero
united in marriage last Wednesday at
Milwaukee. Tho ceremony was per
formed by Kov. Charles Lester, rector
at St. Paul's, and took place at tho
church at 10:30 In tho morning in tho
nresonco of members of tho two fami
lies. Tho wedding party then adjourned
to tho Pabst hotel, where they wero
joined by ladies and gentlemen promi
nent In Milwaukee social circles, inti
mate friends of the bridet and tho
whole company sat down to an elabor
ate wedding breakfast.
Mr. and Mrs. Nott aro now visiting
among Iowa relatives. They will bo
"at homo" to friends after July 10th at
2021 Caldwell street. -Omaha Heo.
Mr. Nott has many friends in this
city who will no doubt bo interested in
tho above.
The Century club was outortalnod
last evening by Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Camholl at her residence 1227 south
Tenth stroot. It was the last mooting
of tho season, and Prof. Caldwell gave
an interesting review of tho year's
work In history. Tho mooting was
largely attended, and included the
members and their husbands, and a
few invited guests among whom wero :
Messrs and Mesdames Milton Scott,
It. T. Vanllrunt. W. J. Winger, Walto,
W. E. Kirkor, W. 11. Wolcott, E. S.
Sayre, C. 1. Jones, Paul Holm, Howell,
Hartley, E. II. Curtis. D. C. Campbell,
M. II. Oarton.W. A. McCreory.Teetors,
P. W. Plank, T. M. Hmlgmiiu, W. J.
Ilryan, S. D. Hyde, J. E. Hill, M. IV
Welch, T. C. Monger, Lane, Mrs.
Frauklsli and daughter Miss Nannie,
Mr. MacDauo and daughter Miss Alico
and Mrs. W. E. Vanllrunt.
The last meeting of the Hound Tablo
for the season of '03-1 was held Mon
day evening at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. E. E, Ilrown. Thoro was a
full nttoudenco and tho gathering was
particularly lutorostlng. Tho subject
dlsoussod was : " Tho means to bo em
ployed to ralso sutllclont revonuo to
moot tho general exponsos," An ele
gant ropast was served by Mrs. Ilrown.
Thoso present wero: Messrs I.M. Hay
mond, C. O. Dawes, F. D. Crlm, M. D.;
A. S. Tlhbotts, Albort Watklns, S. L.
Gelsthardt, W. J. Ilryan, S. II. Hrom
ham, F. W. Hill, A. J. Sawyer, C. O.
llurr, Kov. Louis Gregory.
Mrs. L. Wessel entertained a few
lady friends in a very unique way
Wednesday attornoou, In honor of Mrs.
Mahlor, of St. Louis, and Mrs. E. Mayor
of Now York. Dllfeient oblccts were
placed about the room to represent the
juorksof well known authors, for In
!., .., in. . . . .
miiiirn, iiui'ino' was lepresenieu ny
a loose heel ; "Mlddleinarch" by the
letter It ;" Pickwick Papers" liy a pick
and a wick. Miss Anna Mayor proved
to be (he most successful guessor, and
was rewarded by a beautiful china
cheese plate. Delicious refreshments
were served on small tables which wero
handsomely embellished with Dowers.
The guests were: Mrs. A. Newmark,
Mrs. Charles Mayer, Mrs. Hlmon
Mayer, Mrs. M, Ackerman, Mrs. M.
Kahn, Mrs. L. M. Colin, Mrs. Samuel
Wessel, Mrs. Helllnger, Mrs. L. A.
Ksensky, Mrs, I. Hrucks, and Misses
Paulino and Annie Mayer of New
The Columbian group was enter
tained TuoMlayovonlng by MlssSlilck
lauil at tho home of Mrs. J. S. McCou
nell, Fourteenth and L streets. The
house was prettily decorated with
shells, sea ferns, mid dilfereut objects
iiertaining lo tho fisheries, Miss Strick
land having ipiite a lengthy and Inter
esting article on that subject. Elegant
refreshments wero served at tho close
of the program which consisted of a
talk by Mr. W. 1-1. Hardy on transport
ation and the ways of getting to tho
fair; an Interesting paper by Mr. P. F.
Clarke on tho Midway Plalsance, and
one by Mrs. F. Shopard on tho Convent
Larablda. All the members wero
present us follows; Mr. and Mrs. Will
O. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. P. F.Clarke,
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Mockett, Prof, and
Mrs. Fossler, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shop
ard, Mr. Will Hardy anil Miss Mary
The society of tho Hall in tho drove
will meet Friday evening, May 10.
Tho following piogram has been ar
ranged: Fisko's "The Critical Period in
American History," chapter 7, Mrs.
Stein; "What is tho Political Import
ance or tho State?" Mr. Clionev;
Fisko's "Civil Government," Mrs. Hall;
" Wero tho years 1801 Cm of more car
dinal importance than tho years 1783
80," discussion led by Mr. Leavitt.
Mrs, W. II. Wolcott left Monday for
Denver, where sho will visit several
weeks Miss Mamie Price, who lias
been visiting Mrs. W. M. Leonard, de
parted Monday for Tennesee Mrs.
A. 11. Coif roth is enjoying a visit at her
former homo in St. Louis Mr.
Frank N. Shelby, of Cambridge, Is in
Lincoln... Mr. Robert Joyce spent Sun
day In Lincoln.... Major J. D. Klutsch
and daughter left this week for Chica
go to attend the World's Fair. Thoy
wero accoinpauyed by Miss Stella Cur
tis Mrs. Elizabeth Snell left for
linker City, Oregon, Monday Mrs.
Ada Payne Is in North Platte.... Hon.
J. S. Honglaud, of North Platte, has
purchased a residence property in this
city and will soon make Lincoln his
home.... Mrs. II. P. Foster and iter sou
Frank left Lincoln Tuesday for a few
month's visit in Peunyslvauia. Thoy
will also visit tho World's Fair before
they return Mr. James Lelaud, of
Ottumwa, 111., Is .spending a few days
w-itli his sou, Mr. Samuel S. Lelaud.
Ho expects to make Lincoln his home
in the near future.... Hon. E. P.
Smith, of Omaha, spent a few days in
Lincoln this week.... Mrs. James W.
Adams left Lincoln Monday for Lex
ington, Mo., where sho will spend a
month visiting with relatives, after
which sho will bo joined by Professor
Adams and thoy will visit tho World's
Fair together.... Mr. C. C. Upham is
perfecting plans for a splendid now
residence which ho expects to eroct in a
short time.... Mr. and Mrs. Parker C.
Kennedy, accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. William Kennedy, loft Lincoln
Monday for a week's stay at tho World's
Fair city Mr. W. E. Houtz, a
nephew of Dr Houtz, is visiting in Lin
coln and may locate hero permanently.
....Miss llertio llurr has boon appoint
ed swimming Instructor at tho now san
Itarluni, Fourteenth and M streets....
Colonel Harry Hotchklss returned
Tuesday from a few week's sojourn In
Missouri,... Mr. Charles E. Miller, of
Ogdon, Utah, is in tho city visiting ills
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. It. Miller.
....Professor Stout, of tho State Uni
versity, was in Heatrlco on Tuesday. ...
.....Mr. Herbert Marsland, of tho Lin
coln highschool, lias accepted a Mutter
ing oirer from a privato school near
San Francisco, and will leave for his
now post .sometime during the summer
....Miss Nollio White has returned
from Oinalia ...Mr. William Gold, or
Hampton, Iowa, is in tho city. Ho will
bo married next Tuesday to Miss
Paulino Moyor, of Now York, who is
now in Lincoln.... Miss Anno Funke
lias returned from a very pleasant visit
in Omaha ...Mrs. Richard Murphy
loft Tuesday for L-i Hollo, Mo., to visit
with her iiaronts ...Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Houtz will soon bo nt homo in the rosl
douco formorly owned by Mr. E. II.
Audrus.... E-Gov. James E. Hoyd
was In tho city this week. ...Mr. C. A.
Rutherford has returned from Chicago
....ltov. J. Wannamaker left for
Peoria Thursday.... Miss Nollio Post,
of Columbus, was In tho city this wook.
....Mrs. Georgo W. Doano, of Omaha,
visltod Lincoln this wook.... Mrs. E. H.
Stevenson is visiting in Illinois....
General Victor E. Vifipiain, appointed
consul-general to Panama, received his
passport Thursday. Ho expects to
leave for Panama about May 30 . . . Mrs.
Zehruug and Mr. F. C. Zohruug have
returned from Hot Springs, Ark.
horh'ty NotM.
Mr. and Mrs. Huckstatr entertained
a few friends at dinner on Tuesday.
Tho Lincoln Light Infantry Company
will give a dress parade on Decoration
rPlw, i.ntilni fluuu of llin Killin lllllvftr.
sity Is preparing for a picnic at Mil ford,
Juno 3.
The second complimentary concert
of the university baud and glee club
was given last evening at tho university
Millinery, latest novelties at
i.Kinr .i.vii i.CMinor.s irroisr-.mi.'.vi-.s'MMi:it rs:
Tir I'timltiltltlr (' Itnttnii I mnllillv llr.
nfrlhnl mill llltmlriiliil LitIlium: ."
f'litiir, (NrWiir mill Vliiiiinitm llir
Vrhiii- Mnliln ,.' .Such JHl,i
Ihlliiln fiiiiiiimiillnif lav I'ntur IfflctM In
.tillxtlo ltiiit mill Iti-nwrl,; thai hit
Vhra p.
('H3-riKlit I sin liy Cluirlra II. Spruit )
," ,,... S a relief from 4 ho
av,x iinl'y heavy and stull'y
i 7 M'fZM churn rt or of
y much ol ilioregu-
t-d' , union luriiiiure
Jir-Mr-Dr ....i . .. ..
vi-,i!iL iSif'' i'iisiiinii'ii nir
VM-jk'PV dwellings, with
BAI5V" "HV Spring visions of
the summer cottage, witli its dainty
and artistic rattan furniture, so light
and luxurious, will rise before tho eye.
Hut why should rattan or reed fur'ni
turo be used exclusively in summer
cottages? Its usefulness is quite as
proper, quite as fashionable in tho city
dwelling as in a cottage located on the
sea shoreor in tho mountains,
Tho manufacturers of rattan, reed,or
wlokor surnituro have exerted them
selves to tho utmost to keep pace with
tho progress that Is being made in
wood furniture, and nothing more
dainty or comfortable can be conceived
than tho many specialties produced
nowadays in rattan or wicker fancy
tables, settees, lounges, chairs of all
varieties, workbaskots, music stands,
tea tables, inlaid chairs, cosy corners,
over-mantles, not to mention arbors,
summer houses, waste baskets, hat
stands, gong stands, newspaper racks,
linen baskots, bassinets, whitlow blinds,
."?.C 1K'I
( j NaitKar -,ir s
r T .'
IT". H ,f
y) I III H
and basket carriage bodies. Then again,
with the split bamboo for mouldings,
rattan work can bo used for wall dadoes
and wall decorations.
In chairs alono there is an ingenuity
and freshness of fancy that is far too
seldom mot with in tho generality of
wood furniture. There are grandfather
chairs, and ladles' armchairs, uphol
stered lu Cretonne. In fact, all of
tho easy chairs, either in rattan, (
rood or wicker, have deep, roomy
seats, with cushions and tapestry drap
ery, with tlio addition in some cases of
a bolster or headrest. Tlio rattan or (
othor material employed is either white'
or shellaced brown, or is enameled in a
robin's egg blue with silver, or pale
pink with silver, or pale green, oris en
tirely decorated with silver or gold
bronze. In fact, tho chairs may lie !
decorated lu any given stylo, and great
variety of oirect is produced by tlio use
of artistic drapery with tho cushions.
In some cases the use of Seychelles or
Madagascar grass produces a rich hnr-
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
200 Yards Fig'd China Silks
55c quality at 37 1-2,
niony of ellect with rattan, both mate
rials being of tropic growth.
Lounges are furnished witli cushions
and tapestry Tor drapery, witli fringe,
the height of the seat witli the cush
ions, being from lo to 18 indies. Many
of tlio chair seats are draped andcush
loned witli Oriental rubrics, thus pro
ducing novel and artistic ellccts.
Itattan furniture, besides being ox
t remely art ist lo, lias the great economic
value of being easily redecorated and
rellnished, or enameled, without hav
ing to send it to tho luanufacturors for
this purpose. Any lady can repaint
her furniture witli any of the ready
made enamel paints on tho market,
which aro to be had in any color.
Wo show mi illustrutiou of a parlor
with rattan furniture, selected from
tho display at the extensive warerooms
of tlio A. M. Davis Co., successors to
A. M. DavisASonand Hardy ,v Pitcher,
1112 0 street aud'Jll south 11th street.
Thoro nre shown two arm chairs of very
graceful design and a table. The lounge
like the other articles, is in natural rat
tan, with cushions and tapestry, hav
ing a fringe.
Thoro is also an illustration of tho
grandfather chair, with side wings and
cushions and tapestry, and a lino de
sign of a settee, about four foot in
length, having seat and back
cushions and tapestry. These designs
show at a glance tho varied artistic
use of cane goods, which would bo very
cool snd oiroctlvo for summer use.
There is no reason, in fact, why cane
should not become pormanontly used
in every household, seeing that it com
bines light boss, elegance, usefulness
mid cheapness.
, Mir w
'"Ml II II . Tl. V.iV r03T .
Tlie use of rattan furniture suggests
a met hod of providing good tilings that
aro cheap, for a summer cottage, in
the way of window draperies, cheese
cloth can be purchased printed with
the most beautiful designs. Tlio ma
terlnl costs fifteen cents a yard when
For the llrst tloor wo may uso a Jap
anese cotton rug, and a largo-sized rug
of this material will not cost more
ilinii 620.00. A cheap und effective rug
is plain denim, which can lie used
wrong side uppermost, with tlio edge
turned over showing a white fold.
This, when fastened to the tloor and
covered witli rugs, forms a very re
freshing carpet.
The interior illustrated, if it lie a
parlor having a southern aspect, may
have a blue note of color prodominnt'
iug. Tho cheese cloth window draper
ies can bo had with a pattern, say of
passion flowers, in two shades of dark
blue or an all over nasturtium loaf in
blue outlines. Tlio material may ho
trimmed and lined ih plain white cot-
1 WW.3fts2ri?iS3Si
" -V'
correct prices
& CO.
ton. Tlio Moor can bo covered with a
Japanese white and blue rug, and tho
furniture upholstered In blue denim,
with a while, ot very pale blue design
etched thereon.
In the case of a parlor having tlio
wood-work in bird's eye maple, nut hpie
ivory would lie the dominating color
for the apartment. This elfect can lie
very easily secured lu rattan furniture
which" by being simply shellaced, is
t lie color of antique ivory, in such a
case tin walls may bo papered or cal
somiiied in antique ivory, and the ceil
ing In a light ivory tint, the draperies
being of u silvery grey tint.
A parlor decorated lu green and old
pink will be very suitable for rattan
furniture, which can be purchased al
ready decorated In an old pink enamel.
In such u case the window curtains
may bo in cream scrim, witli multicol
ored tassels. Tlio walls may he wains
coted lu pine, or a waiuscotliigmay bo
very simply made of tea chest mat ting,
with a railing or split bamboo running
along the top, a very decorative pro
cess. Such of tint chairs and the couch
as aro upholstered may have tlio cush
ions made un in urcou cotton nlitsh.
'while the table cover is in old nink
cotton plush. Thotloor may beeiitlrelv
covered witli cream china matting, ono
of the rugs thrown thereon being
green and iiuot her old pink, and by way
i of variety, a black fur rug will render
mi combination peculiarly attractive.
Tlio impression of such an apartment
is fresh, dainty and nice. Persons iu-
i terested in attractive and tasty furni-
turo should not fail to examine the
, extensive stock of tho A. M. Davis Co.
Soi'loly Noti'K,
Miss Jessie Emory outortalnod a few
friends at her homo on E stroot on Wed
nesday afteiuoou.
Thoro will bo a promonado of tho
senior class of tho state university at
the capitol June 1.
Dr. Mitchell oiitertaiued a number
of his medical friends at a 7 o'clock
ton, on Wednesday evening.
Tlio Choose and Cracker club was
dolightfiilly oiitertaiued Wednesday
afternoon by Miss Martha Funke.
Chancellor and Mrs. J. II. Caulleld
will give a reception to tlio senior class
of tho university at their residence,
Friday, May 10.
Tho university nthlotos aro about to
organize a boating crew and that part
of Salt Creek that can lie made service
able will bo used as a course.
Tiie Lincoln Light Infantry Company
gave a drill Monday evening at Ger
mania hull. Tlio company was in
spected by Lieutenant Pershing.
Tho Young People's Society of
Christian Kndoavor of tho First Pres
byterian Church gave a delightful
social Wednesday evening, at tho
church parlors.
Mrs. P. W. Plank entertained tlio
Hiihoustolu musical club on Wednes
day afternoon, at her homo on south
Seventeenth street. Tlioso present
wore Mrs. Paul Holm, Mrs. Louis
Still!. Miss Lottlo Audrus, Miss Alico
Maitlaud, Miss Clara Camp, and Miss
Cowlo, undertaker, Funke, lit) S.
W ...111.. f. -, i i.i C....J.1.
l. . .. lylllllll it ll,, glllUUl'S, I i.l fSOIllll
I 11th street.
Canon City coal at tho Whitobreast
Coal and Lime Co.
Mrs. McClave and Mrs. Eusiningor,
iluo dressmaking, 1233 O street.
Sampson Sistors, artistic dressmak
ing, 1123 N btreot, over Dor.soys.
MlssS. E. Hlakosloo, fine dressmak
ing, at Mrs. Gosper's, llll O St.
Millinery at prices reasonable, stylos
the latest, at llerpolsheimor & Co,
i Carpets and curtains, llnost variety
' and newest coloriugsat Horpolshohnor
I & Co.
K. C. linking Powder, 25 ounces for
25 cents. Absolutely pure, llavoyou
tried It ?
"Tho Host" Laundry, 2203 O stroot,
telephone 570, II. Townsoud fcCo., pro
priotors, Lincoln, Nob.
Horpolshohnor & Co. lead in glovo
lilting shoos for ladies, men, and chil
dren at popular prices.
latest novelties lu Spring Mlllinory,
the tlnest in tho city. Caldwell Sistors
203 South Eleventh street.
No such line of canned fruits in tlio
city as shown by W. A. Cotllu & Co,,
113 South Eleventh Street.
Never order an invitation until you
have soon tho wimples of tho work douo
by the New Courior Publishing Co.