r.APlTAL OtTY COURIER. Free Excursion THE WORLD'S FAIR. FREEK()R jVTAj. The COURIER'S Special Offer: m r- FOR 25 NEW SUBSCRIBERS To the GAPITAIo CITY COURIER, we will issue FRISK of any cost uhatcver, a Round-trip Rail road Ticket, from Lincoln to Chicago and return, on any railroad, jjood for .six months. This offer applies on new yearly subscriptions only. For further particulars and blanks, call on or address the business o I lice COURIER PUBLISHING CO., TELEPHONE ;53. n.! O Snvi'l, Liwih.n. Vose ESTABLISHED OVER 41 YEARS. CELEBRATED FOR THEIR Pure Tone, Elegant Designs, Superior Workmanship, and Great Durability. flAX flEYER & BRO. CO., 1520 Farnham Street, World's Fair Excursion Kates.1 Tlli:V WILL I'CIIMIT At. I, TO (1(1. 'I he inort illnct roiito l vlu tin- MAMMOTH TRUNK LINE :miA ' JL , Chicago,RockIsland&PaciflcRy Lincoln Trunk Factory. It in tlni only llri.t-eliis-4 line in the city, mid nil should Imy your tiekclK over thin rnute. Trunk. Travellnt; Hiih, ICxteiiHiou Cusch, I'oeket Iloukn, Dk'hIiik Ciibch, StrapH, nnd overythiiitf flrnt-cluhM for trnvulcrrt. Llboral Intorost. OITKT.US: it. i: Moom:, i'ri'iiii'iit. l: i:. IIIKIU N. Vlie I'n-M U. II lMlHMT, fnhli-r UNION IHlir.noiiS: It. i:. Moore, .1. I). MiKtiirliiiiil, i: i:. Ilronn, J. W. llewi nh, J. J. llllllllff, c. i:. vail'", A. H Itlll lliond, Jllllll I'llZUlTlllcl. T. i: CulMTt 111 South Concise. Modern. Practical, inexpensive. THE YOUTH'S Now rciuly in two large oHnvo 0l11111cs. Piemteil by n coim ol taeherH anil eilueatioiml wiiteiH expieHHly for ut-e of pujulH anil KtilileutK ill uili He ami privatii kcIiooIh, HemitiarieH anil aeaileinicH. CimtitiK lt a Hinall fraction ol tho piieo of tho larpi eycloia'iliaH, it in ten tiincH moio viilualilo for the purpose, bt'i'lillso it tits. TeuchciH mo entliuHiiiHtic in itH piaitus Haying it ineetH u iieeil which him heen lou(,' uinl (li'i'jily felt. For uk'i(h it is 11 loiiiiiin. No competition j no other book likoit; 11 jiositivo and urgent ileiuauil for it. Wo havo a Hyptem of rniivntpiii; the hcIiooIh which iiiHiireH ijuick woikand bifj remiltn. Kiist 'ii'ent took !((( oiiIimh in It) ilayn, another Iiiih taken onlem for i!(JJ hc(h in 7 weekn, and kiijh " 1 huvo Hold bookH for ten yem-H anil thin Ih tho bent Heller 1 ever tdi tick," UP WANT ARFNTJ wll"vvi" Ki 1 tlu-Ir time and want to make bij' money I?L iff nil I HULlllO e),'ivo extva teiniH and cxcIiisIm) tcrrittiry. 'IViu'Ikmn anil Student io want prolitalilts vacation worlf hhoulil writo uh. For full iuformiitiou mid teimn, iiiIiIichh LAUREATE PUBLISHING CO., Lakcaido Building, Chicngo, 111. to THE NEW SCALE & Sons Pianos OF BOSTON. Absolute Security. Intert'Ht pulil on SnrliOTH pcp'ialtx at tin' ratu ut I'lU' pel c nl per A ii ii ii in . J SAVINGS BANK Tenth Stroot, Lincoln, Nob. ENTIRE CAPITAL INVESTED IN U. S. BONDS. YOUR SAVINGS SOLICITED. CYCLOPAEDIA Omaha, Neb Hi HAH 4A0QUAINTI0 WI1H TH. OIOOIACM O. TMC COUNTRV V.HL OnUif. MUCH IMICWMATION I ROM A fUOf Of IHIft MAM 0. TMl Tho DUIKOT IIOUTK to nnd from OlIIOAOOi KOCIC IHI.AND, DAVENrOilT. 111:8 MOINKH OJUNCII, HI.UPFH. WATKUTOWN, BIOUX VAI.L8. MINNKAl'OLIS. HT. PAUL. ST. JOB- KIMI. AT0IU80N. liKAVENWOUTH. KANBAd CITV. TOPKKA, DENVER, COLOilADO Bl'NOU oml PUE11LO. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS cf Throuith Couched, Blwiiwrii, Kreo llecltnliu; I'tmlr CurB nnil Dlninu Cnni ilnlly lietwmn CHI UAOO. UKS MOINEB, COUNCIL. III.UKFH lit it OMAHA, nnd tiotwetin CHICAOO nnil DENVKlt COLO HA DO BPHINOS nnd PUEIILO vi.l Hu fOMiiih, or Konsua City nnd Topeku. Via Tho Albert Loa Route. Vnut KxproM TruliiH dnlly Iwtwwii Ciller and MlnnoniiollH nnd Ht, Pmil, with THUOUQH lUclinliiu Chnlr Cnrn (FIIEE) to nnd from thom IiolntH nnd Kiinmia City. TliroUKh Chnlr C . nnd Bleoixir Initwenn Piiorln, Bplrlt Luko nii'l Bioux FulU via llock Inland. For TlrkuU, Mioin FoldnrH, or dnnlrod Infnrnin lion, miply utany Couon TlckutOltlco, or udilron E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Qoa'l Mauut'or, Oun'lTlit. Pasa. Aitt., CHICAOO ILL- IoADIES AND CHILDREN'S Qaivcutting c" Shampooing m A SPECIALTY, AT Sam : Westerfield's BURR BLOCK. .383 FRFF ''"111'"1' rati ti mi, in nh. n .lin, r.it niiiriii'N iinij inuii Kraili' In I I in Noriiuil In tlm Him.. i iiiiii.iiiu., i:iilliiiuiiu, uinl Milimt .Noriiuil liuiiiu, s.. 'l TO t, lull ll tlllllKlt.l III II MM i: n in unirmi, .I', inn a, r-i iiml IwlnriTH h t . Ii,.,l for tlm in imam v rlii- (or uuiiIukiii- li. It. hl.r.lt, MKf , l.liuulu, .Vli J. C. iMeNhJI'T, UPHOLSTEKKIJ AND CABINET MAKER, Hum all kill. U (it lliiilrliiKiriiniiMt Ml work Miirrniiifil attSSo. Utli St. I.ilKlllli Nib Couldn't ItalUfK l.txrjtliliiK. "Some jrnrs nno," wilil tlio limii, wlit mlKlil lmo been untruthful unit mlitM not "I wusliwmnmll town In Now York stiiti UlllHll I'klllllK.Ilt' M tl.,1,.,... t 111! I. III.,. I ... . . .. Ill . J ... l l' I, III.-. 11)111 M I. II n speech tlint iiImIiI, anil It happened J Mopped ut dm Mtinn hotel lin itlil. J nit lifter supper the. filitor of tlio local papu dropped In to see Mr. I)cpcw, ntiil thnih tltiKuMinl p'litli'iiinti pincccdoil to Iiiim nonio fun with tin country JmmmlUt. lit tiiul, too, unit every now lit id t licit lm roiinil nl iii a sentence nuniust tlio editor liy say i, 'Oil, Jim 'llll'l blilcOeVcrtlllllK tlll'lt Ih In t lm iicuxpapcis,' tlni pilltor lmltii used newspaper matter very hugely In hl nimiuifiit. "After tlio pcciiiuiuklti was over tin' editor met Mr. Dcpoe, In tlio lintel nlllct npiln, mill tlieio was a bin ciovmI present "'Well, uiy frleiul,' lnililieil tlio genial Chaiiniuy, 'iliut illil joii think of my Hpeoelit" "Tim editor hesitated n inonient. "'Am Jon,' hoicked solemnly, 'tlio Ken nine UiiiutKcy M. Depovvf "(Vitulnly. Why iiotVlmiKhod Mr I). "'Ainyoii the otin thnt nil (lie turn spa pern hnwilieen sii)ltiK was tint llucst speak' i r, tint ureal (M tnlker, tlni shaipcst Htiunp i r mill tlio brightest wit hefoiu the plllilli "' pursuit! the editor, " 'I Kileiw I'm tin! one,' IiIiihIii'iI tint Ken tlemiin. 'Whjf " 'Uh, because you can't believe, cverj thlliK theie Is In tho newspapers,' mid ('haiiliccy shook hands with thoelltor mid enlled It stiiaio." Dcttoll 1'ieo 1'ioss. Iln Win Itlulit. I'll Ik sumo lilnek Sammy Is a noted hoy In th Sunday school, lilt teneher ono ilnx wiw tr.xlnn to make the class see tho nil win tunc of lis Iiik a uood life. Thcsn moial ic marks were occasioned by a stionK wail ol ehew til paper that happened to strike tin bcnevoli ut Mlpt'llnleudelil on the eheek, Snmiii) vvasilniihtlcssthoculptlt, although his hlaek skin showed noslmi. "Now, childieii, Joii must he. better. Hileli ct ions us those tend toilMiK.voiidomiHniil, nil If joii ilon had iletd oiieu tlio second time joii do It mini' easily. Itilocsunt pay to lie I mil, for j nil cannot no to heaven" Then Mlssdoodo stiulKhlfiiiil her k1'i"' i" mid looked Into Snniiuj's shining cjes "Sammy, what kind of Iiojm k lo henvenr" Snlilinv shulllnl his feet, "Dcud Imijh," ho Mild llnston MtldKt'U A Mlatukfl. mmmr SESJ3 Tommy Ah. theie, my hreakfiiHtl V "llully kcu, hut you're IoiikIiI" SdX. WA "fireat hcnvetiHt I didn't think lieuasao flllliiK." Truth. A lilt of ( Tort. Little .loliunj- Wat I hoi u on a Thank v KlviiiKihi)' Maiuina Yes, hut If jou kieji on hi Iiim Mich a had boy I don't know w hat I'll lm to ho thmikful for. Little iloluillj Well, jou can be thmik ful I Isn't tuliiH unjliou. (ioihI Nuhii, Nut t'erliilii. Little Cit I I mu afraid thin Isn't tin kind often maniiuii uauts. (iiocer WhjP Littlo Girl-Well, hhe Nild kIhi alwaji. paid two pliers here, mid I' only paid out for this. Chicago InterOcean. An Otr lii). "My dear jnium fileiid," eclalincd tht good man hulemuly, "do y mi attend cIuiilIi rcKularlyf" "Vcs, t.r, but I didn't pi today. Sliu't visiting fiiends out of town, j on know." Pitt.-huiK Oispatch. IiikI llu- 'I Mill,-. "Why do joii call a newspaper in your pockil all tho time if jou never lead It r" "It's u concnicii(e on the Inn so mis, woman K'',f n mid lias to stand, the pa per enables mu not to cu her." Ilaiper Haar. All lllulit. Nervoui I'asM-nner Aro jou suni there Ik notlaincrv Olllrci Not a hit. The i-aptain'H iut 1,'OIIU to take II nap hi cause it's too foKK to n:v aujthiiik'. 1. .V' . linlh tin. .rlll-riill4. .Mrs. do (loode -It's peifu-tly awful' Tb paper mijm there me tlioiisainls of familirs III this citj who lime in'er seen a lllhle. Llttlu .loliunj iliasiiljj Send 'i in mine, lamina. (jixjil .Ni. 1 mo Almiit I'll i r I'ln). lltlhhmul- Mj (liar, (.in iluli is piliiK to linve all home coinfiuts. WifeIf tlmt mi And w In u is out home K'iIiik t(iliueiill I In- lulMinifoitsv -Tiuth lil.l I line II, "Mj (lie lllllll " Mild Atllil ChliHt, "Is the iiht mail for i hn ki u iu ir ee. If In- can't uit a elm km i I In i way, hell y nil huj one." ludiaiiapuliN .loiirual. i; iiiini i- oi ii. Mr. Hildlo-tMie looks like an Intellieiii iclrl. Mrs. Hildie Cert I wl her at an intel liyinci- olllce - Iiim. kl ii I if. j"-ii . r wly w UMx 1 111 'Jl i UWWMI'Wlv "ftiS7iijtoi WOMAN'3 WOULD ,N I'AIIAQHAI'HS. kllm I'ii.iihuioIIh Dull" I'litnl I'litw In mi (lllierwlne I'itIii I I'liliite. Nnvo you rend Uev. WiimIiIiiIom (Unil tlen'rt "I'oMtnoiMillH Club" In Tlio Ou tlay MiikiizIiu'? llu dliiWM u bciiulb ful pictmo of bow tho host peoplo In overy Iowa anil city of tlm Union mil refoini (ho tuuulelpal Kovoruineut If they will. A doctor, u luwyiT, it yrciiclier, it uiccluiuld uinl vaiiouti oth ri iliteicHted In i;ooil city (,'oveiliinenl foi in tlm CoMinopollH club. They hold ineetiuKM uinl appoint cotuuiillceM whoso wotk II in to visit Iho city ilepattuieutH, unions other (IiIiiks, hen bow tlm money In Hpcnt nnil what tho inunicipal olllcluls nro itolni; to ''inn their hiiIiii Ich. An ex cellent pail of (lin Hcbemo is that when they llml iIciih of unlawful triiilu uinl ro hoi I lliuirlHliliiK tlit'.V ib nut pumecule tho keepern of tlio unlawful places, but tho ofllcluls whoso bustuesM it is to sup piesa such nests of iuiiully. Of courso it la nil ii story In u imiKii.iuo, but in tliuo tho Cosmopolitans suppiosi Hid bud places uinl p't tho city Koveinineiit honestly iidiuliilsteied, nnd nil ends beautifully. Thnio is ono fatal Haw in this lino scheino. Theio nro no women citizens in it. I uiUHUipilsedat that, for llov. Washington (lladileu in generally known uh ii kooi! woiiiiiii's HkIiIh iiiiiii. Hill celtuin it is thai his plan could nev er succeed till women hud pail In II uinl helped. Ilusiuesi men, doctors, luw)ci mill earpentois aid loo busy eainliiK n living toattenil ulbt niter lllllll sui Ii luectillKS as ho desctibes, mill ipiito too busy to K' ii'i'iind inunicipal buil(llni;s, liro ili'piiitinentH, waterwoilis otllie, health buteaiiH mid street cleaning head (llillleis to iisceltniu (ho fuctH necessary to InaiiKurato lelorins. Tho fact that tboy luivo been loo busy fiu-mich luvesti pitlou Is exactly tho teiisou tlmt city Ki ei ninenlH hn o fallen no low. No, no, Mr. (Jlaihlcn! It won't do. You can set this ono fmi down nnd ponder on it: City KuverninentH will never bin eforined, tho community will never huo clean, well limited, Hufo Hticets, llrst class pub lic schools, u public sentiment in favor of morality, beauty uinl puiity, till women tnldi bold of tiiuuicipal imilteis, knowing Hint tho futiiio of tlieii-cbililieuilepeiiils on theso thiii;H. Wako up tho women lu our towns nnd cities! Tho Now York city board of i ilucation Tmniiiiiny does not want any women on tho school boald. 1 ho inemlieis kiino ' u voto to this ellect In ntiswer to u re (iiest from Mayor ( Ml my lor an cxpres kIou of opinion oil Iho subject, lu llMCI tho lady mayor of New oik city will semi iiLoiniiiiinicutiou to tho uieinbeis of tho school honiil asking whether, in their jiiilKinent, it is wiso to permit men to servo on it. lu answer tho boar.l not Taniinanyites will icply that tho school board is not a 111 pluco for men because they will not tuko tluio from their business duties to attend to Uh re quirements pioperly. Then tho board of education will continue, uh before, to bo inuilojip of woinoii. Ilotli tlio senate mid Imusnof the l'enn sylvanlii lcKisliitiiio bavo passed an net inakiiiK women cli(ibli to servo us nota ries public. It Ih said tlmt tho reason tho faculty of tlio Columbian uuiveisity, WasliiiiKlon, decided to clone the doolH of tho iiiedical ilepartuieiit to women was that they did not like the conduct of ono of the women students. 1 low would it do to closo the (loots of our medical colleges to men ev ery tinio u Joiiiik iiiiiii ht inli nt misbi -linvcil liiinselfV I low inaiiy coIIckch would open next inllV Tho Thirty-eiKhtb Ktieet Workim: dills' club of New York city lately dis cussed tho Ijllistloli, "lloW to Tell II Heal Lady." Suino club oiikIiI also to (llsciIKH tho illestloll, "How to Tell 11 Heal (Jentleinali," Tho lilst hl'li of a real i;eiilli!iiiaii would bo that ho does nut ijilt. If Mary Leaso, piesidenl of tho Kansas state board of chanties, has her uobh way during her term of stiueo, th . will not bo in tho statu u Kitten chain v supply contract or a spoils politician in n public charity ollice, ueitlurii biutal or callous ollioial nor a fraudiiluiit or ubh bodied pauper. IIi-ih is one of thocf lici s that wiso women aro -hM-(-ially lit ted to fill. I havo often wondered tlmt limn women do not k into dairying an 1 butter uiakiiiK. 1 Iiiim) known in town of a lew bundled inhabitants inilustrioi. lieiiiiau woiiiiii that supported tie i families oil the milk of two or tin'1 cows. With 10 cowh aliill set of in. i chiuery for butter making mid u creai i si-paiator (an be kept. Tho work lu mod erately haul, but much easier than scv. HiK 1- loins u day, nit ( b moro healthf ul than schoolteai liiii, nnd when tho bu-i-Hess is well liiaiiiiKcd il pnvs better th..n either of these. In ueibboi hoods win in (.It'ltineries me establish! il and tliuowu fr will pay fair pints for the en am to mako into butter tho labor of chut n iliU is iiMiidi-d ami enough receive 1 l.r the cream to p.i piml ii tin us. with tho skiiuinilk hit om r tn i.ilso chicki us on. Milk so tich that hi uait.sot it will vicld from t In eo-iiuai turn ol a pminl to u pound nf butter will pay Well to lllilko buttir fioui, CM'II if the fleam is iIikiiiiiI ot ut u butter factnrv. A milk testel l.sliecessiliy to llml out tho richness ol tlm milk. Llarriet IIomiiit is 01 years of au'u, but ill toilet tlial VVol. it'll nevt rlow old. Miss llosiuer nei r did b tti r wrk than she does now. hhe mi iis vI.'i.ihh) fur lor Ftutuuuf tjileeii Isabella, wlin h 1m t- I llll veiled at tho opening of the Wot Id -fair, I e.il to he., i- that the Women of New ol k stato lire lea Hi),' the I'rt sbv tell. ill i hill eh by the bundred. The pri s bjtr of that state has itcmth uted anuict the up) oiutint ut ot women as dent oln ssi h; also annulet their apKMlit ineiit as chilli li ollkt ia in libelous and charitable work union,; their own se No m If respecting wouian in New Ymk can of course beluiii; to a church whiili denies her the irtilee of dolii; millions and i liai italilu t lunch work, t veiuunoii her own se, except under the direction ot ii Ulan UeiiM u save us! Ill lV li' II Mm I'eNMIt. ATTIilND OUIt CIR EAT SALE tip Undcrwoar and Hosiery c(iimi:ncin(1 MONDAY mill ('(iiilimiiiiK HirotiKli tlm week. CALL AND (ll'.T OlJIt I'lllWW I'OU TIMS SM.1'3, nnd if you have mil houixlit you will bo convinced now Ih the time, nnil II you have you will bo sorry, J.H.Mauritius&Go. THE LADIES' FURNISHERS, lew!) o srritir,irr. Our Line OK Men's SUITS! AT $10.00 iiii'ltidcs tin choicest variety of .stylish, wrll inadi; and j;ood fit ting .suits wo have ever shown. Wt! liuvc tliL-m in round, square cut and double breasted sacks and cutaway frocks in dark and me dium shades, all in excellent all wool materials and latest patterns. Avail yourself of the opportu nity to dress yourself well and cheaply by making your selection now at the Globe Clothing House Cor. O and Tenth Streets .If rf b $HV DR.T. O'CONNOR, sii . ,. r tn hr l liiiritu Sii urine 1 CURES CANCERS, TUMORS, Wiim iiii I I "1 t iiIum without tlm u.o of Kullf. liliirudiriu r I'iIut (nil 1 n ' ' stiii. t i o a t.liii w LINCOLN, NEB.