Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 13, 1893, Page 5, Image 6

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W 7 Wt - t A A .
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l vtyfQ!& rrmr
iiMciiii CtMitirr i iirtiiiiiMiii i
Xl h Voiik, Muy I' lli".l(lt"thiNilcn
did icvlvnN of "Sim Stoops to Com
(liter" id the I'lfth Avenue Theatre by
Mr. Stuart Holixon mid "ltiilly, mid
the 100" bv Mr Kdvviird Ilarrinan id
llnrrlpiu s 'I hcntrc, m. new plays wcic
ptndticctl on Monday. 'I'lncc of tlicnt
weie seen at Palmer's, whcic the icnu
htr Palmer stock company arc to up
pear for the llmil two weeks of the sen
son. The inteiext of the triple bill
was nioxtly eellteieil on my. I liomns
llnil(y Aldrich's "Mercedes" which he
had rescued fioni till' 'I'heiit re of Alls
mid Letters, lint while Mr. Aldrich's
woik is no ilnttht vcty clever leading,
it is not strikingly original, nor is it in .
any way icniniMilile. It tells a tragic
loinance nl Spain, dnrlni; the l'enin
siilar war, an olllcer of Xapoleon'saimy
having been ordered to innssiieie the
inhabitants of n little village in which
the enntnln of the company had picvi
onsly lieen uuixeil hack to lile liy Mir
rutin. When the French tioops anie
(lie inhabitants have lied but Mnvrilis
remains with her aped pnndinnthcr
and babe. The I'tciieh soldiers find
skins of poisoned wine only, and the
lieutenant commands that Mn rutin,
her Kiandmother and the baby drink
Mimeof it before the men aie pencilled
to touch it. and In order to avert sus
picion she does so. and in conseoueuce
one of her victims Is the captain, she
has nursed, who is also the father of
her child. "Panjimdium," by ,1. Chee-1
ver (ioodwin and WooNon Morse, in
which DcWolll Hopper owns the ecu- '
ter of the stiifrc duriiij,' theentire even-
i 1 1 with his clumsy (droits and un
Kiaceful lou anus and le's was done '
at thebroadway. It Is called an" Ori-
inal Ollapodridii,'' which Is a Spanish
dish, but it is also metaphorically I
means an Incnnin units inuliinne and '
nothiiiK describes it better. The llftli
novelty is by a youn mail named Kit-1
herald Murphy. It is calle(l"The Irish
Statesman" and Mr. Murnhy liasdis-
carded t he usual corduroy breeches the
sliillaluli and even the red-checked col-
leen In slioit skiits. The chief charac-1
ter is a schoolmaster who emigrates to i
New Ymk. inid Is seen I'loin his en. I
trance to Castle (iardcii, as a coiifriess
iiiiiii mid dually as United States Min
ister to the Hepublie of heland.
"Ciedit Lorraine." by Lawrence Mars-
lull lit fwllll'llf I III
lleinninn s, Is tin
sixth novelty ( ftheweek,alth(iunh it has
been seen in'Xew Orleans and the south
It tells a stcrvof the Fiiincol'iuxsian symphony orchestra, nuinlieriiik' sixty
war and is a hodne-podno of situations live artists, is in many respects unri
made tamiliar bv Diimiis and Sardou. vnled. Mine. Scalchi, the tamoiis can
XothinL' but the skill of the nlavers I tat rice, will head the vocal list. Miss
saved it from a tlaxco, and even now
the tiaedy is an amusiiiK burle.x(U(.
ICtlle Kllxler lost money by not open
inn with "Doi Is" last Friday evening
instead of "Hazel Kiike." The latte
lilay used tono in Lincoln, and it noes ,
!. . i .. . .. a . i ... ' i " J
in some places yet; out somehow or
other the amusement pat ions of this
city have of late years icfuscd to be
come enthusiastic over the celebrated
drama that has made thousands weep,
not even when presented by a company
of such people as Miss Kllsler. C. .
Couldock, Flank Weston and Uobert
Diouet. The two presentations of
"Hazel Kirke" Friday eveninn and Sat
urday matinee, did not draw. Satur
day cvcnlnn Drouet'snew jdny "Doris"
was placed before a Lincoln audience
for the llrst time, and it was very fav
orably received by a fair sized audi
ence. Tlieplayde ils with the question
of divorce, and contains many stronn
iassanes and st riklnnsit uat ions. Don't,
impersonated by Miss Kllsler, is loved
by llrimi O'AY7, a whole soulcd, meiry
heai ted Irishman; she loves Sti'ilirii
ininiid marries him. hlrjiln'ii turns
out to be a professional ciook, and he
soon llnds himself behind prison bars
with a divoico in the jiossession of
Darin. The latter, stricken withnnef,
hides her identity and seeks refune in
the triendly rectory of Mr. Mrrrinnnil.
Hero llrimi O'Xul unexpectedly ap
pears and finds that his lieart Is still
J), rin but ho is onco moro too late.
Kvnuvth Afhlvhjh, a younn siuiiro, a
manly younn fellow, has lallen in love
with her without know inn her stoiy.
and his affection is reciprocated. Ac
cidentally .Jon' overheats Keutivth say
that he is unalterably opposed to
thohiisband wetestill alive Deepdved
sorrow l.eronets in its woik. Later he
tells the old old storv ol love, and it
noes. Doris tells hini her histo.y ami ,
do cliannes Ids opinion of divoico.
Tlieu the divorced husband oMapes
Ifnttt iit'tufitt tiliil ii i'l 1-iic 111 wt Id Minn ii
dlMirce mid that ho could never, never
uoiii prison iiiiu in lives jum mi nine iw
make thinns netn rally iiiiiloasant.
Holms vowed to have the lileoftlie
lawyer who seemed Hisconviction and i
he finds that his intended victim is I
J)nrix' lover. lint he is scared
off and the next day theie is a railroad '
accident, and his name is printed I
iiinonn the list of the dead. Din Mind
Ki'iiitrth marry and live happily
until the dead comes to lile and
reappears to threaten his tonner
wile. J)tirin strives in every way
possible to prevent her husband
Irom liitdinn out that StijilnH is still
alive, and there are a number of stiriun
scenes In this part oft lie play. Finally
the jealous husband discovcts that his
wife is visit inn some unknown nan,
and there ate seven different kinds of
excitement , Then all the-people net
tonother; the convict and ex husband
dies with the words " She is an annel "
on his lips, Dorm and h'ciiinlli ate roc
ouciled, and happiness fairly ooos out
of every nook ami crev ice. Sued is t do
bare out line of I do play. Theie are a
number of weak places in it, notably
the introduction of two exanneratod
cliaractois,.lrs Ihi Hi and Miii Dmihri ,
but it liiiselomoutsofneuiiine stielinth,
and will probably become a dtawiiin
card. It has only boon performed a
few times, and alieady it has been do
cided to make a number of cliannes.
Mr Drotiot.thcnuthnr, interpreted the
part of Ki mirth in a most anreeable
HianiioiMiiid West on ns n and ( 'mil
(lock the lector, wore ellectiv.i as
P-s 3
Tho ri'ttuliir tfimoti t tlt' Ijinmliii;
Ihciitrmvill eln-t 1ny .'11. The ctiKiivro
incut of lli( Litulon's will terminate
this evening, mid t lie thcntic will nut
lie opened at'iilti mdil May '-".'. vv lien
the Lincoln Ornlorio Society will open
with I lie .May lestivai. un .Muy .i,
Maile Wainwrinht will appear for one
lllllt only, PlillllOM' A West's mill
xtiels are bunked for the following
ninld. On the 'Jit. .'!. and III, the Cal
honn Opeia Company will prexent
popullir opein.
I hen theie ate no
dates until AiilmixI.
nioie theutiical
The hlch school coiniiieiiceineiit c
ercixes will lie held in the Lansing .Mine
1, and 'J. and the .state university
spring ceremonies, lasting three days,
will hcimi .Mine I. On account of the
world's fair the summer theatrical sea
son will be unuxually dull Veij few
companies will hae the temeiityto
nipple with thi unciMtaiuty of the
.jiii.l 1 ii .in ifin I 1i.iiii1i ilimwti! iivimiil
ii.Iimw I.. lU.m m. imill iiIimiiI (In. mill
die of Auuust. In the meantime he is
busy booking at 1 1 act ions for the season ,
of !:i !M. A laine number of dates i
have alieady been lllled, and the plans
thus far made assiue a splendid array
of theatrical talent.
ItiiiKliuk' Hros.' circus, which visited
Lincoln Tuesday. iravc two very satis
factory performances. The street par
ade was generally pronounced to bo I
the best seen In this city for a lontr
time, and the circus itself sustained
the ptoniixe held out liy the procession,
i'.vci.v tiling was new and briIit The
horses, anil Itheiewere ninny handsome
animals, weie in splendid condition,
The costumes were as bright usthoindi
they had never been used be lot e. To
the'tinic worn featiues of therin were
added a number of new and at tractive
specialties, mid on the whole It wasone
of the cleanest and most enteitainiim
tented shows lecently exhibited in Liu
coin, Until peiforiuances weie very
well attended,
Hy special arraiiKcmeuJ Mnnaer
Church of theLansiiiL' has secured
I )amrosch's orchestra for oneconcert
Tuesday May Hi, at which time the peo.
ile of this city will be uiven a genuine
musical treat. After Theodore Thom
as, Walter Damrosch stands at tin
head of the musical oiKani.ers of the
country, and his superb Xew York
Ionian iiiauveu, soprano, win a iso shil'. i
1, 1 .. ... ,
dolph llroc lsk.y will ni ; violin soh.s.
ami Anton HcKKiim win lmvo seiec
tions on the ccello. The Damrosch or
chestra seldom leaves Xew York, ami to
be able to hear a Damrosch conceit in
Lincoln is an extraordinary opportun
it v. Much interest has been manifest -
111 .
', "'"'
oil in the forthcoininn concert
ii .:ii .1....1.H i... .. r..ii
I Here will (intuit less
bo a full Iioiisi
Tuesday eveninn.
Wednesday eveninn Frank Lindnii
and company appealed at the Lausiun
in "The Count ol Monte Cristo" ton
very larne audience. The company
was niton it heaity reception. Frank
Limlon and Miss Kduu Farlie L'tudon
ate Lincoln favorites, and theironnane
inent ill this city this veek has been a
repetition of their former successes.
A n'l'i'd matinee will be nivon this af
ternoooii. ami the eunanetneiit will
close with to ninht's porforiiuinc(.
Tiii:Tiiict, Tories.
Veiotia .larbeau has a new three act
play entitled "Fo Fo, from 1'aris."
John It. Itoners will submit to a di
vorce from Minnie l'almer without a
Chicano theatres repoit tinatisfai
tory business thus far. It has always 1
been the experience that the theatres ,
in cities in which world s iiurs are ueiu i
invariably sutler.
Carl Dullt, of Xew York, baritone;
Mrs. Fisk, contralto; Mrs. .lohnstoti
liishop, soprano, and Charles Kuorr,
ei.or. l.ave neon e.inanoi as soloists ,
vi ..''.', o.','y 'To,1 ''" Ul,MI"r' '
.May , -I, ami l.
Will Lvkons is liookinn heavily for
tlit' bin three circuit, which includes ,
the Lai.sinn Thoatro in Lincoln, thelti;n than any other ii.oinber of tin
now lootlo s'l heatre in St. Joseph, and ealiinet. Micro Is a strainht forward
Mr. lhiyd's haiulsonM. theatie in Oinaha , nexs ab,,ut Mortiin that people like. I
DrainaticTiines, Xew nik. think ho will bo a success in the ann
The Hi.insavMorriscoin,,anv,it. which ,M",un" 'it-piu t int-nt
Miss Mav Xortli, of Columbus, Xeb..
is jilayiiin her (list mak It was Mr. Lambertson's u-ood for
!.. a. l.!i !.. .1. . .1. f " t ! . . .i .... .
n(f Hit 111 ".loxepli. ' .tllxs
North. by the wav, is leceivinn orv
(avotable not ice from the critics.
Here are two of Oscar Wilde's jokes
on America In his new ph.v. A Woman
..... . ....
o Ao iniioitaiico . i(.i "What aiei
American Dtynoods?" (Ai "American
Novels.'" Anain. "Women in oof two
kinds, plain and coloiod," and "When
nood Ainei icans die, they n to l'aris.',
Last week blind Mr Max Arnold was
nivon a beiiellt at the Philadelphia
t host nut St t cot Theatre, and Marion club kept pretty (pilot throtinh it all.
Manilla and John Mason piomised to I but when the xoctotary flnixhed Hat
appear in t lit balcony scene front j ton announced that the quintet would
"Kniucn ami .Millet. At the last min
ute they lefllsod to no on "becauxe
they had been itisufllcioiitly billed,"
and poor Max was in nient disttess.
Miss Xellio Mcllenry was in the house,
and heariun of his tumble, went back
and volunteered to fill thenap without
any billion id all. Mr. Arnold was c
linhted. and when the bin audience
was told the reason of Manilla's ah
sence, they nave Miss Mcllciuy a wol
come siicli as lew actors receive in a
Lillian Lewis, the dysteiical actress
wdo opened t do Lausinn theatre with
so miicli vehemence a , car and a hall
nno. contrives to secure a nod deal of
more or less valuable advert isinn
I lei i is what the Dramatic Times says
lleriuann's Thcatie, Xow ork fox
tooiiod handsomely with a spriuklinn
ot franraut flowers and wild a nood
crowd in front of the doors, had an
other opening with Lillian Lewis.
Miss Lewis appeared heie early In the
j season with Lady Lit. This time she
had a much better play, far better pie
scutcd and OM'cediunl.V well acted.
Miss Leu Is is a clever woman, and
makes miitt.v of the scenes as clfectlvo
as could be made by any actress.
Credit Lorraine has a story of dram
atic Interest. It lost none of itselfce
tivencsshy the company cnnKed to
support Miss I jew is.
siilne lniil ioIoii Un I'Unl III iiIiIiikIiiu
It) tile I -.VUlilllt Sririlnl).
Mr (!. M. Lanibeitson, of this city,
appointed assistant secretary uf the
tieasiiry by President Harrison a few
mouths prior to the chimo of admin
1st rat ion, spent a very pleasant win
ter at the national capital, and he
will doubtless look back upon his brief
(nicer in the t'nited Slates treasury
ilctuiitmctit as one of the most enjoy
able and iuteiestiiiK experiences of a
life that has been full of action. The
duties of his position weie cMictiiiK
but, on (lie whole his sen lee under the
unvet iimcut was a pleasant relaxation
I f inm the demands ol thch'Kiil profession
to which he has nivcn such uurcmil
tinn attention lor years, and while lie
worked hard In Washington lie regards
the time spent therein the liuht of a
Micatioii. .lust now Mr. Lamhcitson is
busily eiik'Hk'ed in the impeachment
trial; imt he loiiud lime the ol her day
it" talk about his expciicnce at
capital with a ieprc.xenlatie of
t ol
"Tlieappoinlnieiit was very agreeable
to me," he said, "because coming late
in the administration, an acceptance
did not necessitate an extended ab
sence from my business in this city,
and I have fieipient ly thought I would
Hue an opportunity to liamlle work of
the character which fell to me in the
jriasury department. i ived in
valuable assislance fiom my priate
secretary who has been In the depart
I incut for yean, and adopting u regular
system, my task procl a pleasant
"Secretary Foster was a most clll
clent olllcer and my relations wit h him
were particularly cordial. It was also
my privilege to serve for a time under
th( new secretary. Mr. Carlisle, at
whose request I lemalued in Washing
ton until a few weeks ao, and ftoni
what I know of him I believe he will
he entirely competent to deal with tin1
important questions that will come
before him. Carlisle has the charac
teristic southern sociability and I
imagine he will not find it easy todony
himself to his friends from the south
who call, not to discuss nlfairsof state,
but meiely to make a social visit. Call
ers of this kind consume a vast amount
of the time of all public olllcials, and
It is hard to deny yourself to them."
"Apropos of applications for olllce
and lequests for this and that, I dis
covered some time ao that the ease
,,,. .,,,,. , il, , , ,
"Mil ..111. II II lllllll .1111 ll.t III. III'IU'IIII-,
,n m sm IU,.IISUI.( ,;,, , tt , . ,,,;
happens to feel. I 'or iiistaiice, in the
morniiin when you are fresh and vin
orous you can deny an importunate
applicant much more readily and eas
ily i nuii in tne iiitcrnoou wiieu you
are apt lobe tiled ami not ilia ilium
to meet combative arnumeiits."
I .Mr. Lanibeitson was in more or less
i close contact with the president and in
his opinion Mr. Harrison is the "best
equipped man whoever held the olllce
i ol president." His information ex
tends to an infinite variety ol subjects,
and "nearly every man who talked with
him, no matter how well versed he
minlit be on some special subject,"
said the ex assistant secretary, "went
away toeliun that the piosident knew
much more about the subject than
he did himself. I consider Mr. Harri
son a rcmaikahly able man. It is his
I misfortune not to possess the niit of
I affability. He hasn't the power to
I make a person feel at ease ill his pros
I once; hois restrained; ho doesn't un
bend even to his best friends. Mr.
Harrison does not intend toslinht any
body; he simply lacks that peculiar
l personal quality that attracts men, ami
I could soo Unit many men who ounht
1() mVo been his triein'ls could not help
foolinn annrieved at the president's
".I. Sterlinn Morton canto to Wash
inntou under very favorable auspices.
lit lias loan noon on intimate tonus
h .,., K taVard. of Delawaio.
iiml men like llrice and Voorheos, and
, VNli ,jjt,, su, nown at the capital
prior to disappointment, it is a fact
Hint he is rocoiviim more public ut ton
tune to bo present at a brilliant session
of the colebiated (iridium club. All
ol the cabinet olllcers wore there; also
Vice Piosident Steyoilxon, the entire
"l' "'"""' ,'i'l". (dllcors of the at my.
Illlll IMIllll' M IiiiUl. liHiillllllnui in .!. II..
"".'"V" '.'.'" """ "' i"iu
ami private lite i-ranK nation pre
sided, and the toasts wore of a hinh
order. "Secretary Hoke Smith," was
called on" continued Mr. I.nmbeit-on,
"illlil llftci'll lew witticisms hopioceeded
to apothoosi.o the administiatioii and
toll alioitt the wonderful thinns tin
novel ninent would nccomtilish Th
stun 1 Want To He An Annel! Later
t lie toast master said that .Mr. .Mm ton
had passed iilonn the word that Mr.
Lainbeitson was present; that the as
sistant secretary wasn't exactly a
handxonio man; but that ho wax a ter
or when it come to talkiun. and that
Mr. Lambertxoii had specially to
quested that ho bo allowed lo talk
I his was somothiiin of a shock tome;
but I responded ami not tin mind wit li
mit boinn clinked off."
In Mrs. (iosnor'h hair nod-. dcait-ini-nt
yon will llnd all tlm lali-4 head
I iidin nini'iitN. Ilnir dnim,' by roinm
I tent aitUti.
I'Vainos, frainus, franus, of ivcry
ih'MMiition at Lincoln I'Vainc an I rt
iroiiiiany'JJ South Ulcvrntli stmt
(lieenA Wilcox's new stole has en
joyed a prospeious run during I he past
week, ami Its existence In Lincoln
ptoinises to be one of continued pros
j'ciity and usefulness. Lincoln people
know how to appieclate haipitus
One of the most Interesting novels
of western life evei written "
Nymph of the West," bv llowaid See
le. It will be published in Till-Cm n
H it, beninniiik' next Saturday.
i:y mill i:ur Nnruniii.
Or. W. L. Duyton, oculist and aurlst
Xo. IIMII t) street. Lincoln. Xeb.
Viirlil' lii I r.
llryn Mnyr collate, live blocks from
world's fair out ranee, acconuiiodatloiiH
llrst class. Our building is new and
permanent. Will bo the most home
like place to stop during (lie fair. Will
contract now at td.tM per day. I'rleo
will surely double after May 1. Wrllo
for particulars. .1. W. Winner, 11(11 0
street, Lincoln.
Wiii-lil' I'm t r lliilrK.
The following cheap rales are now In
olfecl via the " lliirllnnton Koiite," iz:
CIiIi'iikii. inn' niiv !.' I
f'hli nuii mill totiirn 'i lit
HI I.iiiiik, mil' nm . . in lit
Nl I unlit mill ri'lnrn ... mi ID
Itoiiiid trip tickets are Kd until
Xoxeinber 15. l'or tickets, sleepiun
car accommodation, and full informa
tion call at II. A M. depot or city olllce,
corner of Omul Tenth streets. i
A. C. i:u, C. I'. A T. A.
Soda Water.
We Iiiivp the finest and best equipped
Soda 1'oimtnin in t Ik city.
N. W. Cor. latliaiiilNSts.
(Llc Sun,
Dtirinn lK!-'t "I'll 15 SUN will he of Httr
passing I'xulk'iii'o, and will print more
tii'vvs and mote piuc literature than ever
Ik-Ioic in Its hisloiy.
(Eljc Siiu&au Sun
is the nieatcst newspaper in the world.
Pi ice, Tic. 11 copy, hy mail, ?U a year.
Daily, hy mail, - - JO a year.
Daily and Sunday, by mail, ?H a year.
Addtess Till! Sn.N, New York.
A-tusical Event Extraordinary !
Lansing' Theatre One Grand Concert,
Tuesday Evening, May 16th,
Walter Damrosgh's
New York Symphony Orchestra
.7 'L 1 1) IX(! THE WOULD 1! ESO 1 1 WED ( X T. Til I C'E
and :i lnaiiiliccnt army of Vocal Talent in a Miscellaneous Concert, the equal
of which have never heretofore been heard in the West.
Full Company and Orchestra
will be heard clui-iii"' this en-i-aement. The sale of
at the Lanin.'; box ollice.
IYicos, si.()0, si. no, si.oo, and
'Phis elegant Iniporlcd Pattern Hat at
$5.9S this week.
Two entire Jloors tleuoled exclusively lo Millinery,
Who Reads this Adver
tisement to
Visit Our Cloak Dept.
And .sex our cwrplioniilly attractive line of Ladiics' Siiiiit Waists.
W'c know that all who appreciate stylish p;aniients, perfectly made
.ind linished, will be pleased with what we show.
We have 110 line, stylish fjariiicnts to offer for less than the cost
of the materials, hut we think we have just what you want for less
than you can buy the materials and have it made.
At any rate we invite you lo come ami see.
Very respectfully,
Fins Week
40 clozon Black Milan and
Satin Straw Sailors for 29c
each; thoy aro worth from
76c to $1.25.
11 Ifi O Hr., Oi'i'KA llot'Hi: Coitsnii,
of 65 People
seats opened this morning
r() (Vnts.