Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, May 13, 1893, Page 3, Image 4

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Handkerchief Sale
25 do. Colored ltordor HiuidkcrchU'lM worth fit
525 do. Colored and Whlto
iin do. Fine Cam brio
25 do. Kxtru IM no
25 do. I lea nti fill
25 do. Embroidered Linen
Wo bought 150 dozen Hiindkercliiefs at just half their intiinsii
value, and offer them during this week at above tempting prices.
Our Ladies' Vests at 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, and 25 cents, aie acknoul
edged by good judges to be the best values ever offered anywheie
For genuine bargains call on
The Progressive Dry Goods Emporium,
1141 AND 1143 0 STREET.
BARGAINS in odd lots of Ladies' and Misses' Shoes, something
nice for World's Fair .sculling, at the price of cheaper .shoes.
1 1 29 O St.
4dA 1 H
fn ' lv m la
IM Kl . 1 I'vlW JW VBI t x
"ib4 7-v 4v h J
"Dauntless Scorcher," "King Scorcher,"
"Royal Light Roadster," "The Majestic,"
"The Dauntless Compeer," for Ladies,
ulso the Latent Novelty, the COMMON SHNSi: HICKORY WIIKHL.
Never buy 11 Whool until you liao soon us.
Cor. 10th and M Sts.
MOVING Household GOODcS and piANOS
None but I'spciienccd Men emploseil. Latest devices for Moving Machmcrv,
Safe-., and other hc.i articles.
SEleeant Wall Papers!
II34 O Street,
at 2e.
. at 5e.
. at Se.
I Or
1 5e
2) lOe. 12 J. 2()r.
YAI.I 1:. ro
iijt i:r.noiti:
than tiiiisi:
Patent Loatlior, Cloth Oxford.. tfg.OO
Pat. Leather Ono f?trap, Hiicklo
Slipper 54.00
Patent Loatlior mid Kioiieli Kid
Duchess Slippor JJ.tiO
Ono Strap Kid Slippor 1.00
Patent Leatlior 0 fold 1 .50
Patent Leatlior Oxford Tio ....1.00
Goat, Harvard Tio 1.00
Velvet Slippor OO
Ed G. Yates.
Wo have now in
Htock tlio
most approved
and best lino
of Wheels over
hIiowii horo,
mid invito you
to call and
boo tlio
Carriage Manufacturers.
Telephone I 76.
Office, 1001 O St.
lUOIiliK i) TIIR JUlili.
Olltn llfirpi'l' llnnSi tiT Ilia. Latent 8l)l(-.
Cinlninri I'tir tin' Wmld'a I'nlr Siiko
tlrrin mill Itlun si rue Hi 'rn I to
Mllltnry (IriiHiiirntnllnn.
Ni w Yoiik, May 11. .TuhI now tho
countiy in so full of dukes mul rotnit'
iiml curl mul other high mul inlghtv
foioigncrs tlmt our gills and oven thcli
big iiiiii 1 led sisters 1110 spending lmlf
their tiino looking lit them. HeliUoie
thoio lire, (00, mul i11i1oiiiiiIh just pure,
simple, liclimcu nndjolh sailors, tosay
HOtlllllgof tlllMIIIMll (lllilOlS SO mini
of tliciu all that it in a wonder tlio om
Hirls nro not rtiioil worse than thuy an
by mi much brilliancy
It is funny to inc. but actually over
gill I have soon hIiico tlio great naval
parade has worn 11 Riwii nioie or less
inilitaiy or sailor fiiHliion. liluu llantiel
and sorgo suits with brass but tonsaro seen
ei ryw here, and blue suits with military
In. dd aioat a pieuiiuui, and thosodrossos
are jiiHt an sum to bleak out in the went
as they did hero. It in tlio unconscious
etrottto hIiow how much tlio gills ad
union uiiiforiu. They like tho uiiifoini
in tho abstract, ami they like it in tlio
application. It has always been ho ami
ulwajs will be, ami who blames them?
Tho baud p.iSM'Htho hcIiodI. Discipline
(h foi gotten. ami khIh ami teacherH crowd
tho window a to hco tho holdierrt paws. A
handsome man may walk aloiiKthoHtreet
in plain clothes and receive a painK
glance, but tho intii;nilicont little runt
behind linn in a iinito.-'ii becoinen tho
object of keon interest. Tlio ' est boy"
uniht Htiiud in a corner ami khu " his
moustaches when a captain with hisu. '
form asks the girl to dance.
Tho KtiMsiau admirals and captains and
counts, in their dail; green, had many
admirers at tho great ball given in their
honor, and nonoof them lacked p-irtuers
but they ono mid all tiled to obtain the
felicity of dancing with tho bello of the
ball, who had been ipiick wittcd enough
ti)lnio a gown mado of daik Kussiau
green bicP"'nno, bordered with habln
and with no ornament have her own
beauty. Tho diess was piincoss front
and back, with a demitraiu laid in two
heavy plait. She did not lack pat tucrs
Let homo other bright girl do the name
if hIio wants to create a heusatiMi.
So many of our belli sand beauties are
getting tho most htuuniug gowns icadj
to go to Chicago that it is onlj lair to
tell other joung ladies what they 1110 g'i
lug to wear f-o that they may not lc
handicapped in tho nico. One has a sage
green cloth skut. with two nifties of
changeable tilk green and white, made
with u short Iintish military jacket of
dark red, opening over a white crape
vest, a regular "Tommy Atkins" jacket
and ery neat ami pretty it is. This
Riinio jacket of full tailor make, which ii
quite expensive, will also bo worn with
n black M'i go nkirt with tho gold braids
down each bide The hat to go with tin
will lw anything that hints tho complex
ion or caprao of the wearer.
Another is of tine blue sergo as to
skirt, with several lows of black stitch
ing around tho bottom. The waist is a
postilion jacket buttoned with small
round gold buttons and trimmed with
hussar gold braid and small frogs. Others
have hussar trimmings 111 black silk
cord and frogs. Sailor styles are ram
pant, and someof the advanced houses
that is, the very highcht pric ed ones ha e
a quantity of regular sailor caps for
their fair clientelo with tho names of the
ships upon them, and wo are now liable
to seo the summer maiden's eyes Hush
under the gold letteis of her fav 01 iteslup
Tho collars have fouh d anchors, and
noith stars and regular ho'sun's turdi
and whistles aie around the necks. We
havn seen sailor suits before and thought
little of it, but now the tailois arowak
ing night and day to fill the sudih 11 di
maud for "innldv" jackets and unlit 11 v
en pi s, coats ami skii ts, w liich, how 1 v . 1
tot m to follow fon igu stvles and ( ol is
( lot,er than tin v do our ow n. Tin AVist
fe 'III, Wfi.'jDi'liJ
Tim Him mi tint Hull t Uu iliirk Mini mul grity ilinvlnt, tlniiliulwitli thrM n nf
Mitilani; unit uiiuiini nli-il wllli luty" cIiiiiiki'iiIiIh hiiiI Imttiiiis. Tim nniiill Knir fitriiw
lint in niiinmil mill iliirk liluu M'hi't ami rililinii. 'I Im ciiiliinm uu tlir, luft ii of limuii
iiiuimI wiKili'ii (,-ikmU, tiiniiiinl willi ln'iiy cni-il,
Willi 1 lllln. ItfllnlilH Mill linvn "ll lmllniii
Point endet jacket that was seen oucn In
aw Idle is out of finor now, and if Uncle
.S.iin has a bit of the tight soil of feeling
lio will immediately spend several mil
lions putting more gold laco and buttons
on our soldier and sailors-es, indeid,
and more feathers 011 their hats, and'
hao tho tailor give six sets of buttons
with every uniform, ho that every giil ,
that wants ono can hao it I mean the I
button, not tho uniform.
ltsiems to 1110 that eery American
girl ought to feel just now like having
her dresses made out of thostar spangled
banner and her bat tiiuimed with the
American eagle's feathers, and all that,
but just ho perverse is womankind they
nil want to wear the colors ami regalia
of soiiio other countiy.
And tho funniest thing! Mothers are
rushing all over trying to have suits
mado for their little bos like th li
tary,"am1 military tailors and findings
comobigli. Why don't they have their
boys dressed liko ChiistophcrC'olunibiis?
rerliapa tlio bi"" ' ",it Ilk" it
Omvi: IlAitn:iL
i:iunrlli Sl iiiiii I it I .'Mi'tliiiillnt KpU
ciintl linn Ii.
I8itclul ('nrrcHimuili iilii.), May 11. I'our years ago
May 15 in tlio littloside room of tlieCi 11
tral M. J, chuichof this city was IoiiihI
ed . hat has since grow n into one ol t he
gnatest icligious societies of the wot Id
Tin I'pwortli league was the crvstalha
tion of llvo feeblo societies of tlio Melh
odihi npiscopal church into one. Win 11
orgauied, it had scarcely 1.WI0 chapteis
and 00,000 members. Today its chap
teis exceed 11,000, its membeiship ap
liroxiinates 700,000, and in every state
and tertitory of tho I'nioii as well as in
many foieign lauds its significant (In K
cross is jiroudly worn.
Outhosito of tho old frame church
where tho Hpworth league was organ
i7Cil May 1 l-ir, 188(1, will bo dedicated
a week hence tho haudsomist chnn ii
striuturo in northern Ohio ami auidi
flee that is excelled in completeness and
pel fiction of arrangements by few
churches in tho country. It is to stand
as tho memorial of tho organization of
tho league and will bear the name, "I'p
worth Memorial M. K. churrh." The
deduatory services will extend through
two weeks ami bo tho most elaborate
ever conducted in connection with a
Methodist l.piscopal church dedication
in this country. Three bishops of the
church, besides hucIi eminent icpn scuta
tives of otlar denominations as lion
John Wanamaker.will delivi r addrcbM s
Tho church structure departs from
many of tho traditional lines of Amen
cm hurcli aiclutecture, being a niiibi
uatiui of liyautino ami Hoinuni sipie m
f BVif 1 iv
LvOPiAito Aj&lM
V 3H)UirKk4l
its 1 .till I. 1
v'iKHl il vi
'i m y)T
'HP )aL
"I rf fl'IIB
an original manner, and was designed
by Architi ct S. it. lladgley of tins city
Tho effect is an inimitable arrangement
of spacn for all the mum runs depart
mints of modi rn church work ami a
building destined to attract wide utti 11
tion for architectural buiutv. The w alb
are of gray St. Lawn mo marble m rotk
fin id, irregular ashlt r blocks and are
mu mounted by a magmlicent ilouie i'
fiet high. The situ is the (inner of
Piospect street and Willsou avenue 111
the (enter of a verv choice residence ills
tint and lias a frontage of llufteton
Willsou ami 115 feet on l'rospei t.
The main uiulitoi nun is 7 1 f( ( t square
Willi the splendid gnat dome for its oil
ing. It is finished in oak, si ihdwith
opi n chairs and has uci"iiiiiMtluti an
for 1,0.VJ, The pulpit is in 0110 cormi
It Iiim Ik 1I1111I1I11 IH"l Mini full nliuona
with a largfl organ in I lie tear, The
most uotablii featiuo of the room is the
beautiful l'pvvotth league window in the
west end, II) by II- leet ill sie. The dn
sign is tho Kpworth win el, with em
bli ms of tho six departments into which
the society work Is divided. Tlio llpn'r
scene is tin Mount of Ascension and
represents the spiiilual work of the
league Next is the (lood .Sainiiiltau,
eiubli matic of mercy ami heli. t'liiist
and the dm tors svmbolie the liteiaiv
tlio Iniiiio at Iti'thany the social side of
the league, .lolin on I'atuios the com
pnuili in e woik ami Christ ami the trib
me mniiey the linancial. In the center
1 1 ihe In ek cioss and in small ciichs
poi tiaits ol John and Susanna Wesley
1 1n uoi kiiiinmhlp is as finished as the
design is ilaboiate. Tew more beaut i
fill and in tiMic window scan be found in
Tlio Sunday school room has a capaci
ty of 1,1100, and its iii) (dassrooms nie
NliiitolT by sliding doors, which operaK
by hj draulic lams directed fi om an eh-c
ti ii. my Thofinish isOiniit pine
and tlio ceiling panei, ! ' .s, like an ail
gallery. The llpvvorth parlor seats .'loo
and the ladlis' pallor the same number
These can all be thrown together into a
vast audience room, seating ovei 'J.SOO
Ilenides these there are the pasha's ollh e
a binary for joung men, to be open da
and evening, and kitchen niiaugciufiil
for herviiig refrisliinents Theveiitila
lion is by means of a gieat blower in the
bllM llient and is the hi st possible
Tho cliiin h society has a ineinbi rslnp
of 000 Hev. IS. t Dimmick has bi i n IN
jiastor during this const met ion period
ami lias done much to stimulate and di
reel tho work, ol which over lover ol
(inn arcluti ctuio ill the i il) is proud.
Hami'i i. tl. M t'l.Litr.
1'reiicli llimkN n( llii' I iilr.
The leading publishers of I'lanco are
well repn senti d at tho World's fair. At
least L',000 Milium s, the en am of the out
put of the Frem h press! sdillllig the last
few y ars, am tasti full) displaced on
tho second flour ol the Maniifactiin s
mid Liberal Arts buildiiii;
A lilll uf I'lm k.
One of tlio siici csful real state deal I
ers of Now York is a girl of UO. Miss Ag i
lies K. Murphv Her pluck, jiersever
unco and shrewdness i liabled hei last
.vtar to negotiate ainoiig her sales two
very largo ones, one of j.', tho other
of $100,000. She oMTatis in tlio upMT
growing part of the great city Hei
father was lit tho business In torn hei
but dii d tin i o v i ai sago, having this gui
of 17 with his family to support. She
shoulderi d the load bravely and at once
vi nt in id out moio daringly and success
fully than hi r father had r done. Iin
undiatelyat the oik Iumoii ol the $00.
000 Kile Mis Murphy was projwed as a
in mbi r of tho NiwYoik Keal Hst.tti
in I iii'.i, wnen .apoieoiis armies were
sweeping over the loniiii.iit. MasMiia,
one of his gem nils app. an d siiddi nly
"H the blights above the little town of
IMdkinli on the Austrian lii.nttir. It
17H0, when Napoleon's armies were
.. . . I. . I . t. !....
was I..ISH i nun iiiiik. it"" "' -on Ki"" I
ing on the wi apmis of the mvadi rs tilled
tin villagi rs with ti iror '1 lie town conn-
ol luistil) iiim nihlid to (iniMilt what
was to be done )i ti nm was impossible
Should a di potation lie m lit to Massena
with the ki vh of the town and a p tition
that lie treat tin plai e with 1111 n v '
Then the old di an of the i linn Ii stood
up "It h L.isti r day," he said 'Ve
have In 1 11 ri(koiiing our own stieugth,
and that fills I.i t us mig the bells nud
have mi vii 1 as nml have the mat
ti r in In-lnr hands" His words pre
vail! d 'I In 11 all at once trom three or
four cliim h towers in l'i ldkirch tlm
Is lis began In ( laug Jo.vtul peals, and
the stm ts Idli d with worslnpeis hasti 11
ing to the I'litm h
The l'n in h In ard with surpnso and
alarm the sudden clangor nt jov lulls
and concluding that the A11-I11 111 arinv
had aruvid 111 the night tunlieM the
place Mussina siuhleul.v broki up Iiih
camp, ami befnit tho lulls hidci.isid
ringing not a I'reuchiuiin was toboM'ou
Tint sprite; IiiaiiiIii riiiiml ini'ln, nail wma en
tivi i y trio
Vini'll In up tli Mini lilnls nlnuln, Jnnl ns lniiiy
its Mn lie)
'I Im fieusnrn tlila In tli' liiiie, mul nil llm IiIk
iHinril fi'in ii
'IIipj'iii imitiil iiisiiino lltlinKrniliN ntinnt t lie
i Iiimh Ii lit n
Of rli pliiuitHii-iliini la with n funny lillii fni i 'I
Ami jnii'il I'l'tler li'limi I'm unla
dn nit
'lliiir'nliitsnf UnMi'ii ( liiirlntA with (ilnii nml
(iltlii esnti 'i Ml
Wliii'MMtnt Unit nf rallti klnuilnm ami liml
nillii r Imi tllli 1 In i ti ii it .
A nun nf tunny Ileum, In in n kiiiiiiir sits In
Anil lilt n Una with n whip, lull tlimrltli-r
iievi r lilh'R,
I'ur If line! i n w lihnpern liiuitn still Mill with
u fltmn
Ami J mi l"'l I'll mi' tlii'in lliilm
Win a
tin im
I itln't im Iiiiml for iniinlc, tint wlinii tlmt clrem
Htilkivt lip ultli "Alililn llniini'V," I till yn'l
ulnit, it'surioiill
Willi linn Ii iImiiiIm ii. waitIn nml (lie Iiiiim-s
ki i pin tltni'i
WMIn i Ii mi lip nil tint Mulii'M hiIiiiikhiiuIiiI
I hi)' i llmli
Ami semi a i Mil ilulil up )niir Inn k tnneu Min
llll Mil) On" II
Ami Jim kin Im! llmt I wna't iiiIim II
In n
i In Hi
i mill's
'I linr'n lmlf il ilni II I mimli Hint IiIk iili'pliutitu
i iniir
'tin Ii mi till In in hull limn nut If they ifiit In
pin) III Iniiuh,
Ami knimiiiiHiH nml rnlirim, nml n lilu Innu
tin kill KlrnlTi',
Anil a limn nf filliliy Inniikr)". 'lilllT In liuil.ii
tlm piiifMiu homh.
I'm ii-kiiIii up Miinn ininm), nml fin miriinn in)
I miiim'x lltii'Mi
I'llspi nt u hnlf iiilnlhir
1 him
( Ircim
Now Vnrk World.
I'n II) l'n I r Iiiiml.
Thile's uoi pious and (lllllilellt joung
inmi in l)i tmlt who Is so very sensitive that
a ii'italn Ki'iitli'iiian wllh a good looking
ilaughtei is forever teasing him on all sorts
of sulijii Ih, ami the joung fi How has never
In i n able to gi t even until now The other
dn) tlm old ono met the young ouo Ilia
ci on 1 1 nf men
"Ah, my bo)," ho wild, "von weren't at
thiilulila-t iiluliir"
' No, sir," was the leipnnse, "I was mak
lliga few i alii "
"() ho," IiiiikIiisI lliuold one, with great
slunllli nine, "making calls, wem you
What kind of liainls did oii hnlilr" and he
wiukid and lauglnil again and midgisl thu
voatig mini In therihs
Iheii tliiiliiHpiriitlini camii to tlm young
"They were jail toolnvi ly fornnythlng,"
he said, with a smile "Your daughter'
was one, for Instant n " Anil somehow thu
old one hasn't felt so mm Ii like teasing Uio
pious lining mini since that. Detroit l'rie
r r '
llliln't Wnnl llli-lll.
Mr. Illllus was linikiiig on r the plans of
k m w barn he was piepailug (o biillil.
"I don't i aie nlioiit hnv inn any windows
on llm sliln facing the kltcln u jaiil," ho
"Hut vim will iii ill thrill for light," re
plli d the an lillu t.
"I.lulit uothlngl" iiiiitid Mr. Illlliis
'"1 Iiomi w liiilow s i nil fur 01 pain s of glass,
ami I've gut a lm H jiais olill IaiivoYiii
out'" Chlingo 'I illume.
slm i'niilit 'I runt lllni.
Molln r I wish ini to go to the store nml
g( t me a bar of soup
l.lttle .lohiuiy I've gut a awful tooth
"Dins it ii ally in he hum Ii"
"Aw full I inii't lit a tliliiK toiu Ii lit"
"'Hull ou inn) also liilug a pniiud of
ralslni." (i'oim! News.
A lllinil In .Nml.
Mr. Sadly Yes, the grit f I fu I over the
loss of in) Hint her drlvt s me across the wa
ter. 1 will in tr n lurii.
Mr Cliiiiiili'V Nnvir ntiirnf Are joii
sure of tlintf
"No, )oil will nevi r s ii'iiiiKalu."
"Miy, Ii ml me K until oil gd back."
Ti xas .sittings.
Ilrt lilidl) l'li.(iilillliiili il.
.link That little Irl I'm in love with
inu is a pi i fu t bi lie wild llimtr, fresh as
n ilals). !i, she's unvir uvui Iseii
waitid with
(iiorgii Wi II, wi lit
.link That's tine Nevi r bet li all) thing
but a few times Now Yor..
m "EL
J 'Jfti '
Ik fat'
U ,j& W.
Hi pi liking of iresi ure of mliiil, I n
iiieiiibi r In ing In a panic ome w In 11 I Inst
111) wits (ompliti 1)
Hit Oh, win that the wa) ) Mnblier's
A llllt ilium.
Corn Mr. Hmiiu's parlor Is fiirnKluil
Uaiitifull). but there isn't a chair in the
Clio 1 Tor una imis Mikes' Whiluiiitho
tvorld iIim s sin- go w hi 11 some one mi)s
"rats"- oiiki rs Miitcsuuiu.
lit ItlllU' II llllllll'.
Slii-Si slin iiiiii riinl tlmt baldheailiil old
iiainp' W hv, I In ard he had Ih.hi lilaik
ll.'llllll lit I Vl IV i lull lu town
lie Unit's vvh) he married for a home.
Vn miller.
Tolling Young (uisliu ibelares he never
illas 1 1 hi with 1111 liifirinr
Dm 1 1 - 1 hat s a wio u solution on 1 ts
put lb 1 Ii id It linpossibh - Vogiu
I"i I l)
Ik ) Ki.'.itiW'.VKeA