CITV COURIER, '. a. ORPITRL SODA WATER. Pare. Delicious and Refreshing. W have tin- tincit anil best elppod Soda Fountain in thr cltv . TRY OUR ICIi CRHAM SODA. RECTOR'S PHARMACY N. W. ('.II'. I Jill IllKl X SI. Mortgagee's Sale ok Tin: iintiui. J ewelry Stock OF L. BARR. The entire Jewelry stock of L. Ban-, 1201 O street, con s ii-tirir Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Silverware, Opti c will be sold at once to satisfy the mortgagees. The above stock will be sold for cash regardless of cost. Those desiring a bar gain will come early, before the stock is broken. CAPITAL Steam Dyeing AND CLEANING WORKS NO. 113 N. TWELFTH ST. SK ZJVCOLtf j) , vqmtvmmm nnwij Tuition! Full term, In wjven differ rtXEiLt cnt cournei. Only H4li crndn lti dependent Normal In tho state. The Uncut liullillngi, Equipment, iind Ahlest Normal Faculty. No experiment, hut nn established manHRomcnt. 40 coure, X teachers and lee 4...AM- A llir.i fill tlm flllWtifid. rltfl IUIII a n in W i"m " ...... - ., ------ for catalogue. K.F. KooHK.MKr.Mucoln.Npb, STIFF HATS MADE TO ORDER From 'J.oi tn I. VI. LINCOLN STIFF HAT FACTORY, N. W. Cor. I2th and O Sts, Ulil Hut'- Mocked, ('leaned. Ihod unil Millions good as New. All Kinds "f liepair Work Diiiii-. Turkish Baths and Massage Parlors. Corner l.'lth unil X streets. K-jVllMM-ythiny: Firt ( In In the Ulslilet Court of Lam-asKr Count), NcliruidCll. Lll V r Ml Lin, JOHN W.MII.hY To John V Mlli v. ii'inre.lili in deieudnut. You ale heieliv imtllled Unit on Hie 'lib ilnv nl Maieh, IsH, Luev 1' Mile) llle'l n imlltlnii iiului-t Mm hi the Dlstrlet Conn of Liuens tei eoiinly, Nehnisk.i, tlieoliiel ninl pruver mo to iilitnlu a iIImiivl Ironi )oil on the L'rniinil that Mill have vvilfullv iihamloiie.l slid plalutlll without KOiileiuiM fur the term nf two e us last pasi, and tlmi belim oi suill ulent ubllHv so to do oii have wnntonl) and eruell v roiused and neKleclul to pio lilt suit nlile n'liilnienanee lor said plulntlll. miii aie t.'iiulred to answei s lid petition oil or before Monday, tlm llrst d.i ol MiimJsii Bv l'lll'N'HA lllltlt. Plulullll l-l-tt Ilui Attorn-) . In the liuuli't t'ouit nt Lme.i-l ! Count) , Nebraska. WILLIAM llAHIL i KMIIKIU' L. LAM II S To Itoliert 13. I.amli, iion-ri'-ldcut deleiid uotllled that on the ant : i oil ate heiuliv tinhdii uf Mnieh. ISH. Wlllhilil Hail llleil a petition iiKiilust oii In the UMilct limit o Lineastei eounty. Neliiaslta, the ohloet and prayer of which Is toiilet the til u ot lot iitiiuhtirod llwi .1 . In hloek uiiniheieil lllty elnhtlVi;, In the elty o' Lliieolu, eimiity of Laneasier and Slate ol Nuhruska, In said William Han, and that a deer, e he n ndeied .ijnlnst joiideerieliiK Hint vlutoei elaliii you may have in in In h.ild piopurt Iswlili out rlalit. and that miii Iiiimi no iluht. Hlle. Intel est or estate In oi to said plenties or any part ilierol, and foi suelioilierand inrther lo llef as may lie Just an I eiiilliilie You are ieiiili'ud to nutmot mild petition on orti'loio Monda), the llist da of May IVH. ' WILLIAM II UH. I'lalntltl. II) Poind A Hun. hu Atlonie)s, l-t-lt r f f WAGE EARNINQ WOMEN. Is the New Order uf TIiIuks In Itn Coin, iiieiided? Thn riht of woiiiiui to work U an in Iti'ti'tit oiio. Xobinly 1ms icr ilisiuitoil It or trieil to t.iko it nwny. Aiiioiik o (las' (if ioi)l, rltlier naapi or tii li.eil, has woman been u'lleveil frmn lu'iitinir a ii.u t of the lutnleiis. 'J'lte luvsent njji', hnwt'v er, is i oh Inn a jjroat cliniiKi) in tho Mains nf wiiiuiui'm wmk nn oMihitiou that is akin to a involution. It was thn upheaval of the civil war vvhii'U caiiled tho nieii to thn fmnt nnl K-tvo thn wonieii Iho oiniiiittinitv to tlyolf in Inniinier.ililetani.'i'ntsfiiiin that xphi'io which hml hehl them by tln'Kriiv Ity of all iiiivvei fill social custom. Thoso who tasto tho hvvi'cLs of ticeiloni ilo not return to tho houtK ami women will never again permit ntlicm In limit their nteas. Tho last iHinttcr of a ccntuty lias wroim'ht niaivils, unil thn icccnt census ti'll'i tin Mory in its leconl of, ;i,.iOO,000 wu'iicu in the I'niteil .Stall sen Kinicil in UdTwiiK'H'.iiniiiKoi'ctip.itioiiP, iucluiliii"; with but fovv cxci'iilions all thn iivocatioiiH follnvvi'il by men. ' So Kicat a chaiiKo in BOKhntt impaci'of tluio Ii.'ih uatutnlly nioiiseil thn interest of tho Ktuilent of Kit'ial iiui'stions, ami ho is bi'KinniiiK to ask whrto this inno vation is to oiiil. "Hero," ho wtyH, "urn :t,.V)0,)00 wniiu'ii, I'.M'lusivo of thoso en-giiKi-il in iloiuestic service, who have be cotno breailwinneis. This vast body has Kouo out ftotti home, lm.s entered into coiupctitioii with men, has taken up u work never before attempted by women. They liavo lendeied themselves Inde pendent of tho assistance of fathers and brothers. They liavo ininlo it no longer necessary that they should marry for support." What is tho result of this new depar-j ture? How will It ulTect tho home, the marriage relation, social conditions?, What will bo tho effect on tho character of tho women? These aro tho ipiestioiis that present themselves. Woman Is in tho business wotldj sho is there to stay; sho has douo most of tho things which MensitUe not long ago it was declared she could I Tl.,.0 MIiy ,.rc.M.Ilt,.', tll ,,,,.. s.i.l- not do; she intends to level such obstii-1 ,k,niy Haptiste nished Into tl lotu in a den as aro still in her way; she can never Mnteof wild iilnii mOiiIiiiIiik again bo relegated to her old position, ' "Quick! a glass of wine'" but must go on and on tinder the new I Kv er hod) btuied, tint his wish was com dispensation. Does it mean imptove-' plhsl with, niul llaptlste swallovvnl at oiid ment or deterioration for the race? I K'l" ,1"'H ,,f "hie pound out b the lady Wo aro Mimetiuies touched with sad- "f l '" "'. whu "lh'l "hat was Uu, ness when wo see the long procession of j ,"!,.() ,;illll,,I,Il1,,.! , nlll ,UnMuUs ,,.,. girls and women in the early mot mug , Tlml K,(SH )lf , hll ,,,. I11(.K1HHi. u hours going to their daily tasks and at , has Inoimlit me muml Only think, 1 have nightfall retmning weary and heavy ' footed. And yet it is well. It give-) 11 sturdy sense, of independence to be nhlo to earn one's living that is just as grateful to a woman as to a man. Tiiu lessons a girl leai ns as a breadwin ner will be of the highest value to herns long as she lives. She leaius, first nf all. punctuality and the value of time, then method mil system in work, self con trol, an acceptable inaiiui r of dealing with different kinds of people, discretion in speech, industry, attention to detail". All of these things are of as gieat im portance In tho hoiii hold us in the store 1 or tho office. Another valuable lesson leaincd by 1 women who are engaged in some wago earning occupation is that business lite as well as domestic life has its 1 ares and annoyances. The woman who knows only tho hitter is npt to imagine thn there no ttinls toconipate with thoo nf the household. Setvants, 1 liildieu, company, etc., mtike tip tho 1 11111 of e.n t li ly ills, while the husband goes down btreet and has a good lime all daylong. It Is healthful and invigorating lor a woman to learn to stand alone. Tho "1 hnging ivv " typ is passe. It belongs to that ago of romance when tho hero ines either fainted or burst into tears on every page of the favorito novel. Theie urn times when eveiy woman ieels tired nnd discouraged and wants a good, sitongo.iK 01 n man 10 iimgio, n u ue is not always at hand, and sho know how to weather tho stoim if he is absent. Tho unworthy argument is often made that the social conditions which peimit women to ho financially independent will tend to jii event marriage. It would Im far better for society and for the family if all those people remained unwed who enter mto mairiago through financial considerations. It lias always been con ceded that no limn should many until he is able Miitiibly to support 11 wife. This is right, for it is a woman's ptoviiico as a wife to devote hersilf to the care of her home and family, and she cannot do this propel ly it sho must also help cam the living. Mailing" should be founded upon love ' and not upon expediency. Thegiil who , is not able to take care of herself must Iiml a husband who will undeitako the responsibility and relievo her father of the bin den. A man of high ideals would , scarcely 11 ah.e them in 11 inariiage un der these ciiciinisLinces. A woman can givo her hand with pel feet dignity only l when she can show that no mercenary spirit enteis mt the compact. Men are beginning to tindi rtand thisand to seek wives among ihn.n women whoaie mak ing a brave light for themselves and learning to stand alone. Obsetvatio" will show that sui h girls as 111 ale many , more desirable husbands than those who live 111 idleness and watch for an eligiblo chance. Tin stand.ud nf iniiiiiago is thus elevated among both men and wo- ' men. The fear that this life uf nidi pet.denco will destroy the ih-hiie for niiiiriago on the part of women is smutty woith , considering. Woim u tiiiu to m. image ' with the Mine natural instinct as the child turns 1 1 its mother. Kveiy woinan dreams of a home and a husband, but 1 sho wishes the husband to be one whom 1 sho can love, honor and cherish, rather than one whom t-he ninnies because of 1 the win Idly goods with which sho may bo endowed bv him. Tho woman who is able to take cat oof herself can wait for this man bo Lis coining soon or late, and when he 1 nines im mie will m thor oughly ainnvi 1. He Ids loving pr itectioii ninl the 1 est l ul nnlort of a happy home as that woKiaii who has stood alone Ihioiigh all tlm ears, hravinglhc storms with coiiragei.ii- heart, but glad to find the hav u ini'l .1 .. hor Iht boat. lnv A. 1I.MHT.I'. CiinnldorAtF. I n pinuUr man who I nioro Heltolt h.i or less disturbed every dny In his olHce by visitors, iiml though lie N naturally euihi hie It W beginning to Ull nn him. The other hlgl t after he. hail been mlfp bout three hums his wife uliotik him tutoteml COIseollsli'ss "Wlm what U It, my rleM1" he asked slecpll) "Sh sh.limrgi." -hewhlspi nil thcics a hutglni down hIuitn "HllW ill! OII htHW'"llC ltlltlltlll, Mill Imlf asleep "I heiiril him moving nrouiul, ami nh flringe, there he Is now' Listen'" anil slut gnvc him aunt In i shake desperatcl) "Well, ili hi," he grow led, "iliiu't disturb him. 'I'hls Is his Inisj time, ami Im ought to lie nil en a I'haiiie to utteliil to bilsllicsH oicasiiinally iuijIkiu " Then ho hemm to Mime, anil his wife lis teiiiilauil INt em il ami dually went to shop -DcltoU I 'lee I'n A liti.rj. "How did ou happen to many him? Were joil in love with him" "Oh, no, hut aiiothei gill was " -Life. just had the inWfoitiine to hteak our two I large dissert dishes of levies poirelainl ' I'iglllO ill 11 1 ill liifereni e. llewnre of trvlng to ileieivn chililieli. How till I'll must pan nts he taught this l s Mill "'li, miimimi, vnu'vogut ugiay hail hi votir bang'" 1 "Yes, dear That ame In cause mi vi te so naught) to mamma jcstiuhi ' "Oh, maminii, what a naiight little gill you must have In eu to giiiiiiltnu' All her hairs ute gin) "- I)i inorest'M .Monthl) C'lianiii I'm VeiiiceniM e. Sliiiisnii (itngiil)) ! have sent the ulitiir The Ilightoue .Mngailie l.'ot in) poems, and he has let unit d t er one of them. Friend Don't send him ail) llioie. lie might get mini "Suppose he should What could hedof" "He mlghl publish une of them 11111I1 r your leal inline." New Yolk A l.llitiiil .Man. "Vis," mid the paisimiinloiis man, "It's a great coinfoit to me to nllei t thai time Is iiimey." "Whir" "Whenever I want to he p.utli iilntly lib eral with my fi lends I go out and ,pend some time with them." Washington Mar. llli, inss. "Vnu liaveasph'iiilid location here. Peo ple me coiistniitl) passing h),"haid Simp son. "That's just the tioiihle," 11 tinned Iho tiailesiuaii, "Thev'ie alwa)s passing by and mvir stopping in." limpet's ll.ini. Ills I hsl Itaklnu. Tatti 1 sail Von niu vu), veiy mill, niailaiii. Mrs. Votiiifwife -W'h)v Haven't I given joil soiiietlilug toeat Tattiis.ill -I asked for bread, anil )oii give men stone. New Voik Herald. Tim .vim h So. "Is Tompkins familial w ith Shake peare1 r "Well, I should sa) sn. He biought back my inji) with one tover toiu oil niul tho other mm kid up." Chicago Inter Oceuii. No 'I line In I. one. She Isn't )oui determination togi I mar tini rather sudden I didn't know that von even thought of it. Hi 1 didn't, hut I have just heanl of an I'Mullelil cook I tan gi t lliookl)n l.lle. A (.real Head. Men hunt fin appbiiuit) Do jou think von know enough to ussisi me In the oillu Ho) Know ilnaigh' Why, I lell 111) last plaie hi cause the boss kiIiI I kluw tuuie than he did foiiit) Joiinial. He Paid the I I1I1II11. "I'oloni 1, I luai )ou vvi te 11 social bun at Wnshhigloii ' "Yes, hi 1 ' l.oainil thn e congressmen ?10 apliieaud got aihauie to pa) a senator s hulel hill." Atlanta Const It iitluii. UN Last Wish. Ild .luhlots leave Tnebag-Iul .luhlots leave anj hist u plest Hiimplate-Yis He vv anted the fun. 1 d pioiessluii to dnve uuiiiud li) w.l) of the I hall glolll. lis P k. .s. Ilulletlti I xpliiiin d. ( hull) itl.ri.wlngnwa) a half niiiile cig i- I rettej 1 vvouiluh why the last half ul .1 ' ugnvvittc in't 111 to siuiike. The Major-Pit haps lur thesaini re.i- 1 1 that theliist hall im't.-l.lfe. A Mi Ilui ol llahit, ' Kllni Ilaliltsaiejiaril things to hn.ik ' Maud es, iuili'itl Theie s .Minim "i-lc- leaf, w ho fin mid 111. hllhlt uf being .'.' some Mais uo mid Imsiii vu-hrnkiiiii vit ( hi ago ltiLoul Uliln'i sn,, "I've In 1 11 fate to fine with death, miI (lailow, who is not handsome ' Diath inn dnlii t In askul llmks -II 11 pi 1 s Ha111 WntVA ISA MAW A- 1-4' 4--U i- -i ;." ' V" LK LI V l ' M' ' i I mTa, I f.v -J' - ,.n. -- I ' i ClilGago.Rock Island & Pacific Ry Tin MltrC'T UOUTK t-i nnd rmiii CIIICM (X HOCK 1MI.AN11, IIA 'KN1MIIT tlKil MOINIIV o)UNCti. lit UFrn, watjihtown hiocx I'AI.IJI, HltlNUAPOMH lir I'AVL. 11T JOH III'll, ATCHISON. I.llAVI'.NWOIIIII ItANHAS UITV TOl'KKA UCNVKH 1.0L0IIAUU UP Nvld tnd l'U IlllI.O SOLID VESTIDULE EXPRESS TRAINS cf Tlii"M!l OoirliiM Hliswm, Kieo lliv III 111 I'lmlr Um anil llliun Oim diuly liotwmn I III i'AOO. T11U) MOINKH. I' UNCI I, IILUPPS nn.l OMAHA nnd IwlwM CHIOAOO nn.l lif.NVI II, coi.ohado BPitiNod mil pur.m.u v., at ,toso 1, ur KniKia City " t 7 i.k.i Via Tho Albert Lon Route. Kt r.xir Trunin dulv li.-t vwii Cli .e mil Mliiimiixilis 11 1 I HI Pml, wi'li TllllOUilll llvolliuiiit Chili Ciu (Vlir.r.i I" nut 11 im ttii inilnts mil Kiiui ''ity T'lni'iah Olmlr On niul Hlucin-r Lotuwn IVon 1 Bun It 1 ikn ami Bloux 1'ilU Mi Hoik Isliu.l l'or Tli ki-lit. Mitis Kolitm 01 i'ilr I liifmtin tlon.iunilyiit iiiiyCouiio 1T1 keioitin 01 n.l new E.ST. JOHN, JOHN SEOASTIAN, Oon'l M.iuijt.. On I T'lt I'm Akt.. CIIICAOO ILL Ladies' and Children's HAIR CUTTING SHAMPOOING1 A. Specialty - Ar SAM. WESTERFIELD'S BURR BLOCK. DR. T. O'CONNOR, fSueei'KHor to Ur, ( harle huiirlu Cures Cancers Tumors Wens mid ri-lnliis w Ithoiit lie1 iisi of Knit.' Chlolofol III 01 I'ther Oltlee I! 01 O Street Ohuii lilui k. LINCOLN NEB. DR. HENRY A. MARTIN'S Medicallnstitute 1 nil Till I t HI ul Chronic Diseases SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Worn Culm rh, Morphine and Opium Ilubits. Cure tiiiat.iiiti'ed C'ltisu't.!' mi 1 tee Ollices, 141 South uth Street "T. 1 1 If A BAKING nA. POWDER 25ozs.for25 Absolutely Pure - JuarlkYlT.' rrjAouc FOUND IT AT LAST Jmt llic Bk 1 luvclita ctkipg for t niul scxciiil I juh isi nil who would sac time to n iit oik'c to H. W. BROWNS, 1H7 SOUTH KLKVKNTIi STRKET Ciberal oki H i:i(M It I MiHiltl , I' nt K I- lltnWN, lii-l'ies. ( II IMIIOI'I'.t iihhl.'t Inli 11 l nun ciuiiM It C M J 1 1 Mnc-fiii liiinl i; L lltowu I V liewee.e, .1 .1 lllllioll. C I. ntes, A M ItaMiionil, Inllll I lllilllll. I' I. ( alvett Western lormal College, i nil. S( IIOOL 1 Olv' TIII5 MASSI5S . LINCOLN. - - NEBRASKA, An Old School in a New Location. I'm im ilv nt Nlii'iiaiu! 25 DEPARTMENTS. lir.iutifiil, lii.illliy Im .it ion. inns iliici tlv tn campus without diil equipments, siipt-iini .11 1 niiininilatioiis, strong (acuity, experienced iii.iiiageineiit. iniiipielifiisise tun ictiliini, tli)roii(,'li wotk, lunli moral and (Miiisliiin inllticnces and Inw expenses for students. DISl'AKT.MKNTS AND (JOIIUSISS. We J5 touises Out Music, l-'iiu Ait, Pen Art, Dclsarte, I'lm tiliniiai v ("niiisrs i tut Initli iliililifii ami STKKKT C.Wi THANSFIiUS tn am paitnf the citj fm all wlm attend the Western You tan i'iiti'1 at au tinif .n Iind jusf sin h 1 lasses as jmi desire. Write hi 1 all ind see us Spiing teiui npi 11s Apt il 1 1 , i9J, and loiitinues 10 weel.s. Stint nn 1 tiini npfiis Jnnt jn, i"M). and t niitiiiiies S weeks Ymi can en tit at .11. turn . I1..U1 v. r ( A'l ALOCit'ICS and CIKCt'LAKS VRllM WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGLIncoln, Concise. Modern. Practical. Inexpensive. TU YOUTH'S CYCLOPAEDIA Now leaily in two Ini'L'f octiuo voliinifs. Pi ed by a coijih of tai'heis and ediieutiomil wiiters expiessly for use of pupils and students in pub he ami pi Ivute schools, seminal ies ami academies. Costing but 11 small fraction of the pri if the huge cyclopa'dhis, it is ten times mine valuable for the purpose, Itffiillsu it fits. TeacheiH me enthusiastic in itrf pmlse, saying it meets n need which has been long and deeply felt. For agents it is a lioimnn. No competition; no other book like it; a positive and lllgent demand for it. We have a system of canvassing the schools whii'h lusuti'H ipiiek vv oik anil blgiesults. Fiist agent took IOO unlets in IO days, another has taken onleis lor till!! sets hi 7 weeks, nnd snjs "I have sold books for ten yeut h niul this is the best seller I ever stt nek " UC UANT APENTQ woowill give nil their time and want to make lib money IIL Ilni1 1 nUr.ll 10 Wegive extra teims anil fvclllshe tfirllorj. Tfaelifi's anil Stinlfiits who want prolltalile Muntloii work should write us. For full infMiiiialliui utel tei ins, nihil ess liATJREATE PUBLISHING CO.. Lakeside Building, Chlc.igo, 111. THE NEW SCALE Vose & Sons Pianos OP BOSTON. ESTABLISHED OVER 41 YEARS. CELEBRATED FOR THEIR Pure Tone, Elegant Designs, Superior Workmanship, and Great Durability. TIAX TIEYER & BRO. CO., 1520 Farnhani Street, - Omaha, Neb. . Co. KAttiAJ llioiisjuul l IM IR'I S, lQt?rt?st Absolute Security pild nn siiluvn )i pnslls at I he latnur I Ive pel eeul pel Alllium. (JpiorSavirsBaty I 1 1 South 10th St., Lincoln, Nobr. Uv'iv '1 ipit illnvr- ,t 'l1 inU. S.Hand YOUR SAVINGS SOLICITED 0.1I1, Inu.i , 35 TEACHERS. m at if 1. 1 111 pus, luil tic sttft't tar 1 1 tit iliaiigf, SjSD.noi) in liuiltliiiL's. snlcn im! KuuliMai ten and Model Ti.iiniiiK Schools, siiuletit tcailicisi, aie not eiiualled ill tile west .l M. I UOAN I'les or VV..I. KINsI IV, Sieielnry and '1 leasiirer Neb.