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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1893)
CHPITKL CI TV COURIER ' xxixix(xtitr.tzrzi-iiiiri-!i-xZ'iixi;izii:zi:'i:zizizizi:t: -3iw a'JSftMJUUKt: ove 'WflSgWPW? m MH&. 11 a hk-z. 'jTI.R.ondjrt. :::S Tho Century club held It- regular Hotnl-inonthlv 'mooting nt Hi" homo of Mrs. I-Viuik Campbell, corner 'IVnth anil C streets TiuwilHy afternoon. This was on of tlu lurjifMt mill most enthusiastic meetings of the year mill wni very encouraging t I"" l"'U, ,H It was the last mooting of the series. The entire work In Columbian history which was ontlliiiMl by Profcsnr Cahl woll from tln discovery of Columbus to lS'H wuh completed. Tlio Imlli'H mio unanimous In declaring that the year bail boiMi a most prolltublo anil pious ant oiio. Mrs. Mc.Croary gave In a very ublo anil pleasing manner tlio iiiToiiiit or sumo wonderful fouls wbli'b woro to bo performed In sending messages from plaro to place by electricity at tlio Worlil'H fair If those ran bo rully es tablished tboy will far exceed tlio tub ograph anil telephone. Another tuple of special interest was given by Mrs. Prank Campbell on tho work of Mr. Hart among tlio Irish people, especial ly tlio working class. Tills consisted of an organized system of Instruction anil onoourngoniont in ilotnostlo work tiuch as laco making, knitting anil other Hiibjccts. After tills canto tlio regular program In wlilob Mrs. Prank Campbell gave an Interesting talk on tlio I'onstlttitlon anil tlio election of tlio llrst president; Mrs. ('. II. Curtis, on tlio cabinet; Mrs. Teeters, tlio senate; Mrs. M. C. VanHriint, the bouse; Mrs. Campbell, a comparison of our congress anil tlio Kngllsh parlliiuiout, anil Mrs. .lonos, Judiciary anil eipilty courts. A business mooting is to bo hold soon at Mrs. It. T. VuiilIruutV to dcelilo on u ourso of stiuly for no.t year. MUs Price. The prlcs. a gold Until olive dish ami a cut glass oar lug lost, woro received by Mrs. Ilarpam anil Mr. ( 'rancor. lion. V. .1. Ilryiin ontortuliioil the members of the llouinl Table dull Monilay evening at bis resilience. Kli'i I) street. The gelltloinell liullilgeil III some Itiformiil political discussions, af ter which ilollgbtful refroshiuoiils wore served by Mrs. Mryiui. Tnoso present were Messrs I M lliiymoiul, P. K llrown, S II Ihtrnhi'in, A .1 Sawyer, A S Tlbbotls, A .1 Cornish, I'll Humus. Albert Will kins. .1 O Morrison, Hi- P DCrlm, Mr llll., . I P. Hill. Prof Hart ley, llov K II ( liailu, S Ii Ceistbart. Henry Lewis ami C II Morrill. Mrs. Ainanila Putnam of Twelfth ami K streets gave a charming supper Thursilay evening In honor of the llov. anil Mrs.' W. W. Walsh of IliitTulo, N'. V. Tho table was beautifully ilcckcil with carnations. Covers woro lahl for twelve. Those at the table were llov. ami Mrs W W Walsh, Mr anil Mrs Hultlwln, Mr Stall, Mr ami Mrs HulT iniiu. Mr 11 .1 Walsh, Miss Walsh, Mr Mohronstccher, Mrli.M Walsh, Mrs Piitimin. During the evening pro gressive high live win played. The bulles of the C street club gave uilollghtful meeting In honor of Mr. Osgood In return for the kindness shown them by him. The club met at tlio homo of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zohrung at half past six o'clock when a delicious supper was served. In the evening high live was played. Tin so present woro Messrs and Mesihiinos W i Hull, Davis. Wlrlck, Monger, iS W .- i VI. p' r auvuir i : TJ"H . V T- Aft? I ' ' SPRING COSTUMES. Tlio figuro mi tlio rtKlit is of wim,It'olimil hitvji, triiimii'il with brown liciitrnlino Bilk! tlio )oki' mul limor jurt of nlui)vi' lire ovi'rl ml with nurso wni l.ii'n. The mm on tlio left U of stitin, tlio nkirt triiiiiui'il with live wi.lllm of vohi't; tlm Inn llttt'il buck n i id Iiki-h) fiiMilx, tint hi'iiiim nil liiH'd with jit, ulth ImiiiUotno jet juiMonunli'riu down I'.irli hiiIo of tlio front; Kiupira 1';iihi of ni'"io liwo, withyuko of jot. ltctuii't of lilitck Mtin, with jtft t'orom't mul pink ro- iimler its rim. A IMCIIKKIT rAHLOII. NECESSAfllLV THE MOST lLCOANT AND TASTEFUL APARTMENT IN THE HOUOE. I'lio ,llrnrllriir mul l'niuliirll) ol Kill rurolliiii' lur I It s llmim-Tlio I'mrlMIII- !, ill IMo iiiii'iitiilliiiM Willi Oilil rii'i'i-s lliiiiiionloiiH r.iliiilii Tor Its Ki'ioni tlmi mul llriiiii li mill llii'lr Inipm tiHK'o Si Hi Illul I'liinlliiio III it Is nut l.ll'0l o. ( t'fMlhl, tXtft, '! ('nil let Ii. Sfltlt. N apurlinont. Is per fect only when each M'pcruto article Is In harmony witlt Its iii'lghbir, null Pio draperies,' If artistic and beautiful, are the kcystonoof thoonllro uri'iuiL'iMiuHit. The illlllculty ordinarily seenn to be In pro curing really desirable art furniture at a moilerate cost, and the fact that inanufacturors frequently construct a gloomy and euiiiborsniiio class of furni ture on tho one hand, or a ninny anil extravagant one on tho other, as tlio only choice; and another universal ob- f' proper dNplay of the fanill,V posses sion in rich i'li inn. p H'ccliiiii ami brie-a-brac. The ipii'stlon of color U oil' of the most Imp trluiit In ileennitloii of any npiirtmetit ni'i'i' particularly of the parlor. In the r nm slown ab ve the wall Is luti'ii le I t i b of a im'fiirm tint thrmitflioiit, variety III ir being Hotitfhl for in the fri aj. Mnc'i of the furniture bi'lmr gilt, It Is d'slr.tble that the trim mug of tho room should be p tinted In a delicti' c dor to eiiipliail the rellned Imp -1 m to lu produced by the up:irinmut inn whole. The in ist ilntjuat scheme ofe during would be 1 1 p'llut Pin woodwork in a pearl grey tint, lu which cine tho Malls may bo cdorod either in a light blue or pink. Tho frleza will then be lu a deeper blue or pink, ami the cornice will liavo tonuu of grey, light blue, pink and silv -r. Tho colling will be In a light pearl grey.' matching it with the woodwork. The carpet in such an npiirtmetit should b' In lines of grey, bull' ami light line; the up hoist -ry exhibiting tones of grey, bull', silver and light pink, or light blue, according to the walls. If tho walls are In light blue, the draperies should bo in old blue, ami if the walls are lu pink, the draperies should bo in old ro4o. P.lther blici or pink will be the dominant color of the apartment, ami IP1 ' PumIWWSI a a. W. i - Vjl m' ...4 1 i f . X S H .51 .W, .. .Si, .M; M M r M i. W ONE-HALF DOZEN Tins SIZE CABINET PHOTOS EEM NOBLE'S STUDIO GIVEN AWAY WITH EVERY $10.00 PURCHASE, mmmm - KRU& & CO. I S3 M' & I- ,lv v M M ' a M i 51 Si- M. . S: M W4 Jiixjxix4rixix4xixiXi-xkiZiXij-x CTiTkrk i (Juki J wlia stacle Is that the cost is beyond that which can be alToriled by people or ordinary moans. All these objections scent to'have been overcome this season in the niun.v line suites of parlor furni ture exhibited by the A. M. Davis Company, at their extensive warerooms at number -M l South P.loventh anil ll 12 () Street. Among them Is a dainty parlor suite lu the Louis XV stylo, containing none of the many objectionable features. It Is illustrated In the renin shown below. Kaeh piece of furniture Indicates by its L'etieral design the piirpu-o to which It is Intended to bo applied. There is no oxtraviiL'oiit liiilrtonco on tho more Mr. and Mrs. Tippling of No. 1S.'I P htroot entertained the P Street club at u ilollgbtful meeting Saturday evening. A number of exciting games were played after which dainty refreshments woro served. This club door, not give prizes but the players have none the less Interest In tho gauto. Tho mout hers and Invited guests on this occasion woro: Mr aaduMrs P It Hrown, Mrs Manning, Mr and Mrs Sohus, Mr and Mrs Hutohlns. Mr Altketi, Mr and Mrs Ilolwig, Mr anil Mrs Clark, Mr and Mrs Hlbuor, Mr and Mrs Swan, Miss Purst, l)r and Mrs Ciseboor, Mr"" and Mrs Wnrron, Mr and Mrs Mills, Mr and Mrs A .1 Sawyor, Mr and Mrs John Davis, Mr and Mrs Hamilton, Mr and Mrs Cowdorly, Prof and Mrs Austin, Miss Marlay, Mrs A P Hrown, Mr and Mix Cornell. ChancoUor and Mrs. .lames II. Can Hold Invited a largo munlier of guests for Thursday and Friday evonings to hoar Prof. Fling's paper on Mlrabeau. Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Men .ondorf played the Marseillalso and Friday evening Miss Hlchiirdsou sang tho hymn. Miss Hiirbour gave a very delightful Instrumental solo. Ices were served during tho evening. The guests woro members of tho faculty of the uni vorslty, tho Lotus club, the Ingleslde olub, tho Columbian Group, Sjroslsand tho Cei tury olub. Mr. mid Mrs. K. A, ltogora delight fully entertained the young married people's club at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hull Wednesday evening. High llvo was played until a Into hour. During tho evening uaimy luui.---..-lneiits woro served. The guests woro Messrs and Mesdanies Maiirlf.ius, Harry Hall, .Clark. Hogers. Orancor, Ilarpam, Folsom, (Jlllau, Clarkson, Chas Hall, Dr and Mrs Trogdon, and Paul Holm, Hltsh, Parker, '.ehrtiug, Ptske. Morrell, Miss Nellie .elirung. Messrs. Daly nil Osgood. A beautiful home wedding ceremony was perfotiued Thiisday evening at l.'itt O street, the most tntorcsted par ties being Miss l.olu Mao Klmerer and Mr. Frank O. Pldredge. I lev. Dr. Curtis in his customary Interesting manner tied tho knot In tho presence of a small number of relatives ami Intimate friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kid ridge have already settled down to the actual realities of blissful wedded life and are now at h me to friends at 1.":M O street. From present prospects Mr. Mahler's dancing classes this spring will bo larger than over. Not having visited Lincoln for several years his services will bo the more sought after. Hols an inimitable teacher of dancing, do Hirtmeiit and Delsarto and his groat success In past yeuiM can only lie ac counted for in the fact that us an In struct or he has no superiors and but decidedly few eipials. Mr.s. .lames 1 1. C.iutleld gave a charm ing luncheon Wednesday afternoon for "SjjfifsJ her guest, Mrs. Hudson, of Topek.t, w,' !fl'Ji3ffim ' Kits. Mrs. Hudson kindly consented I ' p, IWRLW'tbt P read u paper on "Fiction of the Last I V M BE'SjHi salient features of the style. There Is a beautiful cab inet with an artis tically rounded fri lit. which with the sides is tilled with a clear plate glass, tlio interior shelves being also of heavy glass, and the back lined v KlRfi t J! a m tV i.S if managed skillfully In the more deli cate shades, nothing sweeter can be Imagined. It must not !, forgotten to mention that the color of the lamp shade should bo a lighter tint of the draperies. The A. M. D.tvN company soon' to be In u position this season to furnish the parlor in a more attractive and exquisite milliner than for many sea sons past, their Mi ek being of a wide rauire. and iierinittlnir of complete furnlshiiiL's. lu any of tho prevail lug styles of design, correctly and thoroughly. s .scarcely a lariy or gentleman in Lincoln but it is familiar with the class of work this studio turns out. This way of novelty advertising has long been con templated by us, as we originate plans and prices others t.-y to follow. We notice there are stores in this city that have tried to copy our novelty way of advertising, only on a very infetior scale, by giving a photo worth about 90c a dozen. The photos we give you are the best $5.00 work turned out at Noble's Studio, and the card is something en titvly new and all the rage in the east. The "Columbus Card" on the back is the celebrated picture, "The Landing of Columbus." When we give anything away it will alw.-cs be the best. The same in advertising when we advertise a bargain you get it If you have not already received a purcha.sing card come to our store and get one, buy $10. 00 l worth of goods inside of o days, have it countersigned by us and we will give you an order on Noble's Studio for half a 'dozen of these Photos. Century," which she had prepared for 1 the S H'ial Science club of Topoka. and also an original story written for an other club. Tho papers were very in teresting and were greatly enjoyed by the guests. Mr. Jacob Mahler and family .leave St. Louis tomorrow evening and will arrive here Monday afternoon. Apart ments at Hotel Lincoln have already been assigned them and their friends will be thoroughly welcomed at any time after their arrival. Continued 011 ligeS, with silk plush, 'i'li,, expo.-ed parts of thlscn'iliiot may le either vvhiteor red mahogany, birds eye maple, or any of tho more delicate and handsome woods, or to be in better keeping with the harmony of the room the entire e.iliinet may be nilt, several of the lat ter being shown. There is an artistically tufted suite of furniture, consisting of but two pieces similar in design, with the addi tion of an occasional (,'ilt chair, all be ing beautifully upholstered in line silk tapestry. Tho tliree-pleco suites are most in fashion reinforced by occa sional chairs, such as that shown in tho room llhist rati d, as well as the occa sional Louis XM chair shown In a sepa rate sketch. These occasional chairs combine an air of comfort with great elegance of Hue. The other appointments include a gilt parlor table, with onyx top: a piano lamp, tho standard of which is con structed of brass and ouyxtaiula screen In three folds, an aumlrable elTect in which is produced by having three clear glass panels at the top. the lower part being covered with silk or woolen tapestry. There can also tie a lire screen ilia rococo brass frame which will permit of the display of an exqui site piece of needle work. These, with the addition of tho rug, the draperies and tho pictures on tlio walls make a very attractive parlor, the whole giv ing an air of elegance and rest with nothing that is formal or constrained, and at an expense that Is not beyond the reach of tho average reader. lu lieu of the cabinet already men tioned, or by way of addition to the furnishings of the parlor another de sign Is Illustrated, being of a cabinet in polished onyx and brass, having indi vidual shelves placed on illtTerout planes, each containing porcelains and brlc-aliriie. Tho asfsm-m , V.IIIIIIO t -i till ill. 1 eiub.'lisbed v Itll trimmings of cast brass that an in' U. eiiiu,' With the (.'lit g Ml- e al fi.n - , The tinlsheil woik is 1 1 nil sump. " utous, In f a 0 P lormtng the ex treme of richness In modern decoration! the style is not pronounced and Is thorougly artistic. Cabinets of tills kind lend a special grace to the other appointments of tho apartment they 1 adorn, and give ample room for tho Sniliil ti,c s.ile. j One week commencing May 1st. Nt w Method gasoline stove, two burner and I stop, with K.ts.sia oven. l". this stoves l..")() and higher. Call and see. ; II. .1. Hlto.. IlttiSOst. j lllllllll'st's II. V.. lilt i'.U'l' ll.l'.ll'll. J Lincoln. Nr.t.., April 1. :t. Hav ing us"d Howard's Pace liicach witlt the most satisfactory results, 1 t-ike pleasure in rivoniu. ending it as supe rior to all other pn pa rations foreurin blacklieals, pimples ami all diseases if the skill. Mltis. 15. I. C.VTLIN. racial Masseuse. LASTS FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. o &t CO OUR OFFER KRUG (Successors to J. W. Winger & CiO ilQQ Q STREET. World's Fair Excursion Rates if you wan' the ben Hour in the city 1 buy tin' Kxcelsior pat -nt ol It. P. Wen-1 gan. -!.'l" South Kiev ent Ii street. I Ladles if you wear A A width shoe, you can buy them at just one-half form er price at .1. Sl' PH.'i O street. K. C. liakii'g Powder,:') ounces for 'J.'i cents. Al Mil itely pure. Have you tried it? TIIKY Wll.l.i'I.liMM l I. I'm. i), Tlie iims ili-i i( r in L. , , . -.-.MAUttOI'll think i.ini: WII'l Wil Avi fcucA .! Jt-Hl J csm "The It.'st" Laundry, '21u 1) street, telephone ."i'li. II. Town-end .V C ., proprietor.. Lincoln. Nob. Special prices on California canned goods for tlio next thirty day s at 1-07 M street ll)i:.VLtiltiH'i:itY Co. Smoked meats, ham, corn beef and chickens always fresh at the Lincoln Favorite market. llM. M street. JS KNnVV.N VsTHl. lH ' ')) d iteinenibcr tin Sale of boots and Ureal Closing Out sli ios at lul.'i O street. Lincoln Trunk Factory. It is tho only first class lint- in the city, ami all should buy your 1 uciii'ts over inoir line. Trunks, Traveling Hags, lCxtcusion Cases, I'ocUet Hooks, Diess. 1 my Cases, jtiaps and evcr tiling first ilass tor travelers. RUDGE St MORRIS CO. 1 r iS to 1 1 22 N Street. Gunn's Combination Beds Gunn's Mantel Beds Andrews' Upright Beds We can give you forty Folding lled-i t select from, .IPST HKCP.IVI I). TWO CAKS OF n l)inino; Room Furniture and Prices are Lower thiiii t ver bef i.e. Hall Trees, Cabinets, Book Cases RUDGE & MORRIS CO. FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. n 1 i?T. wii b HI 'SHHHHHHHHb IB LriHBHHH'. HHi''n iHHHHHHHHHB' Hfl v? It lIHBBIvKvi THIS Ji A 11 ED