Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 29, 1893, Image 1

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    a&- ftjSwUbEBiwiiflis ELiTERmiLY fPApS" fmmr ""
'Phi' ti'ial of Ilic grou impouchm 'lit
oue before the supreme I'niirl will bo
jri t in M M 1 1 1 1 1 , u lien three present
state tillicials and t lit' vvhno tonus
liiive expired will stand before the
court t eiliilti inviij, If possible, cer
tain tnrlv fliai'L'i'x (if ollli'ial cnrruiit Ion.
l-'iif yet"-. t'ic p ipli' of Nobriuku or '
many (if them, have suspected that '
they wore being plundered liy nu mis j
that were past Ihuling out. because I
pnlilic servants, fniiii the lowest to the '
liighc-t.vvore either directly Interested
III till Hi Hills 111' till! VlHlllltl. fill till Wilt '
I " '" "
fare nf their party to mure than hint at
the di. honesty of any nf its nllioiuls.
Hence It was that, when once HHpecllIc
act of alleged dishon stv was made
public, the suspicion that had lieen
aoouinuluting for years took tangible
form and a volley of accusations wan
precipitated that involved not only
otllcials now in olll"e but some who had
proceeded them. The purpose of this
trial 1 to ascertain whether or not
these suspicions have not been l'l
fouuded. The chief desire is not to
convict the men now charged. It, is
rather to acquit them if the circum
stances will justify it. It is not just to
condemn them in advance, neither Is it
just to ac(tiit them until they have
shown that they deserve acquittal, not
through any technicality of tin. law but
y proofs of Innocence. It is maxim of
the law. it is true, that every man is
innocent until proven guilty, but in
thee caes, while tlie law will probably
technically prevail, the man who ex
pects to simply cheat justice by relying
upon the Inability of his accusers to
prove their charges will not bent con
servo his own ends. If any out of them
fails to prove conclusively hi innocence
he will be condemned. Perhaps he will
ecape punishment from the courts, but
there i a higher tribunal even hereon
earth. It Is the voice of the people.
There Is an expressed determination
everywhere to demise the political
atmosphere, and the accused olllcial
who leaves room for suspicion on the
completion of this trial Is doomed to be
as thoroughly punished as if th art
had found him guilty and inllictcd its
severest penalty. ThU will be by far
the most momentous and interesting
case ever tried in tliu west, and hund
reds of friends will earnestly pray that
the accused may come s ifely and hon
estly out of it with dean records.
It will be remembered that during
the Finyd-Tliuyor contest there was a
great deal of political sentimental gush
as to the acredues4 and inviolability of
American citi.ciiship. Luckily this
spasmodic ellusion of distate for and
horror or the I'oroigni r is only skin
deep, and investigation will show- that
the Amei'lcnni.ed foreigner N not un
worthy oftriisl. Of course America
should be governed by Americans, but
there i many a foreign-born person
who iua, not have con formed to the
perfunctory rules proscribed for ac
quiring oitioiiship, who nourishes n
his loyal heart a more profound and
self-sncrlliring love for thu adopted
country that is doing and promising
so much for him, than exalts the
moth es of many men whose quiilitlcu
tioiisas Americans and citien are
uuiiie-tioncd. Hight here In Lincoln
we now have a councilman .serving his
.second term, of whom it Is alleged that
he has never boon naturalized. It Is
.lames ()"Sheo of the First ward. In
registering":! a voter Mr. O'Shoc has
claimed that he became a citl.eii when
his father became naturallel at Dos
Moines, In., in M7(l, Mr. O'Shoc being
at that time under litre It is now
clii'mul. by parties who profess to have
Investigated, that Mr. O'Shoo's father
was not naturalled In Des
Moines in lVTH, or at any other
time Mr. O'Shoc is Mill a member of
the council, and no one has been so
bold as t i say that ho Is not a good
American at heart. It is also assorted,
but never made generally known, that
Alexis Halter, formerly a councilman,
did not acquire his eitluuship until af
ter he had become a member of the
council. Mr. Halter Is a Canadian,
and only discovered after his election
that he was not a naturalled Ainorl
ceil cltien. Tliuro are doubtless
hundreds of such cases every year lu
the I'liited States. If American fit i
A'lishlp is Mich .1 priceless technicality.
Mops should bit taken to compel those
who enjoy it to wear it Oil the outside
and pi event others from wearing it
any whore howe. or Iniioeontlv.
Someone in authority appears to he
quite libera., in giving away to huck
sters and fakirs largo slices of the pub
lic stieot. At nearly half of the prom
inent corners fruit dealers have been
pei'initt d 'o i ccupy strips of the walk
four or Iho foot wide porinuiiontly, and
structures have been erected thereon.
Scores of storekeepers and hucksters
tire daily permitted to display their
goods on the sldowalks instead of in
their whitlows. There iniisl , he a limit
to this potty abuse of the rights of the
llllllllo .mm. ill,,- mill It I- ii . ...... ,
I" ' ""(M ,,... .1 - ,1 M , ll(l
good time to begin thinking about it
now. Such privileges are not grunted
in cities whore the better Ideas of I
inetropulitan improvement prevail.
and in this eitv of lill.llilt) neonle it
looks tlocitloilly provincial. It Is mi-
fair to merchants who keep their walks proLuMo that he will n. vcr return, n- ' ,lH vun '"' l,,,,l'",',',l- ' '" l "' ""
I a representative number to show the
I literal',, artistic and ineclianlcal re
's ini'ccs that are einnloveil lu such a
tcsSlTOKi, yf,Sijti' ' '. ) 'mSKJBbmK . . y3B' FJ
tt ml he i tmhniif,
clean, and tin business in space for he will certainly fall into some lucra
vvliich they pay rent, to permit others the line of lit rury work before he has
to ocoupy often .several times as much traveled But lie is a uni
spaco on the sidewalks n that for versity boy and that faet may ulti
whlch they pay rent. Compai isoiis i niatotv b. iny him back.
a"o often oilious, and always so whenl
Omaha and Lincoln aie coutiasteil, but !
it is worth nb-orviny that tlie man who I licneial Vifiimlu's appointment as
walksalony the business ht toots in Oma-! I'nitod States repre-entative at Puna
will not lintl the side alks yiven over mills not likely t i itroiise any yrea t
to displays n ticca iny bananas or any deyree of eiiv,v am nu '. those vlio have
ouicr Kinds in displays, ti,,, sitii
walks are presumed to be for pedestri
ans, but in Lincoln this fact hat been
yratluall.v lost siyht of. until now wide
strips of walks in front of ncarlv or
quite half of the stoics are occupied
by exhibit that should be in the win
dows. It will be folly to even hope to rid
the city of its thieves and lawless
classes until some of the presiding
magistrates ami otllcers temper
their br (litis of justice with
less of the Ingredient of
mercy, which, when properly enter
tained, is a divine attribute Local mag
istrates are entirely too lenient. For
instance, a few da.vs since two hack
drivers wore arrest, 'd for driving a
pasengor to tt lonel.v spot, bcatlughini
iutoiusciisihillt, and then lohbinghim.
The crime for which they were arrest
ed was one of a series of the Mime kind
that have beoncoiiiinitted. As soon as
they wore arrested one of them, ad
mitting that he was along anil wit
nessed the robber;,, threw the blame
upon the other, whereupon the olli.vr-r
I allowed him to nut up S'l its security
j for his appearance as a witness next
Iduj. Anil .vet there was nothing lint
Ibis own testimony to show that he was
I not himself tin leading spirit in tin
crime which threatens the safety of
any man or woman who outers a Lin
coln hack after dark. On the same dit.v
t r thereabouts an ovoonv let, who had
gone to a man's house and stolon two
trunks full of valuable clothing, the
trunks being afterwards found In his
possession, was liberated on a paltry
ill)) b unit i appear for trial. Kacli
of the cases referred to charged a fel
ony and the prisoner should have been
treated accortlluglj. These courts
were, however, prolubly exouiplifv lug
the precedent of a federal court which
liberates a million dollar robber on a
10,lll)ll bond.
Lrnest H. Iloliiis. who has for oine
time past held the city desl, nu the
Mate .Inurual, is ab nit tn embark on an
..... I..I. .. .,1.... I . It. .. 1.1 ..
u. iii. ...- .i. -ii-i ii- ,ii.,ii ,ni',ii-i,' nun
that may cover a c iiisitleiublo portion
nl ill
.o earth He .vill go Hist to I It.-
'ougn and stay long enough to see all
I the World's fair From there he will '
go on to Kurope and tour that country
tin hl wheel. Such a 'rip willuii-l
dnubtctlly allord an opportuiil y for di-1
! versllled'stuily and right seeing that '
Is unparalleled, lie expects tn leave!
' .,1. ,,, l...-.l. l II. .1....... I., t
, I , t, .1, ,1 1 (III. ..II, 1 1 II I, IS, l, ' ,l
the most epoi t ami accomplished news
gathers and cleverest writers Inthe
city, ami is just such a per-on as can
secure th utmost p-uslM,. iidvuiitngo
from such n trio. U'lien bo lonves
coin to s,.,k his fortune it is more than i
t'o'i 11. I at tin j "',
i llllii'll llie paills lo investlyate the
'facts. Hi. salary ami pertiiistos will
I ayyroyate nnl.v aliout l.."iiu iiistcatlt f
iJKt.iKMi pei- annum, a- yeiioral , pub-
I lishoil Iioi'imi limits, tinil till, .inn
- " ...... ,,,.,,i,,
hardly induce one out of a hundred to
live In such a climate us Panama Is re
pitted to posse... 1! it (icneral Vifi miiii
is a brave man and as he was accll nut
oil at Colon it may not have any ter
rors for him. Still there are hundreds
of his friends who believe he should
have jjone after ami roc dveil a biyyer
iilarv lu a more ontlur.iblu elliiio.
( 'hancellor ( 'anlleltl. w ho, a the head
of the State rnivor-ity, may be pre
sumed to have command of tlie cadets,
has threatened to declare the city
under martial law unless the city
authoritcs take slops to spread a nice,
new. sidewalk along S street. No one
need be surprised to see Mayor Weir
out on S street at uu-up alino-t any
spring moiuiug now renewing acquaint
ance with the saw and hummer. Mayor
Weir was beaten out ol his job of gov
erning once by one .lainu Kelly, ami
now that lie ha recovered it. 'it will
take more than a battalion of militia
men to deprive him of it again.
lr,iii;l, i:iiiliir.,-tl.
The advertising of Hood's Sui'iim
rilla appeals to the sober, common
senu of thinking people, becuuo It is
true: ami It I alvvay.s fully substanti
ated by onilorsoineiits which in the
lluancial world would be ateepted with
out a moment',, hesitation, Tliev toll
the story. -HOOD'S t UL'KS.
HOOD'S PILLS cure live! UN, jaun
dice, blloiisiies., sick houdaor.o, consti
pation. L. S. (Jilllck. FtisbL ..-Mill., T.iii.ii.
Latest novelties h; eitleniou's spring
goods. t.ilHck still eaters to the w
of the public. Call on him a m
suited, initio street. Kooin 1(1.
When you want HrM-dii lawn
ll'lllkll'l's tllllt It III ,1.. ........ ........I
' .. ...1 1 ..!.... .. .1. . . . , .
1 1 - ., .i . ,iw .fill ;. ill tl
(; on nun iioiii uie eve, Illere. hut
one place to get tlnm and that, at
Dean , llnrtou', ICOOstf el
Ni'illiii'i''s I'xiiiiiitiiiii i : .1 1 1 1
The exhibition number of Sciibncr's
Miigu.ino Is the contribution which
the conductors nf that periodic tl make
to the rciit Imposition at Chicago.
I hey have planned to liuike It as line
an ex.iinplo of mi American muga.ino
I ......11.. ..I I . r.. I. " ....I. .
P'liiiic ititni, linn is iioi.v representative
of the ludlviiltial writers who luivi
in ulc the existence of u great innga
In possible. This Issue contains
l H.i.lll ."It. llnri,. . i. .,,,, ,...ii.
I.. . . ..... . , I
it.. hi, l, .til.,., I, i,.,i .Hill,.,,,,. til.,,.
1 1 nt regular iiuuiner oi rioriiinors, ami
till, I I I llf I'll! IllllU lll'l, llf ,,Vl flllll'll I lllll'V
,.i i i ..i.. i 1....1...11..!.
I i"iiiiiiui!,-i' iiiiti rii'ii imr.n, i in inn i iik J
twent, live full pauos. two of them III'
c iloi's. tile froiitnicco beintr tl t'onro
(liiction of a p.tstel by Itob'rt Ilium.
inong thu artist,: are many of the
most eminent Frenchmen. Artist en
gravers are represented b.v Frank
French. F.lbrldLro ICIiil'sIcv. iiud W.
II. Closstui. Fourt"on of the full pages
have no relation to the text, but are
reproductions of pictures made spec
ially by the artist, for this number as
most representative of their work.
The opening article is an unpublished
autograph narrative by Washington,
describing lu a most graphic maimer
"The Mratldook Campaign" a manu
script which Is unique among Wash
ington relics. W. I). Ilowells con
tributes a charming autobiographical
sketch entitled "The Country Print-
1 1 r," which embodies recollections of
hils.vouth. It is Illustrated b.v A. It.
Frost. Prominent Knglish writers are
I Walter lli'.sant mid Thomas I lardy.
I lu short, it Is believed that such a
list of nrvjstH and vvrltei'H has never
before appeared lind(r1 ho" cover of a
single magazine The greatest care
ha been taken lu the mechanical re
production of the number, which has a
specially designed cover by Stanford
Wlilte, wlin made the original cover of
I the uiaya.iu '. it is interesting to note
that the original drawings, mami
soripts, proms etc., of tills exhibition
uuiubor are to he dirpla.ved at the
Clficago Imposition.
(lilt hi.- I'm- .Mil)
is as pine and refreshing as the
shades and brcccs of the wo ids and
waters it loves m well. As usual, the
number! Ilnely illustrated. The con
tents are as follows: "I low tlie Major
Learned to Fish." b.v .lohu I'!, (iuuckcl:
"A .lack-Uabbit Chase." b.v Hello
Hunt: "Uoil-Driim Fishing at Oregon
Inlet." by Lieutenant F. II. Xcvvcomh:
"(Jiicens of the Trotting Track:" "The
Toltee Idol." by T. Philip Torr.v : "The
Letter of Credit." b.v Charles (. Nott,
.lr.: "How to Catch the Wily Trout.
by II. Piescott llcach: "Hound About
the .u.vtlcr . c," b.v .Nils. !. I). Davis:
."SFS" !!
A C.oiDOi.
"Len's World Tour
tinned b.v
"Thronirli Frln Aviheel" contii
l ; race !'.. Denlsoii: "A Chamois Hunt,"
- - .-
3j '-"' " a "t --iiiawiM!g':;;''
czm asmmss- jhJm"
-U . St JTjPI"ilMggTT y7 j-gT C -. -'JMtJH'l
sfflwiii m llSTte" -r
ssJAW'lri'-. VI
by A. Hanger: "The Modern Single-, admirable feature of the bonk is the
Handed Cruiser," by C. II, Vans: "An healthful mno w hich pervade it. add
Ideal Yaoatlnn Tour." by ( harlcs !;. I lug beaut v and power to it charaeti r
Haininett: "Starting anil Starters," b.v
t II1IHMI I I 1 Hill I llln Hint I lllll ! I i P
j. lohu Corbin: "The South Dakota
National (iiuirtl," b Captain P Learv
b i ,lr. : and the usual editorial, pneni-
ri cords, etc.
1 .1 ,il 1 1 1 . I or 'Villi.
Tlie many tidinlrorof nsa Nniichetti
Ca rev vvll
b gratilletl tn learn that
..i ... . i. . i i
! t lie complen
nf l.ippiucot
imvi'i in ini' Mitt iiuunu'i
fi'oin In i l.tcili and
t i I'd pt ii I C tit', i lt s Hun.-
ine.v." The third III the scries of .p
plncot 'm Notable Stories, "A Pastel,"
h ('oriielia Kane Ititlhhoun, Is a doll
cute anil tnuchliie, sketch of wasteil
locality and tlisappoliiietl hope. It Is
illustrated throughout, .lames Cox
furtilslies a full and lowine, nccouul of
"New St. Louis," illustrated with cuts
of a tloeii of the hneli bulliliuus which
havolatol.v risen in that thriving and
proyrosslvti city, .lohn Hunting traces
the origin and history of "The Society
or Hie ('iucluuali." with the violent ob
ject Ions which worn raise I In its early
days against its supposed aristocratic
character and tlauyerous tendency.
This article also is illustrated. Mis.
(iei trutle Athertou supplies a short hut
appreciative account of the American
sculptress K'lhne Itoverliltfo, wlthaeut
of her most noble work. "ThoSnrlntor."
M. Crofton, lu "Men of the Da.v." wives
.- "
l..l..l,.. ,,f Willi..... t. ...,.!., ,1... ......I
"" """ " " i---,,
vrciinisiiop .i;tioiii, nun nccreiitry 01
I Win' I .iiiiniiit.
i ,. sunn,.., i,., ,,t tiur tiiuiohiii.tliiis,
Loading designers of fashions are al
ready discussing tlie revival of the
st.vles of the Louis XIII period, and be
lieve also that Kllahothuti ritlllos and
stomachers will come Into fashion for
i in' niiiniiii'r rusiim i uiii'is. i n limn nig
the new skirls dressmakers perforin a
real stroke of magic. For while the
amateur modiste lluils herself at a loss
the summer casino toilets. In making
in reproduce one of those hew models,
the experienced professional knows
how to lit the hips in front gore or
pleat ami eaiiso t lie skirt to suddenly
expand and lint utward at the foot,
where It measures many-yards in cir
cumference. Ami this simply because
she wisely takes her knowledge from
tlie fashion maga.iues published both
in Paris ami New York, b.v A. MeD.iw
ell ,. Co. These illustrated mugiuiiics
in o an Invaluable guide to any olio w ho
seeks Information In the latest fashions.
"La Mode tie Paris" ami "Paris Album
of Fashion" each cost M.fiO a year, or
T omits u copy, uud uontalu a uydopn
dia of knowledge on this subject.
"The French Dressmaker," which
costs only .'I.II0 per aniiiiui, or .VI cents
a copy, Is without a peer for practical
dressmaking. They also contain les
sons on current style which alone place
them above competition. "La Mode."
witli its low subscription price of fl.ol)
a year, or l." cents a copy, is the homo
journal "par excellence." If unable to
Hud any of thee inagalnes at .vour
newsdealers do not accept any substi
tute, but apply directly to Messrs. A.
McDowell ,. Co., I West I Ml street,
New York.
".llilil It'll i mill I'lisrlli.ltlnii,"
by Anne Iteale, is a narrative of eouii
tr.v life in P.ngluuil just long enough
ago to give it tin- desired romantic
llavor, with glimpses of London ami
India. The title of the story Is furn
ished by two sisters, orphans, Hie older
of win nu has the simplicity, the direct
ness, tlie loyally to duty and theswe't
ness of temper w hich all girls ought to
possess, while the younger girl has Trat in-rrrrarr'
r. :j"Zi. r'Tipr-ir
rfOATCi-I KLtKlli'n ;'X!'ltZilUWTJHrZ'-L'.Vi- - " ' -r-, aA.
5? Pikh VvALPOp NEW YORK oft
Icharnis of person ami fascination of
: iiiauner which bring good things tolu r
i" - rp
hands as In a natural magnetism. An
It i a thorouyhlv charming tale, well
II i it i tt i'tin ti i I iitll llllll, illl til II
worth reading and worthy of it place in
it II 111 111-
i.n-i in it tin it ( in,'
by Amaiida M. Douglas. Miss Douglas
Is olii nf the novelist, u I lose held upon
the nulilie is lievi'i' Inst ilio hits
w rittou mnre than twenty novels,
i i... .. i.
ii, t 1 1'iiiiiiti inn tuts constant i v
, i , a-eil 'Lost n a ( , i at ( it v ' mi
i mitu t v . i t ni a. i ! i ' it.
strong situation and continuous Inter,
est. That book Is now Issued by Lee .1-.
Sliepartl in their "(,'tioil Compiin."
series In paper covers. It Isreasonalily
to pn tllcl for It a great popular suc
cess. All llMlllllllt l.oi'lll Willi..
"Lincoln, Nebraska; Why Welirow,"
is the attractive title of ' a prcll.v S.
page pamphlet compiled and published
recently by Col. Thus. . H.vtlo, a Lln
eoln pioneer who lias seen this splen
did metropolis spring from the
patch which it supplanted. This book
Is llllod with facts and llgures Illustra
tive of the murvcloiis history of the
city the author loves so well. Its
growth, population, Industries, attrac
tions, eiluoiillonul ami coiniueiclal re
sources, Its political importance ami
all features of a m igiilllceut city are
treated of tersely but olloetivoly. Tim
volume Is handsomely printed Incolors,
making a pretty souvenir lo send
abroad, and thousands are being stmt
nut by people who eylnci u conscious
pride in the Imporlaiice and the prog
ress and the promise of their homo
Ili'iiiil llitl An I'iiiiii a l.oi'iil llnixli.
That Lincoln is becoming prominent
i ' " " " . m i" ,iin, 1,1,11 ,. ,'iiimih-
I hI.imI as the work of it tleiii.nns comes
to light. The other tin, when passing
i Mr. W. A. Abbott's plat f business
In works of art Is dally more cuiphu-
ho tllieeted the writer's attention to a.
number of beautiful pieces of canvass
thut adorned the walls of Ids establlsh
'I'liey are beautiful wot ks of art, the
handiwork of his talented son William,
a young man of h I t en w hose Instinct
for this delightful accomplishment
comet to him a. nature's ovn gift. He
Is certainly a clever young artist ami
his work Is the admiration of all that
see the paintings.
One picture, l"i x Cm inches, in par
partlciilur is very attractive, entitled
"The Alps of Savoy." It Is a moun
tainous t.eeno showing u bright, dear
valley full of rural life and animation.
'Phe ruggodness of tho mountains,
freshness of the surrounding landscape
with Its little homes dotting tlie sur
face, large meadows graced with live
stock ami hay mounds, furnishes a pic
ture that Is at once most true to na
ture, bright anil cheerful in its color
ings anil withal artistically correct.
There are two other views, smaller
ones, that allord ample iiiteiesl to the
artistic eye, untitled "The Meadow
Drunk" and "The Old lirlilge" Llko
the large one they are faultlessly beau
tiful and rolled unstinted credit upon
this young artist, Lincoln
may well feel proud of her artists, and
especially when they are to be found
within the ranks of our rising young
We have just received a big lino of
children and Misses Woolen and
(iiughain dresses at reasonable prices.
Hi:iti't)i.siir.i.Mi:it v Co
Mrs. Mc Clave and Mrs. Kiisiiilnger,
Hue dressmaking, - O street.
World's 1'iilr ltt-.
Tlie following cheap rates are now in
I'tlect via the "Iturliiigton lloute," vl.:
fiiii'iiKii, null wit.v (a r
I'ldriu.'" anil ictiira ii A't
Si I.ouN.iini' way in tvx
Sit l.niils mill ti turn .H) 10
llouiid trip tickets are good until No
vember i For ticket, sleeping cur
accnmiiindatinu tt ih) full information
call at Ii , M. depot or city olllce, cor
ner nf and Tenth street.
C. C. P. .v T. A.
Capo, .lacki ts ami Waists, and
Dress,,, Woolen, Silk and Cotton,
j i in! st v,c it at 11 rpolsheinii r A.
I . s