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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1893)
CHPITHL CITY OOURIBR. o IH ftrl POPULATION OF LINCOLN 66,000. QjJIJ r 10th and P Streets. AT3 now uliou'ltm ii Iiitki' llni of rtE'vv SPRING GOODS In ivrry tli'piirlinont. DKKStt (iOOl)S, lil.NKNH, UN'DIMtWKAIt, IIOSIF.UY. KIIU'.LOVKSniuimilllON'S a Hiii'lally. AKontHfui' ItiitttM'lek'M lntttriiH. 11. R. NISSLIiY & CO. Tlir (Niiirlor ('nil Im I'ontitl At Motel Lincoln Niun Hliiml. WlmUor Hold NcmiHIhiiiI. ffeiillnt IIiiIi'INpuhHIiiiiiI. tint DinlnnvnrSiiirf.llUilOMlircl Kit. Yoiiiik, I'JinOHIriTl CIhmim, Klolchrr A Co., II'.MO Htiwt. I Mooru'ii NewnHlnml.lH Hiiutli llth HtriM-t. Couhikh tllllio. I I'll O Hlrwl. i SPRING STYLE DUNLBPiMRT! NOW IN W. R. DENNIS & CO. 137 O Street . ,--l ' NlltllK. Tlio nnilcrxUniil lirri'liy kImh unllru Hint In will not In' rrioillil for or hij nn liclit Inenricil'iin Io.m'm. I'xri'iit lliuso tm wlili'li mi iinli'r liulxcn nMinmllvlinii'il ly lilm. 'I'MU rnlu Ii tin'ritlli, U Wkmki.,.Iii. I.IM'oi, ., Nl.u., Krl. '.0, 1i;i. I.nriil mill IVikiiiiiiI. Whltolnvust C'iml iiml Limn Co. Lincoln ( ml Co., kv cor llth anil O St. L. Uuit, jmvnlor, loiuovml to I 'JO I OSt. Llm-olii l-YuiuoA- Art Co.,'Ji'iS. llth. Cowlu, umlortukiM', Kiuiku I 111 H. 12th. Duvltl l Klnw, ilnntlm, rooms lJ utiil 411 Hun-hlot'lc. Canon City I'onl nt tho WhltohivuM Cml anil Llmo Co. Dr. 1 tilth M. Wooil, llnu-u hullilliitf, roomsllO. -Ill iumI IV2. H-10-tf Cliiw. S. Mi'lConny, tho Kiwi Lincoln druggist, 2712 O stivot. ltOC'lC SlMMNCK Co.W, tit tho Lincoln Coal Co. M'hono III). W. A. Collin .V Co., grocer, ll.'l South Kloventh street. Smnpsou Slntotv. art loth dross milk ing, U-.'l X street, over Dorsoy's. Miss S. V.. lUiikc-loo, lino dross milk ing, at Mrs Giwnor's, II U O street. Km Sunday dinner supplies' call at HultorV market, 210 X 10th nt. l'hoho 100. K. C. nuking Powder, 2.i ounces for 25 cents. Absolutely 1'uro. Iltivo von tried It? Misses Hoggs anil Catlyn, dross milk ing parlor. Kino stamping. Hill M htroot, 'phono .IU. Visit tlio Now Students' gallory anil ho convinced that tho work is llrst uluss 10111 O stroui. All orders via tolophono 'Ills will reach W. A. Collin & Co. anil receive prompt ami careful attention. Hoso reels of tho iiioi upprovoil putturns anil real hose of tho uiuM tlurahlo nniko at Dean A; llorlim's, UWH) street. Hultor's markot 21(1 North Tenth btroot, Llneoln'H ohl rollahlo markot, is whoro lnilh( shouhl o-ill for their meat unlors. Telophono onlors over No. 100 rooolvo inompt attention. Why have your horses feet hutch oral, lmvo lame hmes ami have them HulTor? Tako thorn to Charllo Slat storyV now shop, Hill O street, and Hiioh will never Ih the ease. When you want prompt hervice and fair treatment ami tho mleotion from tho largest stock of groceries in Lin coln call on V. A. Collin - Co., suc cessors to J. Mlllor, I CI South Kloventh titroot. Chuf. Slattory, profossional horso ehoor and farrior. Diseases of tho feet treated by tho latent K'lontille modes. HorteP called for and returned. Now Shop, Mi) South Kloventh street, 1k ween K n xl L. Prof. Swain's ladles tailoring and dress cutting huhiMil, Thorough In HtruutlonH. LunsmiM not limited. Draw making done with dlspatoh, on short notice. I'attorns cut to measure and all work guaranteed. TlIK YOUTH'8 (n'CI.01.Et)lA, Issued liy C. 11. Heaeh & Co. of Chicago, Is, vducatlonally considered, tho most Im portant publication of recent years. Jt has been prepared by a eorpso of teachers and educational writers ex pressly to meet tho needs of tho young, and supplies a want which touohors and parents lmvo long and deeply Jolt. It Is sold by 8up.orlptlon and Is hav ing un enormous sale, Any ono want ing un agency which otters raro advan tages, Hhouhl consult tho advertise ment of this work which appears In un vithur column. C N Mf Li Is charged w i 1 1 1 iiinrdcrliu' iter mot Iht. 1'lillM peiNinulen hi r togi'. liermothi-r a mIih iltivr notion which he iixiimvh lier N harntleN-. anil MepliKlnphch" taken care tltat II U poUon. mi that the mothiM' hai been poisoned b her tiniii ceul datigliter. In the luit act, l-'nimt, lllitoml of bring evelitliall.V eapllired by MephNtoiln Irs. i'M.apes anil Is seen at Margtierlle'i feet ax the angels are about to take her t i hcuwn. This is a poetic HeeiiM' which, following the good old rule with the deuoutueiit, Is pardonable, though except for the fact that the part N played by a good looking and lino ,ouiig mini. Mr. Her mini's ImiiimI l not aeharaeler for whom much sympathy Ii felt. There li not much to be said in extenuation of I'aust at any time, but In this erslou he up pears lo ho nunc of a scoundrel than usual, though vacillating between iv I morse and a doiliv to have the full j value of his b.irgaln with the devil. The play Is o.e 'lleiitl.s staged, and the Walpurgls night scene is treated in a manner dlllereu' from that usual when which Is seldom the net Is re tained In tho opera, and Is sulllcieiitly horrible and ellectlve, a new effect be ing obtained inn cascade of red lire. There are scenes In "I'aust" which, Il lumed hyUnuuod's music, are poems in themselves, and which are now a little pale without It. This, however, is a dramatic, not a lyric, vcr-dou of tho story. Mr. Morrison Is a Ver, good in terpreterof Mephiithpheles. Ills Me- phlsto Is not quite the tiadltloual one, which is always more devilish, at least in appearance, to be reconciled with his appi'itrauceina geutlemanof trael, but It lacks nothing In demonical ex pression at the proper time, and In tho ordinary conversation of his visits to earth, he parses well for that which he is assumed to be. The sale of seats opens Monday morulut: at regular prices. Itcliirn nl Hie Hull un Tlirsilic In. "The Crust of Society" which inuile such a big hit beie earl, In March, will be seen at the Uiusiug again in a few weeks. After leaving here the company went to the coast where thct have since been plu , lug a wonderfully successful eugauemeiit and now on their return to the Boston theatre, Mr. Church Inn ollcra! Manager Stevens sulllcleut inducement to stop here eurouto east for another engage ment of one night. May -ml. The piece with nil its beautiful scenery, magulllceut toilettes of tho ladles and powerful east will again be seen for tho last time this season. It was openly asserted by all the fair ones in the audience that night at the Lans ing that the cost nines of the ladies were by far tho most handsome and the most stylish seen here this siason and tho CiU'itllllt's report of the per formanceso Ntiited this fact. I lin 0iiIM Ni'lll '' Kluiiorutt' preparations are being made for the presentations of the beau tiful opera "Xela." wlilcl will be seen two nights nt the Lansing theatre be ginning Wednesday, May II. Kreipient rehearsals are being hud and when the play is ready for publl liwpe tion, the nuillence will see many of our si elety leaders, hautlsoiuol, costumed, in the east. The opera "Xeta" illustrates a fairy tale in which is given jubilees in fairyland and much catchy music Is heard. Xext week we will give a more extended account of what may be ex pected of this performance, which will 1)0 given under the popular nuinage inent of tho Woman's ltellef C irps of this city. tiii:atiui'ai. small talk. The "Lost Paradise" Is too lino a play to be presented to mi small an au dience as witnessed it Wednesday night. People ought to know b, this time that when u r'rohmuu attraction appears, it's always good, and "Lost Paradise" Is ono of tho very lost that this well known manager has ever given us. It was new here iiml not much read about, hut thoe who saw It Wednesday night were so thoroughly pleased with it that the, will feel themselves called upon t advertise it when it comes again next season. Smith Itussell begins Ills Woild's Fair engagement of twenty-three weeks in Chicago, May 1, opening in "Peaceful Valle,v." I his will be fol lowed hj the production of new come lies by Clyde Fitch and A. It. Havens. Later in the engagement Mr. Uiissoll is to make his llrst appearance in Dr. Pangloss In "The Holr t Ijiw." For tho latter .loseph .lotTerson has given Mr. Hussell his promptbook, costumes, wigs, shoes and buckles. In LowU Morrison's productkn of "Faust" ho uses a largo number of sii ornumerarles which are always white men. They enact tho demon parts in the briK'keu scene of iho fourth act. In Cincinnati recently Mr. Morrison gave Ills colored waiter at the hotel a pass to see tho play. At breakfast the next morning tho lioy was asked how ho liked the show. Ilo replied, "l'so much pleased, Imiss, to know dat dcro is no niggers in hull." This has been tho greatest season In tho history of the Lincoln stage. Very fow of tho great Mars and attractions lmvo not been seen on the Lansing Ixmrds, and most of them will yet bo seen bore before tho season closes, which will be about .hi ne 1. If some of our readers could only see Manager Church's list of Ixioklngs for next season, which, by tho way, are coming In on every mall, they'd wish that tho winter of Mill-1 was already hero. Xext season will o en excel the protont one. Tho opera "Nota," which will bo put on May It-1 at tho Lai sing under tho auspices of the Women's Hellef Corps, Is receiving numerous careful rehears als and mau, of our society leaders W ill be seen III tile cast. t ( 'lara Morris bin received and ac cepted an iu ilat Ion from tho world's conirresH of ropriwiitiiliui women ul the world'H fair. May l" I i U2 to speak on the subject 'Women on the Stage. ' The third trial of M. II. Curtis bus again been postponed until Ma Jit!i Meanwhile. Curt is Is dllllgently tilling tlie soil at his big fruit ranch near Picniio, California. I1 Church, not yet "a man about town." Is recuperating, and bin physi cian expects to have him at his post of duty early next week. Mrs. Langlry was after all reineni bored in Squire Abingdon's will. She will receive a large properly. Fourteen theatres in Now York City will keep their doors open during the outlicHUinmor. i:mliii-rs How. nil's I'iiii' IIIimcIi Lincoln. Ni:ii April I, 'nil. Hav ing used Howard'sV'ace Mleach with the most satisfactory results, I take pleasure in recommending it as supe rior to all other preparations foreurlng blackheads, pimples ami all diseases of the skin. Mlts. II. I). C.vTLLN, Facial Masseuse. Mr. .lui'iili .Miililrr's Dancing school will open Wednes day, May ,'lrd, Friday, May nth, I to iVIIO p. in., Saturday. May it, HMO a.' m. for ladies, misses ami masters. Thursday, May I, s p. in. for ladles; and gentlemen. Circulars giving fill particulars may be had at olllce or by applying to Mr. Mahler (after May 1st i at the Hotel Lincoln. A I'liii- Itt'slili'iit'K l''nr lli'iil. An eight-room house with all modern improvements for rent .luiie 1st. Uns, bath, hot and cold water, steam heat, cistern and elta water. Apply at resi lience. : Sl7 L 'slroM or IKIIO street. Mlibeiisiin Millinery sale at Her polshi liner A' Co's. Ileautlful styles, were from fl.oO to "W. To ut, worn W:tio to at S-.nii for three days Olll. Ladies make big money canvassing for tho Capital City Coritii:u. If you want nice, prolltable work call at he olllce. ll.'l I O street. If your hut year's hose nozzle Is worn out or if you want a new one of he latest pattern, call at Dean A- Mor ton's, M.'O O street Capes. Jackets and Waists, and Dresses, Woolen. Silk and Cotton, greatest variety at Herpolsheimer ,V Co's. (llycorole iiml (lilt Hdgo Shoo dress lug at l. cents a bottle at .1. Spelors' Idl.'iO street. Mrs. II. II. Demurest, lute of Chi cago, hair droncr and mauiculst, lolS () street. Take elevator, room HII-IOl'. L. A. Mutnstead is selling V. A It.'s famous sd iiiiulo to measure spring suits. Call and oo the latest. Satis faction guaranteed. Limlell hotel block. See our new russet glove-lit ting shoes at popular prices, IlKitfoLsiir.iMr.ii A- Co. Chas. (iregory. sold his in tercst in the Lincoln Coal Co., hai purchased tho business and olllce of S. McConlga, 1100 I) street. Full Hue of artist's materials at Lin coln Frame and Art company's, -211 South Kloventh street. Don't forget Carpets, Curtains and Draperies in artistic styles and color- iugs at popular prices can bo bought ut.Hcrpolsholmcr A: Co's. v f ' In Mrs. Ctosper's hair goods depart ment , on will Iiml nil the latest head uilornmeuts. Hair dressing by com petent artist i. Frames, frames, frames, of every description ut Lincoln Framo anil Art company's, -.0 South Kloventh stree Mine. Wilson, line dressmaking at Herpolsheimer A: Co. Prices reason able. An elegant line of patent leather shoes at lesti than manufacturers cost at .1. SlMUKKH' 101.1 O street. Come and seo u, at 1"07 M street. Wo can do you good. IdualGkockiiyCo. Six dollar shoes go a'- three dollais to dose out at .1. Spelers, 101.1 O street. ltubbor lioso, reels, nozzles, sprink lers, etc., for the garden and lawn are sold at remarkable low prices at Dean A; llorton's. 1 -1.10 O htreot. i CAPRICE'S GORSSIS The only J'uro Cream of Tartar rowder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. WE INVITE YOUR ATTENTION 'JLJfct I JKrotrSt-ctvj,, ' HIIa "imiiiiii rTitnii jwaHTr GLOVE FITTING SHOES And Children's and Boys' Clothing and Hats MIDSEASON'S MONDAY Herpolsheimer Mortgagee's Sale ot thi: i:Tiiti: Jewelry Stock OF L. BARR. The iMitirc Jewelry stock of L. li.trr, i jo i () street, con sisting of Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Silverware, Opti cal tjoods, fixtures, etc. will' he sold at once to satisfy the mortifaijecs. The above stock will he sold for cash regardless, of cost. Those desiring a bar-, j;ain will come early, before, the stock is bioken. I I -, J. G. McNETT, ' U PHOLSTET E R AND CABINET MAKER. Docs nil WlmW of lliinli ln I'mnip' l. All1 uurlt .u i until) ."'.OSS. llth St. Lincoln. Xeb , AN APRIL DAY. rll It'll for I HKCoi'ltlKK. Sniiiu ono hiiIiI 1 1 in) sn Iiil; wmk In' i i', Anil It iiHiiiilly i'iiiih's Hits 1 1 ii it- ol llu ypiir; Hut I tblnl; ti c sciioiis have kouc iinnny, Kor Hits Ik Miri'ly a u later iliiy. Tliowlml from tliu mirth lilmu kt'ili uailciilil. Ililiiiilin: a slibur to tin Imiil; Ami us) on lnisti'ii iliiuu I he street It lU'iuly Hikes) mi olt )uiir leol. You iiili'llyilon .vnurowivont, Ami Iniltiiii It elnsii iii 'iniiiiil y.iur tlirmit, Anil uiiniler ulieli Hie lime will eiiine hen Jon i mi lease Hits coat at liiene. Anil when you rush iniuilii: Hie throiiu '! tint iIoiIh ntir liuy stieels iilolii.', Ami see men nmt lm, , all culms ami slu. Willi iiMreualh liiitloni'il ill' to their e)e, You nk yourself. Where N tills tlilm; 'Unit lilriNnml nnlllne isenll spihiK?" Senile nllier ineis II limy in nil lit, Hut not liei'i nit lieie, my elillil, AI'N I- h.MANf II V. Ladies if you wear A A width shoe, you can buy them at just one-half form er price at .1. Sl't:ii:it, 101.1 O street. Homoinbor tho Cneat Closing Out Sale of boots and sh es at 101,1 O street. Wo have just received a big line of children and Misses Woolen ami (ilugliam dresses at reasonable prices. llLltl'OLSIUUMKU A CO Kill (ilove sale at Herpolsheimer -Co. for three days. Prices ,1!lc. , II and upwards. TO OUR INTRODUCTION SALE ON LA D IBS' M EN SALE OF TUESDAY j7 i T rau .PZ3 , 'WW These cuts represent two of L:ncoln mml fashionable ladies that make a specialty of buying all their Ores, Goods at the well known house of L. MEYER & CO., In the line of ladies attire no house in the eitv offer. customers equal inducements and their line of N K W .SI'llNG.GOOUS are the talk ol the town. In Fine Dies. Goods, bilks White Goods Kmbioideries etc.. the alwaNs show the latest and quote prices the lowest. Von cannot afford to buv anything in the dry jonds line until you have seen the stock and prices otl'eivd bv iL. MEY6R & CO.-fc 105M10 N. lOTH ST. World's Fair tiu:y wii.Li'iatMii all ioc.o 'I Itu limit ilheet i.iuie Ih , -:-M..MUl'll Tltl'NK I K'Iiiwn ah tiii: Lincoln Trunk Factory. 1 It is the only iirst class line, in the nt, and all should lni join tickets over their line. Ti links, Traveling lings, Extension Cases, Pocket Hooks, Dilss ing. Casus, .Straps and everything first class for travelois. TSLEPHON6 25S. JAMES II. O'NEILL, Pine Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water .Heating Gas and Electric Fixtures. 1 Atrent for "A1MT0L AND HOLl'OX WATI-R IIKATKRS AND Agent lor CUM1HNATUN (-AS MACIllMiS. 125 NORTH 9TH STREET. CI-illvDRKNS MILLINERY WEDNESDAY & Co. Excursion Rates It- w V r.-. 1 H WJi0ir-'ixu,.ly-tL-