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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1893)
CRPITRL CITV COURIBR AN ILLUSTKATKtl WKKKLY. Atliowlfdsrfi! lo bf Iht mm! tVaolifollj illni trateJ Publicilion in Ihr Hnrlil. i THE IDEAL MODERN WEEKLY. Tim lrlnlit-l, wlltlt-sl, wltml Mini iitn.l iiHkIiihI of nil rlrr Wei-ltllon. Hit tsilnretl CiirltMins nio Kiiprtlcir In iiii)lliliitf DM'rlpcfiiii" irmhitoil by miy iiilllialli)ii. PRICE TEN CENTS. $4.00 A YEAR. (sinl l cents for sample mp) ) TRUTH, 07 Fifth Aviinuo, Now York. Santa Fe Route! Atcblson.Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. The Popular Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Between Karms City nnd San Diego, LOS ANGELI's nnd SAN FRAN CISCO. Short Line Raton to PORTLAND, ORI'GON. Double Dally Train Service between Kansas City and Pueblo, Colo rado Spring and Denver. Short Line to Salt Lake City. The Direct Texas Route Solid Trains Hetwcen Kansas City and Galveston. The Short Line betweer Kansas Cltv and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas Austin, Tern rtle, San Antonio, Hous ton, nnd all principal points in Texas The only line running through the Okla homa Country. '1 he only direct line to the Texas Pan Handle. For Maps and 'I'll no Tables and Information i eluding 'ales and rouUt, call on or address, Passenger Agent, 3t6 rrnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska, pppp Tuition! I'h II If rin, In upvpii illu"ir. rnULi ont coures. Onlv IiIkIi crwlo In leenileiit Ntiriunl In tho state. The Klner.! HutlilliiK, Equipments, mil , hirst N'ortnal Kaeulty. No experiment, hut an oMrtbllHlieil iimnnnmiifit. 4u courses, li teiii'lii-r mid lee tiirprH live tcln.ul far iln masses Write for catalogue V.Y. I'dhsk. MRr, Lincoln, Neli. STIFF HATS MADE TO ORDER From W.."n t ..".D. LINCOLN STIFF HAT FACTORY, N. W. Cor. I2th and O Sts, Old Huts IJlock '(1. CU'iuumI. l),.'d and Made us u(d us Now. All Kimlh of Wi-pnir Work Dime. She Quarterly Register of Nliuir iiilrn, .il)c Prr lrar, - . $.,,n ISnmitl tohitnrs .MIO Current History ' tt iMjglit to l rea, ai a tcitlook tn every conrmn Indhirfh l. l ml, a. well at rtcry ai a Icmy an I college ' I. In I I'lslll K. Ilratiuv licit .Watrmiglun " 't It i m-tarim- tint I nil liltily ami tanuut all ml I., it oiiliuut -A Ii. WINbllir. I..lnur luulnll b( 1 Ju ran n A ..t.fiil. timely and Nchctait jt lication I an 'nmti .tun k uh ih variety n( solid in, tiiu'ii u i man ae . mihI'ii. into to imall a cnmisl.t I ..Lb J (t be .UKMA.N, Cornell Unlteility. llhav. N V Tor tale hy leading lloolt lien and Nev P-aVr: Ihroua Imut the Worl hn will al u reielve tul,tcri limit, uv will le mailed In t lo anv fit, t in lle I .itltl Uniun un reeiS of tilt liriia fur tingle topic, and Iniuud vulumtt. roetign bubacilpllont, $i ;s Adtic.t CURRENT K'tVORY, DCTDOIl, MICH., U. A. In Un-District Court of Liiueurttcr Count) Nelirnsku. Llll'Y 1' .Mil 1.1 f .ions wt milky i.ui'V r Mil i:y To.Inliu W. Mllev. iionrolilcnt ilcfi-mlanl: You ant niilllli-il lluil nil Ihti lli iluy of Mitrch. ivil, l.iifti I' Mllcy llifil u iiHI'Iiii igiiliist you In llio IM"trlct t'liurl of Luin-u--ler cminlv. Nflir.'ii'sii, tlii'iiliifft mill pruior u r i' to iililitln it divorce Iriuii jou tin tin until tt I tliut Mm lmi wlifullv iiiuiiiiloiifil k.iIi! pluliitltl Itlmiil i.omI rniioK for Un term fir tun fiirn lust nil, mill III tl liflllKorHiilll-olt-nl ulii'l v nii tixlu Di Iiiinh w.tiiiiinlv ami nruelly rrimsi'il mill iii'kIi'i'iiiI In iirnslilii suit nlilo in tliiit'iimifi. lor hiiI. I tiliiliitill, miii iin rtinlr-'il to iiiisor hiiIiI iiWltlnn on or liolortt,llitlrHi.l..yof Miiyiyiiiv iiv rouN'n a iiritit. ' I'liiiniiii llfi Atloriiu)K. 4 I It In llio II r-trlot I'ourt of l.ineutur I'ouutj, Neliriiskn. WILLIAM UA lilt. VI 1,1,1 AM IIAIUI, l VH, I I'tUKitl'i; LMII1 To KoImtI i; I mull nim-ro'dilont ilefellil- mil ; Ynil lire hereliv iiiiiltleil tlmt hi Mm lOllnln, ofMureli. 18 M. Wllll'im Murr IH"I a pt'tltloti iiiilnsl .Mm In Hi Dl-trlel I'niirl t.i l.ineiister I'oiintv. Neliriiia, llio olij.'i'l n ul nnn'Tor uliieb Is to unlet Dm tit o ot lot lllllllliom I llwM. . In liloi'k nil nlii'li'il lift v. fllil (Vi). In tliu eltv if Llni'olii. eniiMlv uf 1,'iiieu. or nnd Hiiite of Noliras in, in sunl WHMmiii llnrr. anil Unit a ili'iTto lie reutl -roil iirnliMl jou (It In - thti uliilovor olalni miii mm Iiiivd lu or lo khIiI iriori Itwlili nit ii jlit mnltliiil miii Iiiimi no ilulil. illie. Into ret ol estnte In t " hiiI.I piemlses ol anv li.irt lln'rol. mill fni -in Ii oilier and lurllii'i ie li'fii i il il Ii" lusl un 1 1 iUllulile You ur" ieiiilieil in lO'suei said petition nil or li'Mnre Mniidii), I lit llii dn of Mm Is'U WILLIAM IIAUK I'liillillll. lis P. a m ,v It ir lilt tlui iii'S -. I l II QpwMrj$ TWO MCC JUrXS. 'mi Ml ti s'o.t III. t)n II, ii, miiiI Took t nrloii Snlf. I. "i)!i;n s ui.ri l.oirn II St'loiis bus I 'to.'i IiiMiik -t I iiflii'liiK Ktilllhlf, but lio i.ilinlls with In fin 'Iiiij iiiiiKiiaiilinlly I but hrMts lii'slul on two ikcimIoiim 1.IIiiK lit':.! ilooi to him in lb,- lit t lo Mil ' ir of I'.lttlllllll Is i iniiti liiinil"! .lolm 11. i.t't llnl.t r itloiiis In llic title of toiiii ti'lrr nt 1 1 hit win illii' h'unl 1niiii:.hs Is tlllll ll.' i III M'l IIM'-1' til tnkillK A imiulili;: or hitt'wiliinr; tout nut. Moth tcvsioii'i nnd kept hfiis, ntiil It wns Ibflrctistom to iillnw the hftis to tun ill I.UKf iluiiii'j tin-enth rtprhiK inontbt mill lutf III I he full Sessions hud llnisliitl pltitititi bis h.ihIi n lit tblMl'.ll of Ills hollf mill hlllll Ills pool- ttyup in ibf liftiiifiv (Inn luornliiK h illsfiiM't -tl, nitiih to bis illsust, tlint Un Ki'i'h bftis bail pnlil him un fin I Kit anil M't'lltcluil lip II llllj;!' tpilllltil) of M'lll III' unit to ltitrvrwith bis ttoiilili' mid toM him in his "mil niitiiifil wii) thai lllik'ss lie Kfpt bis bfiisfotilitifd ibi'j would bo shot mill thrown into bi jiml. It ik it (biifklfil to lunioflf and piomisisl lluit his lions would tntisi' no iiioif ttoiibli' to tin' iifwl) pluntfil KUiiUn lliitlj tin' iift iiiiiiitiK bo mtisi' .mil lilifinttil tin1 foti Uri'ssmim's In n. uliicli wi'iomoou fiiJolii; tlirm-chcH on tin loiblililon (touiiil Kiiiltlftilx ho htniil -cfial ri'potts ft dim ii KUII. lltltl prriinn flnlii il wllitlow miw SfS kIoiis iipptnarliliiLf bis bo'co, hfiiiint; u tiiimborol the iitifoiliiiiati' h llnix ".lolm' .lolm'" jollotl Ibo ol.ittsl Ifuislntoi "I'mi kept in) pioinl-f. and Ihfio mo jour bens You'll In tit iMiiti'b llio ift of Iboiu or I'll mii t ll cii I too " "Wbj, l.o," kiiiI linker, "Hi) lions mo nil hbtlt up ill the ioohI Tbosn must belong to Millie oilier pefoii "(lit Oll'"lOltllllfll SCssilllld, "Ylllll llOIIM nnd initio mo tho mil) otieslliat oM'rtomn into in) .Mini, mid mine liaven't lieeii out of tho liousf hiiue I iiiiulo in) KUiilen " "Well, )ou'(l lietti I look mill make sine of it mi)wn),' "aid linker, ho I bo pair jumped the feiioe mid wont to Sox-Ions' roo-t, wlifto tho tbimiiiiiil t onme-sinati dlsioM'itsI how lie hail liei n fold Sessions Cntlietcd lip tile tliiul bfiis and took tbfiii to his own house, win to they went uliely pienai iil, anil the entile llnkoi lainilyw.Ls invileil oi'i- totlimier Sessions tlt-eliiu'tt ho would ;;i'l om-ii mill innilo i-cM'ial lut ill- alii inpts to tin so, Inn Minn plu.M'd into his tieii'.libot'H bunds iiKinn. Maker wuit to his liienil one day mid snid: "l.o, 1 want a load of li.i , but I huven't the lend) inoiio) fori) Will oii take in) nolev" "I don't Mippoo j tiii'll I'M'i pay for It, but I'll lake )our Hole tin .'! d i)s," said hi'sslons jol.iiil). Tint bitv .us l latisfi mil unit tin note Uiti'ii In p.i.Miit nt At ihof piiuliou ol tho :!o ilajs mill tbo com 1 1 mis lime dajs elia Sessions nskeil Maker if bo would pa) tho note. "('fitninl), win ii it bet nines duo." "It's tlutt now; the :jltlii)s mo up," sail Sessions. "I sny il Isn't tine," letoittil M.ikei "Iieail it mill see." The loiiKtcsstnuii lend the note, i x.iliiiu iiiK tho iluto line t lo-el), mill tlettfthiK no llau in il said, "'I'his unto bus I till the stip lllaleil time, mill 1 wunt the moiie) " "lleud it n'ain.'' mill "What's tbisr "Ihiit) ilit)siilterile.itb' ('onfotinil )oii, whut do) on menu hy that Don't joii intijtid to pa) this" "1 will Mil 'h keep in) tontiutt." Mild M'iker. "Call mound :o tlu)s after I'm ileuil mid (;' )oui mono) " liullnlo Cou tier limn Inp; (lie I. Inn. Mrs. I'oit Dentinal! -Alfiod, what n;u jou doini; with the family nllmiu'' Her S vusu (pulling out another photo Ki'apli) KiuiKttiu'.' it, my ileal "I don't tiudfist :si' " "I am cetliiiKup mi tdit lou of I his allium to bouse! in seiiilhu: out iiivitulious for this summer 'I'lio line, i.iy dour (pulling out anot lu I ). is to bo drawn at foiulh cousins " C'lneu;;o 'I'iiIiuiil'. wii.k ::. uaiiieii. Hungry IIciiij Nij, boss, now I tlun't want jou to not the iiiisleutliui; idea that I'm uoiiiK tousk jou foruotbiii' toeut All I iisk of jou is just u fo. points l'lopilelol of I'hop.lllilOjstei House- "A few points)'" What do jou mean bj ".i few points" lliinmy Hour) Well, s..y a few Mint) I'oiut.s. Uoston ( 'nurier. Nti Milder. Mr. PoKbliKlit-Tnily, Miss Phlltooth, since I linu inoM'il noMiloor to )oi:r home 1 luivo Kroutly cnjo)fil lioariui; jour dully hIiiuIiiu-. Miss I'liilteetli (eonfiistsl) Pnrdon mo, Mr. PoKhliKht but I turoly hIiik. I'r-p.i is nilentist.jou l.lio.', anil lilsolllce isil;;ht nlToiirpurli r -Cbloi'o lleiord Sinnii Dllteii'iit'p. Mis. .Mann It is M runnel hut )nu eannot In lt I the liahy lorn few minutes, when )ou Used to be ublo to bold mo on ) our lap for Iioiii-s nt a lime Mr. Mann -TIii)oiiiik ono is reitless. lie sipiirins and l.lcksall thotimc You didn't kick tho least little Int. Indianapolis. lour mil. A (liinil I't'iisiiii. "I didn't know Mis, Denton's husjutid was (lend. I thiumiit heonly ran away from her." "Ho did only doMTthor " "Then why lias she ono into inoiiiniiij,'1" "Meoauso luir.miu Uiek " Chicago Inter Oct-nti. ll Was All RIkIiI. "I suppose," mid the householder to the plumber, "that with the departure of win tor )our piollts (i'ihh'1" "Not at all," wild the plumber. "I am tho owner of u patent tonic to cure spilu lexei " llariitr's 3latlt lllm Tired. "My employer makes me awfully tired " "Whal'nthoinatter" "Why, 1 havn to work for blin."-CbU eaKO Iteoord. lli lllvuU. ---r "It Is fully fi i i.ii, Miel.) MrCloskoj, to Ihrow your nlTeriiiis i.t my ft it under tois the one who hut loir; won mj heiitt (torn jolt lie Ins u'l the utlllliutis ot u man Howturs hm uiiis attJ cluwh un .Mill i. - t-innl os " Ui' HIM MIC VND UE OUCHCSS CNQAOCO lint llio II it littt It ml In lln I tit' l'riiiiilnu A Hot il Si t no In n Sliiilln. Siij, I'lii fetllii II ko or I 'i eo I lines winner up t' do tl nil un st ilu deie wld bote foot Stile Do tlmliess an me Is coin t' net hilfhed, un I'm i;olti ler be Mi lluiioii'a 11111 1 , Will's tie niil Wnt's Miss I'llllllloV fill) Duls ih-hl Won Sii) leiunit tfll)i' Miss I'lituilo mid tint lint';, Mr Min ion, Is coin I' Kit nun i ltd, an den tleil'ttl iss mi mi! ft'ts inn. lit il, so us ler lake fatt er lb-ill Sic' Mi Minion's ie limit win IImiI tlo Job. (aiic'c's Ihiii kinder Mm k on me "It all luippemsl iiIiiuk will Miss I'minle (lllu'ti pii-tuic took b ono cr ilom Ml. I wot paints t 'Inns wld puitit Sn). dose iiiiiks tlosc Hills' inilKs-lsei slick n.un "I t'luk I'll leain dat liutlo lilt-self out' ol dose das "Well. I i.iis telllu jo Ms w'iskcis tole Miss I'mmic t' pi r miii or tlcni iihiks an Ut-I 'ot piiluic tool, sn y eniild bun II on do wall u 'i u she t Iiiim 'e xef ml w hi Mr Million mi don't the to home no mon "Den she nets one ei de du-sses wot 'or moildei wonil. wots dead, un de (Inch -st put ts ll ill 'ol Iion.hiii1 wosO nil uoes tlowii I do ait Is' Joint In de nut lane Do iltleliess ebiises up wltl Miss l-'iinulo for t' tlit-ss cr, nil I t buses up lift ci ill-Ill W id do 1 1 less lu ill boc, un w'eii I Kots (lent I mivs t'liieself says I, '('himuile,' I mis, "It iiise know 1 1 K 1 I'itiK cll (- K'-ls it. )iwuiits f make i-i sneak ftom tit lo.iehiiiaii un s(n lii-hi lit-low beio Itswnim stidi-i kiiii ibiwti dfio 'in tlo street an slilnulll tloio.i. hinnti. w lieu its cold N-o" "While tie diit liess mm ihessin Miss I'an ulo lu ih' tlivssiu mom I was plpin oil tie Hills' joint, nil 'e was plpin til) mo 'Do-e .litis is all loin lnus De) i nines fioill fiu'u pints wot is i nihil lliiheliila. cause de din liess tole mo tie) was nil Mo hemluiis "I don t know Jos wlieioilnt foi'li p.n I Is, lull tie) must be all iieut s, nippeis deie, fei tie 1111114 had uuiis an pNtnlsi-n ktilies un elulis hum,' up on tie wall win I h ii isu 'o Mjiappid . id to homo befino 't- leainid tut hllllko tlllilo .sei' Dell ilero was ball los an llddlcs mi beer sthnnueis an pipes, tin I ilnu'l know wot lell den- wasn't Maiiilln ioiiii on sawbucks ihie was lots er do-e illnkv piftuics wot de uiiiu palnli d will pallil. likt wot M-sto in lie bet r joints initio Mowoi , mil) not sn pn tt, mi tleio was no tliKiis, onl) i at pets Initio up "Well ih- m lis srn mo plpin oil 'is 14,1 mo, 1 'o mi)s ler mo. e, 'Wtit's M-r nnine. me lllll)' V s.)s ( III III 111 U- I 'llllllt'll,' 1 MIJH, an I Hull I tl sin) up bete, liu in liltliiitl bad III mo kino wut ui'ts wurso when I hits nil tlo ho w Iil tlo t oaehmuti ' I s.i) s, st i lui; lu Mm Sto "'Oil.' 'o h us I hit iil tell i r )usc,' sas 'o, 'fioin Mi Minion.' V .!). wols Miss rannie'slelli isei'an stu) lu do luck toolii will do maid sii)s'e. 'il Miss I'aiinle .lou'l cue "Den 'o pipes me oil w id 'is i-i-s kinder half shut, sec an e,i) Mimetiu 'bout mo belli el uootl I) pe "I tloli't know es wot 'o lilt mioil, but w'eii 'o suns M) pe' that kinder put mo mi tor 'Is piuie, un I sais, mis 'An- Mist imed dose tulips wot takes I In I pes at Cone) Island in tie siimmei v sc(.in us bow 'is uumo was ink in nit tin os, I taut tint was I it'll t xei-V "Den I taut 'o'tl tilt- n kinchin, iIoiikIi I don't know wot toll 'owns laiiuhiu 'liout 'less V luut I wasu stnimiii n mi "Yllst-can't tell hoi 1 1 wut ftu'ii folks is i I'iukiii oil. hut if 'owaslor'n bo spenkttl i I.'... .11.1. i..- ... i ... ..... I l.llll-u jt-s ..- mni ,n in,- "Den 'o niies me et t i 14a I otto un sa)s tint 'e'n 14I111I toi I) lid I wns ills is 'is ei) wind tint I wns us Viiii kiistic' us Mr lluiton aid I was "Den 'o i4o.-s un ft do bin loom, whom iloic wns lots cr lixht nnd w hoic Miss Fun lile bud wi lit, loo, an 'e lioylns ter take her plctuie 'Do duchess an me wo ptekeil till iloiur petwnt hiiuuwliiio dele wasn't no door, ,111 I Mill Miss I'minic "sai ise iii-mi s.,, nolhln like she lookttl I don't t'llik dat ilosf miKi-ls wut hlu- tells tie mission kids ci hoot ain't 110 inure lieauilfiillei 1I.111 she was slaiidln bj do hide 1 1 11 hui p. wol's t-r kind 11 hlji 1I11140 banjo wot she pus fee 'Is w'iskeis wot ci modiler lister phi) "De ultis 1111114 sinnii lit-hluil t r patch or 'loth wot was on ci klndci hiililci. and 'o was paint in "Pretty Mioii tlo dm boss wbispentl 1' me tioulil I hIm- 'or a linaictto. and I pinclioil one liom do uitis' bo. 1111 wo hitsilowu on ot Miller, an do duchess she sa), kinder plpin oil 'or cinui ct ic smoke Vtid cr mo, sii) Mio, 'Ditl )ci 11st Mr Burton jet fort' Niko ) Use ft r 'is muuv' slit- s,i) s "Dili I mi)s'.No' I mivs 'Wot I'cll,' I s,ijs Wot lei' "Ml), she uho me ei look like I wasof di. id Lu met, but den shesa)s, Hiikin ojos at:in at '1 r cipirclto, shu kijs How will J Use bo wld llll',' s,i)shbo, 'w't'll Mr Mutton an Miss I'umiio is muiriid. 'Ics. ytlst- no ulon.! us is. mini hee' "Sai ileii I fumbled 1111 I tumbled sn 'mid It jolted nil do In eat he nutter me bod) I ciiiililii t npeii iiicmiiut' Down w hen; I l-tel li el was ic hois jollier Wltl lie chip pies lull ills Hun- I was tiolhiu but ir Tinner I 'Dediii liess sie i4io mo or look wot par lljod un- win sen betoiu, an don s0 liiitiipul '01 slmiilili'i-s lik,. foi'n folksdo, I iliilchuse.l el-scll loliuilc- loom lll.lklll or Mutt ci piping do plitillos "D.At's tie w,i iM-wasw'en Mr Miirttm . 1 hiised 111 un V mi)s un do tarpet tloor, Can I (time til'' Dell Miss PauuiehliuMijs Irl. tie carpet 'No, j jt tau'l,' hho siijh Mm' c bt-Lfs. an sin-it ts '1111 in. an den I heard ' di-til llll IUU4I1I11K w't-n (It- Ultis' tells tlt-ni I 'bout mo 11M.I11 'mi did 'u take tin types at , j Coney Inland I '"es,1 mijs do duclit'.xM, 'yuht! can talk I fust 'ikiiikIi I' c erj body but ine,' shesajs I (in down I' do cuniiiKo where yitse he- . InliK,' sin sas, an she chases 'ersc-lf Inter 1 ilctlri-ssui room 1 "D.iiV do way I comes to tackles Mr I I til rt 011 I nailed 'tin tint nlKhtu'cn'e ionics t our utilise, lielotu e not III, un I sii)s 1 'iin, s,i)s I 'I'm tonkin for a job jouse.' I sajs It I nits de job wid Miilse, I nils hlli hed to de duchess, an If I doli l I noo em) ' I sajs "ll tniit or while, un tb-n 'o Mijs, Well, I'lilniiiih'. s,t)s 'o. 'jouse done me or nootl link win n idiisesipiaieil me wid Miss I an 1110'h bidder' sis 'e, "un 11 .Mis-, Tannic sajs mi It 4nt s I ' or (ban on deie,' mijs Ifslu-Mijs mi it uot s sure 1 1I011 1 1.1 ow wol kliidei 1411111c Mi Ml -ion 14110s Mir. I'aiinle, ei wot Miss I'miiiie s.ljrt I de illu ht-ss, but tie ue' ia iledm ll is. 101111 s t' menu slit- mis, '.sin ue is oln t li-.Mi Million s man ' s,i)s .hi 'Den I lakes er lu br.ue, an I .i)s, .Not ill jei lite dui boss,' sijs I in't onir life wid nit I111 ci mail Hist I n. an lilt's wot I siml s,.,. "Din tie (lut boss she mm, ,, l, hi -in s,is it'll In all 1 mhl w lieu I bai us I' 1 1 IK lilinh-h. but tl it s .mis 11 u i , . me 'ui'i-r It ih I- sn 11 1 1 , 1.1 iii t i'i luinl 1 s me 1 ,,,i , , oAi WAN i40QUlNtin WIIM llll !(. i Of tMl tlHjNlMT Wilt UdtAlK M1K.H i-401MtlON IROM 4 fllOT Of lHlMAMO tM ni1!!! 'i,jt' Itti-C 1 iv. r.' iv '(.. JiS Gliicago,Rock Island & Pacific R The) DIttKOT IlOUTR lo nml fltini CHIOAlKX UOCIC IHI.ANI), llAVRNfOUT, WJ MOINI'H, 0-3UNCII, lll.unil, WiirKUTOWM, IIIOUX l-'At.UI, MINMCAl'OMII. Hr 1'AUI., HT JOH. I Ill-It, ATOIIIHOtl. I.KAVRNW0UT1I KANMArt JITY TOI'KltA, UKNVi:il, COI.OUADO HI' Nlltf , mil 1-UKllI.O. I SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS of Tliliitiu!i Cum lion, Hlnt-iinm, I'lt'O Iti'i llnlmt I'lmlr Cunt nml Dltiliut Ouih ilully lirlwrnti CHI A(IO. DKJ1 MOINKH, UIIUNUII, lll.tlKlll nml OMAHA, nml lii-twneii UIIIOAOO itml Ill'.NVl'll, COI.Olt A IX) HI'llINOH nml I'UI'.III.U vl.t lit .low-plt, cr Kntmnn City ttnil Topukii. VinTho Albort Lon Route. Tint Hxr-M-mi Trnlnn tlitlly tittwtw-ii I'lili-i uc mil Mliint-niHitlH nml lit I'nul, with TltllOUOII lU-tllnltiK Clutlr Cur (I'llKK) to nml from tliutu IHiltttrt nml Kniimni Cltv Tlirotiilli I'lmlr Oiii nml Hloefer liotwrcti 1'rnrlit, Hull It l.itkn itml Hloux FiiIIh vlil Hock Inliniit For Tlckt'tit, Mm-it Knlilnrrt, or t' Inriirniit tlon, nitly ttl tin V Cotipo 1 Tli kill Olllcti, in n.ltti rnw E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Ocil'l Mtiiinitcr, llrn'l Til, a l'uu. Awt., ClIICAdO ILL Ladies' and Children's HAIR CUTTING SHAMPOOING A Spocltilty - AT SAM WFSTFRFIFLD S DR. T. O'CONNOR, Ciicci-itRiir lo Dr. I'liurli-s SiiurlHt- Cures Cancers Tumors Wciik lilitl I Wlii'ns ti Itlioiit 'lie use of Kill!. 1 liliiiofnl in or 11 In-r Ollluc 1 (. Oblicil-Owen lilnelt. LINCOLN NEB. DR. HENRY A. MARTIN'S Mefa I Institute fou Tin: cum: ov Chronic Diseases Sl'liCIALTIKS: DisL'acs of Wo 111 Catarrh, Morphine and Opium Habits. Cure Guaranteed. Consultation Free. Olliccs, 141 South 12th Street W- 3SsfLL i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'H''i'H'i'i'H- SPIpPp v",.5' 1520 Farnham Street, I 1 25ozs.for25? Absolutely Pure JuaTlRY.lTi rrjAouci I "gm&&- (liberal oi' iii huh It I Mtllllll I'li-lilnil I I IIIIIIW N, li'i-l'HN i' ir muni i',t ii-iiin lllltl.t lulls It C Moore .1 I) Mm liirbinil I'. I. I mull, .1 W I tew 1 1 i I .1 Imbiill, 1 I. . nit h, st tint innnil, Ii I111 I lliti 111I1I. I' I I IllMll I n't it at B UCKSTAFF BROS,' MiimifHi'lnrrrs of Hannkss and Collars. Wlin'o, nli' Hi'iiIitn In HAIHHilCS Vitrified llnck .uul all Kinds DIIlrrn-TnH Concise. Modern. Practical. Inexpensive. Tffi YOUTH'S CYCLOPEDIA Now rem l in two lai'K ih'Iiuii voIiiiiii'm. Piopuiod by a coipH of leiii-hoi'H anil i-iluentlonul wiiIi-ih t-xpit-fHly I'm- tine of pupiln anil htiiilontH In pub lic utul ptivato hcIumiIh, houiltiaiioH utul aeaileinii-H. ('ohUii hut a Hinnll liaclion of the pi ice ot Hut lui'140 cjclopii'iliaH, it in ton timcH nunc Valuable for the put pone, Im'OIUIho II Ills. 'rene.lieiH 1110 cnl linrtiiiHt it- lu it H piiiltto, niiyilic; it iiici-Ih n iiectl which Ihih lict-ii lone; ami ileepl) fell, lii' agents it Is it liiiiiiiiia. No conipelltion; no other book like it; a poHilivo and uie;i'iit ilcmiintl for it. Wo have it hjhIi-iii of intiViiHuiiie; the hcIkmiIh which iiiHiiicH ipiick win k and bii4 ichiiHh. I-'IikI a'ent took IOO okIi-ih in IO ilayH, another Iiiih taken oiilein for l!(l,'t hi-Ih in 7 weekH. nml hii)m " I bavii holil liooltH for ten yoaiH ami thin Ih the bout hoIIoi- I over hIiik k." tlr U1IIT ARFNT9 who will 4ivi-nil their time nnd waul In mnkebli' money. tit II All I nULlllO 014i0 cxtiu toiniH ami i-xchishii tfrriinr,. TciU'lii'i'S iiimI SIhiIciiIn ulio waul prolitalilc acatiun work hIioiiIiI wiittt iih Km' full lufni mat inn anil toiniH, mlilt chh LATJHEATE PUBLISHING CO., Laketilde Building, Chicago, 111. Western formal College, - I III. S( IIDOI. I-'OU' I III-. MASSI-.S , LINCOLN. - - NEBRASKA. An Old School in a New Location. 1 I ntliit'il) (if SIii-ii.iikIdiiIi, Inw.t , 25 DEPARTMENTS. Huuntifiil, lu.iltln Iin .Uiuii, ju ,11 ic 1 iiiiipiis, clt-i tut sttt-ft uir linii inns (lirt'ctl, tti 1 aiii)ii williotit 1 Ii. 11114c, j.!5i,i()(i m Iniiltluins, s)lfii diil I'fiuipiiiL'iits, siipi-iidi ,ii i (iiiiiiKxI.itiinis, strong f.utiltj, I'xperti'iKi'd num. influent, ( nmprchrnsivc ( utrii 11I11111, tltorotiuli woik, litli moral and C'liiistiati iiilliii'iucs anil low fxpi'iist-s lot students DKI'AWTMKNTS ND COI'USKS V: haw jj ( oiirsijs ( hit Music, l'inc Art, Pen Art, Didsartu, ICloctttionary ('oiitscs and Kinderi'aiU-n .ind Model Tr.i 1 a 1 1114 School.,, 1 (or both t htldren and student U-ai In is,, nie not eipiallud in the west. STKKK'I ( U TUANSI'liKS to any part ol the city (or .ill who attend the Western Normal. Von can enter at anv tune and find pist such t lasses as ou desire Write, or tall anil see us Spring term opens April 11. if).'. and continues 10 weeks Sum inei term opens June 20. ijm and tontinuc-s S weeks Vou can en ter at anv tune, howevet C Al' M.Odl'KS and CMUCl'I.AUS FKIJIC 1l1lrc. WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE, Lincoln, THE NEW SCALE Vose & Sons Pianos OF BOSTON. ESTABLISHED OVER 41 YEARS. CELEBRATED FOR THEIR Pure Tone, Elegant Designs, Superior Workmanship, and Great Durability. flAX HEYER & BRO. CO., BAKING .POWDER tv co kamja) lrr28t Absolute Security pn III no x-nv nun lli'i'ii.lts nl Mm nil 11 of I ln pi 1 eeiil pei Annum. sJiontSawipsBap 1 I 1 South lOth St., Lincoln, Nobr. 1 1 1 1 ' il Invi ,Im1 in 1 1 'i. Huuda YOUR SAVINGS SOLICITED MANUFACTURING CO. nml Mnnilfiifluri'rs of "--' of Straw and Wrapping Paper. toTII O Klri'i t. 35 TEACHER Neb W l M. i llll A .n 1'HH.or W..I. KINslM. St 1 it-luij nml 'I ri'iisurcr Omaha, Neb.