Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 22, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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1 M
I) I!, TllilMI'NOK,
H. It.
At. CimliliT
n u
lllcliard'a Uloek.t'or. i:U'rnlti nml li hi.
CAPITAL $ur.(),000
I. W. Itauimiiiil. J.f i'l (htnm, N. II llinihim.
1 : ..nnry. l ' !"" ;l ""'.',' '
J. Sinn". K K llivun, l ' l.illlr,
.N. II"
tliiiiihivn. ;. II' Unrmn,
II. K, 7hiiinpll.
German National Bank
LXCO.X, XJill.
Surplus .... 20,000.00
faatph Boclimer, I'reMdent,
Harmmi II. Sclubrrir, Vlrc 1'ieit.
C'Ii.ik I". Waitc. l'11-.lilir
(too II .Vhwake, t. Ciixlil T
The First National Bank
0 and Tenth Sts.
&pIUl, $400,000 Surplus, $100,000
m. . lunrroiin, rit-uimt.
CBAS.A. IIANNA, Vict.l'rttltltnt.
r. it. COOK, iMiMrr,
O..S. lMTl.rOTT.A't ttwM"
if S t'HKKMAX, Ami (Wilrr
National Bank
Lincoln, : Nebraska
OJfictr ami Ihiritw.i;
B. Wright, l'res. T. K. Hitiulrm, v.-1.
J. II. Mel'lay, unmurr.
rBJohmon, It I' I.1111. Thin Cochran. IC
rHIer, T W Uiwcry, V I, liuylim
General Dunking Iluslncs Transacted
Collection n Specialty.
Farm and City Loans
HMonty furnished promptly on ap
proved tecurlty.
E.C.JONES, Manager
iy O Street, Lincoln, Neb
9a rarmi In enntern Nebriiikii nml Improved
property lit Lincoln for u torn, of years.
Lowest Current Rates
R. E. & J. MOORE.
niciiAUim iilock,
Corner llth A U Street". Uneoln.
5 per cent on Deposits Paid at the
Corner V and Klowntli St
Tht Only Safe Dtposit Vaults in Lincoln
II t) lliitliiiwiiy.
JJ H Hnrwood,
w u lll-OCK,
Wm Meljoiulilln.
O T Homi".
O W Wcttiiter,
Albeit Wiklkliis,
Vretl WllllnuiK,
Raehul l.loyd
.i t. nriseiu',
' .1 Krimt,
tt V lllllMW,
Henry xvitli.
Henry V. t
Savings Bank
CAPITAL, Si"i0.000.00
tiH!kllliLrh l.lilbllllle", tiVMOilil.
Vaj'H Interest on Hivlnt: nt'eoiints 111 til time
JeHslls. Knrnlsliesexrliiinuu freo
to eiitomi'ix.
Joint Taylor. I're.l'lent
Jaiiii's Klllnirii. Vlee Piclili'iit,
K It. Tlnislei.Ci'hliler.
T. C. K6RN, D.JD. S.
Room 25 and 26, Hnrr Iilock,
llni , i?.sfat t
Jx'ii'o riUTiceil lilt
it H liislninint
Willi a new Pal,-
ayer. direct from l.oniln'i. Mint Is now belief
prepared than ever to .in tti work, from a
Boket up to Ufa li'. fwiifwiiimi in.mi
. n. Himdaya. mi.i.. HMdSt ru
Bomlfortlio National llmu);
Bit, 11 iMoiiuily journal uovoiwi
I to bulldlnc inUirwta. Kch
Jnnmlsir contulliH 11 comnleto
Mt ot plans ready to build f rom. VrlcoC?. 'f
i-war 1 siiiBlo coj les'i) cU. Bend for hook, " Iljxiu.
tlful llouies," coiitiiinlim 91 ploud In colors. Hood
or cutaliiKUO of Uui. free. Talc NATIONAL
DliaiKH, Adama Kxpntd llalldlng, ( nieaso.
S. 30. SV
I a. i" Jssln .4,
I oKjifcf'ftt'w
Ulml II Un.
One of l!it t'lit-t. ln pinicssnrs gtvtr
mulid-icul v '.. anil fltl how nwnm
mi nunc to III n 'iin- .wars ago br luMruc
tlmi In iliriuls'.n The (hum grew Inter
rlil "I tulil her," Mini l'i. f 'Mir C . "Hint
m illilti't tnkti woiiitii . tiHitniniliiihl iil
her to go ti Tilll- .dl. i'.io v.cut. Shn
took u long course tiini.siiil i lu'inlKtry mi
ller I'mb'sMir II .anil lit I..M hIio murilcil
Tho chin looked mi'ii" ml. rested. I In. i
iiiin member iiiNi-iI lilt liimil
"Will, Mr. Jntic '
"Suit of (hemic: I union, wasn't It, pio
LffumrV -Hiittnii lluilgit.
,llll lllf lllllH.
nam DIil you kumvtlmt Mrs. Dangle
had gone on n trip to llcimiidu
Mnuili' No. 1 must mil mi Iter lii'foio
she gits bark Vogui.
Tin, .tlmi) I'lli'.
Iloluiiiu Hunt, who began lift' lit 11 clerk
to mi nuetloneer nml estate agent, wax eon
rtnlitly drawing poitrults when lie r-liollld
Inivo been draw In. up leases, and lu his
chosen profession lie was neer slow to
srlo the llyliui niouieiit. "1 won't buy
jour oranges," lie haul to an old woman
wlioliail cutcicil the olliic In kiikIi of a
customer, "lint I'll paint mil' poitrait."
Old Ilauuali wnsdcllnhteil, and thereupon
olie was put on aper in her habit as -die
ll fd, her haxkel on her head and nuoraiiKc
In her hand.
Hut one Incident of thl tcdiou.ct am
liltloiiH peiiiMl of ilc iirlNt's life uecr
ceaiil to iill'ord lilm iimueiueut. 'I lie
window x in Ills room were made of uroiiud
kIiihi, ami us ho had little to do he npetit
much of hin tlino draw im? Hies upon their
rouchemil surfaci". A Idot of ink Milllccil
lor the hod), nml Mime delicate pencil
HtrokcM for the wlnu'suiid at a ilMiiuce the
(leceptlon wax perfect.
l)a hy day the uuiuher iucrcaxed, ami
ono liioruluK liN employer came in, Mopped
before the windows and cxclaliued;
"I can't make, out how it Is. I'.very day
that. I como into tldx ninni llieie mtiii to lie
inoro and moro Hies'" ami takiiiK out IiIh
liniiilkercliief ho iitteniptcd to liruxli them
uway. Youth'M Compauloii.
M'tiliu; lilm UIkIii.
TIio jiiiiiik iiian'M father wax paying hltn
A vlxltjuxt toi.en howlm wax m'tUliKalou;:
at coIIckc
"Soycr learuiu fcnclu!"
"TIiiiI'h rljjlit, Wllliiiin. Lcaru tcr iiinko
ycrxelf useful tcr )er father. Don't bother
none aUiut rail feiiccx; htoiie fences Ixwhat
they need In our section of llm country. "
Washington Star.
(Hit unit New.
Itinerant --'Madam, 1 would like to call
your attention to mini tide which no Iuiiimi. I
wife can well do without at this season of j
the year. It Is a new moth cMcrmiuator.
Madam- Kw'tiso me, sir, la.t what I'm
Inteivsted In just now iscMirmiliatiuu the
uld moths. When I i:et lid of tlieiu, uiaybu
I'll talk to you about the new ninth ctiT
Uiluator. Uiwton L'oiirlei-.
A Slmlbirlt).
"That was the second time I've fallen to
day," remarked 11 New Yoik Kcutlcmnn to
u frieiul diirlnt, thu leccnt slippery weather.
"Did you fall before!1"
"No; I fell the other way."
"Humph! You remind me of ,. bank
cashier. You lost ) our IkiIiiikv, and then
you fell behind."- 'iVxiiHtilftiiiKs.
IH5I1 Tonrtl.
Hi abroad
this miuimer,
"Aren't you afraid of the cholera V
"Yes, but I'd rather Ket It where It'sfre.di
than put up with the secondhand lot that's
prophesied tor this country, If I have tt at
nil." Harper's llazur.
.Mllt HlUK HlTll.
WiuKs l have never been ublu to make
up my initiil wlietlier Hamlet was really
cr.iy or not.
Wings My impiessiui) Is that huwas.
lie was interested iu amateur theatricals,
you know. Truth.
A l.inu; lltmie Alan,
Ftullilud Never lieeu out of tho state!
Why, I unilerstiHMl )ou to Ihi a man of e
tensile travel,
tilinpeigli So 1 am. I am a floorwalker
at Tilting & Hrnld's. lloston Traiikcript.
The One. nml Out).
Pointer Tluit Ikiv of mine Is 11 regular
j phenomenon.
I I l,.jit-t1l'f ti wlillt. l'ill-
............. x.. Jt ... ........ ....j.
l'opper Six years old and never said it
bright thing in his life. Vogue.
KrepliiK H In Word.
"What do you Kiy to the young barris
ter's making mo an offer of marriage?"
"Just what 1 expected! When I jilted
him, ho sw urn he would do himself an in
jury I" IMauderecke.
Way Alieuil,
Mother .lohuny, I'm shockisl to hear
you swear. Do you learn that at schisilr
.lolinuy Learn It at scIkhiU Why, It'
Diu what teache thu other lioys. Texas
He What do ou call that new gmvu?
She- I am going to name it after you.
Hi- Whysor
She- Hecausv it has such long stnts.
No IllnVreiier.
Teacher Spell "slippers." .lohnu).
.Johnny S-1-a-p-ise-i-s.
Teacher That spells "shippers."
Johuny Same tldng. Diaper's IUju'.
mil m lv,t e ,HLa: . v.
9fm Hi''xr
(lirl.lUii rile MII I hut n llinrly Wrl-
rnniK nt Hie World' Knlr.
Hh' Inl Cern'Iionili'lKe.)
C'liicMio, April '.Ml. Tim rcllKiouH
wiiiiIh of our WoiIiVm fair vinitnrn nro
not to lie overlooked, nltliotiiih It it liunl
ly iiircHwirytnniiwxt Unit Iiiin inuinat-
i tcr that ilocH not pinpeily conic wltliin
tho iirovliicc or ttic iiiliiiliilHtriutvn do
iartinent. The WorldV fair itiiinnico
incut Iiiih provided lor llionrrcntion and
uniUM'iiicnt, tho cr.lln;; anil drinking, of
the inillionx Hint it i pcclH to ctitertnin
up Hm kiii'hIm, llki'Wln' lor their Hlccpitr,'.
their couvcyimcv' from the rente! o. lie
city,, and in a hundred niid ouonllur
wii.vm, lurKo and iitniill, for their Keiter.-.l
convi'iiienco. I hey luivo in u word nnulc
uinplo proviHion or what njipcarri to lie I
Mich for ininds anil bodies. It is left to
the Christian clement of Chicago toeaie
for the witila.
The World'n fair city will not jinnc
Itself reinlsH in f li it important particu
lar, anil ulthoiutli tlicti1 li.i'i liceu no con
certed inoveiuenl. or rattier it union of
till tho ileuomiuittiotiM, to the end that u
reiit religious feast m.jv 1m Mpreail in
Cliicntfo this tiuuitm r, 1 1 tho varioin
pastoni and (oiiKicKallnns are ulie to
Hie lenpoiiHiliility that devolvcH upon
them ami ate uituidy maleit'i; phui'i mi
that tho ureal pilKriimiKo of worHhipcru
hIiiiII not hiilVci- lor want of spiritua
I wiih tallfiiiK' Hits inoniili;,' with Hie
pastor of one of Hie lurcM eliurclien on
the Miuth niilo of Iho city a silver
toiiKiicd orator who-o voico Iiiih lieen
heard and whoso fame Iiiih spread in
nearly every htato ami territory of the
Union, a man endowed with hucIiii pow
er of moving his hearers us is vouch
unfed to few pulpit worhorn nowadayH
Ho told mo that ho epeeta to lo in liar
tiess this HtimtueruM lie lias never been
before ill tho III) vcai'H of Ills life. IIu
i look hin vacution in midwinter no that I
for Iho rest of the year ho mi;ht be able
I to devote himselt, week ill nml week
I out, without interruption, to the cause
of his Master.
I From tho lirst week in Mny tiutJl tho
lend of tho isitiliK procession is vanish-
iiiK I nun view I il.s vcico is likely to be
I nightly raised in praise nml prayer and
exhortation. Hi conniewition would Im
cliuractericd as an aristocratic one if
we were burdened in t'hiciiKo with class
i distinctions. It certainly is a vealth
I one, but its liienibt rship, whether coiu-
inunienntrt or simply pew renters, will
ehcertully vacate their lavonte location
I ami K'1 to the rear of the bin audience
I chamber, or up in the nailery if need be,
I mi that the straiiKcrH within their gates
I may bo (iven the best neat tit thu mtv-
Tilt: M'NIlAY f-TIIOOI. Ttt'll.tllNC!,
ices nml iniule to feel that they aie
thrice welcome. Kvery ninlit the dea
cons will meet in the parlors of the
church, and visiting believers from nil
over the world, whether they tire alliliat
ed with this particular denomination or
not, will bo assured of a harty hand
p;riiNp nml u kindly pcetint; Hint comes
from the heart.
This is not an isolated instance, lint
simply an indication of what is to be
done on a .'ciu ral scale to the end that
our visitors may feel that. althoiiKh
thev nre uwuv from their own churches
nml their familiar religious surround
ins, they tire yet in a t'liristian city, wit li
the warmtli of ( linstiati traternity 011
every hand. Fifteen pastors, represent
iuj; eliurfhen with a membership of con
siderably over 10,000. have united togeth
er for tho purpose of securing a conven
ient location whoro services can 1 10 hold
for those who share the views of these
churches in religious matters. Suitable
headipiarters in a central portion of the
city, where visitors may be received and
welcomed on week days, are now boiii,'
sought, and the Auditorium, or maybe
one of tho immense armories, will be i-e-cured
for mass religious services on Sun
day afternoons.
Sunday school scholars as well as their
teachers are also to be well cared for.
Funds have been subscribed, thanks to
the energy of the local representatives of
the International Sunday School associa-
tion and the generosity of friends of Iho
rising generation throughout the laud,
for a World's fair model Sunday school
I building. Perhaps it might not be in
I vidious in this connection to remark
1 that over one-half of tho amount rc
' quired was contributed by Cook county
I and other sections of Illinois alon
1 The structure will be a kind of re
ligious licadiiuarteis, where Christian
1 workers mitv meet nnd exchange ideas
and experiences, while it will afford lie
1 couimodation for Sunday school confer
I dices ami evangelistic meetings. These
latter, according to tho plans as out
lined, will bo under tho direction of
Dwight L. Moody, the noted evangelist.
Noonday revival services will bo a fea
ture of the programme, and as the build
ing will bo in close proximity to the fair
grounds tho picnns of praise of tho wor
shiiiers will jniugle every midday with
the strains from the monster r-gtmin
I Festival hall.
For many a year to como hundreds of
1 thousands ot js'iiple, scattered maybe
I over the face of the globe, may treasure
one of tho most precious of thu many
1 souvenirs that will be carried away from
i .lackson park. This will be a copy of
1 tho New Testament. It will be obtain
able at the exhibit of the American llible
society iu the building di otcd to inaiiii-
factures and liberal nrts, or rather in
1 Department L of that vast structure, to
bo found iu th gallery that runs its 011
1 tire length. A lirst installment no less
I than 'J.'iO.IKIO copies will be stacked up
! in the booth of the society when the fail
gates open on tho 1st of May. This sou
1 venir of souvenirs can be hud for the ask
ing, without money and without price.
1 1 It. Mtv M. Hunt.
The Vcrj l!cl.
llnlir.nd-Have jou rouipli'tcd joiirllsl
of pcrxotiN to be l iltcd to the reception
II oil have inited onl. the best pco
V The wry bet
II. (I'MimiuilM Hie li I) -And these art)
W. All. excepting the two deti rtlvcs,
ivhomelo be line Iucok to sec that liolh
IllK Isxlolcli. New Yolk Press.
hut vl Ai.ri'rtiilncit.
First I'alrOne So 1'rcd and Arthiirhoth
roposed toher Which wax the lucky oner
Tlietlther KalrOne 1 don't know yet
Kicil iniiiricd her. Life.
A He,, stui).
An liixh lamlloid appoluled a day to ic
ceiu Ids tenantry, mid the imrnt prceutcd
each one to his principal, w ho Impnreil into
the (ouditlolis of the i,'l illnblltu,' Mild 1lNs.1t
Islled recipients nf Ids faols. 'I'lllllUS Went
1111 pretty siuoothl), until at length 11 ten
ant pteseiitisl himself whom the agi'iit.
failed to ir(iinl?e, and thclauillord turned
to the limine before hilu. which, with faco
mid head swollen out of nil piopottious
awaited Ids address in sullen silence.
"Who arc ou. in) ond man? What has
happened to )ouv"
l'iii.,aml It swell )ouuiayask. .My own
mother wouldn't know me this blissed
i it 101 1, i "I'lu till ..Mr m, li iltill, mil 1 lull
I ".My (IiiIiik''' replied the astonished land
lord. "What can I haw to do with the
state you me in, in) cood mauv"
I " is )ourdolu. niuiiiiij well hi
i proud of It. "I'was tin m blessed bees iiii
I ui' me. We bionht the dlills Into ( lit
Iioiimi last nlixht. an where did he put them
but iu the pix'x corner. Well, nftir Kitty
tin the chillier an ineelf was awhile in bid,
the pin jxoi's loot In about the he
wasn't uixv till he honked Ills nose in the
I hiwun split the bees out about tholluie.
I An then when I tot out of bid to let out
the iiliMhnt wasa roailii thr.iuuh tlie lurisii
u. bees set thsl down on me an beK'anstiiiK
I in me, mi I jumped Into hid uuaiu, will the
whole of tlieni nfther me. to Kitty mi the
chillier. An thin, what wid the bees a wi
I In aun-xtiimin us under the clot lies, nut we
all juiup'-d UKiu.itn tliedivil such u uiulit
I was ever spint in Ireland as we splnl lnt
. uiKht. what will Kittyanthechildera roar
in mi u-hiiwliii, an t he pit-C tariu up an dow u
like mad. An Kitty wid the besnm an
' niexilf wid the fryln pan llattcuin the bees
I im'iu the wall till mornin! An thin the
siulit we wor iu the mornin! Heorra, it's
I ashamed of yoursilf )e ounht to be!"
I) ibllu .lourual.
Nnlliliij; ti Stum lor It.
i The constitutional inability of some pen
I plu to nrow fat under thu most faMirablu
I circumstances loiiud c.n excellent exaiuplu
in the person of Mr. I'..ra Sprnwlcy of Al
'derxllle Ills wife's comical dlstiess over
I the fact at last found wut iu a remark
which has passed into a liNwotiliu that New
I Knulund town.
i "I used l' think." said Hick l.cncructlo
, woman and admirable lions. -keeper in a
, pensiw uioihI one das, "I used t' think that
food, cooked proper an dealt out liberal,
couldn't help putt in some llesh on folks'
"An I u'nsidered. pieioils to weddin
with Kry, thai 'twas mi iu to the fact that
his sister .lane was a scant pel vlder that he
looked so tcrrihl) peaked, hut 1 inlji'duiil
her an him, that's the ti nth.
"Why, jest look at hilu now," said Mrs.
Snrawley doletully. dlrectiiiK her visitor's
' j;aeto the lljjuic ot heru.iuut spuusu as he
stood lu tliu barn doorway, ".lest look at
htm; thin as 11 match. Why, my land!"
Hero she passed to the portion of her re
mark which became historical.
"I've fed three hearty meals a day n-u'ht?
i to that man for up'ardso' 15) curs, an hu
iiiu't ever (,'ive thu lust evideucu of 'cm!"
Youth's Companion.
Ilml Turin.
The trolley car had run over (,'holliu's
foot, and the surgeon had declared an am
putation necessary.
fliolliu iH'ckoueit rcetity to ms man, wim
1 stissl np.llt, weeping.
j "llwing the ductal 1 a chair, Hopkins," I
said the noble young hero. "It is suclidoo
I sill bad form for a man to stand while caiv
I ing." Indianapolis .lourual.
No (.imtli'iinui. j
Chappie 1 am thoiliihuppolntcd lu Hull
(Inch. I alwayth thought hu wuthagem
Supple Dealt, dealt! Why, what hath lie.
Chappie Wh, I bowwowed thomeinou I
ey of him sevwnl ycahsago, and he can 10
awouuil yesterday and uwsked me for It -
Huston Courier.
I'urely rersinml.
"I haw lost my littlu Fido," said the
young woman chokingly. "Hero is a no
tice offering a rewinl for his recovery."
"Togo in thu 'want' column, I suppose,"
said the advertising clerk.
"No, sir!" she replied haughtily. "I want
It to go among your other personal items,
sir!" Chicago Tribune.
Her (jiienHiili.
Alphonso My love for you Is a burning
flamu that naught can extinguish. Years
will but iucreuse Its warmth.
Miss Hardscuse Yes, but 1 want to know
if it is tho sort that will kindle thu lire on a
cold morning f hiladelphia Times.
Illulily AeeoiiiplUlieit.
"What is the greatest accomplishment
you know of" said the talkative )oung
"To say nothing silently," replied the pi p
pery young woman. Washington Star
lleiiil (Iter liars.
"Higgs is getticg a better suhir) than
(wrmid jet isdiT'ier iu debt."
"That's lsveuusc his wife hujs ewrj tluni;
at a bargain. " Chicago InterOcean.
"What shall we place on your tomb.
toni'" asked tin minister of the editor.
"We nti here to stay," was thu licblorc
plj - Atlanta Coiisti-ut mi
'II rfi.oi..vj y
White Loaf Klour, $ per sack.
Nabob Sweet Pickles, .'5c per tpiatt.
Sweet Hlossom Peas, J5C per can.
Victor Tomrtocs, iSc per can.
Fat and juicy Salmon, lint enn, 25c per can.
C. & B. Sliced Pine
Uji Tea, 60c per pound.
Canned Soups reduced from
Try ot.e can.
Miller &
Jnl the Ek 1 :m
and seveial thousand others.
I advise all who would save
time to go at once to
H A VIN( just assumed pcrMinid lontrol of n Iiii'kuc in m i'iI!i. it viil
tn nlm to conduct a In stela.. cstalillslituvni, niiii hot of caic and ntttttlien to
horses entrusted to our keeping.
Single ('r doulile, and
t'.l'o line of wcll -
Stablos 1639 and
Attention, Theatrical
Advertise yaue theatre and its attractions by seeing to it that tho
CllU'Atio Dlt..M.TU'.lnri!NAi has a good correspondent in your
town. Hecotunieiidatlons of local malingers will receive prompt at
tention. If your town N not represented in our columns give tho
matter your personal attention and send us the name of some good
correspondent to write weekly letters unvNing us of your attrac- """""
tions. Address
Chicago Dramatic Journal
Telephone 225
Sewing Machine and Gun Repairing
We have just employed a skillful workman from the East, who is fully competent
to make all repairs iu the above lines T. J. THORP & CO.,
220 South Eleventh ftreeL
Moving Household Goods and Pianos
a Specialty.
None 1 it ,'perli-n I nun
III 11', .v 0.1
mid oilier
e, 2;c
per can.
,oc to 25c.
PI ION K 744.
ln cckirg fcr
Finest in the City
traitu'd Iioims f i ) i t r
dayor nlyht
1641 O Street.
Telephone 550
Canon City
Rock Springs
Telephone 176.
Office, 1 00 1 O St.
I lltl'll ill l.'l's
iiion 111: linn lilm ri. s 11 1 , -s
lua nix
Stifta8aiaBrMs- --