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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1893)
CRPITHL CITY COUR1BR, ii.vv maiBir 'wv ",m u -w .-v f -- - 11 im cHp'' f ?-frt ?i-- -III I r r f r I fir il I Ilf I i mill wide runuo of work of wlili'li Miss I.j mi Is both rnpahlf unil ailnpteil sit- port I'll tln rli irneti r of tin1 "ly lish, winsome ami petted, happy ilmiKlitt-i- in llir llr-t url "I""! clinriu- Illtfl.V. Illt like It llll-fts i'M'I'J expci- tutiiin Inter wlu-n petty .inl InnMil Is laid aside for sunpnt lift If M'lilit.v of till' OCCIl-loll Till M'l'llll I'lIfftS, on peclully tin- work shop In tlif M'fonil act. wen- excellent. Tin company N eM-nly hnlauo -d and was most fiithusi- a-tlrally iveencil. tlir. f fiirtalii calls bcliitfdcninndeil after tlif second aft. Many of tlif best companies lire oio inr thoseu-nn mid tpiito a bunch of t ho in nif ulrfiuly In Now York. II l thoii(,'lil anionc wi-torn ninniiucrs that tin- world's fair will flit I'tilton Humo in tlifiitrlftil business mul us the sfii--on i- nlioiil oM-rMay 1st, ninny fnushler it wie tn ipiit now. Here nif -onif of thrill mill tlieiri-lnsliiir iliite-: Shallow- of a (irrat City April Afro tlif I'otoiiiiif. April I.Y Tli.' still Alarm. April IV r'hitf of Tn April V I''aiinif MiiM-nport. May I.! A swell Allalr. April V Thr Kn-ljjn. April :M. " Fdwln llnnforil. April -. .lohn Drew. Ma, -T. irisiiicr-ln i-. April -I". A Nutiuee, Malfh. April s. Tlir Stnuiiwn. . April 22. Anna W'lird-Tilluny . April '12. Thus. V. K April -22. A. M. I'lilinc r's i-oiupiiny . Ma, IH. Mnrciiret Mathfr. Decc inhfi1 l. Tlif aliow I- lint a partial ll-l anil tho-c marked haw either ill-hanilfil or failfil. -I'li-ltiM' old coilfff r bus two sous, inn I of win in i- M lltfht-uni-ti'il, ffiithfi1 I hfinli'il oiii , whoso llnir anil iimih-v run t ultra fii-hloniihlf clothes mid lloli-i n i Tin other In a iiil 'I a poiiriu-: iliuiilllcd fhap. Iiiim- m n ei'iil upi'curnurc and ilo portinc nt e i politely a iIit 'i tin; mill M-ry olijfftion nhlf f lianif ler. The ollorl of iilo IlilWse. wllieli Im tile mime of I llf it til oils hero of tin' -tiny, w ho-e llcl'MUls syst Mil I- ho e.implftf l, lipet b. th' Ufiifi-al disregard of tin world for what lie fin Inch to he llle dill, of i i i 15 () Stti'i'l, Opera 1 louse Comei, Lincoln. Neb. Exclusive Styles ! The mm i et of out- Inline n-e liUHinesn Is in f'Mislanll.x I flny ahlf lo show now IiIoiih ami spifial shapeM, Imported ami inanii I in -1 III I r.pielull for II-. Noil will llml II to oiir aihnntnu'e to eamlnf mil nioelt mill prlee- hefore ordering a HAT or IIONNI'.T. THE FAMOUS, I oi I I ami I'Jlh mII'im t-. I'mler the I'llllki $1.50 $2.00 Kid Gloves lor 59c. i;,.-x TH. D UDHUITT Tllll .u, ...inn, anil rVf-lfrifW J "'l t l"'- tl Z ousaainirers iiii.iii-ik n.i. ..-:-...... '",,",,, ." 1 Moinla.v ' leiituie w.ih a "lint nriu. .ir. n. .. lar"e uee-e of tills city, a nieniDer 01 un cut to I f lnh. was (Irill-nia-tf r. anil -howfil hl- Uiiowiii tnilninu at tlif I ntvf isity 01 .Neiira-mi by the "liar r r eh: wliifli lie ejaeiilated ever and anon. The lumi nal of hat-and -nine, peculiar perionn a This is Ward liavf nnnif .-..In wit- fnll.v dfinon-tratf .vfiii.i-' at tlif IinsliitfwlH'ii mid nltnivil nnilifiieo was pr applaud and adnilif the wfll ..ii ,.f tln-o L'reat tal1s their llt joint miutIiik tmu-mid if tlif wmil of thfsu Hftitlenif n Is to he taken for it. and It certainly oiijrlit t ) he um1. thev ure doiiijr " In-lHcssiiU ,v,,, ,;,,' Sun'iV ilonmin fXfJllf.l only hy tin famous tours or Mouth and Mirrott. That the two tratffdiaiiH are wfll mutfl for joint work all will admit, for thi.iriii-tlnn.wliUoli..tli iiclntr super ,. ha- a M-paratf ilUlm'tlmi f"'1 "' .Imnc I-larye and rohu-t. has a U-1 .r.f nil vole and inaUc. np f.xff llentlv 7 i.i i,..n..i..rsimil heavy ifiul- lOl OUl lilllll .. i...r n!iri.s. while Ward 1-01 arc more sprightly tlllr. thf hill f''l- man of all around in nihfllo. tin- -flretion l lllllf u- and liftter a jrciifral eharaeter-. for this re .1 . I .....j llllll llllllMlf Cll-lol . Till piece "' I ,misv and arti-Meally piv-fiited and an hardly imagine a more cum- 'iiilnet on. .- iin- out ..i..... .ii. Iuttii' on . . . . .. f. .1... to ii .Mom1. .Mr. .lame- piv.-eiu- ." character, at times li-lit lieartcd am seiitimeiital. then aain -tern am illssultlfil. Mf uavi- n l'i';nv o otl.cllo that was both pleasing and v.-ry -atl-factnry throuylioiit. llf wii- mo-t royally -upportfd hy Mi1 i i ... i..,, uiiii.o manl.v lifariny. illil u-" i" .. iMinniiiy tivachfiv. and clear delivery nmiii for him many friends and leartv applan-e Imth characters were 'heautifully ilf plftf'l: ',,l11 llf,,,r itv ill wus nlvi'Mthfin. M -I'liiipman I)i-ileiiiiniu w.i- rflrf-liini nro lllices 111 tlif nil OI lliari'lllim were none through with to tho imisii of thf hanjo flub ,-cateil in tin oifhf-tra. The mullein tvipitivd two re pi titions, which wcif ehfii with variation-. Tin .MieliiL'an fll (of four-fi con- fludfd tin concert, nother time, if the clubs visit us In their miuuiil tour. It is to he hoped that more pain- will bit iken to 1ft tin- publif know of tin ir f iiniii!,'. and as l.iiifoln i-rarfl, vi-itfd by attritftioiis or tlif kind, it is be lieved that u larger audience will await thfiu. of c mr-f college men will alwiiv- turn out and renew memo ries of tin "any collo!'o widow." "hoardiii!,' club beefsteak," and other old friends, it wa-allne entertain iii"iit and de-erved a full liou-f. Tin follow in.' are tin important lit tractions aniiouncfil for next week in New York: The Theatre id Arts mid 1,'tl'rsat I'aluier'-: "A Tripto ( hina town" at the .Miidi-on Sipiare Tlieatre: o-e and t'hai'lfs Cojihlan in "'ra Volllii(;toii"at tin I'irtli Am iiiic: "Thf t'ru-t of Soeietv" at the Mroadwiiy Tin at re: 'Arabian N.j,'ht-" at thf Stanilaril: V. II. (Vain at tin Star: Viiinlf villi at I'rof tor's Thfiitrf: "A Tf.asStffr"at tin Itijini: "'I'lu (iuiirds man" at tin l.ffinn: "Tin llhifk Crook" at tin Afiidfin.v of Muxli: IJo-iiiu Vokf- at's: AlfMinilff SaH in! at the new Mauhitttmi Ipera llou-e: Wnlkff Whitfsiilf at t u 1'iiion Squari: "Tin tiirl I Left llehiml Me" at the new Kinpirr Tlif at if : "'i'lu Span of Life" at the Fourteenth Street Tliea tre: ".lane" and Lottie Collins at the Craml Opera I luu-e. "A IIkti Tlim" Tim Kill. Tin popular farce comedy by the above inline w ill be seen at the l.mislllt,' tonight, mid a Hue time of fun, fr ilic, music mid dancing Is promised. Speakiii',' of this perforiniinfi at the opcuiii;.r of tin present -ea-ou in I'hila dflphiii, tin Kvf iiIiih: Star -a,s: "Despite the inclemency or the weather, tlif Kinpiro thcatie wa- well llllfd la-t uiulit. the attraction hcine; Kit and Web-t -r and their merry company in "A I live. Time." This piece Is om ol I lie ne-l larce comedies all. fnrnisli iiimi.v of tin hiiinoroii-coinplicallon- ami the tin im of thread nt oittiit whifh mid upon wlin-li depend the whole mci r, ma. Moth Million and Hart are Mini to be Wfll llttfll for tllfir fspeille roles. Ill thf company besides Ihe-e 111,'ief able principals are .lohn McWiule. Mollie Fuller. Al Wilson. I'miuif lllooilu; miiI, Alice Calo Carrie De Mar. Donald llarohl. Florence Hell. W. s Francis. Mabel Nichol N'lfhols. Marry Milton. Ailelahli Crawford. Cforue Mf Donald, and t ."Mttnc t title cx.nulcr Uid !! (In (ti:ilily sultl Willi Ii .lyu r butoit lioiu tin- unpin lets of ihcAI u i's .mIuiiiI M (lni :i of i t-iil i;lovcs of ntnlri tin .lc,in(li'i anil Napoleon brands, an- ti'laikd c ct w hcic at lioni lo .t2.J5 per pait Tltrv urn pail oi a lai",r lot which denied the entiro siui U on hand al thai lime and wen sold so llml (hey could In teiniled at Si. 5 pel pair. The assoiimenl nt first in- l.ulii ii'lntled all tlrstrnhle shades, st les anil lengths, and wc sold ipiidiiy nltottt twn-lhirds uf out puie'nase. We hnvc now on liand abntil luenlv doens, most of iheni four and live button I I. .1 null l.-miun Mini nil lillli-IB ., , ,. ., ; .., ,y llkfd. All of thf Mciifi'.. properi.N leiiius. .nu ine 11.1111 m 1111111 in siii.iu mii-m i,;, 5-Xj., D, f)' . f' ) huh wc offei to our pnl tons at lite 1 idtculousl' lowpiiie f 5)c pi't pnii. Iiccause ol the ptiee we must do dine lo utiatanlee these Jo cs, but nnone who will cxiituinu litem ran see that lite, ate as jood as inn be bought in the teuulat a lnnn $1.50 to $-'.25 per pair. We initc you t( visit om loe dejint intent while these ;oodsnre on salt. nay l ono niai mis 11 e n-iif iineu jmoi, ivith a story of lovf. devotion and horo-1 "m J ism. It is of tho kind that all thfiitie-l XXf 'no rs can appreciate. The lending I V as I. ei iiet'itniiim-work biMinilnj,' to ine. part all tho-e -wvet tui-l pmv itt-. that one would expect after tcailhi.'; Slmkc-.-peare's intfieslin- work. Tim dvinj,' -ecu -s were all well delineated aiid the work ;ciicrall. tliroiiith tin the play -jlvon by all tin nrtl-ts wa wit'i art I it if mil c ir.-ect preci-ion. Tin ccenery, mo-t of which n carried by tlif fompar was of a hi'li ordfr. D.-ilfiiiona'- flniniber- belli)..' paiticularly beautiful. Tlif t' of ami I'anjo club- at the 'my fM'iiinir were no, hii'ite an audience at Tin L'lee club is a If you liave ever -e.ii F. S. Willard In the Middleman niul tin I.i-t I'ara-dl-f at the Wednc-da, even iiij.'. you cannot help uiakini.' coinpari- -olls. for the lileil of both -tone- are iniifh the Mime, though 1 Ijiiow not whether one Wll- copied after tile other or which one wa- llr-t launched upon the theatrical sen- for tho other to jjel idea- fr 111 if such lias been the ea-e. Until, however, are hij,'li clas pro.lllf tioll- of llio-t I'.M'l'llnIlt ilUllili- cation- that appeal t a reliiicd taste and i-alike appriM'iated by all chie. bi tbev cultured and well edlieatei or ifi'red in poverty and iyuorniiff. Human nattin i- so ividly brought out that one cimiot fall to be im- pre ed with the utter natiiralin of the varioll- -eel e.-. the story, etc. 1 The piny d'sohe- up in the mi 'nppfiiprialioii of a patented ihnniuo, 1 which, luivill).' been willed to the I -uperintfiuleiil ol a Ini'jjv iron work-. 'is. iinkllDWII to miMille fl-e, -eiMired ami kept by lil-i mplo,er. The story I wm sjlvcn in last S.iturday's Cucmiat MIclii'Mii tilee aiiil "thihf that miw tin charaetiMs "lan.ln" Tiif spoken of therein, after ivmliii,' the i ted" b a- plot, inii-t cfit.iinly Iiiim enjoyed O1..1. de.-e'rveil.'ever action of tlm pla. very s m 1 imvC'imsv JH7 .jrf 1 ii . Wv.L XJJ11 Jr if' ' ( .I.AiW-l iL r $Px.'V'rWk v 1 J iSf'ti' . i jriTl''u jt I. ' I7IHI wtw S7 w m v n-.-i fP - 9&- -4-J nT "m V 1 I of tho plus. I here I- iniportent soinethiii'.' solid anil sun-iaimai anom t r ..II il. I,.,.,r..i. ..1I,.(',.h of the I Ml ol M: rriniiiiiui-. ..i.. ... ......s .,,. . ll'illllll'iin" ,.. r cimine tc Ulf nifi I'liunti'v. am while It ciiiuii 1 witli the colley:i) nine or eleven in the race for public apph.iie. it doe- it shnre in nuiUini.' known the vjrtue aud advautime-of . 1 !. . Th..- I thc llrst time that Line iln ha- seen an (iru'iini.ation of thi- kind represuiitiii',' one of tin t-Mfiitest school- of the coun try, and perhaps itfiioraiu of the at'traetion. aldfd by a laid; of ail M'ltislnir. ami the ( lnineiit.-, wvic i - . ......1 t.. 1...1 ....... ..11I 11 i.iimiitil'ii firumeui 11 111 nrinj;"'!- '" MichiL'an pcoph I'liradt-f is many that that there pre-cnt t 1 now llllM" W(M'e not see the reuri'tted since more L'i-t ICO I'll of it.- iuiiM excellent merits. The cast is composed of a very cIcmt lot of people, lioailfil by Forre-t Kob-In-on and Mis- K-tlior l..on. the lover-about whom the thread of the -tor 1- fiitwhifd. Mr. Kobin-oii as Hell'boll Warner, sllperintelldelll of the iron woil;s, pivsciitutl a c haraftcr that i- perhaii- bevond criticisin, lii- work pllet, I'll- ami elleelillll at times, when 1 cca-ioii I t .j -l uo. on tin true' liii'u v.lth eate varieties. , t ue. mid iii-MM fail- t 1 at reiilfti inula in c-. It 1 ly mu-ic and eiiti The selection-, oil I.... I. ..... 1 1 mi. 1. lie, . 11 eoloi's. vellow and bine, were him-' belli1.' or a , Ii. .1 1.. ........ nu, 1 tiien-. nature, wuil .'I'liceiiiuy 111111111 nu- nii... "."'., , ,, f., ...,. I,r. ,,( pi'lliseswere-lin-ln the j;lic fli.n Ii (leimu. .-. ..- ..'." "-", .oei in". Then came s, -. w it!, clear ami we moilMiited elect. ant U, , th.dic. a.ul l.un.orou-i In J Ml- !. Muaivt Kt.owlton. as wen i- 1 in- fiiis'i" , e 111. 1 ni' iiiim el's, were ftvipientl. ifcallcd. and it toolv tlifff solids toappfiirf the audi ence after espi chilly one of the Mini ill).' selections. Milt thf """ habit has mo tlrinnhohlonthci.'iillerif.stliat that, in it-elf, inlKlit not be suyiii;.' inncli. Mr. Thompson, the leader, ha-a pow flfiil bars voice, ami w llf II In1 looked M'titimentiilly down 1 ho in at lea-t six feet In In !lit 1 upon the diiuimitivf Miuth who pfisomitfd Honifo and Hhool; Hie roof with a plalnthf "1111 In II t." bt'cantured the nudloliee 1 nt once. Tin tenors were m t so trot d, 1 tal.i hit of aftltnr in tin tlrst act, showinj.' how inanv modern-day belles are brought uji In lu.xut while. unUiiown tn thorn, their fatliors are kept over-wlmlmlnul;.- in llt, f.dlowfd by llnan fial i'.l-astor, to Ueop tln'in shiniii1: fashiomiblf and hatmy in tin front rank-of olit 'society, only to reull.c tun lute tho riicrillce- that a fooli-h parei ttii-'f has niadf In vain for them, in the latter acts, wlicii Ml-s Knowlt in lvalues, tlm slltiatl in. tlm nllivt is so iiatnrallv fliani.'fd that mm cannot but nut loo ol t'lf fXcellfllt tiiulity tiiinin;,' Mirlou- imisieal iiisti'iinieiit- by I'.. I. Kit and Katlll'VII Web-ler were elferoll-ly applauded, as also wa- the serpentine ilaiiee by Mi Orient Anson. The re-j mainiii. member- of the coirpany mi-der-tooil tin ir part- pcrfictly." Il.illi'ii ,V Mm I III ''Ilic Idiii." Thi lodestone of interest at tin next Tiie-day nij.'lit. will lie a new farce comedy called "The ' Iiba." in which the pop, ilar coinedi- 1 mis, Halleu and Hurt, will appear a the principals. The-i entertainers! Iiiim- attained ipiite an einiable icpu tatii 11 lor liuuioroii- aliility a- well a ellcftiM' nruani.i'i1. for they Iiiim- al ready appeared surrounded by player with claims (d special reputation. They have also further, mid uni formly -upplied a liirht and airy enter tainment entirely free from ("tlen-iM -on1.'-, text or antic-. Tiu-ir f miliar farce, "Later On," wa . a -insularly bright and jolly liodye-pudf-e of fun. Irolic ami melody mid alway- attracted a lio-t of adniirers. Their new piece i said to Iiiim- all the in-.'re.lients v liieh made "Later On" popular, and nunc too, with tlm added advantage of rhyui" and reason. That i-to say. all the merry .'oiii!.''-on pei-iiliiir to -iich ilay- are -iiid to revolve around an n tfllijcnt and attrai-thf -tory. The principal role is that of a "reioriner" crank, who is in a perpetual state of nervous worry oM-r the Iminoral drill of the world, and undf rlnke-, siu'l' handed, to alter and purify tin- mi comfortabli coiulitloii of tti ttir- T'n ollcets iiml costumes, it is said, will In new: 11l-.11 tlif lilllsic, soiiu's mm miiiees Till- locale of the piece is New Irlealls. 1 The sale of seats opened this inornilij.'. . i'ii'i- iiiiis" An-rmiiiiiu A play that has been booked al tin- l.anslii'.' slue tin iiponiiiu of the -ea-1 sou in wliieh thi-rc has bi-cn iiuifli in- j lerest centcrfd nifi- since the Ill's! all- 1 llomiccUK lit some inollths ae;o of its coiuin-.'. is Cray .X Stevens' company in "Vesper Hells," which will be pre sented at that hi-mitifiil temple of thespis for three performances in.-t week. Friday and Saliirilay ieiiiii;H and a miitiue - on tlm last day. I lie play Is one that ha- a well-delined plot. with 11 sto isu L'lifi-H can apt part In the play Is taki-n by Minnie Oscar Cray, who assumes three dllTi r cut .nlfs. that of Harry, a nephew; Francisco, a mountain miide, mid I'ieiTf. a l-'ri'iii'li boy. in all of wlih-h she does capital mid heroic woik. Maud Cenovcsa, who takes the part of l.elia. and Louise Mitchell, who plays lirace, tho uovorncss of lx-lin, are two excellent people ill their re-pectiM-parts. Others in the cast are W. C. Miller as Itobert I'eiidy. II. S. Healyiis Ceoij.'f DaMilsiui, ami W. II. V'linFtter a- Nicholas Muvard. The priueipal fun-iiiakf rs in-.- Ni-I if Healy as llan- uali and .lohn Healy i- I'lrasiniis, in iii'Ui-ii characters. Tln-y are both clever in their line, and keep the audi ence tn continuous roars 1 f laughter. There 1-plenty of fun produced in the pit ci . ami the mhius mid dances by dlf b n -it members of the company all u'o w ith 11 vim ami (rolic. TI10 ponies and doj.'s introdiiffd make a line appear ance, o-pecially in a -.'roupinj.' scene. Tlm -ceimr.v is very pretty, notable anions which is the li'ht-hoiise ami the avalanche scenes in Sw Iterlaml. The -an of seats opens Wednesda morn in!.'. Lew I. lliirrlsiiti In "I'lii.t." Tin Lan-lii.''s attr'ietion Wedne-day cvelllll'.' Is nolle less Iiiim l.i-Wl- .iiri'l- son, ill which he impersonates "the de il liim-elf," and do - it in .1 manner that Iciim-s but little doubt that tie-old fellow i-a 1110 t sly. -by, cuiiiiiiii.' and mi'rcrou- plavmate at an and all times. Tin production this -i-it-on i -aid to be even superior to that of !a-t. and v.i- may expect a inn- tr at in the way of (i let he's ylellte-t worK. Tin-er-ioii of "l'au-t" wa-w ritteti by Mr. Hcrunril. London. lb- ha- done ln- Will-k Well. follow illj.' the Idle ol doetlie'- poem, and ha- not much ar.ed hi- -ceiies from MILLER & PAINE - c vk ari-: Tin-: ri';oiLi':. Sell Wall Paper! AN' I) DONT YOU FORGUT IT. !J3o S. . MOORE, 0.113 SPICES. en (JRIiEN TI:A. Use Burnett's Color Paste. L"iir Ci a. Fruit Med. Mlush Ho-e, (ioldeti Yellow, Violet. Maudlll'lll Orange, ('araiuel. In w ide-iiiniit'i .lai-s. 0 sies; also in 'J.". "ill mid loo lb. kefs. Tin e 'nliir I'a-t-H are illll'eieiit from any ol the importeil mini colors, or dome-tic powder-, hciiij,' entirely St ILI'MLF, in milk, water or -prit. Much -troii!.'er than others in tin- ma Imt. In such convenient shape that there i- 110 un-te or dirt. They are ta-t to liifht. will I ear the heat of codkiui.'. ami are not ehmi.'eil by fin i acid-. Oilor le and liistle , and absolutely free from pui-oii. eiieii packaj.'e iN-ariui.' the certillcate of lr. Duiiiport analyst of Ma. Stale Hoard ol Health. VANILLA CMOLA g AH.GLEASON, i. Il'.'l -it.eet fill! I 0 EXTRACTS. VIOLILTTIIA. PRICES' EXTRACTS, tho- i-r-ioii- NOBBY DRHSSERS .iii linil ju-t tln-v want in a nice SPRING Ct !TT v y v 11 .iinonu-t inn 1. 11 stu. U ni MADI1; -.omii.ts. iii 1 I line TAILOR I Ill's ( ll 1, i8ai:d S20 SUITS aie equal 111 b nu'tvhant is equal to 1 eu icsj'cit to tin m- made tailni. and the -ainu in price ne-h.tll what the hJime article to wliich we are accut 1.1 I - -lia-loKiie, which i-p ilnt -d .1 1 .1 i.iin, 1-in u'reat part lit-own t , .', Inn and thoi'i-an-siecclie-wl..i ..i lonnd ill tin-old edition t'l.H ( 1 11 - l an and his mice --or- Iiiim- in nle ui.iulia One or two fliaiij,'!-- m-i '.otn eabli Marifiierlti is u-ually nu ri-ein d fm I 1. n' '.1 1 1 ui'i1 In tin- .-rsiiiii sh. would eost uii made lo measure. 'The stoik is now loniplete and 1 mi calls inspection. merits &L0BE CLOTHIM HOUSE Cor. O and iOth Streets.