Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 22, 1893, Image 4

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rrariHpririi ..
w 'MWSU2ll!?&aR!A!,in j
nMH vwy-'T
ii.. u I...,, iu.i.,1 Hi.' Ancient I
Order of Hibernians gave mm of a
their hall In l"lt
serlosof soellllsilt tlll'll'luill III I'll- Tenth street ItliH-k Thu.sduy !
owning, whlrh uiih atlen.l.Ml by huge
and most cheerful gathering of friends
ami members uf the order. The rostli-
Itlen were In charge of Him. .lolin I'.
Siillou. lov. KiUIiim- Lough. .... ami
Mr. I' .liiiiiosCnsgrnw ailileil pleasant
features tuthe tu'ealnn, the fnrnier
U'lvllii; a iienil er uf iineeilnto ami u'neil
Htnrlet. wlill. tlie latter, iih nralnr nf
the evening. ilelHenil an I ti t iifl Itiir
ami thnmnirhlj eiijn,nlile aililre'. al-
in.iliiir Ih.IkIIi' in wiii.h Miilnei'ti as the
home rule nioxeinent ami other piitrl-M
otleiHMi.'H. The Hpealfer mail.' hoiiik
elnipielit liitsunil was limll, uiplamleil
b, nil present. Mhn Mn l-'llueriilil
hiiiij: Meantlful (ilrl uf Kll.lalre." ami
wan wi well reeeleil that aneiieiire was
i-OMpnmloil to ami ".Muvnurneen" was
fullj as well remleii'il. Mr. W. S
lleatt, net j;ho a eurnot solo, fol
loweil' h Mr?. O'Cnnnur. who nanj;
"Kutl leen Mavournefli" wlileh, owln
to Hh hrllllmie.v, demanded recall In the
foiiii of "Sully In Our Alley." Mr.
Joseph T. Smith nuvo the umlioneon
pretty xnciiliutluii of "The Lt'iivox of I
Shamrock" ami was also compelled to j
hIiij; h secoml nuiiilmr which resulted .
in hcnrliitf Mr. Smith ;ie "An li'ltlf.
iiuiiih TiiaM. ie.i on ine protfinm
was a ocal duet liy MIhs May l-'Itunr
, 1 .. 111. . U... I'll, .'... . .. . . . I
aid ami Mr. N'U'linliin l.awlor, the hoIcc
tlou lining "I Fool Thy Annl Spirit"
ami il proved to ho one of the ntar fea
tures of tlio uvouiinr. Mi'h. AIoxIh IIhI
tor, whoso work in at all tliuen cliariu
liiK, acted as comluotor and ave a tin
IhIiIiij; touch to the various occllont
nuiulHifH on the pronrnin. Afior those
cmmi'Ihch the Iovoim of HiullKlit fantas
tic too oxorolmi were ylvcu an oppor
tunity to Indulge In thlrtincr favorlto
Mi-h. M. 1). Welch navo a ilnlljflit-.
fill luncheon for t lie lioartlH of tlio W.
('. A., tho youne; womonV dopartniLMit
of tho W. '('. A and the dispensary
phyHlclaiiHof W. C. A. .Momlay aftor
iiiniii. A ilelicioiirt luiiclieiin was
hm'VimI at l! o'clock, aftor which Mi.
.1. 1. I'mlerwood interested and In
Mructed tlio ImlioHliy an Inforuml talk
on tho workH of W. C. A. Sho Hpoko
of tlio Ih'kIiiiiImk ' u' w'ik. f "H
profcnt htutu ami Hh future outlook.
She also advlK'd roprcHontatlhCrt attlio
voi'UI'h fair. Shouhl tlio depiirttnont
ho represented it would Ik In tlio
organization room of tlio wonmnV
hulldintr. Tho KUCHt.s were .MeHilainos
ITndorwood, Hrace, Leavltt, Canlleld,
(Srillltli, .loncs, N'ictor. Seyholt, ICitii
mul, (iiMii'Ko Clark, KlnT, Dirrls, Mc
ICce. Sinlth, Hoot. McCorinlck, Hicks.
Sholes, Cliison, (iiiroutto, D.iwcs, Mar
laud, ll.irtrtilT, (iroh, I'lkc, A W Ka-t-onlay,
Walton, I.auo, l''H!klor, hav.s,
Hlcliards, Oroon, Kronclinyile, Wob
stoi Mud Ion, Klor, Coalls. Manning,
WliiRor, Hewitt, Clo-son. Turnur,
I'arker, hainb, Strong, ljnist, Hnwurn,
llluuliain, Dcwciwo, Oivf. Kvortn,
States Simons, llrunor. Holinv-'f, I'ddy,
linker, MUsl'h KIHijtti 'Mies lao,
Drs Huth M. Wood, Mlirftarot h
Sahln, Alma Cole, l.iulsa SinaUwiMHl,
Mosdaiues Vouiiir,, Wells.
11....... V2t.,,...l, I.'.., will.., tli. ,,-! I? ii'. t
ii, v-ll, .inn,,1,,,,., ,., ..,,. -j. ,,.,,, ,-
inor, (iliulo, r.lnr. l'ltohor, the
Mlssos H.U'dv, Cos. L minis, Parker,
van Hruut, Nowmau.
A delightful card party was that i
hIvimi by Mr. and Mrs. (ieorco Ilrown I
at tholV icsiilcnco Friday ovoiilnjr. '
Hljih live wns played and over it the'
eM'ited quests otmvit for Miproinacy.
When the M'diVh woro coniitcil it was
dUcovorod that tho lli-nt prl.c, a hand-,
painted chamois skin fell to Mi. I
Ulllmeyor, A beautiful olive dish to
Ml. Holyoko. Tho jfentleinau's royal,
a perfume bottle, was won by M. C.
TbouniMin, and the sec mil, a box of
lino clears was awarded Mr. A. I).
Hui'f. Delicious refte-hineiits were '
-erveil durlii"; tlio evening: The in-xltodKiic-ts
were Mersrs and Mes-!
dames 1-: K Holyoko, I) L Hrace, Hllj
II....I .1. , Itf I II II II !....
I -III I'll' K. iV .uuisiMi, ii i ' n,
A C. Hilliueyor, Hliiell. Clms Hani
monil. Geo Clurko, Ohm Keefer, Ueii
Hart let, K K Monro, II 1' Foster, A
Hurlbut. V K Yates. C C Hiihtim,
Iloxie. C Thompson, I'sher, StciiriiH,
A !) Hurr, Chas Hill, Henry Hall,
.1 1' Maule, W M Shlpinan, 1) W
Hrown, W K Ivlrkor, M Ohaiiuan,
Dranil Mi-s Apiilojjot, Or and Mrs
Dayton, Mrs McNlniiy, Miss MoMaii
nis, Mr Shaw.
Mrs. K. H. Haruoy nuvo a very pleas
'int birthday party Saturday afteriuMin
in honor of hor daughter Hessle. it
was tho eluhth birthday of the little
girl and her yir.ine friends brought her
inany lovoly V'lfts. Thy alterniHin was
spent in playing j.mim.V'. ulilut'Io'eloek
an ulojrant stippor win euri i' The
quests woro Kmile .Iiihiisim tv? Valpa
ratho, Kllnor HarlMiur, Cora Ili'i-wk,
Ituth Hell. Merian Hull, Paulino !,:
ors. Leah Muyors, Myrtle Meyoi-s, Nina
Hills, l-ollui Mills, .Mario wick, iv.m
Vaiiiloineio, Hertha Hush, Kiiiina HfJi,
Lucy Fi-ost, Clara Slado, Mnbol Hi() J
hoii, Mary Searles, Huth Muim'tr,
Mettle Meadows, Marion Uarnoy. Uuel
Buyer and Kdiiu Lawienoo.
Tho alumni of the UuW e-'-slty of
MIuhlKiin ifttvo a vury ';i?d2.sant recop
Hon In honor of the jjloo and banjo
eluhx Tuosilay uvotilnj,' at the homo of
Chaneollor und Mr'. Canllold. The
homo was beautifully decorated with
llowors. and dainty refreshments woro
served duriiij,' tho ovonliiR. Tho
Quncl trt
skstvW? .y
gnosis Included iilninliiniielnlervlt,
of Nebraska, a feu s ial studonlHiiii.l
'" "f "'' '"'""" ihii-I'-Iihih f Hi
"'" ' ' "" iimiiil 1H1I-.I.-III us m ...
I ho guests w-ir Messrs ami
;r'l,1,,1";M A ' S1,1H"!; :) s l" m,'mIl;
I ' '"'" , M '"l"",1' ''
' ,"" '" V . , ,', . .
';, ''TW V ' ,V ,", i , ,' l'
,' ll.-. I lloiwl . I rmd.
il I liiil I I II I F I liilwnili
'"" "' . " ""
Wllllmn M Croun. .1 W I uhluml. .1
Hewitt,. I I'saylm: Mi'Mlanie" .IiiIiii H
Clark. W.I I It mi. K si i in. .1 I'ltuer
aid: the Misses Sarrli lluiris. Ilntr
gnril. Laws, l.niiiiiiM. Wnlfe. Kniinle
Maker. Schwab, Klmer Wt'lhuus Itnu-
' i''"', AihIhim. Hnllh.nM. Klrkei.
'""' I ''- I I'.'.-inan. Miirv .I.hi.m.
Sntltli. Www WuUh. I.nln Chirk.
Clara l!chunlson, Llonum lta,imiml.
Mainl al(le , lliimi'iniiil, I m'eriiood.
Din ! . Crlggs
Mr 'I'. II. Kai'iuor, the well known
truioliug man. win tondoicil a i op
tion by M II. Weiss uf Helium, on
Sutui'iliiy owning lust. There were a
lurgi nnmli'i' of Invited "nests, uhu
had u line npprcoiutlnii of the eternal
Illness of tiling, ami in nnler that
there should lie mi contrast heiween
HH ,m, Wn,.sts. only noil loolUiij:
, wy, Mvlleil. The Inneh was
hiii. - I'Ii. "The after illnner talk of the j
1()st was liheral In ipuillt.x as well as
,maiilltv. lie was enramiort with ,
npil'lts ol nil, reinilllseuce ami re- i
imi'teo. ami charmed his hearers w Ith I
his hrllllnuci,. They all say I' was a
lilooiuliiK' HiicceiHs.
The forlnlL'htiv no nlon of si.rosls oe-1
furred till week at the home of Mr-,
K. II. 11.11'lNitif. Mrs. lleehe had eharne
of the uieotliitf, taking for her Hubjeet
"Tim l'lihlle School S-.tein." Aftei a
sm?'M. w!mmmmssmmM
I yftiL-'mimmfJ
Tii figuro on llm left ui'.irs a Ihiiish tiul.-t l uf minimiloiir xilk, tritnmi'il witli
rnvtui ho umiI fulih of nnnili; fill! skirt, with tlitvu vuw of triple llounciu. Tin sit
lint; iW'.'.v tltt lii)s it iriii cimIiiiim nf Miuir-cul tn-il lii'itt;iili!ii'; tint dmililu lullocti
hl.'inc.', t!io ili'i'it ruinr and thu ;t il it oil oa tint skirl am of ni'iMir Mlvit.
brief n view of earlier f.y.toiii of oil-1
ticntlnn umotio; the Crocks ami KcmniiN
tlio thoughts were di"i eted to tho (iei
man methods ami successes. The lio
and characters of I V.Mnta..l, Toebil
and Hobart have left life-lastlny: im-
. ,, ,:, ,, ,,.. ,,
, ,...-,...,.,..... ,.v . ......
oped child life aim thought sUhrior to
the other eonntrles of the civilised
world. The system of public schools
a carried on in tho I'nlted States l as
yet a lamentable failure and will con
tinue until their Interests can Ih di
vorced from polities. The meeting was
ofreat Interest, as the question was
one which every tntolllnent American
must carefully consider. Adjourned to
moot May I, with Mrs. Canlleld at
which time Mrs. Hrown will discus-,
"F.lectoral lloform."
Tlie F street Card Club enjoyed 11
very pleasant meeting at the lesldenco
of Mr. and Mr. F, N. S duw of lr. F
street Friday metiln. The members
of tho club present were Messrs. and
Mesdames Hrown, Hutehlns, Clark.
Hebner, Aitken, Helwi. Swan. War
ren, Mills, Sawyer. Tipllug, Dr. and
Mi. Casebeer and Mi's. Mannliivr. Tlie
quests were Messrs.
and Mesdames
llumilton, O'Neal, .1. .1. Dare, l). l
Davis, A. F. Hrown, Prof, and Mrs.
Austin Miss FurM, Mr. K. K. Moio.
Mi-s Tutlle and Dr. Casey.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Ii, Uarnoy enter-
tallied tho C Street Curd club Friday l
ovenlng. As It was the hist nieetingl
of this club, tho members voro loth to
part, and they stayed until an uiiiisii-
ally into hour, playing tho over enjoy-.
able high llvo. Tho inemhers present ,
woro Messrs. and Mesdninos Henry
Zohrung, W. Q. Boll, F. Shephenl,
Wiriok, T. V, Mungor, O. P. D.ivis, 1
l.iivc. A. V. Lane, lliebnrdson:
McrHi'M. ()'k(mmI, D.inlmr; the MIms
Zohrung. Si,nliii,.( iunilmni mill Mi".
Mr. anil Mr. W. I'. Wil-nn delight
folh 1'iilri liiliii'il 1 1 1 WliNt cIiiIiiiihI a
fell jjuesin last I lltltl Oll'lllllg. Aftl'l'
tlic oontc-t nii'l nunrdliig "f tin prlos
delicious iofiohin iiIm were ti imI.
The members pro-out note Messrs.
awl Mi -thinics Applogct. .1 A lluek
slutT. II lliiinhum. NCIhock. N C
Alii nit, I M It.mmiud. IJii-i'iic I'crry.
( ml I'miko. Ilurli'.. .1 l Wright, V. I
I Inline-.. Tin guests wont Mi', anil
" W " Wll""' Mt-. t'rliii nii.1 Mr.
Hut wood
Mr. and Mr. W. L. !aroulte of .".M
Ninth Twelfth xi t. delljihtfully en-
teitalni'd the Noxelty Card elnhSulur
ilny oeii!nc. 1 1 Itrli live was played
until a late hour, when the quests din
peix'd all Miyinc thin they limit-pent
n eharminu i-wniuj;. The rueHlH were
Merx. nml Met-dames l W. Snow.
Humphif.x. W. II. Win. -lor. Fred W.
StcW'ii'. I) 1-1. Keyen, M. II. Van Horn.
I'red A. Nelsin." C. II. Allen. Wells.
Ur. ami Mi'f. Caselt mm-and Mr. it!inr
' KelllllU.
Mr. an I Mr- .1. I. Hiiu of IllliStnth
Twenty evonth Hire t dellchtfully en
terluined a nuiuliei' of friendr. I'Yiilny
eellln. 1 1 i;ll lle WIIH the tfllllle.
over which the esciteinenl tfl'ew ill
lene. The 'uest . were Mesrs. and
Me-.hnues M.irk Wi oils. I'. M. WiuxIh,
I "ace. Hale. Calkins. Ilrown. Horner.
I'leketl. Trasls, (iuthrle. D.ncy, Me
Clusl;e. I'rank Woodn. I.niuli and
Mis, May Tral-.
MIi-k M 'i' Miller of Cilcio, sinter
'f Mrs. I). !'.. 'I'hoinpson. arrived in the
elt, Wi'iIiii'mIiiv nml will Hp ml several
weeks visitinw here. Miss Miller will
he of ieat i.erieo to her wister at this
Him' In arrani;iii'' their new Home, i- II-
. ... , . xi l
iceiiin aim ii. inr oi'i'iiiiiiii',. .hi. iui.i
Mrs. 1). K. Thoinioii elicct to he ill
their palatial new residence nluut .May
The Uev. ami Mrs. .lolm Hewitt en
j tertained a very pleasant tjatherinn of
friends Wednesda.N evening. Darlnu
the eveniii).' dainty refreshinents were
ImtxciI. The cuests w,,i,e K -v. and
Mrs. W. Walsh, Mr. and Mis. II. ().
1'hllllps, .Mr. ami Mrs. ( .ll.doro. ev,
'Mr. D. .luiie. Mr. II. .1. Walsh. Mr.
(ioor-jo M. Walsh. Mr. Walsh.
Miss Alice Sheldon has returned t.
her homo at lloldree. Neb., aftor
sp.'iidiiiK several delilitful weeks vi
Ulnir friends in this city.
Captain Carter and Lieutenant
Phtlllpjof the Sixth cavalry at Fort
Leavenworth wore quests of Lieuten
ant Pershing Tuesday.
Miss (iertriido Chambers ol Omaha
who visited her friend, Miss Shears, at
the HoU'l Lincoln for a week, returned
home Monday.
Miss Stella Klrker of the OnutUllK
rcportorial stall loft Wednesday for u
nionth's visit with relatives and friends
In Dos Moines.
Mi-s, It, U. DawiM, who has been
vinUIiiu: hor son, Mr.i -V (!. Uiwes,
returned to her homo In Marietta. O.,
Mr. Halph Piatt of '.r(..:vJLsland
caino down to attend the eoncot V, of
the tileo and Hanjo nJubs, x
Miss Mary Miller of O.ik Purl;, lll.
is ilsltlng her sl.ter, Mrs. 1). K.
Mrs. II. A. B.iboock und .Mim. K. C.
HalK'uckaro visiting in Ord.
'I'll i MIk-iw Chis-oii have i-iitiirncil
tnm tl visU , i)t.,, Moines.
Special prices on California canned
ooils for the next 'thirty days at LM7
M ttreot lm:.w.(lltoci:uv Co.
- -
Smoked meats, ham, corn beef and
chickens always fresh at the Lincoln
Favorlto inarkot, 121.1 M street.
ll Will (li,n unit V iitliiiix Inr
Miiiuliit Hut).
le ! ju.iin the f.tet that tht'lr place
of Iiii.Iiiims t not on ) ntrcet. where,
imfoi tanateh, they could not mViiic a
1. e.itlon tliln lli'iu hiH ilecid d to In
miiftitale a (iraml Surprise Sale for to
day ami M inlay, which will he truly
what lt iin-ie implies. There will lie
a multitude of surprises for all the
ladles, o.ieof the MirprisCH Ih the
choice of all their untrimuicil hatn fir
$1.00 each, which hac horetofoie lieoii
v'llhijr for It n.ii Al.7"itoW.."(l. I'Mowm-h
ami all other ;ottds will he '-old at cor
lespnmliuly Ion prl. '1-4 for this sale
only today and ' M ;i lay. at the
L I'lllvel'Mll Slirpriie -i.i'e, I'll'l S iuth
Klcw'iith stri'i't.
What would you do if insured hy
seieutitlc men that t i w .rid would
come to an end w itlilii the next twelie
weeks? The liiil' ll'ollliCtl MOM'l of
c.iu.llle ."aiumarii ns, "()me''a: The
liii-t Diysofllie Win hi " pioes to In
of till illlllLT interest. It i- i 'le e incep
tion of one of ,lu world's irn-at 'st as
tronomers, wolked nut within the
bounds of M'leutlllc possibility While
educating the leader in the most
im del ii phifc of M'ioui'c, it It, a- full of
intctvMlni; Hiirprbes in tlie Arabian
Knitrli ls Diitertalunieiit. The nml in
terest Injr part of this wi'iiderful m.el
is finiml in IiIh ilcM'i' of the tivpi
diition and expectutieu into whicli tho
people of the world are tliiowu. Im
iijrine t he comlitipti of tho (. ck ex
I'lintiU'e witli a fact of such iiupint st'ir
lllir llieiii ill the face. The opeiiiue;
chapters will be found in Hie April
number of the Cosmopolitan iuai;a.ine.
I'lobablyuo novel has ever been pre--ented
In an Aiiierlcin mairaine with
Mich illustrations as necimipnuy Flam
inariou's "Omea," which coinmcnccH
in the April Ci Mm olitan. In the lis
of illustrators are , he found tho names
of dean I 'mil Lain ens, i cliejjrosse.
Clioiln. Voyel, ). Saunier. Ccrardiu
end Meatlllo.
The April Arena contains tislronr
paper by llamliu (iarhtml on "'('ho Fu
ture of Fiction." Dr. Alfred Unoil
Wi.llat'o writes on "Tlio Waijo-Worker
and How he in.iy be Delivered from
tho Social (Jiiujriiili'o." W. D. Mi
Crackan di-cusscs "How the Initiative
ami Itefereiiduui may be lutroduceil
into our (loverninent." Kvu MoDonahl
Valesh appears in a striking paper on
"Tlio Teueinciit Hon-") I'rohleni in
New York." Uev. (ioo. Larimer writes
on "Authority in Christianity." ami
Mr. Flower disciii-e.s at length "The'
Uiirtiliiir ami I ynchinj,' of No.;roes in
thu South. " Other jtapers of interest
In this number are by 11. F. I'ml !
wood, ICatliarino Coolidjje. Chester A.
Heed, Itellen K. Starrott ami Allan
For mill.
liurr's ,i,.,.i) stun-'li, si',1,
Tlio failure of I,, liiiri', the jeweler,
tliis week has been tfeiieriil'y ",l' eau-e !
of niiich regret, especially by ohIclti-
ens. .Mr. Harr has dono business, here
since way hack in the seventies, The I
entile stock will no sold by the inort-1
(.ra'i cs. ci inmeiiciue; today ami it lsto
bo hoped that mitllclctit funds will bo' from the sale to net Mr. Il'irr
a fair amount of money after the inert
jj;neos hao been Mitislieil.
Velvet lluish ladles' hose, Mimetliim;
new, worth ('c. at .THe. apairatllor
iolsheiiner v Co.
You can llnil the best lines of Cliil-i
dron's anil Hoys' Clothing: and llatsat
HerpolslielniertV Co.
Kid (ilovo sale at llerpolslieinier's,
lliitllie.'l.iii lloiilK I'Iiij hn: I'nril.,
Now design, round corners lloxible
linen stock perinanent colors, worth
."ill cents. We sell them at !." cents,
(iood scheme to buy a few packs: might
need t hem this winter: euchre, whist
higli-tlvo. etc. I
A. C. Zll'.Miat. City Pass. Agt.
L. A. Hunistcad is selling W. .V H.'s
famous illl made to measure spring '
suits. Call and see t!n latest. :vitls
f.ietion guar.inteeil. Liudcll hotel
Millinery and ladies' hats reshaped
at Mrs. M. A. .laiiney's. V. M. C. A.
building Thirteenth and N.
We Guarantee our Steel
Ratine to be the best in the
market, and only a.slc $40.00
for it.
Our Gas Ranges; we hae
the Quick Meal and can show
you 12 different styles and
prices to select from.
Steel Range, Price Complete,
Leading Hardware and Furniture
TTrTQ .QT71? M
v.,.,.,-.:... .......... - - -. .-
L HKRE is scarcely a lady or gentleman in Lincoln but
d what is familiar with the class of work this studio turns
out. This way of novelty advertising has long been con
templated by us, as we originate plans and prices others
t.y to follow. We notice there are stores in this citv that
have tried to copy our novelty way of advertising, only on
a very inferior scale, by giving a photo worth about roc a
dozen. The photos we give you are the best $5.00 work
turned out at Noble's Studio, and the card is something en
tirely new and all the rage i.i the east. The "Columbus
Card" on the back is the celebrated picture, "The Landiti"- of
Columbus." When we give anything away it will always lie
the best. The same in advertising when we advertise a
bargain on get it If you have not already received a
purchasing card come to our store and get one, buy $10.00
worth of goods inside of 30 days, have it countersigned by us
and we will give you an order on Noble's Studio for half a
dozen of these Photos.
This Offer Lasts for 3 Days Only
(Successors to ). W. Winger & Co.)
Take a Look at Our
Millinery, Suits,
Waists, Gloves,
Parasols, Fans,
Hosiery, Laces,
Underwear, Handkercheifs,
Ribbons and Notions.
1039 O STREET.
1118 to 1 1.22 N Street.
& CO.
lt'XLIHItI II'tl'KtTeitl
Hot Air I'urn.'ices. Uuilder's
Ilatdware, Garlatul Stoves
and Ranges, While Mountain
Cream Freeze ts, Water C011I
eis, Rubber Hose and Garden
House in the City