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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1893)
CRPITHL CITY COURIER. IN UIULlilANT JIUES. NO LADY OF PAEHION NEED DE RE STftlCTLD DY COLOR. IMIf 1 1 it t a-r Snjs lliil mill l'nriln Am NtjIMi A lleullj siinili Wiiii I'nr llm out li I ii I Onlj- Online iiii'l Ti'imU Nnf illll'.- I.II.-IK III I tlllt B. (SimtIiiI ('iirn'niHiiiili'tirr.l Nkw Youk, April 'JO. - Aslib, from the question of becoiuingucss no lady now need restrict the colors she wears. S'.io can have u riotous red or ecclesiastical purple, or she ran wear the brilliant lino or tlio Oreen Nli-. They aro ull piutty, cvun though ho brilliant. Mmmk M t'l'ilrt t 'J's Wy a i)iti:ssY cut.. Tlio pretty short capes arc now seen in liriniary colors, ami 1m in tints anil shades. Some of them aro made to match costuinca and aro trimmed as tlio i wearer's taste dictates, rather than niter ) any one N't pattern, though nearly all of I them have thu plaited niir upon thej Hhoulders. One really superb wrap of , this sort had the collar of ribbed purple silk iiled with black lace. Thim came i the niir of magnificent purple velvet, i which, howovir, only stood nut full, without plaits and reached a little over the shoulders 1'eliiw t!ii'- was a i .po, reaching to the waist line, made ol thej cordiil silk (oveiech'wit'i black tlueail i lace. Auotlii'r beautiful cape in the same. J style was of olive given Velvet, the plait- i ed lull' ami cape ltunl with pale blue! ribbed sill;. There win- a standing rulllo ' of lined vehitat the in ok. Hut these ! hurt capes are by no means made ut ilct alone. It l". quite the tiling to have them of black silk or cash- i mere to nmti'.i gowns and lined with plain, light "olorcd silk or clmngonblo taffetas. of them are of colored goods, with black- lace frills and narrow ix'ad trimmings. One of the prettiest of this style is of drabcloth, with rich blacl: lace rufllo and leading around the bot tom. The upper ca e, which overlaps it, has two rows of very narrow passemen terie and another fall of lace abort) and the passementerie urrangtd so as to give the appearance of V shaped lapels. The upper cape has a row of beads sewn to it at intervals of nut-inch. This model could be followed more or leas closely, and no matter how changed or of what material it vas made u would be a pretty ami tin i-y cape. Let us cast our longing eyes over the new things in ihewayof dress irnods. They are so pretty and so choice that one thinks that, like the wine at ('ana, the best has 1 a reserved to the last. In wash dress iabrics there is a new ve lours do russe which is -i:i inches wide and costs about T."i cents per yard. It looks like heavy corded silk and is in all the richest colors, so that a truly elegant gown can be made of it. and it is war ranted to wash well. There are also h'v eral new ideas, all of them good, in French einb-.oidereil ginghams. Some of them hare large plaids, and on the cen ters of the plaid nearest the foot are em broidered dainty llowerets in natural but fast colors. Besides these theio are some lovely openwork crinkles in the tan and ecru shades and n large lino of empire brocade sateens, some of them as rich and lus trous as silk. There are also sateens with mdia silk designs, with a bright luster, and others ot foulard pattern. These siiteer.' art) all entirely new. At first there were other designs put for ward, which, though bcuu'iful consid ered as works of art, did not seem to please, but these are already filling that long felt want wo hear ot so often. M'lllMI !,' It'll Ms I lilt Tlir. YOll.S'd. In niiling and tiimi- there are cash mere llaiii.eli ti' in t w lured stripes and niiMiiii . 'I lien' ate i.lsiisouie new twill 11 .niiels iii t i-t 1 "hu-s, which are light, but M'iy stiniig, S iiiieof the light grades nl 1 hf new lm sacking checks will In . urn for outing 1 rucks, the cob ors bimg 1 in th heiupeii. brown oriiia- lllll.l. W .a bi rli'llllgs nl snliiii suitably cololed l ll trililllilllg slili lied 011, asrilf fit sand 11 iiiuu - n' an a bii.uinaUi.naud S. I' 'l.La, a liiiseiN mi ii'iih luiiuiiiaiu loads and tliii'iigh braml'h In id 1 Onr Hum.iu STREET COSTUMES. The fiRHMiiii tlm Ii-fl weiirs ii ilii'Hi of t;r.i.v Mckin.', ikws.mI with linen of chi'trio blue; tin' hell skirt mill ennui!' utn niiianinntcil uitli th'.tiie Mile liniiil mill lintlniii; I lie ticM-tittin;,' j.ii'ki't hiw Ihii.'i' pointed rowrx mill isi'iit "lt'M'H. Tim liu'lllc nil tlm lilit ilisl.i) i ii eot nine of iiIIh-ici n rlmllN, the full skill, Imli'iu j.iekit mill liitl 1 mil kIi-om icle trilinni'il uitli Cliantilly lure mill I ueliet tf the rlinllii. PCCUNIAP.Y CONDITION Or WOM"N. Only Tun Simill U Im Am llrully Inilepriiilent. There are no more marked itieiiualitii . in social conditions than are to be n-e i in the circuiustauces ot wot leu in this country The thoughtful must be cot' Htantly im)ii-"s.seil with a sense ol iiiuu tiffin tin uvervwher .striking contrasts which an1 ihserred. To one w..nian life is one long gal.i , nay. ller II inn; is tile aliinlenl lliaglllll- Cf.iff. lifsulf wiiicli the splendor i.l ,t siimcii iiu gi mi r.ery gin. im iiiiii- forcign court is less luxurious. I'm- her ter in what alllueut cniuinstaiifes she aro the rifhest silks, the finest laces, th may be born, should have some training rarest jewels. The most delicate and by which she cm support hei sell if neces costly viands tempt her fickle appetite, I sary. She will be none the less, but the horses and enuipages her biililing. I belter, titled lot a happy inarrieil life and entertainment sucei'fds fiiteitain-1 should a i-oiigeuial opportunity come to nient in fashionable places in their rr-! her. Nor would she regret under an hpectivo seasons. To another, who may bo her supi and of a more delicate organization, life , i may bo ono long working day. from the' "fell clutch of circumstance'." for which ' she is in no way responsible. , A large number of women are brought up to look to matrimony as their mle ' pecuniary resnurcc. They "speak of "niak- ing their market" and getting "well set-' tied" in life, and they sell themselves, or i aro sold, as truly as ever were the smith- em slaves, If they scene tor tlieiu-1 selves permanently every comfort and i luxury, many ot them are quite content, f. l,i..L'i,,,r nc. llw tf 1,. lint II, in. ,,,,,tlilli.u ni' ill, nniK ill' inv, ,,, ,iii.- ,,,i, -, ,i,iiii,,.-i , . ". , ' of woman loud. ,.,, , . . , , lhere are but two classes ot wuiii"n , , . , . , , ,.., elwi nt'.i ffitmiliitiiK liiilfitintiiliint 'I Ini ' s ! r. first consists ot those to whom money has Ir'cii beipieathed So long as this lasts its possessor may be her own mis tress So many losses occur from un fortunate investments and fluftuatioiiH of valuation that even this may not al wayii bo a certainty. The second class is made up of those women who possess enough physical vigor, literary, artistic, business or other training to enable them to earn money for themselves. These, women, so long as health is vouchsafed them, aro more absolutely independent than any other class, siuco they have the power to help theinstilvei under nearly all circum stances. There are, it is true, many win, art) so happily situated in their family relations with father or husband, so se cure in their knowledge of the estima tion in which they are held and the nf ruction which is superior as a possession. in iivcmgn wtiiiieii iiinii inn iiinsi einii' plete state ot iiid"peiidence in which they could possibly be placed, that, to tln.'iii, any ipiestiou of what wmaeii should have, more than is at present ; their portion, seems but the work ot mi- H-rerogatiou Hut there are many women m thin country whoso lines have not fallen m such pleasant places, whose constant and careful service in the home meets ami tan 1111 si ru.u in 11 e iinuii ' s w-ith no appreciation, either pecuniarily or 111 niiv other wav, and who arc obliged to "beg and wheedle for their share of 1 tlio iiroducts ol this world, which men 1 hae seized for tlieinsehe-.." It has In 1 n 1 well said bv some writer that chanty .does harm in two was iiitlatiug the I giver with importance ami humiliating I itH recipient. In this manner, to... are allected soiiio of thu lords of creation, I who am the donors, and 111 the latter way me women win aro tiieir oeiien , claries. A woman bringing up children, if she Im faithful to her high and noble calliu is engaged in a work which transcends all others in importance ami dignity, and in doing which she should be shield ed if possible from pecuniary an.Mety. t Tlio woman, too, vhoic iimnl and heait : transform the dwelling into the home is doing a work the beuetlt ol which cannot 1 be overestimated. It is well known that many women 1110 1 never trusinl b tin ir pniitits or tins baiiils with iiiiiiiix. They may have ev- ' 1 ry necessity purchased for them and j the costliest gilts presented In tllelil. hilt every ihihl knows the pliasiueul a lit I lu mi'oiiif which is itiiiiwu. to du with ab- , r,,,,,,"l '","" '"' '" I'l'""- tJ-iti laclli'll nl -It . I I T Wlllinllt sullle nlie thing 1 for the ul'.itllu . iiinii nl a i.m. or tin :n ii u nli isuri to i.iiii o'.i 1 Im Tin' practice ot lioliling lairs lias Iteeti inhoi atcd on the ground that ninny women who liae no iuo:ie to give may send t in Kt jn and other arlicles ol fnod which they can liaxe cliaiged lo their Inisliaiid's m tut 111 net mints with tlio liutchi r. Il is liuiiwn llial sunn wiiuiin obtain llliiliev b leilletllig then dlesi niakei's tn enlarge tin ir bills ami give In them tin dill't rence betwein the prnper aiiioiiut ami the sum chargeil in cash. l'he ivmeilv for the lutuic has alieadv oegim. inn is inn yt i ssieiiiao.eii or circumstances tlie knowledge of a power not necileil tor helselt, might be used for the advantage of others, Said a lovely woman recently who has exceptionally happily situated herself, "h, 1 have often wished that I had some way to earn money, if it were only .'II cents," so niany i-aine to her for help whose needs she was powerless to relieve, A:.'.v )i.i - lacuna i::irMiri; i. II . V. I.. I)a, ton. oculist ami aurist .,,. H'lill ( I street. Lincoln, Neb. ,., ,,, , ,. . .Miv. . I', dustier ., now , .. , ,,,, . ', ., , stock nf milliui'i'v, tlm II in -I ,, . .', lfll. is UIIW CO III) I'll'. i i spring I in tin- Mb" Anna Dick, Modiste, en-. Ilth and I' st-.. oM'i- l.iiienln Savings bank. K.C Baking I'owdei-. "."i ounces fori li."i cents. Absolutely pure. Have you i tried it' ' ' i Mrs. Met '!nc and Mrs. Kiismiii'.'t'r. llni'dii'ssiiiaking, I i'ls ) street. Mrs. Mer'arlnnil, professional L'.'ll South Klevelllh street. K.C. Making I'owdei-. .'.I ounc's for 'S cents. AliMiliiieh pure. Have you tried it? "The Mest" l.aunilr.v. los () htmet, li'leiihone ,i7!l. II. Towiisniul .V t''t.. I pi-iipi-ifiiii-s.. Mucolii. Neb. Miss Mabel Merrill, the well known artist, is again at her studio, room :i Webster block, where she will be pleased to execute orders ill pastel and oil paintings. I.i'ssous given. Mi- llertha Sn,dei ,.i 1 1 t'iiii"THiliiT !.'' ,.' ;"" ""I""'""" ' vwirk. and all kinds of shoi-t-hanil work ,pi,,IItlvan(i 1(,!lth ,.X(ll.llt,(l ,,;,,, ,.,,1 , ,, .. ,. ... . , street. Teh plmu iVI. Lllti'st IIOM'lties il spring Millliien. Illll' lilli , 1 .. , 1, .1, . ., m ,, L.. . 1 11 1 11 mi wuii i 1 ni' 1 inin uti -t ill tile fill. ( alllWcll .Si-lets ,' 11... .11, v .us , -vim 11 r.ii'vi'in 11 sm'i'I. ; M- M ,, u,,,,,,,,.,, uil. ),.,.,iK , ,, .Mauiruring. ri.onis HU-lni!. .".s 1 1 (,.,, ,,ti I No such line of canned fruits in the oily a shown by W. A. Collin v Co.. I III Sn.ltll K'.eveuth street. Ak .Miiirgriieei-yinan fur tin- WiltK-t-Hulling Mills" Kloiif i'luis. arM-,. lU'iipl-letiil'. I'hllllil'i' for "Utile Hatchet." N'lekli- l'lati'."auil Hllkei's t ',l-lailei' " ''.M'l'v sack- warranted. Al1 thi'i-i'li brat si Luinl. - I,,,!,,., and Mitcln'i' Tin.- Indies mid Miss,'. -I,...-- m D1111I11 t idth gn , it itui' hu't ini-i'ti 1 oriel' 11' l. si'i:u:if. 1 1 1 1 i ( 1 -n-i'i t W .11 .iti'i I, I iin 1 1 it NOT A C03T0N GirtU I n il tli" liiii'k. ti i lo In i i M i' ll'i M , in il I" I n ini n I mill tent nl!i tlii' mm Tituli'titTK M mill I). Ili" ill i mile III ii Ii I. ilSil.ilu, n I llill I. Il, i;illi'l t, !', Al II I III" l lit In. Il'n let, I. III! W li.ll "l. Ii " tin mm In Mi I. Illll llm l tit'lllii'i Klein linr i nlil, A" tm iciIiiijh mi) tlilnl. Mil Vjnil I" mill full, lint i tlm unit nlil Nui'tlmm lie miiIIi r Ink Ull miles nf ii-Bntii Unit me mill I" 'i rti nil.' tint i In, Alul Unlit li iitiiliit) llivinf ini I Hi'Mh.iIIiiiis .ik. 'I'liniiiily similes Hint tiltn luiil'i Anil ttiiiiiliui I i.illc. 1 lie mil)' Irctiiren Hint iltn lirnls Am llini (In.t I lintlti'. Ynii uuiiih i I in It nil mil) liu Ami tin i,n' i -'li '.nut. MifilltK'it i I .ililt. 'in. "Mil " Aii'.l.'h i, i I " a,) Intnl." .Ii.i n I.. I'.llllii'tl In Ce il ii i llliln't Uiintt tin t.iiicii.i';!'. Tlt" utic Inni'-i i le.i lug, ami the ear pets Wete i it till the line l.l I lie tin III t, when a genteel, t el I ilressul, well eiliirated tramp caiiin iiliiuu ai I intlieil lilnt-elf in eat "If I tlM' Mill 'llll llilllltT. Witt Mill '.lull, I i those I,ilti's'" sl.ed the I t I nl till' I - nil l I or, w ho hail staid I'niiii linei hi Inisiiusi I to mow Hie Intuit, lie j i ii 1 "I "III illileiil, sir," ti .i'i'ii!eil the tnillip III 1 : 1 1 ti 1 1 -1 1 . Ilespii'.i I. i'Iii niiil I il'eelt III aiieiptall) lliietil I i nun t Hewn Mm una ' I'Mi'lleiil illliliei Tim n tin' tni nf n llit.ii'ltai' lei, ullh II hi' lite s 'tillii" mil tlir Innel, I hat the dinner When he hail Unified nil uitli a pall of eleiil, lefii slim h"ilraut I water, lii'fnhh'il his lent like the A1..I1 mill SIII'IIIIV sunn mill) I lie lliaslei' ill Hie Inillsf titole alter him. "Seeheie, ln tiienil, Jittl said .Mm xmiiiIiI uliakf tliosf ciirpi'ti " "I did. sir." "Dlduhaf" "Slmkf tlifin." "Why, ynii never touched them' lltnv dure .Mm" ! "."ill I. mi' ttoinl sir. .Milliiiil.s vim uic i lint familiar u il li t he IntiKMifte h i sirnl, If iiii 'shake a man, It means 1 1 ml un gite him the i.nhy Thnsaaii imI Ii i .ii pels - tlliileistiimliv Mills1" , Me ilniluid a Itiltet nf im in. I ami disnp , peaieil lulu the llliKtiiiw It. t 'n'i his I lliil elllt'ltllilli'l' went'U In lllllll I I I he ilehl Is ' for the diet iitliai) llelrnit fuel less I Ilet Wiiv ".MisssM m in llmiiuht shewn i lining fun with me,"saiil Willie Wislilnetn n urn phieeittly. "Iml she .te n't." "What's tlm 1 1 1 v ' "Sll, killil lilt f , ill, I, mill II nu flu I iiilinl , .it , ... .... .... ,;, . ., .. .,,, , ...,., , coinpliiiieliteil "Vis" "Hut I wasn't What Mte laiant was that she finiii'l tiiea linie." Wasliiiiliia Star llt'itse leniiriiine. Tlm sehiiol triisli'ii nf Dislilet. No III, I On lislnlk (iin iiship, elusi'il I he liner nil t In- ' t'till tur it iiIiiiiii'i ml I'tfit linf fit m it It ml ' iimktothestni)iiiiili pat liinktt I I IMIIIU ' "I O III III 111 I i 'I I I If II llilll "Thai makes t hi en iis that's wauled tn i teach the scIhmiI," he siililiiiiui.eil ti";ict' tally, "Unit I'M) lied to refuse been, they tlidli'l seem In niiilei-l, 'lliil mine nl the prln tiples nf grammar." -( 'hieanu Ti ihiiuu Art'iiitiiiiiiiliiliiii;, Lj'Vh" vat2u? MlssCarlmrt -OiirMi'ipiiiiiitaint'luii hct'ti j iislmri thai I iiel I itiiuht lo Know more about im liefure I enn consent tn Ihioiiii' jour wife. l'elham I'arker (stilllj) Very well. I can icfcryoii to any of (hegirls I have Isen eiigiiKcd to. Cliih. A CorrerJIlin. "Von are the mil) K'rl in all the wide world that I have ever liixed," he said to i lie iioston miiiiit'ii. i "I am deliuhted to luar ou say mi," shu , iiiiswereil, "hilt I think 51111 ate hardly cur ! ri'''' '" Kl5'"t ,'lt' ""''' "orld. Kniiiid ii'ini iiuni im tiriii'i. 1 in Miini is ,,, slmhily llattfiiitl at thu pules." v,.w-vrl ., : ' ' 'I'liti One Kiri'iitlini. llenlil- No iwo iieniihi ever seu a thing rn',. " . - lie., lit Thiukit Wi II, tliil yon ever see two men 1 simultaneous!) tench fur a .V) cut piece on , the sidewalk' Detroit Tribune. (I'ttlliK Imlile. Chawles What are you going to marry her lur if you don't like her IMdie Why, nu si-e, I owe her lirothcr n-veral huudnils, and he won t waul lo be S'M'in in ilealuiu with a uieiuher of the family, ou know. Chicago Ileenrd WIimiIiik 11 lie I . Deacon IJukic I liollied that ymt siruied M IV ileeply interested ill the senium tills iiimniug. "'es. Von M'o, I had het .limes j'J ll nl I cuald May awake until eliun h was nut " Clilcauii Inter Oienii Hit I'iIiiiiI. 1 Miss Khler I th'uk it w.'isti'iil mean m j 1 hi lo ti II .Mr. Jsi,itts I it as m.iis 1, M Miss I'iisiIIi k -Wh. , .Mm stiii ilnln'i Want llle tn till him Imu uhl tmiliiilly Were' . '"gill'. r. 11 in ut. n- lb Dailim.- w ill -In t, if Hi, 11 s -1 A N III Q 'i - V ;'" Ye'. r&M V ONE WEEK AGO Wi' issued a Ciiiiiliu, lltllTHIf; Illll' llllllHIMIlflllS. ol that tiiciilni was the olfci o a iiiMiiiniii of Six Caliini'l I'liotos, I'M't uti'tl tn tin- most iiitistir mamici Im w lilt li tin1 Hclipsc Stutlio is iimiowiiimI. I'hr iiiHimia lion piililislu'il iy niir of oiii i ompi'titni',, that iin an-tin- oiiKiiialois ami that llir h'.t lipsc Stmlio fiiiuisit's iiileiioi woik. is a MASK I'AIJKICATION ami M siiliiint tin- fat Is to the intelligent pnlilir, with full con liilemetli,it the renin I will vimlii.ite us, as we tint pmre liv the ilate when mil t in ul, it was hiiiuluil to the piuitei. that WIC oiiginated the olfei ami ilisilaeil a liaine slinwing the ipialtty of the Will I,, in out west wimlow. hilly ONI' W !:!: K ACiO l!ll Sin wolth of gooils. ti v hall iloeii ol ('.iliimt IMlotos linm the I'.i hp'.e St lldlii , mil lie i onvillt ed in' lllisiepleselitatiiiils air lesoitetl to to t ,il( Il ti.nle BLOCH II IK I Is nlti'ii loigotteti that i ilH'M I le dm . nut liki It IT IS NOT JI IK - tin WI .11 Kl'ssKls lUTTOX Sunn- 1 1,-,. lil.At'K IN I. ACT. pi in-; I ID. OUR f STOCK r OR MONARCH GAS and CASOI.INI- STOYkS. GURNBY - KKPRIGEKATORS And Kitclit.ii I 1 1 1 llsIMirs C.-ilI .111(1 SCI' lis. m. tJ. mam, & BRO. WASH GOODS LACE CURTAINS I'k-iu1) ' iiuih:iins, Sateens, l'mires, Datniettas. Satin Cilin wis, Outings, C'alit (je.s, ett . A sin. ill .iinmmt of money will f,'et a dress. I-aees aiul Kinbioiclei u-s X'ciliii'fs, Corsets, I Iandkeivhiefs and small notions. See 0111 cj.Se and $1.00 Kid (iloe.s--Nne better. Ilosieiy. "!;ast Mack," inc to One Dollai j)t.r pair. I '.lark." l.aee L'uita'iis, S.50 I'm - $.)5 Laee Cut tains, $5 00 l''m' - - - $3.jiS Ii is,li I'oint Cm t., $().i 11 I 'or S0.7 5 Irish Point Curt.. Si 2.00 I'm - .?S 05 It ish Point Cm t.. $1 uu l'or - $1 1 00 iMACFARLANE BROS. A l.l. ollUI.Its I'HOMI'TI.Y I'll. I. I'll I 'l.l lll'Cl'l',1111, I'lllll III", I .l,w - I i I mill ctinin I 1 s , f all 1,1 spk::;.!.katks 'iv pai; Ti-U pin in. M.I iiaiiiing hici ini pi it-en ami Olll' ()l till- HMl'Cllll flNltlllt'S St KOHN, i I I i iiitd i i ("5 ( ) Sin-ft M A N shoes an- not uh.'ls suite I to III1 gill sillies NECESSARY. 111 2's. 8"s lii J's if G. YATES., ll'JM (ti) ATttvect M ist (.'umpli'te .int.' ut tliu C'tly. Printed and Dotted Swisses we ate I he prirt's '.Mbcii Economy c.ii.nthiifM .. Jtorc E. C. ROBERTSON. Itii'inl ami "til'RCH Si t ' I o U i)J I'Stfi'i-t - - .ZZ5v b I U 1. it' 11 1 u t