CHPITBL CITY COURIER, i in !! ri y -, - BSmcSffiESai ''' J T?rt9$8&5oZstiiN&fflY,K m- ' "Mm 'jrifwr w&vwj gjraondir; fss-g tlio iMipulnr IMimimiiiiI Hour lub in- OlllVtl lit tilt' Htlll UlHMlllI till lllHt l-YI- (luv i'nliiK, anil lirllllmit ulTiilr It .. .1 i ...., iitniii , mi win. nil' iiiriiir iii" i" ..... of jiivkimiIh Iiu'IihIimI ii nlhor li'H m-I of h. piece from tin Knltflit 'rVmpliirH. hIIm r wallnri a lnon lifter illniic-r i-of-fio hiooiih from linn. I'lt.niralil: a w't of jirarl IiiiihIIimI IoiIm1 anil fork frori Mr. KriMli lipoid lltii'il niup iiiiici irom . .it .i. H..I.1...1 .....1 llimttiirml Willi I oriiiiuiiii mk".. ...,,,,,,,,., .Mr. O'.NVI ; u koiI Iii.mI lly mhoii l,l,li;,.ry.lm..vrHul.o or, , ... "(vim Ml, ,, $,,. Ml.W,.: ,. iu iil ho twooti tliiMlniift'H. Ili' lm ,' , , .. ,,, ,,, .,, "iii ;;' !;;",:!;:"!' ;:' J-zwTi;; m .. I (I III' llllll IMIIIIUI' p unill limn ..i........ HlHtloiioil at olio onil of tlio room, fiirn IkIumI oxipiUltcnnirtli' for tlio ilnin''i'. Sovoral now fi'loctloiw wore glvon, mid ai iimiiiiI, uiim tlio lilnlioct onlcrof ilani'o music. A iiiiiiiImm' of hwhh uoro prt'M'iit toonjo.v tlioHlylit. At I'lcvon uYllH'k II llltU'llCOII Ullrt wTVl'il In tlio ordinary. Tlio IihIIoh iippeiiivil In ovoiilnii t'oMiiini' ami iiuni) now now im woro noticed. Tlio ccnIiiiiich vmm-o: Mrs. (ioo. Mrown. Il'lit Imio civpo, liluo xllppoi-rt, fun anil jjlovon: Mr-. I-'. V. Ilrown. vlolol crepe miiilo oinplro, crciiin nloxos ami ullppoiw, iIIiiiiioihIh: AIi-h. I .adil. lonion coloicil crepe with lilaok volvot trliniiilnliH, 'iluek hiiIIii hUppors. Itliick jjlovi's: Mr. HonUlo. pink Mlk lmulo oinplro u Itli jjIovoh ami Hlippoi-H to corroMpoiul, pink nwc: Mrn. Llpplneott, puro whlto ilotloil mull, wlilto ulovi'n ami nllpporH, illmiiomU; Mm. UnckMiitT, jialo yollow silk utilize ovor lUvpor yollow hiitln, yollow Hllp porn gloves ii'ml fan; Ml l.atta. pink oropo do oliluo, pink glovo, fan and roHon; Mrn. DoiiiiIh, lioavy black watln a iniiilo oinplro, black KiitlitHllppci-H; MUh Climnborn, Unlit uroy oropo with trim inlnjjH to correspond: MIhh Fnnke, pink silk, decollete, pink iosch, nllppoi-i anil jjlovt'ri; Miss Shears, palo yollow oropo with trluiiulnuH to inatch; Miss Clark, beautiful combination of jjivoii mi cadod satin and pink volvot; Miss Do l'uu, cream orepe, orcam slippers, glovcx, fan and roses; Miss (trltllth, wlilto brocaded silk with whlto slippers and glove; Miss Marshal, whlto bro caded satin trimmed In beads d'arnont; Miss Klttlo Cowdery ,plnk silk com bined with Unlit brown velvet; Miss Allco Cowdery, bluo cropo mado em pire, blue slippers and gloves; Miss Hammond, cream silk net over cream silk, cream fan and gloves; Miss llortlo Hurr, whlto sill: with whlto trlminliinn: Miss Whlto, combination of whlto oropo and groun volvot, whlto slippers; Mtss Maud Hurr. whlto dotted swlss Hindu omplro, whlto slippers, glovon and fan; Miss Wilson, whlto silk with rlblHin trimming, whlto roses; Mrs. Mulr, Unlit yollow cropo with yollow sllppei-s and nlves; Miss I 'arson, palo bluo empire nown of silk, bluo slippers, fan and jjIovoh. The jjiiosU eoinprlsed Mecsrs. and Mcsdauics t!eo. Hrown, !'. W. Ilrown, l.add, Ilenklo, Llpplncott, HuekstalT, Dennis; Misses riuuubors of Omaha, Lutta, l-'unko, Shears, I 'lark, Do l'uo, Orinith, Marshall. Allco and and Klttlo Cowdery, Hammond, Maud and Uortlo Uurr, Whlto, Wilson and Carson; Mowrs. Fiinko. Winn. Mea ner, Uurr, Dornan, Fltnerald, Bald win, Dawes. Hurr, Andrluno, Smith, St. .lohn, Keatlnn, X.ehrunn. Uino, Krun, Younn. Marsliall, .loyce. Hatha way, Morrison, Walto and Maker of Ueatrlco. Tlio larno and pleasant homo of Mr. and Mrs. Will Tyler, 808 D street, was tlio scene of a pretty and Interesting' mustealo on Monday evcnlun for the benetlt of tholidfaliin fund of the Holy Trinity church. The house was hand somely decorated with larno bouquets of choice cut llowers. The atTair was arranned by Mrs. Tyler with the assistance of Mr. Seamark. Tlio pro grant was jtorfect in all Its apiiolnt monts. Kaolt ono of the performers ac quitted hliutolf adntlrahly. After tlio program resreshinonts were served In the dining room. The ulTalr through out was exceedingly enjoyable and pleasant. The program Is as follows: 1. Piano solo "Kn Houte." Miss Mlanche .loluisou. 2. Marrltonu solo God Guard Tliee, Love. Mr. Kltherrlng. II. Vocal solo Howder Monkey. Mr. Seamark. 4. Violin solo Majurke. Mr. Menzondorf. Ti. Vocal solo Cononetta. Miss Maud Wakley. . Hecltatlou Mks.Mawle. It. Piano solo Choplns March. Mrs. Menzondorf. 8. Duot Cheerfulness. Miss Ijiw, Mr. Seamark. 1). Recitation Miss ltaimes. 10. Piano solo Galop Prilllonte. Miss Tyler. 11. Vocal solo MisA Law. J2. Violin and Piano Duet Misses Gregory and Whlto. 13. Song... "Our Father In Heaven." Miss Gertie Tyler. Mr. and Mrs. James Tyler, IKl't K. street celebrated the silver anniversary of tholr wedding Tuesday evening. The homo was beautifully decorated with cala lilies and Kaster lilies. Tlio chundcllor, sideboard and mantels woro draped with graceful festoons of smlliix. Above tho parlor doors were the date 1808-1803. Tho guests were 4recelvod at the door by Mr. and Mrs. Tyler. Tho ovonlng was spent In pleasant so cial Intercourse which was diversified y refreshments which were served during tho ovonlng in the dinning room by Sutton and llollowbush. Tho guests left somo hundsoino romouiloranccs which will make Mr, and Mrs. Tyler ngo si Mrs. .limes; u doen oxidized silver spoons from the Kensington club; a lion bon dish from Mr. and Mrs. (ireeii: a set of nut picks from Mr. and Mrs. 1 learn: a bou bon dish from Mr. and Mrs. .lames Ulvett: a silver card re ceiver from Mrs. Ileuton, Mr. mid Mrs. Kil. II.Nile: a silver erenni pitcher from Mr. ami Mrs. Muls: a souvoeiilr spoon from Mr. and Mrs. Mornan: a pie knife from Mr. and Mrs. Waldo. Mr. and Mrs Minion: a si ver tooth pick holder from Ml-s Wampler: two en t ghisM bot tles from Dr. and Mrs Carter: Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Dew esc, pleklo fork. Draiiil Mrs M II Garten, Major A G Hustings, lion .lohn Fltgcrald, Chas Hammond, Dr. I O Carter. . I II McClny K M, Thoiuax Cochran, llev .lohn Hewitt, A D Kitchen, .1 II Mauritius, .lohn MeWhlnnie. W .1 Turner, M () Phllllpi, Henry ohrnng. C T Hoggs, .1 K Honeywell. .1 II D.ivles, W II Davey, WC Davis, Austin Humphrey, A K keiinard, KT Huberts. F W Mart run", .las 1 learn, K M Hyde, .las lleatou, CWHoxlo, .1 II O'Neill, A Dolwon, Frank McCluskoy, Wallace, Dr F Green, C C Waldo, W I' Jones, Jas Klvolt. John Mlvltto. O N Hinnphroy, M P M Miller, It Moyce, C II Itudgo, T Med Cloud: Jim Chapman, Conrtlaiul; Low Marshall. The prizes given Thursday evening were won as fol lows: .Mrs Miieksnitl, a dozen pretty butter plates: .Win MeMmmls, a hand some sofa pillow; Mr Myron Wheeler, a box of delicious lliivnna's and Dr IjiiIiI a beautiful cut glass reit for tho curving knife. The Miivola club gave Its lint party of the -eiiMin on last Friday evening at Temple hall. No party of tho hoiimiii hits been more enjoyable and It was a llttlng elo-o for so pleasant n Hcason. The club was organized in the fall mid the parties of this year have I eon marked with a great degree of success and congeniality. Friday evening the ladles all appeared in evening dress, which lidded much to tho brilliancy of the party. At eleven o'clock the guests all' repaired to Sutton .V Hol low bush's where mi elegant luncheon win served. Dancing was agal-i In dulged In until the weo small hours of morning. The guests comprised Misses (.'race IliiuWliigor, Georgia Camp. Helen Hoover, Jennie Stewart, Daisy Cochrane. Grace Asli'on, IJInlle I'oslon. Fdnii Curtis. Florence Winger, Jo Lottiidge, Louise Fowler, Dura Hurley, Ada lleaton. Kiuornld Jones, Delia' Seholleld, Mlauebi' Garten. Messrs Park Gnrroute. Clougli. Fred Cooley. Ora Ward. Harry Lvaus, Merrill, Geiirue Johnson. Arthur llariner, Guy llonet well, Clarke. Ilarrv llmiev, Arthur Cooke, Arthur Walsh, Hrauk Kitchen, Wilson Winger. Mrs. S. It. Nesblt has just com pleted a liii'i.'e and handsnmo niautol which she has carted at the reiiiest of tho ladies committee t if Pawnee county for tho World's Fair. The mmitel is to he soul to Chicago soon by those ladles and Is to be stationed in Nebraska's building as their dona tion towards tho display. Tho man tel Is nine and a half foot high ami six feet wido. It was mado at the Nebraska planing mills and Is of cherry wood with a smooth polished lliilsh of mahogany. Tho designs have been carved In this mahogany llnlsh showing the natural color of the ' ' wSPm ' -i r rnj9m.zurs,?si!- n ka7vscs fHYitran u r. HIIIBIIllltinnUi&tik I In Yfflluft "fe5,Cw0y;HMMnilWw pmjg KECEVTION GOWN. S Mimiers, J W Doweese, V. l1MorgMn, W II Tyler. Ed Mlguell. T F Liieh. John Stlre, A Guild, F J Osher, Sum MeClav. L J Mvors. L D Woodruty, A Marshall, A A Mead. A M Davis. A Kearns. W K'earns, T II Menion. II J W Seamark.Sollingor, L Plowman, Mrs Day, Mrs Woodhoiise, (Nebraska City,) Mrs Hathaway, Mrs J McCIiuhiiii,MIs A Carter, Misses Maud Hammond, Messle MartrulV, l'liinia MeWhlnnie, Maud Tyler, Wakelln, (Jraco Tyler, Hello Wampler, Mcsslo Turner, Mertle Hean, F.stolu Ttiro. Whlnnio Hearn. DrG llSlminond.s, Major Ilaz.lett. KM Glen, Ed States Jas Wampler. A J Tyler, K W Tyler and Jus Tyler, jr. Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Mrown enter tained their friends in a charming milliner on Thursday and Krlday even ings. Their homo w s bountifully decorated with palms and ferns. Thursday evening was devoted to tho game of hearts, Krlday evening high live held tho attention of the guests until r. late hour. On both evenings dainty lefreshnicdtH were enjoyed by the following guests: Messrs and Mesdaincs J M Wright, II M Patrick. H It Nlsslev, A Hurlburt, .1 C Allen. C T Hrown. II P Foster. Martlett It E. Moore, W E Wilson,.! A MuekstatT.L 1) Mnice, Gil Clark, A G Mlllmeyer, A S Hurr, A W Jaiison, Dr Dayton, Hull imiii, T II Murton, Ed Hignoll, C E Yates, Chas Hammond, J O Allen, E M Applegot, It I) Stearns, K W Maldwin, E E Henkle, Sutton. 1) W Mrown, T W Little, K W Mrown, W M Shlpman. S II Shaw, W M Har grcaves, M E Whoolor, Mark Tllton, It II Oakley, C L Llpplncott, 1) E Thompson, J W Winger, C T Ladd, E E Mrown, Dennis, E P Ewlng, H P Maule, C Keofer, C Hall, L C Hurr, W Mrown, E Holyoko, Mi's MeMannls, not forget tho occusslon soon. Tho list C E Raymond, Omaha, Mr MoNony, wood. The designs, wnicli lor tho most part are ongiuu1 tf't)i Mi-s Xes bitt. are artistic luth '.xlnnio. They consist of corn, cur -tails, wcdhlne, wheat, oats, inaplo haves, ami other things that are native products with this state 1 ho iMinlers, which are partieulaiiy artistic, are very skill fully done. Mrs. Nesbit was assisted by Mrs. T. M. MaGaliay on tho bor ders. Mrs. Nesblt t has been dili gently at work carting the mantel for live weeks. She has dono her work remarkably quick and accurate. This piece of art will certainly do the Indies of Pownee county credit. V happy wedding occurred at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Keeper l.0" P street Tuesday afternoon at which time MissMinuie Keofer became Mrs. J. 1). Humphrey. The wedding was quiet mid unostentatious, only the relatives anil immediate friends being present. Rev. Dr. E. II. Curtis olllciat ed. Mr. Humphrey Is a mail well known in traveling circles, while tho bride is a charming young limy, hating resided In Lincoln font number of years. Tho happy couple went to Chicago whore they will spend two weeks after which they will bo at homo in Lincoln. Mr. mid Mrs. L. M. C ihu ontortutned a company Wednesday ovonlng compli mentary to Miss Meeklo Spolsburgor who will depart for her homo in Koo kuek, Iowa, next week. Miss Spols burgor has been In our midst for the past live months enjoying the kind hos pitalities of her sister Mrs. Kohn and lior many Lincoln friends regret her departure, ltallroud high-llvo was the program for the oyenlng, tho lucky prize winners being Miss Tilla Merkson who captured tho tlrst prize, an ele gant silver hairpin box, tho gentle men's tlrst prize was carried away by Mr. Alfred Eisner. Tho consolation were awarded to Mr. E. Ilecht and Miss Olive Friend, tho former a rattle box and the hitter a tin whistle. An elegant repast was spread, compris ing all the delicacies of the season. Tlio following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Keeiisky, Misses Tlllle Merkson, Anna Marr, It a Frank A. Steiuler, Hertha Seligsoln, Amanda Kohn, Ida, Aline and Matilo Friend. Messrs. Leoiitillgeuhiim, Sol, Merkson, Hugo Kithu, Henry Mayer, A. Elmer, E. Ilecht. Chas. Gunnison, Simon Greenhauin, JnkoC. Oppenheluier. W. K. Klynn, a gentlemanly con ductor of tin Puioti Pacillc, was in the city on Wednesday evening shak ing hands with friends. Mr. Flyim is a popular man with tho olllclals of his road and it is only to bo hoped that tho Piilon I 'initio will add more of the aeeommiMlallng men like this gen tleman to their train so rtiee. Ho makes friends for the road and com mands patronage. It is a still rumor In certain circles that tho day Is not far distant when ho will be one of the superintendents of that railway system. A miinber of the senators ami their wites and some of the state otlleers formed it merry part.t that left Wednes day for a trip to Deiiter, the Rockies mid Ycllottst'iuc Park. The company ehartereil a special train ami expect to he gone about two weeks. The partj is compo-i'd of Lleutenatit-Goteriiiir Majors, wife and daughter, Senators Moore and wife, Kgglcston and wife, Scott and wife, Miller and wife. Corrcl and wife, Low ley and wife. Pope aid wife, D.ile and wife, North and llahii. The well kiiownsiuiling countenance of Mr. C. It. Itlehter of St. Joseph, once it gallant Ltuenluite, was visible 111 the elt.t a few days during the past week. S line people continue to won der why "Mob" makes these periodi cal visits and to dispel further query the CoUKIKIt will state that he has some unsettled business alTuIrs here yet that demand occasional looking after. That is all.(') Mrs. L.C. Hurr entertained ntiiimhcr of gentlemen friends at dinner Wednes day evening. An elegant dinner was served in courses and tho liouutiful home was rail lent with lovely surround ings. Mr. and Mrs. Hurr seem to have a faculty for entertaining that is al ways most delightful ami .cttainly ap preciated by guests. Mr. mid Mrs. Wilson very pleasantly entertained the whist club at their homo HHt'i M street last evening. The usual whist was played diversllicd by charming refreshments. The club is composed of Messrs. ami Mcsdauics Funko, Abbott, llatvley, Perry, Wright, Margraves. Appelgate, Mroek, Ray mond. Mrown, Muriiham. Mr. F. (J. Zohrung left Tuesday for Hot Springs, Arkansas, aeeompaiilud by his mother, In whose lniialf tlio trip is made. Mrs. Xehruug was quite weak when leaving here, but It is hoped and expected that u few weeks at the most will secure the niiie'i desired recuperation. Tho business college hoys gave a remarkably pleasant dancing party Saturday night at the business college. Dancing was Indulged iu until mid night and till present had a tine time, lees were served during tlio otoniug by Sutton Hoilowhush. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Funko cut rtaiucd Mr. llavolan, tho celebrated manu facturers of Havelaii china, and Mr. Volkin of New York Tuesday. They are on their way homo from the west and st'ipped oil' tosp'iul the day with Mr. and Airs. Funke. Miss Elllo Steen left Saturday for St. Louis to be maid of honor at the wed ding of her rriend Miss Lily Wright. She will return Monday. Miss Wright has visited in Mils eitv several tunes mid has a number of friends here. Tho Century club held Its regular hl-ntonthly mooting Tuesday afternoon at tlio homo of Mrs. Hartley. An in Urestliig and Instructive program was given. Mr. ami Mrs. S. S.'logsolintvith their daughter Miss Nettle and Mrs. L. A Ksonsky returned Wednesday from Kansas City where thoy have been vis iting relatives for a week. .miss . milliners oi omaiia came down to visit her friend, Miss Shears at the Hotel Lincoln and attended the pleasant hour party. Sorosis meets Monday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. E. 11. Maiixmr. Mrs. Heche will lead on the subject, "Our Public schools." Mrs. W. (i. Cochran of Los Angeles., is visiting her old school friend. Mrs. W. II. MeCrccry. and will re main until Tuesday. Miss Lulu Krone entertained, pleas antly, a number of young lady friends on Thursday evening at her homo on South Ninth street. Mr. and Mrs. It. S. Thompson mid daughter Fay loft Monday for Chicago whore they expect to remain for tlio future. Miss Cora Hardy returned Friday from her winter's trip to Sutherland. Kin. She has gained much in health. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harris left Wednesday for Crcston, Iowa where thoy will reside for the future. Mrs. McCreery entertains friends at dinner this evening In honor of Mrs. Cochran of Los Angeles. Mrs. K. Tlerney of Teciinisoh is spending the week with her sister Miss Clara Carmody. Mrs. C. 1). Kerr left Tuesday for Texas where she intends to spend sov oral weeks, Miss Allco Sheldon of Holdredgo, Neb., spent Sunday with Mrs. M. 1). Welch. Fine Novelties 1 N DRESS GOODSO Wc arc closing out all our Fine Dross Robes and Kxclusivu Dross Patterns AT COST, and in sonic oases loss. Don't Forget About It. Next week we start slaniihtoiin need a Tea (iown, a Wrapper, Party Dross (roods. If you or Street Dress, come next week. starting Mom ) Woolen Dress Goods. You can buy ..-inoh Imported Sorgo, all colors, worth 6oo, Sc. Black Dress Goods. 36 inch Henriettas at ... 3S-inch Henriettas at Mohair Hrilliantine, worth 75c - BLACK SATKEN. We wil Bettor I sell pou a nice ;rado at grade at 1 2AC 19c -So .jyc ye 5 Krug & Co. (Successors to J. W. Winger & Co.) 1109 BaElETT. Take a Look at Our Millinery, Waists, Parasols, Hosiery, Underwear, Suits, Gloves, Fans, Laces, Handkercheifs, Ribbons and Notions. J.H.MAURITIUS & CO 1039 O STREET. World's Fair Excursion Rates tiiky wu.i.i'iatMir . 1.1 Till' utoM illn -:-.MA.Mt!OTII KNOW 10 CiO, I lonliMs lii the" y yv"N TIU'XK I.IXi:,-; - TV" Vjl NA.HTlIi: V'! A 'iflWrmTO. "ia W'i sVy Lincoln Trunk Factory. It is the. only unu class lino in the city, and all should huy your tickets over their line. Trunks, Traveling Hags, Extension Cases, Pocket Books, Dress ing Cases, Straps and everything first class for travelers. If SC(t t VfjjiC - i