Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 15, 1893, Image 1

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    jsIebiaska's eliteTaaily Sewsparer"'
VOL.. S NO. 19
I II 101
lion. Malt Goring, the w dl known
.voting Plattuiouth nttorno.v. who is
loading " Iin 1 nice foi" Hen Maker's
shoes a- Cult 'tl States district nttorno.v
for Nebraska, returned a few du.vs
since from the National Capital. II.
was vm enthusiastic over what lit"
hoard in Washington concerning the
sutisfaet'on nuil'tietlve iiipi'olmtinn en
tertained bv tho politicians of tlmt city
for lion. .1. Sterling Morton and the
record he t iimkliii; iw secretary of
agriculture, lie .says that Mr. Morton
Is wonderfully apt In making new
friends by his olHciul act.-, and that it
Is the talk of the politicians of all
part If- there that lion. Julius Sterling
.Morton of Nobrn ka. will certainly he
the next democratic nominee for presi
dent. That would he a proud day for
Nobra-ka and her loyal people on which
thev could -co one of her earliest and
ablest pioneers ami statesmen heated
In the chair of the nation's chief, anil
It would be no mean compliment to see
him honored with the democratic nom
ination, even though lie were unsuc
cessful. Nebraska democrats, and
thousands of other political creeds, will
hope to see Mr. Morton make such a
record as will bring about the truth of
the prediction.
Tin- lire of Monthly evening again
demonstrated the fact that there is
something radically wrong with the
management of the water works. Five
minutes, the most valuable In the
work of lighting a lire, being the live
minutes when It is llrst gaining head
way, were absolutely wasted. The lire
men were on hand promptly and, had
water been obtuli -ible, could easily
have saved tho larg part of the prop
erty, over half o tho total loss was
ellected through the burning f Mohan
nn"s barn. And yet if a sttoain had
been procurable as soon as the hose was
laitl Hnhuuuu's burn anil the llfty-two
head of tock therein would never have
been barn-d. It Is decidedly exas
perating to a well-wisher of the city
to see at a critical moment, such as the
one referred to. the llremcn standing
with an einpt.v no.lo pointed at a
variciou- blaze, powerless to tlo aught
leu -ccthe destruction go merrily on.
It must be a nut ire of gratlllcatiou to
ovor.vono who has a fair uuilerstantllng
of tlie needs of the public M'hools to
know that the proposition to Issue ilOll.
IMH) bond-, for the erection of new school
buildings was sanctioned by the votes
of a sulllclont number to carry it. The
II.IMM) school children of this city w 111 be
glad to know that better accommoda
tions arc to ho accorded them, and more
room. The parents of those children
ought t.) rejoice to know that the day of
usefiilluess for ill-vent Hated and poorly
lighted store rooms and school house
cellars us school rooms for joung chil
dren is nearly over. The hoard of ed
ucation may rejoice In seeing Its huj
clear to n better anil moie satisfactory
administration of Its duties, and It is
hoped that It may not forget the Im
portant dut,, when It comes to con
tracting for these buildings, of getting
the best school houses for the least
money. It took the people so long to
make up their minds that tin; two now
buildings proposed were needed that
they will hardly he completed ere It
will be discovered that more are also
There is roaon to believe that
another big industiy will soon join the
forces that battle for Lincoln's growth
and prosperty. Tho recent visit of
three millionaire manufactures ot oat
meal, as representatives of the wealthy
American Miseult company, to inspect
the advantages Lincoln possesses as a
location foi a cereal mill, was a most
satlsfnctorv one to all concerned. The
gentlemen were shown about tho eitj
by MY. .1. II. McMurtry and Mr. I. M.
Maymontl who are ever alert in efforts
to secure Mich enterprises, anil were so
gratllletl with w nit they saw that they
returned to Lincoln after having once
taken their departure. They were of
fered their choice of several locations.
On Tuesday last Mr. McMurtry was
called to Chicago to confer with thorn
In relation to the project and has not
yet returned. An.vonc who has ever
rellect -tl upon the subject for a single
moment n.u-t know that Lincoln's ad
vantages for the manufacture of cereal
products are not to In surpassed any
where, and should the great cracker
tru-t decide to locate a plant in this
cit it will undoubtedly be of such
I magnitude as woiiiil make it an import
ant factor in the development and pro-
gres of an, elt,. The cracker trust
already owiisoue large plant In Line lu.
gentlemen will agico In an elTort to se
cure for thooltj the very best and most
creditable government within their
power and capabilities Their llrst
meeting Tuesday afternoon was entirely,
harmonious and there was not the
slightest friction In their olllclal Inter;
course. They hud decided that they
would take upon their shoulders none
of the sins of the former police admin
istration and would begin business
anew entirely. All of the matured up-'
plications for saloon licenses wt ru
grant m! except two, In which the boiuH
were not regular. None were denied
because of fornierlnfractiousof tlielawi
as Honor dealers hat) had more or leis
reason therefore to believe that In
fractious of the law were not entirely!
distasteful to the authorities. TlnJ
new hoard announces its determination:
to give tlie saloonkeepers every protect
tlou to which their license, entitle
them In the exclusive sale of liquor an
a beverage, and la return will Insist on
their observing the law. (Jiving thoj
saloonkeepers this protection Involves
tho prohibition of indiscriminate soll-J
lug tif liquor as a beverage in drug,
stores and the sale of Honor in the
brothels. The board has been apprised
ot the fact that win- anil neer are ouing
mild by the bottle In numerous Llivnln
.1 '.... i ...I. I., I,.. I.. ........ ltd. .
Ill UK Pliili-s. mill llin( ill ,imiiniwni
to suit the tuirchaser. There will probl'
ably be no Immediate change in tlni
head of police force. The board prot
poses f inaugurate certain commend-
Who will head tho list as an honor
ary member anil how much?
W.o will receive twenty new guns
from thestate this week making u total
of sixty.
We skipped our report last week, but
sickness and too much business was the
true cause..
We are In hopes of mov lug into new
quarters and then wo will be in b'tter
shape to receive compan.v.
It is rumored that one of our mem
bers is soon to bo married. Whocau
pick him out and who Is the lucky girl'
Section I II, Article 5 of the constitu
tion Is Nightly abused by a "few" of
the members anil the fact should be
Capt. M jiii ford and Lieut. Mulfoid of
the, Omnlia Guards were with us Wed
nesday night and passed a very pleas
ant uvuning.
Limit. Mickey's time is all taken up
in gutting the park In shape and we
may expect some gootl times with him
this Hummer.
Many words of praise have been
spoken lu regard to tho manner in
which the 11. V M. handled our special
plete success and wo uiade some money
which of course was the best part.
Kvoryono seeinctl toenjo.v the trip and
nil came back lu tin best of spirits.
l'rlvule Ferguson stood the spell
down this time ami of course was en
vied bv all the boys. Much credit Is
tine him as "Forg" has worked hard,
and it goes to show what drill will do.
i In CiiIIiikk sniiiiilr.
Parties inl Muling to build a home
this spring should make It a point to
thousands who will welcomo tho oppor
tunity to see It lu all Its niiignllleent,
completeness. This great aggregation
icqulres three railroad trains lo trans
port It from elt.v loclty, while the ex
hibitions are given lu three rings, on
two elevated stages and upon a great,
thlrd-of-a-mllo track, under the largest
canvass pavilions ever erected. Tho
iiieiiagerlo Is the most complete zoolog
ical collection In America, while tho
circus peiformanco Is a constant suc
cession of wonders. The acrobats,
i i
... .V v
TwMffll Ti i r i riH ITT X TMSvCyct&x? fafflHT
Kx-Water Commissioner Mullock in
authority for tho statement that It re
quires six minutes after tho receipt of
an alarm at tho engine house before
lire pressure is attained. If this be
true, It is certainly to lw deplored and
the fact should bo deserving of Im
mediate and remedial attention. It Is
probublj duo to a desire to economize
in the matter of fuel. It is to he hoped
that when tho new stand-pipe is
brought into service (lie pressure may
be available ut ull times.
and it is reasonable to presume that tho
suueeess of the same must have been
what has attracted tlie attention of the
authorities of the trust to the city as
an advantageous locality.
The now excise Immi'iI comprises
Mayor Weir anil Messrs. V. W. Mrown
and A. 1). Murr an Independent, a
democrat, and a republican, just as it
was during the past two years. There
is every prospect, however, that these
able reforms In tho social regulations
that will create quite a stir lu certain
circles, and the police have been ap
prised of its wishes in the matter.
The disgraceful condition lu which
most of tlie olllclal returns of the late
city election came in suggests the idea
tlmt the utmost ignorance prevails re
garding the requirements of the laws
governing elections. There Is no watv
by vvhluhlui'oinputoiit men can be kept
oil the election boards, because compe
tent men are seldom available, having
other duties to perform, but City clerk
Howeii might prevent much of the con
fusion that usually ensues by sending
out with the poll books each time min
ute Instructions as to the proper
method of sealing and sending in the
For the choicest meats go t Lincoln
Favorite meat umrket, 1I."V M street.
World Fair.
Mryn Mayr cottage, live blocks from
world's fair entrance, accommodation,
tlrst-olass. Our building is new and
permanent. Will be the most home
like place tostop during the fair. Will
contract now at $1.00 per da,v. Price
will surely double after Mav I. Write
for particulars. .1. W. Winger, lion
street, Lincoln.
Carpets, Curtains atrl draperies lu
largest assortment at Herpolshelmer A
to Omaha and return, ami especially for
Mr. Painter, as It was through his
kindness tUat we were sent oil In such
nice shape.
Lieut. Wilson I . all right a a lloor
inanager and show 'tl his ability Wed
nesday night in the maun -r he took
care of our guests.
Private Pattoti si,vs he has hud all
he wants of being treasurer of a show.
It takes more time (anil money) than it
does to run a business.
Corp. I 'overt has been promoted to a
snrgeant and Private and Co
grove, to corporals. We look for some
gootl work from these non-com's.
The lxiv's all speak lu tho hlgcst
terms of the treatment received (nun
the Omaha (iuurds. The (luartls are
entertainers and never do things by
Our open drills are becoming ver.v
popular, in fact too much mi a our hall
will not accommodate so many. '1 oo
many dancers make it too crowded for
We have received word from Meat
rice wanting us to bring our minstrels
down, and If satlsfac.touy arrangements
can Imj made we may go down lu too
near future.
We hope soon to make an nppiaranco
on the street some nice evening after
supper just to show the titieiis of Lin
coln that they have a military company
they need not lie ahamctl of.
Our Omaha aflair was a most com
,'et a eopv of the ( 'ottage Souvenir No.
I '', beluga leposltoij of artistic eoltage
arehitr eture ami miscellaneous de
signs, show ing in all over "iioplaus and
tlosignsof artistic dwelling ranging in
i price from ."ii(lto o,iuio. Ilnfl i plan
and sperspeclive view Is beautifully
shown as well as other ideas. Tlie cost
of each building is aual,veil and all
possible information and suggestions
necessar.v to build a coy home can
therein be found. The book cent tins
ih) page anil Uclcgnntl.v gotten up.
Mr. (ieorge F. M.irber. an architect of
national reputation, compiled the work
and it may be had bv addressing the
publishers at Knoxv llle, Tenu., by re
mitting ill.
A I'liii' ltlilfiM(. t'or Itt'iil.
Aii eight-room house with all modern
improvements for rent .nine 1st. das,
bath, hot and colli water, stc.tni heat,
cistern and city water. Apply at resi
dence, ITL strc-t or Milt O street.
Wino Ki'wiinl, wioo.
The rentier of this paper will be
..I,...-...! in Ii.iiimi 4 1 in t tliere Is nt. least
l UH1.M ," ....... (.. .... .. ...... . .
nno clivmli'ri Umum that mIiiu(i liu ulilit tit Hiii'ii In nil !, HllliriN. uriii
that is Catarrh. Mall's Catarrh Cure
Is the onl.v positive cure known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional tltseae, require a con
stitutional treatment. Mall's Catarrh
cure Is taken Internally, acting directly
on tho blood and mucooiis surface of tlie
litem, therebv destro.v lug the founda
tion of the ilii-easc, anil giving the pa-
!....! .jt ..i.turt li til liiitliltmr tin tin. enll-
in-iii nni iih'" 'V s '
slltution anil assisting nature to do its
work. The proprietors have so much
faith lu Its curative power, tuai nicy
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case
.1 .. 1. ..!! w I .... II.. ..
lUlll 11 llllis in cure, neiiti nil 111 in
testimonials. Address,
F. .1. ClIKNKY CO.. Toledo, .
Sold by Druggists, ",' cents,
finis. II. (iregory. the coal vender,
IllH) () street, Hlchards blk. Phone. 'id.
Glycerol!) and (Jilt Kdge Shoe dress
ing at !." cents a Iwittle at .1. Spelers'
KH.'i O street.
g, iiiuasts. iierlalists and riders number
over three hundred of Furopo and
America's highest salaried artists In
eluding Charles W. Fish, the world's
champion somersrult rider: the 1 troth
ers Vernon, the greatest of all trapeze
performers: a troupe of genuine Arabs
ami a company of .lapituese acrobats
from the court of the Mikado; while
the pieiiircsquo features of the exhibi
tion embrace a marvelous spectacular
horse ballet, in which one hundred
noble equities perform the most vs
tonishiug evolutions: a school of twen
t,v inurvelously trained Mexican horses;
a series of thrilling hippodrome races,
and an aggregation of other new, rare
ami striking features such as no other
tented exhibition has over presented
to the public. The visit of the Ming
ling Mrothers' great circus will lw an
event never to be forgotten in the his
tory of this city.
L. S. Cillllck. Fashionable Tailor,
l-atost novelties in gentlemen's spring
good, (illllck still caters to tho wants
of the public. Call on him and h
suited. Kllll O street, Moom 10.
Ask your groceryman for tho "Wllber
Moiling Mills" Flour Chas. Harve,
proprietor. F.nquire for
'Little Hatchet,"
"Nickle Plate," and
''Maker's Constance "
Kverv sack warranted.
All tho celebrated Laird, Seholierand
Mitchell tine ladies and Misses shoes lu
Double A widths go at one half former
price at
.1. Sl'KlKIt, 101.". O street.
Will answer telephone orders lu any
part of the city. Phono 00.
lllKAI. GlUX'KKY Co.
Chns. Gregory, sold his in
terest in tlie Lincoln Coal Co., ha
purchased the business and ottlce of
S. McConigu, 1 100 O street.
Itlinjlliu; Urns.' 'lrru.
The announcement that the Mingling
Mrothers' world's greatest show., the
largest anil mot extensive exhibition
ever seen under canvass I to lie. In Liu
coin Tuesday, May 0. will be gratifying
news to thousands to whom the fame of
this aggregation is familiar ami toother
Full line of artist's materials at Lin
coln Frame and Art company's, '2'M
South i'levi'iith street.
In Mr. Gosper's hair goods depart
ment ,v on will tiud all the latest head
iiilornuieut. Hair dressing by com
petent artist.
Frames, frames, frames, of every
description at Lincoln Frame and Art
company's, 2:M South Kloveuth streo