CHPITHL CITY COURIBR, 1 i. ; 6 I American Gxchaiic National Bank M. ItAlMiiXII, . , l'll-AhllMlt i I!. TiinvrwiM. Vleo-l'tt'idilpiil . II. IIUIINIIAM. Cmlilor a. wmiii Ami. Cnhlrr ltlclnrd' Illoolc.Cor. Klevcnlh mid O HI. LINCOLN, NKIUt. capitaT DIRKOroilBi . .If. Hcilmnml. .u'M (lirifinv, 8. It Hiiniii i1. i- - " """.,."."', ',1'.',' ' J. SiMnrr, K K. iiniwi, h' II MM, SYMPATHY AS AN Alt'! m MRS. FRANK LCSLIC SUGaE9T3 A so cial REVOLUTION. Ifiiriii'Wii, a. N. If funifHim, (I. II' rfiwwilmiii f. K, 7uimmum German National Bank LINCOLN, Nit II. Capital Surplus $100,000.00 , 20,000.00 lph nochmer, Prcftldcnt, Hirmoit H. Sclmlierir, Vice I'reit. Ch i. 1'. Wnlto, Chlf r. lieo. II. bchunke, Al. Canlilcr. Thn Fidlnw IVcllntt Thnt I'ri-norn-. (Inlilcn Hlli-hrn Hiirnitta Morn ('mid Than Drulli Tim lliurllluli lint (lint U l.o. A llrllllntil Wiiiimti'ii .1ugi'tliiii. .Gop) rUtht. Iwrt, liy AiiiiTliuti Fk-m An-wx-bv tlou. All rluliti rononrd. The Eirst National Bank 0 and Tenth Sts. Capita), $400,000 Surplus, $100,000 OKKfCKlitt: . 8. JMHirOOD, ViitUltnt. OUA8.A. IIANXA, Vlte-Prtriiltnl. F. M COOK, Ctithttr. 0, 8. liU'lUSCOTT. An't Cathltr 11 s 'K:;.lf.l.v, .im'f TimfifiT i. i l V1 ''' !i COLUMBIA National Bank Lincoln, : Nebraska Capital, - $250,000 OJpetrs ami D$rirtcrs: Ukm B. Wright, I'rc. T. K. Hnmlers, V.-l. J. II. MoClny, Umdilor. rBJohnion, II 1' Tho Cnclirnn. E RBIier, TWUMorjr, W I. Dayton Central Hanking Hiulneu TrniM.ictcd Collection n Specialty. LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., Farm and City Loans AT LOW RATES. yy Money furnUhed promptly on p proved security. E. C.JONES, Manager iy O Street, Lincoln, Neb DON'T know imy circuinitnnoo f social lifo ho "trying to iiiiiu'h houIh" on lioth Hides as tlio oir utmiHttiiico demanding Hy input liy. Death is bail enough, but it Is hy no moans tliu worst. Most of tit havo boon through Hint dark anil terrible hour when that which seemed our nil has boon laid nwny from our sight i.inl from among lnt'ii, mid our friends hnvo cimiui d rowed in somber clothes, nnd with soni- her nnd nut countenances liuvo ono hy ono Insisted upon laying h.iro tho wound wo would fain lildo under our mourning gnrb nnd expressing mom or lens erudo ly, more or loss dollcatoly, tho Myinpathy of which thoy huvo cotuu to ussuro uh. It is n social necessity that thoy should como. Wo should fool HurprlHod and nllghtod if thoy did not, and wo do not dromnof shirking tho painful duty either of receiving or of paying visits of condo lence nnd yet I often wonder If it would not Ito woll to induce a nodal revolution whoroin this and several other time hon ored customs should ho swept away, Timo honored indeed, for speaking of this matter tho other day to a friend 1 was told that when .)oh fell into atllio tion his throe friends at ouco mudo an apiointui(nt to moot and mako a collect wriggles nnd pniitingsof their victim as linlpless ns n frog under a crotchod stick, with n cruel hoy at Iho other end, or, mora appropriately, a frog In tho clutched of a vlvlsootlonlst, wV.o Ih determined to lay open tho throbbing of xor frogglo's heart" In tho intcrcstsof humanltyl This sympathizer hides her time. Hlio waits until sho can jvuii her victim in n corner, or penetrate to her bedroom, or get her Into it victoria or a buggy when) no In terruption 1m possible, and then sho 1m fcins: "My dear child, I wnnt to toll you how dreadfully sorry I ant for your dls nppolnttumit, but how eaino you to sup poso Mr. Hinlth was surious in his nttvn tions? Toll mo nil about it, dear. It will comfort your oor heart to speak out. Did tho man over really ask you to marry liltnT" And so on until the de serted damsel Is ready to lling herself out of tho vohlclo under tho horso's feet and fools thnt tho loss of her lovor Is as nothing compared with tho shamoof bo tug pitied and Myui)iithized with. Or take tho case of a man who has been horsowhlppcd or kicked or slapped In tho fnco by another man stronger and bigger nnd therefore braver than him Holf. Ho doesn't want to know that hli frlonds aro rorry for him! Ho would inueh rather bo suffered to imagine ttint thov hadn't heard of It. and yot thoro nro i plenty of thick skinned idiotii who will I on tho (lrst opportunity rush up to him with outstretched hand: "My dear follow, I want to toll you how Indignant I m:i nt tho way that i hruto treated youl Fairly kicked you down tho stops of the clubhouse, thoy I tell inol Just like these great hulking I lioastH who think, becauso they aro big mil strong, a littlo follow llko you or mo must glvo in to all their Insoloncol" I Probably tho man thus apostrophized I nt ouco measures tho other "littlo fel ! low" with his ovo and mentally decides that ho can thrash him at least and will ' do so on tho llrst opportunity. Among my acquaintances on onosldo or tho other of tho water I am proud to Include a lady whoso father was hung, nnd justly so. for murder. Of courso tho most of her friends painfully avoided wiy subjoct within rlllo shot of tho ubjoct. but I heard that inoro than ono well meaning person had attempted to lumtmtltixc with her ami thereby nearly drovo tho poor woman to madness. Or think of a mother whoso Hon lion committed soino Hbamuful crimu and la either a fugitive from justico or Is suffer ing her penalties. Fancy iiy sympathy, von tho most dolicato being anything but an ollonso to such a sufferer. In fact, thero is no lovo upon whoso death It Is not safer to count than upon that of n mother. It Is positively indestructible, and 1 havo novor found any other class of Afllcacy or n sensitive organization will recognize such cases for thomsolvci, and to those who nro not delicate nnd sensitive in their own iwrsonnllty no amount of teaching will effect tho ob ject. You cannot train u rhlnoceron into a thin skinned Arab steed, nor it cactus Into a sensitive plant. Most people and most thimii dio very much what thoy are born, and tho clumsy sympathizers no doubt will oslst when tho world censes, just as it did when it In-gati to 1k Dut there nro cases, and plenty of thorn, where true und tender sympathy Is llko tho very dow of heaven upon the parched and drooping (lowers. Thero nro tender fouls that long for sympathy, just as a littlo child holds up Us hurt linger for every ono to "klsH and mnko well." To such persons, and to sorrow of tho ordinary outspoken sort, with no tinge of shame about it, lot us give sym pathy with n free and generous hand. Uut, above nil, let it bo the right kind of sympathy. It is in many cases, if not In all, more bler.ied to give than to re ceive, nnd this npplio.t to jlfti of sympa thy iulto ut much us to more tangible matters. I once know n lady who r,aid b!io had been to church till her lifo, but had not been nblo to acquire grace fiUlncicnt to enjoy being pitied by anybody for nny thing. Of courso this was pride, and prido Is naughty, but very universal, Sometimes it tukcH tho form of r.mour propre, which ia something a littlo dif ferent from self love, although that li the only English equivalent for tho phrase. Hut iimour propre is a very doli cato thing to handle Sometimes it ii hurt by being touched; fcomctiuiis it is still more hurt by being let nlono: timi'H such a perMin as this wanti to bo sympathized with, and yet it irritably watchful lest tho sympathy they do- maud should seem to place them at fault for their misfortune. You Kiy to i.uch a ono, "How could you trust that man when everyone wild ho was dishonest?" and tho sufferer near ly llles in your face with tho assertion that hIio is no more credulous than other people; but.otc. It Is, inouo word, n very dangerous and delicate matter cither to glvo or receive sympathy, and all 1 enn miy Is, remem ber, llko fire, water and gunpowder, It ii a good thing so long as you know how to manage It, but If you don't-f or heaven's sake, let it alone. A Moment's Examination m 0 kMAY 0 SAVE YOU MONEY $i oo Per Kushc-1. SEE ouu Potatoes try our Coffees The Newest and in the City. Freshest Store and Teas Miller & Gifford, 1211 0 street. phone. 744. 17 iv7 JJIS7! 'ulile Etik I live tun akirg lir and several thousand others. I advise all who would save time to io at once to o Ivocall of condolence. Hut and hero plenso observe the superiority of disoro-1 f . . , , , th,lt woni Woulil apply. tion in the days of .lob compared with , Cortaiiv H0111l, wWll havo loved some oura,-naving arrtvci wun .ioi tnoy sai ,,,,;. Momo IimIli. down REAL ESTATE MASS Oa nuroi In eastern Nolirnkn niul tinprnred property In Mnoolii foru torn, of yesr. Lowest Current Rates R. E. & J. MOORE. IUCIIAUDS 1ILOCK, Ooraer llth A O StrcoU, I.lnooln. S per cent on Deposits Pali) at the jincolnSavingsBank The AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPAHY Corner V ami Kloventh Sin. Only Safe Deposit Vaults in Lincoln X H Ilnrwooil, N u o roc k, W'm MoltiiKliHn, W KollivK, 'D T llii, O V WfhulPr, AltMMtWaiktnr Kreil WIIIIniik, IImoIihI l.leyil. WUtKOTO-. 11 t llnthawny. j l. urlHoee, 11 J Kriml, II W ItmwH, UOI'lllllllM. K H Slier, llonry Vi'llli. llonry K l.owl, husbands, souio maidens havo loved somo lovora. somo women have loved some men "not wisely, but too well," through good report nnd ill. through fortuno and misfortune, cruelty und kindness, faith fulness und unfaithfulness, even to the bitter end, but this unreasoning con stancy cannot bo predicted of wives or fiancees or mistresses as a rule. Much depends upon the individual. Hut in the case of mothers It is tho rule, (.'specially ns regards her sons. Tho . I shall noyer rorgot n dear little , b d devol ,uto tho Umlt. .ventional widow whom I wont to a aun t,J0 , t , vlUllin ust lifter tho su.ldon and shocking B in,,,, ,mt tmnBu Rho mav be upon tlio ground, and ror seven days und nlghtH nobody spoko n wordl Now, we don't have timo in this era to sit in silence seven days and nights in tho presence of our friends, but 1 often think If our custom was to go and sit seven minutes, more or less, beside our friend nnd thou go nwny with a mute caress or clasp of tho hand, how much bettor it would he than to try to say mnnethma, and that generally tho wrong thing unconv aeo" just death of her young husband 'It was so good of you to come, hut, oh, don't say n word not ono wordl". gasped sho, and 1 almost literally com pllod. Yes, boroavomcut is bad enough, and to very few, if to any, is it given to speak tho words of comfort or reassuranco. But there aro sorrows far more cruel than death; thoro aro bereavements sud den nnd more hopeless than those of tho grave, ami it is in these that sympathy may Indeed despair of fitly expressing itself, oven by sitting silent seven days and nights in its presence. A man in some prominent position of trust becomes a defaulter and runs away, leaving nia w .o ami launiy to , , f Wi boar the shamo and notoriety of his .1, i,i.ri. ' H. W. BROWNS, 127 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET (fy&fgXL CIllrilKi.'i, I'lrnt Child. In wlnterless southern California n pleasant faced old lady, Mrs. Susan Wi nans. Is restfully passing tho clo-o of lifo. Children and grandchildren attend her, nor blizzards nor cyclones nor bit ing cold nor bcorching heat annoy. Yet midst wars, massacres and priva tions of every kind her lifo began. At tho Fort Dearborn massacre of 1812 her baby cars honrd terrible sounds, nnd her innocent eyes may havo seen father and brother murdered. At a mother's breast she clung close that no savage club i m' e NEBRASKA Savings Bank CAPITAL, HlucktmM..' - $i')0,000.00 1 Liabilities, f.VM 000. I'ays lnlcri't on hiwIiiuh iireountH niul lliuo ilvpoblls. KnrulKticiiuxcliiuiKi) Cico - to eiwtoniHrs, John Taylor, I'n-lilont Jaiuc Kllburn. Vice 1'rcMilonl. K ll.TliiKlcj,Ci'i,hler. T. C IORN, D. D. S. Room 25 and :6, llurr Hlock, LTXCOLX, XKBR. yai PHOTOGRAPHER lln at ureiit ex-l-iiv ronhici'il hli (11 I) lii'lrniie-nl Willi u now l'nl' myor.dlrrct from t.nmlnn, hiuIIh now ln'itor prepnrwl than over to do Mho MorU, from locket up li llfi Uc. npon fro 1 -n in. tiH p. t. HUllllHVN, lll'l"', i .1 ii - r"W ( ' HHil&ilHf PLANS FOR 25 CTS. Send for tho National Hcii-D; w n mmithlv ir.iirnnl dovotiHl r"Tii.n" "'l.... UM. nnmtwr coatulnn a coroplcto ,vi iiur ... nf nl.nd M..U in Itnllil f rotll. lrlO(,. ij 1 "! ii'"'" 'r.fJ.TV- OTn. OnJ l Jiit. nm (Unl lloniM," conUilnlug 80 plani iln colore. Bend or catalomie of plan, I no. TllS N AXIOM XU Uuiiokb, Adiitu. ExproM Uulldlot;, t uIcbbo. crlmo. perhaps leaving them in poverty and debt as well, for very few criminals commit but one kind of sin. A defaulter is usually intensely selfish and considers his own desires so exclusively thut ho not only appropriates moneys not his own. but his neighbor's wife as well, and is utterly callous as to tho suffering of all sorts to which ho condemns tho wom an lawfully his own Now, what sympathy can ono express to such a mourner as that wife? What word would seem other than prcsumi tuoii8 und intrusive to such bereave ment? And yot wo all do fool sorry for her; wo nil do long to lot her know It und to comfort her Some of us who have htruggled In deep waters ouiMilves shrink from the at tempt nnd contrive some other mode of showing tho true sympathy wo feel, and yet there Is grief so deeply dyed with shamo that positively no notice should bo taken of it even a box of (lowers, even n now book or a card, would wrve to hint at condolence too strongly, and wo remember that though hpeech is sil- j vorn bilenco Is often golden. lint yet again thoro are griefs even deeper and more toi)Mtivo than that of t tlo Insulted and deserted wife; there b an agony of shamo not to bo shifted to other shoulders than one's very own; , thero is a bereavement known to all tho world.nnd yet which tho MilToror would fain hide from even her own eyes, and this is when a woman has too readily yielded up her affections to ono who blm- ply amused himself with her easy cro- dullty, und when her devotion began to pall "ho kissed and rodo away." Every one In her littlo world knows tho whole story. Tho malicious whisper: "Well, sho throw herbolt at his Head. lint could sho expect?" Tho kinder hearted ones murmur: "Poor thing! I was afraid ho didn't mean anything." And tho shurih est Rtiti'g of her mortification is that uho knows that they all know and aro scorn ing at her or pitying her. Still she can bear it so long as nobody says anything. but they will! Thero aro suro to bo nt least two or threo well meaning fools who want "to express their sympathy," who lu fact in sist upou doing bo lu spite of all tho tho jailbird, but though she may bo driven to discard him, to banish him from her fight, to declare that she no longer calls him son. thero is always at tho core of her hoart nn undying llnmo of lovo, a divine forgiveness and pity and longing that she could not if sho would quench or destroy. Let the sinner but reach his mother's feet, let him never so clumsily plead, "Mother, 1 have sinned oh, forgive mo!" and his pardon is as sured. Even though her judgment, her reason, her conscience, sternly condomn him. that mother lovo of hors will Vise up and drown them ull in tho torrent of its deathless force. In tho Scripture story it is sot forth ns a nioinornblo thing that tho father of It is not oven mentioned that his mother did, for, not to bo irreverent, "that goes without saving." Doubtless sho dad forgiven him long before ho set out for home, nnd indeed it is probablo enough that it was tho telepathy of her lovo and forgiveness that induced him to relinquish his foul living and return. Woll, then, is It not obvious that with such lovo as this In tho background no mother, .y,ill patiently accept sympathy for her son's misdeeds? It will only anger her and rouso her to defend him oven thouuh no dofenso bo possible. If sho is a womanish sort of woman, she will prob ably adopt tho "tu quoquo" form of re sentment nnd say: "Yes. I know Harry has done a foolish thing, but it aroso en tirely from his desire to help and shield a friend. You must remember all young men aro not like your .John, always con sidering what is best for his own inter ests," If sho is not womanish, but womanly, the best you can expect is, "Thank you, but this is a subject upon which 1 do not wish to talk." I was ouco speaking with a lady in London whose mhi had just been pursued and brought luck from tho continent tinder a charge of aggravated breach of trust when nnother lady camo up and took her hand with a murmur of "Dear Mrs. Hlank, I want to tell you how sorry am" "What! You havo heard of it already!" exclaimed Mrs. Hlank, with a smilo like tho Hash of a bayonet. Then I half turning to mo she continued: "1 havo lost my coachman, you know. Ac ' tuully tho iKor fellow dropped dead in ' tho stables this morning, and I am iter ' fectly heartbroken. Tho best old soul ' that over held a whip. lie was my father's coachman and actually put mo on tho llrst pony 1 ever rode. Hut I can't think how you heard of it so w)on, I my dear, except that 1 beliovo you make I It n point to gather over)' bit of nows that is stirring, don't you?" And with this neat littlo blow in tho firco Mrs. I Hlank sailed away, leaving her would be sympathizer gasping. I Hut thero Is no need of swelling tho list of cases whero tho truest sympathy U expressod by apparent ignornnco of any cause fo sympathy. Every pcrsou Finest in the City THE NEW LINCOLN STABLE f. , it iii attention to HAVING just assumed pcttomd ccntrol of n 1 1 1 c'u u e i w i 1 1 my nlm to conduct a firht-cla.n vstabllshmvp, ghlng hot of caie nnd liorscb entrusted to our keeping. STYLISH CARRIAGES. Single or double, and fine line of well-trnltud 1 ones for licn nUliecl, day'or night. me. fur DAVE FITZGERALD, Prop. FRANK RAMSEY, Foreman. Stables 1639 and 1641 O Street. Telephone 550 MRS. SUSAN WINANB. micht brolso her tender frame. Then camo wigwam lifo nnd weary marching from Indian camp to Indian camp. Thus tho first year of her lifo passed away, nnd tho fair haired child littlo dreamed, when nt hist safe in her grandfather's house, that where her eyes first saw tho light somo timo would stretch n monster city, somo timo bo held an exposition on so magnificent a scale as to astonish the world, and this bo her renown that sho was tho first white child bom where now tower Chicago's myriad blocks. But having felt all of life's vicissitudes In western wilderness now, in Iter rose covered cottage in southern California, sho peacefully waits tho end. You will always find 11 full supply of fresh fruits und vegiitnblcs ut W. A. Collin - Co.'s store, ll.'l South Kloventh tl'OOt. Attention, Theatrical Managers. Advertise yuur theutro and it attractions hy hoeing to it that the Ciiicaoo DUAMATie .Iouiin'al has a good correspondent lu lyour town, lb-commendations of local managers will receive prompt at tention. If your town is not represented in our columns give tho mutter your personal attention and send ns the name of some good jTj correspondent to write weekly letters anvlsing us of your attrac tions. Address Chicago Dramatic Journal Altlt. ) in Telephone 225 Canon City Rock Springs Vulcan Mendota Scranton Anthracite IIOIWOMUOIIt lll'IOIIII- I milllU'd Unit on Iho , Wllli'iin llnir IIIimI ii In tho I) Mrlot Com I of Lnuciiktcr Count), Nliriilin. W 1 1. I.I AM HAUIt. . uniir.ui 1:. i To IIoIhtI I.. I niul). mil: You nro hen liv UOIhihi) or Unroll, ItfKl. tmttttim nimliiht ou In l.iiMcnxloi i'omity. Nolirii-lui, iho objoot and .,...... r- ,f .flili'll I tflfildff 111. Ml,, of I tit liuiiihoiod llw i5). III bluet; nun he led filly olulil C). lu Iho oltv of Lincoln, ennui) of 1 .11 nons it nnd Main nf chriis,ii. Ill Mini ' Wilibiiu linn, anil Hint u dec-no be londiod I uKidll'l )ou dooio. Ilitf Hint whulcxiT rliilin ' miu limy haw In or In Milit propoily Is wlih iiul ihshl. and Hint )oii hnu no iJidit, iltlo, Inn lost iiri-xtiiio In or in wild pu-iiil-.oiiraiiy i purl lliorol, nnd rot uoli oiuoruiui luruior re lief nsimo lio just niul oiiiiiuino. You mo rriiitu-d Iimuihwoi Mild pollllouou orlM-foru Mondiiy, tin-Him diiyiii Muj I Mil. WIl.l.lAM HAUIt. I'liilntlir. liy round A. Ilurr, his Attorney, . It Sewing Machine and Gun Repairing We have just employed a skillful wotkman from the East, vho is fully competent to m.iko all icpatrs In the above Unci. T. J. THORP & CO., 3:0 -South Eleventh ftreet Telephone 176. Office, In iho DUtilut Court of I.niiuiutor Count), NobrniiUii. i.ri y r Mii.r.Yi vs. JOHN W.MII.KYi t,,. I ill 111 W. Mllcv. nonresident dofondniit You nre hojeby nolllli-d Hint on iho oth I'ny ol Mnren, low, i.npy r .Miiuy ini-n n i-i ion nanlnst ynuhi tho Iillrlct inuii or Lunon lor ooiinly. N bicHkn, Ihoiihiicl niul pmwr ,.r.i in nliliiln it dlvoioo Iiiiiii ou on Iho urniiud thnl .miu hnvo ullfully nbuiidontd Mild plnllltlll without inudriillM- Inrtho toliu of tui wurs hut past, mid Hint Iii'Ihk ol mitll-i-li-nt nfilll ' mi todo jou Iiiino M'niilonl) und eriiolly Kiliiiii'il niul noulootid lo pio bin still nblo liinliiuiiimieo lor Mild nlnlnllll. .Mill mo rioulri-d lo miKut-r Mild peihluu on or holoio Monday, tlio l rst da "f.M"..'-..,, .... v Pt t! . .t h Ki m liTWitS 7iVtH? kAJMk. mmpjmMkw iniMi n 1 1 ' 1 1 Lyj m 1 j." Ull 1 vs. a 1 MM.3ISrLHvlM2lKV-.fim mix nJsoMytU XJ Sr 1 4lSgH!iAgfe 1 tHHinHfiflHSS552lK5,29am2 1 BSBtTSrwrfifVs liy I'OL'NDAIIl'ltlt. llur Attoruojs. l'lnlntltr 4-1 It Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty. None but 1 xpcrloncod men oinptoji ,V. I nioi ih Ii-ok ti ml oilier heavy uiiU-li-s, for nioMne n m-hlnery, mfot