Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 08, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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im imz,i3MmrMfMwr?zmTzztr
' ' 'MwtsrTz&M m&rsm - w
Mi mil Mi- .1 V Wlngd-, tiilH
street wore "at litmus" to u largo inim
lor of their friends Tiuday oviinlng,
the entertainment being musical
Tho homo was huudsom ly dororulod
throughout with tulips and JouqulUoH.'
In tlio parlors were largo jardlnlors
profusely tilled with scarlet, pink "d
white tiilllp-). The llbrlury was orna
mented with largo bunch's of loosely
arranged yellow tulips of the fragrant
sort. In tlio dining room tlio yellow
oiuiiilllo predominated. Tlio ilollouto
(l'IIKI'illll'0 Of tllO HllWOlN was wafted
throughout tlio roimis, which, together
with tlio harmonious strains of tlio
music, lout u wiu'iuth anil congeniality
to tlio guests ho that tlio many beauties
of tlio program worn thoroughly tq
predated. Tlio guests, numbering over
n hundred, wore received at tho ilooi'
by Mr. anil Mrs. Winger. Chairs woro
coiuinndlously arranged tn tlio four
spacious room-. Tho handsome grand
lilaiio stationed In tho second parlor
could ho plainly soon ly all thu gliosis.
Tlio programs woro dainty, ologunt af
fairs whloh woro prized hy ail us souve
nirs. Thoy woro composed of two
leaves. On' tho llrst was an niiproprU
ato pon and Ink sketch skillfully dono
by.Mlss Kdmi Hyatt. Among tlio de
signs woro notlood sketches of tho per
formers of tlio evening of notod musl
oluus, of all sorts of musical lustra
incut and tho like. No two of tho
designs woro allUc. On tlio second
oaf appeared the program whloh had
h. on artistically prlntod by Ml Stod
dard. rjTho loaves woro hound together
with whlto silk ribbon. Tho program
was not long enough to become tiro
80iiH', bohig chosen from tho work- of
tho bust composers, anil whllo sulllo
lontly classical to gratify the most ox
acting of lovers of that class of music,
was musical enough and rendered lu so
inuslcal mannor as to glvo tho iM-outost
plciisiiro to all listeners. Tho program
Ki'ott, inhnlm, Misses .lennloW.itson
Dona Loonils, Ainbor Murnnby, Posslo
TuttUv Mllo Tuttlo, Mliuilo Dcl'uo,
Mnloim yiiurp, Harlou, Nolllo Hyde.
Amy Covert, Florence Halo, Magglo
Hullott, Thompson, Love and Asheroft.
MoMsr. (Jeorgo Molsnur, 1'hll Summer
liul(lMMcKoo. Hpanglo, (ion. West, (Say
ItnloVOViA. llarnor. Will Clark, Chan.
Clark, LUri'tio llrowu, F. W Mnrgcss,
LouljgCMloy, A rim Siiillh, Hurry
TltMi&JW. Flf cluh liui1 u '-"K ul"1
anliiio close of tho season Monday
ovonlug lu tho way of a surprise on Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. fu-ofor, 710 .1 ntrool.
Thu lirstuiootlng of tho yoar was at tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs ICoofor, and thoy
introdiii'fd a now variety of score cards
which wore no much admired by the
inomhoVM that Mr. ICoofor generously
agre'od (iv.(tiriuh score cards for every
mooting of tho club. Am sort of a re
ward fir this generosity, the ladles of
tho club arranged a surprise upon Mr.
and Mrs. Kolfor. They were lulted
to take tea Monday 'veiling with their
grandmother, Mrs. Caldwcld. At eight
o'clock thoy won called up by telephone
by their Mister Miss (Sraco Ashton, who
asked tb'om to como homo as some
friends bad come in to spend the eve
iilng.'AVlioni.Mr.aiiil Mrs. Keefercinio
Int) tho house, thoy found that It was
Invaded by the members of the club,
It was a complete Hiirprl-e upon thorn
both, .Vssoonas they were able to re-
the members hae considered wliist a.
.elenoe. and lmo stlldleil it as such..
The l.i-veta Whist club bo.ists that it Is
composed of nothing but K-leiitlllc
whist manipulator those who play by ,
Hie rule of the authorities on whist.1
It has been the cussoin of tin club to!
close the season with some eiitci tain
meiit more clohoratc than a leguliir
meeting. The occasion of this year
wasgloii by Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Mildly who bid the club conic to u half
past it o'clock dinner. It was si'rved
on small tables ariangod throughout
tho rooms, and was perfect In all Its
appointments. Tho menu sorvud
Haw Oysters on Hlock Ico with Lumon
llrown Hread Haudwlohu.s
Sliced Ham
Sjveut Waf6rs
I'llletof Hoof Hot biscuit
Colurv I'arlstan l'i tatoos
Lotluio Salad
Lemon .lolly
I'lstaoho leu Cream Assorted Cako
Cranberry .lolly
Coll eo
After dlniierthe tables were cleared
partners woro arranged by lot, and
whist mh Indulged lu until midnight
when tho guests departed fooling as
though the si-ason had a lining close.
Tho club Is composed of Mr and Mrs A
W Field, Mr and Mrs . I J Davis: Mi
ami Mrs I-" A Drown. Mr and Mrs .1 .1
(Slllllan, Mr and Mrs W K Klrkor, Mi
ami Mrs C T Doggs.Mrand MrsWuugh,
Mr and Mrs K llallet, Mr and Mrs W
A M i-4 l.lmllv.Mr nod Mrs A II Weir. Mr
and I W Lansing. The guests of the
evening were Drand Mrs Caseboer.
The Lansing Academy was the scene
of a pleasant and pretty dance I'riday
eeiilug, the occasion being the closing
l'AHT t.
I a Largi
Chanson, llonulso..Wotnlaw.skl
Mr. August llagonon.
With Vorduro Clad llaydon
l'roludc op. US No. I").. Chopin
WalU-op. 70-No. I.... Chopin
Mi-rt. 1'. W. l'lank.
Ferryman .lobn Uodiioy
Dr. K. 11. Kddy.
Auf dOm Wassor-tirl.lngoii
Miss ltluhardsou.
S.mvonlr do Haydn ...
Mr. Hagonow
l-.ii Carnival do l'osth.
. Leonard
Mrs. l'lank.
8. Night in Venice Llncant ml
Mi-s. Hlchardson and Dr. Kddy.
Prof, Hagonow possesses romnrl.
tiblo skill wltli tho violin and his
rendition of several numbers waij won
dorful. Somo of tho tones that ho pro
duces are the most exquisite over
heard. So groat was the applause
from the audloneo that ho was com
pelled to render extra selections.
Miss Hloiardson a voleo of pleas
ing quality which she handles artist
ically. Her manner Is sweet mid
uhtirming and she easily wins and
holds thu attention of hor heurvrs.
Hor voice Is pure, clear, sSvcot, and
flexible. Shu was also compelled to
respond to an uncore. Mru. Plank us
usual manifested Mitllolont m-IUiuncy;.th
meet thu requirements oft Hur dllBcult
Holeotlons. Hor talent Is toowolt
knowij in Lincoln to need any .com
ment. Tho (-elections of Dr. Eddy
formed ono of the most pleasing fea
tures of tho program. Tho soul and
fccllm: in his tones was so great that
thu audience was almost spellbound.
At tho closu followed a hurst of ap
plause to which ho was compelled to
reply with a second solo. Not a little
of tho credit of tho program Is duo to
Mrs. Will O. Jones, who accompanied
with skill mid grace. At: the clone of
tho program small Uiblos werospe'edlly.
brought lu uud cake, ices, coffee uud
bon-lxms were t-orvod. Tho evening
was thoroughly enjoyable mid It was
tho most pleasing mu-lculo that has
boon given in Lincoln In muny a day.
i i i
: 7 ilM
l&J J
u.J ,
l-'ole. The thhd meeting was held at
the home of Mis Nellie Collin. I.'.lil P
street. Tuesday evening. .Progressive
high-live was the order of tho evening
and a general good time was had.
Prles are not given at the ineeiings,
but u i coord Is kept and at tin- closu of
toe season medals will be awarded the
best players. The next meeting w 111
belli two weeks at the home of Miss
Stella Hoy t. The olub Is compos d of
Misse .leiinle Stewart. lekei-shain.
Clara Smith, LouUo Fowler, Emma
McWhlnnle. Carrie Vlcymi, Stella
Hoyt. Nellie Collin. Messrs (Suy Hale,
Hurry Haiiley, .loo Shannon, Fred Lud
wig, Hort Helllcv, Woodward .loties,
Will Collin.
.hist as we are going to press tho
Hotel Lincoln Is the scene of a gay and
animated dancing party, tho occasion
being tho last of tlio Pleasant I lour
parties. Musical preperatlons have
boon made and It Is by far tho prettiest
party of the season. A number of now
gowns are noticeable but time does not
permit us to describe tliein this week.
Hut wait until next week and wo will
tidl you all ubout It. Tompler Hall Is
also tho scene of another party. The
Huvola club Is giving its last party of
the year. Thoguestsaroall in evening
costume and are enjoying the dance.
Mr. D. 11. King, of the llrm of King
Nr Co., is now ono of the proud young
daddies of the city. Wednesday after
noon Mrs. King presented him with a
great, big, fat, chubby baby boy and
Harney swears it lioks "just like
pupa." Mother and' son are in ex
cellent health and the best wishes of a
legion of f.llends are 'bulng rihowe.-ed
on .tho trio for a long, prosperous
and happy fiitme.
Mrs. John Zohruug has boon serious
ly ill for the past two weeks, at one
timelier life being almost ill-pared of.
Accompanied by her son Frank, she
will leave for Hot Spring. Arkuisiis,
'I iicsdav. where it is hoped to recuper
ate failing health. They will be there
for a mouth or more and should that
esorl not prove houcHclul various
points in Mexieo will be visited.
A party composed of Miss Nellie
White, Miss Hertie Hurr. Miss Maud
Hurt-, Miss Olive Latta and Miss Alice
Cowdery, ehapronod by Mrs. L. C.
I (hit. spoul Sitimluy in Omaha mid at
tended the Lincoln Light Infantry
minstrels in the evening.
A party of Lincoln young people com-po-ed
of Miss Kuby .lones, Mr Mattson
Hold win, Mr Fred' Howe, Miss Martha
I'unke. Mrtieorgo Woods, Miss Nellie
Kellev. occupied a box at the Lincoln
Light Infantry minstrels Saturday
evening lu Omaha.
Miss Lucia W. I tallies, teacher of
delsitrto an thu Western Normal, re
turned Saturday after a vacation trip
south, during which time she visited
Santa Fe, Los Vegas and other Mexi
can points of interest.
II. E. Hobbins, the renowned sales
man for the llenilngtoii Typewriter Co..
is again at his desk after an attack of
measles. Ho is the pusher for Ne
braska and has many warm friends In
the state.
Mr. E. W. llurgess, who is connected
in the coal business with It. II. Oakley,
will leave Lincoln on the loth for New
York City, his future homo.
Miss Florence .lonos, who recently
resigned her position at tho High
School left Monday for Chicago to at
tend tho University.
Mrs. (ieorge K. Drown will enter
tain two companies next week, Thurs
day evening at high live mid Friday
evening at hearts.
Mrs Mary Pitcher of Owego, N. Y.,
who has spent several weeks visiting
her sister. Mrs. C. I). Plteher.left Mon
day for Duliith.
Mrs. E. II. Eddy left last week for
Manistee, Michigan, where she will
spend some time visiting with hor par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. fioorgo Cooke loft Fri
day afternoon for Chicago. They ex
pect to make that their future home.
Mr. mid Mr. .1. I. Underwood and
family expect to go to Chicago in a
few weeks to remain until fall.
Dr. and Mrs. D.ivis have been enjoy
ing a visit ft-oni Mrs. Hew IX S. Davis,
the doctor's mother.
.Jacob Worner of Peoria. 111., was
shaking hands this week with Lin-colnltes.
Mrs. Caroline Williams is making an
extended visit in Hoston.
Mr. ajid Mrs. Paul llolm pleasantly
entertained tho C street club last eve
ning. Miss Certrude Chambers, of Oiualin,
Is visiting Mis Leila Shears.
Dr. D.irius of Clilougo is in tho city
the guest of Oil. .lohnson.
Mr. and Mrs. C. CS. Dawes are so
journing in Texas.
Ilnoil's ('im-o,
III snylng that Hood's Sm-saparilla
cures, Its proprietor-, nmko no Idle or
extravagant claim. Statements from
thousands of reliable people of what
Hood's Sm-saparilla has done for them
conclusively prove the faut Hood's
Snrsapurllla cures.
Hood's Pills i net especially upon the
Ivor, rousing, it -roiu torpidity to Its
natural duties euro constipation and
assist digestion.
Cool Treatment
is whatweoxpuct from our competitors
when we olTor gas stoves at -JLotJ up
ward, mid L-asnline: stoves to suit the
purchaser. Cull anil see our Imrgalns
this week. II. J. IlALlf & Duo.
1SJ0S O street.
Tho L'Unlversal has just opened a
second spring Invoice of the very
latest effects lu ttowers, trliniiilngs, etc.
Itenlly they aro beyond description.
Won't you call mid sco them?
Eddy .t Webster's line shoes sold
everywhere lit W in this great slaugh
ter sale only :i at .1. Speier, 101." O
Call at Mrs. Wilfqii ht Ilcrpolsheiin
ers - Co. lining parlors ntul bee the
now pattern plates.
Mllllnoryittnd ladles' huts, reshaped.
Mrs. M". A. Jnunoy. Y Mt "C. A. build
ing Thirteenth and jc..
Household sewing machines at -0-.
(South Eleventh street.
Look at our saorltlcc. Ice ctns, Inu (
'Mhxt f'tM) and upwurd. Refrigerator-.
tho "fr'Hcr." , ,
II. J.HAnd&BiU)..
1303 O street.
Wo announce this
to crowd our store with
a sale of such merit, so sweeping in price, that it cannot
eager buyers, to pack our delivery wagons and to add nnothc-
victory to our conquests. We offer the following extraordinary
aii 75c, "69c, 60c, 39c
Silks, 39c
Take a peep in our window for a criterion ot these goods,
are iust what vou've been trotting round the citv after. If
waist come eativ, for tlicv won t stay
with delicious colorings; in fact, 6 or
7 of
Thev will astonish vou.
you need a drcs or a
Most of them are small, neat figures
are so odd and pretty that they are
11II.0 the state of allalrs they greeted
tholr guests. Mr Cowdery soon
and In a Uttlng speech presented them
with , a set of handsome solid silver
forkjjiftj a pretty des'gu. Mr. Keefer
responded in the lnst words that ho
could command at such a time. High
tlvoiotTerod tho diversion (or the remainder-
of the evening. Tho prizes
wero-wo'n by Mrs. Cowdery, Mr. Hurl
InrttVMi-s. .J. C. Allen and Mr. Cook,
vvl'ilc-fy woro handsome hand painted
china plates. The guests comprised
Moss's and Mesdames J C Allen, A G
JJlllonvor. E E Hrown, C. II Clarke. H
IvCowdery, A Hurlburt, A E Kennard,
RE-MiHire, Cal Thompson, O. M.
Thompson. Miss Fannie Hector, Miss
Grace Ashton, Mr. C. C. Caldwcld.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. llrown enter
tained the F street club together with
a nvuinor of friends Saturday evening
at jtiielr pleasant home on South
Twentieth street. As It was the day
Ikjforo leister each guest received, as
a souvenir, a dainty Easter card bear
ing a tlttlm inscription which was
attached by a white ribbon to the
i-oorlj (jard. As tho club gives no
prl.ta ione were awarded that even
ing. A splendid luncheon was served
during the evening. The club is coin
ppsod of Me?rs and MesdaniesTlpllng,
Sohus, Manning, Sawyer, Hutehliis,
Mills, Casolieer, Warren, Swan, L. C.
Clark, Holwlg, Hlbner, Mr M I .lt
ken, Miss Carrie Dennis. Tho guests
were Messrs and Mesdames W C
Davis, Llndly, Cowdery, Tllton, J .1
Davis. JJlllmovor. Glllllan, It M Mor-
rUiJijyilt C Garoutte.
The Levatn Whist olub closed their
sonsonlMonday evening with a meeting
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Llndley, 'JOUI South Twentieth street.
Tito club has tho honor of ranking
among tlio oldest soclul organizations
of Lincoln, having been playing whist
togilhef. for seven years. During that
The pleasant home of Mr. C. Y Loig,
III? H. street was tho scene of a Vorv
ju-etty wedding Thursday evening at
which time his daughter Mlstf Mablo
Iong united her hand and heart .6 Mr.
W. C. Grinith. At the hour of eight
In the evening the parlors were
thronged with guests. At a few min
utes after eight the brldo leaning on
tho arm of tho groom vended their
way to tho parlor in time with the
strains of Mondollsohn's wedding march
At tho entrance of the parlor they were
met by Rev. Hrudt, who with a simple
und impressive ceremony made them
man and wife. Tho bride was attired
in a handsome heavy white silk gown
made on princess. She- carried a largo
bouquet of orange blossoms. The
groom was In tho conventional black.
After the ceremony hearty congratula
tions were received, after which an
olegant wedding biipper was served.
The list of presents wus large, some of
the most noticeable being a mounted
silver carving sot, a marble clock, a
solid silver pickle dish, 11 silver butter
bowl, a cuke dish, a sot of lco cream
spoons, several volumnes of books, table
linen, china, gluss ware and muny other
valuable us well us iixoful presents.
Tho happy couplo will Immediately go
to house koonlnir at 21110 Jtstrcot, The
list of guests included Messrs. and' time there has been but ono change In
Mosdumos FA Hullott, A E Thorpe, ( the membership. Whllo the club Is
jlargruvcs, Judge Lunslng, Leister, A mid litis been a social organization, yet
party of Prof. .Johnson's dancing
school. The lloor was never in better
condition and tlio muslo was inspiring
mi that the light fantastic toe was
tripped with ease and grace. Ices
wore served by Sutton & Hollowbush.
Tho dancers made merry until a late
hour when they departed for their
homes tired but happy. The guests of
the evening were Misses .Josephine
Lottridgo, Carrie Vivian, Grace 'Ram
sey, Hattie Decker, .leiiule Watson,
.Je'iuilo Stewart, HertloPoston, Emerald
.lones, May Hluuohurd. Met tie Moehler,
Clara West, Amy West. Stella Hoyt,
Flo Hale, Henrietta Hawley. Lniina
McWhlnnle, Nellie Collin, Claralul
Alford, Susie Hartram. Messrs Wil
son Winger, Arthur Walsh, Dudley
Cook. Harry Hurley, Foster Hunch,
Ara Ward, Arda Chapman (Suy Hale,
Elmer Clark, Harry Copoland, Wilson,
Klmer, Frank Kitchen. .John Lott
ridgo, Gus lvlemikauf, Grat. Humes.
Harry Rugg, Van Smith, Arthur
Hamer, Fred Cooley, George Letson,
Morgan Maghee, Mcghart, George
Miss Anna Dick, after a ten day visit
in the worlds fair city, is once more at
home and her parlor, over the Lincoln
savings bank now present a live and
unulniated appearance. Miss Dick re
ports Chicago well up in the Pnrisun
fashions mid that nearly till the ladles
are wearing the new skirt. Tho papers
have to a great extent overdone the
crinoline skirt, and Instead of what we
may have expected, wo will tlnil that
the new skirt will look pretty uud very
dressy. MIm Dick took in till the
largest emiHiriunis of fuhloiis and vis
ited such other places as would glvo
hor now Ideas for her Lincoln patrons
and the result is that she Is now In
possession of all tho Information on
spring toilettes that may be desired by
her friends.
A now curd club bus been recently
organized among the young people of
Lincoln, which bids fair to be ono of
the most enjoyable ones of tho season.
Tho club bus tho French name dole do
1 ... 1 is e
Successors to J. W. WINGER & CO
1109 "O
Rudge & Morris Co.,
Leading Hardware And Furniture House
50 Dinerent styles ot Fa nor buits at Price; to
Suit All, $25 to $200.
75 Different Styles of Chamber Suits. Our $25
Oak is a sure Winer.
80 Different Styles Lounges and Couches.
$21 Rug Couch is a Seller.
25 Side Boards to select from, and for $20.00
have a bargain.
Al.o agents Gunn Folding Bed and Leonard Hard
Wood Refrigerators.
W I'
There are two kinds of Parlor Suits. We are not making an effort to press the
one, but are doing all we can to press the other.
111S to 1122 N St.