CHPITHL CITY COURIER, 3 FASHION MUTATIONS. COMETHING NCW AND PRETTY SEEN EVERY WEEK. Olltn lliiriT.lnt a lilt Tirol or Ituntrm Tim t'nrillinit'n 3'tirili Xmrlllr In Wont Warm Wenlher HnU Noma Oilil Hliiipen. IHin'rlnl CorrriHnilciice.) Nkw Yoiik, April 0. The fuHliloim this season ri'iiiiml mo partly of "Now yon fico it, mid now you don't," nnd portly of "M. Tonson, como again," for tluy change bo fust tlutt you do not gefn clmnco to look ii second tlnio before it litis changed to something else, nnd likely ns not tluit something else Is just liko thu pleco grnnduni hIiowh you in tlio old patchwork quilt, saying, "Thnt was n piece of a dross I woro when I wuh your ago." Still it is ratlior nico to find something now every week, for generally tlio now things uro protty, and it id always pleas- NKW MOUIlNINO OOWN AM) COAT. nnt to seo pretty things. Among tlio pret tiest of them all is tlio new lino of spring nnd summer capes. They aro short, very full, lined with changing Bilks and heruflled on tlio Hhoulders and around tlio necks until you feel a little tired of ruflles. however protty they aro, singly. are made in all sorts of material, natin, velvet, hengaliue. clay diagonals, kerseys, meltons, faille, cashmere, sorgo and velutina. both plain and corded, and all lined with tlio changeable silk. They aro trimmed "variously." Homo having rich jet. others laco and ribbons, others again Having tlio nutterliy, empire or Austrian effects obtained through tho different styles of rulllo. There has been quite a display of nov elties in new woolens this week, and 1 noticed among tho most remarkable ot them sumo hniumckhiirus in all the new colors, even including eminence (tho car dinal's purple), and home colored serges and cashmeres, with rich inwoven Turk ish borders. These are double width and really beautiful. There was a fancy di agonal in all the new colors, and in each pattern the most of them wero inter woven ho that the goods would Hhado olf in different lights, something, 1 should imagine, difficult to do with woolen threads only. There are also changeable fcorges, very pretty, but not durable if they clmnco to get damp. There aro several novelties in silk and wool mixtures, which make lovely lus trous dresses, and they will wash well and wear well. There are some pearl grays where the warp is silk and tho woof wool in natural color, tho shade of gray light or dark, according to tho amount of black wool. These aro sim ply everlasting and will wash liko calico and look ns good as now as long as thero is a thread. When these aro all black, they mako tho most elegant black fabric wo have, both for nico wear and for mourning, two now styles of which aro hero given. There aro sonio new designs in natural wool which aro soft and light and warm, and they aro very useful for children and also for nico wrappers. It is tinted rather than colored, which makes it spe cially dainty for babies and morning wrappers. There is a new hard twilled sorgo which has a side band woven in different colored silk. It is expected that tho side bund will bo used to trim tho blurt, and & m imm. m mk, .JUL "ssm ??J A pmir. Ni'.w ii ts and waists. llounce.s with the band for tho bottom part are the most suitable. Anotherodd stuff is called hop sacking, and it is striped, checked and plain, and still an other is liko burlaps, with borders in palo shades woven along thoedges. This i principally intended tor outing dress, s, but while it is f. novelty many a dainty girl will habit hersilf in its penitential looking texture. Iliad marly forgotten that I wanted to show you some pretty w.uMs. Tho top is of while china silk and navy blue velutina. with velvet ribbon of the same. Tho lower one is a waist of cardinal surah, with white (Jouncing draped to represent a flgaro jacket. The two hats are (or warm weather one of rough lilac straw with pinked silk iiilllid all around the edge and with a Wee rosette oil top of the Clown. Tin' cither lsnf bl.u k ilup with ribbon and an ow I'm head for oriiani' ut The -li 1 pi Is 1 odd. bill it 11 tt. new 1 Hi ii I 1 1 11 I! Jfm Ik lit- atci VfeX . 5 i vJkeh 1 ) m&wL vastus M V. RF DR Tfll Mflf.F'S .TQRFRfciarJ R . I BROOKLYN, TJIEMOJlMOXTKMPJiK HISTORIC NOTES EXPLANATORY OF THE RECENT DEDICATION. The Milrinone lime ('unili'tt-il I'lio Trm- ilr, hut All Wiirn lii.lKiililruiit fiim- imrit With This-I'm I) YiMim In Hnllil K S.ilt l.iilic (lt) lull r i:iillniliiNiii. Sw( lal (iirii"Hiniliiiii'. Salt LakicCity. April (!. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has at last completed, and even as I write this is joyously dedicating tho most re markable structure, all things consid ered, in tho United States. It has been the subject of more ardent hopes and trembling fears, of more confident and more virulent prophecy, tho cause of more wdd rejoicing as well as of heart burnings and bitterness, than any other American building, ami it stands to lay a monument of sustained hope and per severance which is truly Mihlimc. Kay, if you will, that it is also a monument of folly and fanaticism it is at least a splendid and harmless one. In 18.")$ Horace (ireeley spoke of poo plo and temple with a philosophic con tempt. In 1800 Richard l- Burton, the noted Ar.iatic and African traveler, took a slightly more favorable view, but de clared that no Pacific railway would bo built in this century. Hichardson, Bowles nnd Colfax in lbli. thought tho temple might bo finished in time to servo as a statehouso for tho Gentile state, soon to rise on tho ruins of Mormouisni. In 1870 Beadle, tho frautio nnti-Mor-inon, declared that tho temple would never bo completed. Mrs. Waite, an other radical writer, declared that the Mormons would soon tleo to tho Sand wich Islands. And so tho stream of prophecy llowed on, but hero the temple is, and 100,001) Mormons aro celebrat ing it. Leaving details of tliia week to tlio talking wire. I present a fow points of history which will servo to explain tlieso proceedings. Sixty-threo years ago to day, in tho house of Peter Whitmor, in Fayette, Seneca county, N. Y., Joseph Smith and vo others organized tho "Church of Christ," as they called it. Tho other words wero added to the title at Kirtland, O.; but their now revelation being designated tho "Book of Mormon," tho world gave them tho name of Mor monites. Next year they founded Kirt land, O., and located the sito of their great tempi" to bo at Independence, Mo. Thero all faithful saints (.Mormons) fond ly believe is their last gathering place on earth, and there they will have a temple tar surpassing Solomon s. 1 ' Ci ,&m-t'M mmm milt w''Jy TIIK MOKMnN' TrMTI.i:. March ST, liil, they dedicited their fir.-t temple at Kirtland, its co-t repuried nt $10.1)011. Thenext year they (led tin m e to Mis-oiiri, and that temple, alti r be ing u-ed as a porkhou-e and warehouse, liasieceiitly 1 11 pnivhii-ed and re-tored by dts-eiiting Mormons known a-. lo-oph-ites. No temple was built at huh pond ence, but the site is still owned by another di eiiting sect known as Twiheites Driven again I nun Mi-sotiri to Illinois, the Mormon-, built tho city of Nauvoo, 'and 111 Ma, lltl, a reiuiiaut i'oiupletil ami dedin'ted a great tuuph Uut ' scarei 1," sas a most unliiindh In- I ton in, "had the nojes of tin trutupit MB Ilk SS ksX H Iff 111 Pw if fft i A A kvmmrjk m, mtf-Wl!.rf .1 InZti t n$ lma IiU8 ,.s4J H-i 1 J ' i r i w t.1 r-i r i i. NEW YORK. b e o ceased ami tin I'ist rijTTnl rTieu on tini air when tho work of removing tho micro saiietu began. Everything portable was taken down and carefully packed for tho new Zion, and tho building was dis mantled lo the bare walls." The mobs soon came on I.fiOO Htrong, bombarded Nauvoo for three days and shot down many t)f its defenders, anil so the remnant of the Mormons was driv en across the Missis.sippi ami followed the pioneers to Salt Lake valley. About midnight of Nov. tl-lll. ISH, a firo was kindled in the steeple of this Nauvoo temple by one Joe Agnew, a fanatical anti-Mormon. At 'J a. in. of the If tt It the citizens awakened to find tho whole wooden interior a mass of tlames. At daylight nothing remained but tho bare, hot walls In November, 1S.")0, a hur ricane completed tho work of destruc tion, and now not a Mono marks the epot. A lovely vineyard covers what was tho temple block, and thostono is in scores of walls in the now (Jeriuaii town of Nauvoo. Tho first Mormons entered Salt Lake valley July '.'. 1817. In Lsr.O tho popu lation was ll.:is)aud increasing, accord ing to tho federal census, at the rate of !!.") per cent yearly. In is,i!l, as afore said, ground was broken lor this temple, but in tho intervning time the Mormons have completed other and greatly infe rior temples at St. (ieorgo and in Cache valley. The present temple (the great temple till Independence is rctored to tliosailitH)is'J()0 feet long and 01) feet wide, with corner towers I8S feet high and a central spire on which tho gildul statue of the angel Moroni is perched. 1!H) feet from the ground. The material is a bright gray moun tain granite, delicately (locked with blue, tlio most enduring stone known to builders. Earthquakes aside, it may bo relied on to endure till the last trump shall sound. The cost in money and la bor cannot fall much short of .:!, 000,000. So far as any one man can bo credited tho honor of its construction must bo given to Trueman O. Angell, church arcliitn t. Sviiaii J. Bitow.VK. IIjKllllll ;UV SilMWllll. I) . V. I.. Dayton, neviii-t and aurlst No. I'JiMO street, I.iw.di Nob. Mr. W. V.. Gosper's n,r spring stock of milliucr.N. the li-io-t in the city, is now complete. MIm, Anna Dick. .Modi-'.", ,.. 1 Itli and 1 sts.. iivi' Lincoln ,:., ings bunk. K. ('. Baking J'oi.-iH'c. ounces for you ' ;,-, (.,.nts. Absolutely pun tried it? M in. Met 'lave and '.Mrs. Kn-iniiiger, lllliMil'i's-llinkillg. 'Sl ) Mroet. Min. Mel'arhuul. proft'r.'doiial iiiiinc. ISM South KlfW'llt'l street. i - I K. ('. HaKiiig I'lin-ilcr. 'J." nunee-. for J") cent-'. Absolutely pure. Ilae vnu tried it? The I'l.-t" Laiiudi'v. l!2o n (.tivet. I telephone ."i7!i. II. Town-end ,v 'n., proprietor-, Lincoln. Neb. , Mi- Mabel Merrill, the H, l Known ai'ti-t.i- a.'.tiu at her Miulio. room .'I 1 'i ll-tel' llloelf, Wbi'l'e slie will be f ili ll-eil to e.eeute oi'iler- ill pa-tel and oil painting-. I.e-Min- gien. Mi-h Itei'tha and t, pew liter. ! work, and all ki Snjdei', stenognipher ( 'oi'i'eiomienc , law ml- of sliiii't-huuil work promptly ami neatly eecited -licet. Telepliolle 'Si'.. 1KII i) I.aie-I nineltie- ill Spring Millinen. thelille-t in tile ellj. ( 'aid W ell -l-lei .. ll- South Kleventll street, Min. II. II. DoiiiiiivmI. Hair )r. ine and Manicuring, room- l)-iij, n. w lb own Mm k. I'l'JU () street "Co pueli line nf 1 'iniied fr mi- i' ilt a- -hown l y ( t , 1 1 1 1 sn ,tli 1 iiiths'"i "LO, THE POOR INDIAN I" "Vlun lliimlri'il Ni'tircm l.llni(iii tlm At-It-It lutii) lti'r ill Inn, Spi'lnl ('iirri'xiHiiiilciu'i'.l HAt.AMANix, N. Y., April 0 Ancient Indian traditions toll of a mighty race who, stretching thnir possession) mainly throughout what is now Pennsylvania, Now York and Ohio, Initio defiance to all who attempted to subdue them. Hut at length the liidnmitnhlu Iroquois became numbered among their foes, and after terrific battles and long cnulllct the an cient race, the Alligewi, wero hopelessly conquered and driven from their homos. -iM'JhM Un ar-l hf-lLJlM-l I ffijfe 'A.? 1 INDIAN IKIMm. TIii'sp Alligewi, so thero Is much ron ton to believe, wero tho veritable mound builders, and tho wonl "Alleghany" is but a white man's corruption of their name. But how Htrauge it is that along tho banks of the Alleghany river tho do scemlants of the greatest enemies of tho mound builders still live! In a reservation of some SI0.000 acres, a Htrip of tenltory '10 miles long by about one mile in width, varying some what ns the width of the valley varies. with tho broad and gentle Alleghany Mowing throughout its length, live some 000 Indians, almost all of them being Seuecas. Tlio original meaning of their Indian iiaino was, 'Mhey who aio at tho door way," for tho ancient Iroquois, by a splendid conception, pictured (heir mag nificent realm as one great house, stretch ing from tho Hudson, where the Mo hawks guarded tho eastern poital. to the groat lakes, where tho Senecas kept watch at tho western door. One who passes through tho dreary Alleghany reservation, where tho fields aro covered with countless stumps still to bo uprooted, and where but little farming is carried on, and that but in a sadly inefficient manner, thinks of the original meaning of tho Seneca name, for truly these Indians aro still "at tho doorway." Tho reservation is hemmed in on either hand by a line of dark and loftily abrupt hills, and it is claimed that tho Indians woro induced to accept such n narrow strip by being made to believe that -10 square miles meant tho same as '10 miles square. Yet a generous government does not forget them By treaty they have tho right to the annual interest accruing from the sum for which they sold their former hinds, and each one on tho res ervation receives, therefore, each year what is supposed or claimed to bo tho worth of if I. i!0 in gingham or sheeting or some such material. Tho reservation consists largely of river water, ami through such part as is laud tevcral inilroads have been allowed to run their tracks, while mom than this, one good flized city, Salamanca, is located within tlio reservation, and several small er towns as well. Tho whites went in without any right, and recognizing tho illegality of their tenure put up frail, unsubstantial build ings without foundations, ho that little loss would ensuu should they bo com pelled to remove. But the government enmo to their ro lief. Such deserving citizens ought not to bo neglected. An act was passed in 187.t allowing them tho legal right to lease lauds of tho Indians for quite a term of years. It was known that tlio majority of tho tribe would not refuse the small amount of money offered, and tho In dians wero therefore allowed to part with tho right to largo poitiousof their lauds, no regard whatever being had for future generations of their race. Tho Indians aro confronted by a serious problem. Their own timber has been chopped down and is therefore no longer a source of revenue. They must either obtain work in sawmill and lumber le gions, as some of them already do, or they must (arm, and how to cultivate those rough and stumpy fields is a prob lem. Tho iusidoof an Indian home is usually a scene of careless disorder. Articles of furniture and use stand about in all sorts of positions, and the walls, if papered at all, aro usually papered with newspapers which moio than likely aro Happing and loose. Yet tho Indians, both men and women, are pleasantly happy as a tide and do not seem to dread the future. Wo took- sin Iter one day from a heavy rain in one of tin it- homes and were re- 'iml hy h most pleasant, cheery httlo I'odv, a barefoot Indian woman, per feetly self possi -soil, With the brightest 'of eyes and splendid form, well poi.-ed, 1 and finely shaped head, and pretty mouth and no-e 1'ooily diessed she was, but u-ally liandsoiue And how she loM'd and watched her twoiittlo childn u petting and fondling thi'in when frightened by the lightning and thunder, and evi r and aiioii bit ak Ulg illto pe.lln nt gleeful, I'llll'I'llpy laugh- tn! In tho best room the ceiling wasuf board whitewashed The kitchen had Imai'd- Up thesii s. while then tlili,' W.IS l.ltheil but Imt plastered TI1ereWas.1t one side ,i little open cupboard nt tour sliehes, the Upper and lower 111 disorder, but oddly enough tho middle two care, fully arrauu'ed, with simple pn-n s of gluwaro in the ceiiti r, and on eat h side two cups and two saucers, eai h saucer inverted and w it li its cup on top. Two pieces of while cloth, t aeh hi illg half a width ot hln cling. s ri l for cur tains, each of these curtain- l iiil.' lacked 111 place at the two upp r coinei- M.' of tho wiiim 11 are good looking and hao small f t The dnMmi 111 guieral are bruhl aiel chubb) The lie 11 aie stolid and mans ! thein bi ing of 1-.1i In r In i b r .. and ofclnin s and fiu liniunthii t r build Tin no 1 41 I" (olloW tie ii'-i.ll. l tin II' all- 1 -; -is and di 1, t ,,t t Miti 1 11 n 1 li s I. .ii l 1 rfeUl") lii'l'l iitSmx iiths ,lu ,il t Do You Want to Jiuy a SPRING WRAP? For Yourself or Daughter? You can SAVE TIME AND MONEY And eL the inoht reliable style and best finished garment at from 2.00 UP TO $15.00 At Tho Progressive Dry Goods Emporium BLOCH St KOHN, ...j-ro r ( 5. 'I'lii' Ilidwnics Ilnvi' V-.SL r-s-fj THIS SEASON lV7 t& Kvciylmdy I3HWJV SHOES Lot .lust in for UADIES I" TO B CHILDREN 6 TO 10' MISSES ll TO 2" LADIES' SPRING HEELS 2 1-2 TO S See tho West Window. I'H ( n OUR STOCK OF Monarch GAS and GASOLINE STOVIiS. G URN BY - REFRIGERATORS And Kitehen Furnishings Call and see us. m. J. FIAIMlx & BRO. -N I ' I ' ' YK ARK T1IK PI:OPLli:. WE SELL WALL PAPER, AMI hON I 0l I OKCl-.r II'. "30 s. e. 7VfO.ORE. us MACFARLANE BROS. M.I. iiKDI I IMMMI'TIA I'll. 1. 1 I) Tee flrearn ;Pai'loi?s l'i r In I ream. 1'ruit In . 1 alcs. Koll-. Mivail. and ( onfi 1 tionei ii - of all Kind-. SPECIAL RATKS TO PAKT1KS -CHURCH SOCIALS 'lUi lui ii." i' NK Mil 1 1. 1 1 and 1 1. j 3 () Street. o yj ('(inn' to Town U2H (!) ttvcct will ;ot tlioir fi'ut in ED. G. YATES. Most Complete Line in thu City. CORNERIIIHN Ih tlio plucii wliuru tlio Economy J2ry uoods is Located fOI Ladles are cordially Invited to call and sec our elegant dl-iilay of Novelty Dross lioods ami ( 'hina Silks. Over one hundred d liferent stales-no two nllko nil of tho latest pattern-. Wo in ite coiiiparinou. E. C. ROBERTSON, Proprietor. X'J'J 1' Stroot U I Ihvh L n AmlwMK rflf Pf If'