DRPITHL CITY COURieR. o HKillAKTIXimSKiN'S 1HG NEW SUMMLR TAOniCS SHOW MORC THAN USUAL TALENT. KllVa Orcr Wlilcli I Inwrra Ap-tcnr to lUtfl lUen Bciltrrl tijr llsliy tliuitlt 1'nlni l.if l'tlrrn nn HwIm A Hlllt Trimmed Dinn Ttiat Can Itn iMilluUrril. ICViirrlglit, law, ttjr AmrlMvn lrM AmooIs tkrn.) O THE men or women who de sign tint llg.ircs I nml flowBnt seen on tlio new silks, sateens nml ohnl lies roino under tho nniim of art ists, or nro thoy only "designers?' If thoy nro not culled in tint, I think thoynrodo- frnndod of their just duo, for tho de signs nro nioro thnn designs thin nonson. They nro no ninny jwrfoct pictures, each nftcrltskiml. I hnvosocn lrtnr'M ;iilnt cl hy nrtlsts which went not nearly ho nrttstio mid true to nut nro ns are some of tl loin). Thero is n dark ground -sometimes hlnek inilln nllk with tho most IH'rfcot llowern scattered over it, ns if thrown hy n hahy'H hands, niiiiii of them crushed and fadtsl a little, an though they had Ihhmi held too close in tho loving gniRp and had wilted under tlio warm caress. Tho tiny daisies, cowslips or violets nro marvels of delieaey, and then lhero are others where there nro broken off blossoms of tho pink wax begonia, tiny sprigs of parsley leaf pattern anil broken fronds of ninldenhair fern, rus nut and reddened under too briKht a huh. Thero are otherH with small brunches of pussy willows in bud and bloom, and jicrfeet orchids in their gorgeous color ing, nud pnlo, brlttlo loaves. Tiny rose buds) ing on n rose geranium leaf that is portly green mid partly faded jellow nro Keen in ono pattern, and pink pim pernel make another. Bo do tho deli cnto whito chlukweed nud npplo blot Bonis nud clover blossoms lmtli white and red, nud a few velvety pnnslos. Hut tho tnsto of tho nrtists seems to have turned rather toward tho despised and overlooked beauties that llo about us. Ono licnutlfnl pattern of a gray green ground has plno noodles Mrown over it, Homo of them singly and others in bunches of llvo or nix all in a heap. Thoro is no pet figure, or if them is it, is not rejK'ated often enough to permit tho whole to appear at ono view. Ono mostuxiiuisito pattern hud a pearl gray ground, with irregular palo pur plish bluo leaves in two. sluulos and moss rosebuds with short broken stems in pink mid purplish bluo woven in tho chenoy pattern, so that it looked like tho colors of mountains seen through tho misty hazo of distance. Homo other pat terus have disks of ono color or another on tho background, and lying portAy on tho disk nud partly on tho solid color half opened pink daisies or sotno other email tlowcr, which makes an artistic contrast nud pleasing whole. A few Lnvo gooiuotrlcnl llgurea alternating with n pattern of broken twigs, tho pret tiest being n black ground with very palo green rhomboids and twigs of th wild chicory, nlso in palo green, with n bluo flower on each ono. But thero nro hundreds of varying patterns, nil exquis itely lovely, so that it is hard to chooso from them. To suit tho matter to every purso thest patterns nro nil reproduced in sateen, lino cambrics and chnllios. Tho dark grounds nro likely to nppenr clean longer than tho others, but those with tho light er grounds nro far prettier nud moro summery. IIow nro thoy to bo made? Well, here is a picturo that will show you. Ono lias n ground of French gray, with pim pernel blossoms and leaves for n pattern. Tho skirt is gored nnd without rufllo or ornament around tho bottom. Over it is n quaint cape, which, after encircling tho shoulders, forms n sort of waist drn pory cosily understood by tho illustra tion, and this then forms sash panels which reach to tho bottom. This is of falllo in dull bluo. A lovely pink batlsto wns mndo up na if it was tho most extravagant silk, with elx gathered flounces, each headed by a bond of bios silk, changeable old rose and gold, tho capo rovers and stolo cuds all of tho same. Theso bands nro sewn over stiff muslin nnd then loosely cat stitched on so that thoy can bo removed if necessary to hnvo tho gown wnshed, but it could, barring accidents, bo worn ono season at least without requiring it. Among the other lovely now spring and summer cotton fabrics ono tlnds empire brocades, satin striped and plaid ginghams, Freuch twills, rnyonette, figured and hemstitched; chlntr, two toned figures; gloria foulard mid a uuin PRETTY 6I-RINO DRE88E8. bcrof styles in fancy French muslins with woven spots, both whito and col ored, many of them in imitation of the unique straw embroidery from Fayal, whero tho natives embroider beautiful patterns with straw on net and thin muslins. There are also Irish lawns, crinkled ginghams and Havana cloth. As if these were not enough in tho way of wash fabrics, thero nro many pretty pat terns of fine Madras and m&n-o'-war suitings, printed check lawns, where too jfJffM aBv sH ' I1bIK.BBbW fat torn Is ery delicate and pleushig .vlth Its soft tow'tand semll rnntp.iroiit fabric, and there is a brocho HwIhs. This latter is a Swiss muslin, which all wom en know means u stilToiie, and on it art printed tho old brocho and palm leaf patterns, which gain n new softness and bcanty'on account of tho shoornoss of tho nnndln. This pattern has always lieen used' on woolen goods, and soiuo tlnies on sateen, but never until now has It Wen successfully produced on thin cotton goods. 1 also noticed n lino of ntriiied seer suckertJ and another of pampas cloth, and thtyojiwo will l largely employed in tnitlnnft'teunls suits and such gowns as will rocolvo tho hardest wear. Velvet trimmings on gowns will lo worn nil tho senson through whorever they ran lnt put. Private information tells mo that plush is to bo worn in tho fall to an extent never beforo dreamed iif. I a')n not sorry, for it is a superb material and becoming to all, tho only drawback being its cost. llKNltlimT. HoUHSiKVU. Now York. AN INTERESTING GROUP. Tim litiiilly f Mott Kinltti, Ihci lliiunlliui Mlul-trr. Ono neeember evening it little over eight years ago tho literary society of Washington met at the residence of Mrs. .lean Davenport Lauder.aquaintold fashioned white fiamohouso not far from thocapitol. Oeneral Hnwloy presided, nud many other distinguished men and women wero present. To mo ono of tho most interesting was a plump little woman with a bright, attractive face, crowned with wavy gray hair combed MYRV MOTT RMITII. J! I IS. SMITH. back from a broad, low forehead. This was Mrs. Mott Hmltli. I sat beside hex for souio tlmo and listened with delight to her pleasant voice telling mo about her homo in Honolulu. It all seemed very wonderful and new, nud such n long way off I And now wo are talking about annexation, and tlio young Princess Kaiulani is protesting against it. Dr. Mott Smith was then a special commissioner from Hawaii. 1 don't re member whether ho and Mrs. Smith kept house (u Washington that winter or not, but they did tlio next winter in a large, plain house on I street. This agreeablo family attracted tho best people in tho city and tho distingulshedstranger with in her gates, so that ono was sure, even at tho least formal evening at this house, to meet moro than ono personage of po litical or literary distinction. An interesting feature of that big, pleasant parlor was a "Hawaiian cor ner," with a fine collection of photo graphs of the royal family and many points of interest. Thero wero instru ments of various kinds, specimens of na tive huidiwork, some of the itouutiful feather work, strings of tho loeliest shells nnd many things which I cannot now describe. Dr. Mott Smith, a native of Now York, wont when quite young to Hawaii. His wifo was born In Honolulu of New Eng land parents. Sho received most of her education in this country nnd has mndo the trip to and from Hawaii many times. Her children wero born in her nntivo city, nud thero was a houseful when they wore all at homefour girls nnd threo boys. Then this charming family went away in pursuit of knowledge, which to them was a paetimo, not a hardship. Tho eldest two girls spent two years in IDA. MOTT RMITII. MAY MOTT SMITH. Dresden studying German and music, nud tho rest wero scattered for nwliile. About four years ago they got together In Boston and sot up n homo there, whero tho younger memliers pursuo their stud ies, while tho elders come and go as bus! nets or pleasure calls. Mrs. Mott Smith Is now very much of an Invalid, and her social duties nro dis charged by her second daughter, Myra, n pretty girl, with soft, golden brown hair, dark, golden brown eyes nnd fnir complexion. Sho is as bright nnd clever as sho is good looking, nnd ns natural and unaffected as thouchoolgirl of seven years ugo. Ida, the third daughter, who might easily bo taken for Myra, so much does sho resemble her, graduated with many honors from tho Harvard annex some tlmo ago. Her knowledge of mathe matics especially is something quite won derful for a girl, but bIio does not con sider hor education finished and is now taking a "post-post" couro. May, nbout 14, is following closo In tho footstops of her sister nnd promises to rival her in mental attainments and good looks. Of tho boys. Harold, just of ago, is studying architecture. Ernest, two years younger, is still at Harvard. Morton, who was ono of tho littlo ones I remem ber, has a decided tnsto for electricity. JUUKTTK M. IUUUITT. IIow to Make Stove I'olUh. Mix black lead with tho whito of nn egg. IIow to ItrltElitrn Tinware. Wash it in soda water; it will look like now. THE COST OK I-'AMK. 00R MEN SHOULD AVOID DEINQ EMBASSADOR. rltmnn Would Spurn tlin .Mt-xlciui Mint. ry I'mfnuir I unult'y Wnnlil ly--lhn Mnsln Tnirr nml llm Cut Mm. t'lna limit' t'unillititto for I'lmlmiKlnr. Hr '"I ('im,M)iiilrncc Wamhnoton, April fl. There is very nmnl) chance for u poor man to win fame In tho higher ranks of the Ameri can diplomatic son Ice, Tho first clais missions can 1m hold only by men who nro nble to spend each joar a lingo sum from their private purses. I.x-Soc rctury Ilayard, for instance, will pay dearly for tho honor of being tho first embassador tills nation over sent acrons tho water. At London ho will receive a salary of fl7,r(K) a year, anil his expense will probably bo Just about twice this sum. When Mr. i'lielpsuas minister at Lon don and ex-(lovernor Waller of Connect icut consul geiieial at the same place, tlio minister and the consul general oc casionally compared uotetou their finan cial status. Ono day after a com creation on this topic Miuistei Phelps proponed to Waller that they exchange places dur ing tlio remaining two) ears that they oxpeeted to remain there. "Yon see Waller." said ho, "I get a salary of $ I?. n()0a)ear and siienil a little moie than !I5,(M)0 a year, as I dWcowr by looking over my bankbook. On the other hand, you take in, salary and fees together, about f 10.(100 a year, and j on say your living expeiiKOH do not much exceed $1, 000 a month So, if you will agree, we'll simply exchange places for tho next two years, and that will bring us both out even What do you say?" When congress gavo the president tho power to send an embassador to countries sending an embassador hither, it did not authorize any incteate in the salary, and henco Embassador llayatd nud Embassador Eustis and the other embassadors. If we have any, will hnvo to meet tho demands upon their moro oxnltod rank out of their own pockets. Franco and England, an tho other hand, nllow their embassadors u good deal moro monoy ior year than they do their mere ministers, nnd it is be hoved Sir Julian Pauneefoto's salary and allowances from the British gov orumotit ns embassador at Washington will run well up toward $70,000 a year. THOMAS K. RAY Altn. Tho British minister at tho City of Mexico is allowed about fiO.OOO a y.nr all told, nnd ho sends it all, or nearly all. in sumptuous entertnlnlng. The din ners which ho gives in tho Mexican cap ital uro described ns truly royal, and their richness quito puts In tho shndo tho ef forts of our jioorly paid representative at that capital. A few j ears ago our min ister to Mexico woh paid only $t2,000 a year, but miuistor after minister finding it impossible to maintain the dignity of tho United States on that sum without plunging himsolf into bankruptcy con gress very reluctantly raised tho mission to the first class. If Minister Gray goes into entertain ing at nil and it is difficult to sou how ho can avoid doing so nud hopo to main tain a status which will bo satisfactory to himself nud his government he will find his salary of $17,500 a year scant enough. That looks like n big sum of money to most of us, but it doesn't go very far with a foreign minister. Besides, Mexico has ono of tho gayest nnd most prodigal capitals in tho world. All tho wealth of that country nearly is owned In tho City of Mexico. It is a laud of glorious climate, soil and resources, but teems with poverty stricken millioiu. Tho wealth is controlled by a few. nnd theso fortunate families live in splendor in the capital city. Thero is littlo or no manufacturing in tho country, and excessive import taxes nro levied ujion everything bought in the United States or Europe. For in stance thero nro no breweries in Mex ico, nnd the imported beer costs .10 cents a bottlo. No wine is produced in tho country, nnd as tho rich will hnvo wiuo . they find it necesMiry to pay enormous .prices. Tho truth is, 1 wouldn't take ; tho Mexican mission us a gift. In addi tion to the necessity of spending all of I ouo's salary and throwing in his time ns worth nothing, ono iniibt run euormpus ' chances of ending his days there. The ' city has no drainage. It lies reeking in tho accumulated tilth of centuries. Who would want to leave tho glorious United States and Iho in u hole like that four years simply for tlio purpose of acquir ing a littlo fame? Much more seusiblo would it bo for n man to stay at homo and dovoto his energies to something for tho benefit of his fellow man. Tako. as an example, tho coso of Professor Langley, secretary of tho Smithsonian institution. For several years this man bus devoted his great learning and his wonderful energy to tho development of a flying mnchino. He spends his days at the institution earning the salary which is paid him, nnd he does earn it too. But I don't be lieve ho would admit a cabinet minister to his house in tho evening. After din ner is tho golden hour which ho devotes, and which ho has devoted for sovcrul years, to work upon his dovico. All social invitations, all tho fleeting vanities of tho world, ho eschews with tho rigor If n religious ri'(-lue Ho has no tlmo f ir filoht Lift' is too short with this man to w HHti an hour that might bo de oted to rcieuce Is it not admirable? Of course it Is. and tho results of all this self denial, of all this labor, aro likely to astonish the world nud nii'ko Professor Langley ono of tho most famous men of his time. Tho progress which ho has mndo with his fhing machine ho guards as more or less of a secret, but I sin able to tell you that within a yerr or so ho will without much doubt solvo this problem of problems. Ho Is building n Hying machine that will fly. Years of study convinced Professor Langley that flight could not bo effected by means of a balloon. So Professor Langley set out to build nn aeroplane n flying mnchino which should fly by virtue of tho impact of itself in motion against the surround ing ntiiKHphcro, Countless experiments haebieu mndo in this direction also, but all have failed for lack of proper ad jitstinent of weights and nhscm o of tho in cessai y power. 1 Ie desorv es famo and is almost i uro to attain it. Thero aro many dilTcrcet wavs of at taining fame. Home men acquire it, and others have it thrust upon them As an example of tho latter, take tho eno of Judge Mnguiro of San Fiiiuciseo, who it coming down here as a member of con gress .Fudge Maguire won fame with a single dory. It was not much of a story either, but its success lay in tlio applica tion of it Perhaps) on hae heard of tho single taxere. Tho single taxers, led by Henry Geoige. haoouo of the most perfect oiganiations known to the art of propagaudisui All the single taxers hung together There aro single taxers all oer earth In nearly eery country they have their national society, con trolling nud co-operating with innumer able local societies No religious sect, no secret society, no social or politi-al organisation that 1 know mi) thlngabout, is one-half ho much in earnest aa the Mil gle taxer. 1 hardly know what single taxing is myself, and yet confess to a great deal of admiration for theso men who, out of pure earnestness of conviction, very lovo of their principles, aro going forth to try to couquor. tt happens that n great many people can't see through the single tax doctrino. No matter how clearly it may be explained to them, they fail to hco tho point. And yet it is claimed when thoy do seo it they hoott all at once, and with such vividness that the impres sion is left upon their minds ever after ward It was in illustration of this that .ludgo Maguire told the story which made him famous I will try to tell his story for him "Before n show window in San Fran cisco a crowd was gathered looking at a picturo there displayed A placard by tho side of the picture bore these words- I do vou si:r. thi: u.vn i "I (this is .lodge Maguiro's story, re member) looked and looked and couldn't bco any cat. I twisted my head this way and that, shut one cuuiud then the oth er, called nil my powers of imagination forward, but the agile cat eluded mo. Concluding that the thing was a humbug nnd that there was no cat in tho pic turo, 1 walked away, feeling that the shopkeeper had imposed upon me. A good many people aie the same way with single taxing. They don't seo tlio point and say the whole thing is a fake. But 1 couldn't got the cat out of my mind nud in an hour went back again. Tlio result was tho same. The figure of the cat never presented itself to my vi sion. "Next morning found mo onco moro beforo tho window. I had determined to seo that cat or die. Finally it friend standing near mo cried out: There it is. Don't you seo his tail?" And looking where ho pointed 1 did seo the end of Mr. Cat's tail, nud In another second tho whole feline had flashed upon me. He was almost ns big as the picture itself, and when I had once seen him he almost obscured everything else on tho canvas. So it is, my friends, with tho single tax principle. All of a sudden it flashes upon tho window of your mind, and it can never bo removed thereafter." Another man who is fast acquiring famo in a queer way is Frank Lawler of Chicago. An odd sort of a fellow is Frank. Ho served several terms in con gress from Chicago, nnd though an illit erate man who had graduated from a saloon and tho board of alderman ho mndo a good congressman. Ho nearly killed himself working ns an errand boy for his constituents. Onco ho was well to do, but he spent all his money in poli tics, and now his littlo home is mort gaged. Ho wants to bo postmaster of Chicago. To back up his application ho brought to Washington with him tlio most remarkable petition which was ever presented to a president. It con tains in all 0:i, 107 names. But even this unparalleled petition, which lie brought to the capital with him inn trunk that had traveled around tho world, lieen in two steamship disasters and any number of railway accidents nud come out unscathed, is not likely to do him as much good as tho fact that nt n church fair in Chicago a je.irormoro 1 ago where Baby Ituth and Benny Mc- Keo wero rivals for a beautiful chair 1 Frank rushed in and conducted Baby J Ruth's campaign with so much energy that tho chair was voted her as tho most popular baby in America. Mrs. Cleve land now has but one candidate for ap pointment, ami his name is Frank Law ler. WaI.TKII WhlXMA.N. Cutting Stlrki. Applo bees are no longer good form In tho rural districts of northeastern Penn syhania. Whittling parties are the favorite evening amusement now. mid skill with the -jckkuifo is the fashionable attainment. Prizes aro oflered for tho best ax handle, rolling pin, potato masher or other useful ami aggressivo article, and the only tools allowed aro a jnckkntfe, sundpnier and a file. The girls are not barred from the contests, and some of them are more expert than their male comjietitors. A tune limit of two hours is usually set for tho comple tion of tho nrticlo called for, and after I things aro cleared up tho contestants luu o a supper and sometimes a dance, TIIKiMOI)KI(XI)INL(JROOM WHAT SHOULD PROPEMLY CONSTI STITUTE ITS DECORATIONS AND FURNISHINGS. Slum- MiiKK'lloM of Xitlur mill llliutllt llciimof fiitrramt Itrlnllri' l Onu of llm Mimt I in port Hiit Itootim of tlin lliiino of Toiliij-Colorlni for tin Willi unit lruii Im-Oiik I. Klti( III tlin I'ltrnllnrr mill I'lulnli lii" - V lloiini That Vim He Artlntlriill.v Iiiriillii'il lit no (Irriil Cunt or tlntt l'ion Willed u Clrriit IIhiI of Minify Ciiii llo i:nn'iiili l .luilli liui'ly. GivvrtoM, 8'J, by Charlt K. SpmU HE illnliigroon .3-fcjppSr" '' "II the looms '. ST Mmr r In tlin :t tu:iL'r Auici Jean Iioiim is apt to he the must (lllllciilt to maUe .ittnictl.o ,i it d artistic, putty because if tlio iiuwlelih fniiti.ilit which has hltheito characterized its uecessni) furnishing I'lifoitumitel) In thous ands of i-it) h-iiKcs families submit to p.is UiHi p'eiistutest h mis those of the lunruliiK leuiilon at IneiKf.ist ami the evening lest all. I lefieshliieut at ilinnei III seiiii-cell.il s mole or les below the level of the street. Of course, If people will take their humus lu rellais, thov must be lespon slble to a huge extent foi the hick of brightness and cheei fulness which might to chniacteiie the model II illtl Ingiooin. As will he seen bv the sketch here submitted, the dlulligiooia of our Imagination is certiluly one that as erts its rl (hi to a pot Hon of the giuiiud llooi, where spaca and light im Impor tant factors In assisting us lu develop ing an attractive ami ple.ism.ilile Into i lor. In fact, the ariaugeiiient of the furnishings of a tlliiiugrooiii should ghe the eye as great .1 sense of coinfoit. warmth ami satisfaction as the food theie partaken will give the body. Oak Is commonly legarded .is the most suitable wood for dlnlugiooias.auil the woodwork should he substantial. Even painted pine, If well treated. gives admirable elTects. M.ihogaii) Is use I foi the more elaboiate looms, Its beau tiful color convejlng ilchuess and sub. stantlal beauty when spieiul ovei a whole loom, even without any lellef. In an oak loom the walls of the apaitineiit may be decoiateil in an olive tint In a way of self harmony to the wooilwoiU, but wheieln ilchuess of effect Is do slieil a continst of color lu the wall sin face Is recommended. A combina tion of blue, green and sllvei svei cool and refreshing for a ilioinguinal S3 a compi.kti: hut ixr.viT.Nsivr. dinixo noovj. having a southern outlook, and In the evening tho effect Is peculiarly dellcato and charming under artlllchil light. Tho floor of the dlnlngrooin may he of oak parquetry covered with oriental rugs In rich, soft colors, but carpets of small llg'iro nro moio generally used. The hangings may bo of heavy stuff of a dull blue gieon shade with silver, hav ing bioiul hands of gieenlsh plush at top and bottom heavll) em broidered with silver. The walls ma) have a paper of tiiiobtiuslvo pat tern, the general tone of which isslheiy gieon. The ceiling may ho of peacock blueof vai)lng depth, anil over this Is llghtlv brushed lllmy cobwebs of silver. Tho chandeliers should be of chHscilnml bin nMied eoppor.Of course this Is a vv lile langeofilch effects In coloi ilecoiatlon for dining looms, Mich as gold and dull tod, teira cotta, Indian )ollow, etc.. all of which mo cqiuill) nppiopilate. With regard to furnishing tho apartment, the most Imiortantai tide Is. of course, tho sideboard, lu the loom tho colotiug of vv hit his described above, a sldohoaid of oak, with delicate cm v log, ornamented with chnsrd brass dinwer handles, etc., such as hero delineated, Is In every way a most satisfactory piece of furniture. The back of tho sideboard has a French plate glass mirror, and Is trimmed In ex cellent taste. Theie Is a shelf at the top supported h) hue!) tinned columns for the reception of vnsos, china or sll verwme. The table, as will he seen, Is r chly designed mid very substantially constiucted, nnd Is modem Ueiialssauco In stylo. Ills of oak, like tho rest of the furniture, treated with ammonia, so as to have that rich bronze green tint so much admired in old median ul work. Tho armchair nnd side chairs, with I carved backs tilled with delicate spindle woi it and cane spats nre thorn mh y mo lei ii In st) le, substantial In couiruc Hon ami exceeillugl) ntttactlve in tip ppiiiance. Standing against the othei wall hi observed n benutlfiill) designed china closet, whoso lines mo In con formity with the test of the fin nltuie In , the apartment. Interior shelves een ' llitfilirvti tlin itfwil u flltifiliiv nlllllil u II I n ami glassware, and the shelf at the top Is appropriately decorated with moro oriiauu utat pieces, In iiihlltlon to giving a view of tho modern dining room, a sketch presented of a side table, buffet, or ilinnei wagon, In the Adam st)le. Nothing could bo more graceful or appropriate than the lluely designed lines of modern creations 111 thlsst)ln of work, the illtlcle Itself being the no plus ultia of utllllv as well is of definitive guice. There Is a di.ivver In the front foi silverware, with cup bo.uds having loumleil doois at either side. It) way of vniltitlou In the st)le of dining loom chairs nn lllusti.itlou Is shown of a side chair In oak', uplioNtet ed In olive leather, which Is fastened to the fi.ime with sei headed n.iiN. It ma) be mentioned that In cises whole expense l not a question of gloat consideration, n wainscoting of oik Is extiemel) ileshalile as h ch.u.ictei i'lc decoiatloti of the dining room, lu many slate!) dining looms tho wood Is can led llt'fl'UT, IN 1IIK ADAM HI M.I.. up lo the celling, the celling Itself being laid lu panels of solid oak. Thee aro tho essential ieiiilremeiitsof the dining room, but In addition to theso theie .no niiii-ossonti.il which depend on w bethel the loom shall seive as a dining loom, or for tin. more familiar sen Ice of bio.ikf.ist or lunch ns well. Certain things nio necessary lu room whero people are apt to linger, as they cor Mini) will do after tho mote Infoiiual meals. The Hist of these as suggested to ever) miiid.no hooks anil p.iers, and for the accommodation of these small standing shelves ureprefeiablo to hanging shelves on account of their solid construction, which goes with the nticessar) furnishings of the dining room. If occasional chairs and lounges uro Introduced the) need not bo en siilto with the legulnr furniture, hut should announce their Intention by limit lous covering mid depth of spring. One of tho most suitable coverings for d I ii i ii g loom chairs ami loun ges are the me dio.' vn 1 tn po s tries. These havo hi them .ill the rich tints of the dining to mi Uj mid mingle well llv with the ion of Y tho furnishings. V C'onsi ii e r I n ir how groat Is the varlot) of taste nml r.isliinn nt the pii'seut da) In furniture, with the stjh s so fioqiteiitly changing, a iiles of in tides will be published III those columns with sketches coin e) lug a gen eral idea of the fuiuiliiio which can he bought In tho stores of this clt) foi not only tho dining loom, hut ulo tlio hall, the draw lug loom, the libra t ) . the houiloli mid tho various bodiooins. The sketches hetewlth wore made fiom the stock of the Hardy A Pitcher fuitiltiiro stole of tho Tho A. M. Davis Company, !M1 .South Llovouth street, Lincoln, Neb. The Ideas for enrpets ami ilra I cries fiom The A. M. Dav Is t'oiiipaii)'s stoie, ill!! O street, Lincoln, Neh. This linn has alwa):. on exhibition tho latest productions In fiirnituie, carpets nnd draperies of homo and foreign iii.inu fiietuie, Including novelties not to ho found elsewhere. Our leaders will ,i1mi receive most helpful and suggestive in formation ns tn how to accomplish tho ilcsliahio art of home decoiatiou with tnsto, fashion ami economy. It Is ob vious that Ii Is only those whoso daily vocation is tho continuous study of col ors, designs mid effects who ,ue alono the proper persons to superintend tho decoration of a houso fo as to obtain absolute limmouy. hwmmm or-J'wS1"'--- VW'I ItexSfiSlK? riM'tu. .E3ftsrEfc2 stliviB El KMuHrlllifl KifiJUvV jwwjjr''