VOL. S NO. IS LINCOLN, NEBRRSKH, SKTURDRY, RPRIL 8. 1893 PRICE RIVE CGNT 1 1 1 11 A fow mouths since u youngmunwho has never, dvon since that thai1, passed current as a gambler, drifted from an official position Into tlio operation of a gambling house. Ho didn't make a practice of gambling himself, but simply rented some (pilot rooms, fur nished thoin nicely aad permitted therein a fow business men to play a quiet ifiuiiu of poker, a privilege for which thoy wore unite ready to pay. as tlio proprietor had been inured Im munity from molestation from tlio au thorities, who oebaslonally bothered the other gambling root-tu a little. Finally all at onco, tho moms were cloed and tho olmhned eirclo of biisi ness men broken. Not only was the circle broken, but tho men who had comprise 1 It wore broken. Inside of threo moIitliB ' tho young ' proprietor, from tho percentages paid him by tho players, put $:i,400 in the bank, while his' patrons struggled along trying to beat eaoh other until all of their money had gone into the proprietor's coffers and every ono.of them was heavily in debt to him. None df those men wore liable to suspicion as gamblers and moved in gilt-edged society with their families. One of them, who was In business on 'twelfth street, wild out and loft tho elty toon after tho game broke up. It is amusing to note tho grout di versity of opinion as to what oonsti tutes gambling. Some eontond that bo ting on tho result of a game of any sort is not gambling, or on elections, and courts have held that betting on horso-iaeing 1h not gambling. All of these is excluded by some from sus picion as gambling: as they latter has been dunned to lie laying wagers on games purely of chance. In a game of chanco it is presumed that the chances aro even, so that the better has no such advantage as may accrue from judgment or skill. Under such a deilnltion of gambling, there aro cer tainly a great many election bets thai cannot reasonably bo considered gambling. For instance an election bet with Capt. Paino could not justly bo termed a wager on a chance, for the man who bets on election with Capt. I'alno seems to have no chance to lose. Losing Is a prerogative upon which the captain always appears to have the dead sinch in his election buts. There aro comparatively few people who realize tho protlts that accrue to the keepers of gambling houses. No legitimate business can pay such mag nificent dividends on such small capital, not even when tho sallon is included In tho category of legitimate llnesof trade. Fow evon of tho patrons of these re sorts can place any estimate upon tho '.amounts they net their proprietor. To those who have any very accurate .Idea of ,thu prollt accrueing to "tho house" In these enterprises, if such .they may bo termed, It is not strange that the proprietors ot'Jhoso resorts willingly band thfcmelv'pg together and .give liberally of thuir tlmo and money to elect city olllolkls wild will not en force aguinst them too relentlessly the laws designed for tho suppression of Uiolr bus.tiess. The general public can hardly estimate with any degree of accuracy the amount of money spent by gamblers la endeavoring to control elections, and evon direct legislation. It Is related that four years ugo the late John Sheedy huaded a movement to have tho state law regulating gamb ling wijed from the statute-. A pur.-o of !H."i,(KX) was easily raised among the gamblers of tho state, and with such a fund to top It did not take long to Had a member of tho legislature, then in session, who would assume the respon sibility or Introducing the bill. It was cunningly drawn, being entitled simply an act to amend an act, specifying the act to bu amended simply by its number, so that anyone who did not take the pains to look ' tho matter up would never entertain tho least suspicion that it had any reference whatever to gamb ling. With tho $l."i,0(MI worth of lubri cator tho ways were sot a all greased upon which this moapi.rj who to slid through tlio legislature, when a cer tain newspapor man, then well known in Lincoln, was given a tip by a lawyer who had accidentally stumbled upon tho measure and its design. The news paper man was not averse to making a few dollars in tho easiest way possible and. hunting up Mr. Sheedy, demanded t'J.OOO as tho price of hl silence, hhco dy protested that funds were running short, but offered to make It ."it'ii, of which WOO was to bo cash and tho bal ance to bo paid when the law was en acted. Tho newspaper man demanded the W.OJO, and Sheedy dl lift think his silence worth The price and declined. The next day the newspaper man's pa per bristled with a scathing expose of the measure and its design, and its death was in-lantiitieous, There is often so very little sense or reason in some of the complaints against corporations that when a legitimate euu-o for complaint arises people do not gi asp tho full force of It or give it the attention It merits. For an Instance of one of the trivial euu-es of complaint the recent effort of the street railway company to have a portion of an alley vncat.'d Is In point. An alley sixteen feet in width runs through the block In which the stieet railway compiny's power hou-o and ear depot are located, un 1 ninty fee of its length lies between thoe two big buildings. In order to enable it to put in some new machinery, including some much-needed smoke consumers. tho company wanted the city to vacate , a strip six feet wide lying between its two buildings, reducing tho width f that portion of the alley to ten feet. I This proposition was vigorsiisly op posed by an adjoining property owner, and the two couuclliueii from that ' ward protested with all vehemence against this trivial concession to the company. Hut the ordinance passed in spite of their protests, so that the i company can proecid with its im provements. In this connection it mil) be remarked that, in spite of all ' criticism to the contrary. Lincoln en joys a splendid system of street rail way. Its rolling stock is of the best, I its cars are always neat and clean, and its more than tlfty miles of track- in good repair. The employes are a courteous and accomodating a one would meet anywhere. Tho power I available has heretofore been nine ! what deficient, but the improvements I I now being made will almost double the ' 'capacity of the power plant and enable I the company t ruu c-ir- oftcner over ' some of the more popular lines. I Line )ln a- an olucitionul cunter has already achieved a national reputation i and with such institution as tho West jern Normal college, the city's reputa i tion will never retrograde. The w riter had occasion this we 'k t visit the pretty suburb of Hawthorn", where the college Is located, and within a few hours was most agreeably surprised with the activity, progress and enter prise that Is dally going on at the e d lege. Through the courtesy of Presi dent ('roan, I visited the various class rooms early In the morning and found each department well tilled with a most exemplary and intelligent look lug lot of students. At half-past nine I attended chapel meeting, and for a half hour the exercises weie of a most interesting nature. Not of the ordinary, monotonous order, but of an attractive character: so much so that every one of the 7(10 students llnd It a pleasure, rather than a duty, to attend each day's services The exercises are usually opened with singing accompanied by orchestra music, followed by reading a chapter from the scriptures and a prayer. After this the management and teachers make suc'i announcements as are necessary and then some one of the instructors in different one each morn ing) gives n little spfoy talk that also contains good food for thought and en livens the large audience of students. Short and impromptu talks, generally witty. are made mid meetings dismissed. All hands are In excellent mood and they enter upon their several branches r ' i vi! HlPu - fJ v v Lit lit Glii lis VVifilorn with Sol Smith Hitsscll, of study with a light heart, full of vigor and Interest. Tho chapel, which seats s(M( j)0Oj,i,. iN hjc. n the apartment, large and airy, and a most pleasant place for divine worship. The school is in a most nour ishing condition, the largo number of students seem to live happily and contented, with harmony and good fellow-hip reigning supremo while working for the comiii'in interest of all. Messr- l roan and Kingslc) are a groat team and have certainly showi their excellent ability as educational mana gers during the past year, the initial one in t.ils city of the Western Normal College. 1 would like to write more on this subject today, but the. limited space at my disposal will not admit tii f. The fact is, Lineolniten should Interest themelves moiv in oar home institutions bv making occasional trip to them. 'fbere are hundreds of students at the W.-terii Normal from point- outside the sta'u and souu- from nearly every stato and '.'irrlt u in the union. Why no' ;nk an early car one of tie-" ,ne Jftomings and go out. They li jivo ovm'" Morning at seven o'clock and every h.i." hour there ift-r. It- b.it a twenty-;vt 'j.iu utes ride and you'll enjo- t. O.it-Hle oi i,i nunovuii'. , thocxiir.' iHiard and otic c in il";tiri t'n- i.iiiiv republican ticket was eie'lu-i b -utr pluralities. Tho prohibition vote tiwic was cast for tho straight ticket did not cut near the tiguro that It had b 'en su-pected that It might. The total vote of the elty w.is ub nit ."i.l I, but man, did not vote for mayor. The prohibition vote on mayor was le-sthan ;i(Ki. ( ) ing to tho absence of and oflort . u the part of election olllcers to secure the tabulation of returns, the vote on the schol board and the school bonds remains almost as much a matter of conjecture as before the election. The Indications are that .Mesrs. I'os-lei', I'.nist ami Miller have been elected to membership in the board of education, but Mr. Hroek is -till t The three named a-i the most likely to be found to have been elected are the non-partisan candidates. The returns from the three precincts obtainable Indicate thai the school bonds have carried, and all ar dent friends of the public schools can hut hope that tho indications are not misleading. (Sen. Woods, the suce ssful candidate for councilman of the sKtli, ward Is probably the youngest, man ever hon ored with an election to u seal in that body, lie is ambitious and possesion the qiinlilloatlons that may secure for him the gratification of his ambition if he Is careful in his c luncilmaulc work. The eyes f his admiring irleuds aro friends are 11)1.111 him. and If he is not dominatod by certain baneful Inlluences that will besot his ollleial career he will earn and vin greater preferment. In order to do tills, however, certain in lluences that are not t to far removed from him must bo sat down upon oc casionally when they attempt to assort themselves. And they probablv will. Tnero is no doubt that the result of the ree Mit city election was anything but an agreeable surprise to some of the parties Involved, but to the friends of houe-t government and the enforce ment of judicious laws for the regula tion of the lawless elements the result was no surprise. it was a vindication of the accuracy of public judgment and contldencu in the love entertained by the people for Humility. In a elty of churches and colleges, such as Lin coln boasts her-elf to lie, it could not be reasonably exp.i-ted that a cam ptign headed by r 'pre-entatne- of the lowest element could be successful e eii were its candidate a man against whom not a breath of suspicion could be heard on other grounds. It is to lie hoped that inawir Weir and the two new members ol the excise board will lie able to agree ami secure to the i pie the sort of police government ' which they liae undented a :t erellce. There U no cortnillU yet a- i the personnel of the new board. J W. Brown is eertailll.S elected, but whether Mr. A. 1). Hu'rr or Mr. A. II. Ilargreave. is the other will nit be known until the ollleial eanas of the vote is made hv the council. Hut either of the above gentlemen may be relied Upon to illfoico the laws ill the police department Impartially and withtha respect for tlio proprieties that ha long been conspicuous , . clllsivoly becau-e of it- ali-i nee. Ill -pit -of the general suspicion that the impeachment proceeding- agaln-t Messrs. Hastings, Humphrey, Allen and Hill, tin-well known unci hereto fore popular state ollli ui!. were liki 'v to terminate In a farce, the legislature in Joint session last Thursday put a de cidedly uul.V phase upon the situation by adopting articles of Impeachment against all four of them by votes that were almost unanimous. The articles charge these ollleial- with misdemean ors In the administration of utValis in connection with the asylum and peni tentiary frauds, concerning which the testimony secured by the legislative committees is both plentiful and dam aging, The progress thus far ii"cessl- lnt.iu tin. uiikjii.tituljtn nf ill,, lmittiirtli.il " ' """i"'""" " r i state olllcers tint 1 1 they can hav'o a trial before the supremo court. That prom ises to be the most interesting and im portant event in the political hlstorv of the state, and If successful III fastening ' upon tint accused the charges Involve, will make of the present legislative session not onl.v the most Important ever thus far held In Nebraska but ver.v likely for generatlonsto como. Thous ands of Nebraskaiis all over the state will earnestly pray thai these men may be justly acquitted of the charges pre ferred, but there are fow who will hope to siM' them acquitted If they are shown ' to bo guilty. It maybe said in their favor that they have asked their friends in the legislature to vote for tho adop tion of the charges preferred, so that a full and free Investigation may bo had. At least it is said that such has been their desire, and if this be true it cer tainly Indicates that they have little fear of tin. result of such Investigation. The trial of these officials will probably occur within the next ten days, and by that time ex-Auditor Thomas II. Hun ton will bo in position to necessitate his trial also. If this is the faruioal pro ceedings that some ieoplo seem to con sider it, It Is n great dissembler, for up on its face it presents the moat serious aspect, yea oven tragic, of uhy farce over unacted. t lj5 Twenty-eight trunks, containing cos tumes consigned to Abbey Schoollel fi fJnui were selxed by Deputy Surveyor Collins in New York, March' 2.1, and vrre put in charge of the Hoard of Appraisers. The trunks were brought over on tho Jn 'J'ouralne, and were supposed toln) tho property of a cer tain Marcel Itahou. Miss Kmlly Lytton. tho leading lady of. I. K. Hnimett's "Frit, in Ireland" company which will bo seen in Now York next wwlt goes to Kuropo as soon as the successful star closes his season and returns only in time to appear in a new part especially writ ten for her by Sydney Hosenlleld in his new piny, "Frit, in tho West." A M. Palmer Is booked for ICurope April '22. Steele Mnckcy refers to his Chicago press agent, F. II. Wako- lleld. as "the department of publicity And still they come. -Stein ami Kosch, I the ( 'hlcago photographer-, conuuonrcd i suit for if."i(l() against Thomas ,. Sea ! brooke, of tho "Isle of Cliamnagne." there are no ".lonnlen" in the Celesth.l Kmplro as all tho women's parts are played by men. A fixed star The wealthy actors. Play thliigb Theatri cal properties. I Thomas W. lveene, who has been ' resting for a couple of weeks at home I on Stateu Island after tho hearty wol I come ho received In Now York during his two weeks engagement at the i I'nlon Square Theatre, continues his tour on Monday. His home on Stateu Island, by tho way, is an old historic pile, built long before the (evolution, , and at one time sheltered Washing 1 ton. It was originally an inn but Mr. I Keene has made it look like a castle. I A now Chinese theatre was opened : in New York hist Saturday. It Is I situated in Doyers street street near New York's Chinat iwn. The play produced Is called "Look (,uok" iSix Kingsi and will take about three weeks to lluish, ill nightly installments of live hours duration. The company l is known as the llu Vti Hen tragedians and singer of which aie Lee ijaong D.ij and twenty Mott stive inerehant are th" organi.ei-s and Mr. elm Foug the manager. Till: YofTll's. CVCI.OI'.KUIA, issued by C. H. Iteach .V Co. of Chicago. i, educationally considered, the most im portant publication of recent year-. It has been prepared by a corpse of teachers ami educational writers ex- pres-lj to meet the need- of the Vouilg, 1 and supplies a want which teachers and patents have long and dceplv felt. It is old bv sup-criptiou and Is hav ing an i noriuous sale. An, one want ing an ageiie.v which oiler rare advan tages, should consult the advertise ment of this work which appears in an other column. If juur lat year's ho-e uo.ilc 1 worn out or if you want a new one of the la'e-t pattern, call at Dean .V Her ton's. 1 I'iO O stri . t MAS n Arming at the It A M depot I squared m, account with the go ilal baggage master, loaih d m,w-lf and Worpll.V posssessloiis Int i one of the Knslgu cabs and sought a destination only peculiar to the tired, having about the uuinl if ten dollars. I was In quest of a regular family put uput - -, being slightly known hi the world. I located m.vielf at M street between Thirtieth and F.lcvonth streets, 1 then saw the city as she Is O street Is long. P street' Is com paratively In sameness. My first call was upon a gentleman connected with the presu of Nebraska and popularly known in Lincoln. He told ho had been In the elty for a few vears and knew more pie than I 'did. My abashment was not particularly aiinmed or stunned at the mild piece of pie of watchfulness, and decided to go out among the business men. With a few uitorincdsocs I will go with you through Lincoln's business streets, ami her business men Ah your time Is short will only push you through with a gentle glance. I saw the banker between I'leventh and and Twelfth streelHo i o, he said ho was glad to meat any Kustorti or Southern men and mildly requested lie 10 leave my weapons of trouble llh the good cashier. I .11.1 It mm... use of a punch often Is a necessary ft,.,.. i.... t ., .... ..... ii.m. mi- a M-rino. tiio tinsmiths lave tho kind in use and it Is not out tralghtfrom the shoulder either. I saw a tinsmith. I imi .i,... i wanted and continued i. i. my way through tho city. The busi ness men ami the Im.ii.. r n... , " '" uni Mislncss denomination In I in ..i.. ...... as generous, polite, patronliug and as 1-nn.iiiiiiK as u u were at tho Hub of tho Universe. Tlieyall believe In using a little of tho Couiiikh's Ink and it is the Ink that Is not at a discount and praised by more couriers than one. h, yes I saw the postmaster, who I In-Hove was at one time outside iff Mr. Harrison's family. He told me that he had became decided l. dejected, not be cause Mr. Harrison had dbconilinie.i i,. do the business of tho ()hl reliable Samuel's Puele, hut because the people demanded that lie let a gentleman by the name of Cleveland play with the correspondence ,)f t, i'tl,,, stales and one or two other towns not worthy '"ioii. vv no uus man Cleveland is I do not know. 1 left my card in all the pioininent hostilerys In the elty to try and catch him but I have failed up to date to locate him. I wonder If our worthy postmaster would be letting mo have a scoop? I got oi to the street, found redbrick, not In stacks but im bedded in tho middle of "' feet of space wide, how lot g I do not recornember. The railroads have the best service of any city of Its size. I had ceaslon to ship a Comm-i to that little suburb of Chicago on Lake Michigan. I think they call it Pabl' City, alsiut Kt miles from the town where the show is at. They open up May first. Shcc-gag-o. The kindly gentleman In charge of the H. v M. 11. U. to'd me they would have it there la is minutes uv or consid erably less. So I let it go by a special refrigerator. Coming from a southern country I had onl.v I eon in the habit of changing my linen once a mouth. I previricated and went and did the guilty crime of purchasing a pair of hosicrv Well say the smile I got from the litt'le boy! Hy the counter who said w ill you lot mo send this to the dolt, or change now. I reeiisterated, I find the elty con siderable broader than it is long.' The advantages offered for educational ad vancement is simply startling, and tho good State of Veln-.i.L-ii , ,,.,. i ranked in the second rank. I hi .in n Wednesday evening that a pint time's tail had i n chopped off. of i- l-s Of , oiner cnapier oi lite s romantic -tin had iH-en read: another revolutioi tin- great Wheel had been effected; I 11- other two years had been -wallowed nj the in-atiate past. Weir are we at' The wiset and best men souu times I commit errors, but rectify them a- - on 'as they are recognized. Now, to t'u Irdies of Lincoln: I have seen a few or I two of you by the post office and at the inillllierv stores where thev press ln ','"' "' i s a collectively col . c- tive el is, , simply pretty ami as neai as I can a-siiine the propriet ofepi s--ion: adjust the iuodete properly I did call on Mrs. Upstart the otlui' av and got to reasoning with her on t p- 1 les of love, piety, -crtblllg. and ot if lines of my liusuu's.. she raged i n Hew into a whirlwind of excitciiu t she does not belong to the modi I n . advert i-er-. The place wheie I gi in fodder Is convenientiv locatt . i u vicinity of the Lindell. Vit ow M the amount of legislative eiii'tiii.1' a .is they c.in only accommodate s, aH those us are not effected by thoonlut,.o iit.iut of the cranium. Now.cveryl ily, i I will see yo all next Week In this n 'e column from im now position as A .Man I'p a Tree '