Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 01, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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Athowlf()gf(l to ht the mint brntifllj illm
tralfd Publication in lie World.
Tim 1irlRli(pt, vlttlent, wlel
mid til out orl-ltinl if nil
clerer Weeklies.
Its colored Cartoons nro mperlor to
nu thing Mcr Wore, jirtaluetsl
by nny 'inMlcntlon.
(Scud six ct'iil for mtnlo copy.)
07 Fifth Avonuo, Now York.
MU M N'0MTI01 IMOM A fltUDV O' 1M(1 MAPO' iHt
' I iu;.,v
- i v i :
The DinrCT noUTK to nntl from ClTICACf).
HOCK IHLANT. IJAVEtpc'T, l"'. ;tj.m
CJUNII. .. LfFl'J. V.v..iwi- i, ;iol:
valis rTiNVr:A7,oi.'ri. nr rv ,, av r-
lU'If jil ' 'fisorl, LlIAVENWOllXJI HAN'J;;
rirV T . .A. DENVER, CJLOi.Aj HI Wv.i
icul l'Ux-UI.O.
rri tt f,p" t""ir r rM-n-r'
fit T hrnrh Poni liet, P'eeperp. I!. INMIt.i.
I .mir Cun i i i Dlntnu Cir .1. uy I . .ill
t. nr.a Moim:3, c -m ', ,
()WlI.r"i!'IV(wn ri, 'O t v-
ro r,r npniNCi ii'i.i .v ..v .
1 'tl i 'n City r.nil 'l.'i ko.
VaT'..o tWroit L-a r-v
Kit ' Ex ni TrnltiM .nIU 1 . ( '
&i vAW$ I
& . ;-i ' i r i
r. It. I . tJVs U.) -i
nntl altnn , . n il ' v-i i ... i'
lti .it n. -i .r C i.i . a'i . u
jioln'H .tut 15. n ' itifl' r i
unit dicipHr .t . lit I..lo
fcioi.x t ' i '
J-'oi Ttt ' ' ' . t. i I i
tlon up i a t-"i ..iii.
E of. , ' ' ' '
Santa Fe Route I
Atcblsonjopeka & Santa Fe R. R.
The Popular Route to the Pacific
Through Pullman and
Tourist Sleepers
Between Kansas City and San Diego,
CISCO. Short Line Rates to
Double Dally Train Service between
Kansas City and Pueblo, Colo
rado Springs and Denver.
Short Line to Salt
Lake City.
The Direct Texas Route
Solid Trains Between Kansas City and
Galveston. The Short Line betweer
Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft
Worth, Dallas, Austin, Tern
nle, San Antonio, Hous
ton, and all principal
points In Texas.
The only line running through the OkU
homa Country. 1 he only direct line
to the Texas Pan-Handle. For
Maps and Time Tables and
Information regarding
-atesand routes, call
on or address,
re. ii dp .a. x. :m: E I ,
Pn66enger Agent,
1316 Fvrnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
at onn '11 h mill' tin' fiirnirr"' Irwin on SociU
iiinl Soi-il iiIhuii'm of known nu-rlt. Ourinoi
liiivn iiltii'u oTk iIIiu our u'lirrimlril, uoll
known iinrM'ry 'Uoi'li 11N11 lilt; wulth to
mailo C It I - sfii-nn. Anplv iUli'k, Hinting iikc
Ntirirrt iiii-n, riiirNtNiiml ---.l-m ) .
Tlihli i' lit r ii in-ml... -1 I" l'l MINN
T. C. KGRN, D. D. S.
Rooms 5 ami iC, Unrr i.Ujck,
Lixcnr.x. JTKBR.
IIiih at ki cat ex
in ! rm. iffil lilt liiiiiimi.ita
with 11 new 1'al'j-
myor, direct from I.0111I0 1, mill ow liettor
ttreiiiretl tliitn ever to 1I0 Id n wink, from
locket lift to llfu Hle. Open fio-i, 1 u m to 4
p. hi. Hmiihivi si,,.) 11, I'illO'-t eat.
I , 1
wr ' 1 a
S. 30. ST. " LINGOUN.
Itojnl i'olom itntl Itleli 1'iilirlrn Shot Vrl
et itnil (Iritei'fitl l.itille' Clntli -(Ion ttk
(lro l.nrKrr, mill I'ltritxiU Arn Hmullnr.
I'ntekii Tor l.lttln (llrln, i:ir.
(Cttp)rlKlit, IRH, lir Ameilcnii I'rrss Ammh'Iiv
IVrlinjw thi'ro Imvo luvn tnoro Htiporli
limtciinlH lniMlt'llmtiHiniioof thoso shown
thin HoiiHoti, hut it U diflU'ult to bclinvi
it when 0110 look itt (ho iiingiilllct'iil
shut volvots ilitiilityt'il in dotnu vt tin
bi'Ht Iioum'h. T ho oolorrt nro truly royal
in their rivhtii'MM, iiiul tlio fuliticrt uro nt ill
ami tlilclt ami lint1. Sotno of tlum when
folilfd nnjH'nr ltluo in 0111 llht, red in
nnothcr and jun plo at tho front vimv,
Thuru aro otbvrtt that tdmtlo from rusHcl
to uroeii, ami tho velvet in ribbed iit
heavy wales. Others Imvo terry cord
over or between tho velvet pilo. Ah it
that wiih not enough, t hero aro hoiuo put-
Arrr.u cnritcn, hastku mousino.
torus that Imvo tho corded effect with
brocaded flowers woven in, and they aro
specially handsome, but tho corded and
changeablo velvets givo tho richest at
Theso corded velvets aro mostly in
tended for dinner and elaborato rccep-1
tlon gowns ami not to bo ueil now as
they would Imvo been 11 few neasons ago
as panels, front breadths or trains. Al
most every gown now is of tho name
material as far as Hkirts go, except where
there aro rullles or folds of homething ot
n lighter quality or kind. Tho ulceves
and waist drapery also often have a dif
ferent color or material, but Hkirt com
binations aro certainly, no longer in
Tho princess form of gown for all
figures that will bear it is tho 0110 for thu
full skirt, and it is oftener seen than nny
other, particularly for homo toilets,
though it is also quito Biiitnblo for tho
street. Tho prettiest wrappers and tea
gowns nro princess, with a watteau in
tho back and full front, moro or les?
trimmed, tho long lines and looso folds
being graceful to any flguro.
Ono very elegant gown of this descrip
tion hub just been Mulshed for n young
married belle, mid it is worthy of illtis
trut'ju. It is very quaint, but altogether
lotcly. Tho gown is of rich shot velvet,
showing all tho browns and greens, and
it is en, with every beam out
lined from top to bottom with a narrow
galloon and jet beads as big as peas.
Around tho bottom is onu bias rtitllo
scarcely fulled at all, and at tho knees
two others, all of pea green taffetas with
a brown undorsdiade. Tho wnist had a
jacket shape of tho tamo, with a rufllo
like a bertha all around it, and tho snug
part of the sleeves, the lapels and collars
wero of tho same. Tho lapels leavo thu
waist open V Bhapo, and this is tilled in
and tho lapels covered with ecru oriental
lace. In tho center of tho back tho prin
cess skirt is laid in threo deep plaits, thu
rullles reaching clear around tho skirt.
This design has been copied, with somo
variations, notably having nifties at in
tervals reaching nearly to tho waist, mid
in somo instances folds in placo of thu
rufllcs. Others, again, Imvo tho dress
plain, savo for tho beaded galloon. It
was copied in modo ladies' cloth and also
in heather mixturo and doubtless will
form tho basis of many other costumes
that will bo worn through tho wholo sea
son. It also would bo suitable for wash
Ladies' cloth always will Imvo its ad
mirers, and thero is no woolen fabric
moro olegant, but in making up it re
quires a special treatment. It needs to
bo inado in such a way that duo promi
nence is given to its superb texturo and
refined finish. Such a material does not
need to bohidden or cheapened by musses
of flimsy trimming.
rmiPATtiMi roit coxtvn-sT.
A wnlkingand vi-iting and also church
gown of this mati rial sent out for Easter
was fif the bluish gray now so popular.
The back of the skirt was l.tid in five
heavy and deep plaits. The waist was
short and all in one piece. The front
was (lit with tl.iring breadths, piped
with vi lvet. Around the bottom
of the front ' ,t a double slurred black
Vtlvct Hll"!'. The sli'i-M'S Well' double
pull'eilaii.ll Hided with ehet, Anch
ill'lnr -a-li 1 I bin !: 1 het crowed t lie
I'l '.it liii'u ll ,: I tn 1, tt. mid there tied
i 1 lulu i- k i"t .illiiiiil II In j-,1 ly uiar
Iv to in t. t '.round tlo shouhlird
1 , M
was a tall of black laco arranged in such
I way as to appear to lie n wldo falling
foliar. Long suedo gloves, n heliotropo
parasol and 11 heliotrovo straw hat will
complete this truly elegant costnmo.
It seems to mo that as gowns grow
larger parasols grow smaller, for somo
of tho now ones 111 o scarcely half as largo
as they wero before. I saw somo this
week "mado of black moiro lined with
tloreiitino silk, pinked out. and really
they wero no si7o at all.
I intended saying something about the
skirts, which of course ai o tho great topic
now. Two of our best houses Imvo gotu
over to tho side of tho enlarged skirts
and it Is easy to seo why, as they will
naturally sell just so much moro ma
terial, but th? skirts aro cut so that Hit
gores "llaro" very much, so much indeed
that they fall back in deep folds around
t'10 bottom, and tho skirt is faced will,
horsehair, so that it gets tho right hang.
This it could not do if hoops worn used
but it is a sop to Cerberus.
One gown mado in this stylo had tht
skill of reasonable dimensions down t(
just above tho knee, and fiom theio 01
thero was a llouneo cut in circular sec
tioiis so that when suwn together am)
put 011 it mado a iiiiit remarkable full
ness. Two narrow rullles wero set abov
tho top, for what purpose only tho do
signer knows, unless to innko a tall
woman look short.
Some drosses camo under my notlet
a day or so ago that weio being madt
for "first communion," and as thero will
bo many little girls ready for conllrina
tion after Haster I thought somo might
llko to know what they wero like.
Somo wero of white cashmere, madt
plainly with a lit tlo drapery or triinininp
of faillu or surah. Tho dresses all had
plain hemmed skirts. Ono had bretellet
of faille. Another had a vest front ami
lapels of surah. There wero several
very pretty little dresses made of jaco
net, with white satin shoulder knots ami
sash with long ends of tho same ribbon.
801110 weru of victoria lawn, tucked, 01
with ono narrow, gathered rulllo at the
With these gowns goes a wreath ot
artificial lilies of tho valley or othei
whito flowers. Ilrussels net veil is di
rigueur for all who go to tho Catholic
church. Tin Episcopal permits but
does not require tho veil. White cotton
or silk gloves and white slippers and
whito stockings should bo worn.
llr.Nitnrrri: HoibsiiAU.
Now York.
TlinTiilenteil Originator ofltn liitertnitloif
ill CliiUtliin Onler.
Thisinten.Miug woman, who him for sc
long n time occupied tho attention of a
largo portion of tho Christian world, has
a personality so intense and n magnet
ism so penetrating that she never failf
to produce a profound impression upon
her hearers. Her oratory seems to bo of
an Inspirational type, and whether aha
seeks to interest an audience of fashion
ablo women in one of their own draw
ing rooms or a company of besotted
men from the corner ruinshops she will
striko tho keynote of tho ono as readily
ns tho other, and by her deep sympathy,
strongly expressed, minister to each.
Her earnest face is endowed with the
most subtle power of expression, the sil
ver crown abovo it softening and subdu
ing the strong vitality. Tho beautiful
brown eyes change with every emotion
and nro intenso or tender upon occasion.
Her voice, strong and penetrating when
denouncing wickedness, is low and thrill
ing when moved by sympathy. Hei
short, strong pointed sentences nro fitly
emphasized by her truly unconventional
Mrs. Bottomo's maiden namo was Mc
Donald, and her early lifo was passed in
Brooklyn, where sho married Ilov. Frank
Bottomo, D. D., of tho Methodist church.
During her childhood she was actively
engaged in mission work, visiting with
her father the almshouse and prison, the
sick and tho poor. After her marriage
she extondo 1 her labors and organized
in her own parlors the ladies' classes, out
of which grew tho "Drawing Kooni
Gatherings," now so well known for
their "TulkB" on Bible subjects.
As tho originator of the great "lut r
uiitloiml Order of tho King's Daughti rs
and Sons." having branches and mem
bers all over the world. Mrs Bottomo is
probably best known.
And as tho first and only president of
this immense organization, over iluo.iHiu
Strong, she Wields a power se olid t
none in her peculiar way. Ilir putt ut
influence is largely felt in the bi.uitilul
little magazine, The Silvi r l'ros, di
voted to thu interests of the smut, in
which now npjnars t-jich inoiiili mn ot
her renowned Bible Talks," l,i, i,. ,,.
though I'Meiuling over a period ot n,aii
years, have ihvit bel'oie bei'iipublisht ,j
Sho also contributes alu.ible nitu Us t i
other magazines and i- niii-t.iiiiU ut
reetmg herein rgies toward tla-..nuli"-rntinii
of the masM's Blessed w 1 '1 .1 p. l.tness fur iiilluoiiciii'iitli, 1 . ,
en, she has worked in tin-sp, 1 1 ,t 't,,
tlon with iimrkfl effect. .nl I , r u, t ,k
rare ui-i. nice 01 imisn j,ti,,n t n (t
ever wt rs her hand h.i-. Inuu 1 to do
II. ' S .It -II Nr, s
Miss Clara Klitnson My milliner was
nt church today.
Mr. Hllmson Why didn't you point
her out?
Clara You'll have a chance to know
her, papa, before tho week is otiL
German children probably enjoy Eas
ter moro than thowoof other nations, b
euuso for them tho element of mystery
that adds so much zest to tho pleasure
of tho Christinas stocking is brought Into
play. Nests of tinsel, artillclal flowers
or somo other attractive material aro
filled with eggs, candies, cakes or other
goodies and hidden away for tho chil
dren to search for. These nests aro gen
erally surmounted by a rabbit mado of
candy, cake or any of a hundred mate
rils dictated by tho ingenuity of loving
parents. The Easter rabbit Is a very old
Gorman institution and probably a sur
vival of tho heathen days when tho hurt)
was sacred to Kastro, tho goddess of
The czar kisses tho cheuksof his court
iers, and they in return kiss Ids majesty's
thotildcr as being a lit tlo less familiar
salute. Everybody kisses the hand of
tho czarina, and she kisses her relatives
ami friends on tho cheek in return, ami
then every man, woman, priest and
child present kiss one another, exclaim
ing between tho smacks, "Christ Is
risenl' "Ho is risen, indeed I"
Cipcp Tuition! K11II term, In xevrn dltrttr
men rnt roiimeit, Onlv lilttli Kritdii In
dependent Normal In tlio Mute The Klni'Hl
milltllnK", Kipilinnentfi, 11ml Alileitt N'nriiml
Kaculty. Nottxperlninnt, lint 1111 efttildliilivil I
mnnnKotnent, iieonr'eii, :i' leneliern mid leo-
turer iivtiRCiinoi Mr llie ninses writa
for eatnlosiie. !'. V. Homsk. .Mr, l.liieoln.Neli.
rcmiMiiiiii,! .Ami! w w: m 1 in "in" Mnivi4
:,,i:j: .iK.'ri! I'll' wm 111 11 11,4
nnn'r.w m:m, jw ..', ,iHi ninn: iiriin 4
This icfirs to fias, whether tn-etl as nJj
net or an iiiiiiiiniaiu, uciiiu tuangi's
'in the home plant enable the
fLincoln Gas Co.3
ii. tinman nit; 'll i 111111 tin ill IIILJ
rlowcst figures obtainable ainwhcie in 4
bthe railed States, under similar con A
r.llil,,,,t t(
..-..i.i. .i. c. t.
Fuel Gas is sohl nt the exctedinch
Bllow rate of $1.35 per thousand feel, iinild
L Illuminating Gas at $1.80 per tliotiMind j
Call up Telephone No. 75. nntl nr
i.inge (or a trial of this unapproachable
lirl. House connections tin tncl gas
mad' wltboiit charge to the consumer
I lirt v are over :oo gas stoics In Lin
coln rjstlne; on an average less than $3
per 11 - mil ct en lor inel.
!l : a ?:
,.:. ci 1 1 :c :" :r " n :
"ji in m Hi 111. hi 'ii '" in 'e1 " "
1520 Farnham Street,
I asW
Absolutely Pure JustTryIt.
It. I! .Mtillltt:, I'rt'hlilenl
K K. IIIIOWN,Vli.-l'ie.
liile rent
(' It. I.MIIori'.t-iiKliter
It i: Monro,
.1 I) .Miteriirlnnd.
I! K llniwn,
.1 Vv llimeene,
.1 J tinlioir,
' 14 Vlltl'M,
A H ltiiyinotiil,
.liilin rlliueriild,
T It, ClllMTl
MiintifuctiircrH of-
. Wliolo'itlit Manufcturorsor K'
Vitrified llrick and all Kinds
omcrc T80
Concise. Modern. Prncticxil. Inexpensive.
Now ready In two lurgti ocluvo volumes. I'l-cpiircd by a corps of
leitcliiTH und eiltieatiniial wiiteiit expiessly for use of pupils mid HtmleutH In pull
lie unit private schools, seminiirieH and iicniletnleH. Costing but a Hinitll fraction of
the price of the largo cyelopii'diiis, it is ten times mote valuable for the pnrjioMi',
Im'4'iiiiso it Ills. Teachers me enthusiastic in ita praise, saying it meets n need
which has been long and deeply felt.
For iitfoiitu , s it No competition; no other book llko it; a
positive anil urgent demand for It, We have a system of canvassing tho schools
which Insures quick work anil big results. Kiist agent took IOO eiders in 10
days, another has taken oiilers for "(l.'I sets In 7 weeks, mid says "I have sold
books for ten years and this Is the best seller I ever struck."
UC 11 1 IIT APCMTQ w'" wl" K've all their time and want toinakeblginonoy.
II L llfllll HULlllO We give extiatei ms and xclllMlvot'rrliory.
T!iu'1ii'i-.h and SlutleiitM who want prolilnhlo vacutlon work
should write us. l'or full infoimalinn and terins, inldiess
LAVREATE PUBLISHING CO., Lakoslilo Bulldlnff, Chicago, I1L
v ? . '?. 4 'rv, v
f 1 r ' " 1
Lincoln, Neb.
An Old School in a New Location
Ninth Year. 25 Departments. 30 Teachers
Beautiful, healthy locution, magnificent buildings, line equipments, superior nccoin
tnodatlons, Mioug faculti , comprehensive curriculum, thotoiigli work, high moral and
chiistlnn inlluences am! Ion expenses make this
A pracllcal.ciIuc.'itlon without neidless waste of time 01 mono Is furnished bv the
Western Noimal College
, You can Enter any Time and Choose Tour Studies
This great scl on I Is located In llnwthoine, three miles south icstof the post office an I
will he contic-tcd hi electric street car line, VOIR CAR l-'AUIC BAH). In order all inai sec ourinnni atlvanlages In the in ot liuildings, tqulpincntN faculty,ctc,
we will pay lour car faie'from loin home to I.lnci h. . "tilileil nil arc present on the
opening ilnof the fall term, Sept. iSo,j. Write fur pal Wilari
-etiu mime nnn iinuresseN or v.i onnn
ruler, rierinonieieriir lears sniieriiiiinn in
'lermonielernr lenr's sniieriiiiinn to
i h a u i us i i.mim, rur.i.. Atinress i .ii ji.iih(a. rres.or
& Sons Pianos
Pure Tone, Elegant Designs,
Superior Workmanship,
and Great Durability.
. Co. KAfUAJ ciry.MO
Absolute Security
imlil on HiinIiiuh ieioHltn ut tint riitnnf
ClMt per cent pel Anniini,
I 1 1 South 10th St., Lincoln, Nobr.
Enlli'B Capital Invoatntl hi Ut S, Handa
of Straw and Wrapping Paper.
to 741 O street.
r7. r 1 ,
iienpie mill tie on wini jou crioice or lino l ticn
our imisii.iii.ii eiiiiciiiioim inonuuy. lata
our lltiisii.ili.d eiluentloiiH monthly.
.1. kinsi i:v,
beeretitry and Treiisiircr
Omaha, Neb.