Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 01, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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J lMUTOX Maimer
Burr Work, cor. t Jthimd O Sis. Tel, 71
National Bank
Lincoln, : Nebraska
Capital -
Ojpctr and
, Wrlitlit, Pros. T. K. Hnnilrrs, V.-l
J. II. MCl'iny, unnirr.
V Johnson, II V I.n. TIhw C'poliron. I
maiior, TWIiowery, W I. Dayton
eneral Hanking lluslncss Transacted
Collections a Specialty.
German National Bank
, 20,000.00
fwtph Bochmer, President,
If annum H. Schabenr, Vice I'rest.
Chan, li Waltc, Guliler.
Geo. II. SchuaKe, Asst. Cashier
Illlvn HiirpiT U'rllra of III Orlln tnl '.
iiliilliiniir IIim IIihIit lliinni'l Himin Hum
ilr r Ui tint Worn I') Our (Irmul-
lCrlttlit, I SKI, liy AmiTlrnn I'itm Aiwx'lif
Probably niiio iktkoim out of ton, if
nuked how thu habit of apiH'iirlng l '
garments, mill imrtli'iiliirly bonnets, on
Easter Sunday orlgliintoil, woiiiu upon
of It iih olio evolved from 11 deslro to
coinmomornto In 11 iiiciiHiiifi tho rising of
our Lord, and to bo clothed outwardly
nnow as n symbol of refieshi'd and re
newed faith and 11 sign of rejoicing. Hut
It Ih not duo to that, though probably
that ia tho wutlnient actuating tho fair
of today when they don their pretty now
clotlii'H, and, ahovo all, tlieir Easter Ihiii
netd. To way Hauler bonnet bringH to t lie
tuiiid tho undof nod sense of early spring,
bluo skies, tho scent of lilacs, and out of
this dim and nilMty Intro materializes tho
Imago of 11 lovely girl with tender eyes
heavy with reverent tears, standing
nuito and Hweet In ohurch, with a vision
of beauty in tho form of a mixture of
Inco and flowers and glistening rihboiiH
overshadowing hor brow.
Tho beginning of tho EiiHter bonnet
ouro and simple Ih lost, for tho ClirlHtlan
church took ItH rlso in countries whero
women do not and nover did wear lion
netH. When after many centurleH wom
en bean to wear a nettled head cover
ing, no jiiirtlculiir Importance was at
tached to Haider Sunday iib requiring
such an emblem, and it nover him ob
tained in any countries but Franco, Eug
land nnil America, and of Into years a
very little in Italy. This, however, has
been on account of tho example, foreign
visitors huvo set.
In almost all of tho foreign countries
women wear lower cioiues man inoy
wear horo, and tho habit Iiiih generally
boon to lentiw their wardrobes in tho
spring, and iw settled wcathor was novor
wnl n new petticoat I bought thu other
Jay both very pretty." In another place
ho speaks of his own new suit for Hunter
but never mentions bonnets. Hut women
having been women from tho lioglnnlng
It Is certain that with tho now dresses
were new bonnets.
Tho fashion of Easter lionnetn Is moro
neucrally obserwd in this country thnn
any other and in largo cities moro thnn
In smaller places; still it has comu to bo
habit that all follow who can, and
rverywhere, If tho weather Is (loo. now
boiiiiutH are seen.
Tho decorations aro put up in tho
churches at Christmas and loft till Has
tor, and then everything symbolizes tho
return of spring as well as tho rosurroc-
C (1 1 All K 'Jy V
A Moment's Examination
i:ahti:ii iionnut, 1701.
tion, nnil if any micrlllco is mndo in tho
offering of a now suit of spring garments
and a licautiful ami becoming Hastor
bonnet tho fair wearer will endiiro It
mid mako 110 sign. From a bunch of
tlowors, through many phases, tho Mas
ter bonnet has passed until now it Is ac
cepted as a necessary part of Faster.
a thing of beauty and joy forovor to
women. Oi.ivk lUm-itu.
The Eirst National Bank
0 and Tenth Sts.
bpltil, $400,000 Surplus, $100,000
g. ft. tUnWOOD, PruUUnt.
9BAS.A. UANNA, V(-IrMl.Unt.
W, M. COOK, CMhUr.
0. 8. L1PPINCOTT. Au't Cathtf
II. S. FUKKMAN, Alt't dwiifr
I. M.
I) K. Thompson.
I). OVino,
Ami. Ciuililcr
nirtinril'i Block, Cor. Klovrnth nml O HtN.
I. M. Knimntul. I.twlt (liroory, S. II. Iturtiidin,
T. . Lawny, U, . IMiom, U. 11. Morrill, A.
J. Saintr, K. K, llmirn, K. H". Mlllr,
S. II. Irum'iiim, (1, IV Uunlxrtion,
1). K, Tioiil(i.
Farm and City Loans
BfMoney (urnUhcd promptly on ap
proved security.
E.C.JONES, Manager
ItJD O Street, Lincoln, Neb
Ob ffcrau In eaitarn Netrnkn itml ImproTed
proparty lu Lincoln for n lorn, of year.
Lowest Current Rates
R. E. & J. MOORE.
Coraar t'th A O 8trU, I.lnooln.
5 per cent on Deposits Paid at the
Corner V mnt Klovonth HI.
Tht Only Safe Deposit Vaultt In Lincoln
expected until tho latter part of April
thoy did not wear their Karmonta until
then, and as Knster Is a groat holiday the
women by a natural transition woro their
now things on that day as wo do on tho
Fourth of July. Llttlo by llttlo tho habit
spread, and Franco took it up. I find at
proof of this lu an old French book ol
fashions, "Thoro may bo dames who
now rofrain from wenring tholr now
bonnets for tho spring until Caster Sun
day, as until then tho wcathor is unset
tled." And in that samo book I find an illus
tration of n bonnet of tho most fearful
niul wonderful shape, described in those
words,"In this bonnot art makes wealth
In this book, which is "Cnblnot dee
Modes." published in April, 1780, is first
mentioned tho Easter bonnot, as "a black
chapeau a la Maltalso. It Is bordered
with a ribbon en dladomo; tho crown
surrounded with a bunch of roso colored
crapo, forming several knots; algrot
formed of black cock's plumes and one
largo tuft of whito plumes." With this
is worn a "largo gauzo fichu, trimmed
with a scalloped nifllo. Bouquet of roses;
hair hanging behind a la cousoilloro,
with a curl on each shoulder."
Tho remarkablo hats published here
with aro from tho papers of tho period
viz., 1783, 1780 and 1704 and with their
aro worn tho robo on fourrcau, tho role
en chemise and tho redlngoto ajusteo,
and keen eyes can find many points of re
semblance to our present modes.
I cannot leavo tho "Cabinet des Modes"
of 1780 without making ono delicious ox
tract, which proves that tho gushing
fashion writer is uot of modern growth:
"Our merchants of fashion mako tl'o
post and will mako tho future centuries
ashamed as thoy will necessarily degen
erate, becauso that is always tho fato of
that which has readied perfection. "
Gorman children havo a gntno of mar
bles nlaved only at Hasten Tho Hastor
eggs aro cut olT squarely, perhaps ono- '
third of tho distance from tho broad '
end. They aro then set up, say, three or
four feet from tho wall and In triangular
positions. Threo or four may bo sot at
onco. Sides aro chosen If thoro aro moro '
than two players. Then tho children
roll their marbles with a deft thud
against tho wall or baseboard. If in I
tho robound a marblo touches ono of tho
eggs, It becomes tho property of tho side
to which tho marblo belongs. Then the
opposite Bido must "set up," and the
gamo Is only won when all tho eggs aro
captured by ono sldo. Candy animals
and cako pooplo who aro nolo to stanu
alono nro often victims in this war of
On tho street on Easter morning two
boys met. Thoro was no need of a ver
bal challenge. No. 1 hold his champion
egg, n poem of sky bluo and crimson,
firmly. No. 'A waved back his answci
with his red. whito and bluo unbreaka
ble Crackl
Tho small ends of tho gay eggs clicked
together. How much dopondod on'tho
But no crunch of weaker egg followed.
The two gladiators eyed ono another.
"What's yourn?"
"Chinoy. What's younrt"
And thoy parted, for though rivalry
is tho life of commcrco thoro is such m
thing as ruinous competition.
N H Itnrwootl,
N u nrocK,
Wm Mclaughlin,
W A Holleck,
O T Boiikh,
O V wVUter,
Albeit Wftiklnn,
KreU WIlllHim,
lUotiel l.loyil.
II I) HMlmwiiy.
j . nruooe,
O J Krmt,
II V llmwa,
K It Slier.
Hoary Velth,
Henry K IajwU,
Savings Bank
CAPITAL, - - $2.')0,000.00
HtockhoUlen,' Llabllltlc, UX).0OO.
Pays lnteri't on
nvlnirn nrcnmilH ami time
KiirnUlK'K cxcliungo frco
to ciutomiTS.
John Taylor, 1'renMent.
Jamco Kllburn, Vice Vrculclent,
. K II. Tingle, Ci')lcr.
Clara 1 thought your Easter
was quite a success.
Maude Yes. It Is tho most expensive
one 1 over had.
Many quaint methods woro devised by
tho founders of old English charities for
promoting happiness among their bene
ficiaries at Eastortido. Uood Friday and
Easter customs In this old country aro
numerous and curious. For instance in
London CO of tho youngest boys of
Christ's Hospital school attend dlvino
service nt a church in Lombard street, in
tho midst of tho great banks, and after
ward receive each a bag of raisins, ono
now penny mil ono bun at tho old priory
church in West Smithlicld, and SI wid
ows each up a now slxponco from a
tomb in the churchyard, a custom that
Is sold to bo 500 years old
HH HAT, 1780.
In Pepys' "Diary," written in 1064, 1
find several mentions of Easter Sunday
ami services at church, and tho dear old
gossip says noxt to nothing of Easter
bonnets tho nearest approach to it be
ing whero ho says, "My wife dressed her-
(UnilfAlk NtltWlT. HfTTT-TW
! V?'?""Va'"7T I o ..- -.- v " i .... - - -.
ftSSSSS'tntSSu. EiS 8el, '"K Ea8tor toy," and speaks of
DDmOH DUUWUH wMw. .. v. .n ..v saw . Bwt. , .. v
bona from. trie,pu pw jood vcrT ue tu lace, and this moro-
Russia Is not tho only country in which
tho early Christian custom of kissing all
coiners at Easter survives. In North
umberland, England, tho men still claim
kiss or a silver sixpence from every
woman they meet in tho streets. In the
town of Bedlington last year nt Easter a
coal miner was sued for kissing a wom
an nud pleaded tho old custom. Ho was
released by tho justices, who informed
tho complainant that "If sho did nu
waant Qeordio's kiss sho could ha' gieu
him a siller saxpeuco."
oliiii ttnrn Niort by n (limit Hliut Onter of
KiirrUi In tlto llonlliimiit An Affnlr
Tliut U'k Not ninlurlii'il by Nowrncr
IHihtIhI CorrpKiKinilonco.
Havana, Ills., March 110. This ancient
Illinois town, situated on tho Illinois
river between Peoria and St. Louis and
within a short distance by rail from tho
former city, has been pleasantly honored
by n visit from ox-President Benjamin
Harrison. Tho kindly faced ox-president,
in company with several friends from
Pennsylvania, Indianapolis ami St.Louls,
arrived in Havana in their Hpeclal car
Wlldwood. Tho nartv wcro eiiulpiied
for a lOduvs' shooting bout nlong tho 1
lagoons and marshes bordering tho Illi
nois river. Some of General Harrison's
Indianapolis friends aro interested in
pomo shooting preserves near Havana,
and tho ex-president accepted tho invita
tion to shoot ducks from lino cover dur
ing tho early spring days. A quaint lit
tle river tugboat called tho City of Peo
ria, of which tho pioneer, John Shulte.ii
master, took tho hunters on board and
Hteamed away to Spring lake, near a llt
tlo fish mart called Liverpool, a fow
miles from this place.
Arriving at Liverpool, General Harri
son and Ills friends were transferred to
, tho houseboat Marion, a most primitive
and unique nlValr, owned by tho Indian
HIMilis Sportsmen's club. The boat
though rough looking, is fitted up neatlj
and comfortably within, and thonccom
tiaiiying diagram will givo tho readei
I Bonto idea of tho interior arrangement!
of tho boat. However, tho ox-president
is a truo sportsman and loves to rough
I It with thu rest of tho boys. On tho
, journey up tho river ho sat on a hard
; bench on tho prow of tho llttlo City of
Peoria, and to ono who did not know
1 him tho ox-president appears no differ
ently in looks and actions from any other
l gentleman sportsman.
It was hoped that tho party would get
into tho shooting boxes at once, but a
stiff norther set in, which sent tho wild
fowl scurrying southward. Some good
shots wero obtained, however, and tho
' party wero arranging to get after tho
, birds in earnest when tho weather
turned very cold and tho wind blow a
galo. Tho ex-president nud his friends
wero compelled to remain under cover
until tho wind subsided and tho aUnos
phero modified. Old hunters say that
General Harrison ciiiuo a little too early
for good shooting, na tho spring flight
northward had hardly begun. Then,
too, tho very high water and Ico jams
havo inado box shooting very difficult.
Notwithstanding these discouragements,
General Harrison was rewarded with
Bomo raro sjiort. Ho was In tho very
best of health and spirits, nnd it scorns
Btrungo how tho reports had gotten into
circulation to tho effect that tho last
days of his presidency had told upon htm.
It was the wish of General Harrison
that his visit hero bo attended by ns llt
tlo notoriety as possible. Newspaper
men havo not found much to writo
about. All they could say was that tlw
ox-prcsldeut was in tho vicinity in quest
of ducks. The natives did not nnnoy tho
party by loitering nround tho camp, and
thoso iieoplo who did essay to mnko a
coll wero received very courteously. On
tho 10th iust. tho Illinois encampment of
tho Grand Army of tho Republic, in its
session at Springfield, wired General Har
rison at Havana that they wanted him
to como over and seo them. Tho ox
president responded in a kindly dispatch
to tho effect that ho was thero on a hunt
lug trip, in his hunting gear, and was
not prepared to mako a visit of ceromo
uy. So the distinguished sportsman re
mained in camp.
Tho "order of oxercisos" in vogno on
tho Marion during tho ex-president's
8tny wero simplo and methodical! Break
fast was usually had at an early hour,
and souio mornings General Harrison
was out long beforo daybreak, popping
away at tho ducks as thoy swooped post
Ids box. General Harrison is an excel
lent shot. Ho uses one of tho latest Im
proved styles of breechloaders and is
well acquainted with its use.
Shooting from a box is not tho easiest
method of securing gamo. Theso boxes
aro well concealed by grasses, yot in
theso latter days tho wild fowl aro very
suspicious. Unless tho conditions nro of
tho most favorable sort, tho sportsman
will rarely get a good shot into a flock of
ducks as they are dropping tlieir wings
to settle. This Is the moment whon tho
guns should speak. Then as tho fright
ened birds wheel to rise two moro shells
can bo rapidly slipped into tho gun nnd
two moro broadsides poured into them.
Tho locality visited by tho ox-presldont
has been famous for years for its excel
lent shooting and Ashing.
Tho Illinois river in this part of tho
Btato is surrounded on both sides by la
goons, marshes and small lakes. Thomp
son's lake is tho largest of theso, nud
horo Is whero some of tho best sport is
obtained. During General Harrison's
stay ho hunted in various parts of tho
country contiguous to Havana. Tho last
few days of his vacation wero tho most
successful, as tho birds began to como in
by the thousands.
It is a matter for congratulation that
this distinguished guest was enabled to
enjoy a fortnight of truo sport without
being compelled to re.sort to tho methods
in voguo in a foreign country, whero
gamo must bo propagated solely for tho
uso of tho royal sportsmen nnd their
friends. General Harrison grow con
siderably tanned by the exercise and tho
etiff winds during his outing, nud no
doubt is in far greater health by reason
, of his visit to tho Illinois river mnrshes.
Gay Davidson.
JL OlEltOGS $i oo Per Bushel.
try our Coffees
The Newest and Freshest Store
in the City.
Miller & Gifford,
1211 0 street. phone. 744.
M Ite Beck 1 have
ken ccking for go
and several thotisandothcrs.
I advise all who would save
time to go at once to
Finest in the City
H AV1NG just assumed pertonnl control of vi 1 iuiVk hi ntvi HnlTit., It' y, "jj 1
my aim to conduct a iirst-cln.a establishment, giving best of care and attention to
horses entrusted to our keeping.
Single or double, and
fine line of vcll-trnincd lioies for lher me, fur
nlshecl, dayjor night.
Stables 1639 and 1641 O Street.
Attention, Theatrical Managers.
Advortico ynur theatre and Its attractions by seeing to it that tho
Chicago Dhamatic Joukxal has a good correspondent in. your
town. Recommendations of local managers will recolvo prompt at
tention. If your town Is not represented in our columns glvo tho
matter your personal attention and bond us tho name of wnno good i
correspondent to write weekly letters unvising us of your attrac
tions. Address
Chicago Dramatic Journal
Telephone 225
Canon City
Bock Springs
Sewing Machine and Gun Repairing
We have just employed a skillful workman from the East, who Is fully competent
to make all repair In the above lines T. J. THORP & CO.,
320 South Eleventh street
set of plana nadr to balld from. Wcs,
imrSSiimo9imcu. Shu! tor book
Urol Hmdm," oooUlnlm taas tnoofe
tV a ln hnv t41w tin(Flf knma n ntiAv
fefJ.g!!l feihiaftjSgg?1 1 new Uoed silk hdwo. with unaller Uc
Easter is said to bo older than ChrU
tianity. Tho name by which wo know
tho day Is identical with that of tho an
cient Saxon goddess of spring, Eastre.
The early missionaries gave a ChrUtUa
meaning to the observance of the day,
but it has retained its ancient name.
England is not tho only nation which
can boast that tho sun never tots In her
dominions. It is equally truo of the
United States, for when it Is 0 o'clock in
tho morning nt Attoo island, Alalia, tin
most westerly ioint of American t rn
tory, it is just l:'.'0i o'clock in tho morn
ing of tho following day at Uastport, Mo.
Telephone 176.
Moving Household Goods and Pianos
a Specialty.
None but experienced men employed. Idlest devices for moving machinery, safe
and other heavy articles.