Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 01, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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Faster, the olworvo.l 1 IVoslo.., Mr. ami Mrs. Wheeler,
torotighoiit chrlslon.lnin In eominonin Mrs ! Weeks, Miss Luuru Hag-
if tlu tvurrectlou of our Lord.
tllNtll IIS. I'illHlcr WHS IIOI M'l lipiU'I
by Ilif apostles as 11 festival day. liul In
order to promote a life of hhiuicloH
noss and piety, It eiiuto to ho ololirutoil
on account of the ocolloncy of tin
liiiinv iriuwl lilni'M t lut t liatmonoil. So
Kuril, Mr. Avery Haggard
A letter from Mr .lamb Mahler 10
tlir writer nnilor date of Marcli 2-Mli
states Unit ho has concluded to visit
Mni'i'iln again this spring anil reopen
hl school fur dancing anil dopnrttnoiit.
In tlio I'ommunli'iitlon ho suvs "the
It was Unit tln olwi'i'vanoo of : uteri httirn front Lincoln friends havo boon
canto to ho a perpetual custom Just a ( hi1ii1Ii1 anil I fool unite proud of tho
ninny other oiimIouis nnvo noon mum
Hulled. No rules in to tho iluto of tho
KnMor festivals was lulil down hy au
thority, o Christians wore loft to fol
low their own Instincts. What ilay to
1h I'ololirutoil wax a point that loil to a
long and bitter controversy, hut was
llnally settled hy tho ohuroh of Honio.
Now ' tho rulo for tho ilay of Faster Is
tho thit Suiiilnj aftor tho fourtoonth
day of tho calendar moon, whioh hup
jioiison or not uftor Muroli Ul. Faster,
uscoiuini'iiiorutliiK' tho oontrnl fact In
our religion, hus ulwa.vs hoon regarded
us tho chief festival of tho Christian
your, anil Is now olHorved with stately
coromony. Our city churches havo
inuilo ox'tonslvo preparations for spo
olul service. Many of tho churches
will ho hunilsomoly decorated with
llowori anil Master lilies, ami special
l'astor nnislc will ho romloroil.
l'lghtoon hullos hnvo for tho past
winter hoeu entertaining themselves
very pleusuntly every Friday after
noon at high live and divers other
social pustljnos. Tho eluh hits never
heou named, hut that la no manner
Interfered with the good times that
have heou hud. They nuule no pre
tentions at being a club, hut moot each
week at a member's home, until oljjh
toen parties, no two In tho sumo pluco,
liuve Ih'cii duly enjoyed. At each
meeting a Hinall weekly UHxcssinont
was made which was left with tin
secretary and u score was kept of the
season's work and those receiving the
largest total of punches were to he
awarded thopii.estohepur ehnnilwlth
thu lucoiuo. Lust Friday tho lluiil
party was given at tho home of Mrs.
L. llurr on Q street, at tho close of
which the winners were nainod and
presented prl.os, which were all of
tine china, as follows In tho order
mentioned: Mrs. M. A. Nuwmark,
decorated jiluto; Mrs. Max Kohn,
bisque llguro; M.'s. M. Ackerman,
colory dish; and Mrs. I. llruchs. a
bonlMin dish. The membership of the
club Includes: Mesdames Newmark,
Kohn, Aokorinan, Hrucks, Lou Wes
sol, L llurr, L M Colin, A ICat.onstelu
Jr., Sam Wossol, S Mayer, L Mayer'
Chus Mayer, Ksensky, M Oppou
holmer, Loulo Meyor, Willie Meyer,
I Oppouholmor, A lllooh.
Tho popular l'niplro club gave a
largo and brilliant party Saturday at
tho Lansing academy. This was the
last party of the seaso. , and unusually
elaborate preparations had been made,
m that In all appointments It far ex
ceeded the other etVorts that have
been made this season, llcslilcs tho
club, a largo number of Invited quests
were present. The spacious rooms
wero tastefully decorated with sinllnx
and carnations, and brilliantly Illumi
nated with electric lights. The cos
tumes of the miles woro handsome of
every delicate huo Imaginable. Ices
woro served throughout the evening.
Tho list of dancers Included Messrs and
Mesdames V 11 llargravcs, I' C Up
ham, M II Til ton. I M ltnymnnd. W II
Leonard, Suttoi, .1 It Wright. Teeters,
C T Unwn, I) H Thompson, W C Wil
son, Curl Fiinke, N C Ablxitt, Seucrest,
Frank Hull, Chas Duwos, Will (ireone,
Henry Oliver, H A l'erry, l)r Appcl
got, .Iniison, Misses Anna Fiinke, Hoo
Curson, Gruco Itandull, llobliison,
Louise Sweet, Nellie White, Sarah
Harris. Messrs Van Duyn, Lou Mar
shall, Chas Haiiua.
Mrs. O. M. Maylnn-y, mother of Mrs.
II. 1. Foster, died at the home of her
daughter, liX II street, Tuesday
morning at 10 o'clock. The death was
very sudden, she being considered
borionsly til only an hour lie fore her
passing away. Mrs. Muybory has
mado lier home with tho Fosters for
eovoral years and has made many
friends and admirers among Lincoln
people. She eclubrated her ninetieth
birthday last December, and until about
a year ago has been vigorous and
hourly, enjoying good health, when
tho prevailing epidemic, la grippe,
solzod her, and she never recovered
from the offeota of it. Tuesday morn
ing she wad taken with a suddou attack
of pneumonia, and at 10 o'clock quietly
passed uwny. Tho funoral occurred at
tho Foster residence Thursday morn
ing, and was lurgely attended by
frlonds of the family.
Mrs. R. T. Van Brunt entert Ined a
congonlal company ut high live Satur
day evening ut her homo on G and
Thirteenth streets In honor of hot
eistor, Mrs. F. O. Weoks of Sioux City.
Mrs. Weeks has been visiting In the
city for a weok or more, and has mado
many friends among Lincoln people.
Sho will extend hor visit tovoral days
longer. Flvo tables wero surrounded
by bouyant nlgh llvo players. While
thoro woro no prizes ottered tho most
kind and complimentary terms In which
they have addressed 1110. Mr. Mohlor
expects to open his classes Wednesday,
May I Hid, leaving St. Louis, Sunday,
April :i0th, for this city. No toucher
of dancing has ever uiaile tl e Impres
sion upon Lincoln society' and left a
more friendly patronage than did Mr.
Mahler, lie hns not boon horn for
several years but each spring has been
Importuned by numerous of Lincoln's
llrst families to return to instruct the
young folks In tho most popular of so
ciety's accomplishments.
A now organization has beenelTooted
among church going people, who havo
bunded themselves together for the
purpose of studying church history.
Tito llrst meeting of the Church His
tory club was held In tho First Presby
terian church Monday evening. Over
a hundred wero present to hear the
three Interesting papers. Dr. Curtis
discussed tho events in the church
aftor tho birth of Christ to tho begin
ning of tho work of St. Paul. Mrs. M.
1). Welch read a paper treating of tho
work and missionary journeys of St.
Paul. Professor (!. A. Colbert treated
of the tendencies, growth, and work of
the early church. Tlio talks were
lluely Illustrated by steroopticon views,
and the evening proved very prolltablo
and interesting. Light refreshments
were served by the young ladles.
current events was devoted to tho pre-1 Droatly on Cherry
sontatlon or tin recent itnerai move
ment In the Catholic church in regard
to general education. Mrs. Dr.
Carton gave a very Interesting aecouiit
of the Chutitutuiuu which Is to bo held
this Hiiuinier ul LukeCliumplaln. Ably
prepared papers wore lead on "The
Hire and l'logress of the Two Pollt oil
Parties," Struggle of National
Hunks," by Mrs. Winger and Mrs.
Klikor. Tlio usual number wore pres
ent and the same general enthusiasm
and Interest piovallod. Tho ladies
were happy to welcome Mrs. Teeters as
a member ofthoelub,
Hill. Five
Mr.anil Mrs. Frank Mauritius charm
ingly eiitertained tho Voting Married
People's Card club at their co.y homo,
IJI.'i i street, Wednesday ovuilng.
The ordinary diversion of tho club,
progressive high live, was the order of
tho evening. Delightful refreshments
wore served In the middle of the even
ing, which utliii'iled a pleasing Ink-r-ruptiou
that would break any monotony
that might exist. Tho prize, which
was a hunilsiiiue cut gluss siilud dish,
was won by Mr. Ilarphain The guests
wero Mr. and Mrs. Crancor, Mr. and
Mrs. llarpuiu, Mr. unilMrs. Chas. Hall,
Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Folsom, Mrs. Ilol
wig, Misses llattleand Carrie Lolatul,
Mr. I. M. Aitkin, Mr. Chas. Keofor,
Mr. Cloitgh.
A whist club met with Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Fiinke last evening. The eluh
has been mooting regularly throughout
the winter. Mrs. Fiinke entertained
the club a little out of tho regular or
der, nnil the guests Indulged in a
7 o'clock tea, supper was Mirved ut sev
eral small tables urrnugcil throughout
the rooms. The supper was splendid
ami heartily enjoyed by the guests.
Aftr supper tho seientllle game of
whist was Indulged lit until a late hour.
The guests were Messrs. and Mesilaiues.
N. C. ltrock, W. C. Wilson, K. S. Haw
lev, It. A. Perry, A. S. Ituymouil, N. C.
Abbott. S. II. Huruham, .1. II. Wright,
.1. II. Hurley, I. M. Iluyinoud, K. K.
Ilrown, Dr. and Mrs. Appolgat.
The C Street Card club met with
Mr and Mrs C A Wlrriek, Will C
street Friday evening. Tho.-e were
seven tables around which a happy
company of fourteen couples p.isscd 11
most delightful evening. About 11
o'clock a sumptuous repast was served
Miss Lottie Itoufoy gave a very pleas-1 after which high llvo was resumed tin
ant dancing party lust Friday evening Ul midnight when the pustoh jard
In the parlor ami chapel of the Con- manipulators adjourned sine die.
- - - I HWAl --"1 W if.
:i - fJH 11m )&
W- HI 11 J-fI
w Vf SliStHBPiii'
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servatory of Music. Cards were played
in the tlrst part of tho evening after
which del ghtful rofreshinents were
served. Then dancing was Indulged lit
until a late hour. Miss llonfoy's guests
were Misnos Paddock, King, Hurnaby,
ltlanehard, Kelley, ltamsoy, Kitties,
ltlehards, ColTinan, Halo, Watson,
Ashton, Danfonl, Wallace, Vaegcr,
Cylltiui, Moehler, Mucken. McMlantes
Parks, Howell, Kelser, Stambaugh.
Messrs Uniuhnrt, .leekoll, Flsherdcck,
Lamb, Howie, Chas Jeckell, Keltn,
Deemor, IttTerty, Movius, Halo, West,
Humeri, Donognn, Howell, Parks,
Kelser, Trcster, lluehanan, Clark,
Smith and Comstock.
A very eharmlng afternoon was that
spent with Mrs. Laurence Fosslor and
Mrs. Howard Caldwell Friday at the
homo of tho latter in ICast Klncoln. A
largo number of guests woro invited to
luncheon, and the afternoon passed
very speedily with chatting and tho
delightful tea which was served In tho
middle of tho afternoon. The ladles
Invited wero Mesdames L A Sherman,
.1 II Cantlold, N II Allen, O V Stout,
C N Little, C II HurlKiur, II II Wilson,
T M Hodgman, Fulmor, Hrunor, W Q
Uoll, Adams, K T Hartley, A 11 Wat
kins, L C ltlehards, Calhoun, Altken,
C K Hcssoy, Paul Clark, Dr It K Loyd,
Bliceessful nhiver. vet tho snltil of enn
tontlon was as great m If there had j H K Wolfo, W P ltowen, K II Chapln,
Iwon Tho guests of tho oven- Waterman, S Schwab, Sum Cox, Miss
ing woro Mr. and Mrs. Stroeter, Mr.
and Mit). C. I. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. C.
O. Mungor, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rowiek,
Mr. and Mm. Wolcott, Mr. and Mrs.
Ellon Smith.
Tho Century Literary club mot Tues
day afternoon with Mrs. McCroory.
The time alloted to tho discussion of
Those present were Messrs and Mes
calines C H Morrill, W Q. noil, F C
Flske, T C Manger, P II Holm. C
Itlohnrd-on. A W Lane. O P Davis, F
M llllsh, W It Cambridge, Honry Zeli-
rung, C M Hertick, A 10 lturney and
Misses Hridge, Itllsh and Nellie Zeh
ning. The royal winners of the eve
ning were Mrs Hell and Mr Holm.
If you noticed anything very strange
ulxiut Mr. L. M. Thoinus of Laseh ltros.
on last Monday morning, you must not
blame hint. Sometime dining the
dark and dreary hour of midnight of
tho night before, his good wlfo mado
him a present of a real llvo, wide
awako ton-pouiul girl. L M. swears
hur lungs are the best developed of any
In Lincoln. As a consequence Mr.
Thomas emtio down town at an early
hour clad in a fatherly smile with his
freshly shiued shoos aiidauimmaeuluto
shirt front, and stops high. Ho will
le uble to attend to business ulnnit
Monday morning.
Miss Maud Hammond entertained a
few friends Monduy evening Informally
in honor of Miss Llla Weeks of Hast
ings, The evening was spent with
cards, dancing and refreshments. Tho
guests wero Miss Mary Jones, Llla
Weeks, Mlnnlo DoPuo, Stollu Kirkor,
Clara and Anna Hammond. Messrs
Chas Jones, Georgo Melstior, George
Woods, Kugono Ilrown, Will Ham
mond. Tho Kappa Kappa Gamma fraternity
was very congenially ontortulned
Saturday at the homo of Miss Anna
mombors wero admitted Into the mys
terious bonds. At hIx o'clock the gen
tlemen of the Phi Delta Thetu frater
nity assembled at Miss llrouily's nnil 11
splendid supper was served to the
merry company. The evening was
pleusuntly spent with dancing, music
nnil other games, and the gueslM then
escaped befoie midnight.
Die M. L. S. C. gave Its dual party
of the winter series at Temple hall
Thursday evening, and like its former
predecessors was a most enjoyable af
fair throughout. Irvine's superb or
chestra furnished charming music and
a specially prepared supper was en
Joyed by about thirty couples at tho
Palace dining hall nt eleven o'clock.
To Mr. Sol llerkson Is duo much credit
for tho enjoyable series of llvo dinning
pat ties given, and ho certainly has the
gratitude of each participant for his
Changeable silks are all the go now.
Illoch ,V Kohn will make a run on both
serges and brocades next week, 10
Inches, perfect beauties, 27 cents. Alo
twelve pieces Irreilescent whipcord,
plain Mohairs and Bedford cord, worth
.10 cents for .'17 cents. If you want a
bargain in other lines of spring dress
goods, look up Itlocli i Kohn's adv. In
this Issue.
Mr. A. M. Mount, nianuger of the
Interior Decorative Company, re
turned Wednesday front Jacksortvlllo,
III., whither he journeyed to visit with
his family who still reside there but
will be Lincoln residents within the
Mrs. .leiiuess Miller, the well known
dross reformer will give one of her
talks to a large audience at Fuiiko's
Friday evening. Sit unlay afternoon
Mrs. Miller will have a plain talk with
ladies at St. raid's M. K. church.
Fancy stripes, two toned nnil plain.
dress goods, actually worth 'S cents,
will bo sold next week at lllooh iV
Kohn's for 10 cents. English cashmere
chevrons and herringbones for Ml cents.
A now fail In New Vork sooiotv is
the house cleaning party. When the
carpets uro taken up tho young people
have a merry dunce unit luncheon. No
doubt It will strike Lincoln In 11 week
or two.
Mr. anil Mr. Phelps l'alnc returned
homo Saturday evening from St. Paul,
Minn., after a visit of ten days with
relatives. They reported good sleigh
ing ami very cold weather.
Mr. Mortis Turner ami family who
some months ago went to California to
reside are expected buck the llrst of
next week. They will again take up
their residence lit Lincoln.
Mrs. Anna It. King, who last year
was numbered utuoiig the corps of high
school teachers, came down to Lincoln
Saturday. She returned to Omaha
Miss Carrie Wasnter who has been
visiting In the city for some titno, the
guest of Miss Nellie White, has re
turned to her homo In Grand Island,
Mrs. Dr. K. H. Eddy is visiting her
parents and the old surroundings at
Manistee, Mich., and will be away
from Lincoln a mouth or more.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Winger will be
at homo to their friends on Tuesday
evening. The feature of the evening
is to )o music.
Tho Ancient Order of Hibemaus will
give their annual Easter ball on .Mon
day evening, April ."lid. at Masonic
Miss Llla Weeks of Hustings spout
Monday lit Lincoln, the guest of Miss
Maud Hammond.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Llndly enter
tain friends at dinner next Monday
Dr. anil Mrs. Tucker left Monday for
Chicago where they will spend some
Mrs. It. E. Van llrunt is entertain
ing her sister, Mrs. Weeks, of Sioux
Miss Mary Pitcher returned front a
week's visit with friends in Fuller
ton. The F street club meets with Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Ilrown this evening.
Several big bargains arc offered this
week by llloeh & Kohn. See adv.
Dr. and Mrs. M. H. Everett
Wednesday in Hastings.
Miss ltertha Scott departed Tuesday
for Canton, Now Vork.
Easter Sale
ThisWeekand Next
wo will soil you an Haste Dross at 69c a yard, worth up
900. All tho pretty colorings, including tho
"Bishop Purple."
Just drop in and see those goods at 690, and you will bo temp
ted to buy a dress, whether you need one or not.
Successors to J. W. WINGER & CO
1109 O STRE6T,
jJM; Sffl3 rife w43$k
ifV x Ayy
Ti liul unit ('nmltiimtlniH
Are uniHipular. Hut there Is 0110 form
of trust against which no one has any
thing to say. That is the trust whlcn
tho public reposes In Hood's Sarsii
parllla, and the best of it is fully justi
fied by the merit of tho medicine.
For remember, Hood's Satvapaiilla
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable,
and do not purge, pain or gripe. Sold
by all druggists.
No lady's Easter outfit will be com
plete for church tomorrow without one
of those bcuutlful new veils that Illoch
& Kohn havo just received and are now
soiling at special prices.
Mrs. II. II. Demurest, lute of Chi
cago, hair drosser and manlculst, lf18
O streot. Take elevator, room 182.
L. A. Humsteud Is selling W. & H.'s
famous $HI made to measure spring
suits. Cull and see tho latest. Satis
faction guaranteed. Llndell hotel
Household sewing machines at 'JOS
South Eleventh street.
Our now shoe department will bo
opened next weok. See what wo havo
to oiTor. Hkm'olshkimkk & Co.
1 1 12 O STREET.
Carpets, Mattings and Draperies