CHPITRL CITY COURIER. wmjfrwv vMm 'WiT eiwi?m j n 1 rvi m mruL ..c - fWTOif MV JWsMrisP WRSteSggSKiBWrS "MUX '"r Hffil jljfe found 7fsss-gj urji A oompllin ntur, ' lm'u WUM tviii Mt- draco AhIiIihi on hut Frl daj evening h Ihm HiM.-r. Mm ' M Keefer, nt horomy homo. 710.1 street. The neon-don w us a cr.v happy "" everything bolnu arranged with a Vl0 10 IllO llll'IIHlll-C (if till' glllwN. Tho decoration IhrninlnxH the hnu-o wore pink mill while. I'lnU mill while carnations were llie Hewers mod. The score cards were white adorned with pink rlblion. From the parlor chilli delier were humoiiiUm1 pink ribbons half o( which wore thrown to one side ..f (l.n mum and Imlf to the other. mm.., imllxri wiini nil l'Ivoii u rlhliiin lit one Hide of the room unil the gentle nuMi at the other and when the rib lxns wore loosened In the center It brought u liidy mid gentleman to got her who were partners for the evening. Charming refreshments were nerved during the evening. Tho prlos which consisted of silver souvenir npoons, were won hy Miss Jessie I.e. hind and Mr. Ernest FiuVom. The guests wore Misses Florence Wlngoi, (InuMi lluiitslngor, Josephine Mc Dowell, Maud Oakley, May Whiting, Blanche Garten, Stella Curt In, Georgia Camp, Helen Hoover, Dura Hurley, IVarl A Key, Stella lloyt, Jennie Wal hoii, MiiV Moore, Carrie Loland, Jon nle Stewart, Sadie Graham, Ada Heaton, Fannie Hector, Messrs (iuy llurlhurt, George Johnson, Fred Wood ward, Ernest Folsom, Homer Honey well, Harry Evans, Boss Curtis, Harry Hurley, Ora Ward, Park Garoutto, Wilson Wlinror. Arthur llauier, Gin Klolnkauf, Hurt Davis, Dudley Cook, John Lottrldgo, Foster llcach, Arda Chaiunan, Archie Vaughn, Frank Kitchen. A nuinher of friends spent the owning most pleasantly Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Mayer, cant Hide of Capitol square. The plea, nro of tho evoni wore centered In high live, which, until after eleven o'clock, held the oh wo nt tent Ion of all present. There wore nix tallies nnd twenty-four delighted players hat around them, each striving for Htiprom aey, hut It was left to Mrs. J Spolor to carry olT the lady's royal, and Mr. Kat.ontoln, Jr. the royal for tho male contliiguut, tho former receiving a Havoland china olive dish, the latter a gold tooth pick. Mrs. Sam Wossol was consoled with the booby, u cornucopia of pins, and Mr. M. Ackorman likewise distinguished himself receiving a lutnla turo tin horse attached to a muslcwagon Following tho diversion nt cards came a most elegant Mippor which wasserved In tho dining room. Tho table was handsomely arranged and tho menu consisted of the season's choicest olTer Ings. While- the guests wore sulllclug tho doinands of the Inner man some one Hprung a surprise on the assembly by requesting all hands to drink to the health of Mr. and Mrs. .Mayer. liu-, mediately thereafter It was learned j that tho occasion was In honor of their tenth anniversary of married life and tho congratulations that followed were both hearty and sincere. Those par ticipating In the destruction of a tuiinpluuusly ladcncd table were Messrs and Mesdamcs M AcUermau,.l. bpeler, l)r Mitchell. Lou Wossol, L M Colin, A Katzonsteln, Jr, Sam Wossol, M A Nowinark, M Well, L A Ksonky, 1 Druoks, Chas Mayer. Tuesday evening the homo of Mr. and Mrs.Mnx Kohn, I SOW 1 street, wa the H'ono of a gay and festive surprise party of which their accomplished daughter, Miss Anuindt, was the vic tim. Tho Invaders were tho nionilwrs of tho M. L. S. C. of which tho young lady Is a inomlor. Tuesday was tho date on which Miss Kohn reached her eighteenth anniversary birthday nnd it wa In honor of that occasion that tho surprise was arranged and pleas antly carried out. After well wishes club already ha an enviable reputa tion fnrcmgonliil and Informal parties, and till adds on m ire pleasing re uieiiibraiieo to their long II t. The prize were won by Mr. Oil Thompson Mrs. O M. Thompson aid Mr. Patrick, Mrs. Keefer. The genlleinen's prizes were cut glass ullve dishes. Mrs. Thompson received a half dozen bread and butter plates and Mrs. Keefer carried home a toast plate and cup. The member of tho club present were Messrs and Mesd imes Cowdery, S E Monro, DrGllllu, M Th -mpsoii, Or Dayton, O W Webster, llulTiiiiiu, Patrick. The guests of the evening . ...ii.tii were .Messrs ami .Mosiiames w n Ali son, Oil Thompson, I'reston, Foster, Allen, Kelfer, Sutton. The next meet ing ol the club will be with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. HulTinan. The Century literary club held Its regular meeting Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. K. H. Curtis. Thirteen of tl o members were present. The time allotted to the general current events was occupied by tho president, Mrs. Frank Campbell In giving an interest ing talk on the supposed discovery of a new faculty within ones If to commuii Icate with the niliiil o another. This Is tho subject of much discussion In the tho eastern papers. The ladles were very skeptical, hut agreed that enough had been found to make it interesting to follow it In Its developments. Mrs. M. E. Van Hruutgavo a live minutes talk on tho beauty of Tennyson's poetry and Its Inlluence. Mrs. W. E. Klrker rea I an ably prepared paper on hand east prolonged her visit with her parents in Pittsburgh and Is expected home next week. Mr. Max Kohn returned Tuesday from New York after a month's ab sence, during which time ho pur chased an extensive line of new spring dry goods for Hloch ,V Kohu's popular dry goods emporium. .Mr. koiiii ro per s the New York market quite lively and business booming In all lines', the prospects for spring trade never having appeared brighter to tho metropolitan jobbers and manufactur ers. The new good commenced to arrive Monday and will Ihi all In by the llrst of next week. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hllsh very pleas antly ent.irtalni'd the C Street Card idub and some friends last Friday eve ning. Tho popular game of high live wa the order of tho evening. The club and some Invited friend present were Messrs and Mesdamcs Paul Holm, W O Hell. Henry Zohrung, W E Klrker, Folsoni, Case, Cliapln, O P Davis, Harney, Fcker, Monger, Miss Xohruug. Mis Kate Southern and Mrs. Howard HlekettH entertain this owning at the homo or the latter, N and Twenty seventh street. The ladles are ex pected to come dressed to represent a character In some prominent book which tho gentlemen are to goes. Prizes will be awarded to tho gentle man and lady guessing the most. Mr. W. Morton Smith, having severed his connection with the Evo nlng News, lias i olved the appoint ment of district manager of tho Paolllc Mutual Life Insurance Co. and ha opened olllo i In tho Hrownell block. Mr. and Mrs. II. Ehrlloh and Mis Hlanch, returned to their homo In St. Joseph last Saturday after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Lou Wossol. Sorosls meets Monday with Mrs. Manning at which tlmo Mrs. Prof. Adams will lead with a discussion on "Chlnso Immigration." Mrs. Dr. Hill entertained a number of friends at breakfast this morning. OPENING OF THE LUNIVEHSAL. AUTISTIC DINNEH GOWN.' ' Tw Tliiiiitiiint l.mlli Kiilrrtiilio'il Mimic Willi,' lnp, rtlnc I lit, .Millinery Ntiirti. Wednesday wa a gala day for Lin coln ladle. It was the day on which they were formally Introduced to the new irlng bonnett and other millinery novelties for tho budding season. It was the day of the opening of the beau tiful new LTnivcrsul millinery estab lishment at 20(1 South Eleventh street, and a tho fair sex had all been Invited they eauio by tho hundreds from every part of the city to welcome tho now linn. Numerous carriages rolled up to the door and the event was In every way In keeping with tho new resort which start out under most favorable auspices. The store had been beauti fully arranged for the occasion nnd no opening in this city wa over attended by a more select gathering of the best people of the city, nor has any store ever presented a neatoi or prettier ap pearance. Irvine's superb orchestra vas present both afternoon and even ing discoursing concert selections which assisted much In the groat suc cess of the grand opening. 1 In vii You Anything Trmltt for Hustings real estate? I have two hlocks well located In Spencer Hros'. Park addition and 1 will consider prop ositions to trade for almost anything. Address L.Wessel, Jr., careofCoultlKU. David P. Sims, dentist, rooms 12 and 111 Burr block. Now lino of picture mouldings Cowlo's, 1 10 Houth Twelfth street nt No such Hue of canned fruits In the city as shown by W. A. Collin & Co., I III South Eleventh street. Now Silks and Dress Goods in the latest weaves and colorings just re ceived at Horpolshelmer A: Co. K) t' unil r.ur NiirKron. Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist and aurlst No. 12011 O street, Lincoln, Nob. When you want prompt service and fair treatment and the selection from tho largest stock of groceries In Lin coln call on W. A. Collin & Co., suc cessors to J. Miller, 1 lit South Eleventh street. lliirllnuliiu limit,, l'l) Inu Curilt. Now design, round corners lloxlble linen stock, permanent colors, worth fiO cents. Wo sell them at lii cents. Good scheme to buy a fow packs; might need them this winter; euchre, whist high-live, etc. A. C. Zii:mi:u, City Pass. Agt. Not Irr. In tlii District Court nf I. iuicuhUt County, Nt'liriiNkn. In tin' luulter of tlic Kxtalcof .lolin OIkiiii, (U'l'fHM'll. 'IIiIn t'ntiM' ciiiuc on forliciu Int; upon tho t' tltloti of N'rUon C. llroi'lf niliiiliilHtriitiir of llioi Hlnlc nf miUI John nlKon.ilt'cciiM'tl, pray Iiik for u license to m'II lot il, In llluikT, In the KItkI Aililltlnn to I'lrth, In Ihc County of LiuiciiKlcr, Stutc or Nchniskii fur tlm paj- llll'lll (if lIl'lllH lllloWCll IIKIlllInt Mllll CNllllC unil lor rostNof iicliiiliilMuillon therein lielni: 1 n Nillllclent pcrioinil properly to pny hiiIiI ileitis ami i'.pt'iiKi'4. It Im Hifrcrorti ordered that all pcTMin-. Intcri'Meil In mid entiitc appear In -lorn mi) at the Court llonw In M;ilil l.iinciiHter county, on the Hllnliiy or April, IMU, nt 11 o'cIih'K A. M.. to show caimu ivliv license hIiouIiI not liu uniuted to Mild 'idniluUtnitor to sell the iiIminc ilescrlhetl real entlltl) of Mild iltctMiMil, as stiall ho necessary to puy niiIiI iIi'IiIh ami expenses; ami It Is further onloreil Hint this notice ho pulillshcil for foul' consec utive weeks In the capita i. I'm Coritir.ii.a newspaper or Kcnernl circulation In Haiti couniy mill stale. (II AH. I,. It A I.I., .ItltlKO or the District Court. Diilcil thl '.Mlulay oi Kchrunry, ls'J.1 IM It tho struggle of the national bank and removal of deposits. As the subject was a very extensive one and the time was somewhat limited she wa asked to continue tho saino at the next meet ing. Mrs. Dr. Garten wa welcomed a a now member. mill I'oiiirriitiiliit ton wm'O froolv lie btow.'d, the secretary of tho M. L. S. C, ! Messrs. J. L. Houtz, F. Hallett and MlssTllllo Horkson, stepped forward i Iv HmK'or formed a trio of hnppj and with a few well-chosen remarks 'muter. that left Lincoln Thursday for pre ented the fair debutant with ' FortoMpie and Hlgelow Lake, Mo. il4vr.ini Hllvor towel ease, n.'nf,,,,!,. i l'liey expect lo make a week of it and moots were served during the evening and a good tlmo In general was had hv all. Those present were Misses TUllo H irkson, Hurr, Spolsberger, Soligsohn, Stoluler, Gunnison, Frauelc, Ida, Allen and Tlllio Friend; Messrs Sol Horkson, Kahn, Gugoiihelm, Hecht, Klsuer, Gunnison, llarr, Gus Mayor, Greene b.ium, J C Opponhelmor and llruck holm. Tho jilciiMint homo of Mr. and Mrs. "W. C. Wilson on M and Seventeenth streets was tho scene of a gay and unl imited high live party Wednesday ow ning. Tho rooms wore prettily decor ated with roses, carnations and white hyncluths. The prizes, wore won by lrs. Sarah Harris, who received an etching, and by Mr. Alkens who carried home a handsome paper walte. Tho guests of tho evening wore Messrs and Mesdamo J H Wright, W A Perry. Hawley, N C Abbott, Dr Cn.o boor, W B Wilson, 1) K Thompson, W B Hargraves, F W Baldwin, Georgo Cook, A G Blllmoyor, II B Patrick, II P Foster, Sutton, W C Preton, Misses Anno Fuuko, Olive Lutta, Sarah Harris, Robinson of Chicago, KUIson; MossraM I Altkons, Caroy, Frank Cook, Hauna, Matt Baldwin. Tho An Fait Card clubtogothor with a largo number of friends was very pleasantly entertained Tuesday own ing by Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Buldwln In their protty homo on K street. Tho tneir irieinis will watch ror tnelr re turn. Auot.ier trio including Mossm. J F. Hutehlns, W. J. Turner and W. J. Murdock leave today on a similar mis sion in tiio northeastern part of the state In tho vicinity of Alnsworth, Nob. A third trio loft Thursday headed by Messrs T. E. Saunders, as sisted hy John Cattle and Tom Mont gomery of Seward, who will wander In tho direction of H'rminil on the Platte rlvor in northern Nebraska. Bethrothal cards announcing the en gagement of Mr. Emil Hlrsh and Miss Olga 'loweles, both of Omaha, have boon received in this city. Mr. Hlrsh was formerly a resident of this city and Is an exemplary young man whose friends hero will wish him both happi ness and prosperity In tho new life that now opens befoio him. Mis Towoles is a popular young lady In Omaha, a niece of Mr. J. L. Brandies I of tho B)ston Store, at whoso palatial residence tho cerem my will bo solemn ized on Tuesday, March 2th. Mrs. C. II. Hudge, of tho Rudgo & Morris Co., has returned from an ex tended trip east. While away from his accustomed haunts Mr. Budge vis ited Pittsburgh, Cilcago and Grand Haplds In tho interest of his well-known 11 rm and finished his sojourn with a visit at tho old homo In Youngstown, Ohio, whoro ho hU parents reside. Mrs, Budge, who accompanied her bus- Captain and Mrs. Pholp Paluo left Thursday for Minneapolis whoro they will visit Mr. Palne's mother. The Young Married People's Card club meets with Mr. and Mrs. C. E llarpaui Wednesday evening. Miss Lizzie Bunnell of Chicago Is in the city visiting her sister, Mrs. Frost of East Lincoln. Mrs. Williams, mother of Mrs. Wol cott left Moudav for an extensive visit in the east. Too Levata Whist club meets with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Brown Monday evening. Illcli, Iteil lllimil As natii'-ally results from taking Hood's Sarsapalll.t a personal cleanliness re sults from free use of soap and water. This great purlller thoroughly expels scrofula, salt rheum and all other Im purities and build up every organ of tho body. Now Is the time to take It. The highest praise ha been won by Hood's Pills for their easy, yet olllclont action. Sjld hy all druggists. Price 2." cents. Nolle,,. In the County Court or I.tiuuiiNtor County: Stephen H Pound ami Lionel c. Km r, partners under the llrni name, ami stlc of Pound A. llurr, l'lalatlils, VK Tho I.u Snlle Nnlltmal Hank, of I .a Mulle, Illinois, pu. readmit. To the Iji Hullo National Hunk of l,:v Sullc, Illinois, Defendant You will take notice th I on the iElnl iluy of Kchrunry . 1111, the pliilntlM herein tiled Ihulr petition In the County Court of Lan caster County Nehrnska, iikhIiiM suhl ile remUiit.tlii' ohjuct ami nrajer of uhleh Is to recover the hiiiii or no thousand dollars now iluo ami owIiik to tho nlalntlll's from said de. femlmit on iiecouat or mi turceiucnt fur at tornov. fees hetw. eti plalntlllH nail ilcreiul itnt, nail you arc required to answer said pe tition on or heforo tho 1st liar or .May, 1VJ1 Dated at Lincoln tills iTtli day or March, ls'J.I, POUND A llUltll, IMalntltls. LADIES HAVE YOU g) ATTENDED OUR SALE We Are Offering Goods at prices that we are sure to interest you. SILKS - SILKS CHOICE S7 CENTS. Changeable Silk, Taffettas, China, Worth 75 c, and $1.00. S6c Your Choice 57 Cents a Yard. ITave you heard about our BLACK ("JOODS at (i!)c? SATUHDAY and MONDAY your pick of BLACK GOODS ranging in price from "no to Sl.'i'i. VELVKTS, they go at Olio. This Is a bargain seldom olTorcd. TODAY AND MONDAY AND TUESDAY our DUKSS GOODS at (19c in Colors for Faster Dresses. All the now shades Including tho "BISHOP PIMPLE." KRUG St CO Successors to J. W. WINGER & CO 1109 O STRE6T. WE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION to our large and magnificent assortment of new, elegant WASH DRESS FABRICS the most beautiful designs and latest idea of American and European manufacture. India Novelties, Organdies, Pongees, Scotch and French Zephyrs, Sateen, Gloria, Corded Batiste, French Domethas, all purchased at headquarters and we guarantee a saving of fully 25 per cent to our patrons. We want an opportunity to show you this beautiful col lection of the handsomest line of Wash Goods ever shown in Lincoln and extend a cordial invitation to call. BLOCH St KOHN, Tbe Progressive Dry Goods Emporium, 1 141 and 1 1. j 3 () Street. . i 'tfSl&'eV -. ffr.vft vf rtv vfr s Jr $r rj vfr xii sir iz. &-&l r.jiMiiiil Kur SurisiMiii. D. . W. L. D.iyton, oculist and aurlst No. 12011 O street, Lincoln, Neb. Visit Bloeh & Kohn's Progressive Dry Goods Emporium, if yon want to lohold the prettiest designs and larg est assortment of new, choice wash dress goods. Mrs. V. E. Gosper's now stock of millinery, the llnost elty. Is now complete. spring In tho After tho theatre drop In at Faulk ner's drug store and got a nlco glass of soda water. i . , ml vt ip n t$ ty 7yrt$nyny:7$viyrT'3r7'g GRAND INITIAL - - - OPENING New Millinery Department Next Thursday, March 23. jfMM7e f