Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 04, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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T. C. KeRN, D. D. S.
Rooms 35 and a6, Ilurr lllock,
Tho Perfection nuil Taylor
-&.djU5tabl $170
xpand with ovory motion of tho foot. Don't
burn or blister. A very narrow shoo can bo
worn. Most cnmfnrlauto known Try lliom
And mo Tor yourself.
ForsaloonlybyA. IlUBIGBK, 1IS7 II Hi.
Hpcclal orders taken. Cheaper thnn others,
vHJUAlNflO WttMtMf OlOUNAfHf Of Th COUNTRY Will Ofll Alf
hicago,Rock Island & Pacific Ry
nod 1'UiiULO.
t Throuith Conches. Sleepers, Free HccHnlni
rlmlr Cars nr.d Dlnliur Cars daily betwpo CHI
OMAHA, nnd between CHIOAOO nntl DKNVEH
Joseph, or Kaunas City and Topcka
Via The Albert Lea Route
Fast Express Trnlnii clilly between Clilcrwt
und Mlnnenpolla and St. Paul, with T1IIIOU01I
Ilecllminr Chair Cam IFKEEl to and Horn thorn
point and Kansas flty. Throimh Chair Cat
and Sleeper between Peoria, Spit It Ivka nm
Sioux Falls via Hock Islnnil.
For Tlckots, Haps Folders, or desired Informs
tlon, apply at any Coupon Ticket Olllie, i-r Hjiliew
Ocn'l Manager, Qcn'lT'.tt.a-Pn. Ant..
Santa Fe Route I
Atcblsonjopeka 4 Santa FeR.R.
Tkt Popular Route to the Pacific
Through Pullman and
Tourist Sleepers
Between Kansns City nnd San Diego,
CISCO. Short Line Kate to
Double Daily Train Service between
Kansas City and Pueblo, Colo
rado Springs and Denver,
Short Line to Salt
Lake City.
The Direct Texas Route
Aolld Trains Between Kansas City and
Galveston. The Short Line betweer
Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft.
Worth, Dallas, Aiutln, Tem
ple, San Antonio, Hous
ton, nnd all principal
points in Texas.
The nljr line running thiongh the Okla
homa Country. '1 he only direct line
to the Texas Pan-Handle. For
Maps and Time Tables and
Information regarding
-atesand routes, call
on or address,
Passenger Agent,
X316 Fernam Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
I7D1717 Tuition! Kail term, In sovon differ
mCEt ent courses. Only tiluli erode In
dependent Normal In tho stnti-. TI10 Finest
Buildings, Equipments, and Ablest N'ormal
Faculty. No experiment, but an established
management. 40 courses, :tA teachers und lee.
turers . live school for the Write
fbreatalogue. K. K. Kdohk, Mcr, Lincoln, Neb.
iiloncn toliandlo the furiuorH' trudonn Keeds
nnd Hoed Potatoes of known merit. Our men
Inwo privilege of selling our warranted, well
known nursery tltock also. Hit; wages to be
made this season. Apply mileK, HintliiK at;e.
L. L. MAY & CO ,
Nurserymen, KlorUtHiimi HeedNineu,
TUU hoiuo Is rspotiHlhle, HI'. PAUL, MINN
5r;e Quarterly Register of
bIbrI t'otles, - 60e
Per Tsar, ll.ltO
stomirt Tolnmes, 8,00
" It eufht to be Kid l s Icit book In nry common
sua high ftchool, a, wtll tt tvtrv scsdciny snd celttc."
. , (110. P. I'lSllliK, Trctturr Dei . WuMncioa
" 1 1 li migulss lht I lull his sir isd cuaol tftord
ta da wll!ioU'-A. K. WlNJllir. iSiliec JounU et liJu
cstlun "A uitful. timely nj hljh-clui publlotloo. I tm
much struck with the rarlety of solid Infutmitloa ou nun
site In cnndfnk lute le imsll compati ' PKUS. J. t
Tof itts by ltttlnr Booktilltn tad New, Dftlrtt
Ihrouiiliaut the Wotl.l, who will situ ncelvt tulKiiiiiun,
1 will U roilUd direct to tay i,tct la lha I'otnl Unios on
txelix et tb piles foi single conic, nd bound yoluuic.
foulf n bubKriptlon,, ft 75. Aldmi
ostnoit, Mich., u. a. a.
rv.i7t.Tiu;5 LLi L s. . vfLk vr A.
;i y. ' pJ . i.'vo'w 1 .aj ;v
Ha Was Ton Oreat a Uenltis In ItemalntTa-
"Now," wild tho alitor of the Quohonh
Genius of Liberty to his reporter, "In your
work I shall look for 11 calm, dispassionate
statement of fact. My paper Is noted for
Its veracity, and no exaggeration in allowed
on any subject. Do you think vou under
stand that clearly?"
"Yea, air."
"Then yutr tuny ntteud the Sklmgullot
Dumsqtll.r.lo wedding, which taken plaee
at noon tislny, mid I'll hum how you handle
It," wild the editor, turning to his desk.
This In what the new reporter handed In
after tho festivities Mem over
"It U the custom of most newspapers, in
giving accounts of local weddings, to spenk
of the bride us licnutlfill, even if she Is us
ugly an a mud fence. Tho (ictilusnf Lib
erty scorns such flattery, however. If n
woman is bountiful, we lieSllutu not to May
so, hut if she Is not It Is tint our fault
Wo proclaim the fact. Wcwlsh wo could
say that Miss Mclimln l)iimHiiiil.xle, who
became Mrs. Dennis Sklmgtillct nt ikkiii
today, was lowly In form ami feature, hut
we cannot. While we have Keen uglier
girls, it must he conceded hy all impartial
observers thnt hi lek iltiii hnlr nnd a mill
tltudo of freckles do not look well on a
"However, mIio did the l"t hIio could un
dor thoclrciitiiMtiiueex In ueiuing 11 tolera
bly thick veil, uud ikged out at mIio uiik in
dreas of cream satin looked ipiltu pteentiv
hlo at a distance. Ilantly mo much eau Ik
suld of her huxlwiinl, who walked with a
limp, nnd whose nparhely ret tied chin
whiskers of a pate dun color would havt
linprou'd his nppeainuee if they had heeu
hIijimmI oil We ii-celtlillicd lij caieflll III
quliy that Hkimullil Wold enough tola
his wifu'M father and has, In point of fact,
committed the otleuse of matilinoiiy twice
before. Some tuiy that both bis fonnei
wiv(werc Htnned to death, other, that
ho worked them to death Which Is cor
rect The (JciiIiih of l.lhcitydooH not pre
tend to nay ThcMtatcmuntM nru kIoii foi
what they may be worth.
"What Miss I)unis( Haw In him mi
marry Is a mystciy, unlcHt nlie thought hIic
would be more MiieceHsful than her predo
cesHora in getting hold of the money which
he In said to keep burled somewhere on hl
farm. We heard It said thnt her father
owed Sklmgullet till.", and that tho Inttet
threatened to have hlin ariested 011 11
charge of forgery If he did not get Mellndn
to marry him, hut this otatement has not
been verified yet, Tho prcsenta were not
very numerous, and the most expeiislc
one, that wo hjiw was a peathblow ne
worth $1 at retail, Tho couple left on th
accommodation for a bridal lour of twi,
day to I'odunk We asked the Itev
X. K. Ueticka how much the groom gave
him for tying the knot, and he wild 7 cents
This, therefore, can he relied upon as olll
"Youmt man," mmIiI the eilltor after read
ing the reporter'n account, "you are far too
high a genitiM to bury your talent in a
small place like (juohosh. I would liko to
keep you, but I am sure that would be do
Ing you an Injustice. I think you had bet
ter go to New York, where your talents
will he appreciated aa they deserve. And,
by tho way, when you go to the station to
buy your ticket, avoid making the fatal
mistake of buying a return ticket. We
are fond of you, but not so very fond that
nbsence could fall to Increase it." W. II
Sivlter in Harper'a Magazine.
A Child's Version.
The Idea presented to it child'a mind by
a word which he thinks he understands,
though its meaning has never been ex
plained to him, is often ipiite foreign tc
anything which the dictionary has to otTer
'"The wind bloweth where it llsteth,"
read the Sunday school teacher to her chts
of little girls 'Doanyof you know what
'llsteth' meaiisf"
The children, with one exception, shook
their heads The exception waaim 8-yt'iir
old Maxell hatred ulrl, whoaftern momeut'l
reflection said eagerly, "I knowl"
"You limy tell us, tlien,"s,ild tho teauhei
"I'm afraid," suld the little girl In a du
bious tone, "that I can't make tho ret ol
them understand, for they haven't any
grandpas in the country, same as I have.
Hut there's always a strip 011 the bottom ol
the front iloois in the country that grandpa
told me was 'list,' ami if you could just
eel the wind blow In under that dooi
once," salil the child in n tone of convic
tion, mid tensing the lest of the class, "you'd
know what that ru meant In a minute!"
Youth's Compuiiiou.
I '11 1 11 re Vengeance.
"You'll be sorry for this Mome dnyt"
howled the sou and heir as his father re
leused him from the position he had occu
pied 11C10S.S the paternal knee.
"I'll oesoiiyr Wheur"
"When 1 get to he 11 maul"
"You will take revenue by whipping youi
father when you aiv big and strong audi
am old and leeble, will you, Tommy?"
"No, sir," blubbered Tommy, rubbing
himself, 'hut I'll spank your grnndchll
dren till they can't roll" Chicago Trib
une. A .slum In Kushloii.
"Say, Isn't that collnr a trifle tight?"
Tight? Not a bit. Besides, It'tt tho very '
latest thing out. "Life.
I'oaltlvx Kyldencr.
.Iniies Yes. sir, It is mighty hard to col
lect money just now. I know it.
Smith Indeed Have you tried tocollect
and failed?
Jones Oh, no'
Smith How, then, do you know that
money Is haul tocollect?
Jones llecuuse several people have tried
to collect of me. Tit-Hits.
A. When n man tries to borrow money
from a friend, that Is experimental philoso
phy. li. Yes, and when the friend rufusei
that is uatural philosophy. Truth.
Aa Kiupty Told.
Physician Conslileilng the weak state
of your eyes, It will he as well If you gaz
as much as Msslble into empty apace.
Patient All right, then, I'll keep look
lug into my purse. Hlumenlese.
A True Tale.
Tlieie whs a mini in our town
Who cliop-d with niluht and main,
I'utll tli tilniit trie us down
Then clmppad It tin skhIiiI
-Chicaito Newa-lteoord-
i Mw
Uneoniettou ATI I anil Humor In Rraall
Hoys' Ksamliiatloti Papers,
1 begati to collect from examination pa
pers and answers In class whatever would
throw new light on old subjects. I have
lieen some years at it now and have pleas
ure In sending you the subjoined I'JextrnUi
from my "gems," says MK A. 0, Graham
In Tho University Correspondent. They
are nil bona lido answers, ie spelling and
punctuation tielug nm luffed. In most
cases I have still the orlglunl document,
from which they nro tiikeni
Ksau was n mail who wrote fables, and
who sold t ho ropy right ton publisher for a
bottle of potash. Titus was a Roman em
peror, supitoscd to have written the "Kpls
tie of the Hebrews." HI other nnmo wai
Oliver Cromwell was a man who wnspui
Into prison for his luterfeience In Ireland.
When ha was In prison he wrote "The
Pilgrim's Progress" ami married a lad)
called Mrs. O'Sheii.
Wolsoy wa. a famous general who fought
In tho Crimean war, and who, after belnp
tlecnpltnteil several times, said to Crom
well, "Ah, If I had only served you as you
have served me, I would not have been tie
sorted In my old age."
Wesley was the founder of the Wesloyat
chapel, who wits afterward culled ,on!
Wellington. A monument was erected tc
him in Hyde park, but It has been taker
down lately.
Hamlet was wcukmliidcd. Fond o
study. Lint was too weak to fill 1111 his duty
which the ghost hrul told him. Ho wu.
very good to his mother. He profanes mud
ness, he really only puts it on, but souk
people say he was mad One day when lit
wns lighting, the king usked him If hi
would have something to drink and ho hut)
put poison in It ami Hamlet, said he would
wait the (lucen, took It and then she mill
down dead, Hamlet Immediately staln-.s lilt
father ami diluks the ihiIkoii nud dies.
Explain tho words fort and fortress. A
fort Is it place to put men In, and a fortres'
a place to put women In.
The two chief volcanoes in Kuropcf So
dom ami Gomorrah. London Dispatch.
John Fitrgerald In u hard headed, mattet
of fnct boy who has Just entered the high
school. If you talk with him, you mustlx
careful how you express yourself.
Tho other evening his father was reading
aloud u hook of travels. Tho author wit'
describing a I'hrlstman which he pawed in
"It was n rather gloomy day," ho wrote.
"We had it good dinner and did our best U
bo merry, hut It was hnrd to feel very jolly.
Wo wero 10,000 tulles from home, und"-
"Wlrnt'H that?" Interrupted Master John.
"Ten thousand miles from homer Impos
slide! Why, tho maximum diameter of tht
earth is only 8,000 miles." Youth'H Com
A flood Kieilie.
Squ' Pillhnm Hlllo, denconl What
air you doln in my henhouse?
Deacon Pullet 'Fore do Lord, snh.n cae
of necessity, sah. Ye see, anli, my wife,
sah, am perry sick, snh, an do doctah, salt,
proscribed poached algs, sah, an I'm jes'
pouch In n few algs, sah. Truth.
An Incurable C'hmi.
A certain celebrated New York doctor is
noted for his grullucss. Not long ago an
elegantly dressed lady belnnnlng to the
Four II und led called at his olllie.
"What can 1 do for you?" asked Dr.
Gruft", not looking up from his writing.
"Sir, I mil Mrs. StuttevantKniokerbockei
Van Astoibllt."
"Do you want to be treated for it?"
Texas SiftliiKs.
On an Kxtenslve Neale.
Ilusiucsslike Yankee (in the near future)
lieg paidou for intruding, sir, but you
are the governor of these islands, are you
Territorial Governor of Hawaii I am,
sir. What can I do for you?
Businesslike Yankee I notice ono of your
volcanoes is smoking. Like to sell you i.
down draft furnace for it, air. Chicago
I'olnts of View, t
"So you leally think that my having n
cigar In my mouth is it bud habit, Maria?"
said Mr. Hobsou.
"Whylt'H positively filthy," replied Mrs.
Ilolmon emphatically us she bent over to
kiss the little black face of her pet pug.
Chicago Newa-Hecord.
A Mire Cure.
"Hello, Uingleyl How did the doctor suc
ceed in breaking up your fever?"
lllngley Oh, easy enough, be presented
his hill, and I had a chill in IS minutes.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
"The Harlots worship money."
"Thnt'a so. Tlinv named their llrst boy
Bill, mid weie tickled to death when his
voice turned out to be a teuner." Brook
lyn Life.
Maud Muller In Winter.
Maud Muller on a Inter day
Went out upon the snow to sleigh.
Beneath her liftch heeled number six
Were a foot of ba and four hot brick.
Singing she (lode, and her mcrr cleo
Shook the snow all otT the tree.
"Walt till the clondt roll by!" she howled,
and as she patsed the wople scowled.
OB her deitar side sat a fresh young dude
With hlsarmoutof place as they sweetly slude.
Uutfcerhnwllruc. died, ami a vague dUtrcM
And atjarl of snow tilled t ho Imclc of her drees.
For 'he retee ere htkl la a careless hand,
An.' the baesr drtir lu a parade's band.
Went boom, bum, boom) And one cold day
A tandem left with an trptvirned sleigh.
Alas, for the dude! three cheers for the sleigh
And hurruh for the chestnuts that ran awayl
ThesathL-st words at her father';, !Mr
Were these. "You need n't come buck an mar"
The livery bill when he hlid him thence
Was seventeen dollar and lift)' cents,
-Boston Globe.
. ,,.,.. r,Atin joirtr noa
Nolle Is hereby kIvoii that on the S7lh day
of Hfeemlicr, IMri Dm Turlty KMrsct Com
pany of Lincoln, Nebraska, ntloptetl ninantletl
Articles of Iiicorporutlon anil nleil tho snnifi
on tlirt olTleo of the Connty Cierk of Lstiraster
tountv, Nebraska Whleb smemlcd Articles
provided nsrollowst
. ''isl. Tho imtiin of tho corporation shall
bill bo Purity Kxtrnel Oompany.
Heeond Its principal plaeo of Irsusuetlng
Its luislnoM Is Lincoln, Imncnstcr County,
Nebraska '
Third. Tbu Konernl uatuie of the business
tolai transuded shall o the inanufaetureniiil
ollimof iierrumes, bitters, hakltiK powder,
toilet article-, etc., ami Hie prm'urltm, ereo.
tlou and lualiitaliiaueiHirbullilltiKs, lunebln
ery. nppllanues, Irailo maras, imtei'ts, iteslKiis
anil siruoturesas may lie deemed necessary
ami to purchase ami own real e-liite as a site
thereforoand such other purpose, as may ho
tleemed ueer-snary.
Kourtli, 'I bo amouiit of capital stock
author bred and the t Into und eontlltloii on
whlrli It Is toll ,,rt,i u, ,nr,,,r Hied nl
S7AMI0.0UIII shares of $IIHX) each, InehullUtf
stock theretofore Isslietl. No stock shall lie
Issueil unless rully puld up and a complete
record of the Issuiiiice uud delivery of all stock
made shall he kept by the secretary In a book
lor I hat purKse.
Kind. Tho comiuuhccmoht of tdo eorporn
t on Is tlxed at the llrst day or Mav, Ifflll. and
the trrinlnatlou of tho onrimrntlnu Is tlxetl
nt a iierhsl of twiiuly-llvn years from tho
the dntonrthls commencement tr not sooner
dissolved sccorillnii to law.
hltlh, The IiIrIic1 umoilut of Indehleil
ness or liability to which tho corporation Isat
any lime to subltct Itselr shall not exceed
filly percent of Us eapltal stoek.
Heventd. Thoolllcem by wbleh the allalrs
of thoeorpoiallon nru to lie condiioted shall
ho a lloiinl of Directors const, tlnu of not
more lhan nine nur less Ihau three members
uud theolllceis of this coi pornttoii may bu
members of suhl bounl, whled suld board or
ill ectors sliull Ih chosen unit elected by the
stockholders nutiiixlly nt then iiuiul meellmi
or suld sloekholilers. Said hoard of directors
sliull hold olllcn It li I II their successors am
duly elected nud itiulllleil. Tho said hoard of
directors slmll cIkmimi ami elect Horn their
number tint vnrlous olllcers of said eorroru
tlon as soon us pructlcuhlc iiftir the
diction of uld board andsnld iHiunl of direc
tors shall fix the coiupoisallon to bo paid
sued olllcers. 'I do said Isiim! or dlreetois
shall have power to till all Miciinclcs In tho
hnurdoroltlccMhy npnolntment,
ICIuhth. 'I bo hoard or directors of this cur
linratlon are niithorlri-illii liicriMiKi. llio rani.
t nl stock of tills corporation mil to exct ed un '
iitnoiltlt total or l7o.(iull m unit In tssiio slunk i
tliurcror from lime to tlmn as tint bounl or
directors iiiuy ilccm best In the Interests or
tho corporation. A. It. TAl.nor,
L". V, llllYAN, I'resltlenl.
Notice Is hereby kIvcii, thnt bv lrtiio of u
ebatlel mortuuiie, dnlcd .Ian. 7, tn'.l.', anil duly
tiled In thoolllceor tho Coiinlv Clerk or Lun.
ensior county. Ncbr., on March in, lsti.. and
executed hy Win. Piitmiiu to M. A. Kdson, In ;
securn the piiyuiuntoriho sum or I.II7II, and ,
on which there Is now tine the sum ol J,l.i. mill i
by Irtun of u lien for kccphiK, iniido by Wm.
I'utiiHlii by J. II. I'M son wild Herman drown, I
for tdo lei-tl or tdo two horses hurearter de
scribed, from Miiydth. IW to Jau nth, ISKI, utl
a contract price or li.OU per dead per mouth ,
till Oct. I, IH'fi and tdo reusonnblo iiluo or
reed to .Liu. li. luni.itl fa Winer month each,
nnd which lien bus been duly filed with the!
County Clerk Feb. I, IMU, and duly usslKiied to ,
Nettle I, Kdson, and bold orwhleh are now as
slvuctltoj. II. Kdson, ami on willed lieu
there I now duo ,21.10 Doraiilt hulnu been
mudelnldo puymout or said sums and no
suits or other procecdliiKH at law IiuvIiik been
Instituted (o recover suld debt or any pint
t licrtof, therefore I will sell the proiertv
herein described: Oho k"ruy nunc lour years
old, woluhl inin pounds, cnlleil Pel; one dun
colored horse seven years old, weight INK)
pounds, called Hilly, uud one hrovvn cow live .
years old. culled llrown.nt pulillu miction lit!
the housoor J. II. Kdson, hi (larlleld preeluel,
I alienator County, Ncbr,. on the litis tiny ol
Murrd, Isin, al one o'clock inn orsshliluv, '
Uutcd Keh 17, IS'U, , KIISON,
S-18 It MortKuuee
m:im.,;mrm.m ''na iiit
at,.-,;-,m! ":'.::' m M
. iwaicjia !. i m m rmm m m,
ThU'icfcrK tit fins. uliftlifr mnt n. nJ
I furl or im llliitnlnimt Ucccut cli.iugcsj
'in the home plant enable the
r 1
Lincoln Gas Co.
to furnlsli the vcrv finest gus nt tliCj
lowest iigurcs obtainable anvwlicrc In'
ithc United States, under similar con
Fuel Gas Is sold at the cxcccdinulv
llow rate o( $i..K per thousand feet, iiudd
.illuminating lias at i.oo per tiimismul .
Call up Telephone No. 75. .and ar-
rnnge lor a trial ol tills iitiapptoaclmble 1
'fuel. House connections lor tucl gas!
made without charge to the consumer.!
There arc over 200 gas stoves In Lin-
coin, costing on an average less than $3
per month each for lucl.
WKWwa L":mf': .'
iA.arm;ara m '!"' :. ',
K.iaV.JB"iai 'JWiiB a:riai'JsW-:m':s-j
B uV
Absolutely Pure JuaTlkYlIt,
Why not
Pay Up
Your arrcnis on Tint Cociui'.it and n jt ear lit
ndvniicc, mid get one of our
Till-so Kihmiiih iiliiiH) mti worth l!.vr, mid
, on will udiiilt ttwhonyoti Hoooiioof tlicm.
Vose 6n Sons Pianos
Pure Tone, Elegant Designs,
Superior Workmanship,
and Great Durability.
flAX riEYER & BRO. CO.,
IS20 Farnham Street, - Omaha, Neb.
ic. HArHAj cirv.MO
Hundreds Ladies
have taken advantage of this offer why
don't your And many of them have paid
.subscriptions-two years in advance, to get
two of these Spoons. We give either one
of the following Spoons with every yearly
subscription, paid in advance the only ad
dition put on the price of This Courier,
which is $2.00 per year, being 25c to de
fray express charges.
World's Columbian Exposition Spoon.
The Y. P. S. C. E. Souvenir Spoon.
The Epworth League " "
The Washington " "
The Christopher Columbus u .'
Also Souvenirs of America's nationa
points of interest, viz: Bunker Hill, Ni
agara Falls, America, The United States,
and Rip Van Winkle on the Catskill
These Spoons are not cheap, trashy af
fairs, but cut from fine dies. Orders by
mail will receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Address
LEW WESSEL, Publisher,
Capital City Courier,
Lincoln, Nebraska