Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 04, 1893, Image 1

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    P nn
l. it tJCUW:'
I l f -BVBP' "V. VTH JfTVld VA CSk3 ft.V . ' fc.
-:HI&iv' . fck-isH rtiflzSS.. . fiJL. -r Tw. -
un jmwi ii: w'mm .. ?a ' "saHiarf2i.s r -ii- .tb . k jfm
fife. lfcssoBP Neba's .elite family Newspaper. ATiI VirM
t ... .
I - i .1 . ! ii i ii i ! i "'" ' . ii mm . i !! ! - iiii hmmiii ! , m , , , i.. -
Thb pretended arrest of ii reporter n
ovv days since for a refusal on liin purt
to dtvulu to u committee of humorists,
who would do thomsolvos credit uh end
men in a burnt cork Holrec, the source
fromiwhich another reporter secured
Information uon which to Imiso tin
itomsuggosts that tho hci'Iouh reflec
tion that there should ho somo proteo
tion ulTordud reputable reporters. It
quite frequently occurs that fuetH of
grout valuo to tho public, cHpecially
fact relating to tho udmlniHtrution of
publio nffulrs, are brought out by tho
newspapers, and tho men who secure
tho information for publication get it
from parties who exact pledges that
tho source of the information shall not
lie revealed by tho reporters. There
ought to be no way of requiring a re
porter to violate such a pledgo except
in case it bo untrue, and then only upon
his own motion and to vindicate him
self. In othor professions there are
"privileged communications." A law
yer may confor with his client, a doctor
with his patient or it minister with a
member of tho lalety, and no court can
rcqulro them to testify what passed lw
tween them, oven though tho sun
stance of tho conversation may be of
the most vital importance in the con
servation of tho ends of justice. In
fact, In many Instances, tho law posi
tively forbids such testimony. With
reasonable provisions for punishing
writers of libelous matter, some such
protection should bo atTorded members
of tho fourth profession. As it is now,
any reputable reporter who conforms
to tho unwritten code, to guard with a
seiibo of honor sources of truthful anl
valuable information, is liable to find
himself in the clutches of the law's
The hoiiho of representatives has
adopted a resolution asking tho State
Journal toapologUn for having printed
a report that Representative Sheridan
of Kod Willow was tleeced In a game of
poker at a certain specified time, an In
vestigation that was accompanied by a
great display of false pretenses having
demonstrated that the Journal's refer-1
once to tho particular night upon which '
Mr. Sheridan had lost money playing'
poker was not accurate. Now let a I
committee lw appointed to Investigate
whether or not Mr. Sheridan has been,
pluylug poker at all, and It doubtless ,
will find some pertinent testimony. '
The coat of whitewash he now weiu-s Is
too thin. If It should ho ahown that
Mr. Shorldun has been playing poker,
.....1 1...., !.... .... t, 1.. l..t. ... ..1 41..., I...
anil iiui mm, ibn 11 in iiiiiiuuii'ii imiii m ;
did, thou ho ought to bo severely i
.. ,i : i . i .
It was perfectly right and proper to
permit Hon. John M. Thurston to quoh -
tlon witnesses before the committee
now Investigating whntheror not f here
was bribery attempted In the Senatorial
election. It would have been wi-onir to
deny him that privilege. As long as
evidence had been adduced showing
that money had boon oft'orcd to secure
rates" for Thurston, It was but right
to penult tho latter to show, If ho
could, whothor ho was in uny lospoiisl
bio for tho attempted corruption. Mr.
Thurston will hardly p.iosont a bill for
professional services in that iuvotigu-'
Church Howo hits joined the uoblo
army of reformers again. He luw In
troducod a bill to punish ownera and
drlvorn of Hpeed holies. Tho honora
ble gotitlonmn lion not, uppureiitly, d In
covered any prodigies on hit homo
farm recently.
Tho lack of favor hIiowii any proposi
tion to upproprhtto additional fundx for
tho Nobraka exhibit at tho World'ri
Fair i to Ihj regretted, but IUh tho log
ical rcHiilt of the extravagant and
alnuwt knavish iollc of the couuiiIh
fllon in Hquanderlng the former appro
prlationx. Beautiful nouvenir Hpoonn are now
being given to now HubserlberM to the
COUKIRK. 1'rcHont Hubscrlborrt may
aim) ecuro one of thoto handsome pre
mluniH by paying a year In advance and '
. - - .
arrears, If any
These are' not cheap
but just the same us
trashy spoons
jewelers sell for 2 or more.
All Ills rv.
Mr. Hlclmrtl 11oiltiiK Davis. In "Itnnrh
Life In TexiiK," says that a live steer oi
horse In just as valuable In Texas as In the
tost even men' so.
On the road from CorpusClirlxtl tliu con
ductor spraug from his chair In tliu bag
giKe car one day and shouted to thcciiKl
ncertliat he must lw careful, for we were
in Major l-'eiitou'a ratiKe and must look
out for the major's prize hull, ami the
train continued at half speed HecordlnKly
until thccniiductorcspifd tliedlhtlnutiUlicil
Kiiliual well to the left and shouted:
"All rlKl.t, 1)1111 We've passed hi m. let
her outl"
In IIokIou.
Mr. lliiMstou- Do .von enjoy taking n
troll with vour pun, KNIef
Klsic I am fond of peranihulatiup; with
my retiousso. Truth
With (SihmI lleuanl).
The lutrcsluctioii in our cliles of apa
nient lioiiMM In u liich a coiiNidenihle mini
her of families live under one roof has
given rise to many amusing occurrences.
In an eastern city recently two physicians
were walking together on the street, when
S"u ."'"" ,m", '"" '"" lo " ,m,) W,1U,,,
I J .
patlentr" askril the other.
I "Oh, In a way," answered the first doc
tor. "1 tiisiteil her the other day for a
I tniall difficulty."
' "What wasitr"
, "A wart on the mme."
, And what did you presc-riher"
"I ordered her to refrain absolutely from
' playing the piano"
I ' The other doctor was astonished. "Or
'r,Ml Uvr Ut l,'.av' "n l,,,.,.?ll' .tlu' l!-
fer a wart on tlielio-el Well, I can't un
derstauil join treatment."
."If you knew the circumstances, you
would." said the llrt dot tor. "Shooccu
pie- (he llai pist under mine In the apart
men I lioue '
"All now I uiiili'i-Maiidl" said thu other.
Youth Companion
Tho manufauturei'ri of tho "Auxil
iary Home Savings bank" for the pur
pose of introducing them In Lincoln,
have authorized the Industrial Savings
bank to oiler $Vi in cash prize to those
using them during tlio next twelve
, months". Tho "Auxiliary bunk" 1
s a
Hinull brats, nlckle-plated nnfo, which
deponltoi-H take to their Ikuinoh for tho
puriM)so of accumulating Htnall mium
which they have to uparo from tt day,
to Ik) deposited in tlio Hivltigt bank.
It cot nothing to compete for ttilrt
prize. Kvery lady and nil children in
Lincoln Hliould do It. SafH may lw
hccii and full particulars obtained at
IndUHtrial SavlngH bank, corner of N
and Kluvonth streets.
Ijulk'H make big money canvassing
for tho Capital City Couiiikk. If
you want nice, profitable work call at
thootllce, li:UO street.
Misses Hoggs and CafTyu, dress mak
Iiil' parlors. Flue stamping. Hill M
street, 'phono filll.
;.: .J'V.
- ES&x3BBbmS&JteJJ!Lj.
Itilertintliift. but Kcntltlre.
'What an Interest InKnnhnall" exclaimed
Kwcddv. ain.roachliiutheaiueof the oninu
outann 'I woinlali. bub Jove. If I'm dls-
tantly welntrd to him"
At tills point h wmIiIv waa Interrupted by
a Hcream from the Mixed simian, ho full of
anguish, horror hikI sudden, desperate, uu
goveraalile rime, tlmt the entire meutigerle
was thrown Into a state of viulent excite- j
incut, and the keeiier hastily ushertsl the ,
youiiK uimi Into the apartmeiit where the .
muniinlesHial Mulled snakes were ou ex
hibitluu. CIiichko Trilmuu.
An Intrnlltft (Irnlu.
Little Hoy- What's a Kfiilusr
Fond Mother A Keiilus Is a very miiart
"Well, I am one, 'IVacliei said so ''
"Did shel' Itlesn her heart' Of .coiin-e
you an. '
"Ves'm She said I hml a itenlus tor in
"That's uliiriuiiH1 What did sjie say you
could ImeiilV
"New ways tospell wonls." (ioodNews.
A rrrllmlimrj lune.
"Where are we going to lunch at Del
ii.onkoV, or some oilier placer" asked a
1 1 ci-d j jouiiK man of Charlie liondcllpper,
with whom he used to be Intimate in IiIh
more prosperous days.
"That all depends," replied Ilondcllpjer
"Depends on whatl1"
"On who Is going to nay for the lunch."
Texas Sittings.
Tim liupcrlnnt.
Mlhs St ruck lie .Mother, you are too im
perious In.yiair behavior.
Mrs Struckile Too which?
Miss Struckile You shouldn't order peo
ple mound the way you do
Mrs. Struckile I'm rich enough.
Miss Struckile Yes. hut I'm afraid folka
will suspect that you U-gan life as a cook.
New York Weekly
rimKllily True.
"Well, what llsh yarn have you now?"
"You know Pickett's brook?"
"Yes, I do Forty-pounder, I suppose
and you threw It back."
"Nope Kjshcd there for eight steady
hours and uewr got a bite." Harper's
Nil Te.liil Vet.
Ijuiih What a quhl jouiig man
Timpkius 1st
I'lora-Have on Invitisl him to dinner?
"No, not jet,"
"Hi-fore )ou call him wall until you hear
him rut," -Texas Sittings.
Hunt l.uck.
Henls Is Hagley head over heels In debt?
Heals Yi-s. I hear so. Designed a con.
timt wilh his tailor to pai "J a nlulit for
the hire of a dresH suli until he returned lu
juer i lie
aei'oud night It was stolen.
Jack A. KnaK Ahul So you apent last
evening at Miss Sears', did )ou?
Illinm .Sat urn-1 low did ion guess It?
Jack A Kiiiqie I the tidy on
the hack bullous of )our Kxchange
David P. Sims, dentist, rooms -lii
in Burr block.
a i . i ....'.. y
ltlrt verymich to lw rogrottrd that
thofpooplo have not thus far lon af
fordwl every authentic Idea ixttwlblo as
to tVo prolMiblo doflolcuoy of fundi In
the, Capital .National bank. People
havy; tuitlu'iflly exhibited it foVerlsh in
toroHt to liscertaln how' much their
claims against tho bank are likely to
netVlicm, and ynt those who have boon
bestuatifled Ut give them such infer
matlim as is available have studiously
HviiliCj their llw, exeejit Ui a few favor
ite titellitcs or men engaged In Ixmk
Ing.j. This painful and unnecessary
statif of suspense on the iwrt of dojHMi
torshas spun-ed the nowsnperM on to
the exertion of every energy Inendoav
orlnjf ito secure for the public tho infer
mutjpn twi craved. Being unable to
hocujp'Uiu most reliable Information,
tho reporters have been obliged ,to get
thonoxt host or miuh as thoy could
get.y'ljOf course information gained
froinJ such unotllclal and u.iuuthentlo
soumH Is not nlwayn accuraU), and
probably many thingn have boon print
ed 'concerning the llttbllltlcs and assets
of tlie Capital National that were harm
fully Wiecurate, hut if ho It Is duo more
to tl' mystorlous jtolicy of Hcerccy oh
serviVl by tho governmoiit examiners
nndlollowcd by their suceossorn In the
conduct L of tho affairs of tho broken
banlf?' Perhajw it would make hut lit
tin illffproiico to stm'kholdoi'H and de
positors, except that it might ullay
tholpanxlety, but to tho other lianksof
the city, and to tho financial communi
ty, it'niakes a serious and sovero differ
ence' .If tho truth were known, all ag
Itatloaand anxiety would Ihj at an etui,
but in 'the present state of uncertainty
the agitation will still go on. Kvery
tiiPf.itUo memories of tho failure are
rtfrtpithllcKHdwIiroflU wwtalW -
shook that is reflected in every busl
ness house in tho city. Ono result of
tho agitation will certainly bo tho with
drawing from circulation by the banks
of large sums of money which they
will feel constrained to hold in reserve
' "' '' "w proiecuon. iMrgu sums ,
i now employed In business enterprises
, will lw collected Into tlio lianKH and
' locked tip in the vaullsTfri unfailing re-
serves, and the ei.terprlses from which
thoy are drawn will bo severely crip
pled thereby, a condition that will lw
rellected upon the entire business of
the city. Another result will be the
curtailing of rediscount, from which
source large sums of money are now
brought into Lincoln's volume of busi
ness from eastern banks. Tho banks of
Lincoln have always Ifocn very lllwral
in this matter of rediscounts, but the
constant agitation of tho Capital Na
tional bank alTalr so works upon public
confidence, which enters so largely In
to the capital of a bank, that the bank
ers will be obliged todlr-contlnuo their
liberality In rediscount lug. This will
deprive the Lincoln business public of
another heavy tlitanclal resource. It is
to the interest of the public that noun
necessary delay lw permitted in appris
ing the people of the approximate con
dition of Capital National llnances, and
meantime It might be profitable '.o say
as little alsmt them In an unuuthentt
cnted way as possible. Charley Mosher
has more for which to be blamed than
the wrecking of the Capital National.
Ho has seriously Impaired public confi
dence which it will require sonio time
and careful financiering to restore.
It begins to look as if tho opposition,
headed b the city council, Is bent ou
defeating the scheme of the board of
education to acquire powi r to control
the tux levy for school purposes, and It ,
Is likely to secure Its defeat lwfore the ,
legislature. Just why members of the,
council are so vxildly anxious to retain.
to themselves the control of this levy is
I not apparent, unless It he that they as
ibiuno that the Isiard of education to be
I either dishonest or lncoinwtont. The
Liverage citizen will experience some
I dllllculty In discovering in thu board of!
education any more apparent evidences
j of dishonesty or incompetency than can
i be found ou tap in the council at ai-
most any meeting. Perhaps it is
I natural for men whoso ponderous
i wisdom has marked them out as sticri-1
.(Ices upon the altar of aldermaule i
1 honors to deem themselves tiniucnsurn-
jbly Iwtter qualified to regulate the
I i-ehools than the members of a Isiard
upon which women are permitted to
serve. But to the disinterested spec
tutor, tho question of qualification does
I1((t ,.ul llllK.), nuru, although the
(slils would certainly lw In favor of the
school board If itt,dld. Tho truth Is
that tho schools are running down at
the heels somewhat. Thosch'ool build
lugs are not largo enough to accomino
1 date tho pupils. The appeals of the
school 1 Kia id for an increase of facilities
j have been disregarded, and hiindieds
, of pupils are housed in store buildings
1 and other structures not built with
regard 'or
health, comfort and
convenience ";at. should mark school
buildings, n'liiln other pupils are unable
to attend at all for luck of rooms and
While the Lincoln schools sustain H
steady growth from year to year, their
clothing Is getting frayed and distend
ed. Not only Is tho Isiard denied new
facilities, but It Is denied funds sitfllci
enl to meet tho absolute running ox
(tenses, and it must needs curtail tho
length of the tuhool year or plunge tho
city Into debt. No one has pointed out
any Instance In which tho Ismrd has
wasted or stolen any money, or misap
plied It, and until such light Is thrown
UHn tho situation It must lie Iwllovod
that It has regulated Its expenditures
by tho economic needs of tho schools
and that the council did not provide
tho funds It should have done. Tho
city of Lincoln cannot utTord to let the
council trifle with Its school Interests
upon the flimsy pretense that tho coun
cil is the only body to Ihj trusted with
the key to the public purse. People
will lie slow toliellove that the school
hoard Is not as reliable, Isilh as to
economy and honesty, as tho auto
cratic aldermaule body. There is al
solutely no sense In allowing tho coun
cil to control tho school levy, and It Is
only permitted In two or three school
districts Ih this state. If there Is any I
economy In such a system, then
school board should le given llio same
power over tho funds to bo expended by
the council. What Is sauco for tho
goo-o N sauce for tho gander.
During the (mat week olio business
eittorprls'tyif great moment to Lincoln
has been resurrected. It Is tho onier
prlse at West Lincoln comprising- the
pork packing interests at that place.
Tho developments mu'de during tho
week were foreshadowed In the CoUR-
lKH - l.of hMHatwrl.-A.Ttae, .detailed
facts were at that time withheld 'until
released for publication by tho parties
Interested. Lincoln capitalists have
something like M00,0Utl wrapped up in
the plant: tho twp packing houses and
tho stock yards. For several years
tills large sum has Iwen lying In a
worse than Idle condition, Iwlng sul
Jected to the decay that comes from
non-use, often more speedy and olToc
live than the wear and tear of active
usefulness. Thu small business con
ducted b.v the Lincoln Packing and
Piovlsiou Company, under the manage
ment of Hon. 1. M. Itaymoud, bus been
i su (inuiuiuit- iiiul uu iuus nun no nun
I enltv' In ii,iii-lni tliu iitil nf niilliilUt.
,. , .i.i i ii it...
!'''oln and other cities in a piii ect
.' - - "i '
to l crease the capital stock to "Ttlim.OtXI
and orgauie u company to oiwrato the
plant to something like Its full capac
ity fri.m JUU.IIOO to '100,000 hogs per
annum. The new company will absorb
the Lincoln Packing and Provision
Company, us well us the stockyards,
mortgagees and tho owners of both
packing houses, Tho gentlemen who
have heretofore "jcn Interested lu
these various ventures had mihsorihcd
to f.Tli,(MX) of tho stock of tho now com
pany buforo they gavo tholr scheno
uny publicity, nnd'stime of thorn havo
)ie4N)keii enough additional stock to
run tho total up to MV,KH Tho pro
jectors of the enterprise bolloyo' that
no dllllculty wll) bo exjicrloneod In no
curing the additional JirUOO needed,
as tho venture'' i-omUo more substan
tial returns than can ho realized lrt
other lines of business. It In asserted
that tho dividends which accrued to
stockholders In tho Lincoln Packing
and Provision Company wore such as
would excite astonishment among capi
talists wore they modo known. There
is no reason why Lincoln should not bo
one of the foremost western packing
centers, and everyone will bo pi ease J
to learn soon that tho stock of the new
enterprise Is all taken. '
It Is an old convlct'on among observ
ant Nebiaskans that when a winter In
long and severe, and plenty of huo t
falls and remains for long periods, such
a season Is Invariably followed by a
season of prolific vegetation. Tho
winter which everyone Is ftaw Jioplng
ti lo at ldast closed, has been excej)
tldnally fruitful of conditions upon
which the farmer depends for auguries
of smiling harvests, KsHclally has.
there been plenty of snow, and It Is
many years since a winter .season ban
luilin .. V tUl.l.t..tJut tt NTktlMtula. !Mttlk4I -
thb snow l'onmlneil on thn mii-fium ho.
long. If there is any truth In such n
augury, and It Is certainly founded uj
on the principles of science, wo may
look for exceptionally l.ountlfnl har
vests this year. , And with Ismntlftil
harves m, wo of tho toiling and fruitful
west may anticipate good times.
Heal OUta t'nr Mal or Trule.
What have you to offer In exchange
for a lot In Klmwood addition, near
Western Normal . college, and lot A..
street null ptiric. will sell or trauo
both for good residence lot. Call on or
iddress Lou Wcssel, at this ofllco.
No such line of canned fruits In tho
city as shown by W. A. Colli n it Co.,
1 III South Kleventh street. '
Iv. C. Baking Powder, 125 ounces for
'S cents. Absolutely pure. Have you
tried it?
New line of picture mouldings
Cowle's, 110 south Twelfth street
strmml) i:ii(i,r-,l.
The advertising of Hood's Sarsnna
rllla appeals to thosolwr,com)nousensu
of thinking, poople..jecauso li Is true;
ami lt,Itf -always" fully substantiated by
eudorso'luouts which in tho llniuclul
world would lw accepted wUho ,1 u mo
ment s ligsltatloji. They toll'tho ttijry
HikkI's Pills euro liver ills, juuudlco
blllloustuws, sick headache, conitlpa-ton.